The Telegraph service of The Paily G*te Constitu­ Democrat is received over our own leased wire. tion VOL. 122. NO. 81. ma Issue is to be Decided in Over Two Hundred Towns of Illinois, With Women Playing a Part. •SPTONGIFTELD, in., April 4—The et" and "dry" question was to be {elded In 166 townships In Illinois jay and women played a prominent frt In these decisions. fin the 165 townships In the state here the wet and dry Issue is at Eke there are 21'4 villages, cities id settlements. |The Anti-Saloon league filed peti bns in' more than eighty townships Id in many of the others the liquor (terests filed petitions. In most of ese towns the question was decided favor of the drys in recent years, lot the larger cities voting today on oline, Waukegan, Lincoln, and |gin. In Wisconsin. •MILWAUKEE, Wis., April 4.—The iht between the conservative and fogressive branches of the republi |n party for control of the delegation the national convention was being ^cided by the voters of Wisconsin day. There is no contest in the Imocratic ranks over delegates to |e convention. |tte_ Opponents of Mayor Thompson fedic.^d a sweeping victory as a (rect result of the physician's sui Ide. Sachs was head of the $4,000, PO Chicago tnberculotvis sanitarium, jut resigned when charged with ex favagance. Ford as Candidate. DETROIT, Mich., April 4.—.Henry efinit-e pmlvors. era Information Was Lacking When Cabinet Met to Discuss Question. [By Robert J. Bender, United Press Staff Correspondent.] WASHINGTON, April 4.—When the labinet met today it faced a dearth .w.iuiuiun, to Mm ALSO TftCKLES THE QUESTION lenry Ford Finds Himself Leading Candidate in Michigan for Republican Candidate for President. ui we larger cuiro vuimg i«u» thirty delegates to the republican, con le question are Danville, Rock Is- vention may not be available for sev nd, Galena, Alton, Aurora, Dixon, hours. 1. I let and dry question and municipal lections are being held. 1 Betting hero was a'bout even money kat the socialists would elect their of Ford may be the "favorite son' Michigan republicans. Incomplete returns today from yes terday's presidential primary showed the Detroit automobile magnate, who is an unwilling candidate for the re publican nomination, leading Senator Win. Alden Smith by nearly a thous and votes. Only a little more than one-fifth of the total number of pre cincts in the state had reported, how ever and the senator was gradually cutting down the lead given Ford In the Detroit city vote. A definite de cision in the contest for the state's President Wilson received the en tire democratic vote as 'he was unop posed. On the strength of early re turns, Democratic National Commit teeman E. O. Wood, of Flint, was re elected over William A. Comstock by a 2 to 1 vote. Arrested on Election Day. .«.ac w~= KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 4.—Two hundred men on the north side were arrested early today and locked up Although the republican fight has for investigation by the police strong PARIS, April 4.—The Germans ben extremely bitter—the progres- arm squad just before the municipal shelled the French front northwest of (ves being led by Robert M. LfuFol- election opened. Verdun violently throughout last Ford is Not Excited. senior senator, and the conserv-, lives by E. L. Phillpp, governor, in-j .— v," •cations today were that the vote DETROIT, Mich., April 4. Henry heavy Ir delegates would not be large. I Ford refused to get excited this alt- court. 1 Beside the vote for delegates, lOSjemoon when informed that he uaa Visconsin cities are voting on the piled up_a majority 6,00i votes in Wayne county, (Detroit) over Senator William Alden Smith In Michigan's first, presidential primary and had probably received enough ndidate for mayor of Milwaukee, votes in the state to make him the iniel W. Hoan, over the non-partis-1 choice of Michigan republicans for candidate, G. A. Bading, the in-! the presidential nomination. Returns mbent. were still very meagre. They indi- I cated, however,.that the slight major- Suicide as Political Issue. ity given to the senator by the up CHICAiGO, April 4.—Dr. Theo. B. state counties might be insufficient to ichs, internationally known medical overcome Ford's big lead in me ithority, who killed himself because tropolls. Of the 21 precincts in the said he was "weary of it all." after city of Detroit, Ford won majorities in sensational political scandal, was 1210. ie issue in Chicago's annual munic- The fact that Ford isn a candidate Pal election today. and will not becorue a candidate for the presidential nomination was the only thing that prevented the Michi gan primary from being an over whelming success—despite a very light vote. Ford was amused when told of nis probable victory. "Of course, I appreciate the good (Continued on page 2.) TESTIMONY IS INCOMPLETE ON SUBMARINE INDICTMENT Gerard ii-quire informally of the th. newfi of ^_e )v^eckln? °f from '"cent disasters to ships carrying a break unnecessary, raericans, which have threatened toj rupture of relations •ring about a Mth Germany. Affidavits and other pirect evidence have yet to reach Washington regard In the Sussex, the pglls" iineer. I Secretary Lansing reported informa ('On not yet in affidavit form that sur rvors of the Manchester Engineer law the periscope of a submar'ne. Affidavits are expected to raacli the -le- lijrect evidence have yet to reach considered at length today. Secretary jor ium us are expecvea to rsucu uib -i^- ue openiog i*iwi artir.ent In a short time Irorn these I search for contraband. r- information, concern'ns the. i^agle Point, torpedoed last Wednes-i |*y wllh one American on board, that {. •d« it adv]aabla have AuikasMdof (Conttonxt gn FRANCE The French position on the west bank of the Meuse has again become serious. French success in the fight ing around Vaux village yesterday were Important, but did not offset the German gain on a two mile front northwest of Verdun. Following the French retirement to the south side of the Forges brook, the Germans are laying Bethincourt, the Important communication point of Esnes and the Bourrus woods, un der heavy fire. News of the presence of large Ger man forces on the British front In Flander? and northern France, re ported In today's dispatches from correspondents at the front confirtned previous report* from Dutch sources. Since the beginning of the Verdun offensive, the Germans, though strip ping their lines elsewhere, have held large forces opposite General Haig's a British offensive. lrmy, feartog to Vau 0 ita 1 position taken immediately folio wins ."mcno tl® in~ sex and the Englishman that no step orr sible. The feelinr continue bwa8 the fin*, may intervene to make so iir iir.M v"*" o"'" uetjcl'u'ions with Great lain on 'wounded, the mail seizure question, was to be Washington regarding the Sussex, the I^anslng presented the British reiily Lionel Erwln who led a detachment ^ngllshman and the Manchester En jto the protect made by the United oodd's men on the heart- States against the detention, and censoring of neutral mall. The British government denies that hcDai(n#ntc show case. Kawura hiding behind a|E. Boyne, PN. G"r" •ablnet met today it faced a dearth th~ Tied States has insisted uioi. ing the• tandUD fight is'ponies, together with their ride- column which he learned definite information regarding the 9^"ernf.r' tjjia seizur® anil Consrtttutum-jlJemocrat. 1 The wtwle sector northwest of Ver dun witnessed a great artillery battle from dawn to sunset yesterday. For nearly a week the Germans have been shelling Hill 304, the key nave ocen eneuing -nui ovt, &«•« *•«/-, LONDON, April ine war ohivc •tone of the French outer defenses In today officially denied that Edinburgh thls region day and night. Steady |_e|th New Castle and factories on streams of shells have been playing the river Tyne were damaged in upon the slopes and summits, wreck- Sunday night's Zeppelin raid. This Ing Frenoh trenches and searching claim was made In an official^ state out French batteries. There is every evidence that the Germans plan to take Bethlnceurt, smother the French lines to the south west under a mighty attack and drive the French back upon the first permanent fortifications of Verdun, near Esnes. French galna in yesterday's fighting near the village of Vaux have eon firmed the belief of English military men that the crown prince will never win Verdun from the northeastern front. Since the capture of Douau mont fort and village, the Germans have sacrificed thousands of men in attempts to take Fort Vaux. partition, shoved the muzzle of a)Thomas Gallagher, chief of police, rifle through a peep hole and fired,] Theo. Watts, ship yard owner, and shooting the burglar through the Mrs. Edwin M. Post. None was ser temple. liously injured. iran government concerning it. I ^Tr heels now falling far!yelling wildly as Mexican after Mex-1 Tehaunes The right worked to the, raKnel members declared today tt© story' of the end of ican toppled from his saddle and'west, passing through Madera. cove mint, nt has not receded flmall groups and dro 0 KEOKUK, IOWA, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1916 ff mto narrow defiles and though they were, the Americans eyaded their pur win be considered too drasti= if .t Is voOntB. funded in an,hours. ^The™' with three1 Up they went along the strange not with ever that complete settlement of the dajs earlie killed dur- American risked his life repeatedlf.L .. vl'oie EVbmarine issue along th' lines But thelr forces The sure-footedness of the Mexican! th. T-v-ted states has Insisted u, on, Ing the'running and tbelr forces victory, but lt. was actually1 out the njght Lieutena any treaty rights have been violated hundred Vlllistas on the San Ger-1 jj and emphasizes its intention to contin- j^nimo ranch. ue opening parcel post packages la1 until he came upon: The cabinet was advised, toi, r.f al- [By Robert Bender. United ^villa's main force at San Ger-ionimo and. all this at the cost of only tin 1900 against the Slow. In 1S94 Clonal information, concern"^ the ^Staff Ooi^^nd«ntj onimo. ralm„. ILL A HAS MADE HIMSELF SCARCE ment from the German admiralty. ENGLAND GERMANY LONDON Aoril 4—French troops' LONDON, April 4^-Two hundred BERLIN, April 4.—The Dutch gov holdlna the fortified village of Beth- persona have been killed or Injured Infernment, it was reported here to^ay Inoourt, ten miles northwest of Ver- a Are In a powder factory In the coun- ha. refund to comply with an I dun, are three^fourths surrounded by -"i-Jiiv announced mal r.ouew from the allies that the Germans and under terrific bom bardment froim German artillery. It Is believed they wll evacuate the po sition before many hours. ty of Kent, It was officiary announced today. The fire broke out at the end of l»«t week, though official announcement was withheld until today. It waa ac companHed by a series of explosions lasting for two ioure and of auch strength that the sounds were heard In London. The offtolaf statement said the Are waa of accidental origin. BLEW HIS HEAD OFF TO ESCAPE CAPTURE Captain Donley Barricaded Himself at Home and Held Pursuers at Bay. IBABYLON, eral 0 wJtll rifle aIM I caDture .t.UA U..4 MteWe mm infantrv atfarlfR iccoul6 .. •_ Verdun violently throughout captiire/blewhis head off with night, but made no Infantry attacks, un early r:st,: iSLfvra^s. s~ tried to approach and talk him out of Burglar Killed. his madness. He watched on all GHICAXX), April 4.—An unidentl-j sides. Whenever a head appeared he fipd burglar was shot dead here to- shot at it. day by John Kawura, jeweler, who Donley's victims whom he shot a discovered the intruder rifling a I they were passing his home were W. hotel keeper John Clunie. Bandits Were Terror Stricken at American Cavalry Charge toget pr«q staffito mount as Brwin. forcing his jadeditwo hours straight in the saddle, the, [By H. D. troapcrsinto a gallop, dashed towardflast five being in the running fight. FIELD MBADQ^ARTBRS OF THE them from the west. The bandits,! Erwin's column was the center of A AT-FRiTOAN 4'RMY NEAlR DUBLAN, waiting only to fire a Mexico April" 1. (Via motor train to scattered volley, leaped onto their Columbus M.) April 4.-A mad ponies and raced out toward five hours scramble over the moun- mountains in the east. Clinging in live iiuuto tain passes southwest of the village of San Geronimo, with a squadron or American cavalry urging their jaded their saddles with their legs, their reins hanging free, the American cavalrymen raced madly In pursuit. ^rlcke^n' fo^e of^bamjits mw^bo bandVts^re^oading. firing at will andjiquipa and ^"rned^"thwa^d,tt!"l{fgi villa's army. The bandits went down In the scurry of hoofs when the center reached Guerrero,! p- Saddle worn, hungry and thirsty. however .:stuck doggedly to their task for five his forces. and narrow trails on which each, "ffere) her with their ride- ., ,0n for fhem intimate knowledge of the ground, BUbyWt U» drew ahead, a few of them dropping back at intervals to fire a volley into Colonel Dodd has been given credit faceg the Americans. At each (urn jn maze of narrow defiles, a 0 breaking seventeen hour ride through-1 Their force grew smaller and Mexicans would detach It- 8( jf aT1( SC oot off into some hidden 3^ortIy before nt Hernandez and his five "ha^ distanced Erwin and his men. Vllllsta scouts, or native sympam- snaueieu- "i noon the last of them wt9 a crushing defeat for Villa 11 waa n. v., His last remaining "army" had been Vllllsta scouts, or native sympath- shattered. Sixty of his men had been an Ger-! onimo ana. ail mre ai ov prevented Colonel Erwin's|four slightly wounded pr.T.«.«i Colonel Erwln', f«r.JttWlr JT move being a complete surprise. The alrymen. WASHINGTON, April 4.—The issue on complete surnrise. The alrymen. tio. and his trooper* had tweaty- parado ©a Grand arvenoe to CQlcago. yiUlata* were, saddled and all ready] E ir J.- feat ?atJL .i 'J if?!*.' 1. mal request from the allies that close her frontier to Germany. Military measures have been, rT by Holland as a warning that sK II reaist a»y attention to force her fcj in the plan to "starve out Gen There is no longer any douf .re that the Dutch activities were. »lr. ed by developments of the ail' on- [The German admiralty, in a report helm I na, It Is reliably stat» Mln ii _.ll m! 1 a |3S*I lifl m/ lit* AI 11 met a* Tha M' on the Zeppelin raid of last Friday night, asserted that fires were started In several munition factories near 1 London. None of the localities men- tloned in the German statement, how ever, were in the county of Kent, which adjoins London on the south east.] NOT INJURED BY RAID. LONDON, April 4.—The war office US BERLIN, April 4.—The Greek gov ernment has requested the allies to withdraw all imllltary establishments from the town of Salonika, according to Athens dispatches today. Paris. 3 •rence at ...... A The allies, thus far, have no .ormal demand upon Qu«( Wll- isters of the allies at The Hague ap proached the Dutch foreign office with Informal representations in the nature of "feelers." Queen Wllhel mina's answer was to summon parlia ment into special session and cancel leaves of absence. From several sources today came the report that the Dutch minister of agriculture has ordered an account ing rendered to the government of all available stocks of grain and food stuffs. 764 PRISONERS. BEiRLIN, April 4.—'French attempts to recapture positions taken by the Germans south and southwest of Douaumont, were repulsed, the war office announced this afternoon. In the Caillette wood, between uaumont and Vaux, the French wsrne thrown back In an unsuccessful attack, the Germans taking 764 prison ers and eight machine guns. ANOTHER ZEPPELIN RAID. BERLIN, (via wireless to Sayvllle, L. I.) April 4.—Zeppelins made an other raid on the southeast coast of England last night, throwing explo sive bombs down upon the fortifica tions of Great Yarmouth, the admii^ alty announced this afternoon. The Zeppelins returned safely, though heavily shelled. Thorne Quits Committee. DBS MOTNT3S, Iowa, April 4.—Clif ford Thorne, chairman of the I-owa state railroad commission, announced he had resigned as chairman of the' committee on state and federal Jeffia- L. I., April 4.—After at- iation of the National Association of tempting to murder his wife and four, Railroad Commissioners. The reason children, Captain Thomas Donley har-jgjven waB ii l« 1m U/MYia VioM K«V- a— AwxAmoA *\f «A1lrf{nP A. Children, anuiiian [given was Liia.1. um SHELLED ALL NIGHT. ricaded himself in his home, held sev- t0 defray the expense of sending a ^un(lre(j that the state has no fund his fellow townsmen representative to the meeting of the today. Donley's revolver, then congressional committee appointed to blew his head off with investigate the regulation of railroads.) Thankful Spinster. CHARLESTON, W. Va„ April 4.— "Thankful," blusliingly responded Miss Cobb, 65, when the preacher, fill ing out the marriage certificate which made her the wife of Thomas Carpen ter, 75, asked her her first name. It Can't be Done. CHICAGO, April 4.—Mrs. Jean W. Butler, friend of Mrs. E. B. Bishop, society woman, who says thirty-three cents will get three square meals, has broken relations with Mrs. Bishop. "It can't be done," says Mrs. Butler. —Advertise in The Gate City. hurried and a strategical enveloping movement Dodd laid out when he started onj forced marches after Villa. The trapj was to have been sprung at Guerrero. (Namlqutpa, iErwin followed the I Rio Guerrero valley, keeping In close touch with the railway. The ex treme left proceeded east from Nam- lt force 0 ang® ea T-nnnlnz fleht ana meir rorcesi me beean his thrilling pursuit of Villa's was discovered that a| Carranzistas already had en-i fight that Villa was reported to have suffered a broken arm and leg from It was then Colonel Brwin maln co,ulnn wnlcl1 had retired to San Geronimo. It was In a manner fitting that thel Seventh cavalry, which tTadition! holds to be the most unlocky regl-l ment in the American army, should have delivered the initial, overwhelm ing blow. The SevenOi was In Custer's com mand at the Little-Blg-fHorn in 187-6 when five troops were wiped out by the Sioux and Cheyennes. The next year they lost a large number of men at Bear Paw. including their adjutant th_ fpiosiun «rmv -p IE The majority of the men returned from the front, suffered from bowel and stomach disorders and chronic diseases. There are 226 cases of ill ness at Fort Bliss today among sol diers returned from Mexico, according to official announcement. Additional Soldiers. WASHINGTON, April 4.—Addition al American soldiers were sent across the border at Columbus, N. M., two days ago, the war department an nounced today. Officials refused to say whether these troops were cavalry or infan try. General Funston took the action, it wua intimated, in order to strength en his line of communications. It is generally believed here that the reinforcements constituted the Fifth cavalry. Reports recently have indicated there has been some anxiety as to the line of communications. While the Villa expedition has driven stead ily southward, the trouble in main taining the line has increased with every mile the advance column has covered. More and more auto trucks have been plowing their way across the waste lands from Columbus to Casas Grandes. Still another possi bility, however, is Ibat the new forces are destined for the district around Gterrero where the Villa hunt proceeds. It has been necessary to spread out the forces there and Gen eral Pershing may desire additional hunters. Nineteen Apache Indian scour*, headed by Captain Haizard of the Tenth cavalry and one interpreter, have left Fort Apache. Ariz., for the border. These Indians, accustomed to desert lands and familiar with the country south of the border, will be sent into the mountains where Villa la supposed to be hiding. Villa Probably Not Wounded. EL PASO, April 4.—Juan Terrazas, member of the Chiihuahua family of cattle kings, arrived from Chihuahua City with confirmation of the report that Villa passed through Satevo with only a small following. Terrazas did not mention Villa be­ Eight Thousand People Storm City Hall to Get at the "American Luther." [United Press Leased Wire Service.] HAVERHILL. Mass., April 4.-— Driven to a frenzy by the failure of their attempt to attack Dr. Thomas E Leyden, .self-styled "American 1 iithor a mob of 8.000 raged through the streets of Haverhill, smashing windows, ringing fire alarms and at tacking the police, until they were quelled by the militia early today. The entire city was aroused to a high pitch of excitement by the at tempt to mob Dr. Leyden, who an­| TELE WEATHER Fair tonight and Wednesday. Local temp—7 p. m. 53 7 a. m. 37. Medical Corps has Harder Battle on its Hands Than Troops Have to Run Down the Villa Gang. THREE HONORED MEN IN HOSPITALS Bandit is Scurrying for Mountains With Search Continued by United States Forces and Carranzistas. EL PASO, Texas .April *.—'Despite efforts by the medical corps, four deaths have occurred and over 300 cases of illness or accidental Injury, necessitating the soldiers' return to the border, have developed among the American troops in Mexico. The deaths to date are: Lieutenant J. W. Allison, Thirteenth cavalry, pneumonia Prlv^t^ Dean Black, Sev enth Infantry, accidental gunshot wound Private Jesse P. Taylor, acci dental gunshot wound. Trooper Geo. B. Hudnell, Tenth cavalry was killed in a train wreck. Some of the sick men ha*e been sent to the hospital at Port Sam Hous ton, San Antonio, owing to the crowded condition of facilities at Fort Bliss, where a barracks and three other buildings have been converted into temporary hospitals 8 i- TEN PAGES ing wounded. The belief is growing in El Paso that Villa was not wound ed in the clash with CarranstetM at Guerrero about ten days ago. While General Pershing reported hearing these reports, his information came indirectly from Mexican wood cut ters who said they saw Villa. Persfl ing has since stated his clues from Mexicans were sometimes misleading. If not wounded, Villa's capture will •be admittedly difficult. Nio News From the Front. SAN ANTONIO, Texas, April 4.— While nothing has been received at army headquarters from General Pershing, or his chief of staff. Col onel Cabell, consular reports to Gen-^' eral Funston today Indicate that Vil la Is nearing the Durango state line- A message from American Consul, [Letcher at Chihuahua City stated ,, I that the bandit leader is south of ,, I'Parral. No 'reports of further fighting be I tween American troops and VUlistas have been received here. Guarding Against Disease. [By H. D. Jacobs, United Press Staff Correspondent.! FIELD HEADQUAlRTBRS OF THE AMERICAN EXPEDITION, OOL Ctts'lA DUIBLAN (IBy motor train to Columbus.) April 4.—Bathing, and laundering his clothes at levery op portunity, the American soldier on the expedition has held the average sickness down to less than three per cent, a new American record for for eign scrvice. Dysentery and pneumonia epidem ics were quickly nipped after a half hundred cases developed. Though traversing a region infest ed with disease and vermin, the American troops are quite as healthy as when they started—and just as clean. The medical corps has taken every precaution to ward off infec tion, hut the madn reason for the expedition's good health is that Sat urday night institution, the toath. Members of the medical corps be lieve that even without their safe guards the percentage of illness would be very low. When the column 1s not marohlng, sleeping or eating, the members may best be looked for In the nearest stream, scrubbing themselves with a special medicated soap. Camp is made near a water course. The farthest point upstream is re served for human drinking purposes. Every drop of water that goes Into kitchen or canteen Is dipped from mid-stream. Horses and mules are watered farther down. Still lower because animals will not drink water tainted with soap. Is the bathing place. The danger of sickness 4s further minimized by wells dug for the drlnk- (Continued on page 2.) CITY IN HANDS OF A MOB UNTIL THE MILITIA ARRIVED nounced he would attack the Catholic church. A mob of 8,000 stormed City hall, where he was to apeak, shattered the windows, fought off me police and tried to get hold of the doctor, who was hiding within. The demonstra tion continued throughout the city all night. Hundreds of panes of glass were shattered, shots were fired and the almost incessant ringing of false fire alarms kept the city's whole ap paratus dashing back and forth for several hours. The police were wholly unable to cope with the situa tion. many of them being wounded In the attempt and Co. of the militia was called out, the mob fln iallv dispersing before their gleaming bavonets. There was no sign of con tinued violence today as Dr. Leyden was in hiding or bad left the olH :5 i: *4* E5 K" fi il I -^1 r'4v vJt i:2s .m 1