WATCHES, CLOCKS, REPAIRING. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY AND CLIMATE MASON BROS. AS2 of the finest, claims yet for sale in the northeast port of the Strip, also town lots in New Kirk. Kildare, Cross and Ponca. Come and see us and we will show you over the finest country on earth. Or address Lock Box 186. Complexion Preserved VU CREAM Removes Fre<les, Pimples, Liver - Moles. Blackheads, Sunburn and Tan, and re« stores lhe skin to its origi nal freshness, producing t clear and healthy com plexion. Superior to all face" ~ „ preparations and perfectly harmless. At all druggists, or mailed for sOets. Send for Circular. KUE We will send you the won- Clw derful and unfailing Span ish remedy, Dr. Gromcz's “GRAENCIO,” FREE BY MAIIS£SES£ Not a recipe, but the medicine itself, guaranteed to stop wasting dreams and drains and to cure lost power and the desire of evil habits, impotency, and restore lost vitality. Use it and p/ Z IF SATISFIED. Ad. DR. GROMEZ 00., Sau Diego Bui Id m - Dr. AUDUBON, MONDAY, W. H. COWLES, DEALEK IN Fine Jewelry of all kinds. Special Attention Given To Audubon, Cherokee Strip MASON BROS, New Kirk, O. i DR. HEBRA’S VIOLA SKIN SOAP U simply incomparable an a skin purifying Soap, tmequalcd for the toilet, and rival for tho nursery. Absolutely pure and delicately medi* cated. At druggists, Price 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNER &. CO., Toledo, O. WOOD and PHYSICIANS and Of the Consulting and Examining Staff of this, the Greatest and Best Equipped Medical and Surgical Institute in the United States, by the request of many friends and patients have decided to visit Returning every fourth Monday during the year 1893-4 ONTO xiVEnY MONTH ONLY. Consultation and Examination FREE and strictly confidential In the private parlors the hotel. The doctors describe the different diseases better than the sick can themselves. It is a wonderful gift for any one to possess. Call early, as our parlors arc always crowded. * *•*• v I A. '** HOB’? ' - 1 h tfM th’ . n*' ■• I •> J % » 7 iuMo !‘WOB s’i ,t '! l ’/*'W''<'. whence no traveler return •. FREE CONSm.TA" Remember it. c.sis you no n’oi ■< your ease. It may save yo’.;i j,f<, • We are fully up to thtn: Appliances and Instruments, physicians. We invite s lltoc.. lieving that a visit or co.isuliation to place themsei'. i 3 under our ca”t *'** * .Si' d p- The Chicago Mt-1 capital invested, u ;■( apparatus in use, ? » >r than in all ot’.x t , t- 1 Persons ruin' daks incurred. »-*Tus<"t and corrc.snondt ■!'<•<■ con 160 Pare Ucxikcti r.!l t'bronie and Sunji» :-.! CSiie g 5 4k'‘ 80 E. VAI'J LuKKi< wx.. lowa. Z WO >i .. AGO. FOR. THE TREATMENT OF ALL OUil PRIVATE HOSPITAL IN CHICAGO. mtomplattr.? k ndcr i 11 to call on us r.locd Poise; Syphilis, lb >a, vh ii . . K* 1 ‘ ' f Manin Jjr.pnir J ihev i <>• r institnt 1 Snr';i- :'l i :i.-es I ri Mr * *' s »< BUSINESS CARD COLUMN ATTORNEYS. COPELAND & HORTON, ATTORNEYS at LAW. Loans, Insurance and Abstracts. Office over Van Gorder’s restarant, Audubon, lowa. R- u. CARPENTER, Attorney and counselor. AUbusi ness entrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful attention. The settlement of estates and general probate law a specialty. Ofilce in Court House. I. L. STATZELL Attorney at law, exira, iowa. oitice over Shaw’s Furniture Store. THEO. F. MYERS, Attorney and counsellor at law, Audubon, lowa. Office over James & Good rich’s Drugstore. CHAS. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY at LAW. Office in First Na tional Rank building. JNO. A. NASH B. 8. PHELPS W. it. GKEEN NASH, PHELPS & GREEN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice in all the courts. Abstracts of all lands in Audubon county. Money toloan at reasonable rates. Col lections a specialty. Office over Commercial Bank Audubon,low PHYSICIANS AND DENTISTS. RANSOM L. HARRIS, M. D. DENTIST -Twenty years practice. Office over Howald s store. DR. J..M. RENDLEMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, office, room 11, I’ark hotel, Audubon, lowa. C. W. DE MOTTE, M. D. OFFICE OVER VANSCOY & SON’S Dry Goods Store. Office hours, 8:30 to !):3o ><.i» and 1 to 2 p. m. [l-41 A 1.. HBOOKS BROOKS & MILLER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICE Howald Block, Second Floor. DR.C. EGER, German physician and surgeon All calls are promptly answered, day or night. Office Ist door south court house. J. E. CLARK, D.D. S. DEN*riST.— Olliep inPhelp’s Block, over Van Gorder’s Restaurani, Audubon lowa. Nitrous Oxide. Cocaine, Choloroform, or Either used in extracting teeth * N. P. LAURITZEN, M. D. OFFICE over the Racket Store. Overholtzer Block, Audubon, lowa. A Hkin CIRADL 1 ’"****'" (DAISY)WfirM altos .lowa FOR SALE BY G. W. PRESTON 22, Park Hotel. OCT. WHIM ■jEW fl If Xh.< N. E. WOOD, M. D., PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. HSEISESOFTHE EIE ASD EAR. t DEEDUNITIES. We arc prepared to treat I all kinds of Deformities, as Club Feet, Curva- I ture ct the Spine, Weak Ankles, etc. 1 FREE EKAiMINATIOIT OF THE UHUTH. applying for medical treatment , about 4 ounces of urine in the morning preferred), aive a careful chemical and micro minatlon and if requested a written JI be given. 20 years experience in the - of chronic disease, cures in allcura n appJ ■hcuid s t>at, pa r bring We Specialists’ opinion about uvney to know it. m< dical and surgical operations, '.iti.'.n to any persons, patients or r taking treatment elsewhere, be nt person thatitis to their advantage i s dby the people and the press. More me lorn appliances, instruments and .ceessful surgical operations performed t combined. (■ u r<. who k< < n trifling with them month after ■ sl.o;.id apply Immediately. Delays are dangerous. S V. Id' ll have been neglected or unskillfully ■ '• or failures. Parties treated bv mail or ■ leered. Curable cases guarantied. No ’’■• ’.ttwnt .sent C. O. D. to any part of U. S. :.'.‘ cf 130 questions free. Address, / sgo! Institute, .. ’./ABASH AVE., CHICAGO. H. I>. MILLER. SURGEONS OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES DEAD. The death of Oliyer Wendell Holmes, scientists, essayist, novelist and poet, occurred at his home at Beverly, Mass., Sunday at 12:15 p. m. He was the last of the famed New England school of literary men and his admirers are num bered by the speakers of the English language. Oliver Wendell Holmes was born in Cambridge, Mass., on August 29, 1809. He was the third of five children. Among his schoolmates were Alfred Lee, who was afterwards bishop of Dele ware, Margaret Fuller and llrch ard Henry Dana, jr. He was prepared for college at Phillips Andover acade my, where he made his first attempt at versilication, a translation from the first book of .Eiieid, in heroic couplets. He was graduated at Harvard 1839, among his classmates being William 11. Channing, James Freeman Clarke and Benjamine It. Curtis. He was a contributor to one of the college peri odicals, delivered the poem at com mencement and was one of the sixteen members chosen into the I. O. B. K. society. The next year, when it was proposed to break up the frigate Con stitution Holmes posted in the Boston Advertiser his lyrical protest, begin ning: “Ay, tear her tattered ensign down!” Which was widely copied in the newspapers and circulated in hand bills, saving the ship from destruction and giving the young poet a repu tation. He studied law fora year at the law school in Cambridge, and at that time produced some of ids best known humorous pieces, including “Evening by a Tailor” and “The Height of the Ridiculous.” In 1833, with Epps Sargent and l ark Benjamin, he con tributed to a gift book entitled “The Harbinger,” the profits of which were given to an asylum for the blind. But his hereditary instincts seem to have been for the profession of medicine, and he studied under Dr. James Jack son and then spent three years abroad, chiefly in Paris. He received his de gree in 1836 and in the same year pub ished his first volume of poems in Boston, which contained forty-five lieces. including, besides those already named, “Poetry, a Metrical Essay,” read before the I. O. B. K. society: “The Last Leaf,” “My Aunt,” “The Treadmill Songs” and “The September Cale.” In 1839 he was chosen profes sor of anatomy and physiology at Dart mouth. In 1810 he married Amelia Lee Jackson, daughter of Judge Charles Jackson, of the supreme court of Massaciiussetts, and soon after wards resigned his professorship at Dartmouth In order to devote himself to practice in Boston. In 1849 he es tablished a summer home at Pittsfield, Mass., a few miles away, and in his “Hall of Fantasy,” after describing an ideal group of poets, he says: “In the most vivacious of these I recognized Holmes.” In 1817 he succeeded Dr. John C. Warren as professor of anato my and physiology in the medical school at Harvard. Dr. Holmes was the author of a long list of scientific works, as well as essays and poems. As a writer of songs, lyr ics and poems for festive occasions "he long occupied first place. When the Atlantic Monthly was established, in the tall of 1857, Dr. Holmes became one of the first contributors, and by many readers he was deemed the most brilliant of all that notable galaxy. It was in this periodical that the famous “Autocrat of the Breakfast Table” and similar papers appeared. Among his poems, the “Last Leaf on the Tree,” the “Wonderful One Hoss Shay,” “The Voiceless,” “The Chambered Nautilus,” have become classics. As a pbet of oc casions it is doubtful if lie ever had an equal. The National Republican Text Book for 1b94, just issued, is one of the most complete volumes ever presented to the people. It contains 330 pages ar ranged in the form of a political ency clopedia. Send twenty live cents in postage stamps to Thos. 11. McKee, Secretary, 210 Deleware Avenue, N. E., Washington, D. C., and get a copy. Home and Country, Corporal James Tanner, editor, for October, in entire new dress and at a reduced price, well maintains its reputation as a high class American magazine. The illustrated articles in this num ber are: Great Judges and Famous Lawyers, by Eugene Macs; A Remin iscence of the Civil War, by John L. Broome, Lieut.-Col. U. S. M. C.; The Chair-Boy’s Chaige, by Arthur Reed Kimball; The Arctic Regions as a Summer Resort, by Dr. Frederick A. Cook; His Majesty’s Court Ball, by Winnefred Grant; Zoe, by J. P. Parat, and Gibraltar, bv Cecile De La Nois. There are also contributions by La selle Corbell Pickett, the widow of Gen. Pickett, who made the famous charge at Getteysburg, Count Erich Von Wal den, Leon Mead, Major L. N. Case, George Ethelbert Walsh, James Ken nedy, Clara A. Latton, Violet Etynge Mitchell, John Conner, Cora Stuart Wheeler and Fred R. Wells. Published by Jos. W. Kay, 53 East 10th St., New York. Subscription $1.50 a year. In The Illustrated American (No. 243) of October 13th, for sale October 6th, will appear a full-page engraving of Governor Jackson and family ac companied by a sketch of his life and career by a wall-known publist. Beggs’ Cherry Cough Syrup. The greatest and best Cough Syrup. It will relieve a cough quicker, surer and more effectually than any thing on the market. Sold and warranted by A. 11. Roberts. Cheap Excursions. On September 11 and 25 and October 9,1894, the North-Western line will sell Home-Seeker’s excursion tickets to points in northwestern lowa, western Minnesota, North Dakota, South Da kota, Manitoba. Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Montana at exceedingly low rates for the round trip. These tickets will be good for return passage within twenty days from date of sale and will allow stop over priviliges on going trip in terri tory to which tickets are sold. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western Rail way. Headache and Indigestion. Can be cured. If you don’t believe It try Iteggs’ Little Giant Pills. Sold and war. ranted by A. 11. Roberts. H. 11. Koiilsatt, of Chicago, return ed from England on the same steamer with Chairman Wilson. Of the politi cal situation as seen from the other side of the water, he said: “In Eng land all is dismay because of the belief that November will work defeat for the democrats. The Wilson-Corman tariff law has stimulated the manufac turing interests of England in a won derful manner, and the factories are working full blast with the expectation of flooding America with manufac tured goods. This may interest the men who have expected to regain the positions in our own factories they lost some eight months ago.” In propos ing a toast to the health of Mr. Wilson Sir Aathur Rollit before the London chamber of commerce made use of these words: “Mr. Wilson’s new sys tem, if it didn’t establish free trade, at least established a freer system with a period of certainty, which could not but be of advantage to both countries. This country (England) is already ex periencing the benefit of the change. The South Wales furnaces are being rekindled, the textile trades of York shire are improving, and the other trades are benefiting, while in the states the consumers are receiving our goods.” That’s the way they are talking in England, and so it is no wonder that they are sorry to see the democrats about to be overcome with disaster.— Sioux City Journal. Four Big Successes. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed tor them, the following four remedies have reached a pheno menal sale. Dr. King’s New Discovery, for con sumption, Coughs and Colds, each bottle guar anteed -Electric Bitters, the great remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do lust what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at A. H. Roberts’ drug store. WHY DO YOU COUGH? Do you know that Parks’ Cough Syrup will oure it? We guarantee every bottle. There are many Cough Syrups but we beleive Parks’ is the best and most reliable. Sold by A. H. Roberts. John Both Is now located on the South Side in the Mehle Tailor Shop building where he is prepared to make BOOTS-SHOES In the latest styles and best workmanship. REPAIRING Neathly ami promptly done Satisfaction guaranteed. Giv him a call. Dr. Lyman P. Walter MAGNETIC Physician i Specialist In the treatment of Chronic Diseases, Late from the Hospital of Edenberg, Scot* and; London England;,and Berlin. Germany Consultation & Examination Free In German and English At the request of patients who have been going to Chicago for treatment, Dr. Walter will visit AUDUBON. ON Thursday, Oct. 18, Returning every four weeks AT THE PARK HOTEL What is it, and how does lie do it? Little need be said about Dr. Walter, as he Is well known in America, as well as in Eu rope. He treats all chronic diseases, such as Nose, Throat. Lung, Stomach. Kidneys, and Bladder; and all forms of Piles cured without the knife or detention from busi ness. Diseases of tlie Eye, Cross eves straightened in one moment ol time, without pain. RUPTURE cured without the knife, pain or detention from business. CANCER cured without the knife, and a positive cure given. EPILEPSY (or fits) cured in a short time. Guaranteed. The doctor can show a greater number of CATARRH cases cured than any other phy sician living. Diseases of Women. Ladies find him a great friend, and speak praises of the Doctor after being treated by him. Diseases of Men. All private diseases of men cured, such as the result of errors of youth, and diseases that render them unfit for marriage. SSOO forfeit lor any case of chron ic indigestion and constipation causing nervousness and palpita tion of the heart which the Doctor cannot cure. The greatest of all gifts, the power of diag nosing diseases, are questions wiiich try hundreds of people, Consultation private and free. Bring from 1 to 4 ounces of urine for chemical analysis. Dr Lyman P Walter & Co. Are permanently located at 308 Masonic Temple, Chicago. CHAS. BENTON, LIVERYMAN. Fine turnouts furnished on short notice and a easoaable rates. Best of care taken of teams let with ue to feed. F. H. BRAINARD, -ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,- AUDUBON. IOWA. Office over First National Bank. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, HL, was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for tier, but two bot tles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Jiggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Con sumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King’s New Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. Be is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medecine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at A. H. Roberts’ drug store. Regular size 50c, and St.oo. Tasso was crazy a large part of his life, and was repeatedly locked up as a mad man. There is nothing in this world that gives such perfect satisfaction for all blood dis orders as Beggs’ Blood Purifler and Blood Mak er. It dries up blotches and pimples on the face, heals old sores and eruptions, makes a yel low skin clear ami transparent and keeps the bowels and liver in perfect condition. Sold and warranted by A. H. Roberts. Both Kepler and Cuvier died of different forms of brain disease. S. B. Basfordof Carthage, S. D., I was taken sick in Sioux City. He procured two bottles of Parks’ Sure Cure for the Liver and Kidneys. He says: “I believe Parks’ Sure Cure excels all other medicines for Rheumatism and Urinary disorders.” Sold by A. H. Roberts. Socrates imagined that he had a fam Hilar spirit or guardian angel that conversed with him. Heavens! How your Bangs Look! Ihis is a remark made by so many husbands. If the wife only knew how nice and lasting a curl Nonpareil Hair Curler would make she would try it too quick. Price 50 cents i»er bottle. Sold by A. H. Roberts. Lord Clive’s melancholy finally ended In mad ness, and lie died by his own hand. A Dead Open and Shut. And no foolishness. Beggs’ Cherry Cough Syrup will cure where all others fall. Sold and warranted by A. H. Roberts. Ignatius Loyola had visions which he seems ;o have regarded as inspired. WITH EMPHASIS we say that Ripans Tabules, the best and standard remedy for stomach and liver troubles, will cure your headache or bilious attack. Onetabule gives re lief. Hall’s Hair Renewer for curing gray hair, dandruff, and baldness is not equaled. Johanna Soutlicote was a cataleptic of the same variety as Joan of Arc. RAILROAD NOTES. J. W. Halley of Batavia, N. ¥., Conductor on the N. Y. C. Railway, and one of the best known men on the road says of Parks’ Tea: For ten years I have suffered from constipation. Tried everything and found nothing of lasting value. Hearing so many talking of Parks’ Tea I tried it without much hope. The first dose moved my bowels easily and now lam cured. It works like magic. Sold by A. H. Roberts. Shelley is said to have had visions in which he devoutly believed. The verdict of the people is that Hall’s Hair Renewer cures grayness and baldness. Chatterton was undoubtedly insane when he took his own life. Cough! Cough! Cough! If you want to, but if you desire to stop, get a bottle of Beggs’ Cherry Cough Syrup. It will stop your cough in five minutes. Sold and warranted by A. H. Roberts. Paganini, the violinist, often fell into a cata leptic state. Small boy (aside) “Gee whiz” but those little Giant Pills take the cake. Sold and warranted by A. 11. Roberts. Ben Jonson and Nat Lee were almost slaves to alcohol. Jno. G. Button of Le Roy, N. Y.. a prominent grocer and G. A. R. man says:—*T have been troubled with indigestion and biliousness for years. Tried Park’s Tea and it has cured me. I recommend it to everybody.—Sold by A. H. Roberts. -- -• •• - ' George Eliot had frequent attacks of nervous prostration. AFRAID OF PNEUMONIA. Mrs. Catharine Black, of Leßoy, N. Y., took a severe cold. The physician feared Pneu monia. She took one bottle of Parks’ Cough Syrup and says: “It acted like magic. Stopped my cough and lam perfectly well now. I rec ommend it to everyone for Throat and Lung Trouble as I believed it saved my life.” Sold by A. M. Roberts. Schiller was a victim of fainting fits and con vulsions. When catarrh attacks a person of scrofulous diathesis, the disease is al most sure to become chronic. The on ly efficacious cure, therefore, is Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, which expels scrofula from the system and the catarrah soon follows suit. Local treatment is only a waste of time. Moliere was subject to convulsions. IT DOES NOT COST ANYTHING To try Parks’ Sure Cure. A specific cure of all diseases peculiar to women. Ask your drug gist our guaranteed plan. Sold by A. H. Rob erts. Schopenhauer was always gloomy and pessl mistic. Nonpareil Hair Curler. Will keep the hair in curl the damp est weather. Every bottle positively guaran teed by A. H. Roberts. Cromwell undoubtedly had some form of brain trouble. His brain weighed !*0 ounces. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is justly consider ed the best and most economical hair dressing in the market. Donizetti, the Italian composer, was for a time insane and incarcerated In an asylum for lunatics. THE PRETTIEST GIRL IN TOWN Has been using Parks’ Tea and she says: “My complexion is very much improved. That muddy look is all gone. I take a cup of Parks Tea three nights a week and feel Just elegant.’ Sold by A. H. Roberts. Lucretius, the Latin poet, is said to have be come insane, and during his madness he com mitted suicide. Bucklen’s Amica Salve The best saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. H. Roberts. Electric Bitters. Tlds remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no sia-cial mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.— A purer medicine does not exist will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood.—Will drive Malarian from the system and prevent as cure a[l Malarial fevers.— For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters —Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money re funded.—Price .Wets, and .«! per bottle at A. H Roberts & Co. Drugstore. 5 The Human Electrical Forces! How They Control the Organs of the Body. The electrical force of the hum in body, as the nerve fluid may be termed, 1; an espe cially attractive department of science, an it exerts so marked an influence on the health of the organs of the body. Nerve force is produced by the brain and conveyed by means of the nerves to the various organs of the body. tliussupplying the latter with ilia vitality necessary to in- sure tli-ilr it alt i. Ti pneumogastric nerve, shown here, may be sa to be the most importai of the entire nerve sy tem, as it supplies ti heart, lungs, stomac bowels, etc., with t! nerve force necessary keep them active ar iiea.lthy. As will ire se; by the cut the long descending from tll base of the brain at terminating in tlie Ixr els Is tlie pneumogastr' while the numerous 11 tie branches supply ti. heart, lungs and stom ach with necessary v tallty. When the bra' becomes In any way di ordered by irrltanili or exhaustion, the neri force which it suppllt is lessened, and the 01 gans receiving the d minished supply are cot sequently weakened. Physicians generally fail to recognize, the Importance of this fact, but treat tlio organ Itself instead of the cause of tho trouble The noted specialist, Franklin Miles, M. !>., LL. 8., has given the greater part of ids life to the study of this subject, and the nrinclpa 1 discoveries concerning it are due to his effort -. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, the unri valed brain and nerve food, is prepared on the principle that all nervous and many other difficulties originate from disorders of the nervecenters. Its wonderful success Incuring these disorders is testified to by thousands in every part of the land. Restorative Nervine cures sleeplessness, nervous prostration, dizziness, hysteria, sex ual debility, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. It Is free from Opiates or dangerous drugs. It is sold on a positive guarantee by all drug gists. or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind., on receipt of price, Si per bottle, six bottles for 85, express prepaid. .. I The Best Thought, the Best Literature, the Interests of the Pacific Coast are shown in the Overland Monthly. Its beautiful pictures, ancl able articles arc a continuous World’s Exposition of the West. One Sample Copy, foe. Single Numbers, 25c. Yearly Subscription, $3.00. AU Poetmasters are authorized to take subscriptions. Overland Monthly Pub. Co. Ban Francisco, Oai. REV RESTORES L* © Ist Day. P/W 15th Day. THE GREAT 30th Day. □PHEIUTCXI REMEDY produces the above results in’3o days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail. Young men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by usinf KEVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous ness, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion, which unfits one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the fire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having KEVIVO. no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail, •1.00 per package, or six for 85.00, with a posi tive written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 63 River St., CHICAGO, ILL FOR SALE AT AUDUBON, IOWA, BY WM CLOUGHLY 1 F' 1 Kfv-CXWr. :' - ‘tZW* ' in- ■ii, r- ' h- •u- Oveii®! Monthly, AM ILLUSTRATED WAC.'.'JJJE. IVO VITALITY. Made a ell Man of Me.