Vol. XI When It’s ’9B In the shade you don’t think of heating stoves much. But there’s a time tor them. It’s most here now. It will be 25 below after a time and you’ll think of heating stoves. If you have been wise and bought the Round Oak you’ll smile when the thoughts of blizzards strike you. If you have not a Famous Round Oak be warned in time. Do not risk an imitation because they say its as good and cheaper. Buy the genuine, the old reliable, you’ll get your money back in time, for its whole purchase price —in fuel saved—see! Is the genuine good enough for you? See the name on tiie leg. Sold only by Drugs! Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Wall Paper School Supplies, Cigars, Etc. You may be in doubt as to the proper place to buy these articles. Remember THE PALACE DRUG STORE Handles the best of everything in their line, and that their stock is complete. Giving Tfc- ~ ..AT Pentecost’s Shoe Store. C. W. HA MERCHANT TAILOR When in need of a Fine Dress Suit, a Business Suit, a pair of every day Pants, or an Overcoat, you will save money and get what you want—a neat lit, honest goods and work, correct style by calling at G. SOUTH SIDE, AUDUBON, IOWA NEW LOCATION Front Room Harper’s Photo Gallery. Another New Lot of Bargains! We have just received an entire new stock of Tinware and No tions at the new tariff rates. We can now sell you Dish Pans, worth 3Octs. for 23cts; Dish Pans, worth 40cts, for 28cts; Tin Pans at sc, 6c, 8c and 10c each; Tin Flour Sifters, worth 25cts. only lOcts; Good Combs only scts each. We have a few nsw bargains in hosiery and underwear. We will sell Ladies Wool Hose 15cts per pair; Children’s Wool Hose at three pair for 25cts; Misses’ Wool Hose 17cts per pair; Men’s Wool Lined Gloves, worth 50cts, only 35cts; Men’s Heavy Shirts, worth SI.OO, only 65cts; Men's Underwear, worth 75cts, only oOcts. We are selling Shoes and Overshoes lower than ever before. We can sell you a pair of nice fine Shoes all solid for $1.25. Don't miss them. A big lot of writing tablets, worth 10c and 15c, all go for 5c each; we are selling twelve sheets of paper, twelve envelopes, a pen and holder for scts; a choice lot of new novels at Bcts each, worth 25cts. Our stock of Holiday Goods, consisting of dolls, toys, games, books, handkerchiefs, mufflers and fancy goods is now in and will be pleased to show them to you. Come now. THE RACKET, I " AUDUBON REPUBLICAN J. M. McKarahan. WHERE? W. H. Low & Co. Men’s Artics ~ SEN w. Hansens Tailor Shoo, Away SUITS OVERCOATS F. VERMILYA. AUDUBON, IOWA, THURSDAY, NOVEfIBER 29, 1894 BOARD PROCEEDINGS. (Continued from Inst week.) On motion board adjourned until eight o'clock a. in. Eight o’clock a. in., Nov. 14, '94. Board met pursuant to adjournment. On motion accounts were allowed as follows; D P Repass, salary from Sep- s 8 tember 3rd to November 12 $232 00 l> P Repass, postage for Super- intendent's office 6 36 C Justesen, coal for poor 1 95 Jens C Hansen trustee of Oak- field township 4 00 W W DeLong trustee of Mel- ville township 4 00 D W Mathias house rent for poor 12 00 11 W Van Gorder caring for poor under quarantine.... 17 15 L S Bridenstine clerk of Came- ron township 12 00 W P Farguson livery hire for county attorney 4 50 Benj Moore bailiff October term of court 30 00 John McKibben, erroneous dog tax 50 John French erroneous poll tax 50 Evangelical Church abatement of taxes ou the west half of 1, 2 and 3, block 18, Audu bon, lowa Joseph Stoops trustee of Doug las township 2 00 Chris Henriksen merchandise for poor 4 00 Thos Walker clerk of Lerby township 11 50 Mary Hackwell refund on ex emption 13 25 W L Humphrey repairing county bridge 5 00 W S Van Buren erroneous dog tax 50 F M Zion repairing county bridge 1 50 B W Monk meat for poor farm 1 10 John L Hansen caring for poor 16 00 C 11 Priestly repairing county bridge 2 00 C 11 Gardner cobs for court bouse 4 00 Chris Henriksen merchandise ■- nut* for poor 6 00 G W Hoover merchandise for court house 7 60 W C Yager trustee of Viola township 4 00 O C Gaston reporter October term district court 30 00 O C Gaston extending short- hand notes 5 40 T J Essington repairing county bridge 10 00 R Black repairing county bridge 3 75 O P Tyler delivering ballots and returning poll b00k... 4 00 Henry Fries returning poll book claimed $3 allowed .. 2 00 Joseph Conrad trustee of Ham- lin township 6 00 J R Pound work for county ... 13 35 Frank D Allen printing for county 3 00 Frank D Allen publishing board proceedings 26 90 Illinois Printing Co supplies for county 15 GO C R I & P R R Co freight on coal for county 77 23 J W Tibbins trustee for Audu- bon township 2 00 J F Yager clerk of Viola town- ship 4 00 W 11 Covalt bailiff October term of district court 28 00 Thos Flemish clerk of Audu- bon township 14 00 Lars C Christofi erson clerk of Sharon township 8 00 Thos Davis trustee of Viola township 2 00 Jens Werner trustee of Sharon township 4 00 C A Marlin delivering ballots and election notices 8 00 S A Graham putting up election notices and returning poll book 4 00 E B repairing county bridge 8 00 C Justensen coal for poor 6 05 Sam’l Minser returning poll book 2 00 W G Wilson trustee of Audubon townshjp, claimed 87 00 al lowed 0 00 W C Rice repairing county bridge 10 00 Tunk & Hoffman lumber for county 3 79 Illinois Printing Co supplies for county 1 60 u R Scott member of board of health 6 00 C C Hawk trustee of Exira township 12 00 Wm Tibbins abatement on er roneous poll tax. On motion the board adjourned until one o’clock p. in. One o’clock p. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment and on motion adjourned to visit the poor farm and to meet at eight o’clock a. m., November 15. J. E. McGuire, County Auditor. Eight o’clock p. m., November 15th 1894. Board met pursuant to adjournment. The following school fund loan, were examined and on motion ap proved : Mary Wheeler 8400 00 Elizabeth Mashing 800 00 C S Ballou 500 00 On motion accounts were allowed as follows: J A Cozine clerk of Oakfield township 10 00 Carter & Hussey supplies for county 93 50 W J Audas clerk of Lincoln (ownship 11 00 Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World’s Pair Highest Medal and Dlpiema. J. E. McGuire, County Auditor. J P Madsen trustee of Sharon ■mj township 8 00 Wm McGuire merchandise for poor farm 15 00 Tll Beason postage for re corder's office 11 05 Henry Winkleman erroneous poll tax 50 The! Christensen erroneous poll tax 50 Incorporated Town of Audu bon room rent for elections 12 years at $5 00 per year rejected. II U Funk retainer fees in ease against the bondsmen of J C Dawson, claimed $25 00 was on motion rejected. M Johnson & Co coal for poor. 4 40 J W Jensen erroneous dog tax 50 G W Guernsay printing board proceedings, claimed S2B 89 allowed 26 90 G W Guernsay printing for the county 6 80 On motion the contract of Royal II Petty steward of Audubon county poor farm was extended to March Ist, 1800. On motion the board adjourned until one o'clock p. m. One o'clock p. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment. On motion accounts were allowed as follows: E A Rea merchandise for court house $ 11 40 J II Kate merchandise for pris oners 8 00 F M Armstrong bailiff October term district court 20 00 S B Baker trustee of Lincoln township 11 00 Scott Bros coffin for poor 20 00 Joe Ellis preparing room for election 5 00 Frank 1) Allen printing official ballots claimed SIOB, allow- ed $72 10, D W Mathias and Peter Mathisen voting for and S I l ' Garmire against. Frank D Alien publishing copy of ballots claimed $lO2, al lowed S6B 40. D W Mathias and Peter Mathisen voting for and S F Garmire against J E Griffith publishing copy of official ballot and printing for county, claimed $163 50 allowed $129 99, D W Ma thias and Peter Mathisen voting for and S F Garmire against. Scott Bros merchandise for courthouse 4 75 J 11 Jones clerk of Hamlin township 16 00 A J Stoiy stock killed by dogs. 65 00 II W Hanna SIOOO insurance on court house 25 50 Chas Bagley SIOOO insurance on court house 25 50 J C F Wicker S3OOO insurance on court house 76 50 Brooks & Miller medical atten- dance on poor, claimed S2B 50, continued. Wm S Armstrong summoning jurors 90 00 Wm Armstrong, serving grand jury subpoeans. 7 90 Wm. Armstrong, conveying Wm McLaughlin to Fort Madison 69 80 Chas Van Gorder refund for tax sale certificates 2 80 Ou motion witnesses before grand jury were allowed as shown by witness book returned to auditor’s office. On motion fees were allowed as per transcript from justice court in the following state case: I John Doe, State of lowa vs. -’ Richard Roe, / John Smith. Theo F Myers justice of the peace 8 1 50 E F Moon constable (J 50 Wm S Armstrong sheriff 7 75 On motion fees were allowed as per transcript from clerk of district court in the following state cases: State of lowa vs Wm McLaughlin: H U Funk justice of the peace 11 50 Wm S Armstrong sheriff 4 40 A J Harvey witness 1 60 Fred Smith witness 2 10 Harry Northup witness 2 10 Wallace Bolton witness 1 70 Gill Petty witness 1 90 E N James witness ... 1 70 S W McManlgal witness 60 Alex Caldwell witness 1 30 J I) Manahan witness 2 00 J E Potter witness 2 00 Hans C Hansen witness 1 80 L D Leib witness 1 30 Otto Leib witness 1 30 Albert Harmon witness 1 40 John Seimsen witness 1 50 A E Hunter witness 2 00 C F Seimsen witness 1 50 Albert Spencer witness 140 Chas R Darland witness 1 90 John Jones witness 80 Gils Scroeder witness 1 90 R P Flagg witness 1 30 II F Seimsen witness 1 30 A J Shupe witness 1 40 Walter Graves witness 2 00 N F Roche witness 1 50 Fred Smith witness 1 40 Jesse Higgins witness 1 90 John Christensen witness 80 J G Wolfe witness 1 60 Jens Molgaard witness 1 10 Albert Spencer witness 10 40 Winnie Moon witness 11 10 J E Potter witness 10 60 Arthur Harmon witness 10 50 E T Higgins witness 8 85 Arthur Harvey witness 10 10 Ross Higgins witness 10 40 C R Darland witness 10 40 H F Seimsen witness 10 40 R H Leib witness 10 40 Clara Leib witness 10 40 J M Edwards witness 10 40 N F Roche witness 10 60 Henry Smith witness 2 90 Gus Schroeder witness 10 40 Fred Smith witness 10 60 Gill Petty witness 10 40 Jesse Higgins witness 10 40 Otto Leib witness 10 30 L D Leib witness 10 30 John Darland witness 22 15 Ed Pine witness 1150 John Seimsen witness 15 15 Harry Northup witness 10 60 L J Ellis witness 10 10 Riley Jones witness 10 10 11 G Walters witness 10 10 Geo Brown witness 10 10 John Christensen witness 10 10 Dr W R Koob witness 2 50 J G Wolfe witness 10 10 Dr A L Brooks witness 11 10 Dr M D Miller witness 14 10 Wm S Armstrong witness 41 50 A J Shupe witness 10 10 J D Manahan witness 10 50 R P Flagg witness 10 50 Alex Caldwell witness 10 30 11 S Wattles witness 5 60 Allie Jones witness 10 30 John C Jones witness 10 30 J 11 Hulett witness 11 10 O G Gallin witness 10 10 Mrs O G Gallin witness 10 10 Gertie Chambers witness 9 05 Mrs Anna Railsback witness .. 9 05 Daniel Railsback witness 1 55 Walter Graves witness 10 10 Bert Evans witness 10 10 M L Branson witness 2 65 11 M McLerau witness 10 20 C F Seimsen witness 10 50 State of lowa vs Pomeroy Conkling: A B Houston justice of the peace 2 00 Burt Hardenbrook marshal... 3 25 Wm 8 Armstrong sheriff 2 00 On motion the taxes on property in West Exira, lowa, belonging to Mrs David Burns was abated on the grounds of charity. On motion the personal property tax on Thos Egan for the year 1894 were ordered abated. On motion the interest on the taxes of 1887 on the north fractional half of the northwest quarter of section 1, township 81, range 35, were abated. On motion the bonds for county offic ers for the term commencing January 7, 1895, were fixed as follows: Comity auditor, fifteen thousand dol lars. County clerk, ten thousand dollars. County attorney, five thousand dol lars. County recorder, ten thousand dol lars. County surveyor, two thousand dol lars. Justice of the peace of Leroy town ship, one thousand dollars. Justice of the peace Exira township, one thousand dollars. Constable Leroy township, one thou sand dollars. Constable Exira township, one thou sand dollars. Constables and justices of the peace in other townahips, five hundred dol lars. Assessors, five hundred dollars. On motion accounts were allowed as follows: W. 11. Brinkerhoff, clerk Exira township. i Are We I Right ? How Do You Know? Have You Looked Upon Us? Seen Our Goods? Asked Our Prices? ! . | If not Come and See. A new ship- r ment of Overcoats, Men and Boys J I Suits, Men and Boys Underwear i and Caps this week. Fresh from the Manufacturers. They are hap py and we are more so. Why? Answer is obvious. We are in the Swim. J.Friend&Son Proprietors- Boston One-Price 1 Cash Clothing House, 1 I AUDUBON, ’IOWA. | • • Mrs. N. Roth, vegetables for poor claimed $3.30, con tinued. C. E. Weston, work at court bouse 1 00 Win. Armstrong, board and care for prisoners 210 90 W. R. Scott, trustee of Leroy township 10 75 Jas R Ellis, work for connty.. (» 00 R. C. Carpenter, fees on collec- tions 49 22 Fred II Blume, taking testimo ny for county 10 00 N Petersen it Co, merchandise for poor, claimed $29 47, rejected. N Petersen, merchandise for poor 5 50 Van Scoy it Son. merchandise for poor 5 50 Eight o'clock a. m. November 10, 1894. On motion fees were allowed as per transcript from justice court in case SUU ot low. A II Houston, justice of peace 7 50 11 R Smith, constable 8 70 Jas Henry,boarding prinsoners 3 70 F B Keen, boarding prisoner.. 3 25 T H Allen, guarding prisoner. 4 00 Bert Hardenbrook, guarding prisoners 5 (Ml Geo Kness, witness 2 10 Frand Hensley, witness 00 Bud Kline, witness 1 00 James Blake, witness 2 20 Otto Witthauer, witness 00 John T Jenkins, witness I 00 Lou Miller, witness 1 00 Ernest Powell, witness 80 Arthur Sturgeon, witness 80 Alex Ferris, witness 1 10 On motion accounts were allowed as follows: John Pine, refund for taxes paid in error. *2 00 F A Builiweg, merchandise for poor farm 14 25 F A Buthweg, merchandise for poor farm 1 *’>o Green Bay Lumber Co lumber for county 78 40 N C Wheat balance due on road damage 7 00 Peter Mathisen member of board, milage and commit tee work 42 70 I> W Mathias, member of board milage and committee work 64 87 S F Garmlre member of board milage and committee work 33 67 On motion the contract for doctoring poor of Leroy township Is to be let at the January session of the board of supervisors to the lowest responsible bidder, 1) W Mathias and Peter Mathi sen voting for and 8 F Garmlre against. On motion the board adjourned sine die. Petek Mathisen, Chairman. J. E, McGuhie, County Auditor. No. 49 .1 v . I • <