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NEW DRAY LINE Draying and hauling of all kinds done. Coal orders a specialty. GIVE ME YOUR ORDER MIKE CERANEK PHONE 348 WHITE lowa State Fair AND EXPOSITION DES MOINES, IOWA Aug. 26-Sept. 4,1914 AN ENDORSED CHECK GIVES NO GROUND FOR DISPUTE The endorsement upon the back of each check Is evidence that the party received payment. This endorsement makes each check an indisputable receipt for the amount paid. No need to pay any bill the second time. Pay by check—it is the safe way. We offer exceptional advantages for checking ac counts, both large and small. FIRST NATIONAL BANK United States Depository for Postal Savings Funds. DO YOU KNOW that statistics in this country show that from 1901 to 1905 NINETY PER CENT of the widows were compelled to work for the common comforts of life, and that THIRTY-FIVE PER CENT of them were left DESTITUTE? A policy in the REGISTER LIFE COM PANY will 'prevent this from ever happen ing to YOUR widow if you should happen to die soon, and if you are fortunate enough to live to be old this same policy will provide the comforts of life for your own declining years. Can you afford to delay in securing this policy? ARTHUR FARQUHAR SOME FACTS ABOUT STAR BRAND SHOES » The h,de " of I>BBB ’ lßo an| - -O mals were used in the manu- facture of ‘‘Star Brand” shoes > last year ** I,,uatrated below. -j 612,000 STEERS K A | 312,000 used for upper h 1 leathers in shoes of all grades. /VU If |r 300,000 used for heels, zl/ H w U soles, counters and box toes of all grades. \ 452,500 CALVES Used for upper leather in Lj i to hlgh-brade shoes. S'? ’ 624.000 KIDS V 4 Used for upper leather in 'K men’s, women's and children’s 1 1 _ , dress shoes. " x 163,000 SHEEP \ Used for trrimmings, linings j i and top facings. \rll 31,200 kancaroos Used for upper leather tn flnest grade shoes. 4,680 COLTS I A| Used for upper leather in \ I /■ fine shoes. This Shows Why Star Brand Shoes Are Better Rasmussen & Jensen PERSONAL AND LOCAL Miss Mae Delaney, who "visited here with her sister, Mrs. J. L. Clark, returned to her Carroll home Tues day. Mrs. Clark and children ac companied her for a visit at the par ental, P. Delaney home. W. A. Simmons, wife and daugh ter, Mary, following a pleasant visit here with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Deets in the country, returned Monday to their home in liftliana. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bagley and sons Frank and Russell and Miss Ella Farquhar went to Atlantic in the car Sunday to visit with relatives. Miss Marion remained to look after the home during the absence of the fam ily. Miss Olive- Neff of Liberal, Kans., who was visiting relatives at Exira came to Audubon Sunday noon to visit her cousin, Mrs. S. W. Wright and family. Her cousin, Miss Mar jorie Green of Exira accompanied her here for a short stay. Very truly. GENERAL AGENT Money to loan on Ist and 2nd mortgagee at lowest rates. Abstracts to all lands and lots in Andnbon Connty furnished promptly. Arnold, Rose A Rasmussen. PERSONAL AND LOCAL Mrs. Frank Godwin was a Manning visitor Saturday. Father McDonald was a friendly visitor at Halbur, la., Tuesday. An early showing of New fall street hats at Wilson & Freeman's $1.50 to $3.00. 34-1 Miss Hazel Gates went to Denison Tuesday morning for a few days vis it with friends. Ed. F. Johnson went to Cedar Rapids Tuesday to attend the sup ervisors convention. Miss Avy Fancher and Hazel Moor man were Atlantic visitors last Sat urday with friends. Miss Manda Settlemire returned Saturday evening from a visit with relatives in the eastern part of the state. Miss Irene Clark and brother Al ton, after a visit here with relatives, returned to their home at Scranton Friday. Dave Soar, who accompanied his grand-daughter ■' Beulah Connrardy to Hudson, S. D., returned home Tuesday. Tad Evans went to Defiance Satur day morning, where he was tp ride in the races at the fair during the afternoon. Mrs. R. Norris and children of What Cheer, came Tuesday for a vis it with her sister, Mrs. Wm. John son near Ross. C. L. Hawley of Columbus'Junc tion, lowa, was here last Thursday and sold a car load of water melons to the local merchants. Bert O’Connell of Milwaukee Wis., arrived in Audubon the last of the week and has accepted a position with the Frick Drug Co. Miss Elenora Elbert, who Is em ployed at the J. F. Russell store at Ft. Dodge, came last week to spend her vacation with friends. Miss Fae King returned to her home Friday after a visit of two months in the country with her sis ter. Mrs. Earl Kile and family. Mrs. T. H. Hurst and three chil dren came Thursday evening from Alden, lowa, for a visk with her sis ter, Mrs. F. W. Johansen and hus band. Miss Elsie Schroeder, following a month's absence at Davenport with relatives and at Colfax, where she received treatment, returned home Friday. Leo “Happy” Van Gorkom return ed Thursday evening from his home at Pella, where be went to get two experienced men to work with the tile ditching machine. Mrs. Earl Maharg returned Sat urday morning from Odebolt, where she visited her relatives. She also visited at Sioux City, with her sister. Miss Lura Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. John Dannman, fol lowing a week's pleasant visit in Aud ubon with her sister Mrs. Aug. Burr and family, returned to their home at Adair yesterday morning. Two boys indulged in a race Friday night, one using an auto and the other riding horse back, the auto driver being the winner. Boys should be more careful. Mrs. G. E. Long arrived Saturday morning from Chicago, where she went last week to purchase her new fall styles of millinery goods for her emporium over Wray’s Variety store. L. S. Papousek, Mrs. I. D. McCar vllie and daughters. Misses Marga ret and Mary motored to Atlantic Sunday afternoon, spending the day with Mrs. McCarville's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Taulty. Philip Kradle and son Stacey, who visited here two weeks at the home of Mathias Mogg, departed Monday eve ning for their home at Chadwick, 111., Mrs. Kradle and another son remain ed for a longer visit, Mrs. K. being the daughter of Mrs. Mogg. Mrs. C. A. Dennis and her nephew and niece. Oarland and Thelma Cur tis, arrived home Thursday evening from’ a visit at Blythesdale, Mo., where they enjoyed a ten days visit with her son, J. W. Dennis and family. Mrs. Nels Bladt and child, who were called here on account of the death of her mother, Mra,.Bofa Ber telsen, and remained for a vjsit with her sister, Mrs. Sherm Lang, return ed to her home at Sioux City Satur day morning. W. H. Sirffcox returned Saturday from Garner, where he had been to visit his daughter, Mrs. E. C. Ford and to attend the base ball tourna ment which he says was a great suc cess in every detail, this year eclips ing all previous attempts. Carson Brockway left Monday eve ning for Carroll taking with him his pop corn and crispette outfit. He in tends to make all the county fairs this fall in the, immediate vicinity. His nephew, Lawrence Brockway ac companied him to Carroll. Clarence Niklason writes us a card from the Canadian Rockies, which was received Monday. He states that the scenery is most wonderful and that he and his friend are hav ing a fine time. Leave that to Nick. They expected to reach San Francisco Sunday last. Mrs. J. M. Hart of Wayne, Neb., following a pleasant week’s visit here at the home of her brother-in-law, Dave Hart, left Tuesday morning for Des Moines to visit with her son, Geo. M. Hart and wife. She says she will return to Audubon about Christ mas time and stay as long as her friends will keep her. S. B. Walters and wife, who en joyed a several days pleasant visit here with his sister, Mrs. Nels Chris tensen, and husband, went to Carroll Friday, from where he returned to hia home at Des Moines, while she remained in Carroll to keep house for her sisters and brother, during the absence of her mother Mrs. Jennings who is in the east. L. 8. Papousek of Callender. la., manager of the Spangler Lumbsir Co., at that point drove overland tn his Ford car last Sunday and visited at the I. D. McCarvllle home in West Audubon. Mr. Papousek re turned to his home Monday morning. Mr. McCarvllle accompanied him to Gowrie, la., where he will spend the week in the interests of the W. A. A. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Johnson and Mildred and Avis departed Saturday for an extended visit with relatives at Table Grove and Peoria, Hl., the former home of Mr. Johnson. They will also visit relatives at Washing ton, lowa, before returning.Later:— When they reached Des Moines they missed connections and Mrs. Johnson I who was not feeling well decided to | return home. PERSONAL AND LOOAL See the new fall street hats being shown at Wilson & Freeman's. Peter Lauritsen went to Omaha Tuesday evening, taking along a car load of fine cattle. Jess McNary of Carroll was a Sun day visitor here with his father, brothers and sisters. Mrs. J. S. Dennis was a visitor in Atlantic this week with her daughter Mrs. Geo. Cummings. Louis Bagley was an over Sunday visitor in Hampton with friends, re turning home Monday. A trained nurse came from Coun cil Bluffs Thursday evening to assist at the Walter Brainard home. F. M. Ellis came from North Eng lish Tuesday evening to visit with his brother, Geo. Ellis and wife. Amos Fancher departed Tuesday for Wessington Springs, S. D., to look after the threshing on his farm. Nels Hansen returned to Atlantic Tuesday evening, following a several days visit in Audubon with relatives. Miss Alma Oelke returned to Oma ha Sunday noon, after a visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Oelke. Arthur Graves, who has been here visiting with his father returned Fri day morning to his home at Council Bluffs. Joe and Jim Kerwin went to Car roll Friday to visit with the M. F. Kerwin family, returning home yes terday. Mrs. W. W. Smith was a passenger Friday morning to Clarinda to visit with her daughter, Mrs. D. D. Drake and family. Jacob and Nick Marcusen went to Omaha yesterday to attend to some business affairs and visit a few days with relatives. Mrs. G. A. Kraft and Helen and George Kraft went to Stuart Tues day for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Mary Turpin. John Butterton returned home Tuesday from Waukee, where he went last week to help Carter & Sons install a light plant. Dan'l Green of lowa City, who vis ited his cousin, 8. W. Cramer and family here, left Tuesday to visit his brother, Sam'l at Exira. Jas. McNutt of Atlantic was in, Audubon Thursday and Friday on business with Harley Boyer, concern ing some Minnesota land. John Fisher, who was an out of town visitor for several days, re turned to his duties at the Booster Cafe the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Watts went to Exira in their auto Sunday and en joyed a basket dinner in the woods with the J. M. Dimick family. Joe Johnson and wife went to At lantic Tuesday to attend the circus, then Mr. Johnson went to Red Oak to visit a former school mate. Grace and Mildred Wright, who visited with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Neff at Atlantic, re turned home yesterday morning. Emmert Brooks returned Friday evening from Des Moines, where he enjoyed a several days visit with his sister, Mrs. W. E. Kimbell and fam ily. Miss Lucia Petersen is enjoying a two weeks vacation from her duties at the Wilson & Freeman store and went to her home at Hamlin yester day. Mrs. Flora Freeman went to Chi cago Friday morning where she spent several days purchasing the fall stock of millinery and dry goods for the Wilson & Freeman department store. Will Coyne departed Sunday eve ning for North Dakota to do the threshing on the Jas. Law farm. When he finishes he will bring the large engine of Mr. Laws to Audu bon. Agent W. W. Smith sold 102 tick ets to Atlantic on the early train Tuesday, 25 at noon and 21 on the evening train, making 148 for the day. From 75 to 100 went down by auto. ** Leave orders now for alfalfa hay as It will soon advance in price. You will save money by ordering what you want between this and next week Phone orders to L. C. Johnson, Phone NO. 137. 34tf. Mrs. W. C. Mcllvaine and son, of Boone, following a week’s pleas ant visit here with her sister, Mrs. Walk Crees and numerous other rel atives returned Tuesday evening to her home. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Freeman were visitors in Atlantic Tuesday with their son John and family. Their daughter, Mrs. Frank Berman, who accompanied them remained far a longer visit. S Misses Ruth M. and Franc Ander son, following an extended visit at Shelby, Des Moines and Omaha with relatives and friends. Returned to Audubon on the special from Atlantic Tuesday night. Mrs. R. A. Griffin and little dau ghter, who visited here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Detwiler, went to Ross yesterday morning to meet her husband and son and re turn to their home at Lake City. Miss Emma Butler returned to her home at Des Moines yesterday, fol lowing an enjoyoble week’s visit with her friend and former school teacher. Mrs. Sylvester Ary. They have been fast friends for the past 40 years. Reese Dickey, who spent several weeks In Kansas and Oklahoma on business, was in Audubon last week and the first of this week visiting old acquaintances. He departed Tues day for his home in North Dakota. Dr.'R. F. and Mrs. Childs and son Edward, went to Omaha Tuesday by auto for a few days visit with his rel atives. They expect to return home tomorrow. J. E. Kerwin and wife accompanied them as far as Atlantic. Mrs. Geo. Green, and daughter, Miss Florence of Atlantic, were here Friday and engaged rooms of Mrs. B. Cunningham. Miss Green has been engaged to teach one of our rural schools the coming term. They will move to Audubon next week. Bud Hampton and Wils Bowman of Coon Rapids drove in the former's auto to Audubon last Thursday to attend to some business affairs. They returned home in the evening ac companied by C. D. Booton, who paid them a visit, then went to Spirit Lake to visit with his brother Bert and sister, Mrs. John Baker and family. Ed. M. Knox and W. B. Lewis and their wives of Morrison, 111., who are making an overland tour of lowa by auto, were In Audubon Friday. They report crop conditions, and in lowa especially, better than they have ever seen them. They had been at Le- Mars, Remsen, Sioux City and many other lowa towns. With the except ion of Plymouth county, where the crop, were fired, the lowa crops are tn a flourishing condition. If 20,1914 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES With optional payment*. Complete set of Abstract Books to all land In Audubon County, kept up-to-date, insurance written. CHAS. BAGLEY. PERSONAL AND LOCAL Mrs. Mike McGuire went to Neola Friday noon to visit her son Will and family. Dan Wagner left Sunday noon for Council Bluffs to look after some bus iness affairs. An early showing of New fall street hats at Wilson & Freeman’s $1.50 to $3.00. 34-1 John Dannmann and wife of Adair came Friday for a visit \with her sis ter, Mrs. August Burr and family. Fred Tennigkeit returned Saturday from an outing at Wall Lake and a visit with his sisters at Des Moines. Misses Marie Bladt and Sophia Christensen went to Atlantic Satur day for a visit with friends over Sun day. Leon Talbott, Axel Christensen and Guy McFadden returned Saturday from a week's outing at Arnolds Park. Mesdames Elizabeth Carr and A. C. Harmon returned Friday evening from a few days business visit at Omaha. Mrs. Chris Lastine and baby came Friday evening from Rolfe, lowa, to visit with Mrs. J. P. Jensen and other relatives. A marriage license was granted Tuesday to Chris Jorgensen and Miss Christa Westergaard by County Clerk Rice. Laurence Marcusen who was work ing here at the Canning factory, re turned to his home in Atlantic Fri day evening. L. E. Kline went to Atlantic to meet his wife and son. who were in Omaha several days on business and visting relatives. Miss Lillian Foley left Saturday for Des Moines, where she has ac cepted a position as trimmer in a large millinery store. Miss Marguerite Foley following a few days visit at Atlantic with her sister, Mrs. P. A. Casey and family, returned Friday evening. Misses Helena and Madge McGuire returned Friday from a visit with their sister, Mrs. Will Kerwin and family at Cummings. lowa. Mrs. Wm. Krauel and daughter, Laura, returned Friday evening from a visit at Guthrie Center with her daughter, Mrs. R. Passmore and fam ily. C. E. Kibby sold 80 acres of his home farm the last of the week to Will Blohm and the remaining 80 will be farmed by his son, Geo. Kibby. Si Brown of Lake View and Roy Wells of Minneapolis, Minn., were Monday visitors in Audubon with their old schoolmate, Pat McMahon and wife. Mrs. Johanna Andersen and two daughters, who have been on an ex tended visit with relatives at Des Moi nes and Omaha, returned to Audubon Saturday evening. Geo. W. Hoover and daughter Miss Jessamine went to Burlington Satur day evening to purchase two car loads of furniture for the ever increasing business at the big store. Mrs. John Harmon and mother, who enjoyed a pleasant visit at the Sam Smith home in the country, de parted Tuesday morning for their home at Litchfield. Illinois. Miss Cathryne Carter and brothers, Gordon and A. B. of Waukee came Sunday noon for a visit with their brother, G. C. Carter, returning to their home Tuesday morning. On Thursday, August 27th, the Old Hamlin M. E. Sunday school will hold a picnic in the Dick Owen Grove. Every body invited. Bring your din ner and enjoy a regular old fashioned picnic. The Ladies Tennis Club held a pic nic at the golf grounds Monday eve ning. They played tennis until dark, then attended the Gem Theatre in a body. They had a most delightful time. Ed. F. Johnson, who was in Wes sington Springs, 8. Dr, arrived Friday evening. He spent a week looking after his farm interests and reports crop conditions there in first class condition. Mrs. Gano. a highly respected and aged lady died at her home in Exira last Thursday night. Her remains were taken to Atlantic Sunday noon and placed in a mausoleum in the Atlantic cemetery. r Mrs. Will Ruhs and daughter Es ther, arrived in Audubon Saturday evening from Hamilton. 111., for a visit with their son and brother, Ed. Ruhs, who is employed with Ruhs & Carter, he being a nephew of J. J. Ruhs. The Des Moines District Annual Conference of the Methodist Episco pal church will convene on Sept. 9th at Atlantic. Bishop Chas. W. Smith of St. Louis will preside on account of the illness of Resident Bishop Frank M. Bristol of Omaha. 36,000 dozen eggs were shipped on the American liner New York last week to England. They were ordered by cablegram from London and is the first shipment to have been sent over since war was declared. There were calls for many more but the steamer could not accomodate them. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koelher and two youngest children, following a pleas ant visit in Audubon with their uncle August Burr and family and with numerous relatives in the country, returned to their home at Grinnell Saturday morning. They will visit relatives at Adair enroute home. Dave Kevka, a young German who has been in this country Just four months, spending a part of his time at Des Moines and recently employed at the local brick yard, departed Sat urday morning for New York, where with 25 other young men he expected to set sail for his father-land to serve his country In the present war. Miss Mabel Keith and her sister, Mrs. W. K. Mclntyre, who enjoyed a visit at Glidden with their sister, Mrs. S. A. Hunter and family, returned to Audubon Saturday evening. Mrs. Mclntyre will finish her visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Keith at this time, after which she will return to her home at Oklahoma City. Okla. About forty members of the Fra ternal Union held a picnic last Sun day in the Stanley Grove, just north east of Hamlin. The Fraternal Union is a re-organized insurance order, composed of three former orders and the present membership Is said to be from 60 to 75. A most delicious spread was enjoyed on the large table cloth tn the evening. The day was thoroughly enjoyed and those fortunate enough to l}e present report a most delightful time. You Fathers Who Have / Accumulated a Competence Realize that it required an affort to gain what you have and also that it requires close watching to hold onto it. Why not give your children a chance to gain training in business habits and methods so that when the time comes to turn your money and property over to them they will have acquired some knowledge of handling financial affairs? Let them start an account with us and learn the business-like way of handling money while you are alive and able to train them in its proper care and use. You can start a savings account with a deposit of one dollar. Add to it occasionally and watch it grow. Interest added twice a year. FARMERS STATE BANK Early Showing of Fall Millinery Our new stock of fall millinery has arrived and we are already showing the new r styles. Our line was purchased in the east and represents the very best and lat est that money could buy. We urge the ladies of Audubon and vicinity to make their selections early. We know we have never before shown such a splendid Variety at such moderate prices. MRS. G. E. LONG The Leading Milliner Over Wrays Variety Store YOUNG MAN ! ! YOUNG WOMAN !! IF YOU WOULD BECOME SUCCESSFUL GET A BUSINESS EDUCATION You have a job, no doubt, but are you satisfied in your pres ent position? Have you the training that will enable you to command a higher place in the commercial world? Or, are you Juet drifting along at a small salary with no prospects of a better job? Do you fully realize that you are in a “rut”—Chat you are not progressing as you should? Are you going to wait'' until stern necessity and old age have overtaken you before you begin to realize the value of an education? Cold facts prove Chat the only way for an honest man to get more money is to earn it. You. can earn more only by doing more work, or better work—or both. It isn’t your employer who fixes the amount in your pay envelope—it is yourself. You fix it by your earnestness, your faithfulness, your ability, and— most of all—by your training. The up-to-date business school offers greater opportunities for quick and permanent results, with rapid promotion Just ahead than any other institution of learning. Of course the majority of business school graduates elect to follow a business career, but many eminent lawyers. Judges, statesmen and others promi nent in professional or political life have found that a business education was the potent means by which they lifted themselves toAhelr present plane. We have helped many young people; planned for them and better still, taught them to plan for themselves to get the most out of life. We know what we can do. Just as you will know what you can do when you are fully trainned to use the powers that you possess. The RANBOMERIAN BUSINESS SCHOOL can train you to become an expert bookkeeper, Accountant, Stenographer, Private Secretary or Commercial Teacher. We issue Life Scholarships and they are good in both day and night classes. Do you fully appreciate what a business course in a RAN SOMERIAN BUSINESS SCHOOL means to a young man or woman? It means this: The chance of obtaining a position is greater with our graduates, because they have the assistance and co-operation of the entire circuit of RANSOMERIAN BUSINESS SCHOOLS—one of the largest school organisations in the United States. The home office of the schools is at Kan sas City, with branch schools at Centerville, la., Boone, la., Cherokee, la.. Perry, la., and Atlantic, la., and RANROMERTAN graduates are located in every state in the union A RAN SOMERIAN scholarship is good in any RANSOMERIAN BUSI NESS SCHOOL. We are offering a special discount to those who register before September 7—the present discount postively will not be given after that date. Write us, phone us, or call on us—it will pay you. RANSOMERIAN BUSINESS SCHOOL CUFTON J. QUART, Mgr. ATLANTIC, IOWA