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* Q H ■WE’ r, J 1 I. MV* ’ , ''*v b®p-- t¥. ■1 We will sell every garment in this Shop, within the next two weeks, at prices absolutely less than they cost us. We expect to clean out all high priced goods and be ready to buy our Spring line at the new prices. PRICES TALK—We Must Have The Money Beginning Friday, December 30, and continuing till everything is sold- Shop on the Corner *********** • LOCAL AND PERSONAL • Roy Conway left Monday tor Council Bluffs to spend a few days with friends. Ted Rasmussen spent Christmas in Atlantic with his mother, Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen, Albert Idso left Monday to spend a few days looking after business affairs at Menlo. Ernest Reed returned to Ames on Tuesday morning, where he U at tending Amee college. For Sale —Three Poland-China spring boars. Farmers’ prices. M. F. Ehlert, Ross, lowa. Miss Lola McCain was a passenger to Council Bluffs Monday for a visit at the home of George Katsontones and family. Rev. D. J. Shenton, wife and daughter, Dorothy, were in Atlantic Monday to spend a couple of days at the home of relatives. Arthur Graves came from Omaha the fore part of the week to spend the balance of the old year at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graves. After the new year he will return to h:s position. E. M. McGinnis, who has been helping at the Carter hardware store the past month, left Monday for Washington, where he will make a few days visit at the home of his parents. He expects to return to Audubon the latter part of the week and will go from here to Ames, where he will attend college next year. Raymond Rice, who Is on the road for Armour & Co., of Omaha, with headquarters at Dubuque, was home on a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rice, at Gray. He spent several days In tne city with his old time friends. Raymond clerked in the Kraft clothing’ store several years before he went on the road. His new position is much to his lik ing and from all reports he is mak ing good. I Standard I Willard I fbra Ford I S You might suppose that, because Willard I® will not make a special Ford battery, rfj the regular Willard Battery (Ford size) CT • would cost a lot more than others, but Mg it doesn’t. We can show you in five M minutes if you’ll come in. I AUDUBON BAKERY I ■ SERVICE COMPANY ?< H PBORE2S2 *«4.U>,bw> B '*inf IFI I rlwii I' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY—Coat and Suit Days—Suits from $15.00 to $40.00 MONDAY is Hat and Waist Day—Gage Hats that cost from $6 to $11.50, choice for $3.95 WEDNESDAY —Corsets, Brassiers, Silk Underwear, Etc., at the same Big Reduction THE SMITH FASHION SHOP Our Suits are all new and suitable for both spring and fall. We have three SBS Suits with fur collars, in mole or beaver—these suits will go for S4O cash. We have elegant Tricotine and Poriet Twill Suits that sold for S4O t»o $65, which will range from S2O to $35. THE SAME WITH OUR COATS. TWO DAYS—FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30TH, AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31ST. TUESDAY—Skirtsand Petticoats at the same Big Reduction THURSDAY —Dress Day with prices ranging from $5 to $39.75 Miss Elaine Graham was a pas senger to Carroll Tuesday morning for a short visit with friends. John Notfsinger returned to Oak land Tuesday morning, where he is employed in a furniture store. Miss Margaret Burkhardt. Miss Mayme Downey and Peter Downey spent Monday with friends in Menlo. Mias Freda Fredericksen left on Tuesday for Coulter where she will make a New Year visit with friends. Miss Vera Currier, of Anita, came Saturday to spend Christmas in Au dubon with her father, George Cur rier. Walter Roth, Jr., of- Sioux City, is here for the holidays, for a visit with his brothers and numerous friends. Miss Anna Miller left Monday for Omaha to make a short visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Miller. Steve Roberts was a passenger to Council Bluffs Monday to spend a few days at the home of his sister and family. Miss Clara Foley was a passenger to Atlantic Monday to spend a few days at the home of her friend, Miss Eloiese Treet. Thomas Jones was a passenger to Atlantic Monday to spend the day visiting friends and to look after some business deals. Mr. and Mrs. Nels C. N. Schmidt were in Exira to spend Christmas at the home of their daughter. Mrs. P. C. Jensen, wife of Rev. Jensen, pas tor of the Danish Lutheran church of that city. Mrs. L. C. Bagley and daughter, Mary Stuart, left Tuesday morning for Hampton to spend the holiday season at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Stuart. She will be joined later by Mr. Bagley, who will accompany them home. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Graham and son, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Graham, of Atlantic, and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Watterson, of Exira were in the city over Christmas at the home of their son and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd T. Graham and family. , THE AUDUBON REPUBLICAN. AUDUBON, IOWA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29,1921 These Dresses consist of Tricotine, Poriet Twill, Velvet, Crepe, and Satin, and have sold as high as $69. MRS. n. W. SMITH Lower Broadway «***«*****• • LOCAL AND PERSONAL • Mrs. Wm. Mantz and Mrs. J. H. Mantz were passengers to Council Bluffs Monday to spend a few days visiting with friends. Russell Bagley, a student at the C. C. C. C., Des Moines, is home to spend the Yuletide season at the pa rental Chas. Bagley home. Thos. Shupe, of Bedford, arrived in the city the latter part of the week to spend his holiday vacation at the parental A. J. Shupe home. Julius Jorgensen, a student at one of the colleges in Des Moines, is in Audubon to spend his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jorgensen. Mrs. H. V. Stearns, of Webster City, arrived in Audubon Monday for a short visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Eaton and family. Mrs. J. T. Hackett, who has been a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. James Miller, northeast of the city, returned on Monday to her home in Chicago. Dr. Edna Detwiler, of Carroll, who was in the city for an over-Christ mas visit with her mother, Mrs. A. N. Detwiler and family, returned to her home Tuesday. Miss Amelia Ohm, of Des Moines, arrived in the city the latter part of the week for a visit at the home of her sister. Mrs. C. R. Darland and family, east of town. W. J. Johnson and T. R. John son, who were called to Audubon to attend the funeral of the late Sam uel Jordan, returned Monday to their home in Brooklyn. lowa, Mrs. Margaret Rickett, of .Wes sington, S. D., arrived in the city last Thursday for an over-the-holi day visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. L. S. Bridenstine and family. Miss Arzel Sloan left Monday for Oakland, where she will spend a part of her vacation with friends. Miss Sloan was employed In Oakland last year, but this year Is teaching school in Audubon county. Cecil Rapp, of Atlantic, was in the city Saturday, a guest at the home of Dr. J. M. Fulton. Monday he accompanied Miss Esther Fulton to Atlantic, 'where she spent a few days visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Elliott and son, John, of Creston, arrived In the city the latter part of the week to make a visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Layland. and with numerous old-time friends. G. W. Giddings, of Cleveland, O„ who was called here on account of the death of Frank Buckner, will re main in the city until after the hol idays for a visit with his mother, who was married to Mr. Buckner early last summer. B. R. Frick departed Monday aft ernoon for Lincoln. Neb., where he will make a short visit before re suming his work on the road. He spent Christmas here with his wife and children, who are making Audu bon their home temporarily. R. B. Rhodes, of Belgrade, Neb., arrived in the city Friday to join hia wife, who has been here on an ex tended visit at the home of her brother, Dr. J. M. Fulton and fam ily, and with her mother, who is making her home with her son. Mr. and Mrs, Fra. k Drake and daughter. Dorothy, came from New ton Friday for an over Christmas visit at the home of the lady's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Currier. Mr. Drake was compelled to return home Monday afternoon but his wife and daughter will remain for a more extended visit. Miss Lena Alt came from Water loo Saturday to spend a week at the home of her mother. Mrs. Liizle Alt and family. Misa Alt still holds her position in the district office of the state highway commission, ana al though she finds her work agree able and pleasant, yet she has that longing for the old home town, and finds it convenient to make an oc casional visit with home folks and old-time friends. SMITH’S ALWAYS HAVE'SUCH PRETTY THINGS Every Blouse in the shop will go from SI.OO to $7.75. M. T. Foley spent Thursday in At lantic looking after business mat ters. L. L. Ryan spent Thursday in At lantic, looking after business mat ters. Miss Gladys Weidemeyer left Fri day for Adair to spend a few days at the home of her friend, Mrs. E. W. Heckman. Hans Mikelsen and wife were in Atlantic over Sunday visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Andersen. Lyle Johnston and Wayne John ston left the latter< part of the week to spend Christmas with their father Bert Johnston, in Des Moines Cy Petersen, of Laurel, Neb., where he has been farming the past year came tke latter part of the week to spend Christmas with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dawson, of Vi ola township, are the proud and hap py parents of a nine-pound son, who arrived at their home last Friday. Mrs. W. J. Kennelly, of Jackson, Neb., arrived in the city the latter part of the week for an over-Christ mas visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Petersen. Mrs. Abbie Van Court, who spent several days in the city at the home of her brothers, the McLerans, re turned to her home in Chicago the latter part of the week. Miss Anna Wilson, teacher in the public schools at Cherokee, is here on a visit at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson. She will remain until after the holiday vacation. Charles Winters, who Is attending the Audubon public schools, went to Lewis the latter part of the week to spend the Christmas vacation at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Winters. Miss Viola Johnson, who is at tending the Audubon high school, went to Omaha the latter part of the week to spend Christmas at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Johnson. Miss Eugenia Nelson, a student at the State Teachers' college at Cedar Falls, returned the latter part of the week to spend her holiday va cation with her mother, Mrs. Ger trude Nelson. MJss Theresa McGuire, of Des Moines; Miss Ella McGuire, of Wat erloo. and Mrs. Albert McGuire and daughter, of Granger, were over- Christmas guests at the parental J. W. McGuire home. E. S. Van Gorder and son Charles spent their Christmas with .relatives and friends in Des Moines. Edwin, who is attending college at Grinnell, came home Friday and will remain until after the holiday vacation. H. J. Savage, who is employed in Des Moines, came home Saturday to spend Christmas with his family. He expects to leave Monday or Tues day of next, week for Des Moines or Omaha to purchase a new equipment for an up-to-date barber shop which he intends to establish In Audubon in the near future. Mr. and Mr». H. E. Sampson, of Des Moines, arrived in the city Sat urday for a visit at the home nt his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Samp son. They remained until Tuesday when they returned to the capitol city where Mr. Sampson !s engaged in the practice of law. having of fices in the Register-Tribune build ing. R. H. Koenig, who is attending the dental department of Northwest ern university at Chicago, has been at Ross the past week, visiting his father, Rev. Koenig and wife, left today for Charles City, where he spent three years as principal of the high schools. He has given up his school work in order to take up dentistry. Miss Capitola Mathias, of Des Moines, was in Audubon over Christ mas, a guest at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. N. S. Hansen and family. This is the first vtsft Wise Mlathtas has made to Audubon in some time. She holds a good position with the Southern Security Co., and finds it difficult to get away from her du ties. • LOCAL AND PERSONAL • *«•*•••«**• Mrs. R. F. Childs returned Sat urday morning from a several days visit with friends in Des Moines. Mrs. Leota Lyden departed Friday for Dexter to spend over Christmas at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Conway. Miss Esther Keith, a teacher in the public; schools at Dallas Center, is home for the holiday- vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Dreher and family departed Saturday for Atlan tic for a short visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rathkamp. Miss Kathryn Schreiber, of Chi cago, arrived in the city Saturday to spend the holidays at the home of her mother, Mrs. Henry Schreiber and family. Richard Jensen, of Lincoln, Neb., arrived in the city Saturday to spend a few days at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jensen and family. Mrs. J. C. Fibber, who has been quite sick the past two weeks, is showing considerable improvement, all of which will be gratifying news to her many friends. Miss Juanita Keith, who Is attend ing Simpson college, at Indianola, was among the many college stu dents to spend her Christmas with her parents in Audubon. Dr. J. L. Magennis, wife and son are in Ft. Dodge this week spending a few days at the home of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marsh and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Magennis. J. M. Gray, principal owner of the Ackerman Co. store, spent Christ mas in the city with his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Lougheed, and spent sev eral days at the big store looking after business matters. Mrs. R. P. Olson, who is attending the Palmer Chiropractic school at Davenport, arrived in the city Sat urday to spend a few days at the home of her friend. Miss Anna An dersen, and with Mr. and Mrs. Hol ger Lindholm. Annual Meeting The Annual meeting of the Audubon County Farm Bureau will be held in Audubon, at the Crescent Theatre, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1922 Meeting Called at 1:00 P. M. The Following Program will be carried out— 4-reel Picture Show, Two Short Talks, Report of the Work of the County Farm Bureau, Report of the Treasurer, Report of the Resolutions Committee, Election of Officers. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND ( • -w F W >W —I Johnson Grain Co. shipped a car load of hogs to Valley Junction on Friday. George Dykes spent Friday in At lantic looking after some business matters. James M? Downey left the latter part of the week for Murdock, Minn, to spend the holidays with relatives and friends. Gerald Kroeger. Zelwyn Graham, Ernest Reed, Oliver Fullerton, Har old Jensen and Chas. Willesen stu dents at the agricultural college at Ames, are home for their holiday vacation. Ed Frick, one of the progressive farmers of Dickinson county, came from his ranch near Spirit Lake the latter part of the week to spend the Christmas time In the city with his daughters. Miss Edith Culver, who has been doing professional nursing at Coun cil Bluffs, returned to Audubon the latter pant of the week to spend a few days at the home her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. tailver. Misses Ruth Johnson, Margaret Graham, Alice Rutherford, Lucile Taylor and Ruth Reed, who are at tending State Teachers' College at Cedar Falls, are at the home of their parents, spending their holiday va cation. Arnold Shupe, Charles Davis. Har old Preston, Miss Margaret Jensen and Miss Esther Fulton, students at the State University at lowa City, returned to Audubon Friday to spend the holiday vacation at the home of their parents. Arthur Leach and William Shupe, students at Upper lowa university at Fayette, came home Friday to spend the holidays. Both these young men were on the college football team the past season and made a record that was a credit to themselves as well as the college. Miss Beulah Reed came from Cherokee the last of the week to spend her holiday vacation in Audu bon with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Reed. Miss Beulah is one of the teachers in the public schools at Cherokee, under the superintenden cy of F. W. Johansen, formerly con nected with the schools of this city. Audubon, lowa *««««***•** * LOCAL AND PERSONAL * John Parrott, of the Parrott Cafe, was in Atlantic Friday looking after business matters. E. Z. Hook returned yesterday from an over-Sunday visit with friends in Des Moines. Mrs. D. C. Bell, of Anita, was in the city over Christmas, a guest at the parental G. W. Preston home. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Varble and family returned today from an over- Christmas visit with relatives at Creston. H. W. Ix>wther, who is working on the Le Mars Sentinel, was in Au dubon over Christmas with his wife and children. Miss Maren Johansen, who is at tending Dana college, at Blair, Ne braska, is in Audubon for the holi days, with her brother, Johanes Jo hansen. Mrs. Ernst Carl and children, of Orient, lowa, arrived in the city on Friday for a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. M. M. Mclntire and family. W. H. Bolton returned Friday from Ctouncil Bluffs, accompanied by his wife, who has been a patient at Mercy hospital, recovering from a surgical operation. Mrs. Bolton is greatly improved in health and after regaining strength hopes to be much benefitted. Dr. D. D. Drake and wife and two children. Donald and Marjorie, came from Des Moines the last of the week for a visit at the parental W. W. Smith home. The doctor was compelled to return to his practice Monday, while his family will re main until later in the week. Arthur L. Horning, who holds a good position on the road with the Oshkosh Overall Co., of Oshkosh. Wis., arrived in the city Friday for a two weeks visit at the home of his mother, Mrs. Fred Horning, and with numerous friends. Mr. Horn ing worked for many years in the clothing stores of Audubon and is one of the young men who has left the old home town and is making good. « .