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Audubon County journal. (Exira, Iowa) 1884-1993, March 04, 1897, Image 3

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t^xira &epart/T\ei>t
For $1.75 Spot Cash Hayseed Guernsey will send
you, for one year:
The Audubon County Journal,
The Iowa Homestead,
The Toledo Weekly Blade,
For only $1.75 Spot Cash
Dentist: Bishop at Exira every day
Mrs. Georgia Basham was visiting
in atlantic most of last week.
Miss Mable Allen will soon go to
Des Moines to accept a position.
Mrs. Dr. Andrews passed a few days
with her audubon friends this week.
In West Exira Williams & Son will
sell you a Lightning Hay Knife for60e.
Insure with the Continental Insur
ance Company. Theo. Patty Agent, Xa
Miss Kit Kelsey, of Des Moines, is
here visiting her parent* fur a few
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy
to operate. Cure indigestion, bilious
ness 24c.
At William & Son's, near the depot,
you can get a No. 8 Nickel Tea Kettle
for $1.00.
If you want the best Cook Stove or
Range, Shrauger fcHansen have them
—the Gem.
Williams & Son, at West Town, will
sell you an 8-inch Carpenter's Pinch
er for 85c.
Newt. Brown, of Atlantic, formerly
of Greeley township, is the fattier of
another boy baby.
Any one in need of monumental
work should call or write to S. E.
Grant, Atlantic, Iowa.
Jim Gwin went to Brooklyn on busi
ness, Tuesday. During his absence
W. W. Bickels has charge of the store.
Jap McClain leaves Friday for
Cooper, Texas, to sell buggies for the
Spalding Manufacturing Company, of
Griunell, Iowa.
S. J. Burrows, of Des Moines, lias
rented his 220-acre farm, in North
Greeley township, to Wort and Tom
Hartzell for 1897.
Mrs. Secrist Thomas continues in a
very dangerous condition. Her recov
ery is not expected. She is past her
aighty-fourth year.
Chas. Jacobson, of Audubon town
ship, became a resident of Exira, last
Monday. Himself and wife occupy
the Jesse Miller house.
Amos Baker and family, of Greeley
.ownship, moved to Guthrie Center
ast week. The Journal will wander
their new home weekly.
Isiah Hunt will go to Western
Nebraska the latter part of the month
look after a bunch of cattle he has
the range in that country.
Williams & Son, near the depot, are
gents for Frank Peat, the Great Wail
'aper manufacturer, of New York
Call and see the new patterns
at the lowest prices.
Nice Florida strawberries are selling
in Chicago at $1.75 per quart and Lon
don hot-house grapes at $3.50 per
pound. Audubon county corn is still
six cents per bushel.
Miss Trola Born, who occupies the
position of typewriter and bookkeeper
for a Red Oak firm, is passing a vaca
tion of eight days with her parents
and friends in this city.
Wm. Walker will soon move to Ex
ira in order to give his personal atten
tion to his large mercantile establish
ment. He will reside with his son-in
law, Mr. J. B. Rendleman.
Wm. Robinson's sale, in north-east
Greeley, last week figured up to over
$1,000. Mr. Robinson will not farm
this year. He will rest by visiting
relatives in Canada and California.
A chimney Hue in Otto Witthauer's
residence caught on fire last Friday,
calling out the Are department and
exciting the whole town—most people
thinking the school house was on fire.
No domage.
The Rock Island Railway will sell
round trip tickets for the inauguration
proceedings, at Washington, on March
4tli, for $29.85. Tickets will be sold on
March 1st, 2d and 3d, good to return
to March 8th.
Carpets—We have sixteen different
pretty patterns for you to select from
and will sell mighty low. Let us
figure with you. We have 'em—just
as cheap as you wish and as expensive
as you desire. Williams & Son, near
the Exira depot.
County Supervisor Wm. Stanley, of
Hamlin township, is busy these days
hauling logs to the Exira saw mill.
He expects to have over 10,000 feet of
native lumber made of which he will
build a very large stock and hay bam
on his fine stock farm of 360 acresf.
By timely discovery A. F. Little
field's residence, in Audubon township,
was prevented from being destroyed by
fire Wednesday. In the second story
of the building a chimney Hue caught
on fire and a spark fell into abed room
onto a new overcoat which was soon
in a big blaze. Slight damage.
We want one good man (having a
horse), as permanent superintendent
for Audubon county to attend to our
business, on salary. list send along
with application strong letters of rec
ommendation as to Jumcsty, energy,
ability. First-class mail only. State
occupation. Address P. O. Box 1632,
^Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
A •.
Here's a little wave of prosperity
that struck the Journal office this
-week,—seven new subscribers added
to our big army of readers:
S. M. Luse, Ross, Iowa.
M. D. Crow, Gray, Iowa.
Jens Verner, Audubon, Iowa.
Peter Nelson, Elkhorn, Iowa.
R. W. Anderson, Stuart, Iowa.
Mrs. F. B. Needham, Anita, Iowa.
Jesse Miller, Exira, Iowa.
Public notice is hereby given to the
qualified electors of the district town
snip of Audubon that at the regular
district meeting to be held on the sec
ond Monday In March the question as
to whether the public schools shall be
provided with free text books or not
will be voted on the voter to have
written or printed upon his ballot the
words, for or against free text books.
There will be such other business
transacted as usually comes before the
said meeting. Polls to open at 10
o'clock a. m. O. C. DONALDSON,
•i If you wish to purify your blood you
lould take a medicine which cures
ood diseases. No other medicine has
ch a record of cures as Hood's Barsa
Chas. Houston was an Audubon vis
itor Tuesday
Sherm Knox became the father of a
big boy baby last Sunday.
The Journal and the Iowa Home
stead each one year for $1.50.
You can get a Good Saw of Williams
Son, at West Town for 65c.
Good, handy 120 acre farm for rent,
close to town. Apply at Journal
Miss Mary Brandenberger, of Neola,
is a guest of her cousin, Miss Anna
I)r. Lauritzen is enjoying a visit
from his sister and brother, of Shelby
Williams & Son, near the depot will
sell a Set of Mrs. Potts Flat Irons (3
pieces) for !0c.
Mr. Boar, of Cass county was here
Tuesday visiting his father-in-law, Mr.
Tlios. Williams.
You can get 8 pounds of Nails, 8
penny and up of Williams & Son, at
West Town for 2"c.
The Woodmen Lodge now do busi
ness in the old G. A. R. hall, west of
the Peters implement warehouse.
Mrs. Schoville, a nurse of Cottage
Hospital, Des Moines, is here visiting
her friend, Mrs. J. B. Connrardy.
Mrs. Ed. Delalioyde and Miss Mollie
Delahoyde attended the John Dillon
show at Audububon Monday night.
Chas. Bauer, of Iowa City, was at
Exira, a couple of days this week
visiting his sister, Mrs. Al. Tharnish
J. M. Kringle, of Atlantic, who
clerked at the West Exira stores sev
eral years, was here this week visiting
old friends.
Peter Peters is not improving in
health very satisfactory. Dr. Locher,
of Adair, was at his bedside Wednes
day night.
Mrs. Chas. Chase, of Elkhorn, Neb
raska, is visiting with her relatives,
the Wm. Hocamp family in Audubon
township for a few weeks.
There will be a Christian sociable at
the Hocamp schoolhouse in Audubon
township the evening of March lltli.
Supper, 15c. Children, 10c.
Please say that I have some very
line potatoes I will exchange for wheat
or fat hogs or money.
J. M. Giles of Atlantic was up this
way Monday visiting his old friends,
tie dropped into "Hayseed's" den
and whncKed up for 52 more Journals.
Ebbe J. Hansen has sold his resi
dence property, the Willcutt place, to
Fred Wahlert, of Greeley township for
$1,300, possession to be given at once.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Shrauger were
visitors at Atlantic over Sunday. Mr.
Shrauger says that on one street in
Atlantic he counted sixteen empty
Guaranteed Seed Oats, welghtthirty
eiglit pounds to the bushel, for sale by
Joe Cihak, section 18, Audubon town
ship, six and one-half miles south-east
of Exira.
Phillip Aupperle, Jr., and John Pat
rie, of Audubon township, with their
families, left Monday, for Postville,
Clayton county, Iowa, near which
place they have rented farms.
LOST:—Tuesday, March 2, a small
purse containing $45 in cash, three X's
and three V's. Liberal reward for the
restoration of same.
Those indebted to me for black
smithing are requested to settle at
once. I favor you with credit, now
favor me by paying up, as I need the
H. P. Hansen, the West Exira black
smith, was at Omaha a few days this
week and purchased a late improved
disc harrow sharpener. He also bought
a lot of other improved tools and shoes
and plates for fancy, perfect horseshoe
ing. He is ready to do all kinds of
work to your satisfaction and at mod
erate prices.
The house occupied by Mr. E. P.
Jaynes and family, of east Greeley
township, was destroyed by fire early
Tuesday morning, on account of a de
fective Hue. The children of the fam
ily wore abed at the time and escaped
in their night clothes. The house
hold goods and all the clothing of the
family were lost. The total loss is
about $600. The building was insured
for $100 in the Greeley Mutuaf Fire
Insurance Co. The loss at this time
of the year is a hard financial blow to
Mr. Jay lies.
A numerous congregation assisted at
the Ash Wednesday ceremonies at St.
Boniface church last Wednesday morn
ing. The penitential season of Lent
began on that day and lasts until Eas
ter. On day that ashes are blessed in the
churches and then strewn on the heads
of the faithful with the words, "Re
member man, that thou art dust and
to dust thou shalt return," a custom
practiced by the first Christians and
observed even in the old law. During
Lent the devotions of the Stations of
the Cross will be held every Sunday
morning and Friday afternoon.
Be ever gentle with your children.
Watch thein constantly reprove them
earnestly, but not in anger. "Be not
bitter against them." "Yes, they are
good boys," I once heard a kind father
say. 1 talk to tlieni pretty much, but
I do not like to beat my children the
world will beat them." It was a beau
tiful thought, though not elegantly
expressed. Yes, there is not one child
In the circle 'round the table, healthy
and happy as they look now, on whose
head, if long spared, the storm will
not beat. Adversity may wither them,
sickness fade, a cold world frown on
them but amid all, let memory carry
them back to the home where a law of
kindness reigned, where the mother's
reproving eye was moistened with a
tear, and the father frowned "more in
sorrow than in anger."—New York
I was dreadfully nervous, and for
relief took Karl's Clover Root Tea. It
quieted my nerves and strengthened my
vhole Nervous System. I WM troubled with
Constipation, Kidney and Bowel trouble.
Your tea
cleansed my system BO
thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and
A- aweet.
Hartford, Coon.
Bold by 0. W. Houston.
Fred Tremel has rented his 120-acre
farm to Walter Green.
WANTED:—Good home for girl nine
years old. Apply at this office.
Go to Williams & Son's, at West
Exira, and get a Good Copper Bottom
Wash Boiler for 75c.
Special rates for home-made Bologna
for public sales.
Shrauger & Hansen have decided to
close out a lot of Bed Room Suits at
cost. Do not lose this opportunity.
Go to West Town and Williams
Son will sell you a set of Victoria
Bread, Cake and Paring Knives for
When in need of Hardware, Tin
ware, Stoves, no not fail to see
Shrauger & Hansen. They are the
leaders in low prices.
Otto Witthauer is laid in the house
with a whole lot of rheumatism and
grip wracking his frame so badly that
he is unable to navigate. Al. Beard
will have charge of the Glucose office
until Otto gets on his pegs again.
At the Journal office—print sale
bills QUICK, bright and at low prices.
Your sale bill published in full, free,
in the Journal—then everybody in the
county knows about your sale. Five
swift presses at the Journal print shop!
Charley Scliarff will join the excur
sion the day Isaac Thomas goes west
and will journey to Logan county,
Colorado, where lie will pitch his tent
and reside in the future. He and liis
brother Sam have swapped and Sam
and his family will move down from
Carroll and reside on the old home
stead with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. Scharft', a few milessouth ofExira.
Charlie has made a success of the hog
business here and now goes west with
the best wishes of his many friends for
his success in the west.
The following is the result of the
city election last Monday, Mayor
Brenimau being re-elected by a ma
jority of S5:
For Mayor—J. P. Lair 48 votes, C.
E. Breniman 133 votes.
For Treasurer—D. E. Shrauger, 174
—no opposition.
For Recorder—J. M. Thomas 95, Bert
Leamon 87.
For Trustees—N. P. Christensen 55,
Frank Odell 60, Frank Gault 123, Chas.
Houston 121.
For Assessor—P. I. Whetted 85, F.
Hensley 03.
A Sweedish servant maid, finding
that her mistress was troubled with
sleeplessness, told her of a practice of
the people of her country who were
similarly affected. It was to take a
napkin, dip it in ice cold water, wring
it slightly and lay it across her eyes.
The plan was followed and worked
lske a charm. The first night the lady
slept four hours wituout awakening
something she had not done before for
several months. At the end of that
time the napkin had become dry. By
wetting it again she at once went to
sleep and it required considerable force
to rouse her in the morning.
Report of school taught at No. 7,
Greeley township, for the month end
ing February 26:—Number of days
taught, 20 total number of pupils en
rolled, 35 those neither absent nor
tardy—Eva Porter, Anna Schlater,
Laura Palm, Tena Wahlert, Sadie
Wahlert, Freddie Wahlert, Geo. Wah
lert, Minnie Wahlert, Eddie Wahlert,
Elmer Artist, Anna Artist, Clara Ar
tist, Amanda Gripp, Johnnie Morgan
those with deportment from 98 to 100
per cent—George, Minnie, Tena, Sadie
and Jake Wahlert, Clara, Anna and
Emma Artist, Charley, Anna and
Mamie Schlater, Laura Palm, Arnan-
was an
exhibition given by the teacher and
scholars the evening of February 26.
The house was well filled witli a hap
py and attentive audience, when at
about 11:30 they all went to their re
spective homes, reporting the merry
time they had at No. 7. Teacher and
pupils were congratulated on the
lengthy and interesting program given.
The results of the term taught were a
full school and good satisfaction given
and the same teacher is requested to
teach No. 7 the term following.
School Officers' Meeting.
There will be a meeting of school of
ficers and patrons in the High School
rooms in Audubon, Saturday, Marcli
13, 1297, to which all are inuited. Fol
lowing is the program:
10:00—Care of buildings and grounds,
A. R. Smith, J. H. Maharg, Wm.
Humphrey, John ltosenbeck.
10:45—School Apparatus,—J. Z. Moore,
Geo. Agnew, Eli Hanson, D. D.
11:15—Duties of school officers,—Al.
Fredericks, O. C. Donaldson, Henry
Young, A. F. Aikman.
1:15—Course of study and rules,—Thos.
Law, G. M. Luse, w. H. Brinkerhoff.
2:00—Teachers' salaries,—M. L. Bran
son, O. P. Tyler, Hans Jonnson. J.
Bhingledecker, N. P. Hoegh.
2:45—Care in the selection ofteachers—
D. P. Repass, S. W. Cramer, A. Kit
son, C. H. Priestly, H. S. Jones.
Other questions proposed by those
present will be taken up and discussed.
John P. Aupperle, of Hamlih town
ship, has gone to Minnesota to rent
Sol Peterman is laid up with rheum
atism and Wm. Mogg Is running the
barber shop.
Isaiah Hunt has traded his West
Exira livery stock to Frank Bradley
for Kansas land.
'Gene Wilson will have a public sale
of horses some time in April. He has
some excellent drivers.
Miss Lizzie Patrie, of east Audubon
township, is passing a week with her
sister, Mrs. Ernest Voss,
Exira Markets:—Corn 5c to 7c, oats
8c, old oats 13c, wheat 45c, rye 20c,
barley 13c, hogs $3.00 to $3.25, eggs 8c
N. P. Christensen was at Creston
several days last and this week visit
ing his wife and attending to business
Hensley Bros. & Brown bought a
fine carload of Chester White hogs—
350-pound average—of Frank Ridgley
this week. Also bought fine lots of
Chas. Oberholtz and Peter Wolf.
Hensley Bros, this week bought two
carloads of cattle of Natty Hamlin,
R. Lorentzen will nay the highest
market price for cow, norse and mule
hides, also tallow. Take them to the
meat market in the building formerly
occupied by Wm. Mogg's barber shop.
Special price on Bologna for Public
I keep Groceries and dry and salt
meats and sell cheap, as I have no rent
to pay. Give good price for butter and
eggs. Give me a call. FRED L. AN
DREWS, West Exira, Iowa. Butter
and eggs taken in exchange for Wall
Paper. Latest styles just received.
Christian Miller and Christena Han
sen were made husband and wife
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
the bride's parents in Oakfield town
ship, Rev. Gravengaard performing
the ceremony. The groom is an ener
geticic young farmer and his com
panion is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jens Hansen and a most estimable
young lady. The happy couple start
housekeeping at once on a farm south
east of Exira. Their many friends
wish them much happiness.
Joe Stotts, w'ho was sheriff of Audu
bon county in the early history of
these parts, is getting right to the
front in Wyoming as per this dispatch
to the Omaha World-Herald:
Cheyenne, Wyoming, February 27.
—Joseph L. Stotts, formerly of Pike
county, Illinois, was today appointed
by the governor of Wyoming judge of
the Fourth judicial district of the
state, in place of William S. Metz. who
resigned during the recent session of
the legislature to escape impeachment
for malfeasance in office.
lots of Ike Hunt, Henry Foss,
has. Jacobsen, Jake Grant, Mat and
Nick Thielen, Chas. Oberholtz, Peter
Wolf, Wm. and Leroy Hensley, Chris
Wolf and some line calves of Hank
David Dutler and wife, just over in
Guthrie county, celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary last Tuesday and
the large gathering present made the
day a merry one and an event long to
be remembered. John Peters, Jake
Bauer, Henry Bauer, Wm. Baylor and
Samuel Dutlor, .of this county, were in
Supervisor Wm. Stanley's residence
in Hamlin township caught on fire
Thursday of last week from a defective
flue and but for the heroic efforts of
his fifteen-year-old daughter his home
to-day would be a heap of ashes. No
one was at home but Miss Grace and
her mother—who was confined to her
bed by illness. Grace, on discovering
the fire, rushed to the barn for a large
ladder which she dragged to the house
and with buckets of water climbed to
the roof of the house and extinguished
the blaze which was rapidly gaining
fflot square was
headway. A hole two aijuaic va»
burned in the roof. That was a noble
deed for a girl of only fifteen years and
she is entitled to much praise for her
cool-headed thoughtfullness and her
success as a fire company.
Bishop Cosgrove of this city, under
date of February 17, has issued regu
lations for ths observance of Lent in
the diocese of Davenport. Ash Wed
nesday falls on the third day of March.
All the days of Lent are fasting, ex
cepting Sundays, and all persons who
have completed their twenty-first year
unless dispensed, are obliged to keep
the fasts. By a dispensation the use
of flesh meat is allowed ot the princi
pal meal on four days of the week, but
the use of fish and flesh is not allowed
at the same meal during Lent. The
best mortification of Lent is to abstain
from the use of intoxicating drinks,
because drunkenness is such a wither
ing curse, and counts its victims by
many thousands. On its extirpation
depend the blessings of health and
the happiness of homes and the salva
tion of many souls. The choicest self
denial for the holy season is to make
in your heart antf carry out in practice
three promises: To abstain from all
intoxicating drinks during Lent to
keep out of the saloon, and'to say one
Our Father and three Hail Marys
every day for the suppression of in
temperance. This covers Bome of the
chief points in the Bishop's announce
ment. There are, of course, the usual
arrangements in regard to church
services and other matters of similiar
importance.—Davenport Tribune.
Free Text Books.
For the purpose of giving the voters
of the Independent School District of
Exira an idea of the extra burden of
taxes that will be imposed upon them
by voting for free text books. I have
made the following calculation upon
the assessed valuation of Exira and
Exira Independent District which is
$138,583 as given by the County Audi
tor January 30, 1897.
We will place the first estimate at
the maximum cost of books and en
rollment. The present enrollment is
250 and tlio average cost of books,
-aper, ink, etc. per pupil is about $2.00.
-'herefore to supply the school with a
complete set of Dooks and paper, etc.
would cost the district $500. But let
us add here that this would not be the
case because the books now in the
hands of the pupils would be used and
the board would only supply the books,
etc., as the pupils need them.
Since the assessed value is $138,583
and the total first cost $500, (supposing
a first cost) the increased taxation upon
each dollar would be 3.6 mills and
upon $100 is 36 cents. It has been
proven in the states where the free
text book law is iu force, that the
average wear of books is from five to
six years. Then the increased tax
covering a period of five years would
equal one-fifth of 3.8 mills, or less than
four-fifths of a mill per dollar or 7.2
per hundred dollars for each year.
We must remember that this law is
not a theory. It is in operation in
twenty states and in many countries
iu Europe. It has also been in opera
tion for five years in Capital Park
district, Des Moines. I have found in
every instance nothing but commen
dations for the system. Mr. W. M.
Ward, of Blue Springs, Nebraska, says
that he has observed, both as a
parent and teacher, that below the
High School the expense for text
books per year is about 80 cents per
pupil and iu the High School about 55
cents per pupil making the average
about 40 cents." It is potent to every
mind that Mr. Ward's statement
places the above estimate too high
but it was our purpose to make a max
imum estimate. A few arguments in
favor of the system.
1. It is cheaper than the present.
2. Pupils are always supplied with
text books hence no timels wasted.
3. The attendance is much larger.
4. It facilitates a better grading of
the school.
5. The pupils take better care of the
books than when they own themselves.
6. It makes it possible for every
child to attend school,—rich or poor.
My advice to the tax payer, to the
tax payers is, let us not vote against a
measure that will place the means of
an education at every door from the
hovel to the palace, merely because
our tax will be increased a few cents.
A republican form of government is
only so strong as the efficiency of its
general educational system. Promote
the universal education of her citizens,
—we lengthen and strengthen her
existence,—hinder or prevent it—we
hasten her decay. C. W. JOHNSON.
Be not deceived. A Cough, Hoarse
ness or Croup are not to be trifled
with, A dnae in time of Shiloh's Cure will
•are you muoh trouble. Bold by Houston,
Topeka, Kansas, Mat-ch 2.—Repre
sentative Walters, of La Bette county,
today introduced a bill in the house to
make the enforcement of the ten com
mandments apart of the criminal pro
ceedure of the state of Kansas. The
text of the bill is "An Act to Give
Statutory force to the Ten Command
ments, and it reads as follows:
Whereas The men of the present
generation have become doubters and
scorners, and,
Whereas, They have strayed from
the religion of their fathers: and,
Whereas, They no longer live in
the fear of God: and,
Whereas, Having no fear of pun
ishment beyond the grave, they have
wantonly violated the law given from
Mount Sini, therefore, be it enacted by
the Legislature of the State of Kansas."
Tnen follows the ten commandments,
each commandment being a section.
A graduated scale of fines is prepared
for violation as follows:
For having any other God," $1,000.
For worshiping a graven image,"
$1,000 and one year in the penitentiary.
For taking the name of the Lord
in vain," $500.00.
For not keeping the Sabbath day,"
For refusing to "honor thy father
and thy mother," $500.00 and six
months in prison.
For committing murder," hanging.
For adultery," imprisonment for life.
For violating the commandments
which say "Thou shalt not steal,"
"Thou shalt not bear false witness,"
Thou shalt not covet," fine or impris
onment, at the discretion of the court.
The bill will probably pass the House.
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates the bowels, puri
fies the blood. Clears the complexion.
Easv to make and pleasant to take. 25cenrs.
Sola by C. W, Houston.
President McKinley ends his inaug
uration address thus: Let me again
repeat the words of the oath adminis
tered by the chief justice, which in
their respective meanings so far as ap
plicable, I would have all my country
men observe: I will faithfully execute
the office of president of the United
States, and will, to the best of my
ability, preserve, protect and defend
the constitution of the United States.'
This is the obligation I have reverent
'y taken before the Lord Most High.
keep it will be my single purpose,
my constant prayer—and I shall confi
dently rely upon the forbearance and
assistance of all the people in the dis
charge of my solemn responsibilities."
The following constitutes his cabinet
Secretary of State—John Sherman,
of Ohio.
Secretary of the Treasurer—Lyman
J. Gage, of Illinois.
Secretary of War—Russell A. Alger,
of Michigan.
Secretary of Navy—John D. Long,
of Massachusetts.
Secretary of the Interior—Cornelius
N. Bliss, of New York.
Attorney General—Joseph McKen
na, of California.
Postmaster General—James I. Gary,
of Maryland.
Secretary of Agriculture—J as. Wil
son, of Iowa.
Ladies, take the best. If you are
troubled with Constipotion, Sallow
Skin, and a Tired feeling- take Karl's Clover
Root Tea, pleasant to take. Bold by Houston.
Notice of School Election.
Notice is hereby given that the qual
ified electors of the Independent School
District of Exira, Iowa, that the annu
al election of the said Independent
School District will be held on Monday,
March 8, 1897, at the Primary Room of
the school house of said district for the
election of two directors for the full
term of three years also to vote on the
proposition to furnish free text books
for the use of the schools, and for the
transaction of such other business as
can be legally be done at said meeting.
Those in favor of free text books must
have written or printed on their ballots:
Those opposed to free text books must
have written or printed on their ballots:
The polls will be open at 12 o'clock M.
and remain open until 7 o'clock p. m.
The following are the estimates for the
ensuing year:
Teacher's Fund $2 300
Contingent Fund I 1 100
OnliandFeb'y28,'96..$ 531.40
Rec'dfromCoTreas... 2614.90
Received Tuition 98.31
Paid warrant to teachers $2388.00
Paid returned intution. 5.33
On hand Feb'y 22,'97.. 842.28
Total $3245.61 $3245.61
Rec'd from Co. Tres..$ 1536.68
Overdrawn Feb'y 28'97 $41.17
Paid warrants 686.61
On hand Feb'y 22, '97 808.90
Total $1536.68 $1536.68
GEO. HUYCK, President.
GEO. HENSHAW, Secretary.
Audnbon Ccmnty Transfers.
Sarali Musson to Helen Leet, et al,
sec 31, Melville tp, $22,365.00.
Alf E Bartlett to Arthur Bartlett,
land in sec 22, Hamlin tp, $1.00.
Bolter to Jones, wA nwsec 18,
Lincoln tp, $3,100.00.
W Minor to A Campbell, si sw
sec 26, Melville tp, $1,700.00.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
THE BEST SALVE in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblaius, Corns and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 25c per box. For
sale by C. W. Houston, Exira or C.
L. Bisom, at Braytou.
8? gg
that we carry
a complete
line of
Coffins, Caskets,
Robes, Etc.
at very reas
onable prices.
Hearse in con
Shrauger & Hansen
March Win
S Of Grain, brings to you the followi
20 pounds of Granulated Sugar
21 pounds of Extra Sugar
25 pounds of Sugar
XXXX and Lion Coffee, per pound package..
Best Oat Meal, per pound
Corn and Gloss Starch, per pound package....
Crackers, Oyster, Soda and Butter, per pound.
Good Prunes, per pound, only
Best Canned Tomatoes, three cans for
Atlantic Canned Corn, four cans for
White Russian Soap, eight bars for
Silk, Santa Claus and Lenox Soap, eight bars ft.
Standard Soap, eleven bars for
(If you buy 50c worth of any of the abovt
brands we will give you one bar extra.)
Our Best Syrup, per gallon, only
Best Standard Prints, per yard
Best Sheeting Muslins, per yard
Best Bleached Muslins, per yard 6c, 7c a
Best Thread, seven spools for
Our Heavy Outing Flannel Work Shirts, each..
Our Heavy Twill Work Shirts, for
Our Very Best Work Shirts, for
This is our month for a slash price on Clothing.
thing you want in the Clothing line is right here,
prices that will surprise you.
Our Spring Shoes for the Children, for the Women
for the Men, are now in and we can fit you in Work
and Dress Shoes at an exceedingly low price.
We will buy your Produce, Butter, Eggs and Poultry
and pay you the market price in exchange for any11
the above goods. Yours for trade,
That it is not for a day or a week
or the month of March that we will
sell you seasonable goods at seas
onable prices. The "MARCH
will have spent their force and
ceased to "BLOW" in a shor^v
time, but we will keep right on
selling goods on the smallest pos
sible margin and make our profit
by cutting down expenses. We
will not try to sell you Blankets in
July or Fans in December but as-**^
the seasons come and go we will
supply our trade with goods of the
latest styles and best quality in
our several lines, that the market
affords. We will not be undersold.
We can and will sell as cheap or
cheaper than any store in Exira
and we will be here offering you
bargains after you have forgotten
you sold corn for 6c.
Wm. Walter

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