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Jlp Circulation Guaranteed To Exceed.. a** ir it raiMD cttinn W of Royal Bloods. •31 ILL (irand Closing.Out Sale. fit Head of Qrand Indlvduals -f Entire Maple Valley Herd \JkJ of both sexes will go un dqrthe auctioneer's hammer. Tiiib 1 N rmtWDWUID 1 A O, -. Boy's two-piece knee pant doable breasted suits, double seat and knee, age to 15 years ol^, finest all-wool fabrics in worsted, cassimers, homespun and cheviots, every new fall and winter style made by the best clothing man ufacturers in this country. Prices from $1.50 to $6. 00 Children's Novelty Suits. We are showing the most complete stock of children's novelties in Audubon, in junior vests, blouse and reefer style, ages 3 to 8 years old. Prices from $1 to 6 00 Boy's Long Pant Suits, ages 10 to 19 years, in black, blue and fancy mixtures, plaids, pin cliecks in all the new and up-to-date colorings and styles in worsteds, cheviots, cassimers and unfinished worsteds, -single or double breasted sacks prices rangingfr&m $3.50 to.. 15 00 Fall shape hats now in Stiff, Fedora and Pasha late styles, new colors, 50c to 3 50 Men's and Boys' fall and winter caps, new shapes 25c to 2 50 Wednesday, October 6, 1897. will bo one of tho greatest Polunil China Salo of the season. This herd was established 12 years ago and it has become 0110 of the best in Iowa. 1 exhibited the sweepstakes Sow at the late Audubon County Fair against uny breed or ago also first premium sow over six months under one year, and showed tho largest and best boars ever shown at the Audubon County Fair. This will bo the plaoo to set good boars and sows to build up your herds—no by-bidding or put* up jobs. Stook will just do Sale two tnllen went of Gray, Audubon county, Koua, Mi. Fred Fischer, Pres. Mil Polttin, Vice Pres. in good breeding order—n6t fat. Teems:—Ono year's timo. Free Luuch and cider on day of salo. Come and near tho groat autioneer, JL»uthar*. GRAY. IOWA Do a General Banking Business, receive deposits subject to check at Bight. Buy and sell domestic and foreign exchange Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on good com mercial paper or approved collateral. Co-partners individ' ually liable—H. Fred Fischer, Johii Polzin, Geo. P. Wiley, Louis 'Groteluschen. Collections made and promptly remitted. The GRAY PHARMACY EUGENE MERTZ. PROPRIETOR. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS Stationery. Perfumery, Jewelry, Paints, Oil*, Class, Ete. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded,,,,,,,,,,, Greenwaldt & Groteluschen! Gray, Iowa. ACORN and BANQUET Stoves and Ranges. Light-Running New HARRISON Wagons. GOODENOljJGH Sulky Plows." Qt iSAS --^f CLOTHES THAT FIT, WEAR, SATISFY. The lowest prices, the nicest suits in the lightest store in Audubon. Our Boy's Department is our hobby we io., like the-Jlns and we are going to make them like us, by having just what they want. ."..., v-x^w Vi". -'i ••*$ i. y-_» 1 1 5 MEN'S, SUITS. We can.giv^ j£u {(..choice of a better selection than ever before. Prices from $5.00 to $20.00, every garment miade to fit Land give the bitet-kind of service. Bring your memorandum "of what you need in the Boys'and Mail's Clothing Line and we will give you such,prices that is bound to make us your clothierf' "wj V\.<p></p>Friend i- J. 5t Sorv, Boston One Price Cash Clothing House, Audubon, Iowa. 1 JOHN E HEPP Geo. P. Wiley, Cashier. IJOUIS Groteluschen, Astft C"h'r. RESPONSIBILITIES. 99O.OOO. Farmers Exchange Bank. ifcfS TWELVE YEARS OLD. EXIRA, IOWA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1897. 1J %Lqu/L (&L the &vJUL osnxL ^V/vntci. Vl'_Vv We wish to call attention to our fall and winter line of men's overcoats. We have just receiv-/ ed fifty df one style of Men's Dress Overcoats, otit $8.00 coat. It can't be beat, blue or black Gray Department. F. C. Hepp purchased "a driving horse of L. M. Estes. Supt. Repass was visiting schools in Cameron last week. Peter G. Audas was a business vis itor at Gliddeu Friday. Asmus Boysen was -excused from the Federal court till Tuesday. Jim Hall contemplates leaving his old home and locating near Sluart. Potatoes are a poor crop this year, small in stature, hut grent in price. Dr. Antrim and Jas. Crow were Manning business visitors Thursday. Billy Butler, the jolly Billy Boy of Bayard, was visiting his friend over Sunday. Louis Groteluschen moved into the. Aikmau property last week aud is now at home. Ed Crow, son of our respected townsman, James Crow, is making his father a pleasant viBit. Mr. and Mrs. John Courtney, of Cameron, were visiting W. J. Lan celot and family Sunday. Mrs. Lang worthy, of Audubon, aud Miss Bryan, of Lewis, were visiting friends iu Gray Saturday. Rev. G. W. Wood, the present M. E. minister, is returned to this ap pointment for the ensuing year. Chickens were stolen from Chas. Wilson and several cans of fruit were taken from Chris Jensen recently. Clint Russell, of Manning, the youugest operator in the state, still has charge of the Norlhwesteru busi ness here. Geo. P. Wiley's sister, Mrs. Mow bry, from the State of New York, who has been visiting here for two weeks, returned Thursday. F. C. Ilepp returned from the Ne braska State Fair Thursday aud found his shop full of work awaiting the skilfUll touch of his hammer. Messrs. Groteluschen, Forsbeck and Wiley are handliug a large lot of stock these days. They have shipped in several cars of stock cattle aud -PC /?if ."» -J .- TK7 J. Friend & Son.. Men's arid Bo^s' Outfitters..-. -VJ-'- -'J1* *v-' s~ Kersey, well trimmed and made, all wool If you see and need you'll surely buy. Others up to 20 00 ...Fall fend Winter UrtdenAre&r... Better values .in ribbed and fleeced underwear than we have ever been able to offer per gar ment Wright's wool garment.... fleeced health underwear, per Swiss Conde, all wool, underwear, per garment 1 50 Men's and Boys' duck coats, black, steel, gray I brown, with or without rubber lining, 85c to a ou Men's and Boys' separate long pants, will not rip or button come off, from 55c to 5 00 place, to examine the chimneys be fore building fire in the stove should be heeded by everybody, for 4nany a mansion and lowly hut has been con sumed by a defective flue, that a lit tle plaster would have prevented. A few nights ago one of our young bachelor friends purchased twenty yards of calico and teu pounds ot bats which he is having made into a com fort. lie is desirous of a bachelor chum to share his warmth during the coming winter. Leave application* at the Blizzard Drug Store where remedies for all diseases are dispensed cheaply. While Bert Steere was visiting some cowboy acquaintances in west ern Nebraska last week, they sug gested that he ride a wild pony they had with them. Suiting actions to words Bert mounted the steed and after ferocious efforts to dislodge him the abimal broke tor an alkili lake near by and would {have drowned our young friend had it not been for the timely assistance of tbe cowboys. The boys wanted some fun and Bert was in the same mood which nearly cost him his life. Mr. Wright, of the firm of Under hill & Wright, creamery men of Sac City, was here Friday and Saturday tryipg. tc bring the creamery agita tion to a focus, but received such poor encouragement that he left the field in disgust. His offer was to put in the machiuery and run the business as a private concern, trusting to fair treatment of tbe patrons for support, but wanted the the citizens to erect a suitable building which they should have the use ot free of cost but this proposition was the Waterloo." We are still in the field trusting kind providence to supply us a man that will build and operate a plant as a private concern. The field is one of the best in the state for such an insti tution. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restor ing the tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric BitCers. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the uerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off impurities in. the \blood. Electric Bitters improve the appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it aa the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Bold for 60c or $1.00 per bottle Bold to farmers. The M. E. Church people will have an oyster supper at the church in Gray, Saturday night, October 2d. Profits are for church purposes. Ev erybody ''ed."T\ N'. W. Houston's Drug Store. -rui ,* 1,1 50 1 00 —i oer a PARU. -t Book Island If* to Kansas Hamlin Department. Anthony Davis is building a big pig pasture ou his farm. Will Thomas has sold his wheel to the young man who works for 'Gene Talbott. During the past season Mayor Will McGuire sold 17,800 pouuds of bind ing twine. Rev. Humphrey, our former Meth odist minister, has been stationed at Marue for next year. The Sunday School, at Brushy Col lege, gave a very profitable festival on Thursday eveuing last. Frank White has rented a fine farm near Melville Center, where he will move his family next spring. Hereafter the Blue Grass Creamery will ship all its butter to Zinu & Company, of New York City. S. D. Coonrod reports one of Win. Maxon's children, over in Greeley, as .haying been quite ill the past week. Miss Julia McGuire, we are told, will soon go to Exira to pass the winter and attend the Sisters' School in that city. Miss Ella Shryver, of Auduboitf was the guest of her friend, Mrs, Will McGuire, at the Station, part of the past week. Harry Percy went to Dexter last Sunday and passed the day with his family and parents, returning on Monday morning. J.. J. Diinick has a hog that weighs 700 pounds now he and proposes to chuck corn into it until it weighs one. thousand pounds or more. George Smith has gone to some of the northern counties in Iowa with a wagou load of apples from the John Conurardy orchard, south of Exira, At the Station Sunday School at 9:30, preaching at 7 o'clock in the eveving Little Class meets at 5:30 in the evening, with Mrs. J. Z. Moore, leader. Mr. and Mrs. Weiiert, of Audubon township, were at the Station last Tuesday, guests of their former neighbors and friends Mr. and Mrs Alex Crees. That was a monster fine potato "Dad?' Coonrod raised in his garden and left at the postoffice. But we. think it was real mean in those boys' to use it as a pen rack. The store of Baker & Shoesmith, at the Station, will have a new lady clerk one of these days. A pretty girl baby was barn to Mr. and Mrs. Hub Shoesmith last Sunday. Ed. Johnson, that successful Sharon township farmer and feeder, now has one hundred and twenty head of fine steers in his'feed lots that he is fat tening. He will ship a load of cattle soon. Mrs. Ed. Johnson and her little girl went to Altona, a little way beyond Des Moines, to-visit relatives on last Tuesday evening. They will also go to Jasper connty to visit with -friends before returning. J. E. McGuire is moving 350 yards of dirt on the road between Robert Sizer and Tom Gill's place. Let us hope that Molly" does a good.job and that he fills that Dismal Swamp'" very, very full of dirt. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schoonoved drove to Guthrie Center last Sunday and attended the Methodist Conferenne. They report having had a good visit and meeting many former friends whom they had not seen for many years. A. Berg and daughter, of Atlantic, were Sunday guests at the Mace Gill home. The gentleman is a brother of Mrs. Gill. We are glad to state that that lady is much improved in health the doctor having that dreaded blood poison under perfect control. Lou Anciaux was at the Station on Tuesday and informed us that next week he would begin threshing his big field of clover, he also told us bis oats averaged forty bushels to the acre. Lou said his yield of barley just suited him, off ot fourteen acres he reaped 64S bushels. Sir Knight Henry Young is the "tickledist" man iu Hamlin town ship, in Audubon county! in Western Iowa!! A sweet angel of a baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Young last Friday, the first girl in a household where four boys reign, hence this hi larity on the part of our good friend Henry. Q. P. Tyler went to South Omaha this week and bought a car load of cattle to feed. One of them got unruly and rau away from the drivers so wbeu they _found him they just "staked" him out till morning, Next morniug when they weut for the steer lo and behold you he had scooted up the flume"—dead. Methodist services will be held at Old Hamlin next Sabbath as follows: Class Number Two meets at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon, S. D. Coonrod and Miss Wiunie White, leaders Sunday School at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, F. A. White, Superintendent. Rev. O. T. Nichols, the new Methodist preacher at Exira, will preach in the afternoou at 3 o'clock. AGENTS WANTED FOR JUVENILE HOLIDAY AND SYSPiN SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS By the W PubUshen United St other subt mkoy Company, tho Largest 0 Also ag( latest and by tba gro, ritory, Prfn*»«» Hooka iir the a J- *LY\ •***_ Jp4" Ross Department., Fern Anderson is on the ill list. A. J. Eddy lost an $18.00 calt Tues day. Dance at Leiilletlicote'a last Satur day night. Fern Anderson talks of erecting a residence in Ross. Miss Edith Holtz is doing domes tic work tit ihetiuse home. Steve Seward returns this week from his trip to northern Iowa: Roes Markets: Corn 18c, oats 16c, wheat 70 to 72c, timothy 85 to 90c. Mr. Courier aud family, of Audu bon, dined at the home of Frank Rice Sntiday, Mrs. E. Smith, of Stuart, came last week" to visit with her daughter, Mrs. John Quimby. Gus Wright, of Iowa county, will arrive here soon to look after his Cameron township farm." Luse has his store full, of Blankets, Duck Coats, Underwear, Flannels and all fall and winter goods. Mm. Richard Tucker, of Viola township, is reported very sick of oancer and her recovery is unlooked for. Albert Fest will soon commence building a new house, size 24 24 feet. R. J. Creveling, of Audubon, builder. German Evangelical revival meet ing commence at Ross next Sunday night and last two weeks, Rev. Kraft conducting. We understand that John Quimby intends building' a new house this fall on the lots directly west of the one Jhe now occupies. V, On account of Mr.'Rice's taking sick Grandpa and Grandma Rice postponed their pleasure trip until the last of this week. Detlef Asmus left Monday of last week for Nebraska to look after his 400 acres of farm land in that state and sell his '97 grain. Lost.—Black two year old mare, wire cut on left foot, lost Monday. Finder call on or address Chas. Dude, Ross, Iowa. During the Audubon county fair Mrs Geo. Ross lost a silver cup from the wagon at the fair grounds. Cup was marked "Sammy Ross." Will pay $1.00 for its return. The following picniced at Luc epek's grove Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Luse, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stearns and Miss Ella Stearns, of Audubon. Last Thursday night Mr. and Mi John Stuart,'complete a decade of married life and celebrated their tin wedding in proper sha^J .irierry crowd of well-wishers being'present. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Dettman, of At lantic, were among the guests. The building of Luse's new eleva tor and warehouse has now commenc ed iu earnest, R. J. Creveling, of Au dubon, and John Markley being the carpenters. The elevator's capacity will be about 15,000 bushels. Luse has decided to put in a steam instead oi gasoline engine. -r The Grandest Remedy, Mr. R. B. Greve, merchant, of Chll liowie, Va., certifies that he had con sumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but got no relief pent many nights sitting up in a linairjwas induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and was cured by use of two bottles. For past three years has been attending to business, and says Dr. King's New Discovery, and is the grandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also for others in his community. Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds ana Consumption, It don't fail.. Trial bottle free at C. W. Houston's Drug Store. Mrs. Frederick Schwatka, widow of the great Alaskan explore, and her hnsband's companion in his explore tions, has a finely illustrated article iu the October Midland Monthly, of Des Moines, entitled, Around About Alas ka's Metropolis, with several full page pictures. Auti-Poligamy Mor monism, including an interview with, Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., is the best sketch of the Recognized Church of Latted-Day Saints ever given to the public. The Home Themes, Women's Club Department, Fiction Depart ment and Editorial Department'are unusually complete. In Grant's Life in the West, the scene is shiftid from Saint Louis to Galena, Illinois.' s, m? *5-* An' My boy qgme home from sohool one day with nishand badly lacerated and bleeding, and suffering great gain," says Mr. E. J. Schall, with Myer Bros.' Drug Co., St. Louis, Missouri. I dressed the wound and applied Cham berlain's Pain Balm freely. All pain ceased and in a remarkably short time it healed without leaving a scar. For wounds, sprains, swellings and rheu matism I know of no medicine or pre scription equal to it. I consider it a household necessity. The 25c and 50c sizes for sale by C. W. Houston, Kxira A. H. Roberts, Audubon. J. C. NEWLONt Physician and Surgeon. OIBce In llainler'H druK utore EXIRA, IOWA, D. R. JONES 3vr„v cor* ri- Se. vemoei. And .in the on the'.7ih da. day of April, 19~th and 281& day of COUNTYC Terms shall be 1898, commencing of January, 22d da\ of August, and tlie vember. ,, £*A i! ir* x%J 1825 Circulation Guuranteed to Exceed $1.00 PER YEAR hereby ordered And in the year 1899, on the 10th day of Janua of March, 29th day of Aut 7th day of November. •It® AUCTIONEER IOWA. •y JFR i, TERMS OF COURT. Fifteenth Judicial District. 1898-1899. It is Hereby ordered that the terms of the District Court of the State of Iowa, within and for the Fifteenth District, for the years 1898 and 1899, be fixed and held in the several counties in said district at the times following to wit: COUNTY OF AUDUBON. Terms shall be held in the year 1898 on the 8th day of March, 17th day of May, 11th day of October, and 12th day of December. And in the year 1899, commencing on.the 7th day of March, 16th day of May, 10th day of October, and 12th day of December. COUNTY OF CASS, Terms shall be held in the year 1898 on the 11th day of January, 5th day of April, 30th day of August, ana the 8th day of November. And the year 1899, commencing on the 11th day of January, 4th day of April, 29th dny of August, nnd 7th day of November. COUNTY OF FREMONT Terms shall be held in the year 1898, commencing the 11th day of January, 22nd day of March, 30tli day of August and 8th day of No vember. And in the year 1899, commencing on the 10th day of January, 21st day of March, 29th day of August, and 7th day of November. COUNTY OF MILLS. Terms shall be held in the year 1898, commencing on the 1st day of February, 19th day of April, 20th day of September, and 29th day of November. And in the year 1899, commenc ing' on 31st day of January, 18th day of April, 19th day of September and 28th day of November. COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY. Terms shall be held in the year 1898, commencing on the 22nd day of February, 17th day of May, 11th day of October, and 13th day of December. And in the year 1899, commenc ing: on the 2l8t day of February, 16th day of May, 10th day of Octo ber, and 12th day of December. COUNTY OF PAGK. Terms shall be held in the year 1898, commencing on the 22d day of February, 17th day of May, 11th dav^ of October, and 6th day of Decern' ber. y- And in the year 1899, commencing on the 21at -day of February, lwi day of May, 10th day of October, iy of December. COUNTY OF POTTAWATT Terms shall be held Aud it is further ordered that the Clerk of the said Court iu each of said counties enter this order of record and publish the same as re quired by law. Done this 2d day of July 1897, 2 A, B. Thornisll.C, N. W. Macy, 11 -v. s- "t. .1*1 •t i-r3 V'iw 4 Council Bluffs, commencing on January, the 2P 30th day of Auj. of Nov6irv And in on thel' of Man 7th de Walter I. Smith, W, K. Green, Judges Fifteenth Judicial District of Iowa. Bucklen's Arnica Salve* The Best Salve in tlie world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25c per box. For sale by C. W. Houston, Exira or C. L. Bisom, at Brayton. Remember that we carry a complete line of coffins, Caskets, Robes, Etc. at very reas- onable prices. Hearse in con nection Shraiiger & Hansen jv EXIRA, IOWA. f-H -f -J