Vol. 1. ÜBLIC OPINION. RGU L. AKURH, Proprietor. Mlshed ou Friday of earli week at Do- Wlnnealielk county. lowa. Publlca iffloe in the Dlckerman bulldlut? (up- Wlnnebago afreet. . M. Clark, K. M. Clark, Proprietors. Utas. Refitted und ftimaabed through ,fge, tight aampiu room*. Five 'Bu*. attached. iy, Not *e a Batti ? ■al Barber Shop and Bpth Rooms. ARIES TRZCINSKI, Prop. ?&rs by the box. Also make loins to order. Our |>orter always ready to shine your shoes. 'irat Xutionul Bunk. °y=U-' -■». Wit i You Want ‘•V ; V* * ‘ V . ■ rLXS AUCTIONEER ? . - ' Dc.ornl) public #mntor„ EDWIN LARSON, Life and Accident Assurance. REPRESENTS The Hawkeye, of Des Moines. Security, of Davenport. Dubuque Fire and Marine, of Dubuque. West Chester, of New York. The Manchester, Manchester, Eng. Northwestern Mutual Life, Milwaukee. Office in Hteyer’s Block, Room 1, Water street, DECOItAH, lowa. R. C. PIKE’S FIRE Insurance Agency. BEST OF INDEMNITY. Prompt and Reliable. Sank. Winnesheik County BANK, Individual Responsibility, $250,000. Strongest Bank in the County. LOUISE A. WEISER, Pres. E. W. HOLWAY, Cashier. C. J. NVEIBER, Ass’t Cashier. Caonkrt. DfituKAft / ■ L \ I /, Steam Laundry. MIL-LrKR & SON, Proprietor®. All Classes of Laundry Work, Also Cleaning and Dyeing. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE!! Our Wagon will call for and Deliver Wo*. Heal (Estate. GREMM’S / Real Estate / Offerinsts. The following is a Partial List of Properties for Sale or Exchange: EAST DECORAH. A FINK REBIDENCE with three iota, on Buiad way; it I* In the bentloca ton aad one of the tincHt aud beat built, feroil na> so, tabic. / v A BRICK HOUHE AND BARN, with t&cc lot*; a roomy h<»une and fa Itrat-etiiHM order, two bltK'kH cant fro m tho Wlnne- Nbelk houac. MIIH. H. J. CLARK’S HOUSE, fa Park ad dition—warm and eomfo(tabtc;glx large rcMiiu* iKMide* five large eio*eU, hallway und cellar. WEST DECORAH. THE ELDER GRANTRKSIUBN< K with live lot*, a roomy hou*e.Ju*M»ecn remodelad, aero** the at reel TmiM • school liouaA Wiahea to aell ut ijictvt/ , 1 A LARGE BRICK HOWWith wren Iota; everything in good , »rdcr; within two block* from aeivooi. A MEDKTM-MUbkD HOI* HE, in «iod re pair, with two hita/and a hair, to ncliuol. r 1 FAR\r». \r 1U ACHES wtth aulte a iiuinLr of building JobWUH* town of ottered Ibr iow than It* value. 1 MO ACRBU vtth a munlter (of buHdlng*t fa QalHMtrtowiiMlil|i, lying/on the mud* to DMWMi, Conover,audjNonluoM. - < ' BXCHANUiG, Wanted flMOi pmpety towarldtowu pn*perty. W*ntto ekehuuge a «awll taf’in lor large term. If you have town or thruil prAnfl|y. h> acll, nat or exchange, let tue knolw. MW Iso K««m! Mf to make auk* or tnJfae.ratHeru are nci MMN made If property tfial? 1* left In my DECORAH, WINNESHEIK COUNTY, FRIDAY, OCT. 11, 189,5. Jnsnranre. PUBLIC OPINION. BjTfRED L. AKERftL Price, gi.so for One Year, orriCß IX DICKEKMAX BIILDIXG, UPSTAIRS. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. DECORAH, IOWA, OCT. 11, lWtt. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET Governor F. M. DRAKE Lieutenant-Governor. M ATT I*AUROTT .Supreme Judge JOHIAH GIVEN Kupt. Public Instruction HENRY SABIN RaUruud Commissioner....GEO. W. PERKINS COUNTY NOMINATIONS. For liepreaentative W. H. KLEMME, For Trea*urer L. B. WHITNffiY For Sheriff. CLARENCE CHRISTEN For County Superintendent....G. O. HAUGEN For Surveyor C. E. SCHENCK For Coroner. —...R. F. GIBSON For Supervisor, 2nd DMt A. P. ANDERSON For Supervisor, sth Dlst JOHN GREER CONSISTENCY, PL^SE. The Democratic prer; of Atm —tqte is dtiily condemning fa / Republican party for Its oiler a! yineonaiatency” in dealing with thuse without end has been heaped icon us. The doughty Boies in suo- J?*sive eampaigns has ripped us up one fide aud down the other. In fact they Inade it their object to {>ortray our nlleged inconsistency, and how they did give it to us. Well, what do our good Democratic brethren do? After all of this denun ciation of our “Methodistic” evurse, they nominate a Methodist an/ Pro hibitionist for governor! What con they he thinking about? ljhes tlie Democratic party entertain thd idea of becoming a Prohibition pajly? Is It going to play into the huJds of the cold water advrt. ■ £ Beujiliu Harrison is now cm* gaged In prolring a series of articles!, the purpose ■ which is to the women am nathmul questions. This will pn 'v u good and worthy project and i ’tetter qualified for the tusk thui ut Harrison. At the ltc Ha volition, heh day, it took the candidal A CONSCIENTIOUS LIAR. The Creseo Plain Dealer, last week, “writing up” itself, on Its entrance uj>on the thirty-eighth year of its ex istence, gives what It purports to Ik? a history of the newspapers of Creseo. After giving a half-truth review of the papers which have operated there, it says: And flnully we have had Cap Harris, a guerrilla In newspaper business, who after six mouths or more Induced Beadle A Akers to start a sort of hybrid sheet under the pleas ing title of Peni-ic Opixion, they soon learn ing that public opinion was against their en ferpriso, and they, too, have folded their tents 4 and gone. jm All these shysterir.g sheets that nunc bruzenlngly before the public urging; advertising patronage upon dreulatioii from four to ten times what they had, an* many were the men who were imposed upbn by their false claims. Hatsiet, Po* r * t Jones, Stillman and Akers never, eitl;, r or all of them, had at nnv time four iffimlred actual subscribers, and yet they as high as two thousand apparently stood ready to swear to t^^ilseliood. Whatever may hmh been the condi tion and of those other papers which Arcre started at Creseo, and whatever mult may be laid at their doors, the Plain Dealer should Ik? the last payer to speak of them. For every body knows that there is no more of a “kybpdd” or “shystering” sheet pub- Bskra in lowa than it is. It is a rfiongrel that will cater to almost any faction or thing in order to get its claws on a few coppers. And as for truth, it is a virtue of which the Plain Dealer is as ignorant as a toad is of the Hawaiian question. It never had it in stock—never dealt in that style of goods. We know nothing of what the circulation of other papers which have existed in Creseo were, hut this we do know, and denonnee the Plain Dealer as a liar if it says any thing different, that Public Opinion had 700 bona fide subscribers at the time it left Creseo, and that within a few weeks of its departure sent out 2,000 copies over the counties as sam ples. Thoee are the facts, and the Plain Dealer, like the sneaking coward I that it is, and always has been, liaaj when it says that we had not more] it turn 400ip&ual subscribers. j n»e tfcflng find* fiiulf wifl the other papers. Now the Dealer is the poorest {taper pub liailßin Creseo, and very likely the paper ever published there. It bogged its way through for years and ymrs by securing a few names to take its four-page mediciue advertising sheet. Then Harris came along and sought for hit board with the P. I). Household. Harris put it on its feet. The publishers are too lazy to do any work, fend Harris did ft»r a time get some nlews matter iiffto its dilapidated ■eolumi «. Then, upon the strength of free lie] p f it enlarged Itself into a seven eoiumr quarto, but thought It would succeec letter in bleeding the people by cutting the sheet in two and send one-half out on Tuesdays and the other oh Frh lavs. Actually there art* not more i ban about three columns of leading matter in owe issue, all the rest being ; dates. And yet it will run other papers down. It will also tell about Lh© dishonesty of Harris, hut Hans 6 i» no more dishonest than the editor off the Plain Dealer. He is just thc/sami kind of a scalawag that Mead is. / These is no difference materially between tfie two—only in mctluMls of living dishonest, that is all. Then the Plain Dealer Ims no prin ciple. It is a paper which is run on wind and brass—will do anytliitig and say anything to make money enough to live. During the war it abused and villi fled Ihe soldiers who went to bat tle in defense of the nation. It called the loyal; patriots Lincoln's hirelings. Old settlers remember well the course! ■ which it pursued, anti because of the abuse which appeared in its columns off the aojldlcrs, its proas and type was thrown Imto the river one night at New Oregon, so we art' reliably in formed. jof course it had to let up on abusing the toys who were risking their llvet on the battlefield, until it got some inure tyiK'. But recently it lias been \ ►retending to be the especial champion of tlie soldiers in the Van Lueven p fusion fraud cases, and de nouuces V foite and Loehren. How its love for the soldiers has elmnged! But the P. D, tjukes on tills new air because there are'few doilars in it. Then itstaoiunuifthasltecii filletl witli slander until abuse off the best people of Howarti e«|>unty, and it was only a couple or tlLree years ago that the old gcntleniun l was rotten-egged on the street eornejv for publishing some slan derous Iteinl aliout Bonair parties. No, Plain Djealer is a shyster!ng sheet, ere evel' was one. It is a lying, ‘ng <*ld thing, without life or l su|h erintendency, ami go to heaven vlu the “hemp rout.” “Let ’em fight,” says Mr.s. Culbert son, wife of Uov. Culbertson of Texas, who wants to call an extra session of the legislature to pass a law against prize-fighting, and thereby headoffthe prospective i»out between Corlnrit and Fitszimmons. Mrs. Culbertson is cor rect. What is the use of going to the heavy expense of calling an extra sess ion of the legislature in order to keep those two critters from “getting at” each other? Let ’em slug and pound the whey out of each other. Who eares? The bicycle and electric ear have a good share In making the low price of oats, and if it were not for. the large amount used for oat meal and breakfast finals It would Ik* lower. The crop is one of the largest ever grown, and, taken in connection with the great crops of corn and wheat, will have to lx* sold low, at least until a |M>sslble short age next year improves it. Owners of steam threshing machines should nut forget (hut a state law re quires them, while on the road to keep a man fifty yards ahead of them . to assist in the management of frightcucd teams. They are also required to plank the bridge's. A knowledge of these laws will often save much expense in damage suits.—Ex. Some genealogical crank has traced out the fact that Jeff* Davis and Hen. Grant had one und the same great* grandfather—a certain William Simp* sou, who came fit mi Ireland in tlic middle of the last century, *T> fr No. 31. GOOD WORDS FROM A CITIZEN. Tlie following cheering words are from st resident of Decorah. We ajj predate his words of encouragement: Editor Public Opinion: I have received a sample copy of your pn{ier, and notice that it is bright, clean and for the first issue remarkably newsy., f also notice that it lias come to stay, and that it is Republican in polities. But I have fuiletl to notice that other journals in the city have extended to you the hand of fellowship and wel come. Now it seems to me that if Republican principles are true, that Republicans, whether editors or not, should receive till workers for the cause with open arms, and if Democratic principles arc right a Democratic edi tor should be proud to battle with “foemen worthy of his steel.” Any enterprise that will add a single dollar to tlie business of Decorah should be welcomed and encouraged by every citizen. It is said that in all cities, large and small, business is over done; it lias been said here for years; and it requires a good deal of nerve and energy to start in under such circum stances —yet young L)1o

never any better. He was my fri< before, during, and after the war. was an able tactician and strategic one of the greatest Captains in h* Napoleon was undoubtedly in and quicker, hut he did not have equipoise of Grant.” —National Tribu • One of tlie greatest friends of t. newspaper man are the persons \v, will take the trouble to stop him on tl street or come into his office and giv him an item of local or person interest. It is a peculiar thing, none the less a fact that many p hesitate to do this for fear tin ‘ may lx* charged with a desire t> their names in tilt* paper,” and often a desirable and interesting pi. news or valuable hit of informati i • lost to readers of a paper liccaus this nonsensical timidity. The news paper man, far from holding in ridicule one who aids him in this way, is on the contrary sincerely grateful for such kindness, realizing that he cannot hope to collect from week to week half of the Interesting events which art* hap pening around him. - --- --- The new pattern of the official American tiag, as ordered by the War Deiuirtmcnt, hits six rows of stars, eight stars iu the tirst, fourth' sixth rows, and seven in each of th othe. three rows. The forty-live sts pre sen teach of the several atates ' *• ’ Utah, which will lx*admitt Union, in accordance with States Revised Statute*, o next. Friday, Kepteml**r A), wi anniversary of the occupath hy the Italian insurgent t\ event was celebrated in Did.' demonstrations, eongrc*ssc*s < societies, etc. In some Ame. similar celebrations took place. - ♦ A Vermont nowspajier si* the prohibitory law were 1» single week, half the i>** sens of the state would > - Oil Is supplied 4 I> •»* ’• v