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A MOTORMAN’S LIFE. PULLOP HARDSHIPS. EXPOSURE AND CONSTANT DANGER. The Great Strain on a Man’s Nerves Suffi cient In Itself to Wreck Him In s Short Time. The Experience of n Well Known Motorman. From the Cincinnati. Ohio, Enquirer. The life of a motorman is not a bed of roses. He is subjected to many hardships, especially in the winter when be is exposed to the cold and snow. Even in the summer he must bear the intense heat which beats down upon him. Considerable nerve and self-possession is necessary in a good motor man, for the lives and limbs of his passen gers are at stake. One of the best known electric motormen in this city is William Frazer, who is at present running a car on the Cumminsville electric line. He is not only well known to his fellow employes but to the pecple who travel on his car. Mr. Fraser is a young mau about twenty-six years of age and resides with his wife and child at 144 Betts Street. Cincinnati, O. About a 3'en.r ago Mr. Frazer was takeu with serious stomach troubles. He bought several kinds of medicine which were rec ommended to him. but none of them seemed to give him even temporary benefit. An entnnsiasticadmirer of that famous remedy known as Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People told him to try them. Frazer was almost discouraged, but took the advice. To a reporter of the Enquirer he said: ‘‘l can most heartily recommend Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills. They are all that is claimed for them, in fact they advertise themselves better than any medicine 1 ever saw. 1 was seized some time ago with a bad attack of indigesliou. My stomach hurt, me nearly all the time and 1 could not digest my food. The pain was almost unbearable and I found nothing that would give me - relief. -1 ooufess that when 1 bought the first box of Pink Pills I hadn't much confi dence in their efficacy because 1 had tried so many things without success that 1 was almost discouraged. Before I had taken one box I was decidedly better. Two boxes cured me entirely. While I have been under the weather from other causes, my indiges tion has never returned. If it ever should 1 know just what to do. I have so much confidence in the efficacy of Pink Pills that if ever 1 get real sick again with any disor der 1 shall me some of them. Is is a pleas ure for me, I assure you. to testify to thi excellent qualitiesof these Pink Pills. They not only tone the stomach, but regulate the bowels and act as a mild cathartic.” Mr. Frazer s testimonial means some thing. He speaks from personal experi ence and anyone who doubts that hare ceived the benefits stated can easily verify the assertion by calling on Mr. Frazer or seeing him some time while he is on his car. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills contain all ot the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are sold iu boxes at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or directly by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Bcbenectady. N. Y. Journalistic Finance. Editor—Pm going to give a prize of $lO to the girl subscriber sending me the hand somest photograph of herself. Manager—We can't afford it; we’re all out of coal. Editor—But wo can sell the photographs to a cigarette factory for enough to buy t» enty tons of coal. How’s This! Wee Ter SIOO reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured Ly Hall's catarrh cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., proprietors, Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, anil be lieve him perfectly honorable iu all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their - firm. West A Truax, wholesale drugbists, To ledo, Ohio. Walding. Kinman & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. • Hall's Catarrh cure iR taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mii cuous surfaces ot the system. Price, 75 cents j>cr bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's family pills, 23 cents. A Waste of Good Material. “Why is a great strong man like yon around begging? "All, madam : it is the only profession in which a gentleman can address a beautiful lady without the formality of an introduc tion.” A Chilli Cnjoyn The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is the best family remedy known, und every family should have a bottle on hand. Walter Besant is authority for the state ment that there are fifty novelists in Eng land who have incomes of s.'>.ooo a year or over. INCREASE YOUR INCOME by careful investments in grain through * responsible firm of large experience and I;reat success. Will send you particular* ree showing how a small amount of money can be easily multiplied by successful in vestments. Highest Bank references. Op- Eirtunlties excellent, l’attison & Co., ankers and Brokers, Room W, Omaha Building, Chicago. Geographers say that the entire coast line of the glot** measures 130.000 miles. The Sunny Ken Lais Talley. FOR SALE—The best Improved R&nche (farm) in Southern Colorado. 320 acres. Address F. P. Baker, To peka, Kas., or N. R. Baker, Alamosa, Colorado. There are Lots of blooming flowers That the frost nips in the patch, But we've other kinds of bloomers That the frost can never catch. farming by Irrigation. l’each Day at Grand Junction this year was the most successful yet held. Thousands were there uud everybody was satisfied. A grout uutiiy decided to locate there. Zeph. Ghua. Kelt, 207 Boston Building. Denver,Cato. “I hear that your husband enjoys poor health.” “Yes. He’s a doctor, you know.,’ I believe Plso's Cure for Consumption saved my boy’s life last summer.—Mas. Douulass. Le Roy, Mich.,Oct. 550.’94. Strawberries in marketable quantities were gathered in Greenville, Ore., last week. If the Haby 1s Catting Teeth, He sure and use that old and well-tried remedy. Mss. Winslow’s Sootmimu sysop fur Children Teething. The entomologists have captured and named upwards of 21.000 varieties of but terflies. PITS—AII Fit* stopped free by Dr. Kline's Nerve Restorer. No Pll.after the hrsiday'k u»e. Marvelous euros. Treat lKenn< I mn) 1-oMle free t» Fit cases, beuti to Or. kino ,IUI At cht>U,l'i.Uu.,l‘ab An article on the mint of Great Britain in a current English magazine states that its annual profits are sv!,f>oo,(JOO. “lassos’* Magic Corn Salve.” Warranted to euie or money refunded. Ark you! druggist for It. Frioa ib cent*. Every thought which genius and piety throw into the world, alters the world.— Imnos. Hegemon's< mii,,,.. . , vviiliOiyr.rins, Cures Ctmuned Hundsionl r 111. .Temp rnr Horn Feet, Chilblains,Files, £<. Id >•. t'Ui - • 0...N0W haven, t 1. TELEPHONING ON THE CONGO. Drums with Which the Natives Are Able to Communicate. Capt. Five, a Belgian explorer, says that the people of the Congo have a curious and interesting method of tele phoning. For a long time he refused to believe that the natives really had the power to communicate with others at a distance, though articles had been sent to him in answer to such commun ications. At length, one day, journey ing on the river by pirogue, and being about fifty miles from Basoko, he de termined, instead of stopping, to press on to the village. Then one of his peo ple offered to telephone to the village that the party would reach the place to ward evening and would like to have supper prepared on arrival. A native with a drum then began to beat it after a peculiar fashion, and presently announced that he had heard a reply. He then rolled the drum for some time and tranquilly returned to his paddle. Capt. Five waited with much interest to see whether his ap proach would beexpected.and wasaston ished as he neared Basoko toward even ing to recognize on the bank one of his fellow-explorers. Lieut. Verellen. A fire was burning ashore and supper was being made ready. Capt. Five, after greeting the lieutenant. inquired eagerly how he had learned of the ap proach of the expedition. The lieuten ant replied that the news had been brought some hours before by a negro, who said that a white man was ap proaching by the way of the river and would need supper. The drum used by the natives for this purpose is a small but noisy affair of wood. It is constantly employed in communicating short distances, in order to save time and trouble. In this instance there had evidently been re lays of drummers along the whole fifty miles from the point where the original signal was given to near Basoko. The natives are able, with their drums, to signal messages of considerable length. This particular instance is recorded in La Flandre, a Belgian publication. CENFVA’S GREAT FOUNTAIN. It Is Three Hundred Feet In Height — The Largest in the World. The fountain that the municipality of Geneva has recently established at the entrance of the port of that city is cer tainly the largest fountain that exists upon the surface of the globe, since it is no less than 300 feet in height, says the Philadelphia Press. It may be seen from a great distance in clear weather, detaching itself like a great white sail flapping through the effects of the wind. The city of Geneva possesses a most complete distribution of water under pressure, the motive power for which is obtained from an artifleial fall estab lished upon the Rhone at the point of the lake. The water for domestic pur poses and for the running of certain motors is raised to the height of 215 feet above the level of the lake. Fpr the distribution of motive force it is raised to a height of 460 feet. The res ervoir is an open-air one and is situ ated upon the top of Bessingers. at a distance of three miles from the turbine building. A very ingenious regulator, Invented by Mr. Turrettini, assures the uniformity of the piping. The length of the first pipe line is about forty miles,and that ofthesecond, about sixty. It Is to this latter that the fountain conduit is connected. The latter is set in play only on Sundays. It Is sometimes set in operation also in week days in the evening. Instead of a single jet of great height several are then utilized that do not rise so high. Powerful electric-light projectors, placed in a structure near by, brightly illuminate them with their rays of var ied colors, which transform them into a luminous fountain of the mo3t beau tiful aspect. CHARGE OF THE BATTALION. A Pon-Tlrtuifi of One of the Moat Im politic Kfforla of a Great Hattie. The battalion has been on its feet since daybreak; there was a scanty breakfast, and while the men ate it in the distance are sounds of the com ing battle. The flies on the march are closed up, every sense is alive, dust everywhere, then smoke, the galloping of horses, hoarse shouts, orders and counter-orders; the battle grows apace, men here and there go down, but the eight companies are there; the captains march close by the men; sometimes, through the smoke, they catch a glimpse of the colonel leading on in front; each man knows his right-hand man; no one looks behind him; some where quite close is Tom or Dick or Harry, the good men they have chosen as the best, and as long as they go on the rest will follow. So the din in creases, the earth is reeling under foot, shells burst beside them with a horrid shriek and fling out quick death; can anything alive come out of this hideous turmoil? Still they press on; a captain picks up the rifle of a man who has fallen and speaks a cheery word —all can’t be lost when an old friend can make a joke; another instant, and a cool voice they’ve heard before rings out an order —it is easy to obey what they’ve learned to obey for years—a clash of bayonets as they fix them in smart time together, a pause, a gasp for breath —“Charge!” and the long thin line cleaves through the smoke and din and is out upon the other side and in the sunshine once again, cheering its lungs away; the battle and dear life are won. Kot'itl Distinction. “Oh, look, George, our name is men tioned before the Wilkinses. What fun!” “Why, of course it is. It’s in alpha betical order.” “Oh, but they'll be just as savage all the name."-Ally Sloper. NEWSY TRIFLES. The British isles comprise 1.000 separate Islands and islets, without counting the juttlngs rocks or isolated pinnacles. It has been estimated that electric railways have already displaced in the United States no less than 275,000 horses. The pear crop in Georgia this year is the largest on record. It is estimated by those in a position to know and to judge correctly that it will exceed 300,- 000 barrels. The ‘life tree” of Jamaica is harder to kill than any other species of woody growth known to aboriculturists. It continues to grow and thrives for months after being uprooted and ex posed to the sun. It is a singular coincidence that In South Dakota a week or so ago it was necessary to close the schools on ac count of the Intense heat, and two days later they were closed again because of the excessive cold. Just laws are no restraint upon the free dom of the good, for a good man desires nothing which a just law will interfere with.— Froude. A woman won't lie for her own sake nearly so easily as she will for the sake of somebody else Is a prize fighter and champion in every contest with RHEUMATIC PAINS It knocks out in every round, and on its belt is written "I CURE." Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away! f|fICPIBEYC candy cathartic enro constipation. Purely vegetable, smooth and UAduAItEL B d easy, sold by druggists everywhere, guaranteed to cure. Only 10c. STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE. Alan «'AHLKI> POIXTKY. GAItItKV AXU It Alt HIT IKM K. We nuinufarture a complete line of Smooth Wire Faneing and guaiantea werj article to be ai repre sented. If you consider quality me can »a»e you money. Catalogue free. De Kalb Fence Co., 121 High dekalb. ill. the food for all such. _ How many pale folk there are! People who have the will, but no power \ to bring out their vitality; people who swing like a pend u 1 u n between S' strength and weakness— so onc da y’ s ' vor k causes six days’ sickness! People who have no life for resisting disease—thin people, nerveless, delicate ! The food for all such men, women, or children is Scott’s Emulsion. The hypophosphites combined wdth the oil will tone up the system, give the blood new life, improve the appetite and help digestion. The sign of new life will be fattening and reddening, which brings with it strength, comfort and good-nature. Be sure you get Scott's LmuUion when you want it nnj not a cheap substitute. Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and $9. “Tbs Coapaaiaa baa baan growing battar, brighur ovary yaar for mora than olrty yaara.” The Youths Cohpanion “52 Times a Year." Subscription, $1.75. The Volume of The Companion for 1896 the 70th year of its publication—will give weekly entertainment and instruction in abundance for every member of the family. Six Holiday 700 For all Numbers, Largo Pages, the Family, Special Souvenir Numbers, double in The sire of The Companion page is Both young and old find in each size and appropriate to each season, four times that of the leading Maga- week’s issue amusement and education are published at Thanksgiving, Christ- tines. In each Volume nearly 700 in the Serial and Short Stories, in its mas, New Year's, Washington’s Birth- pages are given, profusely illustrated. Editorials, Anecdotes, Health and day, Easter and Fourth of July. Only 11.75 a year. Miscellaneous Articles. More than 200 Famous Men and Women have contributed to the next Volume of THE COMPANION. Send lor Full Illustrated Prospectus and Sample Copies Free. ! »»«**>*» *»»»»»*»**«•*■*»«»***■*» ■«*»**■•«»*•*•*•»««•*** &■***»*•»« «**»***• *r\ j REMARKABLE OFFER! I QpXTTj 1 ■ t rrsw Subscribers who will cut out this slip and send it AT ONCE § 0-Cfl.v U 5 t with name and address, and sl.7s, will receive: S ■ CATFIiinAT? 5 FREE —The Youth’s Companion every week till January 1, 1896. 5 this Slip with 1 AJAX*, j FREE Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Double Numbers. < | ■ FREE —Our Handsome 4-page Calendar (7xlo inches), iitho- $ ffy /■» J F|? KK 5 graphed in nine colors. Retail price, 50 cents. 37 5 ™ I iT\ \ * A. xvviy § AND THE COMPANION 53 weeks, a full year, to January x, 1897. J *• t * « *•■.* *****•***.*<** * «g(*A*jf *«*a*a*4»* ■ THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 201 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass. Send Check, Post-Office or Express Order, or Registered Letter, at Onr Risk. NEWS' f MORSELS. California has produced a sweet scented violet the size of a large pansy. The orthodox Hebrews date from the creation, which event they place in the year B. C. 37C0. { According to the computation of the i Russian chronologists, the creation i took place B. C. 5508. The tendency in modern building in j England is toward the abolition of I stairs in favor of inclined planes. Honduras was named by the Spanish j in allusion to the depth of the water on its coast. The word means "deep water." The peach blossom has been selected ! by a vote of the school children of Delaware as the floral emblem of that state. A hot bath, with or without soap, is a sedative and a help to the body when | exhausted. It is best taken at night when tired. Doctor—l must forbid all brain work. Poet—But may I not write some verses' Doctor—Oh, certainly. Full Information respecting tho best | fruit and farm land in Riverside Co.. Cal. Nddress Hemet 1 .and Co., Hemet, Cal. Mrs. Martini White, 8H years of age, of I Unadilla. N. Y., recently took a two-mile I spin on a bicycle. GUARANTEED TOBACCO HABIT CURE. Go buy and try a box to-day. It costs only sl. Your own druggist will guarantee a euro or money re / funded. Booklet, written guaranteo of cure and sample free. Address nearest office. THE STERLING kaftlEDY CO., CHICACO. MONTREAL, CAN. NEW YORK. GABLED FIELD AND HO6 FENCE. y mates the nerves / strong 1 , and / brings back x the foelings of youth to the pre maturely old man. It restores lost vigor. You may gain ten pounds in ten days. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov't Report - Rte!ii£S ABSOLUTELY pure PRAISE OF THE MOUTH. The Picayune'* Rhapsodlat Eulogizes This Useful Member. Some one has fallen in love with a mouth, and his mouth is full of praise and song. To him some mouths look like peaches and cream, some like a hole chopped In a brick wall to admit a door or window. The mouth Is a hot bed of toothaches and a baby’s crown ing glory. It is patriotism’s fountain head, and the tool chest for pie. With out It the politician would be a wan derer on the face of the earth, and the cornetist would go down to an unhonored grave. It is the grocer’s friend, the orator’s pride and the dentist’s hope. Rosa lind wished all her friends were one mouth so that she might kiss it. Much more than a mustache depends upon the mouth.—New Orleans Pica yune. A lady engaged a boarding place in Portland a few days ago. and the tirst day she forgot the street and number and was obliged to advertise for it. Timely Warning. 8 great success of the chocolate preparations of house of Walter Baker & Co. (established in 1780) has led to the placing on the market many misleading and unscrupulous imitations f their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter laker &. Co. are the oldest and largest manu* acturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are sed in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, and be sure that hey get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.’s goods. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. YOU SEE THEM EVERYWHERE A Woman Kidea a llrake lleam. On the arrival of a Burlington freight train at Huntly, Mont., recent ly, the trainmen discovered a young and handsome woman and a boy riding upon one of the brake beams In ap proved tramp fashion. The woman gave her name as Mrs. Peterson, and said her husband, a barber, had de serted her and a baby several months ago at Billings. Besides herself and baby, she had a mother and a little brother to support. A few days ago she spent her last money to purchase tickets for her mother and baby to Sheridan, Wy., where they have friends, and one night she took the lit tle brother climbed on the brake beam of an outgoing freight, and had been riding nearly all night when discov ered. The trainmen gave them a place in the caboose the remainder of their journey. The Marquis of Salisbury, while living in the Australian gold diggings in 1852. occu pied a little log hut, which is still carefully preserved as a a relic. Salisbury at that time was Lord Robert Cecil. Parmar Agonfe m *he big money telling our !>lwi lailllOl AgCIIO Sharpener (S 3). Tank Heaters and other specialties. Ad. Wmuluu ■%. Ce.. tm.iw, ill. _ __ Cattle bides and all hi ml* mMM (• ■ MRI of sains whole for Robe a mm pa I It Rf ami r U rs. soft. Yum, If ■ mm IV nioih-pToof. our m ■ m mm 9 m tan circular. We make frlsian, coon and Railway fur coats and robe*. If your dealer don’t keep them get catalogue from u*. CaoesT t him as PenCo.,Bracket Bl’g, Kochester.N.Y. • »»»♦♦♦»»»»»»»♦♦»»»»♦♦»*»*» 3 | WRITE : f I W. 11. Barrett, president of the Atlan- f ' tic, lowa, aud Nebraska Cltv, Nebras- ' J 1 ' ka. Business Colleges and Shorthand I ICMOB, for an explanation of the best ? and most unloue course in business J training now In use. Not taught In T ' | other schools. Car fare paid. * THE LAND OF THE BIG RED APPLE The La.l Uued Land lo be kad la the “tern Balt” at Low Prim. For INFORMATION regarding land In Burry Co., 0. W. MISSOI KI, write to Catt. Übo. a. hnn. Fleroe City, Mo.; J. G. Mariott, Purdy. Mo.; T. S. Fhost, Caanvllle, Mo., or L. B. Sidwax & Co , MOM Monaduock Bldg., Chicago, lU. XHK AKRMOTOR CO. does half the world** windmill business, because It has reduced the cost of wind power to l .0 wbitf It was.« U has many branch f houses, and supplies Us goods aud repairs Aat your door. It ran aud does furnish a Ea^ m belter article for less money than QfIjMUJ Mkm V makes Pumping amt RSNB Geared, tuiel, Ualvanixed-aftei 5r windmills, Tilting r and Fixed steel Towers, Steel Buis Saw Frames, Steel Feed Cutters and Feed Grinders. On application It will name one of these articles that it will lumlsh until January Ist at 1/8 Uie usual price. It also makes Tanks and Pumps of all kinds. Send for catalogue. Factory: Ilti. Rockwell sod Fillmore Streets, Chksfu. W.N.U.—D.M. —l‘J9o Mo. 4H When answering advertisements kindly mention this paper.