SUPPLEMENT. | Hungry?| 8 DO M 808 1 111 8 a —Jill, li'e, Hi! Ereofi? X jtL We have the agency for the celebrated ——WORLD’S FAIR FLOUR,— y the best Spring Wheat Flour made. A trial order %% will convince you that it has no equal. X mi 0i Goods lie Mn nil ftesi- X REMEMBER THE PLACE. O X COUSE & TRACY, X f# O Decorah, lowa, y Vs PREPARE & 863 FOR WINTER m /■VT* THE POPUILAR SHOE STORI, The best Shoes, the best Boots, and a full line of Rubber Articles, Felt Goods, Leggings, etc. REMEfIBER WE KEEP A COMPLETE LINE OF ®«FOOTWEA which we will sell at prices that defy competi tion. We buy and sell more footwear than any six houses in Decorah. We fit the most slender foot and the broadest gauge foot all sizes and all widths. SPECIAL SALE OF GERMAN SOCKS AND FELT GOODS FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS. SMITH & DIXSON, POPULAR SHOE STORE. 11 2 West Water St. rubtie Cprnion WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1806. CORRESPONDENCE. News Furnished us by an Excellent Corps of Writers From Neighbor ing Cities and Towns. 3To insure unit lon contributions kliouM reach u» not tli.-ni Saturday noon. BLI'FKTOX. Oct. 31, 1890. Mrs. Shornmn is visiting relatives it Cresco this week Mrs. V t :iii|m'|i D visiting with rela tives in Demrali this week. Mrs. Kehenok, of Oregon, «•»> visiting Mrs. Gibbs the fore part of lust week. Mr. nml Mrs. Puntney, of Fresco, were calling on friends here last Wed nesda.v. M. A lvnhish, democratic candidate for clerk of courts, was in town Mon day and Tuesday. A dehate on the money question was held in the school house Monday even* ing. Messrs Fleming and Goddard, ol Deco rah, upheld sound money mid pro lection. Messrs. Carolan, of lllntltou, and I)r. Wliitbeck, of Dccorah, uplield free silver and democracy. KKANKVILLK. Oet. .‘lO, 1890. Rain prevents the farmers from husk ing any corn. Mi»s Sarah Miller sjieiit Saturday and Sunday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Stubbs mid d uighter Lulu, h it for Lansing last week. The M. E. social held at the home of Henry Wilson, was well attended. Dev. Drown left for Kimball, S.' D., after sf lending the month of October here. Ilev. Perry and family arrived here hist week ami wu hope will do a good woik the coming year. Mrs. Fred Met rick expects to start for her home in Utah next week, after a pleasant visit with her father, Itoliert Waters Sr. • CAST ALIA. Oct. 30, 1890. I foil. D F. Wright, of Charles City talks free silver in tlie town hall to night. The rain of the past two days is being succeeded this evening by a decided lowering of temperuture. Miss Millie Stewart, who has been absent from town for over two years, returned Wednesday, and is now the guest of Mrs. J. A. Musser. Republican rally Saturday evening. A chief feature will be the unfurling of a beautiful new flag, secured by the McKinley and Hobart club of Castulia. All teachers, directors and jwtrons should note the date Nov. 13, and as sist by their presence and voice in the Teachers’ Meeting, Friday afternoon, at Castalia. The ladies in and around Castalia will meet at the town hail on Thursday, Nov. 5, to do sewing for Mr. Duck land’s family. All who can should lend u kindly helping hand. Mr. Frank Musser spent Thursday ! and Friday at Mason City, where he lias been passing an examination in telegraphy. Frank has been working faithfully in the office, under the super vision of Mr. Hinton, during the past year, and bis many friends wish him speedy success in securing a good posi ion, of which lie is well worthy. HKSt’KK. Oct. 31, 1899. Dr. Worth has arrived from the west. Miss Maud E Tabor is visiting at Osage. Mrs. K. H. Worth, of La Crosse, is making u home visit. Filing Wold was a business visitor in Decorah on thc29:h. Several of our citizens are making im provements on their dwellings. Dr. Philip Slack went to Dec »nh on Friday, returning the next day. Mi-s Hattie Hutchins, of Valton, Wis., is visiting her brother Oscar. The M. F. tea was held at Mrs. J. L. Cameron’s on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, of Sheldon, are visititigJrelntiveHin Hesperand vicinity. Miss Unice Curry, of Sheldon, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alfred Me- Milieu. Mrs. Potts visited part of the week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Harkness, of (’aledonia Mrs. It. O. Lein and children, of La Crosse, are making an extended visit with Mrs. Lein’s parents, Mr.audMrs. C. J. Tunnies. Dr. Whitbeck, of Decorah, enter tained a good audience by a free silver sjieech on the 23rd, and Hon. D. F. Wright, of Charles City, on Wednes day evening. The marriage of Miss Cora Whitney to Will Darling, of Burr Oak, was quietly solemnized on Wednesday at 8 o’clock at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. D. Whitney. Letters From Farmers In South and North Dakota, relat ing their own personal experience in those states, have been published in pamphlet form by the Chicago Mil waukee & St. Paid Railway, and us these letters are extremely interesting, ami the pamphlet is finely illustrated, one copy will be sent to any address, on receipt of two cent postage stamp. Apply to Geo. 11. Heatlord, General Passenger Agent, 410 Old Colony Building, Chicago, 111. Millinery. Special Sale of trimmed hats and sailors, commencing Saturday, Nov. 7th, and lasting two weeks. Every thing goes at hard times prices. Give us a call at the old stand. 37-2 Mrs. B. O. Daiily. ■ ■ - If you know yourself to be In debted to us, please accept this as u personal invitation to “cash up.” We ure in need of funds and will be glad to mark your account as "paid up to date.” There was a larger number of voters who registered in Chicago thau in New York. NO. 37