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SPuAZI c O^um By AKERB A GREEN. DECORAH, IOWA, JUNE 8, 1897 Metzger’s Angle-Worm And Wormwood Oil Liniment. Price 50 Cents. LOCAL ITEMS. —Everybody come to Decorah July sth. —Tlie Lincoln cigar for . r )c is strictly up to date. —See our bargain han in locks at $2.00. J. H. Duncan. —Where you goin’ the 4th? Decor ah, of course. —See our bargain hammocks at $2.00. J. H. Duncan. —The Decorah Club cigar as good as the best; 3 for 25c. —Thirsty? Try L. A. W. Phosphate at Duncan’s drug store. —Hammocks from 65 cents to $5.00 at Duncan’s drugstore —Thirsty? Try L. A. W. Phosphate at Duncan’s drug store. —Farmers—buy your machine oil at Sinclair Bros. 30c per gallon. The lowa llmnt xtcad is given free to every paid up subscriberto our paper. —Try Anderson’s new Feed Barn at the corner of Washington and Broad way. 43tf —For washingjlaee curtains, tlannels. tine fabrics, etc., use ‘ Self Washing Soap.” 15 —Mrs. John Farrell and daughter Lizzie were Decorah visitors from BlufF ton Friday. —Mr. Hull*, of Des Moines, agent for the Hartford Insurance Co., was in the city Thursday. —New and second hand sewing Machines and organs. For sale by Star Repair Co. —Wash day comparatively a picnic when Selt Washing Soap is employed. Your grocer sells it. 15 —Until our large stock is reduced we will sell choice dairy butter at 12'.e per lb. Sinclair Bros. 16-tf —Mrs. May Gibson-Ruby and Mrs. Lou Montgomery-Gibson went to St. Paul to the home of the former Friday. —We are in receipt of an invitation to the graduating exercises of the“ Class of ’97,” Fulmar High School, which will be held next Thursday evening at the C'almar opera house. —The many friends of Grandma Knowltou, of Waukon, will be glad to know that she has recovered from her late illness. —if your horse is not doing well, slobbering or pulling on one rein take him to Pearson, the dentist. Exami nation free. lt>-4 —I am prepared to distribute circu lars, pamphlets, bills, etc., at reason able rates. If you have anything in this line to do, apply to 14-4 t M. L. Black mar. —What! Only $1.25? Yes, to Inde j>eudence and return and free admis sion to all attractions on the Y. M. C. excursion, June 17th. —Sam McLaughlin, of Burr Oak, was a business visitor in Decorah Sat urday, and took occasion to add his name to our subscription list. Sick headache can be quickly and completely overcome by using those famous little pills known as “DcWitt’s Little Early Risers.” E. J. Weiser. - House, barn and corn crib with an acre of ground, adjoining the city limits, is for rent or sale by F. J. I). Grcmm, 222 W. Water St., Decorah, lowa. —lnflammation of the Bowels, that dangerous disease, can l>e relieved at once by Beggs’ Diarrhoea Balsam. It acts like magic. We sell it. Brunt & Par man. —Dr. W. H. Emmons, of Burr Oak, went to Waverly via Decorah hist Wed nesday, to attend the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. Martin. He re turned home yesterday. —The valuable business property formerly occupied by B. G. Hicks, situated on West Water Bt., now for sale cheap. For particulars apply to Freeman & Beeves, Insurance Agents. —Every paid up subscriber to I'im ijc Opinion gets the lowa H onuxtout free. If any of our readers are entitled to and do not receive it, inform us and we will see that you get it. —The West Decorah school board at their meeting last Wednesday night elected K. J. Hook as principal and re elected Mrs. Kngle and Miss Lottie Johnson for the intermediate and pri mary grades. —Dr. Leonard, of Decorah, and U. A. Kennedy, ot Ossian, have purchased tlie right of Howard and Winneshiek counties for the purpose of treating Hernia by the Fidelity method. No nay is required until a permanent cure is perfected. l)r. Leonard may be found at the Winneshiek House every Saturday. 11-tf —lda Fuller tomorrow night. —See Ida Fuller at the Grand to morrow night. -E. P. Johnson was a West Union visitor last Wednesday. —Hazle’s Headache Capsules are the only safe and sure cure. lda Fuller ought to attract a large audience tomorrow night. —E. J. Curtin was a Des Moines business visitor last week. —J. M. Montague, of Lourdes, was in the city last week Tuesday. —Don’t forget that we handle gaso line this season. Sinclair Bros. —Mrs. B. E. Webber was a Decorah visitor from Ossian last Wednesday. - Judge A. N. Hobson and wife, of West Union, were in the city yester day. —Salome the great labor saver. Try it and l»e convinced; for sale by Couse *fc Tracy. 13-4 —Ed. Blakeman was in attendance at a Masonic Meeting at Ottumwa last week. l*. Husted went up to Mabel last Wednesday, for a few days’ visit with friends. —‘‘Maple City Soap” is best for hard water, sets fast colors, bleaches white clothes. 15 —Jacob Duff and family went to Fayette last Tuesday, to visit their son, Nelson. Hazle’s Headache Capsules are ad mitted to be the quickest pain reliever. Try them. —Secretary of State McFarland was in the city last Friday and Saturday, on business. —All our suits will be sold at 40 per cent less than the wholesale value. Come to Bear's. —Don’t talk—but look at Spurr’s photo’s $1.50 per doz to $5.00 per dozen. 211 Water street. 15 Don’t fail to see Ida Fuller in her renowned illusion dances at the Grand tomorrow evening. —Mrs. A. F. Griffith, of Floyd, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Auchmoody for a week. Use Hazle’s Headache Capsules for all aches and pains. They are guar anteed u safe and sure cure. —Rev. M. Willett was at Cresco last Tuesday, in attendance at the ordi nation of Rev. O. H. Holmes. —Architect Kinney, of Austin, wasin the city on business connected with the new bank last Wednesday. —The Nordermen place in West De corah for sale, enquire at Chas. Trz cinski’s. J. Zuckmayer, agent. 14-tf —“Maple City Self Washing” is best soap for all purposes because it contains no rosin or filthy greases. 15 John Connolly, of Springfield, 111., who is in the employ of I. C. R. R., arrived Wednesday for several days’ visit here. Rev. M. Willett has been given an invitation to deliver the address before the alumni of lowa College (Grinuell) this year. —Call on M. C. Stever <k Son for prices on all kinds of cut stone, etc., for building purposes, at I*9 W. Water street, opposite Lutheran Publishing House. 27 —At present the whole world is won dering at the tremendous sales and de sirable effects of Beggs’ German Salve. Druggists, Brunt & Parnian. —Mrs. Phillips and daughter Winnie departed last Tuesday for their home at Champaign, 111., after an extended visit witli friends and relatives here. —The Northern lowa Veteran As sociation will hold an encampment at Clear Lake June 15-1(5-17. Fare for round trip $3.85. Tickets good for thirty days. —Mr. C. A. Rosemond and Rev. I). W. Fuhs came up from Independence last Wednesday on business connected with tilt* V. M. C. A. excursion to that city June 17th. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Kellogg re turned from Oelwein last week, where they have lived for the past two years. Dr. Kellogg will open a dental office in the Hiller building. —The cheapest and best lot for a dwelling is in Paine and O’Connors addition in South Deco rah. Good inducements to parties wishing to build a home. H. 1). Paine. —The Monarch of Patent Medicines, Beggs’ Hair Renewer. It makes new lmir, brilliant hair, hair on heads that have no hair. Take no substitute. We keep it. Brunt & Parnian. Don’t forget that we send the lowa llomrsfaul free for tills year to every paid up subscriber of Public Opinion. If a subscriber, pay up, or if not, sub scribe and get tlie l**nefit of tins offer. —J. A. (iregg arrived from St. Paul last Tuesday for a visit with relatives. He was accompanied by his brother, John (Iregg, of California, who, with his family, is visiting relatives in this section of the country. —F. C. Hchanck's stage oflloe is at the Bt. Cloud Hotel. Leave orders there for the north. Stage leaves daily at 8:00 p. m., for Burr Oak, Prosper, Hespor and Mabel. Connects witli train going west on narrow gauge, and makes drives to any plae« within 25 miles of Burr Oak. Telephone him at Bt. Cloud hotel or Rollin’s barn. ST. CLOUD HOTEL. Accommodations unexcelled. Good Sample Room. Free’ Rus to all Trains. ST. CLOUD HOTEL LIVERY. Nice Driving Horses. Easy Riding Carriages. Careful Drivers. Prices Reasonable. { Metzger’s' { PAIN \ ' Eradicator ' / (>li / J Healing Ointment. J Healer for the Least Money j f Cures Boils, Felons, Tetter, ltd), v A Sores, Chafes, Burns, Pimples, A Bold Heads, Dandruff, Y Fever sores, Blotches, v A Broken Breast, Kry- A sipelas. £ —WARRANTED— {PRICE 25 CENTS. { WANTED! WANTED! 5000 BU. CLOVER SEED. 30 000 BU. TIMOTHY SEED. Send samples by mail, and I will make bids on your seed. DON’T—Don’t sell un til I have made you a bid. GO TO THE TELE PHONE for prices, and you won’t have to wait a minute to hear from me. HIDES, KIP, CALFSKINS wanted, and at prices away above what you can sell at in your mar ket at home. Bring them along-it will pay you. N. H. ADAMS, Decorah, lowa. VATUMA. PERFECT HEALTH REGAINED THE WONDER OF THE AGE. Grandest discovery in the annals of medicine. Guaranteed to cure more diseases than any other medicine, treatment or system known to the medical pro fession. “No MAN made” remedy, hut ‘nature’s’ true panacea. Vatuiua is an antiseptic germicide, it positively destroys all “microbes” anti germs of every kind, name and nature, it is healing and soothing to the mucuous membrane. It will per manently cure the majority of cases of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dispepsia, all Stomach troubles, all diseases of the Bladder, Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, Con stipation, Piles, Old Sores, Rectal Diseases, Ulcers, Eczema, Scrofula, Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Diseased Discharges, Diseases peculi ar to Women, Nervous and Physical Weakness, etc. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AI L ineut, or where you live, write us a full history of your trouble, and our con sulting physician will advise you what to do in order to renin your hcaitn. Consultation is FREE and sacredly confidential. Terms very low. For proofs enclose 2 cent stamp. Local agents wanted everywhere. No canvassing. We advertise you in your home paper. Address with stamp. THIJ VATUMA COMPANY, P.O. UOXT. 37. CHICAGO, 11. 1.. OUR LAST WEEK’S Announcement Called attention to the fact that IVlr. Bearintendedtobuynnn n n :f n if prices and qualitynn N v were as we wantedUUU LJLIILU them. Weboughtthis qualityand more too, and offerourfriends and customers A CLOTHING SALE unprecedented in our HISTORY. J of Men’s all wool suits, 5 differnt kinds, all I quality, new checks and/]) UttKK aa fill fill plaids made up to sell at whole-V II I I I I sale for SB.OO. Our great big* A purchase enables us to retail them at\|/ A j ¥ ¥ a of 55 Men’s all wool, extra u\ fl |1 J* | quality of cheviot suits lined 1 VT I, wkh double warp> heavy, farmer satten, sewed with silk, extra well made, warranted perfect fitting. Wholesale price $lO. Our purchase \f enables us to retail them at ... A a ff t a This lot comprises of 4 s men’s Another cassimere made by the best clothing house in America; gll M the value of these suits is fully sl2, our retail price is \|/ m A a % _ ff a of men’s all wool, imported chevi- I viots, in 6 different shades, all regular tailor 's#%.9o made garments, also some sample suits in this lot. Other stores would consider them bargains at £13.00 OUR F’RICB A _ a% _ ff a of over 100 men’s all wool heavy ti ot ri cf* 10 l d^ suits ’ £ ra > r ’ biack and ° ther mixtures; also some imported woosted suits, of new checks and plaids, different colors, the newest effects. Chicago, or any other city stores retail QO BEN BEAR'S BARGAIN SALE 10 AND FOR THISSALE ONLY, ■ _ ff a of young men’s suits, nobby cut, | ot* OO | T & stylish, extra well made, the new . effects of checks $ .90 and plaids. These suits were sold for $lO 111 the part of the season. OUR GREAT PURCHASE Wm enables us to retail them at 500 BOY’S KNEE PANTS AT .150. 1 00 MEN’S MOLESKIN PANTS AT 60C. Ollt* entire purchase of odd pants consists of the best grades * and qualities only, and as we bought hundreds of pairs at our own price customers can take their choice, and buy most any pants in our house for about 60 cents on the dollar. ITS A SALE WORTH ATTENDING. 20 DOZEN men’s furr $1.50 Fedora hats for SI.OO. If you want 2c straw hats come and get them for nothing. 100 dozen Best Rockford Socks atsets. 25 dozen good fine Ballbriggan Underwear at 25Cts. Over 200 Children’s Suits ranging from 25 cents per suit to $2 98 of the nicest and best fitting child dren’s suits ever brought to Decorah. Hundreds of olher th l a .?z r . © negligee: shirts, all our underwear a (U r » RIG LOT OF GLORIA SILK UMBRELLAS. ALL •- 9 UR STRAW HATS, OUR BIG STOCK OF SHOES, g 1 in fact our entire stock of goods i,...0ur two stores uj 1 are marked so low that our stores will be busy from qj S | early morning till late at night. We want all our g S Friends and Customers to take an interest in our > • coming «»||' “4th of July «|1 Celebration” x I AND DO HONlllt TO THE INVASION BY £ * DRESSING UP AT BBKT BEARS