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Vol. 3. SPaAtic AKERS * GREEN, Proprietors. Is published on Tuesday of each week at De cora h, Winueshelk county, lowa. Publica tion office at 211 West Water Street. Subscription Price, $1.50 per year. Offers Advertisers a good means of reaching the people of Wluneshelk and Howard coun ties. Rates given on application. Business Cards $5 per year. Legal advertising at legal rates. Snsineee Cards. JOHN M. CANNON, Attorney at Law. Office n Platt Building. Cresco, lowa. Money to Loan on Farm Security. Reai Estate Bought and Sold. Prompt Attention Given to Collections. W H. TILLBON, Attorney at Law, Cresco, lowa. Collections Promptly Attended to. JOHN McCOOK, Attorney at Law. Office over Cresco Savings Bank, Cresco, low a. E. R. Acers. E. W. Cutting. ACERS & CUTTING Attorneys at Law. Office, Rooms 4 and 5, Ben Bear Block. Decorah. lowa. E. P. JOHNSON, County Attorney, Winnesheik County. Decorah, lowa. M. A. HARMON, Attorney at Law, DECORAH, lowa, First National Bank Building, up-stairs. G. R, WILLETT. N. WILLETT. W. WILLETT. WILLETT & WILLETT, Attorneys at Law. Office over First National Bank, Water Street, Decorah, lowa. J 77. CAMERON, Attorney at Law. Hteyer Opera House, DECORAH, lowa. Practices in all Courts. GEO. KONRATH, Attorney at Law Opp. Public Opinion Office Wm.lovkring7 Insurance Agent. Fire, Lightning, Tornado, Life and Accident Insurance. Send your age aud P. O. Address und get rates on guaranteed polices. Office over J. Finn’s hardware store. Decorah lowa. C. L. TOPLIFF, Dentist. Offlice in Ben Bear Block, Decorah. L. M. SMALL, M. D~ Surgeon and Physician. Office over Groft’s Hardware Store. Consul tation aud Office Treatment: 9:00 to liKX) A. M., *OO to 4:00 P. M. GEO. M. STEVENS, M. D. (Successor to Dr. E. H. Williams.) Office and residence, Cadwell building, Winnebago St., Decorah. lowa. h7c. bulis, Physician and Surgeon, Office over Welser’s Drug Store. DECORAH lowa. profTeTwillard spurr, Practical Phrenologist And expert delineator of Character from per son or photo. Accurate contidential advice for health, marriage, business pursuits, etc. Orders received for all phrenological publica tions. Call or address 209 West Water St., IX corah, la. Office hours from 9a. m to 10 p. m. Bt7cLOUD HOTEL and LIVERY, Accommodations First Class. Good Livery Attached. Prices Reasonable Buss will call at your home for all trains when ordered. Telephone call No. 20. GEO. M. and E. A. CLARK. Proprietor*. YVEMETT BROTHERS. Mail Stage Lines. Persons wishing to go north to Burr Oak, Prosper, Hesper, Locust, Mable and Spring Water, leave an order at the Stiles House. STAR REPAIR Co. Repairers of and Dealers in Organs, Sewing riachines and Bicycles. Supplies of all kinds kept In stock ■ muim u ' FOR SALE 6o or 70 feet OF THE North End OF THE min mm k WEST DECORAH. STAR Decoral) public ©pinion. RAILROAD TIME CARD. Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul Railway— Decorah Branch. Passenger depot corner Water and Day streets. Telephone 56a. Depart. Arrive. Minneapolis, St. Paul,) Mason City and west. >110:15 a. m. t*:2sp. in. Cedar Rapids, Kansas) City, Duhuque, Savan- >*2:25 p. m.f12:45p. m. na and Chicago. J Pra. du Chein, Madi-l sou, Milwaukee, Chi- f9:00 p. m. t9:2oa. m. cago and St, la>uls. ) Accommodation Calmar ) {1:30 p. m. ♦Daily. t Except Sunday. {Sunday only Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Train No. 52 (passenger) leaves Decorah at 3:30 p. M. and No. 54 (Freight) at 6:30 A. M. No. 51 (Passenger) arrives at 1:50 P. M.,and No 53 (Freight) at 5:00 P. M. The 8:30 passenger makes close connection at Cedar Rapids with through trains to Chicago, St. Louis. Kansas City, Omaha, St. Paul and points beyond. All trains dally except Sun day. Freight trains shown above will carry pas sengers only when providiHl with tickets. * C. S. RICE, Agent. J. MORTON, Gen. Ticket A Pass. Ag’L Winnesheik County BANK, Decorah - - lowa. THE OLDEST BANK IN IOWA. ESTABLISHED IN 1855. The Largest, The Strongest, BANK in the County. Capital, - - sm, ooo. INDIVIDUAL, RESPONSIBILITY. $2,00,000. Safety Deposit Boxes, for the Use of Our Customers. C. J. WEISER, Pres. MRS. L. A. WEISER, V. P. E. W. HOLWAY, Cashier. OLE P. ODE, Ass’t Cashier. L. J. ANDERSON, Dealer *n and Breeder of Fashionable Bred Trotters and I’acers. FIRST CLASS FEED BARN IN CONNECTION. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Cor. Washington and Broadwuy St*. DECORAH Steam Laundry. MILLER & SON, Proprietors. All Classes of Laundry Work, Also Cleaning and Dyeing. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Our Wagon will call for and Deliver Work. EDWARD LARSON, Fire, Life and Accident ASSURANCE. REPRESENTS The Hawkeye, of Des Moines. Security, of Daveiqiort. Dubuoue Fire and Marine, of Dubuque. Westchester, of New York. The Manchester, Manchester, Eng. Northwestern Mutual Life, Milwaukee. Office in Steyer’s Block, Room 1, Water street, DECORAH, lowa. DECORAH, WINNESHEIK COUNTY, IOWA, TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1897. SPaACic Qfyimi&yi PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY. By AKERS A GREEN. Official Paper of the City of Decorah and Winneshiek County , lowa. OFFICE— ait WEST WATER STREET, UPSTAIRS TELEPHONE NO. 15. NUPTIALS OF THE WEEK. Those Whose Fortunes Have Been Linked Together Since Our Last Issue. Gjermo—Tobi ason. Last Wednesday evening at 6:80 o’clock at the home of the bride’s mother, occurred the marriage of Miss Julia Tobiason of this city and Mr. Louis R. Gjermo, of Armstrong, lowa, Rev. H. G. Stub officiating. The bride was escorted by Miss Eva Jordan, of McGregor, aud the groom by Mr. Chas. Larrabee, of Armstrong. Following the ceremony a delicious wedding sup per was served, after which the newly married couple left for St. Paul, where they will visit a short time before going to Armstrong, lowa, where their future home will be. Both parties are well kuown in Decorah aud enjoy the esteem of a large acquaintance, who w ish them much joy. Bkunt—Merrill. At high noon last Thursday, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Isauc W. Brunt and Miss Nettie Merrill were united in marriage by Rev. E. Adams, of Waterloo. The wedding was a quite family affair, attended only by the resident members of the bride’s family. Miss Merrill has grown up to womanhood in Decorah and is one of our most respected young ladies. Mr. Brunt is the senior member of the drug firm of Brunt & Parman, and lias won tile friendship of a large number since coming to Decorah. A large circle of acquaintances will join with us in wish ing them unlimited happiness. Pierce—Deb wick. Last Wednesday at tlie bride’s home in Freemont township, Mr. Alonzo Pierce, of Burr Oak township, and Miss Mary Debwick were united in marriage. We extend congratulations and wish them a long life ot happiness. +— ■ The Band at Fayette. One of tiie most , leasant trips the Deco rah City Baud lias ever taken was to Fayette last week, where they fur nished music for the commencement exercises of tire Upper lowa University and gave a concert at the Fayette opera house Thursday evening. On accouut of rain the graduating exercises were held in the college chapel, aud the ball game scheduled had to be postponed, however the courteous reception given the band by the people of both town and University made up for the inclemency of the weather. The band gave an open air concert on the college campus Wednesday eveniug, and also played for the commencement exercises during tire day Thursday. But at night came tiie crowning success of the trip. A concert was advertised to be given at the opera house by the band, aud as soon as tiie doors were opened the peo ple of Fayette aud vicinity poured iu until tiie house was crowded full. The aisles were tilled with chairs and the entrance thrown open, still a large number were turned away. The con cert was undoubtedly the best ever given by this baud, and each number was enthusiastically applauded. Tiie people of Fayette si>eak in tiie highest terms of the concert, and many ex pressed tiie hope that the band would visit Fayette again. The boys arrived home Friday noon with the best of feeling for Fayette and its people, and with a neat sum of money as the result of the trip. Coon Club Makes a Purchase. The Walnut Creek Coon Club have purchased the cabin and forty acres of laud of tiie old Hendrickson or Gard ner farm in Pleasant township. Here after headquarters will be here when the club is out, and the cabin will be conveniently fitted up for their use. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF Winneshiek County, lowa, AT THEIR REGULAR JUNE SESSION A. D. 1897. FIRST DAY. 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to law, members ail present and called to or der by Chairman Holton. Motioned and carried that the peti tion presented by the Trustees of Bluff ton Twp. asking for a reduction of taxes on tiie following described real estate, to-wit: N. W. N. W.-2-99-0, 8. E. 8. W. 8-99-9 and 8 \ S. W. 28-9-99 was rejected, said Board not having any jurisdiction in the matter. Moved by Haug and seconded by Magnes that the Co. Treasurer be or dered to refund to Jogen Hanson of Pleasant Twp. tax on SBOO moneys and credits the same being an erron eous assessment of the year 1896. Tin* following motion was offered by Hang and unanimously carried: “To reduce tiie assesment of Casper Benesli Spillviile Corp. Lot 34 Original Town $175 the building thereon having burned aud not being covered by any insurance.” Motioned and carried that T. F. Auchmoody be re-appoiuted as a mem ber of tiie Soldiers’ Relief Commission for the ensuing three years. Balance of the afternoon was spent in listening to petitions. On motion adjourned to 8:30 a. m. June Bth. SECOND DAW 8:30 a. m., June Bth, Board met pur suant to adjournment, members all present, minutes of yesterday’s meet ing read and approved. Telephone matters were then taken up ana new contracts made out and signed for two telephones one to tiie office of the County Attorney and one at the Poor Farm, new rates being given and at a reduction of the former contract. Motioned and carried that A. D. Gray, of Preston, Minn., be engaged as assistant counsel for the case of State of lowa vs. Johu H. Cater said Gray to receive from tiie county SIOO for his services iu the case. ' Balance of the forenoon was spent in making the regular settlement with tiie Co. Treasurer, pendiug the same adjourned to 1 p. m. 1 p. m., Board met, members all present. The settlement with the Co. Treas urer was taken up and completed, his accounts being found correct aud all moneys accounted for. 111 order to comply with the provi sions of the Election Law the Chair man appointed J. J. Haug and Johu Greer to destroy tiie ballots cast at the last General Election. Balance of the afternoon was spent in listening to petitioners. 011 motion adjourned to 8 a, m. June 9th. THIRD DAY. Ba. m., June 9th, Board met pur suant to adjournment, members all present, minutes of yesterday’s meet ing read aud approved. The Board then proceeded to make their settlement with the Clerk of the Court, completing tiie same. The semi-annual settlement sheet of the County Treasurer in account with State Revenue was prepared by the Auditor and on motion approved. The official reports of L. B. Whitney Co. Treasurer, Henry Elvidge, Clerk of the Courts and O. C. Johnson, County Auditor were examined and ou motion approved. TREASURER’S REPORT. Treasurer's Office, ) _ Winneshiek County. 1 Decorah, lowa, June 1897. To the Honorable Hoard of Supervisors of Win neshiek County, lowa. Gentlemen:— ln accordance with section 913 of the Code of lowa, I respectfully submit the following report of receipts and disburse ments, together with the balances iu the various funds as shown by the books In this office. L. B. WHITNEY, Co. Treasurer. RECEIPTS JAN. 1 TO JUNE 1, 1897. General taxes 884335 59 Liquor taxes 4134 67 Interest on delinquent tax 75 88 Text books sold from Co. Auditor 1282 31 ljuui sold from Co, Auditor 455 lit Tuition at poor house 52 00 Produce sold at poor farm 170 94 Session laws 50 Unclaimed witness fees from Co. Clerk 229 85 Examination fees from Co. Hupt 378 GO State warrant from “ “ 50 00 Flues from Justices of the Peace 85 55 Interest on P S fund 1298 37 P s Fund loans paid 320 00 DISBURSEMENTS. State revenue 9087 41 County warrants 13365 26 Bridge “ 1441 57 lusaue “ 917 26 Poor “ 4717 78 Court House “ 407 96 Domestic animal 54 75 School districts 29488 03 Road “ 2830 59 Corporations 8009 82 Appolutmeut orders 5018.58 School fuud loans 250 00 Highway warrants 837 15 Soldiers relief warrauts 21*4 00 Teacher’s Institute warrants 476 20 Canoe Cemetery order 44 47 Postage 25 00 ltefuuded tax 23 18 Totals 92898 85 77289 60 Balance Juu 1, 1897 16742 17 Balance June 1, 1897 32350 42 8109640 02 $109610 02 BALANCES OE FUNDS. State fund $225 72 County fuud 684 95 County sebool fuud 215 28 Bridge fuud 6178 02 Insane fund 3833 67 Poor fund 745 55 Court House fuud 1292 03 Domestic Animal 592 99 Soldier’s relief fund 26167 Township road fund 598 23 Teacher’s Institute fuud 174 52 Decorah Corporation fund 352 43 “ W \V Contingent fund 5 75 “ W W Sinking fund 23 26 “ Bond and Fire fund 23 78 West Deeorab Corporation 69 23 Calmar Corporation 53 69 Ossian 51 63 Canoe cemetery 63 Independent District Twp Schools 4704 70 Highway fund 6117 51 Ridgeway 96 22 Spillviile 95 52 Jackson Junction 37 .50 PH fund 315 00 T S fund 3467 89 Ft Atkinson overpaid 60 95 Balance 32350 42 832417 37 032417 37 Respectfully submitted. L. B. WHITNEY, Co. Treasurer. Per W. O. Nordiieim Deputy. CLERK’S REPORT. To the Honorable Hoard of Supervisors of Win nesheik County, lowa. Gentlemen:—l respectfully submit the fol lowing report of receipts and disbursements in the office of the Clerk of the District Court for the period extendiug from January Ist, 1897 to June Ist, 1897. To received for Debits. Filing petitions 8 86 50 Jury costs 24 00 Reporter’s costs 17 00 Transcripts 5 00 Confessions 9 00 Mechanics liens 6 00 Old court costs 53 25 Clerk’s court costs 541 31 Probate costs 149 88 Marriage licenses 65 00 Naturalization papers 4 50 Miscellaneous 21 00 Fines 360 00 Credits. By paid county treasurers fines $360 00 “ “ postage, express, etc 11 01 “ “ recording board of health 15 20 “ “ balauce toco, treasurer 956 23 81,342 44 $1,342 44 STATE OF IOWA, > au Winneshiek Co.) s ‘ ’ I. Henry Elvidge, Clerk of the District Court of Winnesheik County, being duly sworn, de pose and say that the foregoing report is cor rect and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. HENRY ELVIDGE, Clerk District Court. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of June, 1897. O. C. JOHNSON, County Auditor. AUDITOR’S REPORT. AUDITOR’S OFFICE )_ Winnesheik County, j s ’ Decorah, lowa June 1897. To the Honorable Hoard of Supervisors of Win neshiek County, lowa. Gentlemen:—Below please find mv semi unuual report trom Junuary Ist 1897 to June 1 1897, which includes: Balances In the vurious fund. Expenditure of the county as per warrants issued. Receipts aud disbursements of this office. Temporary and permanent school fund ac counts. All of which is very respectfully submitted. O. C. JOHNSON, Couuty Auditor. BALANCES IN VAKIOUS FUNDS. State Funds $225 72 Couuty “ 684 95 Poor “ 745 55 Bridge “ «378 02 Insane “ 3833 67 Court House “ 1292 03 County School “ 215 28 Teacher’s Institute “ 174 62 Domestic Animal “ 592 99 Township road “ 598 23 Highway “ 6117 51 Soldiers relief “ 261 67 Township and Ind. School fund 4704 70 Decorah Corporation 352 43 West Decorah “ 69 23 Calmar “ 53 69 Ossian “ 51 63 Ridgeway “ 96 22 Spillviile “ 95 62 Jackson Junction “ 37 50 Decorah water works sinking fund 28 26 “ “ “ contingent 575 Decorah bond and fire 23 78 Canoe cemetery 63 Permanent school fund 315 00 Temporary •• “ 3467 89 Fort Atkinson fund 66 95 Total balance 32350 42 832417 37 832417 37 Expenditures of the County as per Warrants Issued from Jan. Ist 1897 to J uue Ist 1897. Collectors and supervisors 8 351 36 Resolution 13 57 Witnesses 648 75 Jurors 1235 40 Court house fund 309 94 Justices aud constables 323 55 Attorneys BJS 16 Sheriff!) und bailiffs 890 20 Inquests 25 25 Jail expense 621 86 Support of poor 4727 78 Court reporter aud janitor 316 00 Light, fuel and repairs to Co. buildings 129 37 Assessors, clerks aud trustees 1696 25 Couuty officers aud clerk hire 3305 01 Books and stationery 652 07 Printing 349 07 Deaf, dumb and insane 868 17 Elections 123 90 Bounty on wild animals 51 00 Bridge 1451 57 Surveyors and roads 224 65 Feebleminded children 24 99 Blind 24 10 Highways 887 15 School text books 1053 69 Soldiers relief 294 00 Cemetery lots 150 00 Collecting old court costs 128 95 Takiug testimony 85 52 Quarantine 50 98 Telephoning 28 70 Insurance 6 25 Domestic animal 53 25 Total 821887 46 Receipts aud Disbursements of this Office. Dr. To balance at last report 120 93 To received for school text books 1282 31 To received for care of E. W. Baker insane fund 52 00 To received for sale of session laws 50 To received for sale of Instruction curds 50 To received for cancelled Insurance 41 81 To received for constable fees 5 05 To received for sale of lot 5 Sd of N % block 8, Decorah 485 19 To received lor produce of Co. farm 170 94 To received for house rent 5 25 To received for road damage 750 00 To received for fees of office 75 50 $2989 98 t'K. By paid county treasurerfor Couuty fuud $1767 50 By paid couuty treasurer for insane fund 52 00 By paid couuty treasurer for poor tuud 170 94 By paid county treasurer for state fuud 50 “ for platting, station ery, etc 21 30 “ freight and express 18 39 “ postage, stamps aud cards 12 50 “ subscription for pa per, Wallace’s farmer 100 “ rood damage 750 00 $2794 13 Balance on hand 195 85 Temporary School Fuud Account. Dr. To balano' at last report 81805 71 “ Inteiefc. .ollected 1298 37 “ fines 85 55 *• transfer from county school 51*8 08 “ “ “ slate reveuue !570 64 $7149 24 88954 95 Ck. By apportionment $6591 97 By trausfer to county fund 1000 00 By bulance on bund 1362 98 $8054 95 Permanent School Fund Account. Db. To balance at last report $245 00 To amount collected on loans 320 00 8565 00 Cr. By amount loaned $250 00 By balance on hand 315 00 The equalization of assesments was then taken up and pending the same adjourned to 1 p. m. 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to ad journment and continued the equaliza tion, completing the same after having ordered the following changes to be made in the various townships and corporations of the county as fol to-wit: Land. Cattle. Horses. Townships. 9 g* gJ £ g £ Si? % * % Bloomfield 5 35 Military 15 15 10 Washington 16 17 Jackson 15 10 Frankvtlle 10 Springfield 5 25 Calmar 10 14 29 Sumner 25 5 Glenwood 45 9 22 Decorah 15 Madison 18 40 Lincoln 5 5 Pleasant 15 15 Canoe 25 10 8 Bluffton 25 34 22 Orleans 6 Highland 20 5 Hesper 10 5 7 Burr Oak 10 5 4 Fremont 15 1« 16 Decorah Corp 35 22 West “ Calmar “ 40 80 Ossian “ 15 *3 Spillviile “ ia j 3 Ridgeway “ 45 5 Ft. Atkinson “ / 43 Balance of the day was spent in aud iting and examining accounts against the county. On motion adjourned to June 10th. FOURTH DAY. 8:30 a. m., June 10th. Board met pursuaut to adjourment; members all present; minutes of yesterday’s meeting read and approved. School fund Loan No. 805 to Wm. Boyer for s2oo was on motion approved. Moved that the 1890 assesment of Margarite Aauber of Calmar Corp. be reduced two thirds and the treasurer be ordered to correct the tax list in ac cordance with same; carried. Balance of the forenoon was spent in auditing poor accounts. Ou motioned adjourned to 1 p. m. Ip. m. Board met pursuant to ad journment. The Michael Douahue Consent Road Petition No. 940 was on motion granted and road ordered established as per stipulation on file with the original The D. W. Baldwin Consent Road No. 942 and the E. O. Bakke Consent Road No. 941 were also on motion granted. It being necessary for Mr. Holton to be absent the balauce of the day Mr. Allen was called to tiie chair. Motioned and carried that the chair man appoint a committee of three to look after the interests of the Wiuue shiek county in all cases where sales of real estate are pendiug by virtue of au execution where it is deemed to the best interest of the county to so do. Tiie J. I. Tavener Consent Road Pe tition No. 943 was ou motion granted and road ordered established. Balance of afternoon was spent in at tending to miscellaneous business. On motion adjourned to 8:30 a. m. June 11th. (Continued next week.) The Fourth at Decorah. Decorah’s celebration of tiie Glorious Fourth is the one interesting topic of this corner of lowa. Go where you will, you hear it talked about. The committee has decided that iu order to relieve their guests as far as possible, free hitching grounds aud free hay will be provided. The hitching grounds will be guarded by special police, who will be instructed to look carefully to tiie welfare of the property intrusted to their care. Free tire crackers will be provided for the boys; free bowery dances for older persons and free balloon ascensions, races, bail games, fireworks, etc., for everybody. No matter who you are or where you live, don’t let anything keep you away from Decorah on Monday, July the sth. John J. I ngalls, ex-seuutor from Kansas, who is one of tiie very best speakers in the United States, will be tiie orator of the day, aud it would well be worth coming miles to listen to him alone. It is earn estly hoped that every bicycle rider within a radius of fifty miles at least will take part in the monster bicycle parade. Tiie day that we celebrate ttiis time will lie the biggest day iu Decorah '3 history. _— - - «- Its Next Thursday. Tin e having In charge tiie Y. M. C. A. excursion to Independence next Thursday have arranged for the sale of tickets at several places, so as to avoid a rush at the depot. There’s an im mense crowd going, so buy your ticket liefore Thursday and you can get ou the train without worrying over that matter. The train leaves Decorah at 7:30 a. m., sharp. Tickets now on sale at tiie following places: Pennington A Vance, Smith A Dlxson, E. J. Wciser, J. 11. Duncun, K. I. Haugen, K. K. Hchuck, Sluclalr Bros., G. L. Btriuger, L. A. Marsh, Ben Bear, C. A. Neufert, R. Schrubbe, B. (). Marsh, Brunt A Barman, Hutchinson A Oo„ C. N. Goddard, J. C. Hexoiu, Cou«e A Tracy, also Burlington depot aud Y. M. C. A. rooms. No. 17.