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PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Official Paper of Winneshiek County and the City of Decorah Entered at the Postoffice in Decorah, lowa, as Second Class Mail Matter Subscription Price $2.00 a Year Canadian Subscriptions $2.50 a Year Corner Water and Court Streets Telephone No. 15 »isplay advertising, 30 cents per inch, each insertion. Local read ers, 10 cents per line. Want adver tisements, 1 cent per word. No ad less than 25 cents. Subscribers will confer a favor upon us by notifying us at once of fail ure to receive the paper regularly. The yellow address tag on the front page each week shows the month and year to which your paper is paid. Emil Rosenthal sold the ware house building west of his grocery store last week to Contractor A. R. Colleen for $350. It is Mr. Coffeen’s intention to tear the building down for the use of the lumber in it. The lot the building stands on is owned by the American Drug & Press As sociation. Mr. Rosenthal is now erecting a new warehouse in the rear of his grocery store. The many friends of Major L. L. Cad-well were pleased to see him out on the street again this week, after a long seige of illne*», the last four weeks of which were spent at the Decorah hospital. He is gaining strength rapidly and from all ap pearances is getting along in finei shape. His next birthday, which comes in May, will round out his 86th year. "Mr. A. T. Istad, who recently mov ed to I>ecorah from Madiison town ship, has filed for supervisor )(to represent the fifth district, composed of Decorah, Madison ajui Glenwood townships. Mr. Ist ad is well known ami has many friends. He in the second candidate to take out papers for local county offices, Joseph Kor sen, of Route 4, has taken out no mination papers last week for sheriff on the Republican ticket. K. A. Vick who formerly conducted a jewelry store and ice cream par lor on East Water street, purchased the building occupied by Sherry & Larsen with their electrical store on W innebago street. Mr. V'ck intends the flat above the store and will build a couple of additional rooms in the rear. He contemplates later opening a cigar and confec tionery store on the lower floor. This building is in a good location and should make a comfortable home and nice business place for Mr. Vick. t ornell < ollege Glee Club Coming The Kpworth League of the Meth odic church has arranged to bring the Cornell College Glee Club to De- corah for a concert Fiiduy evening, March 31st. The concert will be given in the church auditorium. The program will include selections by the entire club; piano and vocal solo-; quartette numbers; college songs; humorous encore-.; and two comiq costume stunts. The club is made up of men who oan really sing and the piogram will be of a high order and much originality. The Glee Club is .on its annual tour and this year its itinerary in cludes West Union, Hampton, Gen eva, Decorah, Oelwein, Waukon, Cresco, Waverly, Waterloo and Cedar Rapids. The Man Who Aco«n modules You When you happen to be short of cash, and you want some clothing or some groceries in a hurry, and you must have credit for them, what do you do? Why, you go to a local merchant, and he accommodates you. You would not think of writing to a mail order house, which would have to investigate your credit, nor to a city store, whicti would make you pay your account ou the first of the month, accepting no “ifs" or “aiu”. Well when you are flush with money and need something, why not go to your local merchant and return the compliment he extended to you? He was willing to take a chance with your word when you needed that chance, and you should be willing to give him a chance, and you should be willing to give ham a chance to make a little money when you have some to spend. Treat him like a good neighbor, and you will have a clearer conscience and a better stand ing in your community. —New Oxford vhoe* at $6.50. A specially fine shoe. S. LARSEN. f »Mic opinion. H. J. GREEN Editor and Proprietor Sells Warehouse Building L. L. Cad well Out Again Filed for Supervisor K. A. Vick Buys Building FT \ ' JL •' >u M iss Kdna Goddard Fort Atkinson fii , : >k Wj x w3HggßH^HHß^;jg| iAjuss' Sophie- swmrs'Bdtr Our Girls in Beauty Contest We herewith present the pictures of three of Winneshiek county’s beauti ful young women who are entered in tire Des Moines Register-lowa State Fair SIOOO Beautiful Girl Contest. One of the features of this state wide contest, is the selection of the most beautiful gfrf m each county in the state, and these young ladies will be among those who compete for that honor. There are many other Winneshiek county girls entered and undoubtedly there will be a lot of local interest stirred up as to who is the county winner. Another step in the contest is to select the most beautiful girl in each LOTS FOR SUMMER HOMES H. YV. Haas Disposing of Number Fine Building Lots Near His Country Home Summer homes in one of the finest localities in this section is the latest investment by a number of Decorah people, a number of lots having been purchased from H. W. Haas, near his home at tiie edge of the city limits, north of the twin bridges. This property was formerly the late Chas. Ferrin home and was always con sidered one of the pretty places of the county. Mr. Haas purchased the property a number of years ago ami has marie his home there. Recently he wa.«v approached by some who wished *o buy lots and erect summer homes, so he sold several, and has set- aside six or eight more for sale. The location is an idea! one for a summer home. Beautiful .-.hade trees adorn the place and the distance from the heart of the city is only a few minutes walk. Mr. Haas can be located at the butcher shop of Haas, Bollinger & Goltz on West Water street and will give any prospective purchaser any information concerning these lots. MR. ADVERTISER Do you realize what it means to have your advertising appear in the Public Opinion? Is there any other manner in which you can reach so large a number of people in your trade territory as through this newspaper and at the same cost to you... Think what it means to be able to talk to such a large number of peo ple at such a small cost to you. If you are not a Public Opinion adver tiser now. it will pay you to give this matter serious consideration and get started at once—the sooner the bet ter. We reach those upon whom you most depend for your business. THINK IT OVER We Show a very fine line of men’s and young men's Gabardine Coats at SIB.OO, $23,00, $25.00 and $20.00. S. LAR SEN. —For results try our Want Column. oJB cro congressional district from among the county winners. The district winners will then be brought to Des Moines, feted, banqueted and honored as guests of tire State Fair and finally the most beautiful girl in all lowa will be chosen. The contest will not close for some time aaddhere-is ample opportunity for more pretty Winneshiek girls to enter the contest We will forward any pictures sent in to us, or the > contestant can send their own pic ture to The Beauty Contest Editor, Des Moines Register, Des Moines, j Icwa. Just simply w'rite the name; and address on the back of the pic- j ture and mail it in. Death of Mrs. Ole Burreson Mrs. Josephine Burre.-on, beloved wife of Ole Burreson, passed away at the family home in this city last Wednesday morning, after an ex tended illness which extended over the pa*t two years, her illness re sulting from an attack of the flu, from which she never fully recovered. Josephine Dahl was the daughter of the late J. P. Dahl and wife, of Mabel, Minn. She was born at R:ce fonl, Minn., March 9, 1879, ami when a chihl moved to Mabel with her parents. She was united in marriage to Ole Burreson at Mabel, Minn., on January 2*, 1901, where the family home was until 1912, when they moved to Decorah. Six children were born to the union, all of whom with the bereaved husband survive. They are Florence, Oris, Hildas, Mabel, Everett and Arline, the latter being three months old. She is also survived by one sis ter, Mrs. S. A. Hamarstrom, of Mo line, Illinois, ami one brother, 0. P. Dahl, of Mannath, North Dakota, besides many other relatives and friends. Her parents and two sisters preceded her in death. The deceased was a devoted wife and mother, a woman of beautiful character who was beloved by ev-! erybody and during her residence here made scores of dear friends, all of whom are sorely grieved to hear of her death. To the bereaved hus band and children the sincere heart felt symapthy of all is extended. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the United Lutheran church. Rev. O. Glesne officiated ami interment was in the Nerwegian cemetery. Lilian Baker Takes Part in Play Miss Lilian Baker of Decorah was one of the three characters in a one act play given by some of the Jun iors in Oratory at their public recital at Upper lowa University. Miss Baker took the part of Gladys Deane, an actress, and made of it a very interesting and clever part. She is a Junior in Oratory’, Upper lowa offering a two year course lead ing to a diploma, and appealance in two Junior and two Senior recitals is required for graduation. Miss Baker has shown herself to have marked ability in dramatic work. DEC JRAH PUBLIC OPINION, DECORAH, IOWA Miss Alina Ottney Decorah, lowa I Once a customer in this store—always 1 Q 9 9 j lo#o a Customer I vLC Easter Sal es Spring Suits The Most Beautiful Selection Ever Brought to Decorah SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE, air,* (M Q 7C 100 New Double Breasted Blue \I A / Pencil Stripe Young Men’s Suits y Awi f \3 Of the latest models. Another assortment in the same lot of fine Brown Pencil Striped, and another assortment of Heather mixtures. These beautiful suits are offered for Easter Sale Special at above price, and to make it real worth while we will give an extra pair Trousers to match FREE. 50 Men's Conservative Models in new colorings, all wool quality, good serge lined, extra well made. Special Easter Sale 100 New Spring High School Suits $ «fl *1,75 in the latest D. B. Models, newest coloring. Good I M assortment of colors, Brown and Blue Self Striped. I m Sizes Two pairs Trousers with each suit. Special Easter Sale ■ | 30 to 36 50 Beautiful New Spring Suits Expressly made for us for our Easter trade, in the new est Heather colors, also plain Brown and fine quality Blue Serges, all hand tailored in the newest models. Every Suit guaranteed, not only to quality, but abso lutely lower price. Values of these suits to fully S4O. 65 New Spring Suits for Men in Greys, Blues, Serges, Cassimeres, also Black and White Silk Mixtures. Our guarantee with every suit. Special Easter Sale. Easy worth $40.00, only 30 Extra Fine Quality Pure Worsted Suits Our own selections, newest colors, in mixed Heather and Blues, extra quality cloth, the very best linings, guaran- "J ■ j|iV V teed in every particular. Single and Double Breasted, |v also Sport Models. Special Priced EXTRASPECIAL For This Sale Only Limited quanity of Double Breasted Suits, the (latest models, in the newest spring shades, also Tartan Plaids, some light coors. Regular $50.00 value. Extra pair Trousers to match FREE with each suit, selling at 50 Government Bomba zine Cloth Rain Coats Just received. Absolutely guaranteed Double Breasted with flap pock-d»/j aa ets. SIO.OO Value JpU.UU Special for Easter Sale A new lot of Gaberdine Spring Over coats, latest models. Belt all O A around. Fine Coats. 520 Easter Furnishings, Easter Hats, Easter Shirts KZfrtaT?? *! OS,ery ’ Eas ‘««- Gloves, New Caps. Ever y*h*ng Marked to Absolutely LOWER PRICES. THIS IS THE STORE OF THE PEOPLE. ' BEN £? BEAR CO. EASTER SALES START SATURDAY, APRIL 1 46 Years Your Clothier of fine all wool s<| 0.50 *2500 $20.00 $ 33 5 ° 30 New Brown Suede Rain Coats Fine Plaid Lined. Extra well made, sewed, straped and cemented. The very latest models. Belt all around, (t* 1 A A A $16.50 quality now tj)l Easter Spring Overcoats New Grey Trimmed. Very good qual* ity. Made up to our order. £OA A A $30.00 Values JZU.UU