DOLLAR DAY SALES OPEN HERE NEXT FRIDAY. SIXTEEN PAGES Vol. XXVIII. HAS INTERESTS IN MONTANA MINE Dr. John Symonds, Former Decorah ian, Interested in Glengary Min ing Co. in Montana. PRODUCING COPPER GOLD AND SILVER Mine Located 65 Miles From Rail* road. The Doctor Made Trip To Mine on Horseback And Skis in Feb ruary. Dr. John Symonds, a former well known Decorah boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Symonds, of West De corah, arrived Saturday from Miles City, Mont, on a visit to his par ents and many old friends here. Mr. Symonds is a dentist and has been located in Miles City for 12 years. He is also interested in min ing, being connected with the Glen- gar yj Mining Company? a company which has copper, gold and silver in terests in Montana. They have 77, ©OO tons blocked out now, which average $95 a ton. They have tunnel in 1400 feet and are in 155 feet of solid low grade ore. The mine is about six miles north of Cook City, Montana and 65 miles from a railroad, but a road is going to be built to the mines from Colum bus, Mont. On Feb. 22, Mr. Symonds and an other gentleman started out on a perilous trip on horseback and skis which consumed four days to reach ■the mine. Two days were spent on horseback and two days on skis. The snow was six feet deep in some places and four in most of the places. They got lost in a snowstorm one day. Ranger stations are situated about 23 miles apart. They got lost between the Cook City and Soda Butte ranger stations. They were lost for about two hours and had about concluded that they would have to stay out all night, but they fol lowed their trail back to a timber tract, and had to feel their way practically every foot of it, and they *~hllv encountered one of the ranger .stations. Mr. Symonds says the country out their abound with elks, mountain sheep and buffalo, and they are a pretty sight to see. Mr. Symonds has been interesting some of his friends here in the Mon tana mining proposition. The Mining Journal, published an London, England says the Glengary Mining Co. has decided to erect a laige smelter at Laurel, Montana, a town on the line of the Northern Pacific for the treatment of the ores of the Cooke City district. The smelter is to be built on the unit system, and the first unit is. to be of 1000 tons capacity daily. -As the mines capacity increases, addi tional units will be added to the reduction and smelting plant, lhe equipment will be of the most mo dern type, constructed according to specifications involving the use of electric currents in separating the metal from the dross or residue. The Glengary Mining Co. has a capitaliza tion of .$1,500,000. The company claims show rich in copper, gold, silver and lead, and it is said that better than $2,600,000 worth of ore is exposed and cross-sectioned on the property. The Glengary has exposed two mammoth views of copper, si - ver, gold and lead, which nm Per pendicularly into the earth. The ex posure of the ore on the surface is 15 to 20 feet across, but evidently increases in size as it goes further into the ground. This as shown by the fact that, aVtheugh the tunnel v jY* s been run 150 feet into the ore body, the vein has not been. passed through. How thick the vein is at that point is unknown. Some enth usiasts declare that the City district will in time develop mto the richest mining district in the whole country.” _ Death of Stener Lee Stener H. Lee passed away Satur day at his home in Curtin’s addi tion, his death being due to Chronic Brights disease, after onl> a day’s illness. The deceased was born in lowa Jan. 18, 1862, and was 60 \ ears old when death claimed him- The family home was in Springfield Twp. many years, they moving ' , Decorah about two years ago. He survived by his wife two sons and a / daughter. Dr. Henry M. Dee. -1- I neapolis and Miller Lee of Waterloo and a .laughter Eleoove. He »• “ | .arrived by two brother, and fou Stera. He waa a man of ideals and enjoyed the respect of everybody. He was an isen'in every way and will he misted. The funeral was held -1 , n ev . Glesne offie.ated at the home and the remains were taken t< Springfield where Rev. Quammen of. hcaiated and interment tooa place. justice is go ng to be an expensive commodity if mixed juries tha. fad to arrive at a verdict make it nee e.,ary to try cases two or . times. Ukcoroh Public ©pinion. ROBINS TO TALK ON NEW SUBJECT een no increase in the tax levy why; Sid he not go to the AudL tor’s office and get the raise in valua tion. Who is trying to mislead? ..Is not our County Agent trying to show that the maintenance of our County Officers. Supervisors, County' Engi neer, County Agent, County Nurse, and in fact our County Government I (Continued from Page Eight) \ y‘)