OCR Interpretation

Decorah public opinion. (Decorah, Winneshiek County [Iowa]) 1895-1928, May 17, 1922, Image 8

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

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gtiblit Ojiinion.
IOWA, MAY 17, 1922
1:30 P. M. Monday, May Ist, 1922.
The board met a* I*r adjournment
and war called to order by the chairman.
All members present.
Some time was spent with a delega
tion from the Decorah Commercial Club
who wanted a bridge built across the
Dry Run Creek down by the Milwaukee
Depot on Water street.
Some time was spent with a delega
tion from the North Western part of
the County.
Moved, seconded and carried the fol
lowing bonds be approved:
Bond of Usslan State Bank as County
Bond of H. T. Ramlo as Treasurer or
Farm Bureau.
Bond of Ed Grimstad as constable Mil
itary Township. _
Bond of C. W. Wer.thold as Road
Patrolman. _
Bond of Chas. D. Smith as Road
Bond of John Krysan as Road Patrol
man. _ , _
Bond of O. L. Street as Road Super
intendent. _
Bond of C. H. Thune as Road Super
The Farm Bureau having tiled an
application asking for an appropriation
of *3,04«>.00 and the law making .t manda
tory for the Roard to rnak" such ap
propriation. The Board on motion ate
propria ted $3,000.90, if needed by the
Farm Bureau. Said appropriation to he
paid in four Installments of $759.00 each
ns needed by the Farm Bureau.
Moved, seconded and' carried Albert
Ellngson be refunded *13.06 on account
of erroneous asessment in Pleasant
township for the year lid.
M oved, seconded and carried the "Aase
Haugen Home” be allowed sll 0o a week
for c-are keep of Mrs. Thea KJenslie.
Moved, seconded and carried C. O.
C» sterton be appointed constable for
Highland townehip for the remainder of
this year.
At 5:90 P. M. the Board on motion
Adjourned till 8:30 A. M. next morning.
8:30 A. M Tuesday. May 2. 1922.
The board met as per adjournment and
was called to order by the chairman.
All members present.
Minutes of previous day's meeting
pead and approved.
Several matters were at first discussed
After which the board commenced to
Check over claims and at noon adjourned
till J:3O P. M.
1:30 P. M. Tuesday. May 2 1922.
The board met as per adjournment
And was called to order by the chair
man. All members present.
Most of the afternoon was spent In
discussing the damages on the Decorah
-Calmar Primary Road with the adjoin
ing land owners. No agreement being
flcrived at. the Board on motion post
poned the hearing till 1:30 p. M. June
7th. 1922. The board then continued
with the checking of the claims and
at 5:0«> P. M. adjourned till 8.30 A. M.
*ext morning.
8:30 A. M Wednesday, May 3. 1922.
The Board met as per adjournment
And was called to order by the chair
man. All members present.
Minutes of previous day’s meeting
read and approved.
The l»oard at this time destroyed the
ballots of the Primary and General
Flection of 1920. and the chairman ap
pointed Jos. Rockmann and E M. Jer
▼lss to do this and who with the rest
©f the Board then preceeded to hum
the ballots.
The board then continued with the
Checking of the claims, and at noon
on motion adlourned til 1:30 P M.
1:30 P. M. Wednesday. May 3. 1922
The board met as per adjournment
and was called to order by the chairman.
All members present.
Moved. seconded and carried that the I
Federal Aid plans for project No 98.1
Section D comprising the Decorah-Wan- ;
kon Primary R<»id be approved in ac-j
©ordfttice with plans tiKd February 4th
22. .... -
Primary Road Project No. 121 Sec- ,
tioiis A. B. P and E comprising I
the Decora h-Ridgeway-fTesco Primary
Road and S>. tlon G comprising the TV.
Corah-Wauk'>n Primary Road from end .
of Project No. I*' to Allamakee founty |
Line be approve 1 in accordance with
plans filed May 3. 1922.
Moved, second* 1 aid carried that t'.< ;
Primarv bridge and culvert proj. ct No
B-116 Section A Design No. 28 to 471
Inclusive be approved in accordance with
.plans filed Ma\ 1922.
.Alpved, seconded and carried that no
action be taken in regard to approving 1
any bridge or culvert plans or any road \
grading i«r draining on the present. Prl- !
mary Road from Decorah to Calmar I
which plans ar- Included in the abov<
gets and are known as Primary Bridge!
arid Culvert Plans Project N>>. B-146 De- |
sign N ' -7 uslvi d Primary
Road Project No 121 S* tion "F” nr.<i I
the Federal Aid Project No 5s Section
The board then finished the checking I
of the claims.
M ided and carried ill hills
as audit.• i lx illowed ind the '’ounty
Auditor Instructed to Issue warrant’s
aguilCt the proper funds in payment of
Of Emerson ai.d Johnson for bridge and!
culvert work be appioved.
Moved, seconded and carri.-l Everett*- |
Smith of Orleans Township be refunded |
for the yeai
The Roald at tics Mme idosed a <b-il
with Mrs. M
C 1 and
I Block 3 D nd Fannon’s Ad
dition to the village of Freeport. lowa
Th« to h. s*©.4© and the
County Auditor w i-- on motion authoriz
ed to issue to Mrs. Mary Ruffridge a
warrant for . • n is the Coun
ty Attorney lias approved of the ab
stract and the deed properly signed
had been turn, d over to the countv.
Mov. d. -• cor ,j. d II d Cirried tl Coun
ty Engineer be b stric t .1 to survey and
prepare plans f or the promised Water
street Stre.-t Rri.ig-
Mlnuteh of day's meeting read ar d
Moved, seconded and Carrie ,1 to ad
journ ti'.l 9:39 Tuesday. May 9th. 1922.
Name Nat ire Amount
A Road Damages.* loo.tvi
Armstrong ) E B int> . . . |no
Adams. J I>. A- <'o.. Road Ma
terial 261 79
Adams, i ■ . -.. r p], w 28 ©
Adams. J I). A Co., Road Mi
ter la 1 Ist. S-;
Adams. J I). & Co.. Road Mi
terlal S 2 so
American Book Co.. Text Books .
Adams Seed Co.. Merchandise
County Farm
Anundsen Publishing Co, Sup
plies Court 'House > of,
Anderson. C. F Board of Review i<©
Allen. W, Board of Review.
claimed $4.90, allowed ini
Annex. Edwin. Witness, Justice
Court 2 20
Aanes Edwin, Witness, Disti ct
Court 2 7©
Altfllllisch, Chas . Witness Dis
trict Court s’, to
Aspensen, Cecil. Witness District
Court 10 lo
Allen. Geo., Witness District
Court 4 2n
Acres, Ed. L., Witness District
Court 32 in
Burgess. C. J., Session I'm«i
Burgess. C. J , Committee ir,
Burg*--*, C. J., Mileag
B»-rg in. M C., Bessk
Berg. n. M C.. i lotnmlitot
Bergan M 1 ' . MI. ag«
Bakk’-n. K. F Scsgfon
Bakken E F., Committee 4-\u»
Bakken, E. F.. Mileage B.,T>
Bockmnnn. Joseph. Session 15.90
Bodcrna nn. Joseph, Committee.... film
Bockmann, Joseph, Mileage 4r.ro
Brb kn• r, 8 E., M-
Obiuity Farm 24 St
Brh'krn r P. E., Merchandise, Mr*.
Anna Forde 20.16
• Boyle, J. E., Assessor 79.64
Boyle, J. E., Assessor 1.50
I Benda, L. J., Assessor 42.39
I Benda, L. J., Aeesessor 1.30
, Bohr, Anton, Assessor 11.40
Bohr. Anton, Assessor 124.65
Berkmann, Mrg. Co., Supplies
Court House 9.90
Bruenning, John, Board of Rt
' view 3.00
Bruenning, John, Board of
Health 3.00
Blong, John, Board of Review... 3.90
Blong, Jolin, Board of Health.... 39©
Barthell, H. F-, Justice of
Peace 30.50
Bolson, Alfred, Bounty 16.00
Budke, Edward, Board of Review 4.00
Budke, Edward, Board of Health 4.00
Biermann, Fred, Board Proceed
’ I ings $26.67. Printing and
Stationery $15.62 42.29
Iph R, Bounty 1.10
, BJerke, M. J.. Township Trustee.. 13.50
Burgress, Chas., Dragging Road.. 32.90
. Broghammer & Kittlesby, Mer
j chandise for Rumley 3.65
Berger Mfg. Co., Bridge Ma
| t'-rlal 45.54
Barnes, R. R., Assessor b.2u
. I Barr.- .-. R. R, Assessor 127.<«
(Bruenning, Chas.. Road Dragging 46.40
' Barfoot, A. F., Witness Insanity 3.00
1 Butterfield, Dewey 8., Surveying 47.501
- N. W. Bell Tel. Co , Telephone
rent $2-8.00. Tolls $19.85 47.56
Bernatz, Geo., Merchandise County
1 Farm 6501 (
Bolson, Clifford, Bounty 8.00,
Bailey, A. K.. ti Son Inc., Print
ing and Sationery $17.25, Board
I Proceedings $27.78 45."3
Bernatz, Kiar.k, Board of Review 400
Bullard. P., Board of Review
j claimed $4.90, allowed 3.00,
Brogh.immer, Joe, Bridge Libor.. 5.30
Baldwin, Fred, Witness Justice
| Court 2-00
Baldwin, Fred, Witness District
i Court 3.50
Buer, Oscar, Witness District
' Court 2.10
Boltz, F. A., Witness District «,
1 Court 5.90 ,
Burns, Henry, /Witness District
I Court 5-40 ,
Burns. Marchall, Witness District'
I Court 6.50 ,
: Burns. Marion. Witness District I,
i Court 6.30 j
Burns, Mis. Marlon, Witness Dis- |,
trict Court 6.20 •
' Boice, C. IS.. 1 Witness District
irt 4.10
C. R 1 A- P Ry. C. M. V.
Freight 6.90 •
C. R I. & P Ry. C. M. V.
Freight .65
C. M. & «?t. P. Ry. Co., Road I
Fr-ight 5.67 ■
C. M & 6t. P. Ry. Co., Road
Freight -6S ]
Checkai, Julius, Board of Review 4.00 ,
Chekai, Julius. Board of Health 4.00 j
<'- nover, F. W.. Board of Review 4.00 ]
Christofferson, A., Assessor 10.20 j
IChristofferson, A., Assessor 125.24 j
Carlsborg, O. C., Assessor 134.10 ]
Carlsborg, C. 0.. Assessor 10.40 1
Collan, Jas. C., Road Dragging.. 56 90 j
Cumtnlngs, Geo., Road Dragging 27.20 |
Crane. Gertrude, Convention Ex
penses 18.00 ]
Crane. Gertrude, Postage 10.00 ]
Christen, L. C., Ass't. Co. Trea
surer 83.00
Christen, L. C., Ass't. Co. Audi- j 1
tor 2.00 ]
Casey, J P., Roa«i Dragging.... 16 40
Clink, W. A., Road Material.... 1.00 ]
Cook. Lucile, Witness Justice
Court 3.00 ]
Cook. Frank, Witness Justice
Court 3.00 1
Cook. Frank, Witness, District
Court 8.50
Cook. Lucile, Witness District
Court 5.5 n ;
Cook, Emma, Witness District
Court 3.59
Cook. Emma, Witness District
Ciourt 6.60
Cook. W. T., Witness District
Court 7.50
Cook, W. T. ( Witness District
Court S.SO'
Crowe. Will, Witness District
Court 7.00
Crowe, William, Witness District
Court 6.90 j
Clough, Harold. Witness District
Court 549 1
Deoorah Gas Co.. Lights Court
House and Jail 9.24 j
; Dyrtand, J. E., Assessor 84.38)
| Dyrland, J K.. Assessor • 360 1
! Douglas. Fred W., Assessor 134 33'
j Douglas, Fred W., Assessor 13.30
IDonlon, James P., Township «'!--ik -■ 1
Deirorah Corporation, Water Court
I House and Jiail 59 60
'fh-ianey, John, Merchandise Coun- 1*
I iy Farm . r 309© y
.Deoorah Vulcanizing Works, Road 1 1
Material 225 *
Decorah Furniture <’o.. Furniture Is
Court House 11x19* ;
'Dale. H.. Board of Review 49x9
I Dowd. Ed., Witness District lj
Court 3. So[l
[Dowd, Rex, Witness District i
Court 7.80 1
Dahms, Gilbert, Witness District 15
I «.ourt 5.50 ■ 1
Dua: b, Hiram, Witness District
Court 3.40 -
i Emmons, L>r W. H.. Board of
Health 1.50,
I Eilingson. O. o , In-ane Transport
at ion 22 77 *
Evensot K T., Witness District
Court 7.60.'
I Erickson, J. A., Witness District -
I Court 8.901
Forester. Dell, Road Dragging.. 16.00 -
Fingerson, Geo. A., Burial Geo.
Willis 86. W [ ’
F:gg--. Fieil J., Witness District l‘
< 'ouit 3 so ; -
I Fitzpatrick, i*it. Witness Distric t
''"Uit 5 GO!'
FB 'her, William 11., Witness Dis
| tri< i Court 640 -
Floistad. NoW I , Witness Dis
ti let Ci.urt 3.40' -
| Fox. Grover C., Witness Dis
| trict Court 5.39']
i F"X, Ben, Witness District Court 6.90.'
K'-x. Ben, Witness District Court 2.4x1 ■
Frltciien. l/r. A F, Witness Dis
trict Court 8.19 :
!Cii'cen, H. J . Board Proceed
ing $27.7'. Printing ami Sta
tionery *290.14 317.92 '
I Groff, Hardware Co.. Road Mater-
3.So ;
1 4»11 iff Hardware Co., Supplies I
I «'ourt House .75
Ct"ir Hardware Co.. Supplies Court
I llouse . .25
Grtmso, E. A.. Township Clerk.. 3.00 ;
I Gje\tv, N. H . Township clerk.. 6.00;
; Gunderson, Thomas. Board of Re
| View 340 ‘
Gunderson, Thomas, Board of Ke-
I view 3,t0 !
Gardner. A Road ']
I claimed $2'2G jq.ko '
Gaul. Clarence. Bounty 1.50 '
Dullii kxon, C , Township Trustee 6.)»i
i« iulli- kson 4}., Township Trustee 3.'0 |
( Glass. Brothers, ■ Meals District |i
1 ''ourt 96.70 i
G till ksot ,v Tostenson, Horse- li
i shoeing County Farm 4.00 i
' Green, )'ha«., Board of Review L
• claimed $4 00 390 -
Goddard E„ Bridge Materiai.!!.’ 2190 -
i Grose. John J et al, Bridge
| Übor 30.55 i
Grose. ) John J.. et al. Bridge
Grose. John it al. Bridge Labor 106 20
> Gru-ver, Bi-n, Witness District I
• ' r .. our * 7.90
) Gnmsta<l. K«l.. \\ itnos« District
1 ll r °" ,t 1390
Hanson. • arl et al. Road Labor. 392.04 I
1 tb-udik. Fred, et al. Rridge Bahor 32.53
Huber. Joseph, Roard of Health 4«>
9 Hub- r, Jns. pl,. Board of Health.. 4 <«)
Huber, Joseph. Hoard of Review .. 4 (<n
9 H.-ltm 4\ W , Bnillff Dls/trict I
c ourt
9 Howard, E. A., Assessor .
Howard, K. A . Assessor iikVki
n Hulnker. J. R Assessor 2so
Huink* r. J B . Assessor 13. S 4
1) Hargreaves, J H. t Rail ff District
! 76«»'
' H - rgve avc» J H. Assessor 35.3 76
( 11 tszessor .... 9.89
‘ [D-'th. r A.. *t al. Bounty 42
’ t 'I-Vc S o n T ,, M nrV * Roa<l dragging 18 8.1
'' H'»t\edt, Julian, .-t al. Bounty.. 25 25
’ Hiimon. M Commissionei of
' Insanity SW)
1 ■ Henneasey, Dr. F A. Witness"in
-4 sanity j,
5 J J . Township 4'ierk.tS *0
Dove. O p Assi lfnr .. I,vl1 ,v l vr
’ i ? !li 1 "- ra V' ,1 «' M R,,n ' , Material 435 )4
Hull-r. J. M., Rond Dragging..., j**
1 Henry. John, Township Trustee.. 3(.>
Holmi>erg & Erickson, Merchan- *
dine Mrs. Mary Adams 1.35
Haiiire, C. R., Right of Way.. 109.99
Hertges, M. L., Road Material.. 6.59
Haugen, Olaf 0.. Road Dragging 23.60
Haugen, Carl 0., Township Clerk 3.90
Hutchinson Grocery Co., Merchan
dise Mrs. Anna Forde 19.19
Hutchinson, Grocery Co., Supplies
County Farm 6.8 S
Haugen, K. 1., Merchandise j
County Farm 62.55
Haugen, K. 1., Supplies *Oourt
House 2.00
H. xom, John C., & Son Merchan
dize County Farm 4.00
Huinker, Henry, Board of Re
view, claimed $4.4«), allowed 3.00
Houck, Mrs. C. N„ Copying Testi
mony 309.90
Houck, Mrs, C. N„ Witness Dis
trict Court 6.10
Houck, Mrs. C. N., Witness Dis
trict Court 6.10
Harvey, Dell, Witness, District
Court 4.80
Harvey, Dell, Witness District
Court 6.40
Hanson, Norvln, Witness District
Court 8.10
Hoeg, Chris, Witness District
Court 8.10
Hexom, Dr. J. D., Witness Dis
trict Court 4.19
Haas, Henry, Witness District
Court 4.30
Hendershot, Charles, Witness Dis
trict Court 3.50
Iverson, Melvin et al. Bounty.. 32.60
ingvoldstad Lumber Co., Coal
Mrs. Harry Adams 10.00
Ingvoldstad Lumber Co., Coal
Court House 657.21
Ingvoldstad Lumber Co., Road
Materia] 17.00
Ingvoldstad Lumber Co., Bridge
Material 20.64
Interstate Power Co., Lights
County Farm 23.60 ;
Interstate Power Co., Lights
Court House and Jail 58.32 j
Ista.l, Ed Board of Review 4."0
Jerviss, E. M., Session 15.t0 ( '
Jerviss, E. M.. Committee 35.<© ,
Jerviss, E. M., Mileage 35.85 ;
Jirak, L. A., Township Clerk 3.00 '
Jirak, L. A., Board of Review 3.00 ,
Jirak. L. A., Board of Heath 3.00 1
Jirak. L. A., Board of Health <
Quarantine 4.4© ‘
Jones. Jesse, Bridge Labor 4.V1 ,
Johnson, Peter Ac Sons, Repairs
Court House 30.00 ,
Johnson, Henry, Board of Review
claimed $4.00 allowed 3.00 ,
Johnson, E. D. t Witness District j*
Court 7.70 ,
Jahnke, Roudolph, Witness Dis
trict Court 3.30 f
Jahnke, Henry, Witness Dis
trict Court 3 f
Kuhn. L. C., Witness Grand Jury 16.4*1; *
Kinkor, M. V., Assessor 124.92 ' f
Kinkor, M. V., Assessing 14.00 j*
Kunt, Frank, Assessor 115.50 1 c
Kunt, Frank. Assessor 10.10.“
Kupka, F. J., Trustee 3.4© 1 s
Kupka, F J., Board of Review.. 3.4© , E
Kupka, F. J., Board of Health.... 3.00 c
Kelly, John M . Township Trustee 3.4))j,
Koch, F. J.. Township Clerk.... 6.00 1 n
Koch, Frank J., Assessor 42.58
Koch, Frank J . Assessor 1.40
Krysan. John, Road Dragging.... 4.90 -
Barman, M. W„ Merchandise 12
County Farm 17.09 ;
Kipp, John, Bounty 20.00 '
Kelly, A. M., Repair Court | *
House 3.00 2
Kelieher, J. T., Witness District
Court 7.04); '
Kloster, Ole, Witness District I-
Court 6.90 j '
Kuhn. Dr. L. C., Witness District |»
Court 12.10 *
Lane, Andrew, Assessor 11.69 j
Lane. Andrew, Assessor 123.50 r
Lukas, John. Assessor 7.89 1
Lukas. John, Assessor 114.77
Lukken, Melvin, et al. Bounty 32.95 j
Larson Bros., Bla'ksmithing Road 1.50 ,
Lynne, Ed., Coal Mrs. l>-na
Johnson 4.50 ',
Lynne, Ed.. Coal Mrs. Frank Lee 1140 ]
Lynne. Ed., Coal Mrs. R. E. -v i.
Bartholemew 11.451
Lansing, Frank W., Road Drag- !,
King 21.40
Lange, M. A., Board of Review 4.4©',
Lensing, H. H., Bounty 9."^
Lensing, H. H., Bounty 11.96 y
Lee, Albeit, Witness District
Court I '■ •
Longstreet, John, Witness District
1 • :■ .
Larsen, Severt, Merchandise Coun
ty Farm it © .
Mart . Hart K . As- -M.-r
Marron. Harry E., Assessor 43.18
Xloen, Gilbert, Road Dragging 9.*©
Morrison, A. M., Xlerchandise Mrs.
Fi ii Leg is •
Monson, A c„ et al. Bridge Labor 101.15
Mestad, Olaf. Insane Transporta
tion, - (aimed *8 00, allowed
Motor Sur-jily Co.. Road Material 2.J5
Mathews. Tom, Bounty 1 50
Masters, G. H„ Assessor 134.70
7<iasters. G H., Assessor 8.60
Moen, W. H., Board of Review.. 3.4©
Meyer, Martin, Board of Review 4.'©
M< yer, Martin, Board of Health 4.00
Meyer, Louis. Board of Review 3.00
Meyer, I.ouis. Board of Health.. 34©
Malloy, D. C., Bounty 19.80
Marsh, E. S., Surveying 46.4©
Moore, Mrs. C. R., Witness Jus
tice Court 2.4©
M-iore, Geo., Witness Justice
Court s.'©
Moore, C. R., Witness Justice
Court 3.00
Moore. George, Witness District
Court 26 4©
Moore, Dr. C. R.. Witness Dis
trict C*urt 7.50
Moore. Robert, Witness District
Court 4.14)
Mann, Maria. Witness District
Court 6.54)
Moore, S. J., Witness District
Court 2.4©
Manderfleld. Fred, Witness Dis
trict Court 350
Musser, M. J., Witness District
Court 2.10
Mecklenberg, F. w . Witness Dis
trict Court 2.10
McKenna. Emmet. Bounty 29.80
McGee, Esther. Bounty ,70
McHenna, Pat, Assessor 134'*4
McKenna, Pat, Assessor 11.10
McLain, W. C., Board of Review.. 39©
McCabe, Joe, Bounty 54.4©
N' lizll J. W.. Bounty 3 40
Nolte, Geo., Trustee 3.00
N'«lte, 4V-0., Board of Review., 39©
Nidte, Geo.. Board of Health .... 39© I
Noecker, Norltert, Bounty 47© I
Ness, fv 0.. Township Trustee .... 15.'©!
Ness, O. J., Merchandise County l
Farm 66.831
Ness. O. J., Merchandise 1,. Law
«on 32.12 *
N "iK-ns warbler, Wflena, \Vitn«Bß
District Court 6.50
Ness, Ruby, Witness District Court 2 10
Ness, Ruby, Witness District Court 4 10
Ne*s, J. P , Witness District Court 210
Nuenswander, C. R. Witness Dis
trict Court 650
Olsen, Hans. Bailiff District Court 49©
4)vloe, G. M., Assessor 9.30
4)yloe, G. M . Assessor 1359©
4>nsager. A P., Board of Review 39©
Olson C. P.. Assessor 124.40
Olson, C. P., Assessor 8.80
4)ls*-n. S<’ver. Road Blacksmithing 7.89
O’Brien. P. F.. Township Trustee 34©
4*i'tim. Alfred, Road Blacksmithing 1 50
Omaha. School Supply Co., Sup
plies Court House 6.55
O'hler. Gilles, Merchandise Coun
ty Farm g. 2,3
o>h!er. Gilles, Supplies, Court
House 6.69
Overhouse, Bert, Witness District
Court 6.39
< ©sen, Ed Witness District Court 410
P itterson-S.irgent Co., Bridge Ma
, t«rta| 153.75
Patterson-Sirgent <’o., Bildge
Paint, claimed $17125. allowed... 169.92
Phelps Cemetery Ass'n. Burial
4'has. V’an Brocklln 39©
I’i'T- Atie Township Trustee .. 699
Pivlovtc. Clias.. Board of Review 199
Pivlovec, (’lias.. Board of Health 4,09
Ptfn h* k. Ixniis J., Road Black
smlthir-g 75
Penne, Walter. Bountv 389
Pirquette, J. C.. Road Labor.... 2,192 18
P terson, J. 0., Township Trustee 690
Peterson, John, Witness District
Court 2.10
P“-k. A. D , Witness District
Court 3 $9
R-ck. Wallace, Witness District
Court 309
Qmtndahl, O. N. Bailiff District
, Court is.4©
He* mi-ul. F J., Merchandise
< ounty Farm 43/9
T ' * xr-rsos> Boad Material 279
Riveland. Cornell. Bounty 23.10'
Rolfs, C. L., Road Dragging.... 14.40
Roli'd, C. L„ Road Dragging 11.9)
Rausoh, L. A., Road Dragging.. 58.60
Ronev, John, et al, Road Labor.. 20.75
Kusentiial, Emil, Merchandise
, County Farm 26-00
I Rosenthal, J. H., Bridge Material 24.(©
Reed W. 8., Board of Review 4.4©
I Roney, John, Road Dragging.... 36.75
Rekward, Lewis, Witness District
( Court •••••
Riggs, Martha E., Witness Dis
| trict Court ”••••••• *
Rus sett, Ole. Witness District
| Court 950
Russett, Ole, Witness District
Court 660
Russett, Ole, Witness District
Court 3.50
Storla, Theo., et al. Road Labor.. L.tsl
Storl i, Theo. et al, Road laibor.. 25.95
Storla, Theo. et al. Road Labor.. 49.52
I Storla. Theo. et al. Road Labor.. 32.65
Storla. Theo. et al, Bridge Libor 14.52
Storla, Theo. et al, Bridge Labor.. 22.19
Standard Oil Co., Road Materia! 4.(2
Standard Oil Co., Road Material 10.65
Standard Oil Co.. Bridge Materia) 21.4©
1 Street. O. L., Road Dragging..., 8.00
; Street, O. L.. et al, Road Libor.. 9.4 d
'Str>et. O. 1,., et al. Road I-abor.. 279©
Street, O. L, Assessor 11.30
Street, O. L„ Assessor 134.65
Silver-Burdett & Co., Text Books 180.37
Stoskopf & Baker, Coal Mrs.
Frank Lee 10.00
Saxviek, L. 0., Assessor 11.09
Sixviek. L. G.. Assessor 134.48
Sehrieber. Jost-ph, Board of
Review 4.00
Sehrieber, Joseph, Board of
i Health 4.99
Smith. F. C., Board of Review.. 290
Smith. F. C.. Board of Health.. 2.4©
Schmidt. B. J. Bounty 7.10
Shegrud. Gus. Use of Disc Road
| claimed ss9© allowed 2.59
Springmire. Earl. Bounty 3.69
Seines*, Albert. Township Trustee 13.59
Swehla, Jos. F. Assessor 129©
Bwehia, Jog. F., Assessor 12C95
Seim. C. P., County Treasurer
I Postage 1 f1 .33
Schneider. P. A.. Surveying 57.4©
Star Printing Co., Supplies Court
House 27.21
Sorenson, A. J., Supplies Court
House 4.75
Sheggrud, O. T., Witness District
Court 4.75
Swenson, Gail Witness District
Court 5.30
Swenson, Gail, Witness District
Court 3.30
Swenson, Harry, Witness District
Court 7.50
Swenson, Harry, Witness District
Court 5.50
Schutte, John, Witness District 1
Court 8.40
6u!livan, James, Witness District
Court 7.00
Spinner, Ben, Witness District
Court 3.80
Sullivan, Wm., Witness District !
Court 7.30
Schank, Chas., Witness District
Court 3.50
Schoonmaker. Robert, Witness
District Court 9.00
Thune, G. H., et al. Road I-abor 12.3*1
Thune, G. H., et al. Road I-abor 28.70
Thune. G. H., et al, Bridge Labor 1.65
Trytten, C. T., Assessor 64'.58
Trytten, C. T., Assessor 2.50
Thronton,' W. C., Merchandise
County Farm 8.70
Tweet, M.. Road Dragging 21.60
Tepee, John, Witness Justice Court 2.50
Tepee, John, Witness District
Court 12.00
John Witness District
Court 6.4©
Tatro, Ray, Witness District Court 6.90
Tehel, Frank, Witness District
Court 4.50
Tehel, Frank, Witness District
Court 4.40
Townsend, Joe, Witness District
Court 22.90
Tavener, H. L., Witness District
Court 2.10
Tavener, H. L., Witness District
Court 4.10
Urban, Dr. H- L., Witness Dis
trict Court 8.10
Uhlenhake. Joseph J., Witness Dis
trict Court 9.90
University of lowa, Supplies Court
House .. 22.50
Vseteeka, Frank, Board of Re
view 2.4©
Vseteeka, Frank, Board of
Health 2 4©
Vrzak. F. J., Trustee 34©
It is nadtij fitud t» farm
is the wallboard
for repair work
War Id’t Largest Producers of Gypsum Products cHiCAr'n^n'
General Offices: 205 W. Monroe Street, Chicago, 111. _ ' I
» w „ D Please tend temple of Sheetrock, I
lowa Mill—Fort Dodge, lowa attractive booklet, and name of nearest
Sheetrock dealer. I
Am considering Sheetrock for use in *
□ New Construction I
□ Remodel Work I
Name... I
Street Town
\ -*?•
Vrzak, F. J.. Board of Review.. 3.00
Vrzak, F. J., Board of Health 39©
Vine, C. XV., Board of Review.... 3.4©
VanWey, G. H., Assessor 11.40
VanWty, G. H.. Assessor ........ 136.32
Vogel. L. J.. Merchandise Pauper 37.33
Van Brocklln .Elmer, Witness Dis
trict Court 24.70
Waterloo Construction Co., Road
Materia] 22.00
Waterloo Construction Co., Road
Material 22.00
Waterloo Construction Co., Road
Material 62.00
WoHlum Auto Machine Co., Road
Material 419.45
Widman, J. F., & Sons, Supplies
Court House • 12.4©
White, John, Bounty 5.31
) Winn, W. C., Assessor .80
1 Winn, W. C., Assessor 43 20
: Wandas, Mrs. Joseph A., Juvenile
| Expense 17.20
Wangler, CJias. Merchandise
| County Farm 7.75
Willett. N. Board of Review 39©
Wagiwv, Phillip. Board of Review
claimed $4.4© allowed 3.00
Wolfe. Peter. Board of Review
claimed $4.00, allowed 3.00
Winger. Oscar, County Auditor
Express, etc 13.30
Willis, L. 8., Witness District •
Court 2.10
Winn, Alva, Witness, District
Court 5.50
Wright, Chas., Witness District
Court 520
.White, F. K., Witness District
Court 7.20
Winn, Lyle, Witness, District
! Court 6.80
Youmans. Francis, Witness Dis
trict Court 2.4©
.OSCAR WINGER. County Auditor.
Chairman Board of Supervisors.
j 9:30 A. M. Tuesday, May 9, 1922.
I The Board met as per adjournment
and was called to order by the chair
man. All members present.
! Moved, seconded and carried that the
Primary Bridge Project No. B 162 De
sign No. 48 to 75 inclusive and Design
No. Si) to 104 inclusive as per plans filed
May 9th, 1922, be approved.
The board at this opened up the
bids on culverts and bridges that bad
been advertised for letting at this time.
The following had filed bids:
(1) A. Olson Construction Co., of Wa
terloo, lowa.
(2) Otis Jorstad of WJJllngford, lowa.
1 (3) Ward & Teslow of Decorah, lowa.
I (4) W. T. Baxter of Webster City,
16) C. W. Pederson of Northwood,
(6) Klegseth & Sugedalen of Spring
Grove. Minn.
, (7) John J. Grose of Decorah, lowa.
On account of the closeness of some
of the bids, and also because of some
(laws in a couple of the bids no awards
were made in the forenoon and at noon
the board on motion adjourned till 1:30
P. M
1 30 P. M. Tuesday, May 9, ,1922.
The board met as per adjournment
and was called to order by the chairman.
All members present.
I Tlie board at this time opened up the
bids for grading and draining on the
Decorah-Waukon and the Decorah-
Ridge-way-Cresco Primary Roads that
had been advertised for letting at this
' time.
I The following had filed bids, on grad
(11 Condon & Bolen of Omaha, Neb
' 42) J. C. Parquette of Des Moines,
! (3) Peterson. Shirley & Gunther of
Omaha, Nebraska.
I <4) S. J. Groves & Sons Co., of Minne
apolis. Minn.
• <5) W. R. Shipman of Sioux City,
i lowa.
O’) Hysham & Stewart of Omaha, Ne
1 The following had filed bids for fur
nishing tile:
41) National Clay Works of Mason
City, lowa.
•2) C. F. Ulriokson of Mason City,
' 43) H. xviiliams nf T.imc Springs. lowa,
44) J. W. Cox of Clear Lake. lowa.
)5) W. 11. O'Brien of Mason Oitv,
*6) C. N. Hildebrand of Belmond,
Skettrsck f inisher teeetalt Ike jmii
In all your repair work, remodeling and alterations, use
Sheetrock, the fireproof wallboard.
It makes rigid, smooth-surfaced, lasting walls and ceilings,
at low cost.
Sheetrock is gypsum plaster, cast in sheets. It comes in broad,
thick, ceiling-high sections that saw and nail like lumber. It
goes up quickly all you have to do is nail it to the joists or
studding. Its USG Patented Edges insure tight joints, and
it takes any decoration—paper, paint or panels.
Use Sheetrock for the walls and ceilings of your home, your
garage, bam, chicken house, pig house, furnace room, fruit
cellar, or the extra rooms you can make by utilizing waste
sfcace in attic or basement.
Your dealer in lumber or in builders’ supplies has Sheetrock in
stock, or can get it for you promptly, direct from our mill at
Fort Dodge, lowa.
Be sure the Sheetrock label, with the approval of
The Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., is on each board.
The following had filed bids for the
laying of tile:
(1) Christ Peterson of Lake Mills,
(2) Louis Moe of Belmond, lowa
(3) C. N. Hildebrand of Belmond,
(4) W. H. O’Brien of Mason City,
((5) J. W. Cox of Clear Lake, lowa.
(6) H. Williams, of Lime Springs,
(7) C. F. Ulrickson of Mason City,
The Board then again took up tha
bridge and culvert proposition.
It was moved, seconded and carried
on account of certain flaws in the bide
the bids of John J. Grose of Decorah.
lowa, and of Klegseth & Sagedalen of
Spring Grove, Minn., be thrown out.
The contract was then awurded partly
to Ward & Teslow of Decorah, lowa,
and partly to A. Olson Construction Co.,
of Waterloo, lowa, who were the lowest
bidders in the respective items awarded
to them.
The matters of awarding the grading
and draining was deferred until next day
and at 5:00 P. M. the Board on motion
adjourned till 8:30 A. M. next morning.
8:3" A. M. Wednesday, May 10, 1922.
The board met as per adjournment
and was called to order by the chair
man. All members present.
Minutes of previous day's meeting read
and approved.
The grading and tiling proposition was
again taken up and the following low
bidders were on motion awarded con
tracts as follows:
On Federal Aid Project No. 98. Section
"D” S. J. Groves & Sons Co., was
awarded the contact for excavation at
a price of 29 1-2 cents for earth, 66c
for loose rock and $i.65 for hard rock.
1 he National Clay Work were award
ed the contract for furnishing tile at a
price of ."5275 per foot for 6 Inch til©
and <>>2lsc per foot for S inch tile.
Louis Moe was awarded the contract
on laying thd tile at a price of 063 c
per foot for both 6 and 8 inch tile and
also $3)90 for each Type "A” Intakes.
On Primary Road Project No. 121 Sec
tion A. B. C E and B. Condon &
Bobm were awarded the contract for
excavation on items Nos. 1 and 7 at a
price of 34 9-liV for earth excavation.
$1.40 for loose rock and $2.90 for solid
rock and on item No. 13 at a price of
34 l-2e for earth excavation and on
Items Nos. 4 and 10 at a price of 50c
for earth excavation.
W. H. O'Brien was awarded the con
tract for tiling complete as follows:
Item No. 22 on 6 in. tile 11.85 c.
Item No. 23 on S in. tile 16.7 c.
Item No. 24 on 12 in. tile 32c.
Item No. 26 Type “A” Intakes *25.90.
Item No> 26 Type “B” Intakes *20.00
Item Nos. 27, 30, 32, 36 on 6 inch til©
11. . ac.
Item Nos. 33 and 37 on 8 inch tile 16.5 c.
Item No. 34 and 38 on 12 inch tile 31c.
Item No. 2S on 24 Inch tile *1.40.
Items Nos. 29, 35 and 39 Type “A”’
Intakes *259©.
*2"oo m N ° 9 ' 31 * 40 TyP * •*‘ B ” Intak *«
Section G, S. J. Croves & Sons wag
awarded the contract for excavation at
a price of 29 l-2c for earth excavation,
56c for loose rock and *1.06 for solid
C. F. Ulrickson was awarded the con
tract for tiling complete on items' No.
43 on 6 inch tile at a price of ,13.4 c
per foot and in loose rock *3.50 and
solid rock *l24©.
At noon the Board on motion ad
journed till 1:30 P. M.
1:30 P M. Wednesday, May 19. 1922.
The hoard met as per adjournment
and was called to order by the chairman.
All members present.
Moved, seconded and carried H*nry
Ansten be appointed to serve as clerk
of election in Madison township to fill
vacancy caused hv Joe O Rrien declining
to serve and John M. Bernatz be ap
pointed as clerk of Election 3rd ward
Hecorah city to fill vacancy caused by
f-d Waterbury declining to serve, also
J. E. Dyrland to serve as Judge of elec
tion In Palmar Ist precinct to serv©
Instead of K. O. Flaskerud who de
clined to serve.
Various matters were then discussed
after which the Board on motion ad-
till 1:34> P. M. Monday, June sth,
OSCAR WINGER. County Auditor.
Chairman Board of Supervisors.
7m cam petal ar paper Sheet reck
V ~~
I ke keenly •/ Sheetrock math it Luting
be i
of \
ty (
to t

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