OCR Interpretation

Decorah public opinion. (Decorah, Winneshiek County [Iowa]) 1895-1928, June 28, 1922, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

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TWELVE PAGES jUfttflCft.l) jjttbHt
Famous Old Decorah Drum Corps
Will Revive the Spirit of Long
Ago At Winneshiek
The Champions Will be in the Line
of March During the Parades
and Will Make a
Big Hit.,
The members who are left of the
famous Champion Decorah Drum
Corps :are now tuning up their
drums, piccolas and will be in' he
line of march here during our big
Homecoming, week of Aug. 7 to 14.
Tiie boys are scattered far and wide,
but they can never forget the old
home town, and the opportunity for
a reunion of the corps, so they are
coming to renew old acquaintances
and show that they haven’t for-
gotten the days when they were
champions and won honor all over
the country.
Below will be found a personnell
of the old corps. Some of the mem
bers have passed away, but the com
plete list is published as the corps
was constituted in the days that have
gone. Many of the boys still live in
Decorah, and others are scattered all
over the United States.
Albert Anderson, Orrlla, Seattle
Alfred Anderson, deceased.
C. F. Anderson, Decorah, lowa.
Will Anderson, Attorney, Devils
Lake, North Dakota.
C. F. Ambli, Montevido, Minn*
Edward Allen, deceased.
, Anton Arneson, Decorah, lowa.
Arthur Anundsen, deceased.
Andrew Bergeson, a>Qy Kenedy St.,
Y.V-hington, D. C.
Frank Coleman, editor. Fairfield, ■
Neb. V
Frank Cutler, deceased.
Bert Cadwell, deceased.
John Fuller, deceased.
Fred Hughes, deceased.
Henry Hanson, deceased.
Harry Hitchcock, deceased.
Arne Hoffoss, Detroit, Ivlinn.
Herman Hegner, Chicago, 111.
Ferd Irtgvoldstad, y4y VV. 7th St.,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Carl Ingvoldstad, 1501 Col. Ave.,
"Coi >rado Springs, Coi.
O. O. Lomen, Decorah, lowa.
Will F. Abbey, Decorah, lowa.
Will Bucknell, Decorah, lowa.
N. A. Burdick, Metolius, Oregon.
G. Bergeson, no address.
Fred Small, deceased.
Chas. Schrubbe, Luke Charles,
F. W. Thompson, *l7 Merchants
Loan and Trust Co., Chicago, 111.
Edward Thompson, St. Thomas, N.
Dakota. *
Ed Tucker, deceased.
C. J. Weiser, Decorah, lowa.
Don Valleau, Minneapolis, Minn.
Chas. Marsh, Metolius, Oregon.
Will Murphy, address not known.
Charles McKay, 450 Flgneria St.,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Fred Mackenstad, Wagner, S. Dak
Ed N'eufert, 4G6 Washington Ave.,
Pierre, S. Dakota.
August N'eufert, 2201 Grand Ave.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Lou N’eshrim, deceased.
P. C. Peterson, R. N T o. C. Little
Pock, Ark.
George Scott, deceased.
James Scott, deceased.
Hutton Slack, deceased.
E. W. Spurr, Photographer. Wa
terloo, lowa.
Will Tyler, Decorah, lowa.
C. J. Thompson, Montevido, Minn.
' Albert Thompson, deceased.
Theo. White, deceased.
Theo. Tobiason, Remer, Minn.
Chas. Montgomery 77 Pittsburgh
P ate Glass Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Herfcmt Baker. 655 West Garfield
| Blvd., Chicago, 111.
Mart. Brown, 2513-o’-::, Galveston,
■ Texas.
Isaac Booth, deceased.
■ Elia.- Bunt, deceased.
Roger Colley, 1034 Arlington Blvd.,
■Wash r.gton, D. C.
1 Erick Gilbertson, deceased,
s' I Lou Gilman, 1505 Sargent St., St.
■Paul, Minn.
» John Hard, addre s not known.
■ Frank Hughes, Decorah, lowa.
Roy Hislop, decea-ed.
■ Theo. Hegg, deceased.
■ Carl Hegner, Atlanta, Geo.
■ George Haskell, addie-.- not know;-..
■ Ai’oert Ken-, address rot known.
■George Klive, Nevada, lowa
l;Wi!l Lee, Great Fall-. Mont
■P.innie Marietta, Chicago, 111.
■ Bart Morss, Decorah, lowa.
i|J. C. Marsh, 1 18 N. LaSalle St.
§SH6CollYer- Eye, Chicago, 111.
■HgßTthur McKay, 20th and 25th Sts.,
of W. L. Bowen, St. Diego,
gnl*: in. Miller. G-Faxtor, Hospital.
Utifca. New- York.
Rc*bt. Morrison, deceased.
<|e>oige N’oiton, decea-ed.
0-car Nesheim, decea-ed.
Great K* Prepared for the
Fourth, .ning at 4:30 A.
M. ’With a Salute of
48 Guns.
Sumptious Dinner Served by the
Ladies at Twelve O’clock Noon,
Followed by Fine Pro
gram of Sports.
Spillville has ope of the best Fourth
of July programs offered in years
and it looks like they will enter
tain the biggest crowd in years. The
committee in charge have prepared
one of finest Fourth of July pro
grams offered in this section in!
years and Spillville bids fair to en-1
joy the biggest crowd in her his- ‘
tory. Read over the following pro-;
gram and plan on attending.
4:30 A. M.—Salute, 4S guns.
9:3o—Concert, Memorial Pavilion,
Fublic Square.
10:00—Grand Farade, forming on j
Public School Grounds. Line of j
JVlarch: North on Oak Street to
Church St., East to Square. South j
to River St. East to Riverside!
11:00—Patriotic Exercise-
A—Mu-ic, Calmar Concert Band. I
B—Soldier Chorus, Choir.
C—lntroductory address.
D—The American Come, Choir.
E—Reading Declaration of Inde
F—Music, Spillville Concert Band. !
G—Defend America. Choir.
H—Address, Hon. C. W. Reed.
I—Medley, American National Air-
J—America, Choir, Bands, and
Aud enc£
12:00—Noon, sumptuous dinner ser- j
ved by the ladies
1:30 P. M.—Athletic Sports, Races,
and various contests.
2:oo—Tug of War,
Bohemians vs. Germans.
Norwegians vs. Irish.
Winners of each in contest for
championship and prize.
2:3o—Dance in Pavilion, Holbrook ?
3:oo—Base Ball, Calmar vs. Spillville.
Both team going strong this sea
son, both going to wifi. Can’t
guess the winner until the smoke
clears away.
4:3o—Battle Royal, 5 c , ore<l athletes.
s:3o—More Eats.
6:3o—Open Air Conceit, Calmar and
B:3o—Opening of dance Id the
9:3o—Grand Aerial Exhibition of
Fire works.
Finale—Then “On with the dance.”
Everybody is Requested to be Re
presented in the Parades with
Up-to-Date Floats.
Start Your Plans Now and Have
Everything in Readiness for
The Big Week of Aug.
7th to 13th.
One of the great big features of
Home-coming week will be the par
ade on two days made up of floats
representing the business firm?, ciwc,
social, municipal and fraternal or
ganizations and farming interests of
the community.
We want everybody and everything
represented in these parades. Spend
as much or as little as you like. Make
it magnificent or make it a joke as
you p!e»-e but have something in line
to help make this a huge success.
The comm ttee will be glad to ven
der any assistance possible. Here
they are:
W. F. Baker, Chairman, Don Hau
gen, H. A'. Schremser, Marshall
Barge, Jamie Groff, L. K. Knight, M.
J. Soukup, J. P. Burns, E. J. Par
man, Committee on Floats.
A good many men still go on the
theory that taking advantage of op
portunity means taking advantage
of the other fellow.
Joe Oberholser, address not known,
Fred Reu.n, Decorah, lowa.
Edward Scott, Oregon City. Ore-
Frank Sn out. Belona. V ?ini:i
Otto Soiberg, Decoiah, lowa.
Winneshiek County
Fair Day and Night
Greatest Program of Amusement, Exhibits, Horse Races,
Base Ball, Etc. Booked in Years. Nothing Will
Be Left Undone to Make the Four
Big Days and Nights the
Best Ever.
A Perusual of Some of the Attractions Already Booked, as
Well as Other Matters Pertaining to
The management of the fair have j '
been busy for the past three months j
and are still at work arranging for j 1
the big fair and very soon the en- >
tire program will be complete. 2,000
premium books have been distributed, i
many concessions have been spoken ;
for, midway attractions have secured; t
space, and everything will be in read- 1
iness when the big fair opens its j l
gates for fair visitors. The barns (
for stock have all been cleaned ouri
in good shape and judging from i
space which has already been spoken t
for, the usual number of horses, cat- 1
tie, swine, etc. will be on exhibit).; t
Since the last fair, another woven t
wire fence has been purchased and
put in place, which will add greatly, c
to the looks of the fair grounds, and;'
will a*lo prevent danger and ac- c
cidents. We firmily believe that we (.
have booked the Jjest free attraction? c
that have ever been seen on our
fair grounds. In fact, we have otlyit
booked first class state fair attmc- r
tions and we feel certain nothing asjfc
good has ever been at any county
im ■ ’ 1 ' " •' Tt
The Flying Fishers, five in num-J
ber, three gentlemen and two iadies, \
are acknowledged as the champions M
of aerial exhibition. They are re-'i
markable entertainers of a most ;
dazzling and sensational routine, do- 1
ing the most of their stunts high up
ir. mid air. This attraction offers an
unprecedented series of thrills, and,
| their feats are enacted with an utter
| defiance of danger. This is one of |
the most costly free attractions the
management has ever booked.
Pullone Trio, a comedy act by two!
men and one woman on appartus of!
horizontal bar and casting. Entirely
new* and novel features of most dar-j
ing description, and audacious ivj|
their execution. It’s a comedy act,
full of comic situations anil surprise?, i
The Pallone Trio creates endless
| merriment, and their act is worth
; the price of admission alone.
Chilcott’s Novelty, is a feature of I
unusual novelty and originality. Civil-1
cott starts his performance on a;
slender slack wire ar.d gradually in- j
troduces his troupe of trained dogs. J
Each dog demonstrates that he can’
perform as well on the wire, as his I
, master. It s a great attraction and
i well worth seeing. A second and
j di.-tinct act by Chilcott consists of
i clever hoop rolling and those who
know, claim Chilcott as one of the
best hoop rolling performers in the j
United States.
Brady & Delevan, a new and ori- 1
ginal development in gymnastic feats,:
hand balancing and finger-tip bal-j
’ ancing extraordinary. The balancing ■
is distinctive with these artists i
alone, aud has never before t>een!
, performed in public by any other
Another act by these clever artists
consist of novel stunts on the top
of a long slender swaying perch pole
by one of them, while the pole is
supported and balanced by the other.
Prof. Walter Raub, our oIJ s;and
by and his lady aeronaut will be with
. us doing their wonderful balloon act
1 and paracute performance. Prof.
, Raub is so well and favorably known
. here that it is not necessary to tell
of his wonderful work high in the
air. In fact Prof. Raub is one of
’ the best, if not the very best, baloon
- ist in the country* and he has been
i re-engaged for the entire week at
the lowa State Fair. Their per
. formance this year, we are told, is
entirely new and out of the ordinary.
Base ball will e a prominent
| feature this year, and there is al
r°-'dy quite an interest in which
tern wvl prove to be the winner.
1 Y\ innosiuok County Fair Associa*
The Big Fair.
tion is a member of the N. E. lowli
Tro*ting Circuit and very fast
hordes will be seen in the races that
will be given during the fair.
On the Midway will be seen the
1 usual Merry-Go-Round, Ferris Wheel
! and good new novel shows to amuse
i the people, day and night.
Thearle-Durfield Fireworks Com
pany, of Chicago, will /have charge
of the fire works, which means
magnificent displays, beautiful set
pieces, especially arranged and made
to order for Winneshiek County
Home Coming Festival and an added
feature this year will be a nice sel
ection of dayl ght fire works.
The Farm Bureau will have a tent
of its own, and the county agent
will be in charge. And there will be
educational exhibits in charge of the
County Superintendent. Full parti
culars of the e matters later on.
The dancing pavilion will be under
I the personal supervision of the fair
management. Carpenter’s Orchestra
ha- been engaged and those who en
dancing can do so to their heart’s
j The above is simply an outline of
what to look for this year at the
! Winneshiek county fair. In fact,
’ there will be nothing missing as we
are determined to outdo all our pre
vious efforts, and make the Winne
shiek County Fair the “talked about
fair" of the entire northwest.
The admission this year, has been
reduced to 50c and you’ll see some
big show for the price. The Winne
shiek County Homecoming Festival
will also be staged in Decorah dur-
ing fair week. So arrange now to
take the week off and enjoy one
complete round of pleasure. Meet
many people whom you haven’t met
for many years. Talk fair, talk home
coming,, boost the fair and the home
coming festival. It’s worthwhile.
We rely upon all the people of
Winneshiek county to be here during
far week and welcome the many
strangers who will come and renew
former acquaintances. Everything
will be dor.e for the enjoyment of
those v.ho at.end.
Merchants of Decorah \Vill Offer Hi k
Bargains This Week on
Various Line of
«■» JUNE 29, 30, JULY 1
Don’t Fail to he in Decorah on Above
Days and Get Your Share
Of The Bargains.
The big Community Sale of De
cora'n Merchants will take place thi3
week Thursday, Friday and Satur
day. Bargains galore will be offered
and everybody should remember the
dates and be here and get their share
of the bargains. Look up the big
bargains offered last week, bring the
list with you and get what you want
at a big saving.
o •
Fine Inmprovement at Bear’s
The Ben Bear Clothing Co. is in
stalling a new back ground in the
large display windows of the store
this week. The fixtures are cir
csssion walnut and is some of the
most beautiful material ever seen
here, and adds much to the fine ap
pearance of the store.
—Public Opinion is sent to satisfied
and continuous subscribers. The) are
the ones who make advertising pay.
'''' &
j Former Residents M rite That They
Will be With Us During Home-
Coming Week.
Mrs. Louisa A. Benedict Tells About
Fourth July Celebration Held
Here in 1836.
The response to the Homecoming
invitations sent out by the committee
in charge of the big celebration to
be held in Decorah the week of Aug.
7th to 14th is very gratifying and
I judging by the letters received De
! corah will entertain one of the larg
-1 est crowds in her history. The old
town will be well prepared to re
ceive with open arms all former
residents of Decorah and W nne-hiek
county who may find it po-sible to
pay the old home a visit Homecom
ing week.
Below are a few of the letters re
ceived by the committee, which evi- •
dence that the Homecoming has i
struck a popular chord in the hearts
of all. I
Dunn Center, No. Dak. i
June 20, 1922.
Mr. J. A. Nelson, Decorah, lowu.
Dear Mr. Nelson:
In reply to your announcement of I
the Home Coming Festival can .-late <
that if nothing turns up to interfere! (
with present plans we expect to be j
there and will make the 700 irtile
trip by auto. '
It is 15 years since we left De- j
corah and we are looking forward j
to the event with great pleasure.
Thanking you, I am,
Yours truly, 1
Michael Maher, and wide. 1
P. S. Your letter was addressed t
to M. Maker but presume it was ,
meant for me. ‘
* j f
i Mankato Kan.,
Jane 19. 1922.
Mr. J. A. Nelson, Sec’v. of Winne- .
shiek Co. Home Coming.
Dear Sr:
Thanks for the notice of your
coming festival. I would be pleased
to be at the old home town at that ;
time. I attended the first big time!
that Decorah gave, that was July 4,i
1856. A free dinner given under
a rustic bower on the hill s de that [
is now covered with beautiful nomes. ■
Ask them thru the Decorah } apor
to ask how many are still in the.
earth life that partook of tha* free
dinner. My father, Edwin Blaekmarr
j was landlord of the Burr Oak house
at tha: time and I was 13 years old. |
Again thanks,
Mrs. Louisa A. Benedict.
Minneapolis, June 14, 1922.
Executive Committee.
| Dear Sirs: j
~ Your notice of Decorah Homeccn*.-.
, ing, received and am glad to inform:
Ijvou that myself and wife will sure,
i be there during the week of August j
.17 to 13th. Thanking you for your
J notice, I am
Yours respectfully,
J. W. Johnson,
4029 30th Ave. So.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
1 Norway, lowa, June 19, 1922.
Winneshiek County Home Coining
i Festival, Mr. J. A. Nelson, Sec’y,
r Decorah, lowa.
Dear Sir:
I received your invitation to the
MW.nneshiek County Home Coming a
' few days ago, I will take the liberty
, ! to thank you all for the honor to
b§ invited. Hoping I can be there.
• Yours,
E. S. Erland.
Detroit, Minnesota.
June 15th. 1922.
, ; Wineshiek County Home Coming
: Festival, Decorah, lowa.
? i I a n in receipt of your circular
announcing the home coming to be
held August 7th, to 13th. I expect
to be in Decorah at that time as w«
expect to have a family reunion at
the same time.
J I am sure that the week of home
- coming will be a very enjoyable time
1 for many old D'ecorian-.
. Yours truly,
A. A Baker.
l Pitt.-burgh, Pa., June 14, 1922.
> Mr. J. A. Nelson, Secretary, Winne
. -hiek Co. Home Coming Week
Festivities, Decorah, lowa.
Dear Sir:
I have your circular letter of June
10th, and In reply will say that un
- less something unexpected occurs, I
a expect to be in Decorah during the
vveek of August 7th to 13th.
Yours faithfully,
C. R. Montgomery.
St. Paul, Minn.
June 15th, 1922.
J. A. Nelson, Sec. Winneshiek Cc.
Home Coming Festival, Decorah,
d Dear Sir and Friend:
t v 1 received letter thi- a. m.. calling
, Imy at ention to the Homecoming to
First Showing of Gas Struck by the
Drillers at Bakke Lease
And Created Lots of
Well is Now Down 2000 Feet, and
Drillers Are Getting Into Stuff
That Will Make Stock
holders Sit Up and
Take Notice.
The Decorah Pioneer Oil & Gas
Co., Bakke Lease No. 1, made its
first showing cf gas yesterday. About
7:30 last night the showing was dis
covered, and the gas burned freely.
The expectations of he drillers and
contractors are now being realized,
and there is no question about the
fact of oil or gas in this community.
This gas was found in the black
lime, whereas in Central Texas the
high grade oil is produced out of
this same formation, such a- Breck
enridge, Ranger and Pioneer.
The most skeptical must bow to
the inevitable, as this is not merely
gossip, but it is evidence shown by
actual development.
The numerous reports as to the
feasibility of drilling in Winneshiek
county for oil and gas has now been
overcome, as the organizers of the
Decorah Pioneer Oil 1 and Gas Co.
have always stated in their efforts to
put over this organization, that there
is only one way to define what you
have and that is by the point of the
We have nothing to shout about,
but the most skeptical must sit up
and take notice, and with all the
erroneous reports, the drill tells the
story. Thi- is an open book, opeh
for inspection to stockholders or
anyone else who are interested. The
j officials of the company will gladly
show and explain why'they have had
the faith to drill in this community.
Friends From All Sections Pressing
Him to Become Independent
'The many friends of Henry Ruen,
who was a candidate at the recent
June primary for state senator in
! the Winneshiek-Howard district, are
(pressing him to become an independ
ent candidate at the fall election. Mr.
I Ruen made a great run, and nearly
j landed the nomination, with three in
: the field.
It look- now as if Mr. Ruen will
become an independent Candida e, as
his friend- are insistent that he shall
i and will lend every aid in electing
! him next fall.
Decorah All Slurs
The Decorah All Stars ball team
is made up of crack players. G. M.
’ Fagg, played with the St. Louis
’ | American. Mike Minnehan used to
! be in the Texas league, as well as E.
; | Elmore. Hans Anderson was with
i j the South Dakota League, Phil
, Losen, Harry McAndrews and Mike
| Anderson are all well known local
! players. Horace and Charles Weiser
j are two of the best players in this
j -ection of lowa, and Olvin Sorlien
. and Mike Larson are Luther college
r players. They are a great aggrega
| tion and putting up great games.
I be held in Decorah the week of Aug.
“ 7th. Was pleased to receive same
\ and will surely make plans o as
’ to be in Decoiah with my family at
that time. 1 don’t know of anything
" I would enjoy more than to be In
: Decorah at tha- time and I am look
ing forward with pleasure to that
time, when I can meet again old
friends, and be at home again.
Your Respectfully,
A. Ingvoldatad.
Winona, M nne-ota,
June 15th, 1922.
s Mr. J. A. Nelson, Secretary, Winne
shiek County Home Coming Fes
i tival, Decorah, lowa.
* Dear Mr. Nelson:
It is indeed g pleasure to me to
receive your invitation to the Win
neshiek County Home Coming Fes
tival to be held at Decorah. The
fact that my nfime is still on record
in Decorah certainly plea-e- me. You
can count on myself and family be
in? with you a part of :hat week.
’ With n y sincere wishes that you?
Home C ning Festival will be a
„ marked success. I am,
? Sincerely yours,
E. H. Johnson.

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