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PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Official Paper of Winneshiek County and the City of Decorah Entered at the Postoffice in Decorah, lowa, as Second Class Mail Matter Comer Water and Court Streets Telephone No. 15 display advertising, 30 cents per inch, each insertion. Local read er*, 10 cents per line. Want adver tisements, 1 cent per word. No ad less than 25 cents. Subscribers will confer a favor upon us by notifying us at once of fail ure to receive the paper regularly. fhe yellow address tag on the front page each week shows the month and year to which your paper is Bought East Water Street Residence Last Saturday, Geo. P. Ode, the real estate man, sold the Halvor 'QuaJiey residence, formerly owned by 3dr. and Mrs. Adolph Johnson just east, of the John O’Neil residence. It was sold to E. T. Haugen, who oper ates a restaurant here and the con sideration was SISOO. Frank Bloomfield and mother who .spent the winter in Flordia, have fceen visiting old friends here and at Burr Oak, Bluffton and Canton the past week. They will make their home in Elkader this summer. Mr. Bloomfield’s health is much improved and he is looking hale and hearty. The week following Deeorah has been selected at VVaukon for the Al lamakee County Fair. Then Preston ftOfles Wauknn just as the circuit ran in our grandfather’s day 3 when .Jofex, Kathan, Carl Bates and Hirurr. Ad aims raced Sleepy Ned, Careless •and Brother Baldwin. Kathan, past four score, actively trains and races successfully. Adams, almost 90, crippled with rhumatism, drives no more. He and Ka han each saw loTijf and arduous service in the Civil Wa t. Father Hogan Sailed Sunday A Tine Monday from Rev. Father Ahr. as Hogan, pastor of St. Bene- Catholic church in Decora!-.,' iwatod him in Montreal, Canada. He left Deco rah a week ago Tuesday, met his traveling companions at Independence, arrived in Chicago at S:3O that nigh:, remained until the fcTlnwing afternoon, then took the Crank Trunk for Montreal, Canada. The trip was made n 23 hours, on tune. Father Hogan stated that Montreal is like a European city, all frhe best buildings made of cut stone, line churches, fine hotels and fine business places. Last Sunday morn ing at daylight the boat sailed for Europe. He also stated that a great marry people at the hotel where they stopped were going wi;h them. Married at Little Brown Church East Saturday afternoon a pdpular >oung couple from Decorah, Mr. <ierhanl Johnson and Miss Charlotte Culliokson were married at the Lit tle Brown Church in the Vale at Nashua. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Edward Lee. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Julia Cullickson, of Calmar township, and for the past year has been one of the popular teachers in the Decorah pub lic schools teaching the second grade. Ihiring her residence here she has made a host of friends and is highly -esteemed by everybody. The groom is a son of Mrs. Iverine Johnson, and is a well known and popular young man. He was a world war soldier and recenty returned from Ames where be has been taking vocational training, learning the meat market business. At present he i.-. employed by Holmberg & Erickson, and next fall will return to Ame- to complete his course. The happy young couple arrived in Decorah Saturday night and have since been receiv ng the congratulations of their many friends. They will make their home on Mech anic street We join with their many friends in extending congratulatory best wishes. o Methodist Church Services next Sunday include:— Sunday School at 10 A. M. Morning worship at 11 o’clock; Epworth Lea gue 7 P. M.; and Evening worship at 8 P. M. o Canoe Methodist Church Services will be held at the Canoe Methodist church next Sunday after noon. Sunday school session at 1 o’clock. Miss Rollins, Supt of the Decorah Methodist Sunday School, will be present and make an address >n “Sunday School Methods.” The preaching service will begin at 2 o’clock and the pastor, Rev. Geo. AVoodall, will preach. it ; I f’iMk gtyinum. H. J. GREEN Editor and Proprietor Subscription Price $2.00 a Year martian Subscriptions $2.50 a Year Wil) Make Home in Elkader Pioneer Race Horse Drivers BOU6HT HOTEL AT DENNISON Leo McTague Sells Interest in Win neshiek and Buys Fine 53 Room Hotel at Dennison, lowa. Takes Possession July 15. Winneshiek Taken Over July Ist by Edwin A. Boss Who Keneently Purchased the Building. Last week Leo McTague who has been the manager of the Winneshiek hotel here for the past eighteen months, went to Dennison, lowa, where he closed a deal for the pur chase of the Hotel Dennison, a fine, modern 55 room hotel. Dennison is the county seat of Crawford county, has a population of 4,000 and is lo cated on the Lincoln Highway about . 80 miles from Omaha. Mr. McTague got a nine year lease on the Hotel Dennison and he re ports it just as fine a hotel as the Winneshiek and doing a good busi-, ness. He will take possession July 15. Mr. McTague sold his interests in the Winneshiek here to Edwin A. Boss, of Oelwein, who recently pur chased the building from the stock holders. Mr. Boss owns a string of hotels over the state. A new man ager will be in charge here the first of the month. The hundreds of friends here of j Mr. and Mrs. McTague will regret; very much to know they are going to leave Decorah. Mr. McTague is a first class hotel man and has given excellent service here at the Winne shiek and the business has steadily increased under his management. Mr. McTague had a lease on the Winne shiek here for some time yet, but the fact of the building being sold prompted him to look for another desirable location, and the Dennison proposition appealed to him and he decided to take the hotel now. Mr. and Mrs. McTague will be greatly missed here, but their scores of friends will wish them, luck, hap piness and prosperty in their new home. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• During this week we will give a big discount on all Men’s, Young Men’s and Boys’ Suits—s 2 off on all S2O Suits, $3 off on S3O Suits, $4 off on all S4O Suits; THIS SPECIAL PRICE FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. You will need a new suit for the Fourth and this be an opportunity to get a Suit at a Special Low Price. in our BEAUTIFUL CITY PARK, bring your family and and friends; you are always welcome. - MMkfe DEC JR AH PUBLIC OPINION, DECORAH, IOWA BUILD NEW WAREHOUSE E. W. Oxley and Wm. Hart Will Build New Building on East Water Street. For some time past E. W. Oxley and Wm. Hart have had in view the building of a warehouse on the Rock Island property on East Water street, just west of the Woldum Produce Co. Last week they secured the right to build and have plans under way now* to erect a modern warehouse and scales. The gentle men will handle mill feeds, hay, com, etc. Both gentlemen have had much experience in this line and without doubt will build up a big business. They will retail the products out. They both enjoy a wide acquaintance, are good business men and when they get their establishment opened up will enjoy a good pationage. | Goes to Bismarck, N. D. Next Year O. L. Saxvick arrived home Thurs |day from Hay field, Minn., from a | visit with his son Henry Savick and family. Mr. Saxvick has been su perintendent of schools at Hankinson, N. D. Next year he will go to Bis marck, N. D. where he has accepted the superintendency of the schools of that city at a salary of 53,500 a year. He was selected out of 140 applicants. Many of his friends are pushing him for the office of state superintendent of public instruction of North Dakota and from appear ances now it looks as if he will land in this off ce a little later. Decorahians at Sioux City Prof. an<l Mrs. Carlo A. Sperati, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Woldum, John Woldum, Oscar Winger, L. J. Nesn em and Mr. Ovloe left Thursday morning for Sioux City to attend a meeting of the Norwegian Sanger forbrund Singing Society in session there last week. Meddling in another man’s af fairs is very helpful— to the trou ble makers. THIS WEEK Spend the Fourth Bank Robbers for a few Minutes Only; Then Free Word reached here by telephone last Saturday morning from Sheriff Wright of Fayette county to pick up a Buick car No. so and so, con taining four men, who were supposed to have robbed the bank at Dundee of about $5,000 the evening previous. Chief Bellows soon had his Postville Pinkertons assembled and armed to the teeth with heavy ar tillery and stationed them up near the Fanners creamery, as the des peradoes were supposed, to be headed this way from Clermont. The news rapidly spread about town and ev erybody was on pins, for they know the Postville police force is strong on capturing big game, having caught a mounted and armed murderer (Earl Throst) just a few months ago. In about a half hour a car contain ng four men pulled into town wi.h Chief of Police Bellows and Sergeant Brooks on either side, with guns in position for rapid file action, and a great mob followed the car up the street to the telephone office to get a look at four real dyed in the wool desperadoes who had been captured alive and without the shedding of a drop of blood. The men protested their innocence and claimed they were residents of Hawkeye. Tele phone communication soon establish ed their identity and they were im mediately released and went on their way rejoicing, though their car No. tallied with the one phoned here. As ’’Buster” Spillman and Lloyd Ean were returning home from De corah late Saturday night in Spill man’s car, they were approached a short distance north of town by sev eral men who demanded them to stop. Instead of stopping, “Buster” stepped on the accelerator and sped on home at full speed. The m*i blocked the road and evidently in tended to relieve “Buster” and Lloyu of their purses. The speeding car sent one of the men head first into the ditch—and the boys arrived home with their purses intact.—Ossian Bee. ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER They Stepped on the Gas J|gi|l wBBaB CELEBRATION IN BIG CANOE Community Center Big ( anoe ( hurch Grounds Will Hold Big Fourth July Celebration. A big Fourth of July celebration will be held at the Community Cen ter, Big Canoe church grounds this year. A good entertainment will be provided, also a big sale. A delicious dinner will be served and there will be plenty of refreshments and lunches on the grounds also. Those who have the celebration in charge state that they will guarantee the weather, also a nice crowd. The grounds provide plenty of good shade and there will be plenty of room to park cars, and everybody is cordially invited to attend. Rev. H. M. Normann, of Cresco, will be the main speaker of the day. Rock Island Officials Here A number of Rock Island officials ; made a visit to Decorah last Thurs- I day in their private car, coming up for an inspection of the Decorah division. The party included M. A. Patterson, general freight agent, of Chicago; W. S. Brooks, general live stock agent, Chicago; A. L. Halde man, superintendent. Cedar Rapids and E. L. Goff, division freight agent, Davenport. The officials were given a ride about the city by Wm. Hart and E. W. Oxley. They visited the City Park and Dunnings Spring, and also took a trip out to the oil well. While coming down the incline at Dunnings Springs Mr. Patterson sustained a fall, which 'gave him a severe shak ing up. A good pair of steps built at thi3 particular place would be a mighty fine improvement and enable easy access to the top. No doubt, later on, this matter will be attend ed to. Many a speaker thinks that be cause of the applause he has made a convincing argument when he only has made a funny one. Don’t worry, but if you do, don’t worry others with your worries. Swallowed a Fish Bone Death caused by a fish bone which has been accidentally swallowed and which pierces the intestines, is ac cidental death within the meaning of accident insurance contracts, is the verdict of Judge Ralph Otto at lowa City, who hahded down such a deci sion in a trial there after taking the case away from the jury. The case involved the recent death of Alton Jilovec, who carried an accident pol icy in the Central Business Men’s Association to the amount of SI,OOO. He died from peritonitis, after swal lowing a fish bone and after an op eration had been made in an effort to save his life. Killing Tramps and Feeding Dog Mike Walters, town marshal of Highland, Wis., made his annual re port to the trustees last week aHu among other items was this one: “For killing tramps and feeding clog, s4.’’ The wording was not dis covered until the j clerk began »to audit the bills and wrhile it reads oddly it was probably what was on the officer’s mind, for he is a lover of dogs and a hater of the “calaboose lixard.’’—Ex. Put Up Some Cherry Olives The cherry season is now with us. Why not can some cherry olives to use as appetizers with next winter’s meat dishes, these tasty appetite teasers are easily made. Select sound, not over ripe cherries. Leave the stems on. Wash and pack them in glass jars. To each quart jar add 1 tablespoon salt, 1 cup vinegar and then fill the jar with cold Put on rubbers and seal. This gives a pickled cherry resembling ripe olives in taste and appearance. You“I like them.—Postville Herald. Card of Thanks The undersigned desire to express their sincere thanks to the many kind friends for their many expres sions of sympathy and floral offer ing in our recent bereavement. OTTO H. OLSON, and Relatives. i will 9|H water.