Newspaper Page Text
r- * .1 «JL- w th th us public Opinion. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY H. J. GREEN Editor and Propnft* Office' Paper of Winneshiek County and the City of Decorah Entered at the Postoffice in Decorah, Itwa, bf Secured Class Mai; Matter l. _ Subscription Price $2.00 a Year Canadian Subscriptions $2.50 a Year Corner Water and Court Streets Telephone Na 25 Display advertising, 30 cents per inch, each insertion. Local read ers, 10 cents per line Want adver tisements 1 cent per word. No ad less than 25 cents. Eubscriber? will confer h favor upon us by notifying us at »nee of fail ure to reeeive the paper regularly. The ye'Jew address tag on the front page each week shows the month and year to which jour paper is paid. \rraneirc Trip te Vancouver Mr. Geo. Schlosser, of Wessingtoa Springs, S. D., is arranging for a very attractive arid comparatively in expensive trip to Vancouver and re turn for editors arid pubishers of newspapers. He ady that the programme includes free service, so far a« rail fares are concerned. A line to Mr. Sehtosser will bring full particulars of the trip o New Dentist to Locate Here Dr. C. K. Peck, who graduated in dentistry at lowa City last June, will locate in Decorah and open a dental office here soon, having offices 1 in the new Journal building on Wa ter street- Dr. Peck is a -on of Mr. and M rs. J. A. Peck, of Decorah, and a fine young man. That he will ■command his share of the business! goes without say r g. a= he has many friends here and all are pleased to know that he will locate here. Hair Mil- Land in Norway C. 0. of M*diwi tomm~ ship received a letter about a week -apo from hit- -is ter, Mi.-. C. 0. Hag* -en, written while crossing the Atlan tic ocean. Tbe letter was finished j the third day after starting it. jtfis brother P.. O. re- i ceive-i mother ietler last from Mrs. Hagen, written after they' had arrived at Mr. Hager's boyhood; home in SigdahL, Norway. The let ter stated they found it so dry in | Norway that they will have no crops this year, unie-- ram comes mighty j qnck. o Death W in. Ho** Hicks W ’ arri Ro- H rk- was borr ir Time. lIL, Feb. 24h, 1S8& and dieo at Rochester, Jtinnu, Fr day Ju4y j 34th, in his f>4tb year. Tne decea-ec spent his early year on the farm. After the death of K. parent.-., he took up railroading n which occupa tion he continued for a period of l k year-, first as a cart*ei ter and la e? Three years &z<. h - hea th b*-jr ■- ■ning to fail he gave up his occupa tion and returned to his home in liectmab under the constant care of pby.-ician-. Twice durirz this period operation- wer** performed at Roch ester, M on. The la-' .> e occurred July nth. For a time it seemed as .f this effort to :e lore health was to be successful but -oon it began tc be apparent tha' hi- stre? gth wa r,ot sufficient r or the demand made Lpc r it arid “he who cometh sooner or iater for u:- al, ca'led thi s bro ther hence." Tne dectased w« married March 31st, 3.1> 17 to Miss Riia Mcrbw of Dacorahu Out ncmj., A .!! 1 si’* , Mr. K.efcr x w d * a horr^-Wv- Mr. liras va- a quiet, borne- 1 trv- . ing man and a kind and cheerful ; .•if ghbor. On aecvurr of the nature . f hi- occupation lu- ’lire »a -w?rt a*a\ iiw-. V®e for tne *no-t oar 1 1 however, he made many friend*- and va.-’y regarded by those who knew ni rr.. Beside* the w.dow aod -or , othei , -ar*T*. ora are, two bi others, S. W. j Hicks, of EsjslsMir Springs, Mo., and E. B. Hicks of Winona, Minn., 1 also three - sters, Mrs. E. G. Bajrby . and Mr:-. John Scott of Pittsfield, EL, end Mrs. L. Price of Loganport, lrnd. , Mr. Hick- was a Muon of long , standing being a member of the lodge at Time, 111. In attendance ai the funeral from " out of town were, Mr. arid Mr*. E. I B. Hick.-, and Glen Hicks of Win ona Minn., and Mr-. John Herr} of Elgin. Oregon, the latter a cousin of Mrs. Hick.-. Tne funeral wa- held from the home Monday, Judy iTth, at 2:30 P. M-tfce! l*e''. George Woodall, pastor of the I Methodist Church officiating. Inter ment was made in the family plot at Phelps Cemetery. Mrs Hicks, on behalf of herself ei*d son, wishes to thank each one wno has helped to .-often tne sorrow, or dry the tears. MARRIED YEAR. JEST ANNOUNCED Friend*- Apprised Last W eek of Mar riace of Miss Marjorie Jewell to Dr. H. T. Dunn Decorah friend- received announce ment card.- last week of .he mar riage of M;-s Marjorie Jewell, of Decorah, to Dr. H. T. Dunn, on Aug. 22, 1921, the marriage having been kept a secret until now, *»ot even the nearest friends of the couple being aware of the marriage. The cere mono took place n the ( atholic ■church Flint, Mic: .. Aug. 22, 1921- The hriue hau etc : e to Flint on a visit to ther sister, Mrs. L. S. . Cough lira The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Jewell, of In-corah. She graduated fro - Decorah hgh school ‘in 15*17, afterwards finishing a course |in the nurse- training -ehooJ in the hospital at the University of lowa, finishing her cour.-e in February, 1!*21. S:;.ce her graduat'on she practiced her profession in the Uni versity hospital at lowa City. She is a churmi’ e and talented young woman and hgs a host of admiring friends here who esteem her highly for her many traits of char acter and womanly virtues. The groorr.'.- home i« in Stone City, low’a. He is a graduate of the lowa University medicail college, and for the pa-i year has beer: on :he medi cal staff of the -chcuo!. Before fin ishing hi- coarse in he graduated in Lberal Arts. Dr. and Mrs. Duiib were guests of her pare ts here last week, depart ing Thur-lay for Sibley, lowa, where the doctor will po--lbly locate. That they kept their marriage a secret from the r friends so long, .make? them wonder how they ever dii it, but nevertheless the hearty congratulations of ail goes forth to the happy young couple, even though they are nearly a year late. Melhodu-t (hurch Notes hur iay service-:—riurvday school 'at 10 A. M.. Public Worship at 11 'A. M. a:..i - P. M.: Epworth League devotio•.a n ee:. .z 7 P. M. The pub lic is invited to atterid any of the-e service.-. The Ladies' A d Society will meet ia: the church Wednesday, July lSn.h, L. F. AL _b- ntw ' After the bushes- meeting lunch will be served bezir-ning at 4:30 o'clock. The Women’s H ome M i-sionary Society will meet at the home of Mr-. W. O. Thornton, West Decorah, Fruit after J- y 23 -t, at 2:39 o'clock. Af er the le--on lunch will be .-enei. pcr c style, and every rr-ember :- invited to be present and 'it is reque-ted that each bring a knife, fork, ,-poc-n ar«. p ate. o ( anoe Method M Church At a bu-i e-s reed: sr, after the preuc u -t te. a-. Su- ’ij a" tur nout.. It va- unar-imou ly decided by a,' t ■ {•' , al an.- other members pre-» : * am - zamiate ' th tbe up per I wu e: Here* of ore the Germ.. Me- • -t churche- at De em ..; a -.a »e ave bee- connect ed G te? r -lie of the Methodist Episcopal Churc- Toe mange in relationship • -it p ; a :• alter of .ur -dctioo for r •t • i -ce - jpt ;-vis..:.e the work. T-.t ! - cr.arg* wilt be appoint ee by t.,e Upper lowa Conference in tea - f * German Northwest C-fere-'Ce :► he ret of -re. A public -e •v ice at v ric.. t e membership will trat feme 1- being ar ia- ce tne P --or, Rev. George , , v-. • no pel t may be pn- -b> • bring t: Decorah for this p-.-p *- B -t-op Horner Stun'z, resi e-t Bi-r.op of the Omaha Area of vnm W - • esruck County i- a part. Freeport Meth'di-t Church i.i-j.' •_ * -er • ice wi i>e hei l next Sunday aftemov*. Sunday school at gw • o'clock by the pa-tar* Kev. George; W ooda'L Ba-eh-. !} ( ontrihution- Keturacd Tne West Ur i>r *eam of the Little Eigtit j*- igue ha- had a financially ; pro-perou- season so far, and find-1 .r ir their . :ea .ty n good condition tne ***ea ,r*". George B. Woodard,' wu- "meted to return tne full' amount of the.r subscriptions to the 1 peop e v ■ put up #lO each at the j begin’ *g of tne -ea-un to buy uni-j fern fur tne players.. The sensa- 1 tuo- ( r getting back a 300 per cent d-* ie or tne money or»e subscribe.- to a ba.-eba’i fund if pie a. -ant, arid] 'try -el dorr. experienced.—West Ur,-; . ton Argo Gazette. PUBLH NOTICE i At the meeting of tne City Council j heni or: July 13th, IV*22, 1 wa- ir -trueted by the City Council to notify the crwner- of resident property that ‘Ordinance No. 31 lequ re- that all -hade tree.- be trimmed not le-* than j EIGHT feet from the public side walks and will be enforced." F. M. HUGHES, ' City Clerk. DECORAH PUBLIC OPINION DECORAH IOWA Married Saturday Evening Last Saturday evening at the ; Methodist church parsonage in this jrity, Rev. George Woodall officiating.; i occurred the marriage of Mr. Henry 1.1 j Dotse h to Miss Clara Topel. The attendants were Miss Vivian Aim, j bridesmaid, and the groomsman was | Mr. Ralph Topel, brother of the bride. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Topel, of Post-> vilie. and for some time past has bee*, an employee of the Ole Dot -eth bakery. She i= a very highly e-teemed young woman and has a i host of friends here. The groom is i a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Dotseth and is one of the city's well known ] , young bakers, being employed in his I brother John's West End Bakery. He Ys a young man of integrity and , worth and well ilked n a large circle of friend*. Tne happy young couple | departed Saturday evening on a vis it to the bride's parents a: Postville arid relatives and friends at Wau- 1 i ken. Their many friends join with us in extending most sincere congratula t ons and best wishes. Decorator For Homecoming E. W. Harr, exper* decorator who came to Decorah with splendid re commendations, has been engaged tc> ‘ re-.- up the City for Homecoming, week. He will be in Decorah to j -tart on the work about August first ! ad any of the business men or cit- 1 mens who want this same decorator) to do some work for them, Mr. Harrj wil be ready to do it at a rea.-onable ! price. Mr. Hurr is the Official Cfecoratwj and we feel sure that he will give perfect satisfaction of any work that he undertake-. The Decorating Committee, { of Home Coming Festival. 1 o Ice Cream Sociable An re cream sociable will be held at the Gecrpe Vine place on the Calmar road on Friday evening. July 21. Everybody cordially invited. The Carry-On-Club. Chicken Carried a Message A man in Knoxville, according, to the K.noxv He Journal, has found a curb for he neighbor? w-ho habit ually let their chickens run loose in ' other people's gardens. He drilled small hole- iij -main* of com leitnYi —iMteiP » 'thenn cards bearing the inscription: “I have been over in neighbor M's garden. I have come back, but if I go there again I am not coming back. Ft’s dp to you.” The careless neighbor saw the cards dangling by the threads from the bills of his returned chickens and understood. o —For severe coughs and colds, Earker'? Pre.-cript ons is the medi cine every time. At all drug stores. o - —Our W ant Column will help toil ( Announcement I $ # # Yon are going to have this coining Fall a chance to buy and H wear the best clothes in the world; the kind of clothes that well i dressed men are always glad to wear. i H For the past three months we have been busy selecting f| H cloth—for Suits and Overcoats which are being made up for us M H in the latest styles, and by the best clothing manufacturers in % gg the country, Hart Schaffner & Marx make, which is as good sg as money will buy. Thousands of dollars worth of clothing |g sg is being made up for us—and one of the main reasons in placing @ % our orders so early is because we knew that the PRICE WAS ® f| LOW, as the tariff which will be put on wool will undoubtedly ® j make clothing higher. However, there will be no high prices & H with us. We sell our Clothing cheap, and guarantee our quali- H ties as well as prices. | I BEN BEAR CO. I ® I Celebrated Bftth Rirthdav Mrs. K. J. Hovden, of Madison j township, celebrated her Sfith birth-, 1 day last Saturday. A large number, !of neighbors and friends called. | , bringing well filled baskeis, a big spread wa* enjoyed and a most en- I joy able day spent. Mrs. Hovden was j thirteen years of age when she came) to this country from Norway. She i located in Rock county. Wisconsin,: ‘first remaining there three years. From mere she went to Fillmore county, Minn., where she resided one ’ year and was married to K. J. Hov | den, the latter passing away fifteen I ! years ago. The family now consists of the mother and eleven children, j ir.ine boys and two girls, a!, of whom with the exception of Mrs. EUiza .Gunderson and Martin Border r: North Dakota, were present a: the birthday surprise. Mrs. Hovden is the only one >eft m that part of the . county of the old pioneers. >he still i enjoys good arid ha- hundreds iof friends here who join with u- :r. extending congratulations and good : wishes to her. o Homeeomers M rite Numerous letters are arriving here I for the Komeeomi’g eon mi tree rromj j former residents, reminding the com-] mittee they are coming. Below are |extracts fiom two letters: I am Trying to get my-e:f ,n good physical cond tior. now for the Homecoming and hope to he able to sustain my genera, re putatio- dprirr a big week A good time in Decoral: 1 am counting the day- t - til the Homecoming when we will all get together again, and j 1 will write you more about t a lirle later. j St. Paul, Mima, I July 11, 11*22. | Homecoming Committee | Decorah. lowa. Am late in answer!-tr your kind Invitation to your Homecoming next month. Wish to expre-s my thanks for same. I am al ways sure of a good time at dear old Decorah. Sincerely your, JENNIE NELSON. 257 Cathedral Place. St. Paul. o Bosrus Two Dollar Bill A warning has been sent out by the federal authorities, warning the people to be on the lookout for counterfeit ,_s2 bills that are flooding WMIUI). ’Several"” TCTS.I Lwrii' banks in the eastern and central sections of the staie have received some of these bills. The note Is dis cribed as pr.rted from very rudely etehed zinc plate? on one piece of j paper without silk thread? or imita tion? of them. Tne face plate num ber i? indistinct and the check let ter i? “D”. In spite of this fact the treasury department announces that the workmanship on the note is of, such character chat anyone handling the money may be easily deceived. ; —Dyers vilie Commercial. iSgim \W Pennsylvania ACUUM CUP CORD AND FABRIC TIRES AND TON TESTED TUBES VACUUM CUP TIRES: 30*3& ” $U? 5 32 x 4 cord $29.25 “TON TESTED “TUBES: 30*3% - sl? s 32x4. - $3.°5 Remember- Reduction Applies to ALL Sizes- Quality Unchanged Peter Johnson & Sons Inc. j Jewelry For July Gift Occasion J Nothing can more fittingly express jinJirmei f X and exeelleni taste than a gift >ele<*ted from Oar J .Jewelry IlejuirTiuenL l Such gifts eotnbiiM * I -* • intriaa they last fetime. There are mut! S new t!nng> in our k suitaitie for • Weddings, Anniversaries and Other Gifts Occasions • TOVP ymT■"SßWnogr , in mmmfmmr . • The new Novelty Karring' are • Wiien you net-d Jewelry for ]*erx»nal use. you may • -ure of finding it lieie in '** -t qiu lity. • in our Jewelry De{«aitment you *ll also find a won • derful assortment of J Fine Watches, Clocks, Etc. J The quality of these goods is guaranteed. j E.J.PARMAN j : Home of Meritol Remedies For Instance — a A I I