Newspaper Page Text
BUSINESS CARDS DR. W. H. EMMONS Physician and Surgeon Marlow Bldg. Decorah lowa Phone Office 97 Residence Red 266 LADIES HAIR DRESSING PARLOR Shampooing, masaging, manicur ing, switch weaving, stem and ear puffs made to order. A full line of Marinello creams and powders. Opposite city Hall. Phone blue 272 MRS. M. KARMAN ELLIS J. HOOK Attorney at Law Decorah, lowa Prompt Service at Reasonable Prices A Speciality Office over Decorah State Bank. Telephone—Office No. 315. Residence Blue 5. ED L. ACRES Insurance Life, Accident and Health, Casulty, Fire, Wind, Hail. Ben Bear Bldg. Phone 468 Black 199 CHARLES C. INMAN Palmer Graduate Chiropractor Consultation Free Phone 122 200 West Water St. DR. A. F. FRITCHEN Physician and Sergeon Offices in Evanson Building. Decorah, lowa. If not in office leave call at residence. Phone 73. Office phone 70. Office Hours—lo a. m. to 12 m., E to 4 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m., Sundays 9 to 10 a. m. DR. F. W. DAVIS SPECIALIST ' Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in Marlow Bldg. A. C. VERNON. Chiropractor Country Calls Answered lteed Bldg. Telephone 130 J. D. HEXOM. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Rooms 8 and 9. Office phone No. 605. Residence 515. Office hours 10 to 12; 2 to 5. Sundays 11 to 1. Citizens Bank Building. Decorah, lowa. F. C. KOCHENDORFER Veterinarian Calls answered promptly day or night Office on Washington St. Phone 407. DR. C. HOEG Physician and Surgeon Decorah, lowa. Office over Citizens Savings Bank Office hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. 'Phone, office 28-2; residence 28-3. DR. CONRAD Telephone 241 A. C. WOODWARD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Office in Public Opinion Building. Upstairs. Telephones: Office S 3-2 Residence 33-3. C. P. WILSON, D. V. M. Veterinarian Calls answered promptly day or night. Office in the B. A. Chandler building on Washington street. Phone 96-2. BOICE & HOOK, Attorneys at Law Office on Winnebago Street. W. M. STRAND, Attorney at Law Office in E. P. Johnson Biilg. Practice in all Courts. E. W. CUTTING. Attorney at Law Office over Bromley & Co’s. Shoe Store. Specialty: Good work at rea sonable prices. O. BOE, D. D. S., Dentist Telephone 358. Offices in Decorah State Bank Bldg. MRS. PHOEBE LINCOLN, Specialist Superfluous Hair, Moles, Warts, Broken Veins, Lime Balls, and other facial blemishes permanently remov ed by electricity. Best of References. 603 River St., Decorah. F. J. HEL WIG, Manufacturer of Fine Domestic Cigars “SMOKE THE LINCOLN” R. BUCKNKLL, For First Class BARBER WORK w VITAMINES precious health-building ele ments are essential factors ot growth to every child. Scott's Emulsion is the food-tonic of special value to children. It Vk j* *jch in vitamines—- CSk builds health and pro- Tjll # motes growth! Scott A Bowng, Bloomfield. N. J. ifuMu ©pinion. DECORAH, 10WA."jCLY 26,1922 \f M P t ’ daughter Nellie, Mrs. ♦ 'kT' i, n and s °n Orville autoed to New Hampton Sunday. m* D ' Jordahl left Tuesday for Mason c, ty to attend a meeting °*iw e ™ Wa Mission Committee. . .Chris Shield of Cedar Falls is visiting here at the home of her son Llmer. -Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Daniels of Minneapolis who have been guests of ;the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Daniels left the latter part of the week lor Ossian to visit friends and and relatives. j Mr : a "d Mrs. S. Thompson and daughter Edna returned Sunday from a wee J£ visit at Charles City with Mrs. Thompson’s sister, Mrs. Erwin * atterson. Mrs. N. C. Putnam and Grant were passengers Wednesday for Cresco. Mr. and Mrs. A. Aegeter and Mrs. J. *\. autoed to Calmar Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Gordanier and the latter’s parents, Mr..and Mrs. C. Meyer and son Cloy motored here from Postville Thursday to spend the day at the P. L. Gordanier home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ernest enter tained at Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Peters, and Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Libbey. Rev. and Mrs. Kvamme and son Forstein of Ossian, Mrs. Sarah Reque Mrs. H. B. Hustvedt, Mrs. L. S. Dahl, of Decorah, and Mrs. C. W. Leikwold of Madison were visitors ♦luring the past week at the Lutheran paisonage. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Klemme mo- I tored to BlutFtotf Sunday and spent the day with friends. Mr. ami Mrs. Lee Wilson of Mar shalltown, who have been guests at the Ernest and Fred Butz homes left Saturday for Owatonna to at tend a family reunion at the home of Mrs. Wilson's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Butz accompanied them as far as Austin. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Thornton of Decorah came Sunday to spend the day at the home of the latter’s fa t.ber P- I t r„»r.l a ni»r . Mr. and parted by auto Tuesday for Des! Moines to visit friends and relatives.! Mrs. F. Dawson and son of Pier-[ rie, S. D., arrived Saturday morning! for a two weeks visit a: the Fred Butz and Otto Ernest homes. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Smith autoed over from Alta Vista Sunday to spend the day with the latter’s sis ter Mrs. J. Butz. Mr. and Mrs. A. Aegerter and J. W. Griffith were Cresco visitors Sunday. H. H. Dodge departed Friday by auto for his home at Des Moines. He was accompanied by J. Jacobson who will spend a few days there. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Fosse daugh ter Adella, grandson Ames and F. liamseyer autoed to Fort Atkinson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kirshman of Red Lake Falls, Minn., are rejoicing over the arrival of a-daughter born July 7th. Anton Gullickson returned the lat ter part of the week from Minne apolis where he has been taking treatments at the Olson sanitarium. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leet and fam ily autoed over from Waukon Sun day and- were guests at the P. L. Gordanier home. On account of Chautauqua next Sunday evening there will be no services in the M. E. church. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dreckman and daughter of Alta Vista, Mr. and Mrs. Reinhart, Mrs. Rotbemel of Cresco spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Butz. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, their son Arthur and wife motored to Helper Sunday to visit Mrs. Daniels mother, Mrs. Marie Peacock and other rel atives. , , The L. A. S. of the Synod ihurch will be entertained at the home of Mrs. G. Qualley Thursday afternoon, July 27th. . Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davidson and Miss Jessie Walker of Riceville ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Heimer Davidson and daughter Jean of Laman, lowa, autoed here Saturday and spent the day at the L. H. G. Larson home. Mrs. Badglev of Mather. Mis., and Mrs. Dano of Toma arrived Thursday for a week’s visit with their sister, Mrs. Eva Armstrong. NORTHERN CANOE Mrs. Clarence Rando and babies were pleasant callers with Mrs. B. Eggen Tuesday afternoon. Mrs Rebecca Larsen from Fisher, Minn., and Mrs. Lars Lar.-en from Waukon, lowa, re‘urned to their homes after spending a few days visiting with their brother E.nai Peterson and family and other rela 11'mV. and Mrs. P. Danielson and family were Sunday dinner guests at Ho nice Smith’s. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkeby, son Truman were visitors with the for mer’s parents last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Barth were On corah shoppers Saturday. Martin Walhaus from Mabel, Minn., • 11 » <**v HARRY J. GREEN RIDGEWAY. Xir&m DECORAH PUBLIC OPINION, DECORAH, IOWA was a business caller in this vicinity last week. Mr>. Ole Eggen enjoyed a visit with Mrs. Rebecka Larson and Mrs. L. Larson on Friday afternoon. It being forty years since Mrs. Larson left this part of the country. Dan and Orlando Danielson and families were visitors at B. Eggen’s Sunday afternoon. Miss Pearl Peterson accompanied her aunt to Waukon Saturday for a short visit. CONOVER Bill Phillip drove to Spillville Mon day P. M. on business. Walter Frey marketed Hogs to Calmar Monday. James Sobolik, wife and children from Calmar spent Monday evening at the A. Sobolik home. Mrs. John Phillip visited her daughter Mrs. B. Kluwe and hus band Tuesday at Calmar. Joe Puffer and wife were shop pers at Spillville Tuesday. J. P. Kuhn of near Font Atkin son was a business caller at Calmar Tuesday P. M. Mrs. Klimesh and daughters Bar bara and Hattie autoed down from near Protivin and visited her son Joe and family Tuesday. Mrs. A. A. Ira and children from Calmar were visitors at the Joe A. Klimesh home Tuesday evening and then autoed to Spillville. George Becvar autoed to Calmar Wednesday afternoon on business. Mr. and Mrs. F. Haug and babe from Spillville autoed down Wednes day afternoon on business. Mike Phillip went to Calmar with •a load of hogs Wednesday. A bunch of Conover boys went to the dance Wednesday night at Spill- J ville. Ida Bjonerud has got a position in the Tri Star office at Calmar. Adolph L. Cummings accompanied by Bill Phillip autoed to Spillville Friday a. m. on a business trip. G. H. Cummings marketed hogs to Calmar Friday A. M. Rupert Johnson of Calmar has stayed at the farm home of his un cles Anton and Gust Oleson the past week. Sam Swehla of Minneapolis visited his brother Ed and wife last week. Geo. H. Cummings and son Adolph accompanied by George Becvar and Louis Sobolik motored to Spillville Sunday afternoon to see the ball game. Joe A. Flemish, wife and children spent Sunday with relatives in Pro tivin. James Janechek, wife and baby were Sunday visitors at Calmar with relatives. Jack Swartz. Ed Sobolik. Mike McShatko and George Kletna went to Decorah Sunday afternoon to see the oil well and a ball game. James Hum pal, wife and chidren were callers in town Sunday evening. John Humpal, wife and little girl and Mike Phillip, wife and little boy visited relatives in Spillville Sunday. CASTALIA i'a W" wute BAii gnm?,' « i . i j* i cl Ford Sedan. G. R. Neunswander and family and Mrs. Cora Harvey and daughter Violet au oed to McGregor and Pra irie du Chien Thursday. Mrs. W. H. Haefner entertained the Embrodiery club at her home Friday afternoon. Miss Helen Mann was a business caller at Ossian Thursday. Miss Martha Haefner returned to Farmington, Minn., with Mrs. C. C. Thornton and son Harley Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kneeskern and family were business callers at Os sian Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stee and sol Milo were callers at the Helmer Eg land home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Burns auto ed to Monona Friday to deliver some of their household furniture. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Anderson and family were business callers at De ccrah Tuesday. Miss Esther Allen spent a few days last week visiting at the Frank Schmitz home. Miss Lila Jones went to Waterloo and Oskaloosa Friday to visit rela tives. Quite a number from here attend ed the ice cream social given at Henry Mundt’s Friday evening. Mrs- Wall returned to her home in Waterloo after a visit at the Charley Winn home. Miss Ethel Allen spent a few days I last week at the Frank Harvey home. Mr. Will Willman and family were | Postville callers Friday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Victor Meyer and daughter Irene called at the Will Willman home Thursday evening. Mr. Lyle Winn and Harold Clough were callers in town Wednesday eve ning. . . | Mrs. Frank Stanley is assisting Mary O’Boy in the telephone office. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kallevang and -on Elmer. Mr. and Mrs. John Lubke, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Herwig, ami son M lton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lubke and family, Miss Atelia Lubke and the Misses Maree Harvey and Marie Haefner were pleasantly entertained at the W. F. Anderson home Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Todd and fam ily spent Sunday at the Will Gibbs home. „ ~ , Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Buddenberg and son and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harvey picniced at Clermont Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bickel and daughter motored from Washington, lowa, Saturday to spend a couple weeks at the W. H. Haefner home. Mrs. Ida Leman from Elgin spent a few days last week at the George Neunswander home. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Winn ami daughter Dorothy and Mrs. Charley Winn autoed to McGregor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gentz and family from Luana spent Sunday at the Fred Baltz home. . Wayne Harvey was a home visitor Sunday Mrs j, aW rence Schultz from Luana were callers at the Mrs. Lange home Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Halver Hegland and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schweine- fus and daughter from Centennial, Mrs. Helgland and son Helmer were callers at |the f Melvin Stee home Sunday. LOOKING GLASS PRAIRIE. Johnnie Barth was a Hesper caller Monday. A party was given at the P. O. home Monday evening for Victor Goldberg. A large crowd was in attendance. A delicious supper was served and a fine time reported by all. Theo. Tweton and family were Ma bel callers Tuesday evening. Otto Solberg and wife of Decorah were Mabel callers the 15th. Mayme and Victor Golberg, Ber nice Feltis, Naida Peckham, Roy Glise and Mr. Dale were Mabel cal ler Wednesday. Newton Kenyon was a Mabel cal ler this week. Oscar Street and son Merril, who have been working on the road near the Canoe store have returned to Hesper and are working near Hes per. Grace street called on Bernice Fel tis Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Reid and Mr. and Mrs. William Plunkett were cal lers at the Moore home in Cresco, also at the Amo is Moore home near Kendallville. Mrs. Moore will be remembered as Birdie Wells. Willie Welsh was a caller in Hes per Friday. Mabel callers Saturday were Mr. Frank Darrington, Will Welch, Mr. Everetts and William Feltis. Mr. and Mrs*. Will Hilleman were visitors at the Win. Feltis home Fri day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daniels of Ridgeway, Arthur Daniels, of Minne apolis, Albert Peacock of Prosper and Mrs. Robert Feltis of Hawarden, Canada were callers at the Win. Feltis home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daniels of Ridgeway, Arthur Daniels and fam ily of Minneapolis, Albert Peacock and wife of Prosper were guests at the Willard Peacock home Sunday. Johnn'e Barth and Roy Feltis were Decorah callers Saturday. Henry Hilleman was a caller at the Plunkett home Sunday. Gilbert and Salve Salveson and Walt. Darington were Hesper callers one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Plunkett spent Thursday evening at the Wm. Feltis home. BLUFFTON A rather cool morning. H. Marcy of Decorah and Mr. Tay lor worked for Charles Burgess in haying. Lew Wolfenberger worked for Au gust Bergman a couple of days in haying. Dorothy Murdock, her brother Rod ney and Blanche Plagman of Decorah made Mrs. Brittendall a call the first of the week. Mrs. Frank O’Brien’s mother, Mrs, Carolan and sisters visited her Wed- in kind of coi I Rev. and Mrs. Van Vleit, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward, Mrs. H. Sheley, all jof Burr Oak visited Brittendall’s Wednesday evening. , VV. M. Rider put up hay this last week. Lueila McCabe stayed with her Grandma Greenslade this last week. Mrs. August Bergman and Mrs. Brittendall called on Mrs. Frank O'Brien Thursday afternoon. Mrs. John Greenslade was out to Ridgeway this last week visiting her parents. Mr. Greenslade autoed out after her yesterday. C. W. Brittendall called on Mr. Ash Thursday. Mrs. Greenslade and Lueila Mc- Cabe called on Mrs. Sibert Thurs day. Charles Burgess autoed to Decorah ‘.his morning. Mr. Ash accompanied him. Lew Wolfenberger and August Bergman are hauling gravel for Brittendall. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Brown and their two children took dinner with Mrs. Frank O’Brien Sunday. There was a dance Saturday night at the home of Charley Dolley’s. Mart Lenheart and some others from here went. I Pa:t Gallagher and his three young est children were to Blutfton yester day afternoon and called on Brit tendalls. He looks for his wife home from Montana a week from Thurs day. Elmer Greenslade family took dinner with August Bergman’s Sun day. The two families autoed to Decorah in afternoon to see the oil well and visited the park and also went to Freeport. Just got the sad intelligence of Mrs. Walter Edie’s death. She was taken to the hospi'al and operated on for tumor. Passed away Satur day. They live in southern lowa. Rev. Walter Edie was our pastor here in Blutfton some years ago. The family have our deepest sym pathy in their sorrow. The Olson boys hauled a load of goods for Frank O’Brien th£ latter part of the week. Mrs. Ralph Taylor concluded her visit at Fayette and is visiting Mrs. Rupert Greenslade. Mr. and Mrs. Klemme of Ridge way were in Blulfton yesterday and made Brittendalls a call. Harry Harvey and family of Prosper visited Mrs. Greenslade Sun day. Ada Sibert is in Decorah keeping house for her sister, Mrs. Johnson while her sister is a way visiting. A sister and neice of Mrs. C. A. Lange, Mrs. E. O. Herman and Min nie Hellen, of Flanders, So. Dak., visited with C. A. Lange and wife and daughter Margaret and were calling at the A. O. Ash home last Thursday. James Weldon was t® Bluffton Thursday having feed ground. His .mother accompanied him. They call ed on Brittendalls. M. H. Knox was buying honey of A. 0. Ash Thursday. Mr. Miller of Cresco, a well digger called on BrittendalPs Saturday. k - *— " ' - • - fifryJKgi..,.: _ cigarettes / hey are GOOD! 101 lowa State Tax Buy this Cigarette and Save Money OLAY Hli*L Mr. and Mrs. Nels Kjome of of Spring- Grove visited at the An drew Kjome home Monday. Mr. I. Hegseth of Highlandville was a caller at the Kjome home one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rosa and son Raymond spent Thursday in Decorah and helped Mr. Rosa’s mother cele brate her 78th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allert spent a few days las: week visiting relatives in Dubuque and Giani. Mr. and Mrs. Bloom of Decorah stayed at their jhome during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Grinna of Glenwood were callers at the Frye home last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Linzenmever and grandchildren of Hesper spent Thursday with the former parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kjome en tertained the following relatives from Minneapolis last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and son Andrew and Mrs. Evenson and little son. Mrs. Bell Hein and two young ladies from California visited at the Frye home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Geottleman spent Sunday with relatives and friends in town. Little Bobby Seegmiller was un , der doctor’s care a couple of days I last week, but are glad to say he is better again. Marie Kjome of Spring Grove was an over Sunday visitor at the Kjome home. Mr. and Mrs. Bloom of Decorah called at the Linzenmever home last 1 week. RIDGEWAY. (Too late for last week ) Mrs. K. P. Knutson went to Austin Wednesday to visit her daughter who is a patient at the Lutheran hospital. Miss Myrtle Butz 'came down from Northtield Tuesda> to Join her mother in a visit at tne IM. K. Allen home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peterson of Souix Falls are l»re visiting at the home o*f Mrs. S. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin 'Patterson autoed over from Charles City Saturday to visit the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Guttormson. Mr. land Mrs. Sander "PeWHftOfd . uul „ t 'PfcaA for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bakken at Deeor&ti were here Thursday to visit their daugn ter Mrs. Alfred Gilbertson. Mrs. |C. M. Hanaon went to New Hampton Monday to seek medical at tention. Miss Loretta Horn who has been n guest of her grandmother Mr*. P. L. Gordanier. left Friday for her home at Decorah. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daniels accompan ied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Daniels motored to Klkader Saturday to visit their daughter and son in law. Mr and Mrs. \V. J Puley sy-nt Sun day with their daughter Mr-. Guy Rol lins. Mrs. Oswald Hanson returned Monday from Rochester where she ha* been vis iting her husband who is a patient at the hospital. Last Saturday, July IS. 1522, at the Norwegian Lutheran pir.sonage, oc urred the marriage of Mi-s Joseph n* Hooper stad to Carl A. Qualley The bridal couple were attended by the brides sutei Miss Anette Hopperstad and Alliert El lingson. She is the daughter of J. L, Hopperstad and is a gracious and cap able young lady. For the pist two years slie has been an efficient school teacher. The groom Is a son of Mrs. O. Qualley and is a prosperous young farmer Th« many friends of these young people join with us in extending congratulations and b<-st wishes 'They will dispense With the usual wedding trip and go to house keeping on tile farm of tha groom's mother. Mrs Iverson concluded a months visit here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. CTiris. Holverson and left Friday for her home at Waubon. Minn. Mrs. J J Strandness who was called here by the death of her fattier Ole O. Hovey returned Sunday to her home at Perth, N. D. Mrs. Bert Werhan will entertain the I'nited Lutheran Ladies Aid Society Thursday afternoon. July 20th. Fred Biel of St. James. Minn., earn* Sunday for a few days visit with his uncle Louis Biel. J. R. Thorson of Calmar the well known piano tuner is in Ridgeway on one of his regular visits. Berger Guttormson and Fred Vatt hauer departed riunday for Chicago on a short business trip. N. Oollbranson and two daughters autoed over from Mason C ty jsaturUay and apant the end at the CL Degro home. Mrs. Oollbranson who has been a guest for several weeks here with her mother, returned home with them 'Sunday. The following were visitors the past week at th* Lutheran parsonage: R-‘V. and Mrs. H. M Norman of Ore-- Rev. S O. Sigmond of Brooklyn, N Y., Mrs. Albert K. Egge of Pullman, Wash.. Mrs. O. S. Everson of Brooklyn. N Y., Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Johnson of Ridgeway. Mr and Mrs. Eli Goraamer ftna sons of Decorah were guests Sunday at the P. 1,. Gordanier home Mrs. Louis Biel left Thursday for Charles City fur a few days visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs H. A Garms. If the weather permits Mr. Biel expects to make the trip by auto Sunday to spend the day there. Mr. and Mrs K. K Steensland of Calmar Mr. and Mrs Natvig and son of Saude and Mr. Paisley of Minne apolis were guests Sunday at the R. G. Baker home. Mr. and Mrs. Edson arrived the first of the week! from Capron. 111., 'for an extended visit with the latter* aunt. Mrs. Chris. Owen Mr and Mrs. Horase Oordan er and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Uhle and daughter. Lulu autoed over from Post ville Thursday and spent the day with Mr. and Mr* P L. Gordanier. Rev and Mrs. Clarence late. and Rev. and Mrs. Nesset autoed down from Rochester Monday and were euests at the John Kjel.-tul home Leaving Tues day for Decorah to visit friends. Mr and Mrs Elmer Gilbertson arriv ed home Saturday from their honeymoon trip to Blooming Prairie. Minn Alfred llorness of Cresco W'as a Riutfe way visitor Tuesday. Tyndal Fosse departed Sund ir for Laneaboro. Minn . to Join h'.s brother Seymore and wife for a weeks ouUus at the lakes. BETHEL * (Too late for last week) Miss Bertha Wade sp-nt Tuesday eve ning with her cousin. Slfss An;:* Piere*. Miss Inez Nolte of Burr Oak spent tiwa fore port of the week at the ErneM Ward home. Miss Dorothy accompant** her home and spent the remainder of tb# Week. Mr. Frank Boulet has been working, for Mrs Grace Pierce the pa.*» week. Several of the young boys from, thtsr vicinity took in the dance at the M. Mai ley farm Thursday night. Kev. and Mrs. H. VanVliet. Mrs. Mary Ward and daughters. Estella and Alio* were entertained Friday at ttie Erue»g Ward home. Mrs. William Winter of lowa, and Mrs. B. Gilbertson and chil dren spent Thursday at 'the Herman Leistlkow home. Mrs. H Leltikow attended tile Lutlier an Aid Boci‘ty at Rev. Picpor’a Wed nesday. ■Master Darrel Bouiet spent the week with relatives near t'anton. Miss Nellie Hitchcock of Canton was a guest of Miss Kdna Pierce last week. The hearts of the entire community were saddened Monday when word cam* ftom Bozeman. Montana, that Mrs. Ed Sharp, had been instantly killed in a, runaway Sunday morning Mrs. Sharo’* former home was in this community, and was a friend to all who knew her. Her untimely death is a great blow t«v her family and relatives and the most sincere sympathy goes out to them In their deep grief. Henr> Mcßride and Miles Wilbur call ed on Louie I’nderbakke Saturday a. m. Mr. and 'Mrs. Leonard Gossman an<» children spent Sunday at the Walter Gossman home Mr. and 'Mrs BrnesV Boulet spent Sunday at the home or the former’# sister. Mrs. W. lnglet near Prosper, Minn. M J. Donlan hauled hogs to Cantot* Monday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Ward were I>*>» corah shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J C. Moran and sot* Gerald and Miss Anita Pierce Sundayed with Mrs. Alice Morrison at Burr Oak. Mrs. T. J Quinn who has been spend ing several weeks with her relatives her* departed Monday for iter home In Wis consin. Miss Myrtle Pollltt and mother .spent Friday afternoon visiting Mrs. Ib'tt Wicks at Burr Oak (Leslie Pierce and mother returned from their auto trip from Dakota Sutv d ty. Reported rtt.e crops in South Dak ota this year. Miss Bertha Wade is staying with her sister. Mrs. Earl Ferris, helping care lor tiie new baby. Congratulations Miss Nadt Polliett spent Friday night with her cousin Vera M isters. o NOTICE OF APPRAISEMENT State of lowa, Winneshiek County, ss. In District Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Car rie Hokaasen, Deceased: To the Treasurer of State, W. J. Burbank, and Mary Vick, Inger Lar son; Knut Vick (or K. T. Vick); Arthur T. Vick; Violet G. Vick; Her bert O. Vick; Charlotte S. V ick; J. Tillman Vick; Melvin W. Vick and Harris C. Vick. You, and each of you, are hereby notified that the undersigned, duly appointed and qualified appraiser* of property charged, or sought to b« charged, with the payment of an Inheritance Tax will at 10:00 o’clock I a. m. on the 20th day of August A. i D., 1022, at the office of the Clerk |of the District Court, in said county and state, proceed to appraise the property of the estate of said de cedent subject to the Inheritance Tax, as provided by law. Please take notice and govern as«c,ndmp-< '* «• •• Real fiLv X Next<-. c 1 and IWj’i Dated July lith A. D., 1022. C. CHRISTEN, LUTHER REED, B. HARMON, 20-4 w. Appraisers. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice of the Appointment of Anna Symonds, as Executrix, of the estate of W. T. Symonds, Deceased. Notice is Hereby Given, that the subscriber has been duly appointed executrix, of the estate of W. T. SYMONDS, Jate of the city of Decorah, in the county of Winneshiek, State of lowa, deceased, testate, and has taken up on herself, that trust by qualifying as the law directs. All persons hav ing demands upon the estate of the said deceased are required to'exhibit the same; and persons indebted to said estate are called upon to make payment to ANNA SYMONDS, 28-4 w Executrix. Dated at Decorah, lowa, July 10,1922. ILLETT & NELSON, Attorneys. ••••••••••••••••••••••••A* REAL ESTATE 5 If you are interested in buying • or selling land, write or come • and see me. I have some gen- J uine bargains in land and im- • proved farms that are within • the reach of everyone. • ••»••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• : WILLIS & NESS : • Furniture & Undertaking • J Licensed Embalmer J • All Calls Answered Promptly • • Day or Night • • East Water Street • • DECORAH, IOWA, • • PHONES:—Store, 297; • • Residence—Red 280 J • • j HENRY NESS ! LICENSED EMBALMER • and | UNDERTAKER • with the l Decorah, Furniture Co. • Phone No. 90. • Night or Day Calls Given • Prompt and Careful Attention _ >*v _ _-*---- f , nil,,- - BARGAINS J. C. BEARD . /i.j - ‘ • *"***'- '■'""■■■JJPP -ttr .j 9.J1 P /n i v—•'*, ' hi V jp I f \ i I ' XV I V J