Newspaper Page Text
' '\ V | Atymm. puw akhw wVm U *l. 4***+ kjxni m 4 i&it'jjk' AfjAff V* W u*i+Mi*i( 4 x4U/»i/ JMtV U*t Oil/ W J>MA<i*4 JtSi;*-,*,>T<! •»’ Ux f/Mtyt&jJt ii Um/mw*, l»+*, if* X3Utt*> *<U k/-'A #/.VV 4 y<lW Vr<4tU -v wl fc-JAul* &V M« MkjjLaj w «miU vv Mxji J4*xi lifa/Cjliyi Txx-*v t-i-mi. *.*#, j$ **4*u v 4 - i lu*g. WmA. «*4 >*;4 - 4C . J 44.4*1 fpa *vj.4 Kv xl tl.+u 24 *-* <' - frJ-M A**JjU * /*v»V> Wk-4» W V 4 44 *4 V **A v/ >4. <«/4 l/g 4i*A : 4>4 V* 44,4.4 *4 / I*! /vlu,,, .XUj/4 - 44* V 4 *Ut I4V«. ► **> *-**’44 4.*A** 4UWMr 4 Vx*U «**4 4U* l»44*'i /«. .4 g**X.i - W w HWI M !• At» ft* It fit S4mii I*Ax* kV4 IJt lteA >• * • i4».vi y/oi v/ kfWWH*i'\ hi Wv- 4 ‘-ft HU l* y 4 h'Wtff* Hi *, i kUhtAU h> i'whtj t' 4 1 .7*. 4J444. XJ.i »</ ,£■ t > 41 you# h/mwii / t,J M*44.4y4'i / V*/4ii j, |'v4 v< • ’•aU WktjikH *' ua m*av hi Vii'iu',. #44,444.^> A'74 A 7«»H/4* ' 1 t.ii ,h 4 HAUU*' hi f feim bvPw ‘ y»44<^ / (fit) Ttt.4- •iiAi itl .S*.f*c w 4 Hi>ll# A hi' * , / bl M ,i> H*4..** #^144.1, f'..i All 44 444 4,' l»i N 1 tjHWUi A. 1441... 1 „ /4,<„ 1,4' 1 441 .4/ i'lihjll h 1444 1 I <44 44 SJ A * 1 |< A i*« Ifc 1 j,m 44.44 a • .'(44.4.j. bniht jt A 11,11 I II Wr |.! I hi I'h)I» »'.<44».1 % v 1 ji ih wi w 44 I ) (« 4.) i 4. * Hl/tll ; lIMfM 1 I I ■ 1,4411 Mltfi. T t(i4( Hi I*l*4 •* * till Jtl M {* iIAI '* 11 H I li Wnllll I .Kill* I ~ 4) i»41 4. rf»:.4.4• >(4 1 ii.i u i*M n I | li - 4*. II > 'till ' .#*4 It I . I .4 4’1.(1i it Jt(4 4.1|1.,1i' 14 |) I ill ltd I .111 • MMlijl M*l*M Ahill in 1 I •l.||<;t.4 ( . I 14 i.44»i »'♦ W-.4-H 4 V 4 » i Ajcfk nf I *'llll • Muw« n. TBW was Ueriao t V J o>],. ML «!&. gJg»> ...JC, 4. Butkos\ ( Supervisor* oth Dist Andrew l*tad i o Visited Ben Bear's Birthplace | F. J. Rosenthal and party who are visiting in Germany, made a trip to the birthplace of Mr. Ben Bear, De borah's pioneer clothier, in Kuzelsan, Wittenberg, Germany. Mr. Rosen thal sent several |*ost card scenes to Mr. Bear which poved very in teresting anil familiar to him. o Will Locate in l ayette Robert Hargreaves came up from Des Moines last Wednesday on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hargeaves. He recently pur chased an ice cream parlor anil cafe in Fayette, lowa, and will take pos session Aug. 8. Mr. Hargreaves has been with the American Railway Ex press Co. in Des Moines in the dis trict accounting bureau. He is a fine young fellow and will make good on his new venture a. Fayette. L S%»- u We Have Made the Most Extensive Preparations For the biases! Fall Business we have ever attempted in our clothing history. We did so because there is a general tendency toward an advance in Fall and Winter clothing. We bought early. Many of our new suits for men and young men are coming in now and We wi I be ready for Fair and Homecoming week with a complete line of NEW CLOTH- I Furnishings. Our prices are absolutely guaranteed to be the lowes in the coun- IrTand our customers and visitors will be most welcome at the Square Dealer s. Make This* Store Your 'HcadquaHcrw . * A A A 4 * ♦ A A A*AA*A A*A A*»*** **♦ 4*4 A »*» A*» »*a »*. A a*. A .♦. - MMi* 4a*fc>>ip>" i - 1 J t/UM 1 &tbcik MC 4 **fiA4A+ 3 pdpM* «uii»T‘i*,» #vf 14 V i-i v «. *»«> |M{i4BM <4-/ < i d«ci 4*V*i. U*<t 44,44.11* V, 1 ‘ V tAV V, tW" »4tat >ii ii«<i*4 k- I £,vJCiith *, * i* MXljMV*'-*. fmJUUk U -M< krt*/ «Kl< . 44 1 *l' ifljf. <4 C>yr!i*Jt , V 4 1 , V * r “ # «U/<>44* << t>d*4,> W/. l*V4t w 4*l '# iA 4** «*vU*M l*' , l Aa 44141 A. i.W a< f*'" H'4‘4 J/V«»'Utf .|4.4*< , <. <144/ n.l V 4 1x441..A A;,. .«.<*. 1/*AA-J»K w. 1 AAX *.yi / 4 44.A..*tA4..- W -»*f 14.4.^,4 r :*>*W.fcl4U. AT >'lkU t «v. 4* »J .* iflllt 'lll Hv*»< tfaUMff *Al*4 Ijl it 4.4 4 . yy tjti Ilia 4 . it lul^M*' ' ». V A IV«4. •■ Of It./ 4 A *4 ! AX -/V ‘ y# iv*x V* 1 , Av*Mf n «*Aa «. it./ <;iM 4 If.* f+ii A 4 f* 4 ** aAT y 1,- y..i» I,J kL'-&JC& fiAJP IVfk-C/ I | / | iA*r ~yyU i v«vM vo* v< 4 >‘' • fc* 1 / lU.y. CV 4 / 4444 4/ X M* 1 >‘V I y«44 /l iV V. j4.i4,Vffc<? 4 4V‘ .' 'lf *' y.4/M/t ...... I* ill <1 4V fA \f V»*4 '4 •■ *-'4&Xt Hi t'.ad l*it*4 V.l*. V >fl'4 4-. / *» f 4< A'WV-<4r o*4^ I* 1.U.1 4//14.4 4, Ai* A/fi*f*>lf (Ate. if h hvj vl Mf** 4/i * »'•••/1 44 4 i ■*>< Hi'!'*) V* >4 V ‘ /4r * ji w a Oil '<« .4* - ‘/</</*-4J VAt 44 . |li» • t4j/4/< . 4*4 M*.-. *tji >»o : I (Iff, 111 <iy.4l/4/1 4?«<«fr / 4 0 4 O'l.!/ Vi Ljvt-d lunitji+s iH(giM an « ht jttl #4. ~*. 4 M. M'/l *4/ l{ i< M'/ti* tf'/tiitl f 04,4< X,f*r, </> I fliUl/Hilfh, I*4-, -K V !*}*}!.K It* M. j *(A.oyi*4li4'/ 441./1 I*i •/ slly#* <!/*** >tj|l , a*ilv«i )/. I/I.* 4.4 01. I»( I4W iiitt l‘ 4* H<* I 1.1(1 11 4,,(,1.4.44((4j4. (4 jr —r~KT : - - Will I*4 INi «* *|u«»i IM» Ml-.-4 ft i* •- 4< ;, A 1.44--4,»4 ; |4(4/|i*lt *y<4> yf ll.c l ltet.l»|4- Set vlt* I *4 , 4*if j |*4<fyi|ttf llllv 144*11 li.w 1/4* * i*ll *4 K { 1/1.4.14(4)4-‘I I/, lltu I*l4 4.1.411 | * 1 • 41 .* c. 4 1/(1 4 t 1.4 114 lilt |i/llc( 1- ~ 44. (4 .14. S' A ill ((i.MI(4. | 1414 41 i 4 44(1 tltt C4ll/4.i| ll 1(144 / 1111-lt "111 !'«. Iltui|*|4/al lei ' 114 / 11,1. |I. .14/ .lit | 4 |t4lit. t, I **ll A *4.1 4 , (111 * l||t.-|(l .4 Mil A 14. . ’ll.# * 4(,| K (l|| 1*1:4/ I I “(I Ml /lljlllltM 4 4/|11|4»4 l„ 1., | lit I It.-1 4U.ftLi it 4. 114 4' 11 * | llllt l|l(.tlU.| |l| * 111 --> I*l*4l 4 !• „ 111 tt l 11. till It/144 t| 4,11(11./44 1444/ 1 , 4 J ill 1 (.lit till. I 4 (.. ".I ' *4 4141 lilt lilt ul I 411 I-, .| (....111 141. t —r-r M ' “t —~~ •ll.ti * 1f.,1 lit a | .llllltltl) lit# OMI * |V(,B 4,f All N •/* Ml ott A ,Ui«i|f4 in A l!fi*4ify t W*i*J 'Vm-aj noon at the Washington Fraire \ church. The pastor, Rev. Paul Koren I performed the ceremony. The at-. 1 tendants were Miss Selma Lsgaard, ' bridesmaid ami Mr. Willard Bakken, ' best man. The bride is a daughter !of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wiltse, of ! Minneapolis, former residents of Glen wood township. She is a talented j and esteemed young lady and has 5 .. 1 Tim Vina. numerous triemt.- nere. me nus- j band of her choice is a .-on of Mrs. Carol tie Storla, and is one of W inne shiek county's best young men. He served thiough the world war in tiie naval service, renlisting after the | war wa- over for two years, receiving his discharge last September. Since then he has been in the employ of Winneshiek county, operating a trac tor. This popular young couple have a host of friends here and all join with us in extending congratulations . and best wishes. A teception was held at the Winneshiek hotel after the ceremony. Canvass Cottage”, atgftta nrsuc vrunon, vv/julh. jo a a 1 a* ytjft 4 ***i.y.4-.*< ,**|*t Ailt lx#Mtih( %>mi Kul , iUUUIH KU, - * o.ttt A lie- VW , ».(S»j/*'<r i*4* tit* twill XtiW*i jditAi**?!' «-*»«.- “Ifltitf V/XfXiti I*J' C I*. ' V 4 *. ♦*■-' 1 u*' ■ 4-.. I* i t*fc|J*4* i* 4 tl#t ttUK iW ii / * a«f, ***j«r.. iat 41*tvmy.fXiC t. <,*AA Hiur tXA.U' vurji xr.» : i>* v*«* t/*t wniiVy *v#<if V 4 4A44't*4t0«1.-‘Wf* itj iv**4l. H itt 10i Uxlfc iV A . tuM <y44*'»o. .sit v/ vetft tit# tytiVi* (t.Ji itjivK tt«*r M4#Ci*. A 4 a-/ tttW u.yi wj. a*y ; 4»«AM<t. -04# ttxr Uetrt 1«4 v 4 iVW «*( .*••• I AaAI *»« iu«<; i - *J..v |(,v *itir v 4 it u* *mC t/i*4« jy*U .vtii v 4 u.yUv vlt tiAt'. tixrxui- ttt/**- ..f <jv i v 4 i(34IV «* <fi y«ri / v W< Of //v.-A/ 1 iX t J&C u W y«-i #x-'-vt v# *4/y’A4* v^. V*. <fv.X>, «*• **i4* li,' tl V 4A*j| v 4 JM* U<* «1. ' W/l/J #4l .Wi,'/ w«K«. J I*. t# ./ 't -v«,* nut Audi Jt | A At.- 0 A/' |i igt'ilA —lt* U /kdf mi* ■ W*,- 4/ OA4 *v*4*|j* vf *t*. /« ./ y* 1 iA/yi, vw /n --.V 4,./.#' 4/JAr i»t 1?/Z i.W(4 *14.4 V /i.iijyUi M«/if UV, ;/*</ 44 .*!* V# 4Xt <ji* - •*4>* Ail/ I4#.v*rtfc4 4/i 4*,vt4, *VMt4f vf I .-H tiiUtk *4A U w»vy Ui«A *« i.toJ I>l . «*' t : *>4 //• U,14 1)41 I Mrt' OV/ ' v»'fcij 0/1 thitK) oH.t </f 20.% DM** . (y. 44 V 74 </* l/O </;. O *044 */f 2*>4, // 11, Wi,..* </7i' lvtj<t«4 XVtf/iUff iro. j*i 7 4/ «» (4*4 I/O </ / 4/4/ 41 < >/( 4/f .y/V 1/ , 1 O*. U.i/. 1//V1 t»Vtr/OM* Vrt t '.4 4/71.-*|«4 W# */l|l»t* 1/f >.tov>, »i *.4»y (i.o/l wh ./4 /o'o/'lif.l 7 1 j4t*.<j it/, 4)ili:#iil/ly mol til fU*lt <l., >S i/'/lili,# */.**» iiot/i/mly <4</i v.tiuyc 4/(4 #4.7,t|t4i: t/liiooKO 1/4 •/ 4#), 1 11./W/l, Ihe < 41 a lor, I«l*t/I* //If |J,I off / '4*l*44 rtl/</», lilliwl U(l ttll'l (/.,i 4,11 til« / l/1111, 40/4*l, 1/4*4, tilts *«/-»» 4. a || .I 4/4.0 111 iliM* to* iittV/s driVMII! .4 .1-1.4..,. o,(44)Valtt/I* 1/4 III*/ «(laiMl*/U* l/CtWCOII Nfc V■ | <4/1/ 4t 1,41 lilt A ll(f«!*Ui. Ar• < 4 1 1,111,1*4*4*1 41. lea j/| llto Molt <|l ~vet Hits volint/a ti.rtilo of 00111 l j 1 44— loti, 1 ,4 *a, 00 all kltiila of tlc/yo, l»t .ill kill') of ■ uialKcl, Oil ill y lOMila, lii hi4|il hull il««!|i, OVOI a/illlO itf 1118 -lt. |,cjl 1,111 1 111 lo«*u Oil illtri*, ovei- ■ ,lint* lif lilt* III: ,1 1/1, IVclod lOH<la ill It.t: i.Mlliliy, lino -ami, Via iloloi/ia, itl 11 1 |iot*,l 1 ati*/Iti# fioiii 1,1 to -If* ■ lilies (itl lioui, i Will -tty Vvc 1 1 ail lil(i anil (oil oil a Itfai toali Mb -I: Wolill anil ftatv ik, of I»«* till all, ate Biljltyllitl *4 l»llai)lBt»» ytllli Hie Mao Mail tt)l<4 aoaeall »»**! .. •• —. 1 '■' 1"‘, Invited to Attend Infantry Reunion O. O. Lomen received a notice last 1 j week of a reunion of the 3rd Reg. 'of Infancy, at Ft-Snelling on Sept. 21. Mr. Lomen served in that regi 'ment for five years, enlisting in 1889, . as a Company Fifer, at the age of IT. The 3d is the oldest regiment in .' continuous service of the army and was at one time commanded by Gen. Anthony Wayne, one of Washington’s famous revolu.ionary generals. The regiment is now stationed at Ft. SneJiing and to save transporta tion they marched the entire distance of 700 miles last fall from a sta tion in Ohio to their present location. P. W. McAndrews, formerly of De corah, now of St. Paul belonged to the Co. E. the same time Mr. Lomen was a member. o Brain cells can not be properly nourished with impoverished food. screened andj MASON CITY LOSE; TO AIL STARS jjlC ( mi*i'.*H <J * MmAttdi Wvi/iv** 1 tu w* tiuily vf Imm 4 M «ovo * **) I*MI 'UhXivf 4 Uf l, vn* HM A ArtthA't b A Ml. 1 mh<mg *>**4»f, mttA fa ?tMHlit** Oo fe* AMi**ko# 14V' Oaii, M aUik/f k. A' aif i-x tt-.-i' ttHo/iV’ 4 .UAH'* «*’. 'At* 1 m r t ' vv udi 'x-*f ftw of'x-/ .v/O, df 4 /*-at/ 1 // V) a .-4»v/» vf ♦ *4 2 ,' Via: V 4 4 .*x- Wf*rt vf tl**4 nfioXlt . H»o A<«Of4»v«i in ‘ Of W* (*4f l>to*X4l«lii CvU tux X itt /it Uix Wm fvr Ofy. T'Xf '.u At-It* vvU ffro fv«*< * *»V4 Vt-aa/i yf 4 .Al',|f fwf .-off in *o.<l fix ptodmr* M'i*. f.yiw fii 4*XBi wU> la ite*Hl■*)»'* *si» N/f* bit Vi *j*, 4<l £vf * *off«.y, Ix/urr* otriAck out, my kogt* iJi.gx/l ty r/gli*, *.t»Jr 4 g Uii/tl, NEi/fi/tg « mmtmu lo'xr </,. « yoenfj boll *7/ thx foUsiiXf. C, Wolxi of*. 4 , ui* w*irt oat on t» g/i/ 7 V/ »ACO.'*4, iSn/r /ig ill tb*. fi<o» fimm* (/at j/fl> I'V4 tfcit locale oo*l 1/oy (ii*>«*l *fol ball tbo r**t */f Uue g»i/,f. 1-, t/,f .-t-<7/4/l jiiofiig Mir/f'obii: for (*f< 7it*b l* ; t t*/ .-/tort, a wiki 1 ii/v, to fir»t If*, hnit -off kl/rtoff bit lor lb iff lia-fa, aco/i/ig Miftftf i.a/i, J/iJ V/Os liilllaflf /illif'l OUt fo f ! iti/l tom bing afci/ii'l, A',iJfi .-ou fltfii i </u to soci/ial, Tiif 4o vvoa 4io more scoring dor ** 1 until tbo eight, M*4rlif/t 11 e<l out t it -et 141111 l.osfr * Uf/if U(j, ilitting 1 foi two boxes to ilee (4 center. Kagg jibe nekl U|i went out >tti .1 gioun/ler 0 fir at, l.osf(i taking third, H44race Wo!.-ei tlloo -onl u hot s.figle t<i jiight, .-/nring I,ne4ni followed by l*’l,«a, Welder with a screaming two bag gel to tenter tCOfillg Hofllf# from fit at. Minneban ended the I f 1 mite by striking out. Mu>i»i City at-nied once In the »ec |timl inning on a higii My hit tu cen lei, a runner scoring from thiril. VV 1, mi11,, use M Oil out t* * third. Mill atitok got anil M. KttCtor -tlngle/l to |**fi, ,Scott hit to »hort for no out at Mist. No more xeore* were made by ! Mhao*i City until the *i'.h. Factor ( .iiy-led to left and It,v an then (/oiled Jmi| one for tluce hux-i over een- “lfiMfl {he* f."'*T?ynn a^n?cl^"* out and Cook ftied out to left. Thisj" inniug ended Mason City’s scoring. The Mason City team was a good , one. They made the trip by aut ° r from Mason City, a distance of about 1 95 miles. They arrived in Decorah | about 3 o’clock and the game was 1 called at 3:30. A big crowd of fans! was present at the game and it was the opinion of most all present that . it was the best game played here this season. t The fast Lansing team will be in ’ - Decorah next Sunday afternoon for e a game with the All Stars. Last - Sunday Lansing and Waukon played a 1 to 0 game in favor of Waukon at - Lansing. Arne Sorlien, of Decorah, o pitched for Waukon and struck out n 18 men. Remember the game next Sunday. Give the teams a ibig crowd and we believe you will see y one of the best games played here so far. WINNESHEIK HOTEL BLDG. Fix Up For Homecoming! ih««W Home look better, make it worth win)* 4 * iid to brltfhten it up, s«- 4 t tat it u p!«'«%ttnt «i»'l comforieble for thoee who are uhinu to vi«it you duriritf Homecoming. Her»r 1% a lot *,f iftai will rnak*- your home more »o look at aruf more comfortable to live in. Beautiful Brass Beds full »!/**. in new rjenignt and patterns. No bed will match In with your bedroom furniture like one of ifiese beautiful all brass beds Special Price Only $18.50 Worth twice this price. Rugs and Living Room Furniture Ox 12 Rug* in new patterns and colors, Prices range from $19.50 up. Special value we offer is a 9x12 extra good Brussels Rug at $24 50; patterns are very fine. New style 3 piece overstuffed living room suites in beautiful Velours and Tapestries, the most beautiful living room suites ever shown in Decorah. A special bargain in a big overstuffed 3 piece suite at $149, worth at least $225 00. All Steel Cot 2 ft. (5 in. size, sagless springs, special price $3.50. in a large variety of patterns, all colors. Full size Silk Shade and a Mahogany Pedestal for same, all for $22.50. This is a real bargain. Decorah furniture Co. LICENSED EMIALMERS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 90 Hum- Ball History Did you ever stop to figure what would have happened *.o baseball hail the distance between the bases been one *te» more or one step less ? ■ 11-WUI " mJi | would have ruined the game. Pos sibly we would not have baseball to day. ' i Why were the lines between bases | made ninety feet? j The explanation is simple. In 1845 Alexander J. Cartwright of j New York organized the first base ball club and laid out the first dia mond. As it was not customary to measure in yard or feet to any ex tent in those days, Cartwright sim ply- stepped off thirty paces —which proved to be ninety 1 feet and let it go at that. j Little did he or his associates real y ize that the distance of ninety feet would always be satisfactory, and t that the distance so carelessly step , ped off would remain unchanged for seventy-jjeven years, e Surely providence must have guid e ed his footsteps.—By Robert Ripley lin the St. Paul Dispatch. Silh Shades ißßHflf w TIRES &TUBES As good onyour automobile as they were on your bicycle D. O. DANIELSON