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SL ~ l&siZ w ■■wy- *4 Ml fhiMic (Opinion. BY HARRY J. GREEN PBCOBAH. IOWA. JULY 2fi. 1922 CHICKEN THIEVES BECOME MENACE Floyd County Organizing Vigilante* Charles City, lowa—Chicken thie ves, ravaging the chicken houses of Floyd county fanners by night, have increased their activities to such an extent in the past month that resi dents of the county, through the enedium of the farm bureau, are or ganizing to stamp out this lawless ■activity. i A meeting of representatives from each township was called at the courthouse at Charles City recently and the problem discussed. Poultry dealers in the section have 'been warned to be on the watch for persons of suspicious character who 4iave chickens for sale, and vigilance measures ■'re being taken by each fanner in the county for the protec tion of his flock. The county ,attorney has been en listed in the chicken thief drive, and has stated that of all despicable crim inals he loves the chicken thief the Jca.-t and will do everything in his power to apprehend and convict of fenders. Operations of the thieves have much worry and dismay to farm wives, who often times plan to take a vacation trip on the proceeds •of the sale of her flock, t or buy some much needed household furnishings, the farm bureau director states. Night patrols on the,roads of the townships have been suggested, as a means of combatting poultry depre dations, as well as individual identr cation marks on the fowls. Keep Coaf Dry. If coni is kept in a dry, airy place ft will burn much better than if placed In a close, poorly ventilated cellar. Coal that is excluded from the air soon gets rid of its gas and the ab sence of this renders It more waste ful when burned. NOTICE IN PROBATE To whom it may concern:: You and each of you are hereby notified to appear at the Clerk’s i TT ~’’ attend’ the probate of an instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Te stament of S. O. Severson late of Pleasant Township, in Win neshiek County, lowa, deceased, at which time ami place you will ap pear and show cause, if any, why said will should not be admitted to probate. In testimony whereof I have here unto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said office, this 29th, day •of June, 1922. S. J. MOORE, Clerk of District Court. By C. R. SELL AND, Deputy. E. J. HOOK, Attorney. 27-4 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT | Notice of the Appointment of Exe- i wutor of the Estate of O. A. Berge, •otherwise known as Ole A. Berge, de ceased. Notice is Hereby Given, that the subscriber has been duly appointed Executor of the estate of O. A. Berge otherwise .known as v ,t>l? A. Btrge late of (lienwodu township, in the •county of Winneshiek, State of lowa, deceased, testate, and has tak en up himself that trust by giving jhonds as the law directs. All per 4?ons having demands upon the estate of the said deceased are required to exhibit the same, and persons indebt ed to said e-tate are called upon to make payment to ANTON MELVIN BERGE, Executor. Dated at Decorah, lowa, July 11, 1922 ELLIS J. HOOK, Attorney. 28-4 w o NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have organized a cor poration for pecuniary profit under the provisions of Chapter 1, Title 9 •of the Code of lowa and amendments thereto. Tlie name of this corporation shall be the ONEOTA OIL AND LEAS ING COMPANY, and its principal piace of busine.-s shall be in the city of Decorah, county of Winneshiek and state of lowa. The general nature of the business to be transacted by this corporation is to buy, sell, acquire, transfer, assign arid develop oil and gas leases, to act as brokers or agents in buy ing, selling, and acquiring oil and • gas leases, to borrow and loan money on oil and gas leases and royalties, to buy, sell, and lease real estate in the state of lowa, and to do any and all acts necessary to carry out tbe above purposes and powers. The capital stock of this corpora tion shall be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) and shall be divided in to shares of ten dollar- ($10.00) each. No stock shall be issuer! until the corporation has receiver! payment in ■full thereof at par in cash or in property, provider!, however, that when stock is to be issuer! for any thing other than money it must be on proper action of the board of •directors and subject to the approval of the Executive Council of the State of lowa. . m. tfi* '*• * . The existence of this corporation shall begin on the date the Secretary of State issues his certificate of incorporation, and shall terminate at the expiration of twenty years from said date, unless sooner dissolved by a two thirds vote of its stockholders. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by a board of three dir ectors, who shall elect a president, a vice president, and a secretary trea surer. The number of directors may be increased by the stockholders at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose. The board of dir ectors shall be elected by the stock holders pt the annual meeting to be held on the first Monday in Decem ber of each year. Until the first an nual meeting which will be held on the first Monday in December, 1922, the following shall be the directors: Oscar Brown, Decorah, Iowa; George E. Fagg, Decorah, Iowa; and Par nell Shea, Decorah, lowa. And until the first annual meeting the follow ing shall be the officers of said cor poration: President, Oscar Brown, Decorah, Iowa; Vice President, George E. Fagg, Decorah, Iowa; Sec retary-Treasurer, Parnell Shea, De corah, lowa. All officers shall hold office for the term of one year or until their successors are elected and qualify. The board of directors shall have authority to fill all vacancies occuring in its membership between the annual meetings, by the appoint ment of a qualifed person to hold office for the remainder of the term. Every director shall be a stockhold er ami if any director shall sell or transfer his stock in the corporation he shall at once cease to be a direc tor. At all meetings of the stock holders each stockholder shall be en titled to one vote for each share of stock held by him, which vote may be cast in perron or by proxy duly authorized in writing. The highest amount of indebted ness to which this corporation shall at any time subject itself shall be an amount not in excess of one-half of its capital stock then issued and outstanding. The private property of the stock holders of this corporation shall be exempt from corporate debts. Dated this 11th day of July, 1922. OSCAR BROWN, GEORGE E. FAGG, 28-4 w PARNELL SHEA. SOLDIERS’ BONUS LAW AN ACT authorizing the state of lowa to become indebted in the amount of twenty-two million dol lars, and providing for the issue i and sale of bonds of said state in evidence thereof, to procure funds for and pay a bonus to per ?ons who served in the military or naval service of the United 1 States at any time between the j .-ixth day of April, nineteen hun- r died seventeen, and the eleventh 1 day of November, nineteen hun- < *“tn inte i~~i, fWP* 7? ....*r . to administer such payments, pro- ] viding for an additional bonus for ■ persons under disability,-providing for the imposition, levy and collec tion of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act, providing for applica tion of any surplus to the retire ment of the indebtedness herein created, and providing for sub mission of this act to the people to be voted upon at the general elec tion to be held in the year nine teen hundred twenty-two. Be it enacted by the General Assem bly of the State of Iowa: Section 1. The state of lowa is hereby authorized to become indebt ed in the amount of twenty-two mil lion dollars, ($22,000,000.00) and in evidence thereof there shall be issued and sold negotiable coupon bonds of , said state, as hereinafter provided, . and the proceeds thereof shall be paid into the treasury of the stale j to be expended for the payment of I a bonus to the persons defined in section four (4) of this act or for i the benefit of such persons, aS pifi scribed by section eight (8) of this , act, and for expenses incurred in f carrying out the provisions of this act. i Section 2. The treasurer of the < state is hereby directed to cause toll be prepared negotiable coupon bonds i of this state in the amount of twenty-two million dollars, ($22,000,- 000.00) such bonds to bear interest at the rate of not to exceed five per cent per annum, which interest shall be paid semiannually. Such bonds shall be issued so that said indebtedness shall be payable in twenty equal annual installments, the last of which shall be within twenty years from date of issue. Said bonds shall be signed by the gover- j nor, under the great seal of said state, attested by the secretary of state and countersigned by the | treasurer of state, and the full faith,! credit and resources of the state of lowa shall be pledged for the pay ment thereof. The interest coupons attached to said bonds shall bear the lithographed facsimile signatures of | said officials. The treasurer of state j shall >e!l said bonds to obtain funds j to carry out the provisions of this act, and to make the payments here inafter provided. Such bonds shall be sold at not less than the par value thereof and accrued interest thereon ‘o the highest and most responsible bidder after advertising for a period of twenty consecutive I days, Sundays excepted, in at least two daily new.-papers printed in tbe city of Des Moines. Advertisements of .-ale shall recite that the trea surer of state, in his discretion, may reject any or all bids received and, in such event, he shall readvertise for bids in the form and manner above described as many times as in his judgment may be necessary to effect a satisfactory sale. Section 3. The proceeds of such bonds so paid into the treasury of state shall constitute a bonus fund and -hall be distributed to the per -on- entitled thereto, as hereinafter prescribed. Said twenty-two million dollars ($22,000,000) is hereby ap propriated out of said bonus fund for >J J DECJRAH PUBLIC OPINION, DECORAH, IOWA the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act. Section 4. Every person, male or female, including army, navy, and marine corps, nurses who served in the military or naval service of the United States at any time between April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918, and who at the time of enter ing into such service was a resident of the state of lowa, and who was honorably separated or discharged from such service, or who is still in active service, or has been retired or has been furloughed to a reserve, shall be entitled to receive from the proceeds of such bonds as a bonus, the sum of fifty cents (.50) for each day that such person was in active service, such bonus not to exceed a total sum of three hundred and fifty dollars ($350.00). No person shall be entitled to such payment or al lowance whose only service was in the students army tra ning corps or who received from another state a bonus or gratuity of a like nature provided for by nhis act, or who being in such sendee, received civil ian pav for civilian work. No per son shall be entitled to such payment or allowance who being in the mili tary or naval service of the United State.-, subsequent to April G. 1917, refused on conscientious, political or other grounds to subject himself to military discipline or to render un qualified service. The husband or wife, child or children, mother, father, sisters or brothers, in the or der named and none other, of any person as defined in this section. v>no died while in the -ervice or who has deceased before receiving the benefits of this act, shall be paid the sum that such deceased persons would be entitled to herumler if such de ceased person had lived. Section 5. Before receiving pny sum under the provisions of this act, the applicant .-hall file with the clerk of the district court of the county in which he or she resides or resided at the time of induction into service, or with the adjutant general, application therefor on forms provid ed by the adjutant general, such ap plications to be so filed on or before December 31, 1924; provided, that when such application is filed with the clerk of the district court it shall be the duty of said clerk to transmit said application to the ad jutant general forthwith. Such ap plication shall state facts sufficient to establish the status of such ap plicant within a class as defined in section four (4) of this act, and shall be duly verified. Section (i. Who ever knowingly makes a false statement, oral or written, relating to a material fact in supporting a claim under the provisions of this act, shall be pun ished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or be Im prisoned for not more than one year, or both, and shall forfeit all bene fits he or she might have been entitled to under this act. Board” to consist of the state audi tor, the state treasurer, the adjut ant general and the adjutant of the lowa Department of the American Legion. It shall be the duty of said board to examine into such applica tions ami make any other examina tion necessary to establish facts, and approve or disapprove the same. Whenever any such application is i approved by said board, it shall be • the duty of the adjutant, general io > prepare a voucher and transmit the - same to the state auditor; said auui - tor shall issue a warrant for the amount stated therein, and the state - treasurer shall pay such warrant out of said bonus fund. No assignment s of any right or claim to benefits - hereunder made prior to the issuance - of the state auditor’s warrant herein i provided for, shall be valid, and any 1 transfer or attempt to transfer 'any f such right or claim or any part 1, thereof by any beneficiary prior to e the issuance of such warrant and the e acquiring or attempting to acquire by f any other person of any interest in ii or title to such claim prior to the r issuance of such warrant, shall be - ;i misdemeanor and punishable as s such. Section 8. After the payment of all approved claims and expenses of administration ot the board herein < created, all funds remaining in the hands of the bonus board, after De cember 31, 1924, not in excess of two million dollars, $2,000,000.00) , shall constitute an additional bonus to be administered by the (bonus board for the amelioration of the j condition of residents of this state within the classes as defined in .sec tion four (4) of this act, who are suffering from disability. All fimus remaining in the hands of the bonus board after December 31, 1924. in exce-s of the two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) disability fund, shall be applied to the payment of the debt herein created. Section 9. The bonus board is hereby empowered to employ such assistants and to incur such other expenses as may be necessary for the administration and carrying out of the provisions of this act and the ! funds necessary for such admiiristra ■ tion and carrying out of the pro- I visions of this act shall be expended from said bonus fund; such assistants as said board may determine shall give bond in such amount as may be fixed by said board, and shall, whenever practicable be persons within the classes as defined .n sec ! tion four (4) of this act. Section 10. All payments and al lowances made under this act shall be exempt from all taxation, and from levy and sale on execution, and all bonds issued, hereunder shall oc exempt from taxation. Section 11. To provide for tne payment of the principal of caid bonds so .issued and sold and the interest thereon as the same become due and mature, there is hereby im posed and levid upon all the taxable property within the state of lowa, in addition to all other taxes, a tlir ect annual tax for each of the >ears said bonds are outstanding, sufficient • in amount to produce the sum of i one million one hundred thousand • dollars ($1,100,000.00) each year for • twenty years for the payment of J „ principal of said bonds and sufficient | in amount to produce such additional sums as may be needed to pay tne, interest on such bonds. The trea-I surer of state shall annually certify J to the executive council, prior to the | time for the levy of general state, taxes, the amount of money required to be raised to pay the principal and interest on such bonds maturing m the ensuing year and said executive council shall annually fix the *aie percentum necessary to be .evied and assessed upon the valuation or the taxable property within this state to produce funds sufficient to pa> the principal of and interest upon such bonds as the same become pay able and such additional annual direct tax shall be levied, certified, assessed and collected at the same time and in the same manner as are taxes for general state purposes. Section 12. If any clause, sen tence, paragraph, or part of this act j shall for any reason be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of the act, but shall he confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment has been rendered. Section 13. This law, after legal j publication, shall be submitted to the j people of this state at th? general election to be held in November, nine-! teen hundred twenty-two, and shall i not take effect unless at such •'■o4- tion it shall receive a majority of all votes cast for and against It.; Separate ballots shall be provided for the electors which shall be in sub- j stantially the following form: (Notice to Voters: For an affirms-j tive vote upon any question sub-! mitted upon this ballot, maik a crosM mark in the square after the word “Yes”. For a negative vo:e, make a similar mark in the square following , the word "No.”) “Shall the follow- Y£S ing public measure, ! being an act of the ___ _____ 39th General As sembly, be adopted so and approved?” (Here insert in full this law) Section 14. This act shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and approval at such election. Approved March 23, A. I). 192 L I, Walter C. Ramsay, secretary of state' for the State of lowa, and custodian of the Laws and Acts of [ the General Assembly, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a certain eiiaci- j ntent of the General Assembly known as Chapter 332, Acts of the Thirty ninth General Assembly, and wa.' approved by the Governor on March 23 A. D. 1921. I further certify that this publica tion is in 5, the electorate of the question of incur ring debts by the state. Given under my hand and the seal of my office affixed this 27 day of June, A. D. 1922. (Sea!) * W. C. RAMSAY, 27-13 Secretary of State. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received by the City Clerk of the City of De corah, lowa, until 7:30 P. M., August 2nd, 1922, for the furnishing of all labor and materials for the recon struction of three filter beds, the building of two pile and timber out lets, and the work in connection therewith, all in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor pre pared by the City Engineer. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $500.00 payable to the treasurer of the city of Decorah as security that the successful bidder will enter into contract for the work and will furnish suitable bond ac ceptable to the City Council. The City reserves the right to re ject any or all bids or to award the work as seems to be best inter ests of the city of I'ecorah. July 18th, 1922. F. M. Hughes, City Clerk 29-2 w NOTICE IN PROBATE To whom it may concern: You and each of you are hereby notified to appear at the Court House in Winneshiek County, lowa, on the 18th day of September, 1922, at 3:00 o’clock P. M., to attend the probate of an instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Ole (), Hovey late of Orleans Township, in Winne shiek County, lowa, deceased, at which time and place you will appear and show cause, if any, why said will should not be admitted to pro bate. In testimony whereof I hereunto >ubscribed my name and affixed the .eal of said office, this IMh day of July, 1922. S. J. MOORE, Clerk of I/istrict Court. McCOOK & LYONS, Attorneys 29-3 w Yearly Coal Production. It is reported that al»<>ut (fW.OOO pounds o( coral, worth S7(X(,(KN) arc tukui each year from the coral Iteds of Japan. The work is done hy divers, the master diver receiving and gruel ing the coral as it is brought in. Whole sale and exporting firms kee p repre sentatives there to Inspect the coral und make* bids for it. The color has much to do with the value. The most extensive is “boke,” a pale quince color; next in value is pink, then white, light red and dark red. Our Oyeter Beds. There are oyster beds along the At lantic- all the way from Cape* Cod to Mexico, but the bivalves are not found in the open sea. The oysters would have been exterminated if it had not been for the practice of planting the heels. r i Closing Out Sale SAL-TONIK At Less than Half Price If vou own live stock don’t fail to use Sal-Tonik. It is a Disease Preventive, Worm Destroyer, Tonic and Conditioner. Made of Tonic, Salt and Medicinal Herbs pressed into 50 lb. blocks and used in place of salt. GUARANTEE The makers guarantee that animals which have access to Sal-Tonik will keep in “5 GAIN FROM 1-2 LB. TO 1 LB. PER DAY MORE ON THE SAME FEED. Once tried always used. At this reduced price, the cost is about 5c PER MONTH PER HEAD. (Note-The standard price of Sal-Tonik every where is $4.25.) PRICE One 50-lb. Block $2.25 Five 50-lb. Blocks, each 2 r~ Ten 50 lb. Blocks, each The Adams Seed Co. .Decorah, lowa Public Stenographer Miss Madalyn Mass \ 1 Winneshiek Hotel Bldg. A Full Measure of Service THE First Quarterly Summary of Refinery Statistics issued by the Bureau of Mines (1922) states that 25 °/o more gasoline was purchased by consumers in January, Feb ruary and March, 1922, than in the correspond ing period of 1921. Many well-informed marketers are predicting that there will be an insufficient supply of gasoline this summer in the Middle West. The Standard Oil Company (Indiana) has increased its facilities so largely that it feels safe in stating that it will be able to render to the people of the 10 states it serves that degree of service which the public has come to expect from this organization. The manufacturing facilities of the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) have a capacity of more than one billion gallons of gasoline per year. These facilities are being operated 24 hours every day that patrons may be certain of securing their requirements of petroleum products as they need them. When the flood tide of demand occurs, car owners will realize that the Standard Oil Com pany (Indiana) has anticipated their needs fully and completely. When a motorist fills his tank at a conven ient service station in some remote corner of the Middle West, he may never stop to consider the vast and complicated machinery needful to put that gasoline where he wants it at the moment he needs it most. But he will appre ciate that it is there. He may never know that serving him involves experienced executives of trained initiative and resourcefulness; enormous expenditures for labor and raw material; great, modern refineries con tinuously operated; immense storage facilities; a magnificent distribution system; and the uni form effort of an organization of 25,000 men and women. All this is back of that small quan tity of Red Crown gasoline which every summer tourist confidently expects to purchase and surely finds at all points in the territory served by the Standard Oil Company (Indiana). This the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) considers genuine service. Standard Oil Company (Indiana ) 910 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago \ 2836