Physician and Surgeon
Marlow Bldg. Decorah lowa
Phone Office 97 Residence Red 266
Shampooing, masaging, manicur
ing, switch wearing, stem and ear
puffs made to order. A full line of
Ifarinello creams and powders.
Opposite city Hall. Phone blue 272
Attorney at Law
Decorah, lowa
Prompt Service at Reasonable Prices
A Speciality
Office over Decorah State Bank.
Telephone—-Officd No. 315.
Residence Blue 5.
Life, Accident and Health, Casulty,
Fire, Wind, Hail.
Ben Bear Bldg.
Phone 468 . Black 199
Palmer Graduate
Consultation Free
Phone 122 200 West Water St.
Physician and Sergeon
Offices in Evanson Building.
Decorah, lowa.
If not in office leave call at residence.
Phone 73.
Office phone 70.
Office Hours —10 a. m. to 12 m.,
2 to 4 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m., Sundays 9
to 10 a. m.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Office in Marlow Bldg.
Country Calls Answered
lteed Bldg. Telephone 130
J. D. HEXOM, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Rooms 8 and 9. Office phone No.
605. Residence 515. Office hours 10
to 12; 2 to 5. Sundays 11 to 1.
Citizens Bank Building.
Decorah, lowa.
ij&Us answered promptly day or
night. Office on Washington St
Phone 407.
Physician and Surgeon
Decorah, lowa.
Office over Citizens Savings Bank
Office hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p.
m. Phone, office 28-2; residence 28-3.
Telephone 241
Physician und Surgeon
Special attention given to diseases
of women and children. Office in
Public Opinion Building. Upstairs.
Residence 33-3.
Office S 3-2
C. P. WILSON, D. V. M.
Calls answered promptly day or
night. Office in the B. A. Chandler
building on Washington street
Attorneys at Law
Office on Winnebago Street.
Attorney at Law
Office in E. P. Johnson Bklg.
Practice in all Courts.
Attorney at Law
Office over Bromley & Co’s. Shoe
Store. Specialty: Good work at rea
sonable prices.
O. BOE, D. D. S.,
Telephone 358. Offices in Decorah
State Bank Bldg.
Superfluous Hair, Moles, Warts,
Broken Veins, Lime Balls, and other
facial blemishes permanently remov
ed by electricity. Best of References.
603 River St., Decorah.
Manufacturer of
Fine Domestic Cigars
For First Class
IH—mnrti»i ■
Phone 96-2.
f "»*
fguMw CDpiuion.
Mr. Rowe White was a Mabel cal
ler Wednesday.
«r J j hnn ! e BartJl finished harvesting
Wednesday, oats reported fine.
Jake Richert an d son Wm. Feltis,
rred Meader, Arch Bryant, Frank
Lterrmgton, "'dl Casterton were
Mabel callers Saturday.
„ ? ai<l , a P eck ha"i visited at the
Willard Peacock home Saturday.
A number from this vicinity at
tended the lawn party given by Miss
Bernice Feltis at her home Thursday
Mrs. Robert Feltis and daughter
of Hawarden, Canada, and Mrs. Wm.
Feltis called on Mrs. Frank Frey
Friday afternoon.
Willie Welch and family were cal
lers in Hesper Sunday.
The cutting of the grain is fin
ished, stacking and threshing have
started in this vicinity.
Mrs. Clarence Kraby and Mrs.
Johnnie Barth were callers at the
Frank Barth home Wednesday.
Mrs. Granville Street, Miss Ruth
Bryant, Mrs. Robert Feltis and
daughter of Hawarden, Canada, Mrs.
Wm. Feltis and Bernice were callers
at the Oscar Street home the 25th.
Johnnie Barth and Roy Feltis were
business callers in Hesper Wednes
John Burreson and Mr. Sorlien
were business callers in Decorah the
Palmer Peacock was a caller at
the Wm. Feltis home Saturday morn
Mrs. Walter Winn and baby, Mrs.
Hattie Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Peckham of Castalia visited at the
Wm. Feltis home Friday.
Mrs. John street and daughters
have been visiting at the W T m. Plun
kett home since Thursday evening.
Several from this vicinity attended
church in He.-per Sunday.
Ida Bjonerud autoed to Spillville
Monday a. m. on business.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Swehla ac
companied by Fred Swehla of Min
neapolis visited at Spillville Wed
nesday noon.
Mr. Albert Klema returned home
one day last week from Warner,
North Dakota after two weeks stay
with his daughter, Mrs. Carl Dyr
land and husband.
Mike Phillip delivered some hogs
to Calmar market Friday.
Louis Suchan went to Calmar on
business Friday.
John Frana came down from
Bird Island, Minn., one day last
week to visit relatives here and in
.. ■ - s V c<;
the vicinity.
Cyril C. Cummings arr'ved Satur
day noon from Charles City to visit
with home folks returning Monday
A. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klema autoed
down from Winnepek, Canada to
visit with home folks. From here
they went to New York on the train
last week for a visit.
Charles Babinek and Louis Krall
made a business trip to Spillville
Friday evening.
John Palousky was a business cal
ler in Spillville Friday.
Joe Liska of Charles City came
down Saturday afternoon from a
business trip to Waterloo and is vis
iting his grandma, Mrs. F. Krall for
a few days. ,
Miss Mary Paclik accompanied by
little cousins Blanche and Evelin
Paclik from Chicago arrived here
Saturday to visit the former’s par
ents and sister this summer.
Joe Liska ate Sunday dinner at
the G. H. Cummings home.
Mr. Geo. H. Cummings and son
Cyril and Adolph accompanied by Joe
I.iska and Lous KraU motored to
Spillville to see the ball game Sun
day afternoon.
Mrs. M. Paclik and daughters
Mary and Lillian and little cousins
called on Mrs. Geo. H. Cummings last
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Clem Stortz and children of
Franklin Prairie called at the Edd
Seegmiller home Tuesday.
Mrs. Geo. Rastetter entertained
about 15 children at a party for her
daughter E leen last Wednesday.
Those present from out of the
neighborhood were Mrs. Win. Mullan
ey and children, Mr. I.ester Pearson
and (laughter Shirley of Decorah,
Mrs. Harry Skinner and two sons
of Canoe and Mrs. Clem Stortz and
son Allen of Franklin Prairie. A
verv good time is reported by all.
Mrs. Jesse Limbeck and daughters
of Ossian came Wednesday last to
spend a few’ days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Dinger.
The secretary of the West Lmon
fair w r as a business caller at the
Seegmiller home last Thursday.
The Odd Fellows band and fam
ilies held a picnic at the Bert Tyler
farm. The neighbors were invited
to bring baskets and join them and
all reported a fine time.
Miss Olga Kjome spent Sunday
with friends in Calmar.
Let’s get acquainted—Connor-
Knight Dep't. Store.
i licensed embalmer ;
• and ■
: •
• with the J
S Decorah, Furniture Co. •
• Phone No. 90. •
• •
• Night or Day Calls Given {
• Prompt and Careful Attention i
• «*•••••••
1 Most of the farmers around here
finished harvesting last week.
Agness Peterson was a caller
among home folks over Sunday.
Mrs. C. Johnson from Decorah
spent last week with her son Olaf.
Clarence and Oscar Olson was
painting the dwelling house at the
home of Carl Haugen week before
E. C. Roed and son Knut assisted
Mrs. Geo. Jaastad hauling hay the
latter part of last week.
Mrs. Hanson and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Vine and baby and Mrs.
with Mr. and Mrs. Gust Budahl on
Emil Brown and baby were guests
Peter Hanson spent last Sunday
among home folks.
Mrs. Carl Swenson and daughter
Mildred were callers at Haugen’s on
Sunday last.
Albert Haugen and Carl Haugen
assisted Olaf Johnson hauling hay
the latter part of the week.
Mrs. Hanson and grandson Lester
Myrah were callers with Haugen’s on
Sunday evening.
Mises Pearl and Luella Johnson
spent last week with their brother
Olaf Johnson.
Thorvold Thompson was a caller
with Carl Haugen on Saturday eve
Carl Myrah accompanied by Alvin
Haugen were callers at the I. Myrah
home on Sunday.
Harry Haugen enjoyed a call with
Theo. Vine on Sunday forenoon.
Nice morning after the rain.
Mr. Frank O’Brien went to Decor
ah the first of the week and had
his tonsils removed and is getting
along fine.
Mrs. Brittendall and Mrs. August
Bergman called on Mrs. Greenslade
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ward moved
to Mabel Tuesday.
Ray McConnell called on Mr. Brit
tendall Tuesday evening.
Joe McCabe and family visited
Mrs. Greenslade Tuesday.'
Edd Jackson worked for Lawrence
Bentley this last week in haying
and harvesting.
Mr. and Mrs. August Bergman and
children took supper with Britten
dall Wednesday.
Walter McCauley and family were
at Cold Water fishing the 27th.
Caught some nice fish.
Edd Fuchs hauled a load of ce
ment from Prosper Wednesday for
Mrs. Mabel Brandt is caring for
Mrs. Jackson at the present.
Mae Gallagher and her two brother
Leo and Clifford were Bluffton shop
pers Wednesday evening called on
their aunt Mrs. BrittendaH
Mrs. Guy Bentley called on Mrs.
August Bergman Saturday.
Lew Wolfenberger went to Pros
for BrittendaH.
Gene Hayes hauled goods from
| Decorah Friday and Saturday for
Frank O’Brien.
Mr. and Mrs. Carolan took dinner
with daughter and family Mrs.
| Frank O’Brien Sunday.
August Bergman hauled a load of
lumber for BrittendaH Thursday.
Mrs. BrittendaH spent Thursday
evening with Mrs. A. O. Ash.
Walter McCauley cut grain for
his brother John McCauley Friday.
Gene Hayes hauled a load of ce
ment for BrittendaH Thursday from
Mrs. BrittendaH, Kathleen and
John Bergman called on Mrs. Jack
son Saturday afternoon and found
Mrs. Jackson able to ait up in her
Fred Lange has his well drilled.
Had to go 150 feet.
Walter McCauley and family visit
ed August Bergman’s Sunday.
Mrs. Greenslade concluded her vis
it at Proper and returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ward autoed
to Decorah Saturday.
Mrs. Bronner caded on Mrs. Brit
tendall this morning.
Henry Crawford is painting the
ceiling in school house and paper.ng
the sidewalls.
James Murdock took a trip up in
Dakota and has not returned yet.
C. W. Brit tend all went over to
the Catholic church Sunday morning.
Joe Groat is building a house,
Glenn Bronner is assisting him with
the work today.
Pat Thyne was a shopper in Bluf
fton Saturday.
Vern Porter and family of Mason
City concluded their visit here, re
turned home Saturday. Geoige Wer
net took them to Decorah. Grandpa
Bergman accompanied them as far
as Decorah.
Gene Have- is hauling corn from
Prosper for Luke O’Brien today.
August Bergman is on the s.ck list
this morning unable to work.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Porter and
some others attended the funeral of
Mrs. Walter Edie.
A large number from here attend
ed the dance at the John K PP home
Wednesday night. All reported a
very fine time.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Houck and
Mr. and Mrs. Johanson cape last
week from Hay Springs, Neb., for
a visit with their sister, Mrs. Alice
Morrison and family. .
The Decorah Foreign Missionary
society met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Headington. A picnic sup
per was served to about fifty mem
bers and friend*.
Mrs. Louie Krurnm is enjoying a
visit- from her sister, Miss Slack.
Mr. and Mrs. Wernett and children
and Mr. Joe Wernett concluded the r
visit with relatives here and returned
to their home at Dubuque, lowa, on
Saturday. Chas. Porter and
Mr and Mrs. Louie Underbade were
among those who attended Mr.,. Ld
d, Mr Ul an™ V*. Geo. Swearanger and
Mrs. Swearanger's mother came Fr -
day evening for an extended "rft
among relatives here. They spent
* . V
Friday evening at the Geo. Sheley
Mr. and Mrs. Winn Cray spent
Sunday with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gates of Can
ton, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson
?(. Waterv.lle spent Sunday at the
W ill Nelson home.
Master Frank }forgan of Decorah
spent last week with Dale Heading
Jas. Weldon accompanied by his
mother Mrs. Ella Thayer spent Sat
urday and Sunday with Mr and Mrs.
Fremont Cox at Hokah, Minn.
Mrs. John Lee left Friday for
Hokah, Minn., for a few days visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fre
mont Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Reed and Mr.
and Mrs. Albert VanVliet, Miss Ella
Underbakke, Glen Reed and Jas
Headington motored to Masonville,
lowa, on Monday to attend the fun
eral of Mrs. Eddie. Mr. and Mrs.
Eddie lived here a few years ago,
Mr. Eddie -having been pastor of the
M. E. church. Sympathy is extended
to the bereaved family.
Miss Alma Nelson spoilt a few
days with her brother Will Nelson
and wife.
Miss Irene Murdock spent Thurs
day with her friend Mrs. Theo. Em
The ice cream social which was
held on the John Gates lawn Friday
evening for the upkeep of the ceme
tery was well attended. The net
receipts for ice cream was $50.45,
donations $30.00. The officers of the
association wish to thank the people
for their liberal patronage and help
n making it a success.
Fred Herold and wife autoed up
from Oelwein Thursday to visit rel
atives and returned home Saturday.
Joe Benda and Walter Blazek visit
ed relatives at Calmar last week.
Atty. Pergler and family of Cresco
were in town Friday calling on
Several ladies and their husbands,
members of the civic club enjoyed a
picnic supper at the park Tuesday.
Mrs. Josephine Kapinos resumed
her work at the store as clerk last
Monday after an extended vacation.
Robert Klimesn and Prof. Kovarik
were Cresco callers last Wednesday.
Last week our streets had another
coat of oil.
John Herold and brother, Phillip
of Cresco left one day last week for
Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma foi
an extended visit with relatives.
Mrs. Charles C. Conlee and chil
dren of Cook, Neb., were guests Mon
day and Tuesday of last week at the
M. Novak home several miles from
town. Mrs. Novak is an aunt of Mrs.
Miss Mamie Vttoushek was a
Cresco visitor last Tuesday.
Joe Stadle, clerk of Haug-Heuser
Co.’s store is out for a vacation.
Monday, July 23, 3frrs. faeoiVv
Kuhn a pioneer settler passed away
at her home on the farm of her son,
George W. at the age of 81, death
being caused by heart failure. Miss
Josephine Novotny was born in 1841,
in Bohemia, Austria. She came to
this country with her parents in
1863, at the age of 22 years and
settled in Winneshiek county. She
was married in 1866 at Spillville,
lowa, to George Kuhn. From the
time of her marriage till her death
she lived continually on this farm.
Her husband passed away a few years
ago on this same farm. To this
union five children were born, four
survive, Joseph P., George W., and
Anton, all of Fort Atkinson, Jose
phine, Mrs. Matt W. Ludwig, Elma,
Iowa; Mary, Mrs. John Winger, who
preceded her mother in 1906. The
funeral took place Wednesday morn
ing at 10 o’clock, July 26, at St.
Clemence church, one mile south of
town, Rev. J. P. Broz performing
the last rite-. Anton Balik funeral
director. The casket bearers were
Andrew, Adolph and Frank J. Kuhn,
Math and Alois Ludwig, and Alois
Wagner, all relatives or neighbors
of the deceased. In her death is lost
| Notice of Sale of Household i
| Goods and Real Estate •
| On August 17th, 1922 •
S At 1:30 o’clock P. M. •
at the Erik Hokaasen homestead on East Pearl Street, about !
• two blocks East of the C. M. & St. Paul Freight Depot, there •
• will be a Public Auction of Household Goods, and of the house •
• and lot, belonging to the Estate of Carrie Hokaasen deceased. 5
5 Personal Property must be sold for cash, and the purchaser of •
• the House and Lot will be asked to pay one half cash on day •
• of sale; balance on reasonable terms. Here is a chance to get S
J a good home in a good location. The date is August 17th, •
• E. J. HOOK, Atorney Administrator of Estate of f
• for Administrator Carrie Hokaasen Deceased •
wwwww w w w w w
i | MM
another of the early pioneer
of this locality, of whom so few
now remain. May the hardships and
privations of her earlier life, which
she faced bravely, and faithfully by
her departed husband’s side, as to
gether they cared for their family,
I who now will bless their memory be
j counted to her as merit of righteous
ness? in eternity.
Some of the people from a dis
tance who attended the funeral: Miss
Minnie Kuhn, Dubuque; Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Kuhn of Charles City,
| Mrs. Larson and son Cresco, Frank
'Chihak, Frank Havlik, Alois Fisher,
jMath and Joseph Ludwig and wives
all from Elma, lowa.
Mrs. Fred Foltz and Hilda were
pleasant callers at B. Eggen’s Mon
day afternoon.
Ray Ramlo spent a few days of
last week help ng his brother Clar
ence with harvesting.
Edna Stevenson from Ashland,
Wis., and Grace Seidelman from St.
Louis, Mo., have been enjoying a
visit at the Fred Foltz home.
Arthur and Mildren Eggen were
short callers at J. Ruff ridge’s last
Sunday evening.
Miss Anna Emery spent Wednes
nesday afternoon with Mildred Eg
Mrs. Floyd Allen and children
from Waukegon, 111., are here visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Quite a few from this vicinity at
tended the L. A. S. at the Hesper
church parlors the 26th.
Mutt and Jeff took in the movies
What About
Winter Coal
We are being asked that question every day now
and many times a day.
Unfortunately we can’t tell you very much more
than you know yourself. All the coal we had in stock
is either delivered or contracted for and new arrivals
; are very slow and uncertain.
j"><i tv cvciyuHng we can to make sure oi
enough coal both hard and soft to take care of our
customers and as many more as possible but we are
forded to say that prospects are not very bright.
The only thing we can suggest is that you place
your order with U 3 and we will fill them in order they
are filed.
We hope with you that some way may be found
soon to resume mining coal to full capacity because
the outlook even with mining resumed soon is anything
but reassuring.
Keep in touch with us as often as you wish and
we will tell you all the news thei;e is as fast as it
Ingvoldstad Lumber Co.
V . * - . t ,
2 If you are interested in buying •
• or selling land, write or corn* •
5 and see me. I have some gen- *
• uine bargains in land and im- •
• proved farms that are within •
2 the reach of everyone. •
• •
; Furniture & Undertaking ;
• •
2 Licensed Embalmer 2
J All Calls Answered Promptly •
2 Day or Night •
• •
2 East Water Street •
• PHONES:—Store. 297; »
J Residence—Red 289 *
last Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Eggen spent Sun
day evening with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Smith and
Grandma Korsen spent Sunday af
ternoon at Peter Danielson’s.
Selma Thorson was out dragging
roads Monday forenoon.
\ .
' >
t *