tm. M , *v ' n •*' "w- ' gitMif (Opinion. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY H. J. GREEN Editor and Proprietor Official Paper of Winneshiek County and the City of Decorah Entered at the Postoftice in Decorah, lowa, as Second Class Mail Matter Subscription Price $2.00 a Y'ear Canadian Subscription $2.50 a Year Comer Water and Court Streets Telephone No. 15 (hiplay advertising, 30 cents pet Inch, each insertion. Local read er*, 10 cents per line. Want adver tisements, 1 cent per word. No ad less than 25 cents. Subscribers will confer a favor iy>on us by notifying us at once of fail ure to receive the paper regularly. Che yellow address tag on the front page each week shows the month and year to which your paper is paid. .Slight Touch Wood Poisoning E. K. Haine.', cashier of the De corah State Hank has been »u(Ter' ing whh a flight touch of blood poisoning in his left foot the few days. He clerked an auction last Wednesday and the weather was extremely cold, and the next day his foot pained him .-ome, and on Fri day it became very painful, -and Mr. Haines then sought the service* of Dr. Stabo. As soon as the doc tor examined the foot he told Mr, Haines that he had a slight touch of blood poisoning. The doctor gave the proper treatment at once, and no ill effects is expected. Mr. Haines has been compelled to abandon the u*e of a shoe on that foot, and is getting about with the u.«e of a heavy woolen stocking and overshoe. a MOST CORDIALLY WE INVITE YOU TO VIEW OUR NEW FASHIONS FOR SMART SPRING WEAR. FROCKS With a fondness for flat crepe. Maybe it is true; to wear a spring suit or wrap you must wait for milder days, but not so with a spring frock. Most women are so tired of the ones they are wearing that the chance to ireshen up the wardrobe with a new spring frock is not overlooked, especially when they can be had for so small a price. $16.75, $23.75 $29.75 WRAPS Flare into fashions favor. Whether it is a top coat that flares slightly from the shoulders to knee or a cape back or at least with cape sleeves that flares, it amounts to this—a flare somewhere is the distinguishing style de tail of the new spring wraps. $12.75 to $49.50 DEAUVILLE KERCHIEFS A POPULAR NEW ITEM FOR SPORT AND DRESS WEAR. For sport wear—wear around the head and knotted around neck. Broncho Bill fashion from the neck of a sweater coat. For evening coiffure wind around the head. It is also knotted about the waist of a dress, a skirt, or sports kmcker. Knotted over the shoulder also gives a very smart effect. Our stock now affords a splendid se. lection. Priced 51.50 to $3.50 : FIRST HOOK HAST OF RKKT ROOM. : : Ford Lost Wheel, Mounts Sidewalk Eve a. K. Hovden, of Madison town.-hip had an auto accident in Decorah Saturday afternoon that re sulted very fortunately for him. He was driving down Court street north to Water street, and was dliving flow. He .had nearly reach the Water s'reet cro-sing along side of the Grand Opera house when the •left rear wheel of hi.- Ford fell off. The a cident made him lose contiol of the car for an instant and the car -hot a'*ro-.* Water street and up on to the sidewalk in front of the Public Opinion office, ju-t mi-s --ing lie big p'ate glas- mdow in the Public Opir'iun building by about two feet. The car also mi-s --ed the elect:olier on the corner by about the same mat gin. The Ford was taken to Warren Hoyt’s hos pital and given the necessary atten tion to put it into com mi .-ion again. * ■■■ ■ - p——, ..... ■ Annual Community Sing The annual Co nmunity Sing will be held next Teusday 'light at the Star thea*re. . An interesting pro gram of songs and music will bs given, also a picture will be run. The proceed* this year will all go to the Decorah Public Library’, and as the admission is nominal, only 15 cents, it is hoped a large crowd will turn out and give the libraiy a good ly sized sum. Home From California Robert Tuttle arrived home Wed nesday from California, where he had been for the past eight months most of hi' time having been spent at long Bea:h ami Santa Monica. Won Winneshiek County Trophy At the Arne* corn and grain show the Winne-hiek county com trophy was awarded thi» year to Mr. Phillip Smith of Colamr. Mr. Smith’s name will be engraved on the trophy as winner for 1923. An Invitation 1.. C. PREPS WINNING Defeated Waldorf College and Luther Academy. Losing to Pills bury. Tie 1 urhei Colleg? Prep-. stage' a ,'uece-sful* trip last week playing three games and winning the first two. Wednesday they played Waldorl College at Fo:e-t City, lowa, win ning IS to 13. The original line-uj of Fo.s nark, Mattson, Bidne, Rad tk«, and Brekke played throughout the game, Rad'ka and Fosmsik get ting two baskets apiece and Bidne -ucceeded in dx attempts fioni the foul line. The next evening they won from Luther Academy at Albeit Lea, :ht -rote standing 26 to IS. Bidne and Radtke each scoted three field goals. Both of these games are of interest to the Prep* as they will piobaby meet both the Academy amt Waki orf in the N. L. C. A. Tourna ment at St. Olaf next month. On the third evening straight the Prep.- played Pillsbury at Owatonna. Their train from Albert Lea was five hours late bringing them to Owa tonna at a quarter pf nine. They got onto the floor at about nine o'clock in the evening pretty well tired out. Even so they held Pills bury 15 to 12 the first half In the second half Pillsbury put In thr°e fresh men ami the strain broke the Preps the game ending 2* to IT in fa\’or of Pillsbury. In ( hicago on Business Me. srs. J. F. Nolan ami John Mal arophy went to Chcago Wed tie-day night on business, expecting to be gone about three weeks. Will Hold Parcel Social A parcel social will be held at the Hubbel school house, district No. 2, on Friday, Fb. 23. Grace Sheg gmd teacher. SUITS Of Balkan or Bolero charm. Not in a long time have suits- struck so youthful or buoyant note. Of course it is the costume suit that is first in favor Jackets snugly banded at the hips in Balkan fashion or a trig Bolero that car ries out the color scheme of the trimming. $2&75 to $49.50 MILLINERY OPENING Our millinery section is now in full swing with a complete showing of new spring hats. * Winter hat looking a little frayed out aiound the edges? Then come in and try on some of the new ones. You will find a complete as sortment of styles adaptable for early spring wear. They are moderately priced. $1.95 to $9.75 HOSIERY Wear a pair of these and be convinced that they are the best values to be had for the money. KAYSER: No. 300 glove silk $3.50 No 2x. Italian silk $3.50 GORDON: No. H3OO, pure thread silk $2.50 No 530, pure thread silk $2.10 PHOENIX No. 308 Thread silk $1.95 No 708 Fibre silk $1 55 NO 86 ' Fibre silk $1 10 No 32 L i 55 DECORAH PUBLIC OPINION, DECOBAH, IOWA , expecting to bf WIN FROM POSTVH.LE Decorah Girls Won fiver' Postville Girls by a Score of 14 to 4. In a hard fought game the D*- corah girls won over the Postville girls by a srore of 14 to 4. In the first half the Decorah girls showed .-ome of the best ba-ket ball they have played this season. The lor wards, I/orothy Y’artvood and Vivian Soarvie, each scoted two field bas ket and Doiothy Y'aiwcod made all of the three free throws awarded her. The first half ended with a -core of 11 to 2. The second half was much slower ami seemed to be principally a battle between the De corah guards and the Postville cen ters. Thelma Ziegelmeir and Mar garet Hallman played the most con sistently throughout the game. Next week the girls play New Hampton at New Hampton and the week after on the 22, 23 and 24 they go to the tournament at Crest©. Tendered a Parer! Shower Last Monday evening a surprise pracel shower was given at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mo 1 laid in honor of their daughter, Charlotte who was married list fall Co Dr. Fred Montz, of Lotlen, lowa. A large company of friends gathered at the home around eight o’clocx. Mrs. Montz was spending the even ing at the home of Miss Erza Mul- 1 ler, and when she arrived home) found the house packed with Itei ! many friends and neighbors. The; rooms were beautifully decorated in pink and white, and all the parcels were* loaded on a little co. ster wa gon, decorated in the color scheme and was pulled into the room by little Irene Halverson and Master Charles Anderson. Mrs. Montz te ceived many beautiful and ueefis j gifts. About 10:30 a delicious lunch I was served. The table was \ery artistically decorated in the pink: and white colors, with a large wed-1 ding cake placet! in the center of the i table, which was cut by the bride i | and passed around to the gathering.! The evening proved a most enjoyable ] one and Mrs. Montz received many j congratulations ami good wishes. o The Gas Man’s Troubles The recent cold snap on Feb. 3,1 seemed jlo affect gas plan,s over the j state, causing the mains to contract j to such an extent that gas pipes! w’ere broken. The Decorah Gas Co. • experience a broken pipe on Ka»t Water street near the Jens Ramsey j residence, and it took a couple of j days to gets the break repaired, as j the new paving had to be dug i through, and that was some hard j job. Down at Waverly the same night at two different places in the ( city the gas pipes were pulled apart, i letting the gas escape, the comp my j losing many thousand feet of gas. The Decorah Gas Co. has had very j little trouble with their plant since, it wa- opened in Derorah, thanks to [ good management, and this instance is about the first in the history or the company where any incon vience wa- caused, and it was only on the ea sweaters, mackinaws specially mark ed down in order to make a dean j sweep of all our winter goods. You] save plenty of money to buy any thing in the line of winter clothing now. BEAR’S. Methodist Church Fred P. Fisher, Minister The Subject of the sermon on Sun day morning is “Does it mutter what a man believes?” Theme for the ev ening, “ How tan we know the Truth?” Bible school at 10. Junior league at 2:30, which includes the class in the catechism. The leader of the Epwortih I-eague * devotional I is Doiothy Morgan. The prayer meet* | Ing on this Thursday evening invites I your Interest an I attendance. On Friday aftertoon at 2:30 the W. C. IT. l\ meets with Mr-. W. E. Hoyt. Canoe Methodist ( hutch Service next Sunday in dude Sun duy .'Chool at I ami preaching •"'r vice at 2 o'clock. Following the service there will lie inception of members eh her on probation or in full connection. The young p”o --pie in the raterhh n cl:um w*m are nut ulieudy member* of the church will be taken n piibati n. The cH*nchi-i»i rb'i w II have their »ec ottd meeting after the service, I rrennrt MelhodUt Church The ladies of the ftiurrh will serve lunch nex* Thursday astermon !*'■ ginning a* 4:30 at the hall. The bnlie* h *v« re ently redecora'esl the Interior ot the had which makes It much net attr«*>tive. Japan's Ivitik export# In 1921 were valued «’ more than IVOA.IMO QOO Returned From my 94th Purchasing Trip to New York NewSUITS,New FURNISHINGS have come in and we are ready to show you the newest models, the best line of young men’s clothing ever seen in Decorah. PERSONAL SELECTION, PERSONAL ATTENTION to all the details of our big Clothing Stocks has been given, and no store in the north west will show such a full line of Special Made up Clothing as we will. The Styles of Young Men’s Suits Sport Models, New Norfolk Styles, nifty and good looking, and absolutely guaranteed qualities, the very best money can procure. Fine Suits $16.50 to S3O Every garment guaranteed, every garment perfect, sewing the best, linings of our own selection, in fact, our .positive .guarantee with every suit. Young Men’s as Well as Students Suits made up expressly for us at sls to $25 greater values we have offered in years. Men's Conservative Suits t All Wool, some all worsted, absolutely guar • anteed, newest colorings, well lined, good J fitting, strictly new. Special $16.50 TO $25.00 jßoys KnicKer Suits for dress and school wear, all of the very best selections, newest colorings, sport models, strictly guaranteed, at $7.25 TO $12.00 Cheaper Suits at K 5 Clothin Such as Government Cloth Trousers, all wool, at $2.18, (Value $5 per pair). Better overalls. Better Trousers, Better Shirts, all these goods selling at Rock Bottom prices, and in fact, at less prices than the whole sale price today. No Advance here As we are determined to increase this bus iness and let the increased quantity of goods we sell take care of our expense. TRADE HERE—We quarantee to give you better values, better clothing for much less money. Ben Bear I- ; and many of our i for Every Day Wear Company