OCR Interpretation

The Oskaloosa herald. (Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, Iowa) 1885-1919, February 04, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

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Herald Printing Company.
Thursday and Saturday.
Cte K. ALCX>6 A, ~ : IOWA:
February 4, 1886.
—We see by our Des Moines letter
that the House has.established a steer
ing committee. They made bulls enough
—ln the day of Job they must have
had the certain kind of Attorney Gen
erals no# prevalent in lowa, for he
asks: “Who is this that darkeueth
counsel by words without knowl
edge r
—The mugwump of the Union Star,
fresh from his bolt of Dr. Underwood,
prints a column of old cuts, sand
witched between ranting rot, all be
cause of the Brown matter. Jones’
want of dignity is alarming.
—The House, Monday, under sus
pension of the rule, passed the bill in
creasing soldiers widow’s pensions
from *8 to sl2 per month. The amend
ment extending the arrears period was
not voted on, and it is feared will not
now be reached.
—The death of 2>uel Foster, oocurri ng
in Muscatine county, last week, re
moves one of the very fathers of lowa
Horticulture, and a citizen whose re
cord of woik and praise are alike great.
lowa has cause to feel proud to own
iSuel Foster in its citizenship.
—The Democratic lory party in
England has been ousted from power,
and the Republican Liberals, under the
lead of that grand old man, Gladstone,
will enter—the Queen having called
him to form a cabinet. This beiug
done, the Irish question will now
receive greater attention «than_.ever.
—lt is claimed that the call of 910,-
000,000 in three per cent bonds for re
demption on February 1 will cause a
contraction in national bank circula
tion to the amount of That
is, there would be that much of a con
traction if the banks could not buy
other bonds, which they will do.
—A cheaper or debased currency
strikes at the wage earner harder than
anyone else. That is a cold fact that
we should not lose sight of in the dis
cussion on the silver question. While
sound on the main question we do not
want to be classed a silver lunatic, not
capable or desirous of seeing the ques
tion in all its breadth.
—Brothei Henry Wallace should re
member that “a soft answer turneth
away wrath; but grievous words Btir
up anger.” Also, that “a poor man
that oppreeseth the poor is like a
sweeping rain, which leaveth no food.”
And that “They that forsake the law
praise the wicked: but such as keep
law contend with them.”
—A brick from the hand of Sam
Clark: “The Haw key a is very much
dissatisfied with Governor Larrabee’s
removal of Mr. Cattell and appointment
of Mr. Brown. The Governor does
start off with rather unexpected fresh
ness, but he will come down to a
sensible gait after a while, or he has
been shamming all these years a good
sense that fooled us.”
—The Dep Moines New, independ
ent by spells, says of the Legislature:
"It will not be denied that both houses
of the Legislature are anti-monopoly.”
With a fellow controlling six or eight
thousand acres of land, like Speaker
Head, the promptings to anti-monopoly
feeling must be over-powering. Babies
are easily pleased with a rattle. And
Hamilton has his rattle.
—How applicable this passage from
St. Matthew to recent occurrences in
this State: “Woe unto you, Scribes and
Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay (col
lect) tithe of mint, and anise and cumin,
and have omitted the weightier matters
of the law, judgment, mercy and faith;
these ought ye to have done, and not to
leave the other undone. Ye blind
guides; which strain at a gnat and
swallow a camel.”
—Five hoodlum saloon keepers, Du
buque brand, were on the Dubuque
Grand J ury, and succeeded in indicting
John Blanchard, of the Dubuque
Timex for criminal libel, in painting
one “Packy” Halpin in gaudy colors.
In that rum-cursed city all things are
possible save decency in a Grand Jury,
which is made up of the mob, by the
mob, and for the mob of Democratic
—We stop the press to give place to
this anonymous screed from Des
Moines. Part of the production is not
fit for publication:
Ed Okaloosa Herald your clipping in to
day* Register sound* very cate I must say
It sounds about like some boys bead smells of
Hair oil Just out of a barber shop you long
bared half breed or root digger if yon bad
served as faithfully and suffered as much as the
present State auditor Mr Brown has and was
halt tbe man bs was you might talk I Irish I
could see some Honorable Democrat bold you
by tbe beets and Mr Brown Pull your Indian
hair out of your bead or the Gen tie mao Mr
Stewart could cut your throat.”
—Borne of our craziest Democratic
friends of tbe South, have discovered
a wsy out of the silver question, by
propounding the doctrine that each
State has the right to determine for
itself whether gold or silver shall be
its legal tender. It is about the most
gaseous nonsense that has found utter
ance yet; but since there is no law
against a man making a fool of him
self on paper, if he can find anybody
fool enough to print his folly, it must
be allowed to run its course.
—Tbe people who believe that Gov.
Larrabee acted without his power in
the Brown matter find that they are
corroborated by the opinion of ex-Oblef
Justice Wright. The Keokuk Gate City
says: “Of course ex-Chief Justice
Wright’s opinion that Sherman follow
ed the law, and that Mr. Cattell was
legally and fully the Auditor is one that
Attorney General Baker’s opinion has
no weight as against. Judge Wright
is the ablest J udge the State lias pro
duced in State service. He is s great
judge and lawyer, and Attorney Gen
eral Baker is very greatly not. Wright's
opinion settles the law of the case, no
matter what Baker or any other law
yer or J udge in lowa think*.”
—The Democratic prase has been on
both sides of the Brown matter. We
have before us a circular issued in the
Interest of Mr. Henriquee, of Marshall,
when he wan a candidate against Mr.
Brown, in which the latter was very
severely handled by the Democratic
committee. Then last year they wept
barrels of crocodile tears about the
“outrage on Brown,” and were mum
on the matter used the year before.
Now that Gov. Larrabee has made
matters satisfactory to Mr. Brown ami
his friends by reinstatement, they are
somewhat bewildered. Borne want to
investigate Mr. Brown, and some do
not; some want to join the ant i-Brown
kickers, bat they do not see how they
can gain any partisan advantage, sc
they strike out wildly. Of one thing
we sro .certain; the Democratic press
and stump has only been natural and
Democratic in this matter, and that is
hypocritical. Aside from apoils and
rum the lowa Democracy haft no set-
Ned convictions on anything.
—A dispatch from Rome says:
“Irritation has been caused among the
American colony by a speech of Judge
Stallo, United States Minister to Italy,
at the German Club, in which he said
that he called himself an American of
ficially, but the more he saw of German
civilization the more he felt that, in
comparison with it, the Americans
were barbarous." Were the present
administration a self-respecting one a
minister holding such opinion and ex
pressing it would be instantly recalled.
Such remarks from a man whose an
cestors were the slaves of the robber
barons not many decades ago, or were
the robbers themselves, are not cal
culated to bring credit upon Judge
—The Keosauqua Republican and
several other papers are now mauling
the Des Moines Register because that
paper has seen fit to criticise the act
ions of some of the legislative nabobs,
including Lieutenant Gov. John A. T.
Hull. Our brother down the road, who
dwells in Sleepy Hollow, should awake
to the fact that this is the nineteenth
century, and that liberty of conscience
and of expression is yet one of the
blessings left to the people of lowa.
However, the matter could be remedied
by the passage of a bill at once forbid
ding Clarkson from having an opinion
on men and measures and printing
them in the leading paper of lowa, at
the peril of his personal liberties.
There are several peewees in the Leg
islature who would be glad to support
such a measure. Let the Register be
muzzled—until the next campaign
opens, for then it will be needed to
sound its whiz-whaz for some little
fellow’s benefit.
—The special correspondent of the
Keokuk Gate City at Des Moines
sketches a feature of the Legislature
in this taking way: “Speaking of
passes reminds me that a gentleman’
who l have every reason to believe
knows what he is talking about, told
me yesterday that many of the mem
bers of the twenty-first general assem
bly are in a frame of mind very similar
to that of the buxom .widows at the
battle of Ismail who, according to
Lord Byron, grew impatient because
“the ravishing did not begin.” So much
has been said of late years about the
bribery of giving passes, that the rail
road people have got together and
agreed to give no passes to lowa legis
lators hereafter except in response to
requests therefor in writing. Thus it
is that some of the members who are
not “onto” this move are getting a
trifle impatient to know when the
“bribery” is going to begin.”
—The Mason City Republican, in
speaking of the La rrabee-Brown liaison,
says: “While this action was contrary
to all expectations, it was likely the re
sult of a campaign bargain. It is Gov
ernor Larrabee’s first mistake and will
be apt to cause him considerable trouble
and anxiety before the matter is finally
settled." In another item Mr. Chap
man says: “If Lieutenant-Governor
Hull keeps on increasing in favor, as I
have no doubt he will, his election as
the next Governor of lowa is a fore
gone conclusion—and if Governor Lar
rabee makes many such bad breaks as
the re-instatement of Ex-Auditor
Brown, Mr. Hull’s election will occur
in two years instead of four.” That’s
jumping to sudden conclusions. Mr.
La rr a bee is Governor and has as much
right to his opinion as any of the auto
crats of the county press. If our hy
perborean friend will examine the case
closely he will find equal ground for
condemning Hull, for he is a deacon in
the new Brown church. But then, this
shindy will be over by the time grass
comes, and must not be remembered.
—The lowa City Press complains
most bitterly at the allusion made by
Gov. Larrabee to the lawless disregard
of the people of that city to the laws of
the state. Let’s see about this: Is not
lowa City the place where personal as
saults were made by gangs of roughs
controlled by one Dostal; where bouses
of temperance men were meanly as
sailed, and where there was a general
upheaval of cursedness ? There is no
mistake about it, judging from the
palliating articles the Press has pre
sented, and Gov. Larrabee was right in
speaking as plainly as he did. The
resolutions sent out by the meeting of
the citizens tacitly acknowledge the
truth of the charges, we regret to see.
If lowa City desires to maintain for
the University that degree of friend
ship and strength necessary to make it
all that it should be, its people must
put down the lawlessness that dis
graced (hem and the State last summer.
A modern educational center should
not be distinguished for those qualities
which rendered Gomorrah somewhat
famous. Brother Springer should de
mand an earnest practice of the gospel
of reform.
—Mutual insurance in lowa shows
up very handsomely for the past year.
The Farmer’s Mutuals have come to
stay, and are growing in favor and
solidity. There is no reason why tbe
mutual plan should not prove abso
lutely successful. Its great economy
commends itself to every honest man
who does not want to sell out to some
insurance company by way of myster
ious conflagration. The mutual life
companies should have the protection
of the State, so that all fraudulent
companies may be wiped out by law.
The state authorities owe this protec
tion to the people, and will readily
grant it unlees they are .corruptly in
fluenced by the hard dollars of the
great old line combinations of the east,
who have fattened to suffocation on tbe
economy of the people who believe in
the wise plan of protection by insur
ance of life. There can be uo good
reason given why the State should not
supervise all these life mutuals, and as
Senator Parrott has a place on the
Senate Insurance Committee, of which
Senator McCoy is Chairman, and as be
fully understands tbe question, we
De* Molnt*» 1 2»th 86
hope to see some measure formulated
that will meet the end sought.
—The Insurance report of lowa is an
interesting document. The companies
which have their organizations in other
states collected §1.723,113.57 from the
insured and paid losses to the amount
of or about 42 per cent of
what they took in. The business cost
about 15 per cent, or 57 per cent for
loss and business. Ninety companies
from outside the State did business
here. The 16 home companies collected
from insured persons $1,378,803.03, and
paid out in losses $468,541.36. They
paid out 34 per cent of what they took
in. In round numbers they took in $3
and paid sl. The cost of the business,
however, waa about 35 per cent, for
agents received a commission of 25 per
cent for securing the risks. This would
leave the companies about 30 per cent
net All the companies together, home
and foreign, collected from insured
persons for the year 1884, $3,101,946.60,
and they paid back in lueses only $!,-
187,513.32. They took in $1,914,433.28
more than they paid out, so far as losses
are concerned. The figures show an
immense business done in Iowa; and
the crying need for intelligent super
vision. If the present Legislature fails
to appreciate the importance of the
matter it will be sadly remiss in its
duty. A Commissioner to look after
insurance and banks should be created,
and a man appointed to the place, whose
competency none could question. It
would relieve the Auditor’s (dice of a
great task, and in every way be a most
dflfjniHC to do.
-: C~' v' .A:.. ■ -.t -1
W. 9.9
Every Democratic paper in the coun
ty is just now howling about “the Re
publican outrage in Ohio," where the
Republicans have ousted from fraudu
lent seats the Democratic thugs of Ham
ilton county, but they never say a word
about the frauds in explanation. To
aid our esteemed cotemporary, we have
secured a fac simile of the fraud that
was carried out in Cincinnati in alter
ing the official figures in the return
sheets, whereby two hundred votes were
added to the Democratic column, elect
ing all the Representatives and Sena
tors by small majorities. The upper
figures are exact copies of the fraud
that was supported by the Democratic
majority of the Supreme Court of Ohio.
The court said it should stand, but the
Republicans in the Senate and House
object, and there is the cause of the
present trouble. In the Cincinnati
frauds, no man now denies it. In car
rying it through the poll books two
leaves were turned over at the same
time, on these two the forgery was not
performed! The lower figures are those
of the Columbus fraud, where the plan
was to add to the Democratic column
by raising a “2” to a “5.” It was very
cleverly done, but was detected, and
the Democratic clerk was afraid to car
ry it out, and publicly made the correc
So we keep this banner of Democratic
fraud for the edification of our esteem
ed cotemporary and its anxious friends.
We hope that they will enjoy it as much
as the Republicans enjoy the discom
fiture of the scoundrels who attempted
the fraud.
Text: Matthew, 23, v. 27: “Woe unto you
scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye are
like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed ap
pear beautiful outward, but within, full of dead
meu’s bones and of all uncleanness."
The text we have chosen this beauti
ful winter morning, is one of the most
stalwart utterances against hypocrisy
that has come down to us from inspired
sources, and if we give it local applica
tion, so far as the State is concerned,
we are confident that the occasion will
excuse the degree of personality that
may or may not appear ere the service
is over.
For the last year, the unfortunate
differences between Gov. Sherman and
Auditor Brown have been under dis
cussion, and as the Auditor, thanks to
the acts of Gov. Larrabee, is in the
saddle again, we desire to direct the
attention of our congregation to one or
more features of the case that have not
been presented:
1. Suppose that Mr. Brown had been
a Democratic State Auditor, and that
he had been guilty of all the acts
that have been charged against him as
an official; the continued hostility of
action toward the local insurance com
panies; the employment of Mr. Vail as
an alleged actuary to examine these
companies, and collecting, by force of
the Auditor’s official power, extortion
ate fees—would there have been one
single Republican paper in the state of
lowa but that would have painted the
State red, and Mr. Brown in the black
est of colors as a public thief, as a man
using his place to oppress private indi
viduals doing business under the laws
of the State, and of being in corrupt
collusion with Mr. Vail and the east
ern insurance ring for reasons not
creditable to him ? Now the fact is,
that they, with one accord, would have
condemned the Democratic official with
unsparing bitterness, and it would have
been echoed from every stump in the
State as a sample of action only to be
expected from that putrescent concern.
But, Mr. Brown having been a loyal
Republican, even to the degree of being
a crank, his acts became at once the
very essence of honesty and probity,
and the papers who differed with him
as to certain matters, and so said, be
came the object of attack on the part
of the large and varied assortment of
malevolent liars, who would raise a
howl over the wrongs committed by an
official had he happened to be suffering
under the personal misfortune of being
a Democrat—a misfortune, let us add,
that cannot be too greatly exagger
ated! Had these papers known of
insurance men hinting at a pool of
810,000 raised for use in lowa, in their
interest, how many definitions would
they have given to the rumor—had Mr.
Brown been a Democrat! There is some
difference whose ox is in the pit, as to
whether stones shall be thrown, or a
way brought about for the animal to
walk out. In this aggregation of scribes
and Pharisees, so quick to do the hypo
critical, or follow it, let us not forget
the foot-sore and weary politician,
whose rubescent nose tells him in a
dream-like way of flesh pots and pot
pie; of a surcease to pig’s liver, and an
invitation to quail on toast. It would
be unjust not to pay proper atten
tion to them with this class. How
they would have illustrated the deal!
Mr. Brown, as a Democrat, could not
have had his boots half-soled but that it
would have been magnified into an ex
travagance equaled only by Mark An
tony in his bacchanalian feasts to that
handsome harlot, Cleopatra; but the
Republican official could take under his
shelter a second-hand variety of
things,—and not a solitary word is
heard—and we distinctly want to say
that no corrupt definition or allusion is
to be taken herefrom. Sermonizers
have the right, from St. Paul to John
Wesley, down to Rev. Henry Wallace,
to grasp at all thiugs—in figure—to
make clear the illustration to the sin
ners. And that is the intent hereof.
It may be that this is an age of hypoc
risy and sniveling cant In certain
lines it is, but to say that it is general
is not a proven fact. In one sense it is,
namely, as has been set out here, in sup
posing Mr. Brown to have been a Dem
ocratic official. We apologise to Mr.
Brown for even such a supposition,
given with care and all necessary sup
plementary notes, for it is a grave thing
to even attach a man by mere supposi
tion to all that is bad in politics as is
corporated under the name of Democ
Dearly beloved, it pays to he honest.
It pays to look at matters with an hon
est, unprejudiced mind. It pays to look
at men above the narrowness of person
al selfishness, and to give men and
papers at least a chance to speak as
they see fit about these matters with
out meeting a shower of vile abuse
such as might be expected from hired
Hessians. The benefit of this sermon,
as of all sermons, is found in tbe appli
cation of it. The congregation is dis
—The Legislature has passed the
joint resolution of Mr. Thompson, of
Linn, calling for ail matters pertaining
to the unfortunate Brown trouble, and
the case will be acted on by Senators
Glass, Burdick and Whiting, and Repre
sentatives Thompson, Welch and
Rauck. The joint resolution covers
Die whole case fully, and the intent of
the committee ia to fully and thorough
ly go into the whole case. We desire
only that the full truth of the matter
shall be brought out, no odds who may
go up or down by the result. We want
no injustice done to either Mr. Brown
nr any one else. We are content to
leave the case in the hands of this
committee, confident that justice §rlU
hi done,
—The Republicans of the House very
wisely have chosen a steering commit
tee, and it is composed of Messrs. Wea
ver, Thompson and Bensou—men of
brains, character and good leadership.
They have long been battling for the
party and know what to advise in all
close junctures. Such a committee,
properly managed, will serve to keep
many a fellow from showing how utter
ly unkind nature was to him when the
apportionment bill on brains was
passed. In the hauds of these men
there will be no encouragement given
to either cliques or cranks.
—The House committees, as you
know, have been announced, and a copy
is sent herewith. You should have seen
the varied looks, both from the friends
of the Speaker and those who had voted
for the other candidates, as the names
were rolled out. It is a queer conglom
eration: Strong men were put down,
and combinations of cheek, trick and
brass elevated. Beef dominated over
brains, and the House took it in good
humor. Speaker Head was very blind,
but then he had many debts to pay, and
liberal as was the supply the material
gave out before all promises were re
—Country newspaper men of the Re
publican faith do not find appreciation
with the Legislature in any way. They
were slaughtered in the first caucuses,
and in the committee clerkships they
fare no better, save in one or two cases.
To be a newspaper man is to be a fatal
thing, with this body, for some reason.
I cannot explain it. However, if these
writers for the press had been individ
uals of accommodating conscience and
virtue, the result would have been dif
ferent with them. 1 will particularize
later on.
—One of the most important meas
ures yet introduced, was from your
neighboring Senator—Hutchinson, of
Wapello. lie is chairman of Ways
and Means and has introduced a care
fully prepared bill equalizing taxation.
Real estate is assessed at half its ac
tual value, bank stock at two-thirds,
moneys and credits at a full value, and
live stock at one-third. The result is
that the burden* of taxation fall more
heavily on certain classes of property
than on others. There is no reason
why a thousand dollars invested in
one kind of property should not be as
sessed for just as much ns a thousand
dollars invested in any other kind of
property. This is what Senator Hutch
inson’s bill seeks to accomplish. It
provides that no property shall be as
sessed for less than fifty per cent of its
actual value, and that the same ratio
of assessments shall be applied to all
classes of property alike. It requires
each assessor to appear before the
county Board of Supervisors and state
under oath what ratio lias been adopt
ed in his township. It also gives the
county Board authority to compel the
attendance of witnesses who may be
required to testify as to the value of
property, etc. It requires the Board
to equalize assessments between the
various classes of property as well as
between the townships. It also re
quires the executive council to equal
ize assessments of personal as well as
real property.
—This legislature will very materi
ally strengthen the prohibitory law.
That is my opinion. The Democra s
do not want anything done that will
lead to a settlement of the ques
tion, and would vote to kill any kind
of a license law, solely for the
purpose of keeping the question in pol
itics. Some Republicans are willing to
make a concession to the cities, but
then so many of the cities are in such
open league with the saloons and
thugs that it is hard to make friends
for them with the country members.
So 1 think that the result will be
amendments to the law wherever
deemed necessary. There has been a
wonderful impetus given to temper
ance sentiment by the recent meeting
of the State Alliance, the inaugural
of Gov. Lanabee, and the Federal
Court decisions. It is a cold winter
for the saloons, and will continue so
for several more to come.
—The bombastic Mayor of Council
Bluffs has been here, and still the Leg
islature lives. Nature many times out
does all previous efforts in cramming
a man’s hide with all that is foolish
aud asinine, but with this pestilential
fellow it out-did all previous efforts.
That is giving nature a good deal of
praise, but it deserves it.
The lowa Free* Association.
Preparing to Spend Its Annual
Vacation at Spirit Lake.
The State Register of last Friday,
contains this statement.
Owing to the various causes, it was
found impossible to get the members
of the executive committee of the lowa
Press Association together yesterday
afternoon for a formal meeting to de
termine the programme for the annual
excursion of 1886. The members
present were Judge Toman, President,
Independence Bulletin ; John Springer,
Vice President, lowa City Press-, F. R.
Conaway, Assistant Secretary, Brook
lyn Chronicle-, John lirainard, Treasur
er, Boone Standard-, A. W. Swalm,
Oskaloosa Herald; Hon. Matt Parrott,
Waterloo Reporter, and Henry Wallace.
lowa Homestead. Informal confer
ences between the members during the
day, outlines of a plan suggested by the
President was agreed to. Such plan is
substantially a meeting of a week’s
duration at Spirit Lake, the time to be
divided between recreation, fishing,
etc., and meetings for disoussion of
questions of less interest to the craft,
the latter to be held daily in the after
noon. It is proposed to hold this meet
ing iu the latter part of J une, the
members of tbe Association to
rendezvous at some central point in the
State and proceed to the Lake in a body
by special train. This is the bare out
line of the prospect, tbe particulars to
be elaborated afterwards, and President
Toman extends an invitation to the
members of the Association to com
municate to him by letter, their views
with relation to it. The resignation of
A. W. Lee, of tbe Muscatine Journal,
was accepted, and F. R. Conaway, of
the Brooklyn Chronicle, was advanced
to the position of Secretary of the As
It seems to us our editorial brethren
should generally approve of this scheme
of Judge Toman’s. A free and easy
week at the lakes would be highly en
joyable to all, and the rest and
recreation contemplated would give
new life to the weary and heavy laden
scribe. The daily meetings suggested
might be made at once practical and
interesting. Instead of affording re
laxation and recuperation so much de
sired by the tired editor, the weary
jaunts indulged in for several years
past are a heavy physical strain, and
the excursionist is prone to feel un
equal to the task of taking his place at
the treadmill of every day duty on
bis return. Returning from the lakes
the newspaper man would feel like a
new being, rull of vigor and inspiration.
On behalf of our people the Beacon in
advance tenders the editors of lowa
the freedom of the lake country during
their presence among us.
Frank Wlngrove, of Washington
townsbjp, Crawford county, was frozen
to death within a half mile of his home
on Wednesday night of last week. He
was returniqg from Dow City, but in
the intense darkness lost his way and
wandered about until he succumbed to
the bitter cold.
During one of the coldest days last
week at Montrose, I v ee county, Fred
Jasper made a bet with frank Harsh
that he could walk a longer time out
of doors in fits bare feet than Harsh
could. Both men were out forty min
utes, when Harsh gave it up. It is
probable that be qrill lose both feet.
Fr»»m our Special
The Spirit Lake Iteaeon.
JONKB.—Died. Jan. Si. 1836, J.C. Jones, of
Oskaloosa, ;igcd 68 yean.
WOODFOLK.—Died. January 31, 1886, at
Muchakiuock, Miss Mary Woodeolk, aged 18
Whereas. The Almighty God has seen fit to
remove from us our worthy brother. E. A.
Williams; be it
Resolved, That by his death the order of
Knights of the Golden Eagle has lost an honor
able and consistent member; and be It
Resolved, That the altar of our castle be ap
propriately draped In his memory for thirty
days, and that these resolutions be spread on
our nbnutes, and that a copy be presented to
the family of the deceased.
Thos. Maloney, 1
Geo. Kalbach, }■Com.
Geo. Prick, j
SWEARINGEN.—Died, at Yankton, Dakota,
on January 29, 1886. Daniel J. Swearinobn,
of consumption.
The body was brought on here for burial, and
will be Interred by the Odd Fellows this day,
from their Hall, at 2 o’clock. The deceased was
for many years an old resident here, coming
here as early as 1848. For the last six years he
has been a resident of Dakota. Two of his sons,
John and Lemuel, are residents here, and to
whom the sympathy of friends will be extended.
A wife and one child, by a second marriage, are
left to mourn bis loss.
OWEN.—John A. Owen was born In the
town of Deering, New Hampshire, Nov. 14,1826,
and died at his residence. In Oskaloosa, lowa,
Jan. 26,1886, his Iformer residence being Haver
hill, Mass.
For thirty-five years the deceased had been
employed as a railroad engineer, twenty-six
years of which time were on the Boston and
Maine railroad, and he was one of the few men
over whom Providence seemed to have a special
care, for until the day when be met with the sad
occurrence which caused his death he had
never.,had an accident befall his train. On the
morning of the 26th Inst., on going out of the
city of Muscatine and rounding a curve in the
road, his train collided with a passenger train
that bad stopped on the curve to repair some
damage, and had failed to send out a signal.
Seeing the danger when too late to avoid dis
aster, those that were with the deceased in the
cab saved their lives by leaping from the train,
and he might have done the same, but in order
to save the lives of the passengers in the ad
vance train he stood firmly at his post until
he reversed the engine and did all that could
be done for the safety of others, aud theu
thought of himself; but alas, too late, the col
lision had taken piace, and the faithful engi
neer, who in the face of death had stood firmly
at his post, fell a victim to the sad disaster.
He was cared for in the best possible manner
and carried to his home in Oskaloosa, but
died in a few hours after reaching there.
Among the business classes there is perhaps
none whose responsibility is so great as that
of railroad conductors and engineers. No class
have the lives of so many persons in their
hands. And irom the recognized safety of
railroad travel we must couclude that no class
of men are more trustworthy and faithful to
their duties than are these men. The occa
sional occurrence of such neglect as above re
ferred to is not characteristic of this class of
men; nor can it be altogether attributed to
carelessness, for iu the experience of the most
careful aud best of men there are times when
even themselves cannot account fur certain
actions. Aud as accidents will aud do hap
peu in all departments of society, the great
wouder is that in this department there are
not tenfold more.
The deceased was a member of the Chris
tian Baptist church, aud endeavored to live
out what he professed. He was not only faith
ful in his calling, but was a tender aud loving
father, and a faithful aud affectionate bus
band, aud a true friend.
His funeral was attended by the Brother
hood of .Engineers, and his remains were de
posited in the vault in the city cemetery. He
leaves a wife, two sous, one daughtei. aud a
large circle of friends to mourn their loss.
Calvin L. Cain died very suddenly at Pleas ant
ville, lowa, January 6,1886.
It was suggested by a friend of Mr. Cain that
it would be well to have an obituary notice of
his death published in the Oskaloosa Hkkald.
The writer hereof, who for many years was ac
quainted with Mr. Cain, consented to furnish
the press with said notioe. Most of the time
while living in our place he was an active agent
of F. W. McCall, who for many years has been
extensively engaged In the marble business.
Mr. McCall said to the writer that Mr. Cain had
beeu in his employ for about twenty years aud
was honest to a cent. In this money-loving age
no greater compliment or better thing could be
said of a man after working twenty years in the
employ of a business man, thousands of dollars
passing through his hands without the loss of
a cent. It is an old saying that “An honest man
is the noblest work of God.” if this is true and
those best acquainted with Mr. Cain can vouch
that he was truly honest, it is a splendid recom
mendation for him in this aud all other worlds
where God reigns aud rules.
Out oi tiie long years ot labor aud toil, Mr.
Caiu saved but little. His family was brokeu
up by tbe death of ius wile some years ago, while
living here, leaving ouly oue daughter, who Is
married aud lives iu northern lowa, aud could
not attend tbe fuuerai ol her lather on accouut
of the obstructions of railroad traius by the
heavy suows.
I’erhaps the last letter ever written by Mr.
Caiu was written to his old employer, Mr. Mc-
Call, aud by his couseut I am authorized to use
it iu this uotice ol his death:
Pleasantville, la., Dec. 24, ’B6.
F. W. McCall —Dear Sir:— Enclosed hud
draft tor eight dollars lor the small tombstoue
by Mr. Graves, et cet. WelL Me., 1 am living
under my own vine and lig tree, l*» miles west
of Pleasantville, on a ten acre farm on the road
from Pleasantville to Mr. Cooms’, just belore
crossing Coal Creek bridge,—as good laud as
there is iu Pleasant Grove towuship. 1 have
corn aud hay lor a year; aud hog and hominy
for the wiuter. 1 have not had time to look
after the marble this year, I was so anxious to
secure me a small place. lam keepiug batch.
1 intend to give some time to the marble busi
ness this winter. My summer work, or the
creamery, is about played out lor the winter.
Respectfully, C. L. Cain.
The above was not written for publication,
but the writer thought under the circumstances,
as but a very few days occurred before he
dropped dead, that it was the last letter he ever
wrote, and that to his dear old friend whom he
served so faithfully tor years, still showing the
mutual attachment between the employer aud
the employe. As a letter there Is nothing re
markable about it, but under the circumstances,
connected with the sudden death of a father,
his ouly surviving daughter would be likely to
clip it from the paper aud keep it as a sacred
Tlie body of Mr. Cain was brought from Pleas
antville, Marion couuty, lowa, to Oskatoosa for
Interment, that his remains might rest with
those of his wife aud daughter; and as there
were no connections iiviug here, arrangements
were made with Mr. McCall to receive the body
from the Hock Island depot, to which place it
was brought, accompanied by two gentlemen,
lriends of the deceased. A severe snow storm
rendered it very unpleasant, but the hearse, bus
and other conveyances carried pall-bearers aud
friends to Forest cemetery, and quietly put all
that was mortal of Mr. Cain m his last resting
place. The writer spoke a few words at the
grave, commending his example for honor aud
A few words may not be amiss touching Ills
relations to the Father of the whole human
laintly. Mr. Cain was liberal in his belief, cor
responding with his honesty, hopeful in refer
ence to the immortality of ail our race, which
made nlm a pleasant aud cheerful friend.
While he was not a member of church, yet he
was a member of the great family of mankind,
aud as such is entitled to all the rights and ben
ehls of our Heavenly Father’s protection and
mercies. We see so many examples iu the Sa
cred Scriptures that God loves eveii those that
are dead in trespasses and sins, and his iove
being unchangeable aud the same lu all worlds,
so that we can safely calculate that in the dual
developments of his purposes the last of earth's
children will be clad with the habilimeuts of
immortal life. Christianity is a comforter, aud
comtorls lu all tribulation, adapting itself to all
human needs. It promises ail end to sin, a
purification ol every soul, a uuion of all to Cod,
and assures that that which was sown iu dis
honor shall be.ralsed iu glory.
Let us go back to far distaut times and we
will learn a lesson of comfort and hope. Inspi
ration lias encouraged us, as we are told, “What
soever things were written aforetime were writ
ten for our learning, that we through patience
and comlorl ot the scriptures might have hope.”
Itich, indeed, are the Holy Scriptures In their
biographies, uufoldlng to us the war kings of
the various passions, aud the strength of relig
ious trust. To oue passage only iu one life will
i now rcler: “The soul ol Klug David longed to
go fortli to Absalom, for he was comforted con
cerning Amuon, seeing he was dead.” Absalom
aud Amuon were both sous of David, aud the
passage implies that one was afar oil and the
other dead, and that David longed to go forth
to the living one, while concerning the dead sou
he was comforted. What character did Amnon
bear? Was he a devoted child of goodness,
living soberly, righteously aud godly m an evil
world, aud setting ah example worthy of imita
tion? No; if so, David might be comforted, as
he tliougnt of the past aud contemplated the
future; aud well might he be more concerned
about the living unQual Absalom. Hut it was
not so with Amuon. Truth has drawu no such
pleasant portrait, but a dark one, repulsive to
the commonest sensibilities. Ue was a villain
of the deepest dye. lie had clothed himself
with hypocrisy to awaken a tender interest
toward him iu the heart of his half-sister Tamar,
the whole sister of Absalom. His sensual un
natural aud wicked course with Absalom’s sis
ter and his own haft-sister, desecratiug the
sacreduess of King David’s family, so wrought
upou Absalom’s mind that he resolved to have
hun slain. To bring abfiut a favorable oppor
tunity a gorgeous festival and banquet was
ordered, and when Amuon was (Hied with wine
to drunkenness and the merriment rau high,
lu a moment all was consternation, for Absa
lom’s servauts had murdered Amnon. Thus
died the man concerning whom David was com
forted,—seeing he was dead.
lu solemn mood, dear reader, let us pause and
thluk over the situation. Absalom (lies his
country to escape the vengeance of those who
might feel like avenging the death of Amnon:
and while Absalom was away the soul of David
was troubled about him, but comforted con
cerning Amnon, seeing be was dead. Yes. dead:
covered with the dark crimes of iucest and
drunkenness. Yet poor, wicked Amnon pos
sessed a soul that Uod gave him and Uod owned,
aud David had full confidence that be was in the
arms of love and therefore out of the way of
harm. “The soul ot David was comforted con
cerning Amnon, seeing be was dead."
Then who sh *ll speak aught but hope for dead
sinners, vile as even Amuon, David s son? fs
there not an instructive prompting to bid us
hope on and trust that an Inliutte Father will
do all that a finite father would? The exertion
of his power iu the resurrection, whereby Christ
was raised from the dean, is called the “glory
of the Father." Blessed truth! A father’s gionr
must be the improvement and happiness of all
hts children; and if the glory of the Divine
Father marks the power of Uod in the resurrec
tion, who can doubt the glorious issue? And at
the grave where the heart can tell only of Us
love, I will think of the sleeping—
“ Kindly and gently, aud as of one
For whom 'Us well to be tied and gone.
As of a bird from a chain unbound,
As of a wanderer whose home is louud,
Ho let it be I” n.
Prof. Cash, principal of the high
school at Council Bluffs, has resigned
at the request of the school fcoard, on
account of his oves-bearing afd insult
ing conduct. “On making kw farewell
address Thursday morninpwe proceed
ed to turn over the te’#*en». scholar*
and school board lnj» manner most
shameful,” says the V* raW
Oskaloosa, lowa, Jan. 11, 1886.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
The poor farm stewardship and coun
ty physician applications were contin
ued for further consideration.
Application was made to the Board
to build a bridge across the Skidmore
branch, in Cedar township and was re
ferred to A. N. Caldwell for consider
The Board appointed the following
committees for the ensuing year, to
On Claims and Court House.—Hl. P.
On Poor Farm. —A. N. Caldwell.
On Outside Poar.— J. H. Evans.
On Bridges, as follows:
For the townships of Union, Pleas
ant Grove, Monroe, White Oak, Cedar,
and Harrison.—A. N. Caldwell.
For the townships of Oskaloosa, Gar
field and Spring Creek.—R. P. Bacon.
For the townships of Prairie, ltich
laud, Black Oak, Scott, Jefferson and
Dos Moines.—J. H. Evans.
The Auditor is directed to furnish
the Times Printing Company with a
copy of the proceedings of the Board
during the ensuing year, the same be
ing ordered in compliance with a re
quest from said printing company, and
that they publish said proceedings
without cost to the county.
Claims examined for the remainder
of the day.
Adjourned until 9 o'clock to-morrow
Oskaloosa, lowa, Jan. 12, 1886.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
The Auditor is instructed to notify
all parties in arrears for interest on
notes given for school fund borrowed
that if said interest is not promptly
paid legal proceedings will be instituted
to collect the same.
Report of F. E. Smith, Clerk, to Jan.
Fines collected for year 1885. . .#275 oo
Paid to county treasurer #275 00
Fees collected since last report.. 171 25
Paid to county treasurer 171 25
Unclaimed fees previous to July
1 1885, collected 34 25
Paid to county treasurer 34 25
Clerk’s fees collected since June
1, 1885, to Jan. 1. 1886 1,022 95
By salary 7 mouths... #875 oo
Paid couuty treasurer. 147 95 1.022 95
The balance of theday was consumed
settling with the Treasurer.
Adjourned until to-morrow morning,
9 o’clock.
Oskaloosa, lowa, Jan. 13,1886.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
The Board fixed the salaries of the
officers named below as follows :
Auditor, at the sum of fifteen hun
dred dollars per annum for the ensuing
official term, the said Auditor to pay
over to the county all the fees of said
office received by him. And the sala
ries of the Deputy Auditor, Deputy
Clerk and Deputy Treasurer at seven
hundred dollars each perannum. And
the Sheriff’s salary at two hundred dol
lars per annum.
The Auditor is directed to abate the
city taxes levied in the town of Fre
mont, on farm lands of ten acres or
more, for eity purposes, the same hav
ing been levied contrary to section 4,
title 4, Code of 1873.
The Board having completed their
examination of the claims filed since
the September session, it is ordered
that the Auditor issue warrants for all
claims as allowed and shown by the
following list, to-wit:
Cj For What Purpose AUotced. G
Acres, Black mar* Co., poll books,
Nov. election, 1885 fM 40
Acres, Blackmar & Co., books for
county officers .. 84 90t105 30
Allender N,trustee service,Cedar
township 400 400
Appel Peter, King v Mahaska Co., 17 oo 17 oo
Burnett C E, stove, pipe and el
bow forpoor person 10 60 to «0
Black AE, molasses for poor farm 15 75 15 75
Brewer G W, supplies furnished
poor 87 37 87 37
Bacon K P, committee work, ex
pense King v county 152 55 152 55
Ballinger J W, trustee service,
Madison township 4 00 4 oo
Bowman T E, clerk service, Jef
ferson township 6 00 4 00
Byram C G. office expenses. Re
corder’s office l 85 1 85
Biuns Benj, material and labor on
culverts see <js 596 65
Barnhlzer E G, meals for Jury, Oc
tober term, 1885 325 325
Beardsley Win, cash expended for
poor 30 oo 30 oo
Barnes A T, repairing bridge In
Scott towhship 300 3 00
Bedford Mary A, boarding poor
person 26 oo 26 oo
Butler J C, paid supplies and la
bor, poor farm 42 75 42 75
Blanchard L C, attorney King v
county 500 oo 500 oo
Bell T W, bailiff to grand Jury,
December term, 1885 40 00 40 00
Btlllck J, trustee aud returning
poll books, Adams township ... 700 700
Ballard Uriah, services as jauitor
at court-house 53 00 53 00
Baldauf Bros, carpets for court
house 150 80 156 80
Bacon 8 M, clerk service. White
Oak township 15 50 15 50
Bacon M, supplies for poor 52 oo 52 00
Barr Marquis, sheriff fees In sun
dry lusaue cases 118 oo
Barr Marquis, sheriff fees In sun
dry criminal cases 458 25
Barr Marquis, sheriff fees serving
venire 14 40
Barr Marquis, office expense 8 so
Barr Marquis, sheriff fees iu
search warrant 6 20 605 35
Barringer J C, coroner fees at In
quest 60 35 60 35
Beman T R, services as court re
porter 165 65 165 65
Cathcart Hugh, returning poll
book, November election, 1885.. 200 200
Cruzen ft Bacon, supplies fur
nished poor 15 50 15 50
Cochran J W, Justice fees in crim
inal cases... 6 75 6 25
Cameron J A, boarding and care
of poor 56 00 56 00
Chew JB, clerk service. Union Tp 12 65 12 65
Cauon & Gunn, supplies furnished
poor 34 14 34 14
Chilton W P. clerk service and re
turning poll book 600 600
Capel J 8. coal furnished poor aud
county jail 196 43 196 43
Cook L & 8, btacksinithing for
poor farm 12 85 12 85
Crosson & Son, supplies furnished
poor 60 00 50 00
Crosson & Son, work on bridge on
Rddyville road, not allowed. •... 3 75
Crandall E H, constable service.
State cases and election 8 75
Crandall E H, team at coroner's
inquest and board 810 16 75
Caldwell A N, committee work
and exs>enses King v county 74 50 74 50
Dickson K H, lumberffor bridge
in Monroe township 15 32 15 32
De Geus C, trustee service and re
turning poll book 8 00 6 oe
Donnell J A, district attorney fees
In State cases, Dec. term. 1885.. 377 60 377 50
Dermody M, repairing gas fixtures
In county offices 360 36c
Downing D B, trustee service,East
Des Moines township 650 6 H
Davis D 8, Justice fees In State v
Jane Herron 350 36«
De Jong Peter, trustee service,
Black Oak township 600 600
Davis H M, clerk services, Prairie
townseip 3 oo 3 oo
Dlx John, digging grave for poor. 250 250
Duncan W A. rent of room for
election. Oskaloosa 7 50 7 50
Dickson M M, constable service in
State cases 21 85 19 lfl
Davis W W, constable service iu
State cases 2 65 2 66
Delashmutt Z C, constable service
in State cases 26025 25694
Ewiug S W ft Son, supplies for
poor 18 97 18 97
Egbert. Fldlar & Chambers, pro
bate caleudar and Justice's dock
ets 48 00 48 00
Evans David, balance due super
intending court-house 93 00 93 00
Eveland F, Justice fees In State
case 4 oo 3 60
Eymau Jacob, labor on poor farm 50 oo 50 oo
Freeman M S, trustee service
Madison township 600 600
Fasnaugii & Hall, supplies fur
nished poor 2700 2700
Foster Joshua, clerk services,
Uniou township 600 600
Frellgh Cbas, returning poll book,
Nov. election, 1885 2 00 2 00
Felker J S, hauling to new court
house..., 160 150
Freeman Wm. conveying poor per
son to poor farm.... 3OO 300
Fairview school district, Harrison
Tp, rent of room for general
election, 1885. 200 200
Finkblne R S, services estimating
cost of court-house, etc 150 00 150 00
Gaskill O R, supplies furnished
poor 200 200
Galbreath David, constable fees
In State case 3 45 3 45
Gladwin W E, bridge work, Des
Moines township 11 00 11 00
Guthrie J D, coal furnished court
house 65 85 66 86
Guthrie G S C, coal furnished poor
farm .......... 1100 11 00
Gaylord H, mattresses for Go. Jail 900 »00
Geneva F W, carpenter work for
poor person..., 300 200
Gilchrist George, Justice fees In
State ca5e5....... 16 00 10 00
Gilchrist M D, making delinquent
tax list and office expenses 59 20 69 20
Hull L L, repairing harness and
one pair blankets, poor farm... 590 590
Huntsman H G, services as com
missioner of insanity 48 00 48 00
Himes Jacob, services in road
case 2 80 2 80
Henry T 8, conveying poor person
to poor farm..., 100 100
Hess 0 B, clerk services, Rlchl uid
township, continued.
Hammond J G, trustee services in
Prairie towuship 27 00 27 00
Hull E C, trustee services in Prai
rie township 300 300
Herald Printing Go, printing done
for the county. Sept. 1, 1885 to
Jan. 1, 1886 , 426 42 426 42
Herald Printing 00, publishing
delinquent tax list 186 30 186 30
Hunt & Son, bucket for recorder’s
office 50 5Q
Haskell W W, services as com
missiouerof in5anity..........; 2700 27 00
Hoopes A L, trustee services Har
nson township.,. TO® 7 Of)
Hadley M 8, clerk services Monroe
township •••••• 28 50 23 60
Hull Jasper, damages claimed
from poor farm, not allowed.... 18 60
Hadley J T, deputy treasurer, sal
ary for November and December 100 00 100 00
Hedge Porter, clerk services Oska-
loose towuship • 16 25 15 25
Hull & Slay, coal furnished poor
fm»m 13 70 13 70
Heaverio Hiram, wolf scalps, Jef
ferson township... • 10 00 800
Harbour H F, services as clerk,
Garfield township 940 800
Hlnesley J W, Justice fees in Slate
C(MWt 377 60 640 00
Hamilton R G & Co, lumber for
bridge iu White Oak township.. 23 90 23 90
Jones A Thomas, supplies lur
nlshed poor ••••<••• 11 80 880
Jones Ed, room rent lor eleettou,
and J P tees State cases 23 25 20 78
Jones Amos, returning poll books
aud trustee service..., 030 000
Jessup Riley, appraiser of dam
age* in road case 209 206
Johnson A C, salary as deputy
treasurer. Sept, ana Oct 100 00 100 00
Jordau C W, bailiff, Oct-, 1885, di
eting prisoners and for expense* 838 10 806 )Q
Thos. E. Cork hi i.i..
Jones J M & Co, supplies (or poor
and for poor (arm 40 15 40 15
KtsorW 8, taking census o( Union
township.. 26 00 26 00
Kimbro Noah, washing old seats
in court-house 4 66 4 66
Kirkpatrick Win, justice fees in
State case 2 00 2 00
Kenworthy W S, attorney (ees in
State cases 30 00 30 00
Kendig Rebecca, housework at
poor (arm 114 00 114 00
Keokuk countv, clerk, reporter
and juiy in King v county 626 00 626 00
Kalbach & Son,lumber (or bridges,
court-house and poor (arm 73 28 73 28
Kinsman J N, lumber, spikes aud
labor on bridge 17 97 17 »7
Kramer & Hammond, supplies fur
nished poor 8248 8248
Kindig P L, salary as Co. Supt.,
Sept. 1, 1885, to Jan., 1886 432 00 432 00
Kindig PL, office expenses 955 955
Ken worthy J C, constable fees in
Btate cases 239 40 229 55
Kindig S M, services in Co. Supt.
office . 1500 1500
Kendig H R, trustee service...... 24 25
Kendig H R, expenses paid (or
poor 37 90 62 15
Kentheld R H, damages sustain
ed, not allowed 225 oo
Lockwood W S, material and labor
on Des Monies river bridge 14 68 14 68
Loring D W & Co. supplies fur
nisbed poor, poor (arm and jail. 85 67 85 67
Madison John, justice (ees iu
State cases 700 700
Melotie John, coal, mortar, lime,
sand, hauling 34 33 34 33
Moua Johu, cierk service, Cedar
township. 350 350
Mills & Co, complete record, wilt
record, justice docket, etc 46 90 46 90
McCrea J P, clerk service, Des
Moines township 8 00 6 00
Morgan J W, paints, oils, turpen
tine, etc 605 606
Mctjuiston James, digging grave
(or poor person 350 350
McDonald W S, clerk service.
Spring Creek township 600 600
Mark W F, erroneous tax sale l 03 l 03
McDowell J H, constable (ees at
inquest and in State cases 16 10 16 10
Milligan W H, justice (ees in State
cases 16 25 15 50
McFall C W, returning poll books,
East Des Moines township 200 200
Moore W A,constable (ees in State
case 16 60 15 60
McCurdy J B, trustee service, Os
kaloosa township 8 oo
McCurdy J B, coffins, robes, burial
cases, etc 93 25 101 25
McDonough Ed, trustee service,
Adams township 600 600
Moore N J, care of sick poor per
son 15 00 15 00
Mcßride T F lumber, spikes aud
labor on bridge... 29 49 29 49
Mortland W H, driving bridge
piling —: 67 oo 67 oo
Moore W A, constable (ee in State
case 3 50 3 so
Moore H, lumber (or bridges and
county jail 53 74 53 74
McMullin JW & 00, livery hire... 750 750
Miller D D, trustee service, Har
rison township 300 300
McFall & Jones attorneys (ee (or
consultation, not allowed 10 00
McNeitan E D, justice (ees in
State cases 295 85 278 55
McSpadden J F, clerk services.
Pleasant Grove township 16 oo 13 00
Newell I hos, bailiff Oct. and Dec.
terms, aud cleaning court-room, 104 5o 104 50
Nicholson M W, killing and bury
ing glandered horses 15 oo lo 00
O’Hara F P & Co. supplies (or
poor aud poor (arm 167 94 167 94
Oswandle F, trustee service Scott
township 6 oo 6 oo
Orr 11 L, supplies (urnished poor, lo so lo 60
Oskaloosa Gas Light Co, gas (or
Bept., Oct., Nov. aud Dec 150 20 150 20
Oskaloosa Steam Engine Works,
material and labor on bridges.. 588 80 588 80
Ptersel W 8, trustee service, Mon
roe township 2 00 2 oo
Phillips & Greer, attorneys in
State cases... 20 oo 20 00
Parkins & Fleming, rent of room
(or election purposes 750 750
Pickens M, returning poll books,
Harrison township 200 200
Patton J M, rent (or poor person,
Adams township 12 00 12 00
Phillips P W. committee work and
per diem 100 19 100 19
Kolhell C G, repair on bridge l oo 1 00
Ross G A, services examining
books of auditor 12 00 12 00
Ruby W S, trustee service Adams
township 200 200
Reed Emory, boarding and care of
poor persons 78 oo 78 oo
Roorda Isaac, trustee service Bcott
township 2 oo 2 oo
Richardson W H, deputy auditor’s
salary Sept., Oct., Nov., aud Dec. 200 oo 200 oo
Reynolds J P, trustee service and
expenses paid (or poor 19 41 19 41
Robertson Bros., lumber (or
bridge, Scott township 19 77 19 77
Reid F D, commission (or collec
tion of claims 94 20 94 20
Riggs Tracy, lumber and labor on
bridges and trustee service 645 55 645 55
Smith & Cook, books (urnished
aud binding old books. 110 75 110 75
Strausburger Harry, interpreter
in State v Kahl 4 oo 4 oo
Smith & Brewster, shoes (or pris
oners in jail 2000 2000
Stanley Charles, clerk services,
Adams township, continued— 24 50
Smith F E, return of marriages,
births, deaths, & office expense 146 90 146 90
Spates R T, trustee service and re
turning poll books 7 00 7 00
Sheriff HH, bailiff Dec. term, 1885, 46 oo 46 oo
Shields Bros, supplies (or poor 11 45 11 45
Sehee W F, 69 bushels o( rye (or
poor (arm 31 06 31 05
Scnee W F, lumber (or poor (arm,
not allowed— 2 25
Stephens Thos, trustee service,
Cedar township 7 oo 6 oo
Snyder Henry, supplies (or poor. 2 00 2 oo
Shafer Jacob, providing poor per
sou 6 00 6 oo
Stringfellow & Bacon, supplies (or
poor 5 20 5 20
Steward Bros, supplies for poor . 959 959
Simpson George, constable fees in
quest iu Scott township 460 450
Scott L T, providing and care of
poor person 750 750
See vers & Neagle, supplies for
poor 184 00 184 00
Sampson & Brown, attorneys In
case of King v county 300 00 300 00
Shipley A J, sprinkling streets (or
court-house and offices 63 50 63 50
Stafford Elam, auditor’s salary,
Oct., Nov. and Dec .. 375 00 375 00
Shaw & Loring, supplies (or jail,
court room and poor 224 90 224 90
Shaw & Campbell, supplies (or
poor 10 00 lo oo
Thompson J J, trustee service,
Union township 5 20 5 20
Thompson R B, clerk service,
Scott township 300 300
Taylor Samuel, trustee service,
White Oak township 600 600
Truax T J, returning poll books,
Des Moines township 2 00 2 00
Trotter J W, constable (ees in
State cases 460 460
Times Printing Co, letter and bill
heads, blanks, etc 27 oo 27 oo
Tharp P J, trustee service, Des
Moines township 6 00 6 00
Tolbert & Miller, blacksmithing
(or poor farm 280 280
Tracy C W, engineer services and
expenses King v county 43 90 43 90
Varfey Martin, board and care of
poor person 12 00 12 00
Vernon W E, repairs at county
jail 15 80 15 80
Vail David, publishing proceed
ings of Board 43 80 43 80
Wilson Win, board and care of
poor person 12 00 12 00
White E H, constable fees in State
cases . 11 oo 11 00
Worthington Robert, board and
nursing sick person 69 50 28 oo
Wells Bros, work on spire aud ball
on court-house 10 60 10 60
Warreu D E, coffins, boxes aud
robes (or poor 30 00 30 00
Whitaker & Shriver, paper, luk,
books, pens, etc 44 61 44 61
Weaver H P, salary as deputy
clerk. Sept., Oct, Nov., & Dec.. 200 00 200 00
Weinlz Jacob, constable (ees in
State cases 85 85
Williams Bros, supplies (or poor 30 50 30 50
Wykel GC, coffin (or poor person, lo oo 10 00
Willitts G L, meals (urnished
iurors, December term, 1885. ... 19 75 19 75
Woodruff O, conveying prisouer to
penitentiary 26 10 26 lo
Whitmore & Scott, rent of room
(or election 3 00 3 00
Woods J R, bridge piling aud labor
on bridge 500 600
Wyinore A J, trustee service,
Pleasant Grove township 10 00 800
Welch FG. wol( scalp 500 500
Willitts G L. meals (or jurors, Oc
tober term, 1885 6 oo 6 on
Williver J L, clerk service. Black
O.ik township 200 200
Wolcott & Jackson, supplies (or
poor 1 19 85 19 85
Wolcott W T, rent of house (or
poor person 10 oo lo oo
Waring E H, reporter service, dis
trict court 174 80 174 80
Weeks & Durfee, supplies (or poor 74 80 74 80
Wolcott L M, hauling and labor
ou bridge, not allowed 7 00
Williams M, damages claimed, uot
allowed 200 00
The Auditor is directed to issue war
rants to members of the Board for ser
vices at present term as follows:
To A. N. Caldwell, 0 days and 20 mi1e5....237 20
To R. P. Bacon, 9 days and 2 miles 36 12
To J. H Evans, 9 days and 18 miles 37 08
Ordered that the Board adjourn until
February 8,1886.
A true abstract of the proceedings
of the Board, January session, 1886.
John K. Baer,
County Auditor.
John Long, a Burlington cigar
maker, was frozen to death Saturday
night. His body was found lying on a
sidewalk on Spring street. The side
walk at that point is steep and slippery,
and it is presumed that he fell, receiv
ing a blow on the head which rendered
him insensible, and he perished from
exposure. He was unmarried and liv
ed with his widowed mother and sister.
Transfer* for the Week Poet--Reported Express
ly for Thk Hkka i.d, by Cowan A HatnbleUm,
Abstractor*, Real Estate and I/tan Agents,
Oskatoosa, lowa.
Henry V. D. Nevlns to John I. Wilson, 20
acres, See 24, Monroe
Sarah D. Parker to Nancy J. Forrest, 120
acres. Secs 24 and 32, Jefferson .3,600 00
J. N. Havens to Lottie Moore, 00 acres.
Bees 23 and 14, White Oak 360 00
Margaret Johnson to Peter Nelson, 10.72
acres, Sec. 35, Madison 135 00
Geo. Osborne to loda Osborne, 180.50
acres, Secs 35 and 36, Des Moines 1,000 0o
Susan Lawson to Jas. Souter, lot 0, block
ft, Snell’s Add, Mbarou 400 00
T. A. White to Mary L. Uunt.pt lot Nlnde
& Soarle’s Add, Oskaloosa 3,500 qo
H. D. Waddell to W. D. Hart, lota 268 and
209, Spates’ Add, Hose Hill 27ft 00
,Wiley Wray to Silas Parker, NH, lots 7
and 8, block 7, Montgomery's Add, Os
kaloosa 950 00
Porter Hedge to Jos. 0. Audersou and
Wm. H. Wayne, lot 1, block 14, Mont
gomery’s Add, Oskaloosa 87ft 00
Local MarksU.
APPLES 50© 7ft
COHN, © 30
OATH 2* 1 30
BUTTEH, hi© is
KUOS hi© 18
CHICKENS, live, per dcx... ©2.00
CHICKENS, dressed, V ft oft© 06
TCHKEYS, dressed, V ft oa© 09
IIOOS, 3.26©3.00
Notice Is hereby giveu to all persons Inter
ested, that on the Sd day or February. A. I).,
1880, the undersigned was appointed by the
Circuit Court of Mahaska county, lowa. Ad
ministratrix of the estate of Jonu A. Owen,
doc eased, late of said county. Ail persons in
debted to said estate will make Dayment to the
undersigned, and those having claims against
the same will preeent them legally authenti
cated to said court for allowance.
Dated February 8, I**;.
F. E. Smith, Muaut D. Owii,
k ß4w# QM. Administratrix,
(\n’l Sleep?
Your pains, your nervous aches, vour
rheumatic sufferings, your wretched days,
your sleepless nights!
nlf Neuralgia and Rheumatism have
afflicted you or your Intimate friends, you
have a personal interest in knowing what
has cured others and will cure you.
Whether your Rheumatism
T T* T T and Neuralgia are of recent date
\xf 111 or of long standing, Athlophobos
w«l go through them. Perhaps
you may doubt this, because you have tried a
great many other things which have (ailed.
Athlophobos cured the Rev.
f** _ _ _ Dr. Dennen,of NewHaven,Cann.
[ I B who had been such a martyr to
Rheumatism that he could not
Athlophobos cured the
_- _ i Rev. W. P. Corblt, of New
7 f) I 1 ' (©) Haven, who had suffered
m/ • with Rheumatism so that
he had lost 35 pounds.
Athlophobos cured old Mr. Lyman,
of WUllston, Vermont. He Is 87 years of age;
bad suffered (or years with Rheumatism, and
waa relieved In 84 hours.
Athlophobos has cured hundreds of
others who bad been similarly afflicted. The
matter of personal and particular importance
to you is, that it will cure TOU.
If you cannot get Athlophobos of your druggist,
we will send it expraw paid, on receipt of regular
price—one dollar per bottta We prefer that you buy
it from your druggist, but if he hasn’t it, do not be
persuaded to try something else, but order at onoa
from us as directed.
Advertisements under this head at 5 cents per
line. No insertion (or less than 25 cents.
\X7ANTED.—A good cook wanted. Enquire
v v o( J. U. Beechier. 24wlpd
HOUSE FOR RENT—Four rooms, one block
east of the high school building. Enquire
at A. T. Drinkle’s. 24-lpd
FOR SALE.—Two (arms of forty acres each
withiu three miles of Oskaloosa. Either
will be sold at S4O per acre. luqulre of B. F.
or Llstou McMilleu. 23w3
WANTED.— A good girl to do housework.
Enquire at machine shop one block north
o( Odd Fellow’s Hall. W. E. vkbnon. 23t(
YX7ANTED.—Five practical harness-makers
vv to work on light and heavy harness.
None but experienced workmen need apply.
W. P. Hawkins,
24wl 118 West High Street.
IP OR SALE.—A good, quiet horse, will work
-F double or siugie, is suitable (or lady’s
driving. Inquire at water works or address
postoffice box 812. 23w2pd
TTIOR SALE OR RENT-A good farm o( 200
X? acres in Des Moines township. Terms easy;
all on time if desired. See
22 H. S. Howard.
FOR SALE—A (arm of one hundred acres,
three-fourths of a mile south of the Acme
Coal Co.’s works. Will be sold reasonable. For
particulars, address John Knox, Oskaloosa, la.
or call one mile east of the square. 24-w4pd
\\T ANTED.—A lady wishes a home with a
ii respectable family, where she can assist
in return (or her board. Address P. G., Lock
Box 266, city. 24
Charles Huber,
Stoves and Tinware.
Builders’ Hardware,
Nails, Glass and Tools.
Favorite, Climax and Acorn Stoves.
Glidden Barbed Wire,
The beat in the world. The best goods at fair prices is my motto. Call and see
me when in want of anything in my line.
West High Street. 40
Tin and Hardware,
Builders’ Material, Barbed Wire, Roofing,
Guttering and General Jobbing,
South Side of the Square, Oskaloosa, lowa.
They keep constantly on hand a full supply of the Celebrated
Riverside Cook Stoves & Ranges
Bismark Cook Stoves and Ranges.
New Goods—Low Prices.
Satisfaction Given. Be sure and remember the place.
20 South Side of Square
The Knapp & Spalding Co.,
We have in stock a full line of Builders’, Shelf, and Heavy
Hardware, Fine Cutlery, Carpenters’, Masons’, and Miners’ Tools,
Rubber and Leather Belting, Wagon and Carriage Stock, large
sizes of Manilla Rope, also Iron, Steel, Nails, Window Glass
&c., &e., &c M 20
At Bottom Prices Always.
Bewt In The World
for large or null game-made in SI calibre, 4S grata* powder; 88 cal.
fift grain*; 40cal. «ograin*)4ft caL 70 and Btgrain*. The*troncnt ahooUng rifle
made. Perfect accuracy guaranteed aad the only abaolulely *afe rifle made. All atyte*.
all Mae*, all weight*. Price# reduced.
hat.t.aup ssa^*TS&j?BSWs
, r scr mirliifire iris ca, res hater, con.
550 00
TP OR RENT.—Good stock and grain (arm (or
-L rent. The (arm is Hi miles N. E. of Rose
Hill and will be rented (or cash. For particu
lars Inquire of or address Willis Pettttt, Rose
Hill, la. 23tf
IPOR RENT.—The Ellsworth business room,
I? situated on West High street; the best
located and most popular business stand in the
city; rent reasonable. Enquire of
24w2 T. B. Thompson.
HUME FOR SALE.—For sale, on easy month
ly payments, a desirable residence (or
small family, in good neighborhood, small pay
ment down. Possession given at once if desired.
For particulars, address lock box 217, city post
office. Mtf
CJTOCK FARMS TO RENT.-Two line stock
O (arms, one mile southwest of Oskaloosa, to
rent, separate or together, (or a term of years
(or cash. Both well grassed, good shade and
running water; brick houses and good barns.
No better stock farms in lowa.
21-lm S. H. M. Byers.
'C'OR SALK.—Having purchased a stock of
lumber in Oskaloosa, and expecting to give
that business my attention, I offer (or sale a
few desirable two or three acre lots, just north
of my residence; also, two stock (arms in this
county, cheap, one of 143 acres and one of 200
acres. Terms easy.
6tf Wm. Burnside.
I7K)R SALE OR RENT.—Small place contain-
C ing 14 acres, one mile north of city limits;
line dwelling house contaiulng 8 large rooms
and fine cellar; two wells and good cistern;
good barn, 24x60, cow stable, wagon sheds,
corn cribs, hog house, and all necessary out
buildings; abundance of all kinds of fruits.
This property is iu as good a neighborhood as
there is in the county; it is first-class in every
respect, aud is for sale or rent, or will exchange
(or a farm. For further tnformatiou address
J. P. Hiatt, Oskaloosa, or J. H. Runyon, on
premises. - 22w4
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of
special execution, to me directed by the Clerk
of the District Court of Mahaska county, lowa,
against thegooda,chattels,landa,teneinents, Ac.,
of Lazarus Knott, defendant, in favor of
B. F. McMlilen, plaintiff. I will offer at public
sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at
the door of the Court House in the town of Os
kaloosa, County of M ahaska, and State of lowa,
on the 6th day of March, 1886, between the
hours of 9 o’clock a. m. and 4 o’clock p. h. on
said day, all of said defendant’s right, title and
interest In and to the following described Seal
Estate, situated in Mahaska county, to-wit:
The South 80 acres of 8. W. S. W. Sec. 18. and
the N.W. N.W. Sec. 18, all in Township 74, N.
K. 15, West sth P. M.
Sale to commence at the hour of 2 o’clock p
m., of said day. Witness my hand this 8d day
of February, 1886. Calvin Woodruff,
uv4w2 Sheriff of Mahaska County, lowa.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of
general execution, to me directed by the Clerk
of the District Court of Mahaska county, lowa,
against the Goods, Chattels, Lands, Tenements,
etc., of Wm. Nash, defendant, in favor of
Charles Hutchinson, plaintiff, I wilt offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash,
at the door of theoourt house in the town of Os
kaloosa, county of Mahaska, and State of
lowa, on the 6th day of March, 1886, between
the hours of 9 o’clock a. m., and 4 o'clock p. m.,
on said day, all of said defendant’s right,
title, and interest in and to the following de
scribed real estate,sltuated In Mahaska county,
The east half ([) of the north we«t quarter,
(exoept two aorea in the southeast corner) and
the north half <i) or the southwest quarter 04)
and twenty-two and 90-100 acres in the west
half (() of the northwest quarter, described as
follows : Commencing at the southeast oorner
of said west half of the north quarter, thenoe
north twenty-five (36)chains, thence west fifty
eight (58) links, thence in a northwesterly di
rection to a point 71 and 76-100 ohains west of
place of beginning, thenoe east to place of be
ginning. All in Section No. Eleven, (tl) Town
ship Severn y-four. (74) Range fourteen west of
sth P. M.
Sale to commence at the hour of 2 o’clock p.
M„ of said day.
Witness my hand this 29th day of January,
1886. Calvin Woodruff, Sheriff,
24w3 Mahaska county, lowa.
Insurance Department.
Des Moines, Jan. 8, 1886.
yy HERE AB, The
Located at Des Moines, In the State of lowa,
has filed in this office a sworn statement of iu
condition on the thirty-first day of December.
1886, In accordance with the provisions of Chap
ter 4, Title 8, of the Code of lowa, A. D., 1878.
and amendments thereto, relating to Insurance
Companies; and whereas, said statement shows
that said Insurance Company is possessed of
the requisite amount of capital inve. ted as
required by said law:
Therefore, in pursuance of law, I, J. W.
Cattici l. Auditor of State, do hereby certify
that said insurance Company is authorized to
transact the business of Fire Insurance in the
State, bv Agents properly appointed and author
ized to ac knowledge service of prooess for and
on behaif of said Company as required by said
law, until the thirty-first day of Janu&r..
A. £>., 1887.
I further oertify that the said statement shows:
Ist. The actual amount of paid up
capital of said Company, Dec. 31,
1886, to be $300,6663 0
3d. The aggregate amount of assets
of said Company, Deo. 31, 1885,
to be 706,017.3-1
Bd. The aggregate amount of liabil
ities of said Company, including
the amount required to safely re
insure all outstanding risks. Dee.
31,1885, to be 625,501.14
tth. The aggregate income of said
Company for the year 1886, to be.. 378,498.97
6th. The aggregate expenditures of
said Company for the year 1885,
to be 336,741.06
1» Testimony Whereof, have hereunto sub
scribed my name and affixed the sea 1 of my
office the'nay and date above written
[Beal.] J. W. CATTBLL. Auditor of State.
Additional assets owned by the Company, not
inclhded ln'the above statement, $215,n41.(H.
Item 4, above, embraces only the cash income.
Charles Phelps,
Resident Agent, B<x m 8, over Frankel, Bach
& Co.’s Bank, O skalooan, lowa. 94wl
In the District Court of the State of lowa, in
and for Mahaska County, March
Term, A. D.. 1886,
To John L. Freeman:
You are hereby notified that on or before
the 26th day of January, 1886, a petition of
Elizabeth Freeman will be on file in the office of
the Clerk of the District Court of the State of
lowa, in and for Mahaska county, claiming of
you a divorce and the custody of Lizzie L.
Freeman, her minor child, and that unless yon
appear thereto and defend before noon of the
Seoond Day of the March Term, A. D., 1886, of
said Court, which will commence on the 9th
day of March, 1886, default will be entered
against you aud Judgment and decree rendered
thereon as prayed for in said petition.
J. F. & W. R. I ACBY,
23w4 Attorneysjior Plaintiff.
Notioe is hereby given to all persons interest
ed, that on the 3l)th day of January, A. D. 1886,
the undersigned was appointed by the Circuit
Court of Mahaska County, lowa, Adminis
tratrix of the estate of Washington Matthews,
deceased, late of said County. All persons in
debted to said estate will mske payment to the
undersigned, and those having claims against
the same will present them legally authentica
ted to said Court for allowance.
F. E. Smith, Sibbel a. Matthews,
Clerk, Administratrix.
H. P. Weaver, Depuly. 34wS
Notice is hereby given to all persons interest
ed, that on the 2lst day of January, A. D. 1886,
the undersigned was appointed by the Circuit
Court of Mahaska county, lowa, Administra
tor of the estate of E. D. McNeiian, deceased,
late of said Mahaska county, lowa. All
persons indebted to Mid estate will make pay
ment to the undersigned, and those having
claims against the same wlli present them legal
ly authenticated to said court for allowance.
Dated February 3d, I>B6.
John A. Hoffman, Administrator.
F. E. Smith, Clerk. 24wS
State of lowa. Malnska County, ss.
To Emma Bland and C. W. Bland, her hus
band; Sarah E. Stafford and Samnel. Stafford,
her husband.
You are hereby notified that there is now on
file in the office of the Clerk of the District
Court of Mahaska County, lowa, the petition
of C. G. Byram und Sarah Byram, claiming of
yoa the partition of the following described
real estate:
West i 4 of the Southwest of Section I*. in
township No. 74, north of Range No. 14 west,
also lots 37, 28, SI, and 33 in East aoduioa to the
town of Fremont, ail in Mahaska county.
Iowa; also, commencing at the southeast cor
ner of southeast 1 of the northeast } of section
No. 14, township 74, range 14 west, thenoe north
30 rods, thenoe west 12 rods, thence south SC
rods, thenoe east 12 rods to place of beginning,
containing 11 acres in Mahaska county, lowa,
and all subject to tho rls ht-of-way of the
Central lowa Railway Co.; also Weai K of the
Northwest >4 or Section No. 6, In Township No.
74. north < f Range No. 13, in Keokuk county,
Now unless you appear tbeteto and defend
on or before noon of the second day of the
next term of said court, to be begun and hold
en atfOskaloosa, in Mahaska oounty, on the 9tb
day <>f March, 1883, your default will be entered
and judgment and decree entered thereon as
prayed lor in said petition.
J. F. & W. R. f.AOkY,
34w4 Plaintiff’s Attorneys.
Order of publication of t >a original not ee.
Qkorob W. Cb zikjl,
Judge of thr C rcuit to it.
Erastus Coffin, Plaintiff,
William Windsor, el • 1, Defendant.
In t e Circuit Court ol lowa, In and for Ma
haska County, April Term, A. D. 1886.
To William Windsor and the unknown heirs
and legal representative of said William
Windsor, now re-ideme ol tbo Slate of lowa.
You aro hereby.n titled that there la now on
file a petition of Erast us Coffin in the office of
the Clerk ol the Circuit Court of the State of
lowa in a< d for Mahaska county, asking that
the title to the west half c f ttao northweat
quarter of the southeast quarter of section
twoi ty-two, (42) township seventy-six, (78)
north of range sixteen (18) west, lie quited and
that the title there'o in fee simple be vested in
him, snd that all the right, title and interest
you. or either of yon, may claim iu the same
be forever barred and divested out oi you.
That said . etitloner has been the legal owner
and possessor of said la..d since No vein..or 20,
1887. T.»at William Windsor and wife sold and
conveyed said land to Samuel Ooffln, petition
er’s grantor, March 12, 85h, and ’ y mistake in
the deed conveyed the W. Vi, N. W. )4, of 8. w.
)4, Sec. 22, Tp. 76, N. R. 1« west; and to correct
said mistake this action is brought, and that
the eg 1 title to said la> d is now in said Wil
liam Windsor or bis heirs, and if any of said
defendants have any right, title or interest in
Baid land, it arose out of said mlstaae, and
from no other cause; and said petition neks
that petitioner’s title be declared full, perfect,
clear and complete against all persons whom
soever. And said petitioner avers that said de
fendants are all non-residents of the State of
lowa, and that after diligent inquiry petitioner
has been unable to learn the name or place of
residence of any of said defendants. And that
unless you appear thereto and defend before
noon of the second Day of the April Term, A.
D. 188 of said court, which will commence on
the third Monday of April. 1886, default will be
entered against you and judgment and decree
rendered thereon as prayed for In said petition.
Crookham A Crookham.
24w6 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
An ordinance to regulate the keeping and sale
of gunpowder or other combustibles.
Be It ordained by the city council of the city
of Okaloosa, Iowa:
Section 1. That no person, firm, company,
or corporation, shall keep within the city limits,
in any store, house, shop, or any other place,
any gunpowder or blasting powder, In any quan
tity exceeding twenty-five pounds.
sec. 2. That no nftro-glycerine, dynamite or
giant powder shall be kept within the corporate
limits ol the city.
Sec. 3. That all powder kept and held for
sale by retail shall be kept in the manufacturers’
original packages, and such packages shall in
all cases be labeled “powder,” and snail be kept
remote from fires.
Sec. 4. That no persou or persons shall sell,
weigh, or dispose of any powder between the
time of llghtiug gas or lamps in the eveniug and
daylight upon the following morning; provided,*,
that it may be sold in unbroken tin packages, i
without regard to the prohibition contained in \
this section.
Sec. 5. Any person violating any of the pro
vlsious of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine
of not less than ten doilors, nor more than one
hundred dollars and cost, and shall stand com
mitted until such fine and costs are paid; pro
vided, such imprisonment shall not exceed
thirty days.
Passed November 30.1885.
Jas. A. Rice, M. M. Rick,
City Clerk, pro Um. Mayor. .
An ordinance to suppress houses of ill-fAine,
bawdy bouses and houses of assignation.
Be it ordained by the city council of Oskaloo
sa, Iowa:
Section 1. That all houses of 111-fame, bawdy
houses, houses of assignation or place* where
men and women meet for the purposes of pros
titution and lewdness within said city are here
by declared public nuisances, and shall be sup
pressed and abated as herein provided.
Sec. 2. The mayor shall issue to the marshal,
deputy marshal or any member of the police
force a warrant or precept authorizing such
officer to enter any house or room lu any house
in said city upon satisfactory and sufficient proof
S affidavit or Information being made to him,
owing reasonable grounds for believing such
house to be a house of 111-fame, prostitution or
Sac. 3. Any house or. place decided, after
beariug or Investigation, to be a house of Ill
fame, bawdy bouse, bouse of assignation or place
resorted to by men and women for purposes of
prostitution shall be closed, and the mayor
shall issue a precept to the marshal, or other
members of the police force, directing sueh
house or place to be closed, and the same shall
remain closed uutll proper assurance shall be
Sreu to the mayor by the owner or keeper
ereof that It shall not be used for that pur
pose; provided, that notice of the time and
place of hearing or Investigation be first given
to the owner or bis agent, or the occupant ol
such bouse or place, and such persou have op
portunity to defend.
Sec. 4. The inmates of any bouse or place de
cided to be a house of 111-fame, bawdy house or
bouse of asslgnatiou shall be removed, the bouse
or place closed as provided in section three
hereof; the keeper or keepers of such houses
shall be liable for the costs In the proceedings,
and If they refuse assistance to the officer or
officers and obedience to their lawful require
ments, may be fined iu any sum more thau one
dollar and less than one hundred dollars imd
costs of prosecution, and In default of payment
shall be committed to Jail and required to labor
upon streets until paid: provided, said iniprls--,
oument does not exceed thirty days.
Passed December 7,1885. \
Jas. A. Kick. R. M. Rice,
City Clerk, pro tern. Mayor.

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