Newspaper Page Text
h? - r Invitation.—Subject at Kalbach’s Hall, on Sunday evening Dext, “Paul, his conversion and testimony.” Flour.—Shaw & Campbell call your attention to their Minnesota and Da kota flour in this issue. Changed.—Mitch Wilson has a new advertisement this week, in which he offers many special bargains. Ladies will Find it to their inter est to invest in some of the bargains Weeks & Steward are offering in heavy dress goods. ifif * Meets.—The lowa State Pharmaceu tical Association meets at Des Moines February 10. Nearly all our drug stores will be represented. Hook and Ladder Boys.—You are requested to meet at the Mayor’s of fice to-morrow, Friday evening. Im portant business to transact. Ladies.—Your attention is called this week, to the fine lines of embroi deries, and ladies’ linen underwear at the “Old Reliable," D. W. Loring & Co. Puts.—AL Himes, who is living on the Dixon farm, reports that a tire vis ited their residence on Monday, but the timely assistance of neighbors pre vented much damage. Busted. —The Combination Milk Company has suspended, and Tom Hyde and his boys occupy their own wagons and old routes again, with milk at five cents per quart. Fob vegetable and flower seed, fruit trees and vines, house plants (prim roses are extra fine) and flowers go to K. K. Kemble & Co.’s green house or order by telephone. Forty Horses.—Two car-load of horses and mares were shipped from Hawkins Bros. & Johnson’s barn in this city last Tuesdaj', one bound for Nebraska aud one for Kansas. Ladies Remember it will pay you to buy a cloak or shawl of Weeks & Steward “The Magnet,” if you do not need it until next winter. Many gar ments are being sold at half the price. Ladies’ Aid.— The regular monthly meeting of the “Ladies’ Society for Re lief of the Poor,” will be held at the residence of Dr. McMillen, Friday, Feb. 5, at 2:30 P. m. Busiuess of im portance. ~>~ Burned Out.—Saturday night Clar inda bad a 960,000 fire, and in the flames the Herald office went up. It was insured for only 92,500. Our sym pathies are extended to the enterprising publishers of that paper. A Cold Wave.—Monday night the temperature took a tumble, and Tues day morning the glass marked 24 de grees below zero. It was a very quiet, insinuating cold, and got its work in on the water pipes. Attention, Sir Knights!—First regular meeting for February of Oska looaa Division No. 15 Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias, this Thursday evening. Special drill, and a large at tendance is desired. The Coming Minstrels.—The Mc- Nish, Johnson and Salvin Minstrels, will be here February 10, at the Opera House. It will be one of the finest minstrel performances yet seen here. Put it down—February 10. Dick the Snide.—The Monroe Mir ror says “that Diamond Dick was will ing to do a great deal in the way of curing one of our sick at the small sum of 9400 a month. A mere bagatelle.” Dick needs to be squelched by law. Bills.—Tuesday’s Register shows Representative Lyons introducing the following bills: H. F. 269—T0 provide for the greater protection of the prop erty of minors, and H. F. 270—T0 amend Sec. 1076, of Code, regarding corporations. Judgment.—The jury in the case of Baugh against the Rock Island road, for damages in breach of contract, gave plaintiff a verdict of 91170. The dam age was for 925,000, but J udge Crozier took the chief portion of the case away from the jury. To California.— The national com mittee of the G. A. R., on transporta tion to the encampment at San Fran cisco, report that excursion tickets will be sold, good for round trip to members of the G. A. R., and female relatives, for 950. Tickets good for 85 days. A Good One.—David Smith, of Gar ». |%ld township, sold to Hawkins & Johnson one of the finest lots of hogs pm delivered here, —40 head of Po land China, which were pigged about the aoth of April last, and averaged 280 pounds, aud Dave stands at the - head. The Bio Bridge,— The Keithsburg Netm remarks that “Another span has y been erected on the big bridge since our last There are now only two spans to go up. Then the timber and rails will go on rapidly. The first of March will be long enough to complete it if there is nothing to prevent” ALMoeT.— The exercise of too much care on the part of one Robert Austin, at the Asber House, Tuesday night, came near giving serious trouble. He very carefully turned off the gas. and then gave it another turn to make it secure, but turned it on. He was res cued in time, but in a very drowsy condition. 4 ** Banquet.— The Improved Order of Bed men will “banquet” the public on . the evening of February 22, 1886. at their new Lodge Boom in Exchange block (theold Court room.) An admia •ion price of 10 cents will be charged at the door. The proceeds to be applied towards carpeting their hall. Every* <■ * body invited. „ ...* Utilizing Snow. —All along the gjjA trthern lowa roads the railroad cora- JL? j ** have been utilizing some of the f Aiful" itself to keep the tracks W ared. AH along the lines snow fen .,yces built from huge cakes of snow may / be seen. This kind of a fence proves as useful and is a great deal cheaper than the ones erected from lumber. W ■ - r Elect.— Bev. Win. Frees ley prints the following card: "To the colored citizens of Mahaska county: Please elect your delegate* by February 6, 1886 to send to the State Convention to be held in Dm Moines March 9. You will pleaas sand the names of said delegat es as soon as elected, toE. W. Vaughn. 210 I THE HERALD i i ■ ■ ——"■* PUBLISHED BY THE Herald Printing Company. Thursday and Saturday. Circulation Nenrly Tkm Tkouaond. TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. OSKALOOSA, ~ : IOWA. February 4, 1880. Harness-Makers, read the “want” column in to-day's issue. Embboideries.— See the advertise ment of Bald&uf Bros, on this page. Good Reading.—Such is the edict of the Golden Eagle folks in this issue. Brick.—Six thousand good brick for sale. Enquire at this office. 22tf Weeks & Steward at “The Magnet” are closing all winter goods at a great reduction. For Dead Beats.—A country broth er thus sings: “The man who beats the printer out of a single eent will never reach the heavenly land where the good Elijah went. But when at last this life is past, this life of toil and woe, he’ll straightway stand in a fairy land, where they never shovel snow." Opens Finely.— The Asher House opened on Monday, and the first 24 hours the register showed thirty ar rivals, mostly transients. The ap pointments of the hotel are all of the most comfortable order, and there can be no doubt but that the “Asher” will be a success. Robert Escott is the ac commodating clerk, and makes matters pleasant for all who stop there. A Splendid Record.—The Knox ville Journal says: “Asa Johnson, of Clay township, returned last Saturday from Chicago, where he sold his annual product of stock, shipping from Bus sey. The following is the number of head and the amount received, which certainly shows there is money in rais ing stock: 147 bead of cattle & *4.624. *7.906 40 117 bead of hogs 0*4.15 1.439 71 Total *0,434 11 Freight, commission, etc., off 647 46 Net proceeds .. *8,786 65 Scientific Temperance.—Mrs. C. A. Dunham, of Burlington, lowa, will speak on “Scientific” temperance in struction in public school at the new court room, on Sunday afternoon at half past three o’clock. She comes under the auspieces of the W. O. T. U., and is a lady of culture aud refinement. We hope she will have a large audience. By order of the union. M. T. Thomas, E. J. Wright, Secretary. President Good Templars.—The Good Temp lars have been reorganized, and the number of members is about fifty. The lodge will meet in the old court room, on Monday week next, which has been very handsomely repapered and furn ished. The books will be open for thirty days for charter members to come in. The Good Templars can do a great deal of good, and the field is ripe. Total abstinence from all intoxicating drink is the best prohibitory law we know of. All young men and women take the pledge, and under God’s bless ing keep it. Special Notice—All subscribers who prefer to receive their Herald at The Herald Office, instead of the post office, should notify this office by jKistal card, or otherwise, and they will be placed upon a separate list. Sub scribers, who are in the habit of call ing at the press rooms for their Her alds Wednesday evenings, are especi ally requested to make a choice as above. We find no fault with the Wed nesday evening business, but it will make us much less trouble to make a special list for such. Removal.—J. C. Sellers has removed to the northwest corner of the public square, and is very comfortably located in the front rooms over Mitch Wilson’s store with a flue line of first class In surance Companies, and is prepared to give the best of protection in the way of insurance—insures against loss from fire, lightning, wind storms and tor nadoes, rates reasonable. All business entrusted to Mr. Sellers will receive prompt attention; he understands his business well as he has been many years in the Insurance work. He is too well known to need any special recommendation form us. Shoot Him!— W. F. Foster,a weather guesser from Albia says: “On Feb. 24 or 25 one of the greatest storm periods of the year 1886 will commence its ravages and continue fully four weeks. The heaviest storms for that period will occur about February 25th and March 3d, yth and 15th, with periods of comparative quiet between those dates, and probably will be heaviest where the January storms were the lightest. The north and west of these storms will be snow, and the south and east side will contain rain, tierce winds and tornadoes. Gales will follow them.” The probabilities are calm weather during these periods. The Only Almanac.—Several hun dred almanacs are issued every year, but for the politician and public-spir ited citizen the one issued by the New York Tribune is probably of the most value. A copy of the number for 1886 has just been received by us. The Ti ibune has given a great variety of information about gold and silver, the President’s inaugural address, the pop ular vote for President since 1864, and the financial reports of the govern ment. The figures are official and have been compiled with great care. The statistics as to the general operations of the government are elaborate. The almanac has the new postage rates, a list of the new Congress and its com mittees, showing the operations of the new tariff law. A great variety of political and statistical information is contained in this useful almanac. The price per copy is 30 cents. It can be had through the news-depot of Mr. Ralston. A Similar Case.— Recently we gave the particulars of a beautiful death scene in this city. The Winfield Beacon briogs the sad particulars of the death of three daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Conard, all occurring within fifteen hours. They were children, and a friend writes: “They have been trans planted into the paradise of God, ever to shine in resplendent glory, and of this glory two of them appeared to have visions while yet in the flesh. Lydia said she saw a light place in the distance, where there were many peo ple, among whom she recognized Lou Hooper and Carrie Miller; Carrie with outstretched arms beckoning her to come. Stella saw her two sisters, the recently departed, and had the beauti ful vision of seeing the Savior putting a wreath of flowers around Marianna’s neck.” The persons named had died in that neighborhood, and were ac quainted with the newly dead. These things may be accepted as eternal truths—as true as the good God him self who permits the struggling soul to see the welcome from friends gone be fore. In New Quarters. —Steward & Turner, the successors of the late Arm of Steward Bros., are now very snugly located in the Merrill room on the south* east corner of the Park. The old firm made a large circle of friends in the grocery-buying world, and it served them most faithfully. They were cramped much for room before, but now they will have ample space in which to stock up with all that enters into the outfit of a first-class grocery establishment, and which is being done with great rapidity. Many friends will be glad to know that George Steward remains with the firm, and will be found at his place. George Barnhart will have charge of the delivery department, and it is enough to say that he is one of the ljest deli very clerks in the city. W ill Steward is one of those steady, worthy and popular young men whom it is a pleasure to know, and to continue to know. Associated with him is Mr. E. L. Turner, who is well known to many. It is a new ventbre to him, but he will prove his efficiency. The new room lias been handsomely refitted and re furnished, and the boys claim one of the beet lighted business rooms in the city. They invite all their friends to rememlier them at their new location, and if they cannot call, the telephone is in connection with their establish ment, and prompt service made sure. fMS&KwfejsiiSi -■ .« - THE HERAID: ÜbKALOOSA. MAHASKA COUNTY, IOWA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1886. Herald Printing Co. .—The valentine season Is now at hand, and many of the tender missives are already wending their way to the admired ones. The styles this year are not only more elaborate but vastly prettier and more artistic than ever before. The variety of de signs is endless and there are remark ably few poor ones. Messrs. Whitaker & Shriver have just received a large display of these goods. Another.— A note from Rose Hill says: “Phillip Grace, of this place, was in the 127th Illinois Infantry, and was taken prisoner on J uly 22, in front of Atlanta, was taken to that hell on earth—Andersonville —and staid there three months, was exchanged at Jonesboro, and mustered out in 1865. He belonged to Logan’s corps.” Booming Broom Corn.— George C. Johnson is growing into a monopoly on broom corn. Last week he bought out the Eddyville and Ottumwa shops, and yesterday he scored a gain of S6OO by the advance in the price of the corn in Chicago, of one cent per pound, he having thirty tons on hand. He owns all the known broom corn, to amount to anything, between Des Moines and Keokuk. Broom corn will go to 15 ceuts per pound before the next crop is harvested, and a gain of twelve cents on the pound will not be bad. The crop was very short last year, and much of the crop also burned in sever al conflagrations. The Ice Palace at St. Paul.—ln order to accomodate those who wish to attend the winter carnival held in St Paul from February 1 to 28, the Cen tral lowa Railway will sell round trip tickets each Monday and Tuesday dur ing the month, at the low rate of $12.80. Tickets limited to the follow ing Monday. Every one should avail themselves of this,the only opportunity of seeing the mammoth Ice Palace, which is composed of over 20,000 blocks of ice and lighted by 100 large electric lights. The dimensions of this magnificent crystal castle are: Length 180 feet, width 160 feet and height 106 feet. For advertising matter descrip tive of the Palace, apply to A. J. Dirr, Ticket Agent. 24w4 The Donators.—The following is the list of 95 subscriptions for the aid of the poor, as raised by Father O’Carroll, and by him will be turned over to the City Aid Society: l. Judge Johnson, 2. M. O'Carroll, 3. D. A. Hoffman, 4. H. Howard & Son, 5. F. H. Lorlng, 6. J. M. Jones, 7. R. C. Hoffman, 8. The Herald, 9. D. W. Lorlng, 10. L. &T. Co., 11. Beechler Bros., 12. R. Wilson, 13. JohnSlebel, 14. Rev. Judd, 15. Dr. Coffin & Son, 16. L. McMillen, 17. H. Spencer Co., 18. McMullln & Co., 19. T. K. Brewster, 20. J. Auer, 21. C. Huber, 22. Dermody & Co., 23. M. Nachman, 24. A. M. Abraham, 25. Dr. Wilkins, 26. Dr. Barringer, 27. K. H. Gibbs, 28. Willard & Weeks, 29. Frankel A Bach, 30. Weeks & Steward, t Turner & Steward, «. IR.P. Bacon, **• IN. J. Smith, “■) F. E. Smith, 33. Bolton & McCoy, 34. Kuapp & Spalding, 35. Dr. Hurst, 36. Gleason & Haskell, 37. M. M. Rice, 38. Kalbacli & Son, 39. Standard Coal Co., 40. Judge Blanchard, .. lA. K. Shipley. ~ IJ. M. Baugh. 4 M M. Hughes, 18. R. Perdue, 43. John F. Lacey, 44. Byram and Baer, jC. Woodruff, ... I C. E. Phelps, F. Lof -4a-1 Mr. Foukes. 4 } land, F. Davenport, 47. Hlnesley & Son, 48. Golden Eagle, 49. H. C. Moore, 50. John H. Green, 51. F. McCall, 52. Dr. Jackson, 53. C. P. Searle, 54. W. T. Smith, 55. J. B. McCurdy, 56. B’nside and Malone, 57. J. A. Hoffman, 68. H. W. McNeill. Ben Wightmau contributes a car load of coal. This presents a very flattering aggregate, and fully equips the society for its work of needed charity among our worthy poor. H. W. McNeill also contributed a car load of coal. The Northwestern Snow-plow.— We have briefly mentioned the new snow-plow that the Northwestern has on its Toledo line, but this technical de scription will be relished by all. The plow was invented by a Canadian. “The front is a tremendous knife-wheel, ten feet in diameter, making from 200 to 300 revolutions per minute, cutting twelve inches of the snow-bank with each of the four steel knives at every revolution, or four feet at every turn. The snow thus cut is delivered on twelve shovels revolving in opposite directions at the same rate and hurling it (by centrufugal force) out of the schute at the top. The cutting and shovel wheels are made to revolve by a system of four gear wheels, the two side ones being supplied with cranks to which are attached powerful engines. With one locomotive to hold the knives up to their work, the machine cuts the snow and hurls it far enough away to make it of no further trouble. At the exhibition in March the snow was cast to a great distance, being bard and mixed with sand, having lain on the track from Dec. 1 until March 28. The monster went right through the com pact mass and delivered the hard frozen snow 205 feet from the track, over ten other tracks and above a trestle- work thirty-two feet high. The best steel is used in the construction of the knives and shovels and all important parts of the machine. Its gross weight is forty six tons, its working capacity two to ten miles an hour, according to the drift to be removed; it is reversible and throws the snow on either side of the track at the will of the engineer. This excavator is entirely different from the plows now in use and will revolutionize the methods hitherto used by railroads in raising snow blockades.” Taking Turkey.— On Saturday evening there was a raid on cooked turkey, with Mayor Rice aud City Marshall Weintz as managers. It seems that the authorities have been thinking that there was some gambling going on in the Bridges building on South Main, and they chose that time to make an examination. They gained entrance to the room without any trouble, but no gambling was found going on. They did find, however, that the boys, to the number of sixteen, had been iuvited to be present at the carv ing of a huge turkey, and between turkey and coffee, discuss all the leading questions of the day, among which were several pet schemes of our genial friend, the Judge, and also the wisdom of suggesting, kindly but firm ly, to a certain individual, the neces sity for an immediate cut of the hair. It was unanimously greed that a system of sewers should be built, but the meeting wanted the elevated sort. Support also was tendered to the Ad ministration on the silver question, but its plan to withdraw the smaller denomination of bills was condemned, as they were so handy in the “pot.” The meeting was divided in its support of Weaver, but the majority voted to support the Judge’s candidate. The most interesting matter under discus sion when Jake came waltzing in, was lost, so the reporter could not get it, but Jake probably gathered it up in the peck of chips and cards that were found, and so it will be destroyed with out seeing life. The names of the tur key eaters were taken, and the seance broke up. No charge of gambling was preferred, as turkey eating is not pro hibited, and the boys were. permit ted to eat of the royal bird to their satisfaction. But seriously, boys, take the advice of the old man and carefully make certain that you have no business to be at a place eating turkey at that hour of the night unless your wives or sweethearts are of the company. Then poker chips should have no attraction for you, lest men you owe be compel led to go without their money, and you be plucked clean by the fellows who are smarter than you, whatever you may think of yourself. The officers are to be warmly commended for their ef flcisricy. » * 4 j' ■ PERSONAL AND SOCIAL GOSSIP. John Mattison,of New Sharon, spent Saturday in the city. Thos. Seevers was in Montezuma Monday on business. James Hyatt left last week for a visit with friends in Canada. Mrs. W. H. Needham, of Sigourney, is in the city, visiting Mrs. Baer. Jap. Bowen, of Colorado, is this w*?ek visiting bis brother Harry in this city. Mrs. Way continues in a very poor condition-gaining a little, but very little. B. T. Dutton had the misfortune to freeze bis fingers badly one day last week. Rev. Dr. Murphy is confined to his residence by a severe attack of pneumonia. Jeff Glass left for Lincoln on Mon day. Mrs. Martba White accompanied him. Marquis Barr’s children, who have been quite ill, are now all rapidly recovering. A note received from our former townsman, D. R. Moore, locates him at Bau Di ego, Cal. Uncle A. S. Nichols has been serious ly indisposed for some weeks, but is now im proving. Mrs. Lindsay is visiting in the metropolis, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Kllngman. A. B. Ruby came up from Bonaparte Tuesday, and took a look around among old friends hereabout. H. L. Spencer, S. J. Dutton and L. L. Hull were at Des Moines Tuesday, at the State Jobbers’ Convention. Herby Jones, representing the Court land Wagon Co., is visiting his mother and sis ter in this city this week. Charley Sheppard, of Port Byron, came in on the Rock Island last Friday after noon, and came to stay, we hope. W. S. Ken worthy went to Des Moines yesterday to argue the Sopher case before the Supreme Court for a new trial. Floyd Patterson, of Saliua, Missouri, stopped over to visit with his friend Clyde Warner last week.—Leon Journal. Theo E. Kelsall returned to his home in Minooka, 111., last Tuesday, after a six weeks’ visit with his brother, Albert L. Kelsall. Our Oregon friend, Mr. Vestal, who 19 here visiting his sister, Mrs. T. White, rather feels this nipping weather, and longs for placid Oregon. Mrs. Dr. Hurst, her many friends will be glad to know, is rapidly recovering her health, aud is now able to be at the table, and to do it justice. Mrs. John McKinley has come in from cold Nebraska to this land of flowers— snow flowers, as It were. She Is at Rev. Thos. Ballinger’s. Invitations are out for a Mother Hubbard Masque Ball, given by the Sigourney Dancing Club at their Opera House, Monday evening, Feb. 15. Prof. Rose Lewis, of Penn College, delivered a lecture at Le Grand, Marshall coun ty, last Saturday evening—subject, “Literature that Lives and Moves.” Mrs. R. W. Clayton, of Omaha, Neb., is visiting in this city, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Beede. Monday Mr. Clayton came and the family returned home. Louis and Clementine Nachman nephew and niece of M. Nachman, arrived this week direct from Limburg, Germany, and will make this their home hereafter. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Byers entertained last evening at their home on East Cedar street. Among those present were President Trueblood, Major and Mrs. Lacey, and others. Knoxville Express: “Jennie Robert son, of Leighton, and Carrie Smith, of Olivet, all of the good county of Mahaska, were visiting at Mrs. W. H. Honnold’s this week. The masque skate at the Palace Rol ler Rink Tuesday evening was largely attended, and a most enjoyable time was had. The cos tumes were indeed very pretty and unique. Mrs. James Brown and two children are now at home here with John Brown. A few days ago their home near Kimball, Dakota, was completely destroyed by Are, with its contents. The members of Company D, 33d lowa, will be sorry to learn of the death of Dr. J. H. Kellough, which occurred at Coffeysburg, Mo., last month. A proper notice will appear later on. L. W. Armstrong, a prominent grain dealer of Marshalltown, was In the city last Fri day, shaking hands with friends who are always glad to see him and who ever have a welcome ready for him. W. S. Honnold, of Monroe, who re cently started to California, health-seeking, ar rived In safety at Los Angelos, and is now en joying the wonderful aud life-giving climate of southern California. Miss Cora Dix is suffering from a severe attack of ulcerated sore threat, and has been compelled to temporarily give up her place In school. Misses Patterson and Hoffman have been doing her work In the First ward. Mrs. Emma Ketchum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baughman, left for her home at [Mankato, Kansas, Monday evening. She had been here since November, perfecting her self In painting, so that she coujd ornament her comfortable home with her own artistic handi work. The revival among the colored peo ple has closed. There were a number of con versions, and the religious spirit greatly awak ened. Revs. Pressley, Reeves, Anthony, Wash ington and Sharps preached during the contin uance of the meetings, the sermons being of much force. Miss Anna M. King, who is cashier of the Bank of White Cloud, Kausas, Is a King no longer, as she, by happy matrimonial war rant, has changed her name to Shaw. Mrs. Shaw Is a sister of Mrs. D. R. Moore, and many friends will wish that her new state be one of unbounded felicity. On Friday evening the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones, north of the city two miles, was Invaded and completely takeu pos session of by a gang under command of Col. Lacey. The proper color was painted, and the evening passed In great pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Jones still have the farm! Muscatine Journal , January 27: "Mr. J. H. Wise, conductor of the construction train, did not hear of Mr. Owen’s death till last evening, and wbeu Informed of it by Agent War field he wept like a child. The two had been associates on the road for many years and held each other In brotherly esteem.” “Dick” Haney, who for many years has been connected with the harness establish ment of L. L. Hull as book-keeper, started for Nebraska yesterday to look up a location, and If be can find one to suit him, will probably lo cate there. We shall be sorry to lose him, for he is a number one young man; but we wish him good luck wherever he may go. “Bob” Foregrave writes from Tulare City, California, under date of Jan. 25, that he Is operating a 1280 acre wheat ranch; employs ten men and fifty horses, and has 500 acres of wheat up and growing nicely, and 200 acres more ready for drilling. His land Is % mile by l mile long, and bis several plows turn over a strip of ground 448 Inches wide and three miles long at every round, or thereabouts. On Monday evening Porter Hedge and wife, who were the guests of friend Oord ner, were surprised by a visit from a goodly number of friends who bad been assoclat d with them tn church work. They brought well filled baskets and had a happy luncheon. Mrs. Hedge was remembered very handsomely by her lady friends. These worthy people take with them the best regards of the whole com munity. Better than that none could ask. The “only boy in town” came to glad den the home of W. A. Seevers and wife last Tuesday morning. The glad father has already contracted with the sign-painter to paint a new sign which will read “W. A. Seevers & Sou.” Of course this sign will be kept In the dark for awhile yet, but will be cared for and cherished for future use. Win. says the first thing the boy asked about was the postofflce; he wanted to know If the new postmaster had been con firmed yet, and commenced kicking for a job under the new administration, and then threw a peck of frozen apples at the cauary bird. We are glad to find this appreciation of a most capable young man in the Mason City Republican: “I am pleased to note that my able and laudably afnhltloqs young friend, Mr. Earnst Hofer, of the McGregor New*, was se lected to fill his Senate secretaryship practical ly without opposition. This Is as it should be. I know Earnst to be one of His State's strong young men—whose superior ability Is supple- mented by Irreproachable character and forti fied by Indomitable energy. It goes without say ing that be will serve the acceptably, and come out of the service in the spring full of honors and In possession of the sinoere respect of all with whom be may have had anything to do." The “ North western Christian Advo cate ’’ speaks thus of the Rev. Mr. Deveneau, now preaching at the Simpson ehurcb: “From the first we have given warm sympathy and many n sinoere word to the work of Rev. Mr. Deveneau. who, coming from Canada some years ago, began work under the wing of the Central Illinois conference among French Ro manists, principally near Kankakee, 111., and somewhat In Chleago. Mr. Deveneau, himself a Frenchman, Is full of zeal, and has made a deep Impression. We have printed his articles, have witnessed the cordiality with which his eon fere ace supports him, and have repeatedly noted bis special work In northern and oentrai Illinois. Somewhat later this missionary has beeu reinforced by Rev. J. P. Robtdonx, also from the Methodist church of Canada. The visible fruits of this joint labor are but Inade quately expressed in the total of four appoint* ments, seventy church members, and twenty five probationers. Even those who are most deeply convinced think a long time before they leave their old church. The freshest evidence of success is the new church at Kankakee, which will be forever memorable if it proves to be, as Rev. T. C. Clendenning. of Kankakee, pronounces it, the first French Methodist Epis copal church in the United States. If we mis take not. Rev. Mr. Carter, who labored in such a mission in Detroit twenty-five years ago, built a church of the kind on Rivard street. However that may be, this new church, dedi cated October 26, Is a substantial and gratify ing victory. The cost was *4,300, nearly all of which is provided for, the remainder being as sumed by the invincible Deveneau, whose financial policy inspires everybody and burdens nobody. This earnest man, who is a fervent speaker, visits various English churches to as sist in revival work. At the close, when all have oome to know the zealous missionary, the people willingly contribute more or lees to the enterprise of which this new church is an example.’’ how it Happened. How Engineer Owen Was Wreck ed to Death—Somebody to Blame. Muscatine Journal , January ft. Great excitement prevailed in this city about 7:30 this morning, from a report, run ning like wildfire, that the passenger train No. 2 from Kansas City, leaving Muscatine at 6:42, had been telescoped by a construction train Just around the bend a mile above the city. Immed iately following the report, the switch engine was dispatched to the scene and soon returned with the caboose of the construction traln.bring ing back the wounded, consisting of John A. Owen, engineer of the construction train, his son Al., the fireman, Peter Ryan, a railroad hand, all of Oskaloosa, and Julius Summerfleld, qf Linwood, a section hand. The gratifying news was also brought that none aboard the passenger train had been Injured. Dr. Robertson had been summoned and was on band on the arrival of the wounded, and pro ceeded at once to attend to their injuries in the caboose. A Journal representative was admit ted with the doctor, where he beheld the engin eer lying on a cot, to all appearances in the agonies of death. The son and the section hand gave the reporter an account of their injuries. He then hastened to the spot of the catastrophe. ConductorWilllams was met walking back to the station on the track, and he confirmed the re port of the passengers and men of his train hav ing escaped uninjured. On ARRIVING AT THE WRECK the first thought to impress the beholder was that ouly a miracle had saved the train from de struction, and its passengers from a dreadful list of dead and wounded. The wreck stood on the track about two hundred yards around the bend. The construction engine was run, up to bell, in through the door of a Pullman sleeper. This sleeper had been sent crashing into the chair car in advance, the roofs of the two cars being thrust one beneath the other, and their two platforms smashed together in a broken mass of wood, iron railing aud brakeman’s wheels. The remaining three coaches of the train were uninjured. Going back to the point of the collision, it was seen that the tender of the engine had been thrown back on top of a flat car, which, with the caboose, constituted the construction train. The total damage was com prised in the wreck of the engine, thedemollsh ment of the two ends of the sleeper and the rear end of the chair ear aud considerable breaking in the gear of several trucks. Mr. Frank P. Hawyer, of the Oat Meal Co., was on the train, a passenger for Davenpoit. He says that the passengers received a severe shock, the jar being sufficient to tumble over the Ice cooler in the forward coach, but nobody complained of any hurt. CAUSR OF THR COLLISION. The train, as we have said, was No. 2, D. Wil liams, conductor, aud engine 284, Ross Ham mond, engineer. The train had a great deal of trouble getting away. It backed down to the tank for water, and when In the yard had one or two light collisions in backing into other trains. It got off at 6:42. On getting around the bend the engineer noticed that something was drag ging and stopped the train. Investigation showed that the ash-pan was down, and In ex planation ft Is said that it was hit by a piece of timber at the bridge near the mill. The en gineer was under the engine making his repairs when he heard the approaching train, and had just time to escape from the danger. THR CONDUCTOR’S STORY. Conductor Williams Is very generally and severely blamed for the accident. He relieves himself of the responsibility by saying that he sent a flagman back, who had time to make but a short distance, (not getting to the point of the curve) when the construction train came around the bend too fast for any signalling to avail. He also says that the construction was following him too quickly. OTHKR TESTIMONY. Mr. Frank P. Sawyer, who has been mention ed as a passenger, says that the passenger had been waiting about ten minutes before collision —which was more than ample time for a flag man to run to the bend, only 200 yards distant. Mr. Sawyer looked out of his coach window and saw the flagman standing on the hind end the sleeper engaged in communicating by signs with somebody at the. head of the. passenger train. Other passengers put the period of the passen ger train’s wattlug at 10 minutes and over before the collision. ENGINEER OWEN’S STORY. Mr. Owens, the engineer, after having his wounds dressed, gave a statement to Dr. Robert son. He says he left the station twenty min utes after the passenger, and supposed he had a clear track to Fairport. He pulled out at the regular gait, and on rounding the curve found his engine right on the end of the passenger. He reversed the engine and called for brakes, but could not stop, and his engine ran Into the Pullman up to the bell. His son, the fireman, jumped off at one side and he at the other, and though he is scarcely conscious how he received his injuries. It Is evident that be must have been partially caught and jammed when jumping be tween the caboose and tender. The engineer saw no flagman on the track. Mr. Al. Owen, the son, acting as fireman, says there was no flagman other than the one stand ing on the passenger tratn. THE BLAME seems to lie between Conductor Williams and his flagman. The place of watting was a most hazardous one. It is scarcely a question of the duty of the Conductor at so dangerous a point of not only ordering the flagging but of seeing that his order was promptly and thoroughly ex ecuted. OUH MAHASKA REPORTS. Gleanings by Herald Reporters. Sleighing Is In full blast here. Among those we notice with new sleighs are Kllsworth Cump ton and John Paugh, who are making good use of their merry bells and the beautiful snow. Will Young is home for a short stay from Nebraska, where he went last fall to select a new home. Will has the elements of success in his make-up—energy, perseverance, aud good habits—and we hope be will succeed. Mrs. Klla Robbins, of Eureka, Kansas, is at Father John Nasfc’s on a visit. She is well pleased with her new home. Also, Mr. Alfred Andrews, of Ringgold county, Is visiting with brother wells R. and other relatives and friends In this vicinity. Report says All. is preparing himself tor an M. 1). He Is worthy and we wish him success. Born, to Bert and Mrs. McKinney, a fine ten pound boy. Score one for the Republicans. Cbaa. Stanley was presented with a fine gold pen by the pupils of the Allgood school, as a token of their love and esteem toward him as their teacher. Well done, scholars! What a blessing to the teacher! What an Incentive to duty to know that his humble efforts are ap preciated! May such good will always exist be tween pupils and teacher. The ltterarles at Barr and Chapel Hill school houses are in good running order. The Barr literary has Interesting meetings. Chas. Ander son. president; Miss Hattie Dilley, secretary; with a fair debating club. At Chapel Hill John Paugh is president and Miss Cassle McLands borough secretary. We take especial pride in noting the elevation of ex-Bbeiiff Barr to the Wardenshlp of the Anamosa penitentiary, and we can imagine the troubled hearts and countenances of the bar of Oskaloosa when Judge Crozier informed them that our ex-sherlff had gone to prepare a place for them. We have full faith In our Representatives at Des Moines—the Hon. David Lyons, of the House, and Hon. Ben. MeCoy of the Senate— and we believe their votes will be cast on the side of right, justice, and humanity, upon all questions affecting us as a people. Public documents were seut to Chas. Stanley at Lacey, lowa. He supposes they came from the gentlemen at Des Moines. He has been In formed that they are at Lacey but has not re ceived them yet. Mr. Stanley wishes us to say that his postofflce address Is Oskaloosa, Iowa; also, that their favors are thankfully received. January 99. Tuck eh. Spring Creek. C. G. Starltn and wife talk of going to Colora do in the spring. Mrs. Threldkeld Is reported as being some better. Polk Ross Is on the sick list. Oscar Livingstone Is also sick. Mr. Alonzo Beaman is moving back on the old place, while bis son Edgar Is moving on the place where his father lived. Born, to 8. Betzer and wife, a boy. J. W. Stafford and wife visited at J. M. Staf ford’s tn Oskaloosa last Sunday. Henry Glasscock and wife were Sunday visit ors at Dan Hull's. At Hazel Dell literary, last Friday night, W. E. Munten was chosen president, and Miss Flora Mitchell secretary. Miss Jennie Glasscock visited at her brother Henry’s, last week. Miss Etta Hoover was an over Sunday visitor at her uncle’s, W. N. Hoover. Miss Rosa Howard, of Cedar, Is a guest at the Stafford home this week. Sunbeam. Garfield. Mr. Abraham Orifice is in very poor health. * Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Berlin Bund ayed at Orin Gay’s last Sunday. The literary convention at No. 12 is post poned until Thursday evening, this week, ou account of the festival at Union Ohapel. Mins Barah Comstock is assisting Huidah Gay in the culinary art. Miss Fanny Cooper and Laura Crandall were Sunday visitors at Bhadraob Morgan’s, Joe Phillips Is on the sick list, with Dootor Sevan in attendance. Miss Mary Bowen dosed her school last Fri day and is now at home with “ma." Oscar and Osmer Sprague attended Advent Meeting near EddjrviUe last Saturday evening, and report a very Interesting time. Mr. Den. White went hunting the other day. and says he would have had grand success had he not, when he went to shoot the rabbit, dis covered he had forgotten his gun. The school ma’ams have begun to use the rod of correction, “the hazel brush," and the parents have become hostile. 'Tis ridiculous to think that a parent of good common sense would allow bis temper to control him, and lecture a teacher because his child has been punished in school. Better set an example for your child, and teach him that the rules of school must be obeyed, and that it takes the earnest work of pupils as wall as teachers to make a successful school. To protect your Uttle children. Is a proper thing, no doubt, But when talking to a school-ma’am You should know what you’re about, i February I. Mobniwh Glohv. WW&> Being so busily engaged this winter, we have been silent for some time. Our open winter puts in its time partly by blizzards and running mercury up ana down the scale, which changes, making It a much harder winter than if it were uniform. We observed a change one day about two weeks ago; the thermometer registered 20 below and in less than 24 hours registered 28 above—4B de grees of a change. Sleighing is good and many young folks are enjoying it hugely. All the farmers are getting up a good supply of wood. Mrs. Webster is now very low with consump tion. We learned that her medical adviser. Dr. McAllister, said that it was only a matter oi time with her now. Most of our schools are doing finely. Some complaint has been made in one or two districts. We understood retently that in one of our dis tricts the director has taken to reading law. This, we think, is a good move and highly com mendable. If more of our directors ana farm ers would do this, it would save our county su perintendent some trouble in petty grievances and not make so many fat lawyers. We are glad to see the move made at Des Moines recently, in sustaining our temperance law, and would bid it God speed. w. Indianapolis. Miss Fannie Tinsley Is again able to resume her duties at school,<after a short but severe ill ness. Mrs. Edward McCann is some better. Tne Sunday school review concert, held last Sunday night, was well attended, and most of the exercises seemed to please the spectators. Chester La Rue and family have moved west, locating in Madison county, near Winterset. Mr. La Rue's departure relieves this neighbor hood of a family that is highly esteemed by all. Our loss will be their gain. J. W. and Wilber Johnson, of your city, are in this village to-day visiting relatives. Mr. Smith, Mr. Darland Misses Clara and Dora Beans, Miss Rena Baker and Miss Anna Tinsley accompanied Miss Fry to her home last Sunday, where they were kindly welcomed and entertained by Dr. Fry and family. David Baker has been putting up a large quan tity of ice for summer use in his creamery busi ness. Our lyceum was organized one week ago and will meet on Wednesday night. Our lltertary performance was quite good. February $. Robin. John Champion and wife, of New Sharon, spent Wednesday night here, the guest of the Smiths. Mrs. L C. Tanner returned from a week’s visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ragan, of Albla, last Saturday. John Burton, the Insurance man, of your city, was here Thursday night. Mrs. M. M. Dickson, who has been quite sick, is able to be up again. Next Saturday and Sunday Elder Guthrie will preach at the Christiau church. Miss Emma Wassora will close her winter term of school at the Robbins school house next Friday afternoon. She has given entire satisfaction. Postmaster Vallandingham spent Sunday at Fairfield. We know what attracts bis attention down there. W. 8. Hart has purchased the H. 8. Waddell property. W. C. Khinehart and wife were ever-Sunday visitors with Frank Yerger and wife, near Sigourney. Winnie Beans and wife, of Colfax, passed through here last Monday on their way to visit the Beans home at Indianapolis. Mrs. O. W. Hensell returned to-day from a six months’ visit with relatives in England. Mrs. Dr. Holden and children enjoyed a week’s visit with her parents, Doctor and Mrs. Athearn, of Indianapolis. The little sou of Brice Bbeely, who has been very sick with pneumonia, is improving under the care of Dr. Holden. Wm. Taylor, of Tioga, has been having a severe tussel with rheumatism, but at this writ ing is some better. Born, to J. E. Bump aad wife, January 28, a fine boy. A little stranger arrived at the home of J. N. Havens and wife, January 30. It’s a girl! Tuesday was ground-hog day, and as the sun shone bright he must have seen his shadow and returned to his hole for six weeks. Mrs. John Baoon, who has been so low, is re ported much better, and with good care will get well. Born, to Milo Bump and wife, January 20, 1886, a fine ten pound boy. Mr. and Mrs. Hart are greatly rejoiced over their grand-son. J. O. Malcolm was here attending court Tues day, and W. R. Nelson was down to-day, on the same kind of business. G. H. Davis is putting up a line lot of ice for next summer’s use. Rev. Swimly, of the United Brethren church, held a quarterly meeting at the Taylor school house last Saturday ana Sunday. Rev. J. C. Long is assisting Rev. Hall in a pro tracted meeting at Delta From a private letter we learn that Dc. H. 8. Waddell’s health is much Improved, and he is enjoying a good practice in his new home at Riverton, Neo. Tom Connor post here, at its last session, passed a resolution and sent it to Senator Mc- Coy and 1). L. Lyons, our representatives, ask ing them to support the bill for the soldiers’ and sailors’ home for lowa Republican. February 8. We have watched your special prophet’s re port and think he baa better guess again on the last of January, since it is past and he can do better. Two and a half couples of our young folks went over into the edge of Marion county, to a Earty the other night, and report a big time, omethlng new. Some of the boys have gone to parts unknown, lest they should have a call from Capt. Woodruff. Another argument in favor of prohibition. Quarterly conference begins in the E. M. church on Friday eveing, February 5, and con tinues over Sunday, and maybe longer. We saw the smiling countenances of Wm. Lo mand and Henry Havener, of Jefferson town ship, at Olivet Sabbath evening, guests at the Laughlln mansion. Uncle Samuel Robertson is very low with nervous prostration, and his life is despaired of by his physicians, Drs. Whitacre, of Leighton, and Huntsman, of Oskaloosa. He is an old and respected citizen, and has a large family,—all grown. The Burr Oak literary is prospering finely considering the weather, and the drawbacks of other kinds it has met with. A party was given at W. H. Benscoter’s, last Thursday night, and all enjoyed themselves so well that it was protracted to the wee sma' hours of the morning. We hear that Mort Coleman and Mary Wes ner formed a copartnership for the rest of their natural lifetime, but cannot vouch for the truth of it; but if it is true they are both lucky in their choice, and we wish them well. We learn that Frank Price drove a distem pered horse to Oskaloosa and back the other night, and the next day it died. A little more care, Frank, when driving sick horses. A. Laughltn has the best butter in the country —a pet sheep, and any one needing a guard for the front gate would do well to get him. He lifts them. Misses Carrie Smith and Jennie Robertson have been visiting at Monroe, but we have not seen them since their return. Our Olivet shop Is putting out some new sleighs this winter, and now they are getting sale for all they have. The general health in our section of country Is remarkably good. War Eagle. We are now having nice winter weather. Sleighing Is good and everybody, especially the young folks. Is making good use of It. A great many from around here have attended the revival meetings in your city during the past week. The schools, so far as we can learn, are all doing good work and everything is running smoothly. A. J. Burgess and wife, of White Oak, were Sunday visitors at Hamaker’s. Several of the young folks from this section visited the poor farm last Sunday. The young folks had a very pleasant surprise Sarty at Mr. Burnett’s last night, in honor of as. Loughridge. News scarce. February ». Observer. Work was good at the mines last week, but the railroad company had considerable difficulty In taking away the coal, owing to the snow drifting on the track. We noticed seven loco motives In the yard here at one time. Major Morris, our yardmaster, is the right man in the right place. He will keep things moving if any man will, and does his work with dispatch. No better man could be placed in his position. Supt. Buxton’s brother was here on a visit last week. He Is buying horses for his new farm In Nebraska. A few of our young men went down to Eddy vtlle last week to attend a dance. Through some cause a quarrel was started at the dance, and Pat Wright, from this place, got stabbed in the breast. At first some doubt was entertained as to his recovery, but the last account we heard was that he was getting better and was out of danger. Mrs. Johnson, wife of John Johnson, has beeu low with sickness for some time. Last week her mind got so deranged that her friends were obliged to take her to the asylum at Mt. Pleasant. John Burt has superceded Mr. Mathews (de ceased) as mall carrier between this place and Givln. Our boss merchant, Mr. Blade, and his brother started out one day last week for a sleigh-ride, and the sleigh capsized, but neither of them was Injured, although both got a cold bath in a snow drift. g. The Miners’ Aid Society of Excelsior had a grand supper, over six hundred In attendance. The Miners’ Aid Society was organized about one year ago, especially for those working at Excelsior. It kept growing stronger every month until Its members numbered about MO at the close of the year of 1880. After paying all required expenses ftioo remained In the hands of the treasurer, which shows the healthy con dition of the society. l'he society Is made up of married and single men, and now that work Is slack In the mines it has become necessary to draw out some of the haads, and the lot has fallen on the unmarried men, so as to give a better chance to those who have large families to support. The Society concluded to give a grand supper for all members and their families and also to show respect to the single men belonging to the Boclety, before they went away. The supper and entertainment was held In the Excelsior skating rink, Friday evening. Between 0 and 8 o’clock great crowds could be seen wending their way to the rink to partake of the bountiful supper, which was At for a king or a president. It was estimated that there were 700 people present, and all who were not members of the Boclety paid 25 cents for their supper. Yes, this was oue of the greatest and most harmonious gatherings of all nationalities that was ever witnessed In Excelsior. Many oolored people were present, as many of them belong to the Society, and their families were Invited. The Excelsior brass band rendered some very choice music for the occasion, and after supper was served the following program was earned out: 1. A glee, “Hall, Smiling Morn,” by the Ex celsior Amphlon choir. 2. A few appropriate remarks by Mr. Taylor Ramsay, of Oskaloosa. 8. A glee, “Hark, the Lark,” by choir, ren dered In good style. 4. An able address by Mr. Robert Story, sub ject, "Love, Friendship and Charity.” This ad dress was excellent. 5. Bong and chorus, '‘Sweet Chiming Bells,” by D. T. Jones and party. 6. Recitation by Rosa Graham. It was ren dered in a creditable manner, j. Quartette, "Come where the LUles Bloom,” by Mrs. J. B. Williams and oompany, 8. An address by J, B. Williams, sub feet, •’Work.” John made a good address, but where there are so many nationalities assembled, we should be very careful not to throw out any abusive assertions or insinuations, as all nation alities are very sensitive when touching quallA cations. A word to the wise Is suffldent. 9. Male chorus, “Comrades In Arms,” by male party. 10. An address by Anthony Burrell (oolored), vice-president of the society. Mr. Burrell dwelt on the great progression of the sons of Ham, as It was natural for a colored man. If a colored man won’t uphold his own raoe, who will? It was a warm address. 11. Address by Mr. Hodder, who went strong for his countrymen, or oourse. Mr. Hodder was riled a little by a previous address. 12. Address by Mr. Gllispy, short and to the point. 13. Hunting song, by choir. 14. Short address by Geo. Ramsay,—short but sweet. Mr. B. Whiteman would have been present, but was called away on business. lft. An able closing address by Mr. Taylor Ramsay. l«. Father, Who is ’-nighty In Power.” by choir. This entertainment will . mg be remembered as one of the most harmonious and most pleas ant gatherings that ever assembled at Rx cels lor. Watchman. Union. Rom HIIL OliTSt, Spring Creek. Much akinock. Exoelaior. —— firothtf'S Announce the arrival and opening of the most elegant and complete line of COL RED PjlVl DIVUI l/rjll LU COLORED. S WHITE GOODS m House-Keeping Linens, Spring Styles of Prints, Ginghams and Dress Novelties. fjPln order to stimulate early sales, we will OFFER SPE CIAL LOW PRICES on the above Goods. CLOAKS and WINTER GOODS “ * We are determined not to carry over a Cloak or anything in the line of .WINTER GOODS! We will sell you the goods at HALF THE COST in order to make a sale. i^CARPETS - *! Our Spring stock has arrived. CALL EARLY FOR CHOICE STYLES ! BALDAUF BROS, West Side Square, Oskaloosa, lowa. Fremont. People are very busy hauling wood and coal. Harmon Akerman and Stepnen Allender shipped a car load of hogs to Chicago last Fri day. J. W. Sparks shipped a car load of oats to Burlington last week. Grandmother Canon fell last Tuesday morn ing. receiving serious injuries. We are glad to g*y she is better at this writing. Rev. Pike conducted the funeral service of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown’s youngest child. The sympathy of all Is extended to the bereaved family. Miss Cora Westergreen Is sick. Mrs. Russel is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Sheets. Mrs. Jasper Stout Sundayed In your city. Mrs. Gunn h is returned to your city. Father Yenney Is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Mofflt, in your city. Chris Hibler has bought one of Mrs. Canon’s lots, northeast oart of town, and moved his house there. George Lentz Is sick. Mr. skiff, the efficient principal of our school, gave his pupils a treat last Wednesday night in ;he form of a “spelling school.” We understand a literary society is to be started. Arst meeting on Friday night. Andros Gennlson, of Klrkville, visited at Rev. Pike’s last week. Charley Vaughn has had a boarder for about a fortnight, and it will stay. Miss Tbaney White, of Oskaloosa, is here visiting. G. B. McFall, Jr., Mr. Bloom, Miss Green, and Cora Riilnehart, of your city, Sundayed nere, the guests of the McFalls. Ftltruary 9. Trixy. January has passecßji? and left plenty of snow and splendid sleighing. February came In a nice winter day, and to-day the ground hog could see his shadow at any time through the day, and It is bitter cold, 18 degrees below; and yet to have six more weeks of winter! How does that strike the most of you? nay and straw stacks will be mostly cleaned up by that time If not before. There will not be much hay sold at $3 or 84 per ton this spring. Stock so far is looking well. Those feeding cattle and hogs say they are doing Arst rate. The young folks had a party at Mr. Burke’s, last Friday night, and report a No. 1 time. Prof. Glass lectured two nights last week at Bluff Creek church on the rudiments of music, and is making an effort to form a class there. We don’t yet lcnow for certain whether It will be accomplished or not. Something of the kind Is needed very much here. The literary at Star school is still in operation. The new officers elected are, Jas. W. McCrea, Bresident;8 resident; Ed. England, vice-president; Miss arrle Underwood, secretary. They are putting some of the beginners forward,—a good Idea, and they will have a paper edited for next time. They meet every Saturday night. Our assessor Is around, Undine out how much taxable property can be listed for West l>es Moines. Mrs. Mary Smith and Wm. C. McCrea, of Adair county, daughter and son of J. P. McCrea, are expected to arrive to-night for a short visit at their old home. We will be glad to see them. Austin Thomas, oue of our Des Moines town ship boys, who has been In southwestern Kan sas for some years, was married a couple of months ago to a young lady from Illinois, who had taken a land claim In his part of the coun try. About a month ago they went to visit her parents in Illinois, and are now here visit ing his parents, and will soon return to their home to manage their big land claim, he owning 800 acres and she 320 acres. We wish them much happiness throughout their life, o, L. February 9, 1886. Leighton. The cold weather holds ou like grim death. This morning the thermometer was 22 below, and the ground hog could see his shadow, which means six more weeks of winter. Can’t some of you tell us how many days it snowed in Jau- Unde Sammy Robertson was taken violently sick ou last Saturday evening with congestion of tbe brain, and yesterday be was not expected to live more tban a few hours. Dr. Boyer, of Rochester, Is also nearing the portals of tbe grave, and Mr. Oriffee, of Knoxville Junction, Is still lingering on the shores of time. These three men are among our first settlers. Mr. Will Correll has returned from his visit to Warren county. Miss Given, Miss Emma Hamilton and Mrs. D. 8. Huber, of Pella, Sundayed here, the guests of our school marm. Miss Maggie Hamilton. About 20 of John N. Henry’s friends took hi m at his word one day last week and visited him at his elegant home with well filled baskets. He said he didn’t think they would do it, but as they had they could have the freedom of the bouse. John Voorhees shipped bis own hogs, with 20 that he bought from his neighbor, to Chicago last Saturday. He had 60 large ones and 2(1 last-summer shoats. The 60 averaged *to *>s. They galued since the 2d of October 915 each on an average, and nearly two months of that time they were fed on pumpkius. Let us hear from another township. . „ Mr. Ryk Van Harekelum. upon the Pella road, is going to have a large sale of stock, grain and farm Implements on the 17th Inst Mr. M. T. Deck lost a two hundred dollar horse a few weeks ago. He was playing out In the lot, and went to whirl <iuick ou his bind feet, breaking one of bis hind legs Just below the knee. He had to be shot. Rev, Bose? commences a protracted meeting here on to-morrow night. There Is room here for a great deal ot good to be done. w. x. February 9. The Indications tins morning are tavorable for more mild weather. The auow of last Tuesday was Just the thing to make good sleighing, ana the people are making good use of It. We did not get Thursday's mall from Oska loosa until Tuesday. The roads between here and Talntor are full of snow and are almost Im passable . We would be glad to have this route changed from Talntor to New Hbaron. It would only make miles longer route, and we would then be on the main line. The spelling at the ball last night was good, and the very best of order prevailed. They spelled for tne floor once before and once after recess. Perry Burke took It before and Miss Emma Noel after recess. There were four or five schools represented. In our last we should have said—L. T. Bbangle, Lunt school: O. R. Shaw, Green Hill school, who Is the Times' Flint correspondent. Services were called for last evening by the above correspondent for special ceremony as provided by ‘‘Arkansas Code." but we found, after taking the evidence In the case, that hft bad not complied with “our terms,” so tbb case was deferred to sometime in the future. There will be staging to-night at the hall. Jas. Fisher, Hugh c&thcart and Da*d Kyan sold a nice lot of hogs. We failed to get any weights. , February M, t.' ■ ' Y f _. •' ’ V’-' r • 'V/' • K •• >• * . J * j -w- V;-,4 4 Farmer’s Club.—Met Saturday, Jan. 30 with President Row in the chair. After the minutes of the pre vious meeting were read and approved there was an annual election of officers which resulted in the re-election of the the present board. On motion the chair appointed a committee of three, B. F. Lindly, J. F. Everett and B. R. Perdue, to procure a sale board. R. Seevers read an interesting paper on “what is money.” B. R. Perdue read a lengthy paper in opposition to the present prohibition law, giving many serious facts for the consideration of the people, John Gilmore in formed the club that he was in the nursery business and would sell home grown apple trees, such as the State Horticultural Society recom mends for this district, at 82 per dozen. On motion the subjects of the papers be discussed at the next meeting. It was decided that the club would meet every Saturday at 1 o’clock p. m. until April. The club room was well filled, and much interest was manifested in the efforts to establish a sale room for all farm products. Come out and help us establish a farmer’s exchange that will have no equal in the State, B. F. Lindly, Secretary. Don’t buy Butterine when you can get plenty of good country Butter at Shaw & Campbell’s. 24wl Shaw & Campbell have just received a fresh supply of Minnesota and Da kota Flour. None better in the mark et. Every sack warranted. 24wl Go to Shaw & Campbell’s for the But ter and Eggs they have a full supply of. 24wl Every can of Archer's Trophy Sugar corn is wrapped in tissue paper and bears the signature of Atlantic Can ning Company. 24ml Please see our goods and prices be fore buying elsewhere, and goods can be sold on a very close margin for spot oash. 24wl Shaw & Campbell. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The co-partnership heretofore exist ing under the name of the Oskaloosa Steam Engine Works has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, and the business of the firm will be settled by Thos. Seevers. Oskaloosa Steam Engine Works. January 25, 1886. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. The undersigned have this day formed a co-partnership under the name of the Seevers Manufactur ing Compaq, and will continue the business heretofore carried on by the Oskaloosa Steam Engine Works. Of fice and works on West Main street Thos. Servers, Harry W. Servers. January 25,1886. 23w3 Buy your goods at Shaw & Camp bell’s GASH STORE, and save money. 24wl HORSE SHOEING. When you want a first-class job of Horse Shoeing done, call at my shop just east of the new court-house, and I will guarantee perfect satisfaction as to good work and reasonable prices. n2otf Charles Glover. Please settle your account The Shaw <fc Loring accounts are in the hands of W. H. Shaw at the old stand, ready for settlement and those owing them, give it your attention at once. 24wl Okloago Market*. Chicago, Feb. a, isae. WHKAI-siasiytcsih; Wi March. COKN-a6U®36k cash; March. uva STOCK. The Drovers’ Journal reports: CATTLE—Receipts, 5,800 head; shipping sV ’>n, 3.ftx&vfio; common to good batchers, *..0004.00: stockers and feeders, 2.5»d6.a0. HOGS—Receipts, 23,500 head: rough and w ‘ 1 SHOW US THE MU OR WOMAN! Who will not save a dollar when convincing proof is shown that that dollar and many others can be saved. It is positive ly and honestly saved by dealing at the TEMPLE OF ECONOMY! -THE GREAT- Golden Eagle —ONE PRICE*— mum houses As the cold weather is nearing its end, we give you an extraor dinary Reduction on Overcoats, Heavy Suits & Underwear, Which you will see by castiug your eyes at the prices we give you in this issue : A Satinet Overcoat sold at $5.00 down to $2.50. A Chinchilla Overcoat sold at SO.OO down to $3.50. A Union Cashimere Overcoat sold at $7.50 down to $5.00. A Black & Brown Beaver Overcoat sold at SO.OO down to $6.50. A Brown Fur Beaver Overcoat sold at SIO.OO down to $7.50. A Fine all wool Black Worsted Overcoat sold at $12.00, down to $7.50. A Fine all wool Brown Cashmere Overcoat sold at $14.00 down to $9.00. A Fine all wool Cashmere Long Sack Overcoat sold at $15.00 down to SIO.OO. HUCEJTsT’S STTITS. A Heavy Cashmere Suit sold at $5 now $3.50. A Heavy Cashmere Suit sold at $7 now $5.00. A Heavy Cashmere Suit sold at 110 now 57.50. A Heavy Cashmere Suit sold at sl2 now $9.00. A Fine All W»>ol Worsted Black Suit sold at sl2 now $9.00. A Fine All Wool Worsted Black Suit sold at sls now $12.00. A Fine All Wool Corkscrew Black Suit sold at $lB now $14.00. Red Knit All Wool Underwear at 25c. Red Knit All Wool Underwear at 45c. Red Knit All Wool Underwear at 60c. Red Knit All Wool Underwear at 75c. This Underwear is marked down from 10 to 25c on each garment All Wool Kuit Socks sold at 15c now for 10c All Wool Knit Socks sold at 25c now for 20c. All Wool Knit Socks sold at 35c now for 25c. Scotch Caps sold at 50c now for 35c. Scotch Caps sold at 50c now for 35c. Gloves and Mittens marked down from 25c to 35c per Pair. Our Boy’s and Children’s Overcoats we marked down in the same proportion. Do not fail to call and see what we are doing for the good of the people of this couuty at the Golden Eagle One Price Clothing House. j | Mitch Wilson Has just received from New York importers, the finest Mm & Swiss Embroideries Colored Hamburgs and Colored Em- broidery on Batiste Cloth, and very Desirabie BLEACHED and BROCADED COTTONS, a full line, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWELS, &c., WINDOW CUR TAIN LACES and LACE CURTAINS, SEER- SUCKERS, GINGHAMS, &c. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR CASE EMBROIDERY Ladies’ Muslin Underwear New and beautiful lines just re ceived. Prices cheaper than ever known before. Don’t fail to ox amine our stock of Embroideries and Ladies’ Muslin Underwear. D. W. LORING & CO. J. H. Green. P. L. Thomas. Agricultural Warehouse. GREEN & THOMAS DKAUEKS IN Implements and Seeds. Keep a full line of Farm Ma-. chinery, Wagons, Buggies, Grass Seeds, Pumps, &o. ill the Newest and Best that are in the Market, and at the Lowest Prices. Farmers are invited to call at our warehouse and look at our goods, wheth er wanting to buy or not Cash paid for Grass Seeds of all Kinds. | Crews. <fc Thomas, uu [ . » . ; ' . ' „ -- % .. ' line ot Ever brought to this city. He has also a beautiful line of and new