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THE HERALD PUBLISHED BT THE Herald Printing Company. Thursday and Saturday. OlrciUtiwi Naarly Tkm Tkomiud. TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. oskaloosaT i i lowa. February 4, 1886. —Comrade Wilkinson, in his splendid *Qrmnd Army Advocate? published es pecially tor the lows boys in blue, in a rasping article, shows up the apparent neglect of the Legislature in not elect ing some of the boys to place within its gift It was a mistake not to have done so—a mean, miserable mistake— but who is too blame for it? Was it not the soldier senators on the floor of the senate who caused the defeat of every soldier candidate but one? From personal observation we say that this is the truth. But Wilk well sketches the kind of fellows who did it: “Some very small men who were Union sold iers, by some peculiar turn of the wheel of fortune, have been elected to some office, perchance constable or justice of the peace, or it may be some county or State office, or possibly a member of the Legislature, forgot all about those dark days, when as friends we stood shoulder to shoulder with him. He also forgets all about the friendship rendered him by the old soldier, during the last political canvass, which helped to place him in power, and he turns from the old true and tried friend and showers his smiles, flattery, and places upon those who were wrapped in swadling clothes while we were saving this country.” Again he says: “There are some men Ailing the seats of sena tors in the present legislature who are the prince of noblemen, and will do honor to the position that they hold. Their interest in the soldier is honest and they don’t make professions of love for the men who fought the coun try’s battles during the time of the election in order to get their votes and then give the lie to the same the mo ment there is an opportunity to show their sincerity. On the other hand there are men holding down seats in the senatorial chambers who claim to have been Union soldiers that would sell the interest of Christ out for the smallest compensation in the line of recognition for some of their kith and kin, though he had been the bravest and best representative of those who saved the land.” THB POOR MAN'B FRIEND. One of the chief pleas that Weaver has made for years is that no man was ever so good a friend to the poor men of the land as he. Of course, he could deadbeat his bills with poor printers, as hs did with Eckart, but that made no difference with his plea—he was the solid friend of the poor man, and he played his bamboozling harp of a thousand strings right along. Elected as a Green backer by fraud, by theft and by cheat, he enters the Democratic caucus, boomed Carlisle, and captured the chairmanship of the Committee on Expenditures in the Interior De partment. The Committee meets or dinarily twice a year—once in each session, for no bills are referred to it. There is a clerk generally appointed for the Committee. Here was a chance to help some one of the many poor Green backers in lowa, who have spouted up Weaver and greenback ism until they have “gone up the spout” financially. In this District there were a number of fellows who have done all the dirty work that Jim ever demanded of them, but when it came to remem bering these men they were as if of the heathen and to be forever forgot ten. Weaver knew that this was his last chance, and he accordingly ap pointed his own son, Abe Weaver, to the place, and the boy enjoys the $42 a week right nicely, for it is the biggest thing he ever struck. But Abe is a nice boy and not to be blamed for tak ing the sugar off the spoon that his paternal forces into his sweet little mouth. The rule has been that the clerk should draw his pay,—which is almost entirely unearned, save about ten per cent—only during the continu ance of the session, when he would be shut off from the teat. But this poor man’s friend—our own Weaver—he has it so arranged that the salary is made annual, and for 52 weeks a year, Abe Weaver will get his $42 per week. It is a small matter of course—only about SI,OOO a year -but that would be splendid rations for some poor, lone, howling Greenbacker out here. Jirnisa daisy seven days in the week, and when he forgets himself in the way of the dollars, something strange and unna tural will be found warping in his mind. Still, we hope that out of his windfall Abe will pay the amount due Eckart, and set that much of the circu lating medium in motion, in these prairies! THE CURRENCY QUESTION. By Judge Baltin. There seems to be trouble among the financial politicians and political finan ciers east and west without reference to party lines. Gold is not plenty enough to form the currency to do the business of the country. Its value fluctuates so that it is not a safe meas ure of values. The same may be said of silver, and also that its bulk and weight is too great for convenient use in amounts a|>ove twenty dollars. The use of metal Currency also subjects the coin to wear and waste causing great loss. The greenback currency has been the most useful currency the country ever knew, and under wise legislation may continue to be as good as the beet paper known in the world. Our national banks of issue are now considered as good as gold. But their issue is based upon United States bonds which the government has promised to pay with interaW. This leads to the very rational Inquiry, why not the United States issue the currency direct instead of paying an interest to the hanks and providing them bills of issue and guaranteeing their payment ? But these bonds should sometime be paid. Some statesmen think differently, and have even said that a national debt is a national blessing. Whether this be true or not there is a large number of our citizens would be glad to have the debt all paid. When these bonds are paid the basis of our national hanks will be gone. These securities are con sidered good enough for banking on, but their value ooosiste 1b the control government has over the property in terest* of the country and its power to levy and collect taxes. Now, why could not this authority be exercised in a different w^y^H*l provide that the property of the countrybe used as a direct security feu- the currency of the country ? There is no security so food as real estate. Why could not the cur rency needed tor the use of the coun try be issued direct to the parties need ing it, and the profit of its issue be a source of revenue direct to the gov«n* meat? Let the United Mates govern ment or the Mate government issue to a*. i***jp' whm *• wnrnn * ... V- y*":.y : |pv ernment guarantee the holder of the currency against loss. This business could be done through the county treas urer’s office, or through any other means which may be better. Thus, if A owns real estate assessed at 910,000, and wants 92,000 in currency, be applies tofhe government, subjects his land to the lien and receives the money. The officer charges up the 92,000 against the land and collects 960, the three per cent interest, annually the same as other taxes, and receives the principal in the same way when due and releases the land. In this way a currency could be issued in such quantities and at such times as the needs of the people would require. It would regulate itself. The circulation would enable people to pay cash, so most laws for the collection of debts between man might be repealed, and thus the business of a man be more certainly limited to his ability to pay, and debts when made would be debts of honor. The borrowers would be the chief tax-payers. High or ex tortionate interest would not be known. It may be objected that this would so enlarge the currency that it would be of little vjdue. This need not be so. Real estate is good as gold, and, if need be, the government might hold a por tion of gold and silver for redemption of the currency while the prejudices of trade continue to demand it. Persons would take of this currency much in the same way they eat their dinner. Man eats to satisfy his need and not in proportion to the amount placed before him. So with the currency. No more would be taken than could be profit ably used. Whoever became a bor rower of the government, would to that extent become the payer of his neighbor’s taxes, which men would not hastily volunteer to do, unless they could see a profit in it. The profit could hardly be great when the chance is open to so many. I think the details for such a system could be arranged without any difficulty. The change could and should be made gradually, without distuabance to the business of the country. Neither debtor nor cred itor should be disturbed by great change of values. The results of such a change would be radical and far reaching. The land would be repre sented as the basis of wealth. Produc tive industry would have the power to relieve itself from the grasp of the Shy lock. Legitimate exchange would be encouraged, banking business (except of issue) would be largely increased, and the safety of mercantile transac tions greatly promoted. The farmer would be especially benefited by having the key to the financial position placed in his hands. Starting on a basis as set out above, and applying it to an average county of lowa, we can estimate how it would be adapted to our wants. A county of 24 miles square contains 368,640 acres of land. This valued at S2O per acre equals $7,372500. Twenty per cent of this is $1,474,560, which we may esti mate as the average banking basis of a county, omitting the valuation of the towns and cities. Suppose the actual issue of currency to equal one-half of this sum, $737,280, and the population to be 25,000, the issue would be less than S3O per head, an amount not ex cessive of the business demands of the country. The interest on this amount at three per cent would pay $22,118.40 annually of the taxes now paid by the people of the county. This kind of showing takes away all appearance of danger of an oversupply of currency. Money should be as easily got as prop erty and no more valuable, so that money and property would at all times be readily interchangeable. The sys tem proposed would be adapted to this condition. When the currency would not be needed it would naturally retire and be relieved of the interest, and when needed It would as naturally come forth and remain in circulation so long as a profit of over three per cent could be made out of it When this system shall be adopted the circu lation will be more likely to be raised above my estimate than to be reduced below it A prevailing low rate of interest will make it possible to put all trading on a cash basis, and more currency will be needed continually in the hands of the people. The great argument in favor of keep ing up a national debt, that in time of need monied men will have an interest in keeping good the credit of the gov ernment, iinds a parallel here. But the persons interested in keeping the gov ernment strong would be transferred from a comparatively few bondholders in the cities who never shot off a gun, to the millions of real estate owners all over the country, who could and would, on short notice, when called for, raise and equip and army that could defy the world. In which hands would the country be the safer? And this system provide* a currency to meet the demands of such emergencies. Tk* Dolphin. Naval circles in Washington are re ported to be in a state of exhilaration over the recent trial trip of the Dolphin. The well-known desire of the Secretary of the Navy to prove this vessel a fail ure has all along been a subject of gos sip among interested parties, and the final trial of the ship was expected with anticipations of fun ahead. When the voyage was made, Mr. Whitney would not trust the judgment of the command er, who is a professional sailor and might be expected to know something about ships and engines, hut put on board three experts, of whom, accord ing to the New York Tribune, the first bad qualified himself for this expert duty Dy acting as an insurance detec tive; the second had been a partner in $ boiler factory, and the third bad com manded a wooden packet in China. Being thus eminently fitted for the del icate service of determining how a steel ship ought to behave in a storm, the experts went abroad, hoisted in their grog, gave their pantaloons a hitch, as sumed a wise look and prepared to be critical. But the Dolphin encountered a pretty stiff gale and, to the intense amusement of the weather-beaten tars on board, the trio were compelled “to seek the seclusion that the cabin grants.” They were sea-sick, very sea sick in fact* and staid so during all the rough weather, only recovering their health and assurance fully when once more back on land. Who made the critical observations expected of them is not stated, but it is safe to assume that all the sea-sickness that could be crowded on the Dolphiu will not pre vent a report from the unlacky trio, and this document is looked for with interest The thousands who suffered with Rheumatism aud Neuralgia had a hard time of it till the discovery of Athlo phoros. Now they needn’t suffer if thev don’t want to. AR. Denneu, D. D. Third Congregational Church, New Haven, writes thus: “Have long been a victim of Rheumatism. During a re cent severe attack I commenced to take Athlophoros on Friday. Sunday 1 wts in my pulpit. Monday I went to Boston well, and have remained so You have indeed found a s[tecific.” ▲ IsmerkobU Trihnie. Sidney Ourchundro, of Pitttburg, Pa., writes: “I have used DR. WM. HALL’S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS many years with tbe most gratifying results. The relieving influence of HALL’S BALSAM is wonderful. Tbe pain aud rack of the body, incidental to a tight cough, soon disappear by the use of a spoonful according to directions. My Wife frequently sends for HALL’S BAUiAM instead of a physician, aud health is speedily restored by it* use.” of HeienTidboUgainst THE HERALD: OSKALOOSA, MAHASKA COUNTY, IOWA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1886. Sundry State Meetings—Millers —Temperance—Barbed Wire- Tub Horticultural Talks. Des Moines, January 25. The Pro hibition Convention. The Horticultur alists, Farmers Protective Association. Sherman—Brown case etc. Special cor respondence of the past week has been very dull in the legislative sense, but exceedingly lively in the way of con ventions; not less than four State Con ventions being in session at the same time. These were the convention of millers, the prohibition state con vention, the lowa State alliance, and the meeting of the State horticultural society. The farmers protective as sociation, also held their annual meet ing during the week. The snow block ade proved too much for the millers and they adjourned over to the second Tuesday in July, after electing the fol lowing officers: Presidents. D.Nichols, Panora; Vice President, Abner Graves, Dow City; Secretary, J. G. Sharp, Des Moines. THE PROIIIBITIONIBTB were more brave in facing possible blockades, and succeeded in getting to gether the largest convention of the kind ever assembled in the State. There were nearly 600 delegates present representing 80 counties, and many able speeches were made. The collections amounted to over 9600, and a plan was adopted for thorough and effective work during the coming year. This in cludes the raising of money by all county organizations to be used in the prosecution of cases in their localities. Nearly all the prominent prohibition ists from the different parts of the State were present, and new life and new vigor seemed to be infused into the assembly. A motto from Gov. Larrabee’s inaugural address was hung across the stage bearing these words, “The saloon should never again have a legal existence in lowa.” The Govern or himself made a short address at the close of the hist meeting, advising those present to take some of their en ihusiam home with them. He seemed to be thoroughly in sympathy with the SPIRIT OF THE CONVENTION. Mrs. Larrabee became a life member of the State alliance. Besides the usual resolutions passed there was oue favor ing woman suffrage in the large cities. This however met with considerable opposition and was adopted by a close vote. The farmers protective associa tion was well attended, and a new board of directors chosen as follows: M. L. Devin, Des Moines; L. S. Coffin, Ft Dodge; J. G.Brown, Marshalltown; James Wilson, Traer; Henry Wallace, Winterset. Andrew Hasty, Carlisle; J. W. Murphy, Newton; C. H. Crosby, Grinnell, and B. F. Gue, of Des Moines. The Secretary’s report showed the re ceipts for the past year to have been 91876.00, and the expenses the same, most of which was paid out for legal services. The association expressed a determination to press the appeal from the recent adverse decision regarding the Glidden patent by the U. S. District Court to the Supreme jCourt of the U. S. for final action, and" ADOPTED A RESOLUTION asking the legislature to appropriate the sum of $2500 for this purpose. The State horticultural society was also well attended, but the reports from the various districts were very dis couraging. In northern lowa the Duchess of Oldenberg and the Ben Davis appear to be the only apples that have withstood the severe weather, and in some sections even these were badly damaged. In eastern lowa according to the reports more than one-half of the apple trees are dead, and smail fruits have also suffered severely. Southwestern lowa though even here the trees did not entirely escape, furn ished the most encouraging reports. The conventions were almost unan imous in the determination to devote special attention in the future to seedlings, hoping thereby to develope a few varieties sufficiently hardy to stand the most severe weather. The officers elected for the ensuing year are as fol lows: President, Hon. Silas Wilson, of Atlantic; Vice President, John W. ltagg, of Waukee; Secretary, G. B. Brackett, of Denmark, Lee County. District directors were also chosen. The long contested SHERMAN—BROWN SQUABBLE has at last been disposed of by Gov. Larrabee, who on last Saturday even ing rt voked the order of suspension issued by Governor Sherman. Auditor Brown immediately took possession of the office, and reinstated his former deputy and clerks. Acting Auditor Cattell filed a protest against this actioo, but it is an open question whether anything further will be done in the matter. To-morrow the assembly meets again, when solid work will be gin. The impeachment case of Judge Hayes and the Iteiniger contested election are likely to prolong the session for some time. Zet. Washington, January 22d, 1886. The skirmishing between President Cleveland and the Republican Senators, which has been progressing quietly for a week, has now reached an interesting crisis. Due point in the controversy is the President’s inconsistency. In many of his nominations he has violated his professed principles of Civil Service re form through competitive examina tions. He has made partisan appoint ments, and lias ignored that clause of the constitution which says the Presi dent shall nominate, and “by and with the advice of the Senate” appoint etc. now CAN THE SENATE advise with the President in regard to appointments without some inter change of views V And how can such an interchange be brought about while a large number of Senators hold that the Senate has no business to know anything about the President’s reasons for making appointments. This is precisely the situation now. When the Senate Finance committee called upon the President to furnish information in regard to certain removals, suspen sions and appointments of officials the President instructed his Cabinet to them certain papers on file in the De partments. But these papers related only to appointments. Each package of papers furnished bore evidence that the documents bearing on suspension from office had been removed and withheld from the Committee. Each package was accompanied by a letter of transmittal, in which the Cabinet officer stated that he had not been di rected by the President to furnish any information in regard to suspensions from office under section 1,768 of the Revised Statutes. THE REPUBLICAN SENATORS then took the position that they would require reasons for the suspensions from office and that the Administra tion should be made to furnish them. Senator Edmunds made a long speech on the subject maintaining that while the Senate may not call upon the Pres ident to explain his acts, it is justified in asking of him ail information in his possession upon which his acts are based. He said the officials who were suspended and their friends were en titled to know what charges had been made aud wbat influences had been exerted to bring about removals under an Administration which had repeat edly declared that faithful officials should be retained in office, and that removals would not be made except for cause. The Senator from Vermont declared positively that he would not agree to the confirmation of the suc cessor of any suspended officials unless the Administration would furnish in formation on which the Senate could act intelligently. He was in favor of authorizing each Senate committee to for {tersons aud papers and to bring before it the mem tiers of the Cabinet, if need lie, to ascertain why suspen sions had been made. He would op pose all such confirmations until there was at Least extracted from the Admin istration the avowal that it had no in formation bearing upon such cases. THE SITUATION is very puzzling to the Democratic Senators who caucus on the question “what to do” about once a day. Since the President has declined to bold con fidential relations with bis party in the Senate, it is difficult for the latter to reach a basis of harmonious action. When asked by the Democratic Hemt tors what he would have them do in regard to the action of the Republican Senators and his nominations, he told them to do what they thought beet. The latest report from the President is, that he will recede from his position and furnish ali the information desired, but this report has not yet been con firmed. IN THE SENATE again this week, the silver question has held awav. The speeches of Sena tors Teller of Colorado, Eustisof lowa, and Morrill of Vt attracted consider able attention. Senator Teller's State produces one-fourth of the annual sil ver yield of the world, ilia argument was directed principally against the acts of the Secretary of the Treasury, ijccauae, be said, they had a tendency to disturb the public mind, and every 1 1 1 Kgjggi - wife * FROM THR CAPITOL. WASHINGTON LETTER. [ from our Regular f'orreepondent. ] scheme that could disgrace silver, had the sanction of Government officials. THE LOUISIANA SENATOR criticised the silver policy of the Ad ministration, as was expected, and the Senator from Vermont opposed farther coinage. Being a Republican, he premised with a remark about the necessity of coming to the rescue of the President and Secretary of the Treasury against the cruel attacks that had been made on a cardiual measure of the Administration by the Demo cratic Senators. He knew the fate of those who ventured to interfere with family quarrels, but this measure by which silver might be maintained on a par with gold, was entitled to support. Buoklen'a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all the Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Green & Bentley. Chas. Lee, of Odebolt, lias fallen heir to 910,000 by the death of an uncle in Massachusetts. A Answer Wanted. Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure? We say they can not, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are daily recommending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright’s Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bowels, and act directly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by Green & Bentley. 1 Of Interest to old Soldiers. A rather interesting point has re cently been decided by the Second Comptroller of the Treasury. In the early part of the war for the Union there was a good deal of confusion over the manner in which troops were raised and enrolled. At that time a good many soldiers failed to receive any pay until they were mustered into the service. They may have enlisted, and been to all intents and purposes soldiers for a considerable time previ ous to being examined and mustered into the service of the United States. A good many Paymasters regarded soldiers as State militia until they were formally mustered into the service, and so failed to pay them prior to that ime. Later in the war the rule al ways prevailed of paying from the time of enlistment. The auditing of ficers of the Treasury have always re fused to open the Paymasters’accounts again and look up these matters, but the decision of the Second Auditor in this particular case has made it neces sary that the soldier be paid. It is be lieved that there are a good many eases where a small sum is due to soldiers in this way. In some instances it will probably not amount to more than 50 cents, and in others it is probably much larger. The Treasury officials dread l the toil that is entailed by the reopen ing of the paymasters' accounts, but there is no other way if the decision is correct. A dose of Red Star Cough Cure will prevent you disturbing the congrega tion, and put you in a right frame of mind to enjoy the services. Twenty five cents a bottle. Farmers of Clarke county complain of the appearance of black-leg among their young stock. A RELIABLE ARTICLE. For enterprise, push and a desire to get such goods as will give the trade satisfaction, W. A. Wells, the Druggist, leads all competetion. They sell Dr. Bosanko’s Cough and Lung Syrup, be cause its the best Medicine on the mar ket, for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Pri mary Consumption. Price 50 cents and 91.00. Samples free. 1 The Mitchell County Horse Protec tive Association has a cash balance of $785.27 in its treasury. When Baby ni rick, *8 gare bar Caatoria, When she «« a Child, she cried for Castor!*, When she became Miss, she clnng to Caatoria, When aha had Children, ah* (are them Castor!*, A raid was made on the Sigourney saloons last week. About a carload of liquors weri» captured. The Prettiest Lady in Oskaloosa. Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp’s Balsam for the Throat and Lungs was a superior rem edy, as it stopped her cough instantly when others had no effect whatever. So to prove this W. S. Mays, Druggist, West High St. will guarantee it to all. Price 50 cents and sl. Trial size free. 1 Mrs. Ward, mother of Mrs. D. F. W. Parker, of Dubuque, died suddenly Sunday afternoon, while sitting in her chair. Her age was 61 years. Itch, Prairie Mange, and Scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never fails. Sold by Green & Bentley, Druggist, Oskaloosa. 24-3 m George Gerspacher has been arrested at Council Bluffs under the charge of being implicated in the recent murder of James Hughes, in that city. I have had nasal catarrh for ten years so bad that there were great sores in my nose, and one place was eaten through. 1 got Ely’s Cream Balm. Two liottles did the work. My nose and bead is well. I feel like another man. —C. S. McMillen, Sibley, Jackson Co., Mo. 24-2 The clothing house of L. H. Mossier, of Council Bluffs, was burglarized Tuesday night, ond a large amount of goods taken. Entrance was effected by breaking a window. The smallest in size, but the greatest in usefulness, Little Giaut Cough Cure. Sold by W. A. Wells & Co. A freight train ran into the rear of the east-oound passenger on the North western road at Carroll Tuesday, break ing up the sleeping car badly and throw ing the freight engine from the track. Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, and others whose occupation gives them but little exercise, should use Carter’s Little Liver Pills for "torpid liver and biliousness. One is.a dose. 24w5 Wm. Logan, of Manchester, who be came insane aud was taken to the asylum at Independence, committed suicide shortly after arriving there. Joe Severa, a saloonisl of Oak Hill, a suburb of Cedar Rapids, ignorantly took an overdose of cantharides and will probably die. He is in great agony. The board of supervisors of Warren county refused to grant permits to druggists to sell intoxicating liquors for medical and mechanical purposes. The Burlington Gas Company on Thursday sold all its stock to the United Gas Improvement Company of Phila delphia. The cash consideration was $200,000. John Henry and his son were fined SSOO each for keeping saloon in Mis souri valley contrary to law. The fine was promptly paid and the offenders discharged. The lowa railroad commissioners recommend tbe passage of a law making it an offense for anybody to walk along the tracks of railroads except those connected with or in the employ of the road. The retiring members of the board of supervisors of Crawford county were given a banquet by prominent men from different parts of the county, and were each presented with gold watch chains. Conrad Baudler, of Hheldon, is soon to come into possession of about $7,000, through the good fortune and honesty of an old friend who failed some years ago, leaving him in tbe lurch as an in dorser. James Fitzgerald, a farmer residing atotr Kent, fell dead Saturday morning while building the fire in his kitchen. He was a healthy, hearty man about 60 years old and leaves a family of six children. Mrs. 8. T. Double attempted suicide at her home in Des Moines last week. •She swallowed a very large dose of car bolic acid, but medical aid betug soon secured she was saved from death at her own hands. The Orange City Leader says there was a surprise party started out the other night to surprise another party, and they ware surprised to find that the party they wished to surprise wss i LEGISLATIVE. Th« General Assembly Again In Beaslon. SENATE. Des Moines, Jan.2B.—The senate convened at Sp. m. The following petitions and resolu tions were presented: By Donnan, a petition from several citizens asking for passage of laws to prevent adulter ation of dairy products, also for the appoint ment of a state dairy commissioner to enforce these laws. Bv Wool son, two petitions for additional laws to aid in the enforcement of prohibition; also, to prevent the circulation of obscene literature. By Clark, asking for in struction in public schools on the hygienic ef fect of use of narcotics and intoxicating li quors. By Scott, a memorial from the state agricultural society stating briefly what had been done with the appropriation granted to it by the last general assembly, and asking for $50,000 additional for improvement of new fair grounds. A large number of bills were introduced, among them one by Clark, for instruction in public schools on effect of use of alooholic li quors. By Miles, requiring telegraph compa nies to send and deliver messages In the order of their receipt, giving preference only to gov ernmental dispatches, and in some instances to press dispatches; also fixing the tariff on messages at twenty-five cents for twenty words between any points in the state, with one cent additional for each word over twenty; also, a bill to prevent unjust discriminations by railway companies in the use of cars and transportation of freight and passengers. By Weber, locating the supreme court at the sapl tal of the state. By Stevens, to prohibit trade in diseased bogs and to prevent the spread of hog cholera. By Casey, to establish county courts and provide for election of county judges. By Henderson, to establish a state dejiartment of insurance and banking, with a commissioner in charge. The bill provides that the commissioner shall be appointed by the governor by April Ist, and shall servo fer two years at , a salary of two thousand dollars per year. Senator Johnson introduced the following joint resolution aud moved to have it adopted, but yielded to the suggestion that consideration of it be deferred fer the present and it be made the special order of business for Thursday, 3. p. in. lit U resolved by the general assembly of the itote •/ lowa, the senate and house concurring: That whereas grave aud serious charges are made against one John L. Brown, now dis charging the duties of auditor of state, as more fully appears in the annexed copy of an affida vit, purporting to have been made by one Bruce Rdid, as to the facts occurring while said “Reid” was in the employ of said Brown, as assistant examiner of fire Insurance compa nies. “L Bruce Ried, being duly sworn, say that I was employed by H. 8. Vail on the 18th of May, 1884, to assist said Vail in examination of fire in surance companies in lowa, under the instruc tions of auditor Brown of that state. The price to be paid me (Bruce Reid) was agreed upon at sixty dollars($80) per month, aud I at once en tered upon my duties. I was engaged in as sisting in the examination of the following aonipauies: The Hawkeye, State, Monarch, and Des Moines, up to the 17th of August, 1884. On the 18th of August, 1884, the exam ination of the Burlington Insurance company was begun, and on the following day, while I was in Burlington, my pay was raised to seven ty-five dollars ($75) per month, and the raise was to include the previous month, and I re ceived during the examination of other lowa companies, the said seventy-five dollars per month, and I remained In the employ of said Vail until the first of December, 1884, when my salary was again increased to $83.83 per month, and I remained in the employ of said Vail until March, 1885. I now positively know that said Vail, during the whole of the time, until, sav the Ist of January, 1885, charged the several insurance companies of lowa for my services at the rate of five dollars ($5) per day, and two dollars and a half ($2.50) per evening, when employed at night or in case of extra hours work. At said Vail’s request, I signed vouchers at the latter rate and received a check in full for same, which again at Vail’s request was en dorsed by me, and immediately returned to said Vail. He then paid me at the rate stated above, viz: ISO and #75 a month. This was done to cover up his method of getting the difference between what was paid me and what he collected from the companies for my ser vices, which Vail told me was to be turned over to Auditor Brown for election campaign purposes. In the case of the examination of the Bur lington Insurance Company, I received for my services not to exceed one hundred dollars (#100) at the rate of #75 per mouth, and said Vail collected for said services the sum of two hundred and seventy-five dollars and sixty three cents (#275.63) from the Burlington In surance Company. Bkucb Reid. State of Illinois, County of Cook, sa. Per sonally appeared Bruce Reid, signer of the foregoing affidavit, who made solemn oath to the truth of the same before me this 30th day of March, A. D. 1885. (Signed) Allen W. Peck, Notary Public. And that whereas, it is charged that said Browu has extorted large sums of money from the banking institutions and the Insurance Companies of this State as examining fees, by himself aud his appointees, which fees he has refused and failed to turn over to the Treas urer of State, although commanded to do so by the Chief Executive of State. Tbrrefore, be it resolved that a committee of five (5) be appointed, two (2) from the senate »nd three (8) from the house, which commit tee shall consist of at least one (l) democrat from each branch of the general assembly, who are instructed to examine into the con duct and acts of said Brown, bis employes and appointees in the examinations of the fire in surance companies and (tanking instltuUons of this state, and the fees collected for the same and the charges made in the said copy of the said affidavit, and report their findings at as early a date as practicable, to the General As sembly. That the said committee when appointed shall have the power to compel the attendance of witnesses, administer oaths, and shall have access to all of the records in the office of au ditor of state, and shall be authorised to em ploy such clerical force as In their judgment may seem necessary. And whereas, the ex-attorney general, the Hon. Smith McPherson, aud the present at torney general, have each furnished to the ex ecutive, the Hon. Buren R. Sherman, their written apinion, that said feas were not per quisites of of the office of state auditor, that said Brawn has and still refuses to account to the state for the same, and for such refusal to so account the late governor refused to ap prove the official bond of said Brown as audit or of state, and appointed an auditor of state who qualified as such auditor. And whereas, his excellency, William Larra bee, governor of the state, has removed the ap pointee of his predecessor and Installed said Brows in the office of auditor of state without investigating the charges against said Brown heretofore narrated. Adjourned. HOUSE. The House convened at 2p. in. The Speak* i announced several appointments, and also the standing committees. A large number of bills were Introduced, among which were the fol lowing: By Benson, to establish a Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home in lowa. By Berryhill, to regulate the screening of coal and to establish a just and uniform system of weights and measures between employes and employers. By Boggs, for tbs election by tbe people at tht general election of three railroad commission ers. By Burgess, for au act authorizing board of supervisors to construct, keep up and main tain free public bridges over streams dividing their resjjective counties. By Chamberlain, abolish the circuit court and circuit court ’tfiidge and create a county court and county -Judge. By Coleman, to prevent the biackllst of employes. By Culbertson, of Des Moines, for the protection of mechanics aud laboring men by prohibiting the hiring of con vict labor. By Dabney, for an act relating to the election of railroad commissioners, the regulation of State commerce, and the fencing of railroads. By Deltz, for an act to appro priate funds to finish buildings and buy lands for the Orphans’ Home at Davenport By Finn, to prevent the use of free passes on rail roads by public officers and others. For an act fixing the terms, the time and place «f holding the terms of the Supreme Court the place being at tbe State House in Des Moines, and the time the third Tuesdays in September, January and April. For an act for the pre vention of overcharge, etc., by railroads. By Holbrook, to prevent unjust discounting In rates for transportation of freights. By Keat ley, establishing a board of Arbitration in labor matters. To amend Chapter 2, Title XXIV, relating to contagious diseases In do mestic animals. By Lyons, of Guthrie, legal izing the acts of the incorporation ef Bayard, Quthrle county. To regulate the weighing of coal at mines, and to establish a just and uni form system of weights between employers and employes. To amend section 1091 ef the Code of 1878, providing for Incorporation of trade unions and other organizations of labor. By Overbolteer, establishing a separate insurance department to include the supervis ion of banks; to provide for tbe election of commissioner therefor, and define his duties. To provide for tbe election of railroad commis sioners. By Pattee, to prohibit the traffic in hogs Infected with hog cholera aud other sup posed contagious diseases, and prevent the spread of tbe same. By Kaiusey, to prevent improper combinations by insurance compa nies. By Reynold*, appropriating $275 for the payment to E. W. Stier of his claitna for sub sistence furnished the militia of lowa. By Robb, to tax insurance companies for the relief of disabled volunteer firemen and tbeir families. By Tesla, author ising the court to limit attor neys In argument to the court and Jury. By Tipton, legalising the Incorporation of the town of Riverside. Washington counts. Bv !■« > tOM?" ;v,*. "A; * ‘ **s*s?*:■'" •' - -li. Weaver, to auunend title 35, of the Code of 18T8, relating to the grand jury and numbers of grand Jurors necessary to concur in the find ing of an indictment; also, to provide for holding persons charged with crime, to an swer without the intervention of a grand jury; also, to provide for the creation of a depart of Insurance; also, for an act to amend chap ter 7, of title 5, of the code of 1873, relating to the suspension of state officers. By Withrow, making an appropriation for erection of an additional wing to the lowa Hospital for the the insane at Mt. Pleasant, fer female patients, and to make appropriation for said hospital. By Storey, to regulate the sale of Imitation of batter and cheese. To provide for the manner of levying executions aod attachments on per sonal property which cannot be readily taken Into the possession of the officer. By Spencer, to legalize the incorporation of Ruthven, Kos suth county. Mr. Lyons, of Guthrie, offered a joint resolution relative to the election of state, judicial aud county officers, changing the time of election to every two years, and making the term of Supreme Judges ten years. Mr. Coleman offered a joint resolution amend ing the constitution prohibiting the passage of any law contracting convict labor. Adjourned. Des Moines, Jan. 27’—A number of bills were introduced, among them one by Clark, for the appointment of police commissioners In all cities of four thousand population. This provides that the governor shall appoint three commissioners, who shall hold office for a term of three years. They shall have eontrol of the police, and the execution of all penal laws, and can be removed by the governor for Inefficiency or neglegt of duty. By Sweeney, a bill to require foreign corporations doing business In the state to incorporate under the laws of lowa. It is the same as the Sweeney bill of the Twentieth General Assembly. By Caldwell, a bill to regulate the practice of medicine in lowa. By Wolfe, to provide for the election of county attorneys, and to dfine their duties, fix their salaries, etc. By Gatch, exempting homesteads to the value of SI,OOO from taxation after 1887. By McDonouch, to encourage manufactures aud exempt factories * from taxation for five years. By Weber, to grant municipal suffrage to women. By Car son, to promote temperance by giving to cities the power to license or prohibit the sale of in toxicating liquors. (That is what is known as the “Mayors’ bill.) By Hutchinson, provid ing for making uniform various classifi cations of property for purposes of taxation. A number of* petitions and memorials were Introduced, among them three asking for leg islation against the adulteration of dairy pro ducts, and the appointment of dairy commis sioners. By Schmidt, mernoralLztng congress In favor of the Hennepin canal. Referred to committee on Federal relations. By Dooley, asking congress to make more stringent reg ulations against Chinese immigration. Re ferred to same committee. By Donnan, ask ing for the creation of a committee on suffrage. Referred to committee on rules. By President Hull, to prevent railway traffic on Sunday. A resolution was Introduced by Senator Johnson requesting the appropriation committee to re port to the senate all bills for general appro priations by March Ist. After some debate the resolution was adopted. A number of petitions on various subjects were presented and referred. Among the bills Introduced were the following: By Ball, to regulate the charges of telephone companies. By Benson, authorizing the levy by any county of a tax of #4,000 for soldiers’ monuments. By Bradley, legalizing the acts of the council of Beymour in their purchase of public parks. By Bruce, legalizing the acts of the incorporation of Rolfe, Pocahontas county. By Brown, for an act to amend section 625 of the code In relation to the rejection of ballots. By Culbertson, of Des Moines, to assess and tax unimproved lands and town lot land for speculation the same as Improved. By Dens more, a bill in relation to the inspection of illuminative oils. By Keatley, a bill relating to the payment of fines and forfeitures. By Overholtzer, authorizing the adoption of uni form text books and the contracting for the same. By Redhead, to fix the compensation of employes and officers of the General Assem bly. By Robb, for local option, and to regu late and control the sale of malt and vinous liquors. By Scballer, to create the office of Insurance Commissioner, no person being eli gible to the position who is In any way pecu niarily Interested in any insurance company. Also a bill relating to bulletin boards In pas senger depots. By Stiger, for the transmission of telegraph messages, and for the election of Railroad Commissioners. By Storey, prohib iting the taxing of attorney’s fees. By Teale, requiring railroads to fence their roads. By Thompson, of Clayton, for the election of a prison commission for the regulation of crim inals and the reformation of the same. By Thompson, of Linn, to prevent fraud in imitation of cheese and butter. To regulate the practice of medicine and surgery In the State of lowa. By Weaver, to require rail ways to furnish transportation to certain State and district officers. By Wilbur, to provide far the investigation of physiology and hy giene to children in schools with special refer ence to the use of alcohol and narcotics upon the human system. By Withrow, providing .for fees of Mayors and Marshals when serving ia State eases. By Culbertson, of Carroll, in relation to the collection of dog taxes. Mr. Dabney offered the following resolution: That a committee of three members be ap pointed by the speaker, no two of whom shall belong to tbe same political party, to ascer tain and report at as early a day as consistent with a complete and thorough investigation of the following facts to wit: 1. The entire amount paid out. of the state treasury as attorneys’ fees in all matters grow ing out of and connected with tbe alleged diffi culties between the Hon. B. It Sherman and Hon J. L. Brown a. To whom and out of what funds the same kas been paid. a. The amount of state warrants issued in payment of attorneys fees in the matter afore said. 4. The full amount of costs paid in all the civil and criminal cases commenced and prose cuted In connection with the said alleged diffi culties. 5. The gross amount of outstanding war rants drawn in payment of all costs and ex penses connected with said matter. 6. The full amount paid to the Governor’s Guards and state militia and all other persons for services rendered in ejecting the said J. L. Brown from the state house. 7. How much was received by the Hon. J.W. Cattell and his deputies and clerks from the time of the suspension and ejection of the Hon. J. L. Brown until his reinstatement by Gov. Larrabee, giving the names of the clerks and ieputies employed and the amount received tnd time of employment of each. 8. 'Hie full amount paid to tbe Hon. J. L. Brown as attorney’s fees and whether the same jras paid out of the state treasury' or out of his »wn private funds. 9. Ascertain whether or not the Hon. J. L. Brown has received any compensation for the lme for which he was kept out of office by the tctlon of the Hon. B. R. Sherman. And be it further RettAved, That his excellency, the governor, rod the Hon. J. L. Brown be,' and are hereby requested to, produce and furnish the com niltee with all books and documents necessary lo enable the said committee to get at the ex set facts pertaining to the whole matter under sonsideratlon. SENATE. Des Moines, Jan. 28.—Petitions were intro duced asking laws to prevent railway traffic oa Sundays. Also to require railroads to fence their tracks, within at least a year after the completion of the road. Also to prevent the publication and vending of obscene literature. Several bills wers introduced, among them, 8. F. No. S 3, by Robinson, to create the office of insurance commissioner and provide for his appointment. By Caldwell, 8. F. No. 96, for an act to require railway companies to fence their tracks. By Knight, 8. F. No. 108, for an act prohibiting contract labor in tbe prisons of the state, and forbidding a renewal of, present contracts foa such convict labor. At three o’clock the chair announced as the special or der the consideration of the resolution intro duced by Senator Johnson, calling for a com mittee of investigation in the Brown matter. Senator Johnson spoke in favor of his resolu tion and asked tbe yeas and nays on Ms adop tion. Senator Woolson asked leave to intro duce a substitute for the original resolution, which was then read. It asked for a general investigation into ail matters connected with the Brown suspension, and proposed for that purpose a committee of three from each house- Beuator Johnson moved that the substitute be printed and consideration of it be deferred un til Mondny at 2 p. m., when it be made the special order. Senator Young opposed post ponement; Senator Casey opposed any inves tigation. Senator Sweeney spoke in favor of immediate consideration of the substitute, as did also Senator Knight Senator Bolter mured to amend by inserting the provision that one democrat be appointed on the com mittee of Investigation. On this amendment the yeas and nays resulted 23 to 23. The chair then voted with the yeas and Bolter’s amend ment carried. Several motions were made, when finally Senator Johnson moved to post- Cae the whole nutter until Tuesday next. «U He then moved to adjourn. Carried. BOUSE. A number of petition* were presented asking the legislature to take action In the matter of running trains on Sunday, and recommended in the report of the railroad commissioners. Mr. Walker presented a resolution in regard to the suppression of sensational literature. The fallowing bills were introduced, and referred: By Thompeon, to authorize railroad companies to condemn right of way in which to Solid anow fences and plant hedge fences. By Brown, to appropriate $50,000 to tbe state agricultural society far the furnishing of their grounds. By Consins, relating to divorces. This pro vides that when after marriage the husband becomes insane and is pronounced incurable iyr the superintendent of the state hospital tor the Insane, the wife may obtain n divorce. By Craig, making It a felony for two convictions ef larceny within a space of three months. By Overholtxer, providing for the licensing of the sale of Intoxicating liquors at their option to cities of S,OOO inhabitants. SENATE. HOUSE. By Reynolds, to provide for the appointment of Inspectors for steam boilers. By Shaw, prohibiting the charging by railroads of the ten cents extra fare. Mr. Culbertson, of Dcs Moines county, pre sented a memorial from the Mayors of lowa, in the interest of temperance, the same haring been adopted by the Mayors’ convention held in this city In December last. After the read ing of the introduction the further reading was I dispensed with. Mr. Dabney’s resolution, which had been laid over, relating to the Brown and Sherman matter, then came up for consideration. Mr. Benson offered an amendment changing the resolution offered by Mr. Dabney to read a aoncurrent resolution. Mr. Benson said be nras in favor of making this investigation as thorough as possible. This amendment was intended by Mr. Holbrook to read, a commit tee of five, three from the house and two from the senate. The ayes and nays were called for—ayes 73, nays 24. Mr. Thompson of Linn, offered a substitute providing for aa committee of six, three from the house and three from the sen ate. Mr. Ramsey offered an amendment that there be two from the senate, one republican and one democrat, and that there be three from the house, one republican, one democrat and one greenbacker. Then came a heated discussion as to whether a greenback party ex isted. The ayes and nays were called for on Ramsey’s amendment. Ayes 39, nays 60. Mr Thompson’s substitute was then adopted. Ayes, 982, nays 17. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES. * SENATE. Ways and Means, Hutchinson, Burdick, Stephens, Barrett, Deal, Chambers, Parrott, foyneer, Scott, McCoy, Fulton.JDuncan, Hen derson and Bloom. Judiciary, Robinson, Miles,Woolson, McCoy, Glass, Sweeney,Clark, Reiniger, Carson, Gatch, Wilkin, Doud, Knight, Wolfe and Casey. Appropriations, Sutton, Burdick, Woolson, Toung, Donnan, Hutchinson,Glass, Robinson, Barrett, Scott, Chambers, Bolter and Schmidt. Railroads, Sweeney, Young, McCoy, Cham bers, Poyneer, Burdick, Parrott, McDonough, Glass, Deal, Doud, Miles, Cheseboro, Dodge and Gault. Insurance,Glass, Deal Young, Miles, Parrott, Carson, Henderson and Earle. Suppression of Intemperance, Clark, Glass, Sweeney, Chambers, Underwood, Donnon, Caldwell, Woolson, Chubb, Schmidt and John son. Schools, Glass, Woolson, Stephens, Clark, ■ McCoy, Deal, Carson, Chambers, Bayliss and Henderson. Agriculture, Poyneer, Duncan Chubb, Scott, McDonough, Reiniger, Chambers, Deal, McCoy, Whiting, Hendrie, Chesboro and Carr. Highways, Duncan, Barrett, Gatch, Scott, Poyneer, McDonough, Parrott, Deal, Doud, Earle and Rider. Mines and Mining, Miles, Young, McCoy, Doud, Scott, Hutchinson, Sweeney, Cassatt, Gault and Dooley. Commerce, Young Woolson, Clark, Poyneer and Bloom. Elections, Woolson, Gatch, Wilkin, McCoy and Johnson. Banks, Burdick, Chambers, Whaley, Deal, Sweeney, Hutchinson, Reiniger, Cassatt and Bloom. Municipal Corporations, Parrott, Gatch, Car son, McCoy,Hutchinson,Doud, Sutton, Knight Dodge, Schmidt and Bloom. Normal Schools, Barrett, Caldwell, Stephens, Cassatt and Hendrie. a County and Township Organization, McCoy, Clark, Wilkin, Chambers, Weber, Bolter and Wolfe. Judicial Districts, Carson, Miles, Barrett, Clark, Robinson, McCoy, Sutton, Woolson, Gatch, Glass, Reiniger, Knight, and Johnson. Congressional Districts, Caldwell, Clark Hutchinson, Parrott and Casey. Manufactures, Stephens, McCoy, Hutchin son, Sutton and Henderson. Federal Relations, Chubb, Scott, Wilkin, Weber, Doud, Johr son and Schmidt. Medicine, Surgery, and Hygiene, Caldwell, Underwood, Glass, Bolter and Earle. Printing, Parrott, Young, Doud, Gault and Dodge. Library, Bloom, Knight and Robinson. Military’, Whaley, Sweeney, Reiniger, Deal and Johnson. State University, Weber, Barrett, Burdick, Wilkin and Knight. Agricultural College, Young, Parrott, Car son, Poyneer and Whiting. Hospitals for the Insane, Caldwell, Under wood, Stephens, Reiniger and Bolter. Institutions for Deaf and Dumb, Wilkin, Whaley, Hutchison and Gault. College for the Blind, Deal, Duncan, Swee ney, Stephens and Dodge. Asylum for Feeble Minded Children, Under wood, Barrett, McDonough, Bolter and Bloom. Orphans’ Home, Doud, Gatch, Chubb, Wha ley and Chesebro. Constitutional Amendments, Chambers, Un derwood, Clark, Glass, Hendrie, Bolter and Earle. Reform Schools, Stephens, Whaley, Sweeney, Weber and Johnson. Fish and Game, Whaley, Doud, Poyneer, Deal and Dooley. Senatorial Districts, Barrett, Burdick, Steph ens, Wilkin and Dooley. Representative Districts, Chubb, Deal, We ber, MiUer and Cassatt. Claims, Wilkin, Woolson, Burdick, Bloom and Henderson. Retrenchment, Donnan, Barrett, Reiniger, Wilkin, Weber, Deal, Schmidt, Cassatt and Ryder. Public Buildings, Gatch, Carson, Woolson, McCoy, Ryder and Bloom. Compensation of Public Officers, Gatch, Barrett, Sutton, Chubb and Dodge. Private Corporations, Miles, Stephens, Wil kin, Whaley, Weber, Caldwell, Wolfe, Bolter and Dodge. Horticulture and Forestry, Scott, Whiting and Hendrie. Internal Improvements, Ryder, Carr and Reiniger. Public Lands, Whiting, Barrett and Bolter. Rules, Woolson, Donnan, Young, Clark and Knight. Engrossed Bills, Johnson, Underwood and Weber. Enrolled Bills, Deal, Parrott aud Cassatt. HOUSE. Ways and Means, Converse, Thompson of Linn, Butler of Page, Teale, Coie, La Force, Lathrop, Culbertson of Carroll, Baldwin, Dent, Killen and Hotchkiss. Reorganization of Judiciary System, Thomp son of Linn, Weaver, Riley, Withrow, Green lee, Ball, Craig, Hammond and Dent. Judiciary, Story, Weaver, Riley, Redman, Cousins, Greenlee, Walker, Dobson, Roach, Berryhill, Scbee, Finn, Culbertson of Des Moines, Ranck, Keatley, Stlger, Dabney,Shaw, and Roberts. Federal Relations, Withrow, Weaver, Storey, Thompson of Linn, Ranck, Keatley, and Craig. Congressional Districts, Weaver, Riley Storey, Wilson of Butler, Converse, Thompson of Linn, La Force, Reynolds, Cousins, Wilson of Cass, Schaller, Nachtwey, Holbrook, Keat ley, Dent, Kline, Linehan, aud Culbertson of Des Moines. Retrenchment and Reform, Densmore, Hayz lett, Reynolds, Lathrop, Overholtzer, Butler of Cherokee, Dabney, Harris, Hamilton, Finn, Berryhill, Bweet, Boggs and Hammond. Constitutional Amendments, Sweet, Cole, Lyons of Guthrie, Bradley, Tipton, Rustad, Hart of Clinton, Wright and Robb. Appropriations, Berryhill, Benson, Dens more, Riley, Bruce, Gates, Brown, Teale, Bed man, Butler of Cherokee, Converse, Holbrook, Nachtwey, Hammond, Rice, Shaw and Wy land. Schools, Butler of Page, Densmore, Boggs, Converse, Wilbur, Reynolds, Greenlee, Red man, Wilson of Cass,Nelson, Redhead, Ranck, Wyland, Hammond, Robb and Dietz. Suppression of lntem{>erance, Custer, Wea ver, Coie, Lyons of Guthrie, Mitchell, Bruce, Redman, Tipton, Wiley, Lathrop, Holbrook Baldwin and Robb. Agriculture, Brown, Densmore, Wiley, Gates,.Bradley, Bruce, Redhead, Tipton, An derson of Hamilton, Smith,Lyons of Mahaska, Barnum, Hotchkiss, Kent, Penny, Clark and Montgomery. Claims, Culbertson of Carroll, Story, Over holtzer, Schee, Spencer, Moore, Ag new, Ander son of Warren, Killen, Kent, Roberts, Penny and Clark. Railways, Finn, Cole, Boggs, Brown, Cul bertson of Carroll, Custer, Riley, Bruce, Gates, Bailey, Reynolds, Wilson of Butler, Ro&eh, Anderson of Hamilton, Spencer, Linehan, Ball, Stlger, Keatley and Holbrook. Bauks and Banking, Hayzlett, Pattee, Moore, Sweet, Schaller, Redhead, Anderson of Ham ilton, Wiley, Culbertson of Carroll, Holbrook, Wyland and Dent. Compensation of public officers, Ovcrholt zer, Hayzlett, Scbee, Thompson, of Linn, Sweet, Culbertson, of Carroll, Custer, Wilson, of Cass, Chamberlain, Manderscheid, Stlger, Rice and Peterson. Insurance, Beuson, Meservey, Schaller, Mitchell. Smith, Sweet, C'ulbertson of Car roll, JValker, Holbrook, Stlger, Hamilton and Linehan. Public building;*, Tcale, Benson, Boggs, Bnulley, Bruce, Witlitow, Ltnehan, Killen, Dietz, Peterson, Hotchkiss and Roberta. Horticulture aud forestry, Wilson of Casa, Cole, Anderson, of Warren, Ruatld, Bally, Welch, Isnon, Hart, of Clinton, Cline, Gar rett. aud Clarke. Road* and highways, Coie, Hayzlett, Con verse, Gates. Anderson, of Hamilton, Wilson, of Butler, Tealc, Wiley, Coleman, Lyons, of Mahaska, Maudcrsebled, Hart, of Clinton, Kent, Barnutu and Rline. Mines and mining, Boggs, Pattec, Lyons of Mahaska, Bailey, Reynolds, ljiForce, Coleman, Custer, Shaw, Kline, Craig, Dabney and Wright. Judicial districts, Redman, Thoinpsou, of Linn, Storey, Sebee, Boggs, Walker, Greenlee, Finn, Meservcy, Ball, Keatley, Craig,* Dent, Hamilton and Burgess. Military, Sebee, Lyons, of Guthrie, Brown, Sclialler, McCartliy, LaForce, Keatly, Hamil ton, Garrett and Chamberlain. State university, Bruce, Densmore, Benson, Wilbur v Rediuaq, Storey* Tbonu>*on, of Linn’ Welch, Ranch, Kiaen, Kims, uammona ana Rice. Agricultural college, Moore Mitch ell, Densciore, Rus tad, Harris, Clark, Cham berlin add Kent. Elections, Schaller, Brown, Densmore, Tip ton, Welch, Rustad,, Peterson, Garrett and Roberts. Senatorial districts, Riley, Brown, Butler of Page, Lathrop, Dobson, Larson, Cousins, Rauck, Harris, Montgomery and Russell. Enrolled bills, Roach, Pattee, Sweet, Ham mond Burgess. Engrossed bills, Wiley, Withrow, Spencer, Stlger and Hart, of Pottawattamie. County and township organization, Mitch all, Larson, Dobson, Wilson, of Butler, Butler, of Cherokee, Anderson, of Warren, Lyons, of Mahaska, Wyland, Penny, Shaw and Thomp son, of Clayton. Municipal corporations, Pattee, Wilbur, Meservey, Riley, Teale, Berry hill, Roach, Kll len, Hammond, Dabuey and Culbertson of Des Moines. Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy, Wilbur, Lyons of Guthrie, Butler of Cherokee, Reyn olds, Welch, La Force, Nelson, Smith, Meser vey, Ramsey, Rice, Natehwey and Dabney. Rules, Weaver, Thompson of Linn, Storey, Benson, Holbrook and Ranck. Printing, Walker, Butler of Page, Roach, Welch. Robb. Baldwin. Harris and Russell. Library, Redhead, Pattee, Walker, Cousins, Roach, Moore, Green lev, Baldwin, Ball, Craig and Dent. Domestic Manufacture, McCarthy, Overholt xer, Mitchell, Meservey, Coleman, Mander shied, Kobb, Rice and Hart of Pottawattamie Private Corporations, Lathrop, Butler of Page, Wilbur, Cousins, Benson, Larson, Ram sey, Busgess and Wright. Labor, Coleman, Moore, Lyons of Mah&skt Anderson of Warren, Bradley, Hart of Potta wattamie and Garrett. Public Lands, Meservey, Finn, Boggs, Green lee, Gulbertson of Des Moines, Harris an Deltz. Police Regulations, Spencer, Gates, Agnew, Smith, Redhead, Ranck, Linehan, and Mont gomery. Fish and Game, Bailey, Sehee, Nelson, Red head, Nachtwey, Hotchkiss, and Wyland. Commerce, Nelson, Agnew, Lyon of Guthrie, Wyland, and Montgomery. Board of Public Charities, Greenlee, Red head, Withrow, Wiley, Lathrop, Hart of Potta wattamie and Thompson of Clayton. Soldiers’ Orphans’ Home, Lyon of Guthrie Wilson of Butler, Overholtzer, Spencer, Keat ley, Russell and Garrett. Normal Schools, Dobson, Hayzlett, Agnew, Bweet, Anderson of Hamilton, Overholtzer. Wilson of Butler, Barnum, Russell and Deltz. Soldiers’ Home, Anderson of Warren, Mc- Carthy, Brown, Spencer, Redman, Keatley and Culbertson of Des Moines. Asylum for Feeble Minded Children, Agnew Lyons of Guthrie, Welch, Rustad, Roberts. Baruum, and Russell. Penitentiary at Ft. Madison, Reynolds, Tip ton, Walker, Dobson, Kent, Hart of Clintoi Hotchkiss, and Ramsey. Penitentiary at Anamosa, Butler of Chero kee, Lathrop, Reynolds, Rustad, Dent, Thomp son of Clayton, and Wright. Hospital for Insane, La Force, Gates, With row, Butler of Page, Nelson, Mitchell, Cham berlin, Clark, Penny, Ramsey, and Peterson. Reform Schools, Gates, Weaver, Mitchell, Larson, Baldwin, Dabney, Peterson and Thompson, of Clayton. College for the Blind, Lyons of Mahaska, McCarthy, Coleman, Nelson of Cass, Mandei schied, Stiger, Hamilton, Burgess, and Bar num. Institution for Deaf and Dumb, Bradley, Bailey, Agnew, Butler of Cherokee, Deltz, An derson of Hamilton and Harris. Washington, Jan. 26. —This being the day appointed by the senate for addresses in mem ory of the late Vice President Hendricks, the galleries were closely crowded, the larger poi tion being ladles. Addresses were delivered by Voorhees, Hampton, Sherman Evarts, Ran som, Spooner, Vest and Harrison. The res olutions in memoriam were agreed to, and as a further evidence of respect for the memory oi Its late presiding officer, the senate adjourned. The speaker proceeded to call the states, and the following bills and resolutions were intro duced and referred: By Townshend, to limit the jurisdiction of United States courts in patent cases and to protect persons who, with out notice, are bona tide manufactures, pur chasers, venders or user of articles for exclu sive use, manufacture or sale of which patent has or may hereafter be granted; also propos ing a constitutional amendment providing that the President and Vice President shall be elected by a majority of the people, abolishing the electoral college and regulat ing the method of counting the votes by the two houses of congress. By Worthington, authorizing the president to invite the autonomic governments of America to send delegates to the international Ameri can congress to arrange for the arbitration of all national differences. By Murphy, for the relief of railway mail clerks who have been in the postal service twenty years. By O’Neil, of Missouri, by request, to reorganize the steamboat inspection service, and to consoli cate the oiHee of supervising inspector general of steam boats with the bureau of navigation. By McAdoo, asking the information from the postmaster general whether the eight hour law applies to letter carriers, and as to whether it is enforced in their behalf, and if not, for what reason. By Ingham, authorizing the payment of postal notes by money order offi ces. By Brumm, fixing at $6,000,000 the maximum limit the capital stock of national banking associations. By Caldwell, of Tennessee, to prohibit the importation of pauper labor. By Willis, of Kentucky, providing that in the employment of labor on public works the preference shall be given to citizens of the United States, and prohibiting the employment of convict labor. Morrison, of Illinois, from the committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill relating to the taxation of fractional parts of a gallon of distilled spirits. Ia committee of the whole, Adams, of Illi nois, from the committee on banking and Cur rency, reported a bill to enable national bank ing associations to increase their capital stocks and to change their location and names. House calendar. In the morning, Thomas, of Illi nois, on behalf of the committee on Naval Affairs, called up the bill authorizing the vol untary retirement of certain officers of the navy who have rendered conspicuous service in battle or served thirty years in the navy. Pending action on this bill the House ad journed. Washington, Jan. 27.— Ingalls presented a memorial of the legislature of Kansas praying for the establishment of two additional milita ry stations in that state as a protection against the depredations of the Indians. Plumb pre sented a memorial from the same body pray ing for the extension of military facilities at Fort Riley, Kansas. Proceeding to the calen dar the senate took up the bill to divide a part of the Bioux reservation in Dakota and secure relinquishment of the Indian title to the re mainder. Pending the question there was an amendment offered by Harrison to protect the right of persons who had located on the lands between the date of President Arthur’s execu tive order admitting settlers to it and and the date of President Cleveland's proclamation or dering such settlers off the reservation. After some debate the matter went over, and Har rison called up the bill for the admission of Dakota. After some debate, and pending the further consideration of the bill the senate ad journed. The senate resolution touching the death of Vice President Hendricks was presented to the house, and on motion of Holman, was laid on the table for the preseut, and Holman gave notice that on next Tuesday, he would ask the house to consider similar resolutions. The house resumed in the morning hour the consideration of the bill for the voluntary re tirement of certain naval officers. It was vig orously advocated by McAdoo and Sayers. Thomas gave notice that he would move to recommit the bill. He was led to this course by the discovery that that the bill was not perfect, and not from the oratory of the storm tossed mariner from Tennesee (McMillan), nor by the communistic doctrjne advocated by the gentleman from Texas (Reagan). That gentleman bid for votes by denouncing the he roes of the country, by denouncing them as aristocrats, and talking of the privileged class es and the down-trodden people. Thto kind of talk would prove ineffectual, for around those heroes had closed the love of fifty mil lion of people. Thomas moved to recommit the bill, pending wVfch Warner moved to lay the bill on the table. The latter motion was lost, yeas IDS, nays 157, but before the motion to recommit was voted on the House proceeded to the con sideration of the bill declaring forfeited cer tain lands granted to railroads in the States of Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana, to aid In the construction of railroads. The bill is iden tical with that passed by the House in the Forty-eighth Congress, but the committee on Public Lands recommends an amendment ex cepting the Gulf Ship Island Roa lof M sissippl from the operation of the b’il An Enterprising Reliable House. Green «& rierttley can always be re lied upon, not only to carry in stock tiie best of everything, but to secure the Agency for such articles as have well-known merit, and are popular with the people, therebv sustaining the reputation of being always enterprising, and ever reliable. Having secured the Agency for the celebrated Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, will sell it on a positive guarantee. 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The Fust Express Train* tie tween Chicago and the Missouri River are com posed of well ventilated, finely upholstered Day Coaches Magnificent Pullman Palace Sleepers of the latest design, and sumptuous Dining Cars, in which elaborately cooked meals are leisurely eaten, “good Digestion waiting on Appetite, and Health on both." Between Chicago and Kansas City and Atchison, are also run the Celebrated Reclining Chair Cars. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE la the direct and favorite line between Chicago and Minneapolis and St Paul, where connections are made in Union Depots for all points tn the Territories and British Provinces. Over this route. Fast Express Trains are run to the watering places, summer resorts, picturesque localities, and hunting and fish ing grounds of lowa and Minnesota. It is also the most desirable route to the rich wheat fields and pastoral lands of interior Dakota. . 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