OCR Interpretation

The bee. (Earlington, Ky.) 1889-19??, July 26, 1894, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87060004/1894-07-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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Rev Jame
Crabtree Me
been holding 1
the past week
M Muaas of
list and others
1 Sitbiislru wf Cljrlue
Mill iit m
WsbtKlpMM Ilinpu
ETanYll Aecomedsllon 7UI
frsildacf iod Uidlioovlll ti p n
Mill JPa
Nhthlifrtu ltjw
kKintTilWAceoaaeJtlloo SSS P
n7qvTiloeti4M4liorlltlMtlrit 7U
la rfft Eunr Mty o W
O 8c W R IK
oMtwpUt io Ceatttt Cltjr
Fnlion It LeaUvlll
VilrnpliU la LoaUTllle
IcoIitIII l Fulton
Ctoitnl Clir t Memphis
LouIktIII to Mtnpbli
The attendance at the
School last Sunday alt
sratifyiM to ill oftcers
Toi can be sade an hour
and profit to all who will
tea irtures Iadpleat
w the best Cottgh Cure
dose 35 cu 30 cts
sale at St Bernard Orui
The good work of
Mill coutioues with ra
out the city Soon
hole wlli disappear
citizens will rejoice i
S l p ra
lots ra
lH i m
ll p m
I 1 i m
Is i i m
Garlington fto6nifgs
NWA Note Fartftaph nfl
Other Dfthif Home Worthy
of Speekl Mention 3
Read Press Paragraphs onUr first
pi je tn this issue
Mr IkoDstlt Iron fence I loaning a
new coal under the magic tpch o J
- UBde I-
KHnmber there will bo yvlce next
Sunday at it oclock and at ajffat at the
Mi P Church All art cordis lqltd
purifier glvi freshies anddelness to tbe
CorapUioo and cures CoatllM loo a eti
50 ct It 00 For al by Barnard
Drug Star
No caa can afford to stay alloraa during
the wars weather when ha c get to the
coast and enjoy trie cool oceajfcreeze with
the Old Point Contort rxcurn party for
o smalt a cost
AyrrsPillt promptly relive stomach
troubles correct foul breathr Jd an un
pleasant taste and cure coosfcallon
Aooiher carload ot lmtn arrived
yesterday and is beleg stor away to
able th Hi keep cool
these sweltering July days
The earlier symptom dyspepsia
heartburn and occasional faeacessbould
not be neglected Take Hods Strsapa
rilla to bt cured J
B Sunday
oa was very
tad teachers
real pleasure
oa a
imption It
alyooe cent a
II 00 For
brick sidewalks
progress through
unsightly mud
together and our
fiae feaaistioo
The value of a gooaw was well ex-
empllfied the other dv when a man asked
one of our draff Us W a bottle of Sarca
parllla Whoaeflnqulred the clerk
V hose why Ayerfof com Ye doat
suppose Pa eoi f ran any risk with
Hannah do ye
tardea returned
eernJvg where he has
of gesfel mestlags
1 awrked soccess Mrs
tbe lady evaage
rtlcipated in the ser
Mr TS HiWfts CbaMan9gaTenn
says Sbttohf Vitaliter SAVED MY
LIFE IcoJlKitthebcstrenwdyfora
dsbilitated syia t ever used For Ds
pepela LIverf Klduey trouble it excels
Price 7s ctf For sale by St Bernard
Drug Store
Lav aldJOur business cares house
hold dutlend leave things that perplex
behind Joije party to Old Point which
will afford eucn diversion as will re
Invlgoratcpu and prepare you to eater
anew upofrour duties wuea you return
TAtirjJf Theo Noel colored and
Anttlw John Sulliyaa white
Tht Thrtt Ms That chickens do
come home fJ
Is a ttile saying uttered pAtttyihy
some unlliletuVlan but is nevrrtlii lr In
full effect to dav fliif Thtf Ua
mlRht Bland ior llolanlc Hloo1 llnlm
but In till Instance ibey dont 1hey
simply mean In plain unadulterated
Rnjtllth that Tils Baas Baby Editor
hit a Boy that the little fellow hove
In sight at an early hour Thursday morn
ing toth InM nnd is unmistakably n
wre chip from the otd block adding
another link to the chain of little Tk
and sires Up lnavolrdupofstoteh poAnds
With face all radiant with Joy
Toombs Walks tbe floor wflll that baby
And sings Oh dearltl very true
I never could take care ot two
Pilot Pltcsl HcfelBg ril
Intense niching
Svulf TOMi Moisture
aad slinking most at night worse by
scratching It allowed to continue tumors
form which often bleed and ulcerate be
coming very sore SwvAftsn Ointmrnt
stops th Itching and bleeding heals ulcer
ation una in mot cases removes ine tu
mors At druggists or by mall tor jo
cents Dr Swayne Son Philadelphia
In Clou John Abes who as-
Quarters saulted Jeff Castile
with a hammer bad
an examining trial before Esq Cardwrll
at Madlsonville last Friday He was
bound over to appear at Circuit Court
Failing to materialize a bond of four hun
dred dollars he will until Ibe next session
continue to contemplate the adjacent
scenery through the metallic meshes which
embellish the windows of chateau de
Buckltae Aalca Sslvt
The best salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises Sorel Salt Rheum Fever Sores
Tetter Chapped Hands Chilblains Corns
and all Skin Ereptlons And positively cures
Piles or no pay required It h guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction Price aj
cents per box For sale by St Bernard
Drug Store
A Vto Taylor France and Ed Hughs
have Just finished up a conns
ot tuition In the costly seminary of expe
rieree They each contributed a V for get
ting on and off moving trains This practice
of getting 00 tbe trains for fun has got to be
bit off and a few lines are calculated to
greatly discourage the habit Some body
ia going to grt hurt some of these days
monkeying arqund trains and then a hue
and cry will be raised against the railroad
A Quarter Cert- For a quarter ot a
tury Test century Dr Kings
New Discovery has
been tested and tbemtllions who have re
ceived benefit from its use testify to lis
wonderful curative powers in alt diseases
of Throat Chest and Lungs A remedy
that has stood the test so long and that has
given so universal satisfaction is no exper
iment Each bottle Is positively guaran
teed to give relief or tbe money will be
refunded It Is admitted io be the most
reliable for Conghs and Colds Trial bot
tles free at St Bernard Drug Store Large
size 50c and f 100
Gone uxA Ratliff is certainly
wring a man of git up and
git Louis was reduc
ing limestone to its lowest denominations
with a circular hammer His office hours
ernbracfed a period ot fifty or days
and like Cain he thought bis punishment
was greater than he could bear So after
the eye of tbe law was closed In slumber
Louis shook off the dust from his feet and
manufactured tracks to a more congenial
clime where the rock pile U an unknown
quantity where the officers cease from
troubling and tbe wicked are at rest
May Do as Much ft Fred Mil
for You fift of Irving
111 writes that he bad a Severe Kidney
trouble for many year with severe pains
ia his back and also thai his bladder was
affected He tried many so called Kidney
cure but without any good result About
a year ago he began use ot Electric Bitters
aad found relief at once Electric Bitters
is especially adapted to cure ot all Kidney
aad Liver troubles nnd often give almost
instant relief One trial will prove our
statement Price only joe for large bottle
At St Bernard Drug Store i
A Sad Affair One day last week a
little child of John
Lanaoutha was playiug in a neighbors
yard and walked into a fire where some
weeds aad grass had just been burned and
blistered both Its feet in a shocking man
ner Medical aid was promptly sum
moned and every effort wade to alleviate
the misery of tbe Utile sufferer who en
dured unspeakable anguish At Ibis writ
ing the little one is doing as well as could
be expected though the physician says
that several weeks wilf elapse before its
feet are thoroughly healed
VY II NelsoW who is in the -drug busi
ness at Kiogviiie Mo has so much con-
eWght Judge Cowell lasthjden n Chamberlain8 Colic Cholfi
hfcacb aa
week aatendered Xpressloa
of sorrqfand two dollarwortb of justice
grease complicity in Jvaame ot draw
pcerJJneoflhree things M certain the
boyaV either got to qu playing or
raise P value ot chip abe one cent
eachjr bust fiae aBcially I
Tie are many who will tike advantage
of texceedingly low rateiloffered to Old
Pol to islt thtlr native state Virginia
look on the sceenes of childhood
bating back so many fond recollections
pleasant memories
i 1
Olfta Born oa the atst last to
Mr and Mrs Joseph
Jlxrtwna boy baby tbe weight otwbich
i rj6een reported to the baby editor
he implicated parties are doing well
feu may search tbe earth from East to
For pleasure lasting deep and sweet
JAnd youll find whea you bavtt mad the
That a boy baby cant be beat
A horse kicked H S Sbate of the Free
myrr Honsr Mlddleburg N Y oh IbrA
knee which laid him up in bed and caused
the knee joint to become stiff A friend
recommended him to use Chamberlains
Pain Balm which he did and in two days
Lwatfibla to be around Mr Shater Iua
mmended it lo many other and say
rxcetleat or any kind of a bruise or
In This same remedy Is also famous
is cure of ilwwfialwB For sale
tbe fM Bernard Drag Store
gton Ben T KoWseoH Mortoa Oap
eo King 64 CVrta
IUv your pcirtein doa at this
and Diarrhoea Remedy that - he warrant
every bottle and offers to refund the moaeyj
to aoy customer who is not satisfied VtlerT
using it Mr Nelson takes no risk in do
ing thfs because the remedy is a certain
cure for the disease for which it in in
tended and he knqws it For sale by St
Bernard Karllngton Ben T Robinson
Mortons Gap Geo King St Charles
lobn Anderson and Oale
oarurftay Brown two tinted chaps
passed a goad many
words and a few blows Saturday sight In
front of the Robinson Bloci No material
damage was sustained by either party but
they succeeded In shivefinj the public
peace ior wnicn iney win uaaca peiorp
Judge Cowell next Saturday la music ot
the courts own selection Tbe proprietors
of the colored establishment in tbe Robin
son brick wonld do well to slop tbe Ton
gregatlng pf idler in front uMtTeir plies
ot business Such action does not meet
public sentiment nor is fl tculaied to
build up the trideund repVUtortof jibe
r vttM I
ir T3SF
Notice is hereby given tBTttbftuinder3
rljord has last a certificate No 1817 for
ten shares of slock in the toujsvllld Sav
ings Loan and Building Company said
certificate is dated lath day ot May 8or
and was lost as follow- Was put away
by hi wife and since her deatb has been
unable to find It
I have made application for a new cr
II Scale for said shares and Ml person are
called upon to stow cause td said rpinpaqy
oa or before four week from this date
why a aew certificate shall not issue iu
Ilea ot the oae lost
July 19 1I94 Jno Battocufv
Haw to Curt all Bkln Dlfu
Simply Apply Swany Ointjiknt No
internal medicine required Cures tetter I
eciema itch all ernpllcm M the Tacal
bands nose Yti tenant the Skin clear I
whit and hjallfly TSI M1nA ni
Curative powers nrp ikms bji no olbef
remedy Ask your druggisifor StVAtjv
v i
They Can Show Tbe city authorities
Out havefiof exactly
gota vhlte elephant
on their tnanas but nave got someining
wjiicli closely approximates lt They have
a show tenbin tueiraoMessloni and era at
alots id knoW exactly -what t6do with It
Itseerriitbatohe Charie4SmItba
and candfrnstrutniycity
a short time since and openediip bnsfness
without securing license Marshal Harriett
yanked t be Independent candy date and a
fine wa assessed against hjm The pro
prlelof could nftt put up the amount of
irids so Oarnett administered bn hlsteut
and Smith U at presenf giving WeW fo
Idee to the city of tlarnesley mfnus bis
tent it is likely that the officials will
launch out Into the candy business as soon
as new sorghum eomes tn
Ido Rmad
Tbe tickelraro limited
social feature a
VCeittueki Pairfiatet
3 For i84
The readers ot this
pape i will be pleased
there Is
at least one dreaded disease that science
hts beea able to cure In all it stages and
thatlsCatarrbf Halls Catarrh Ciire Is
tho only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity Catarrh being a con
stltdtlonal disease require constitutional
treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken
internally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surface of tbe system there
by destroyiog the foundation pf the disease
aqd gMng the patient strength by build
ing up he connlltallon and assisting na
ture In doing Its work The proprietor
have so much faith tn its curative powers
that they offer One Hundred Dollars for
any case that It tails to cure Send for lift
of Testimonials
Toledo Ohio
HVSold by Druggists 75c
A Pistdl at a JTvie3i parly
Peatemaker consisting fof two
struck thtpwWilhUheft4st flirt
grease eraser 6n Ihe earth and as ia a
A Personalty
ducted Trip to tke
Sea Shore
tional attraction tbe woman publicly
handled several venomoiis looking snakes
Tbe trio secured lodging at Mrs Reeses
and after remainlnga fewfdays al misun
derstanding arose which culminated In the
landlady ordering them from the house A
movement was made by one of the troppr
aa it to draw a weapon At this juncture
a son-in-law of Mrs Reese produced a pis
tol and the erasivn parties fled Situated
nq doubt y the idej that a good run is
better than a bad stand They gathered
together their baggage
fields and pasture new1
sought greener
serenity again prevails v t I
1 ast June Dick Crawford brought bis
twelve months old child suffering rom In
fantile diarrbcea to me It bad been
weaned at four months old and being sickly
everything ran through it like water
through a sieve I gate it the usual treat
ment in such cases but without benefit
The child kept growing thinner until it
weigned but little more man wnen Dora
or perhaps ten pounds I then started tbe
father to giving Chamberlains Colics Chol
era anj Diarrhoea Remedy Before one
bottle of the 33 cent eize had been used a
marked improvement was seen and Its con
tinued use cured the child Its weakness
and uny constitution disappeared and
Its father and myself believe the childs
life was saved by this Remedy J TMar
low M Vt Tamaroa 111 For sale by
St Bernard Earllugton Ky Klng
St Charles Ky and Ben T Robinson
Mortens Gap Ky
Of all the trips
that are offered
the traveling
public during
the silmmtr months none can compare
with the one to Old Point when special
features low rate and personal attention
are considered The trip leads through
the renowned bine grass region of Xee
iucKy mence inrougn me lowering TAiie
gtunies with their wild and rugged scenery
along tbe bank ot New and Greenbrier
Kivers wituautae piemtsMiquaiatness
nature could bestow onward through the
renowned Blue Ridge at tbe foot of which
nestle beautiful valleys which rest tbe
eye with their smooth carpeta ot green
rearehiog tar out against tbe hills is one ot
which all whp can do so should avail
themselves i
16 three weeks
which give ample time for an extended
trip and re turning slop overs are allowed
at any station on the co wnicn per
mits the tourists to visit Richmond with
its many point of interest Natural Bridge
with its overwhelming gandeur While
Sulphur Springs where the fashionable
and wealtby spend heir summers and the
number of other watering places of note
along Ibe line ot tbe C O The very
best people always go on theie excursions
which makes them so congenial and the
adds largely to the tripv
CollablaAu2i 4 davs
1WjjjteerrAHg ai jdays
FnJAugfHT 4 day
Paris4pt 4 ay
BardsiowBAgepa j daysiw
Pduc1SJEmir daysv
IMharSagyff 4 Bay
uextpgton trpling Oct f 5 flayi
jjl r
Chamber ainVishebest of all
The following
are the rdates
bt meetings of
Kentucky fairs tbln yeara far av reported
to this office 1 I
Springfield July days i
Lawrenceburg Juljr 35 4 days J
Nicholasvllle Auguit 74 days
Rmlpence August 6 r4 days i
Union County August rj 6 days 1
Shelby vlilefAuguiItaa 4 days J
1 adisvlUeajpjftt a3 4 dajs Ir
Franklin August ag 4 days
BowIingGfeeniSept 4 jjdays
OwensbordOctJo 5 days
Lebanonjjuiaf 3 days-
DanvllIJAugjR 3 days V
jJMayatJJIeAugf 1 4 days
cent i Barklbf Danbury Igwa baJused
Charobrrlajn Cough Remedjr whenever
in need of ia mediclaetfbr coughs and folds
for the past fiVeeari and says It al
ways helper me out ft any one- aslTf me
What cough medicine t use I replyi
Chamberlalruthnt Is b bestotj all
ti and 50c bole forfaleby St Bernard
Drug Store Earlioglon Ben T Robin
son Motonr pap Geo fling St
It Floats
th pnocrtn a oamsur co ourn
Personal Mention
Jenkins Hart who has been confined to
his bedfor the past four months with
typhoid fever went t St Charles last
Saturday and again took up his abode
with the family ot Dr Flaley Great
sympathy ha been felt for tbl young man
during bis protracted sickness and tedious
Mr W S Barneltand family ot Man
tou spent the day last Tuesday here
among relatives and friends
Mis Ninnon Umstead after a pleasant
visit in Allrnaville returned home ac
companied by Miss Edna Haddex last
MisaMattie Barrett ot Terra Haute
Ind is visiting tWe family ot Mr Frank
Misses Bunnle aad Katie Hancock ot
Madlsonville were ia our city Saturday
and Sunday
Miss Minnie Blackburn of Claysvllle Is
visiting hersUter Mrs Frank Fox
May nt in hi city 1
q Miees5aullne Davis and Naaaia Ashby
of this city are visiting frieads in Madlson
Judge Stokes has been confined to his
room for the past week with aa attack ot
neuralgia but is better at this writing
MrE it McBaeaand Miss Bettie
Victory left Wednesday night tor an ex
tended visit to tbe East
Miss Lula Trice of Clarksville Tenn
I visiting Mrs J E Day
Mr Henry G Jones is in Louisville this
Mit 1 i
SrajDetfine ielerams
S H Hannner will fill out Pension
voucher on the 5th of August at John D
Martin Son furniture store in Madl
The Dawson base ball nine played th
Madlsonville boys on Monday a game
which resulted in a score of iG to 19 in
Madisonviltes favor
W R Harner of the Pond River coun
try sold his farm last week to Ben Stewart
of Muhlenberg county
R T Craig our marshall killed a mad
dog last week A great many other dogs
need killing for fear they may go mad
Dogs ae a nuisance anyhow
Mr Dunkersoa aad wife visited relatievs
at Nebo Sunday
Mlsi Hallie Withenpoon will leave in a
few days to visit friends in Tennessee
Dr Dempsey who has been quite sick
is able to be up again
Miss Laura Martin is visiting frltad in
tbe country
Mr Rice and Mrs Cassady ot Fre
doniawb3 have been visiting Mrs Nuna
will return home in a few days accompa
nied by Miss Nor Nunn
1 Mr Perry Wilson of Hecla visited hi
best girl Friday night
The Hustler says ia reference to the
coming primaries Look out for the
campaign liar and scoundrel who may cir
culate false and slanderous report against
certatn candidate aad do this ia the in
terest of certain other caadidatea Do
Democrats servo one another that way
Rev N Lacy preached at tbe Baptist
Church Sunnay night
Mr C E Morton has purchased steam
appliance to fill tank belonging to wind
mill and will now not have to depend on
uncertain wind
MtssJIelon Morton -and little Misses
Helon aad Davie Hendrif k leave for Old
Pqint Comfort to day
Miss Fannie Nisbet has returned from a
visit to relatives at St Charles
Miss NatalU Leggett of Kansas is vis
iting relative here
People who lire off tbe two principal
streets are cUmorlng for lights but tby
will never get what they want unlets they
ask for It A petition seat to the Council
might help matters Sowe good man take
the lead
Miss Edna Ellis has returaea to Hop
kinsville after a pleasant visit to relatives
Mrs Emma Roger and Utile son ot
Hopkinsville are visiting here
Ed Cunnidghsm ha bun on the sick
list for several days but is again able to
be out PlW
Messrs JanfS Jloss Attorney Waddill
anu jounJ auaierrq wentto IJawson Sat-
urday H v
Misses Eunice and Geaoa Wbltlinehill
entertalneduaiher aftheiryouag friends
on last rnwytvrBiag am an report
most enjoyabjiitlroe
Lucas Fowlerlias returned from a visit
to BowllngJGreen
Claud Morton witat to White Plains
Snnday Id see Jajrifad
Several toore Wie firm in town
have fallen into line aad will have electric
lights put in about the first ot August
Miss Laura Hatsard v bo has beea mak
ing an exteadedvUit befit ha returned to
her home at Buffalo N Y
Mr J PrDetalatLtad Mi Ida Speed
bavreuraifjompuraM Paw-
Messrs H H Hetaaaa Press Ros aad
DickQveraH Wast to Haoa Moaday
night to do soas work ia tl Masoaic
Mrs Etta Wolff and children have re
turned Io Prlneoton niter n visit to Mrs
Percv Cnnnlnaliam made an Important
business trip loSpringftold Sunday
Mr W T Faunt La R6y of Kvaiisvllle
1 visiting his son Homer Faunt Le Roy
Mis Viola Wright of Oornsborrfj4 J
the guest of Miss Emma Prewltt
Mr M West has been tlsitina relatives
at Croflon
The harmless writer of the Items from
Madlsonville isin imminent dancer as three
young men written up in I of I weeks items
have sworn vengeance Dont be too se
me boys and scare a poor creature off
tneiaceot tneeaxtu
Our own will be in darkness part ot this
week as the engine at the power house Is
in need of som necessary repair
Mr 1 Bailey has returned from Daw
Mrs Plain is on a Unit to her daughter
In Muhlenberg county
The Madlsonville base ball club will
play the Greenville club Saturday after
noon at he same place the game was
played Monday
Butter Is something almost Impossible to
get and I think It would ben good limr for
tbe Creamery Io start up again
Elder Fowler family are moving Io
their recently purchased home on West
The work on the new building on the
Hog Ee Lot is progressing rapidly
stnee brick has been procured You can t
keepMadisonville down
Miss LelU Wilion formerly of this
place but now lit Ine at Mortons Gap Is
quite low with fdyer
Mrs Lizzie Ross and son William are
rusticating at Sebree for a short time
The new iron fence leading fronvMhe
gale to the entrance of the Court House Is
now bting put up
The rain last Friday night kepi Vhe
band boys from giving an open air con
Candidates are on the move In these
Quite a numbe oH refreshing showers
of rain hae passed over this part of the
country of late
The protracted meeting ip ourtmfilsl
conducted by Bros Jackson and Burden
was a grand one Itllasted fifteen days
closing Sunday vtth ten convertipas of
which four were baptisedjt H m fjf
Bros Preston and Oatb ihe travelling
evangelists stretched their tabernacle over
some of our surface the thirteenth
James Lacy of Mannington visited the
family of Wm Lacy this week
R B Hall and wife are visiting relatives
in Christian Co this week J
v I 2 if
Mrs Bettie Lacy is on J he sick list
Dick Palmer of St Charles made a fly
ing trip to this city last Saturday
The protracted meeting is still going on
with good prospects Sister Munns
preached three soul stirring sermons on
Sunday Monday arid MondnlghPto a
large crowd
Some wells are being dug here and ye
hope some of the people will drink deep
into the well of salvation while they may
be blessed with drinking the water from
these new wells 1
Dr I E Williams was the guest of Dr
Geo Lovan at Crotton Saturday night
Mis Landers of Loufstille is tbe guest
ol Miss tirakely
t -
nirs xv 1- nan ana lamuy nave re
turned home
B T Robinson and family were In St
Charles Sunday
Mr H B Morton was in Madisonville
one day lastweek
Several of our peopie attended the Pic
nic at White Plains last Saturday
Mr Reuben Robinson
has iraoyed in
James Clinton was with us lastTuesday
C W Edwards sold his residence to his
brother A J Edwards Consideration
Messrs J B Atkinson and B W Rob
inson ot Earltngton came to tbe Gap
Charles Jennings has purchased a neat
from G L Lovan
Geo Lovan base a mule colUwhich
came to his lot three or fourymontbs agoi
and anyone having lost bieJcanrEetjt b
paying expenses ana giving proper
r t j iv -
scripiiuu oi sam cuii r
ur Joloied Jiiiens
All communication and matters ol news per
lining to this column should be addrened 10
C W Miiwathiii Eirllngton ky
Abe Osborn was on the sick list last
Wm Bradley of Mortons Gap wasiin
tlii rllv lt ti1 V
Walter Morion was on ihe sick list last
week IS
A man away from bometwants Io get
back very badly when he pawns a Sr75
article for ten cents
Rev Wilson of Nebo was in town
awhile last week
Lillian Marr of Nebo was in town last
week tbe guest of Roena Dorsey
Mrs S Dbncan bas a new organ
Miss L Braddus and Henry Meddlers
ot Hopkinsville were Ihe guests of Mrs
A Hughs Sunday
Rev T P Smith passed through the
city last week
Lizzie Rodman met with the mis
fortune ot having a piece of steel run Into
her foot last week - 4
Rev J E Bailey preached at the Bap
tist church last Friday evening
7ff19FEto 7aiHL9
allra and Kmva Toxkl
oraene brnuU So otii
ikure 8atarM
VA IA 01 layorita MMB KTOtl
mMf ww
mvrVJMkZStmltoaaa J
tmakt OMmvU HMM4r 1 tWtlrst
biTiirmrfnniiiMlnfr niill iliitri
mf C frWMo iotfby DrutgUta
Htaa 0aV Oomb Oraa vroofUfpurta
mumewMt rortwuamuoaKl4
1 iiy niipi a fin J 111 JV mm
TVV W HaBw W rlftff nnR 9iVf
Sold at St Bernard Drug Store
I --
means so much more than
Fvnti imiorirtnenrirmo rtnA
Li 6 j
iapi aiseases resuiir iromL
trifling ailments neglected
Dont play with Natures
I greatest crift health
tf a IIhm
It Cures
f Neuralgia Troubles
Constipation Dad DiooJ
closed last Sunday Rev
corrgraiuiaics nimsru upon
begin atoncetak
inic the most
lausted ti
nivfs no s
and cant
mu generally ex- t
nciupus J
medlclnewhlchls J
urownq iron un
ters A few bot
tles cure benefit
comes from the
very first Uoie i
tvent Jlaln jrmr
titth and Its
pleasant to take 1
Kidney nnd Liver
rrlalarla Nervous ailments 4
Womens complaints
l Get only trie genuine It hi crossed red f
r lines on the wrapper All others are sub
1 stllnles On receipt ot two c stamps we
P will send set of Ten Oeautllul Worlds
retr view and book free
nonu11 r urtitrii nn rtiiiiirin m
Miw wiinKnto w uniaiimunii raw L
jWyAyAiyHf SlyWyAJ
If tombstones were reliable tho devil
Would soon be wearing mourning
Miss Ann in Bishop was in Ihe cf last
Mrs Melinda McLain who hasr been
living in Louisville the past two years re
turned last week
The B W E Convention of Western
Kentucky meets at Princeton to day Mrs
J E JBalley will represent tho society at
this place
The world owes a great debt of gratitude
to tbe single minded agitators and reform
er JTbese persons do not always accom
plish vhat tbay set out Io accomplish but
at any rate they quicken ihe public con
science enlighten the public mind nnd
lead the peoplo In ways they knew not of
First of all and best of all is rharity
but brethren remember that it does not
look well for you to ialg tninitters of
your own faith and order flticl purtbem on
people of another when you can help it
Mr M Minler of the new mines is
very ill
Rev W W Dorsey was in Corydoti last
week at the bedside of his father
Prof Foslon preached at the A M E
Zion hurch Sunday night to a larga con
Sim Abernathy la giving his house 3 coat
of paint
It is bad business to leave home without
your j pocket book Those parties who
came here sometime ago from HopMrrsville
and boarded did not pay for their board
Invitations are out announcing the mar
riage of Rev Wm Dickerson at Crofton
Tho brides name bas not been learned
Mis Queen Ros fuasop tho sick list
last week J
There Is quite an improvement being
made alonfi Lake street In tbe way of new
eautified The hill Is rapidly besoming
John Anderson and Will Terry are the
chicken butchers for Ihe Todd house
The sad news was received last Thurs
day that Mr Sam Gcodlop of Madlson
ville had been killed In mines at that
place The remains were burled Friday
morning by the order of U B K
W H Ross the popular young mer
chant of Madlsonville was in the city last
Jimmy L and Hattie D F s
Veryofteh meet
But at the hall not long ago
Jimmy failed to treat
The camp meeting at MortAns Gap
J Earl
Ihe Success
he bad
On the old theory of it being an ill
wind that blows rjobody good it ia claimed
that the present shortage of the tobacco
crop will benefit this section by forcing it
to withdraw some of tbe attention it ha
hitherto paid in such a large measure to
tobacco anddevote it to corn wheat hay
and to raising cattlo and hogs Fathers
Very soon fall into Ihe habit ot raising
what their land Is beat adapted to but not
to much so aa that in which there is the
most money 1 The profit in grain has
been increasing and a Kentucky haidis
posed of eighty million bushels of corn she
could dispose of as much more and at
least while tobacco is depressed bnd lha
world is crying for more food the oxperli
tnent seem to be worth trying
This week the people at Earlinglon will
have an opportunity of greeting an eminent
gentleman whose distinction acquired In
varied fields of religious work renders hi
visit to our city an eent ot uimereal in
teresl Bishop Walters Is at once a dls
tingulshed preacher and ripe sqbolar
i wm 11 win mm m iiiiii rrrniT r 1
W L 4 J ieJA Mfc
Mil l iSW fc
with n remnrkablo career behind him lie
I slill in tho prime ot life HI sermon at
His Methodist church will ha an occasion
of extraordinary interest Id the culture Ihd
liste ol our people whldh we fepl syro
will tiiet with nmiilcnpiifrcjjtlon
v tt V t TT TlltTTnflsTLPll
j uua au -- - --
if 1 l ezm f x r
Jlfk f fJI f v i iirwE
Xhalthv tn it anuroacK
n 11 T 1 1 11
ImAUfn I I u to nif I It An lliln
lllicsie A little sorenessa llttlu lslnen8 ut
tbe back lhesuvxctMiiosusiiletun Sudjenly
money rojuuded
lusuy rccsira
scuts symptoms supervene and deutUehtui
11 11 into ma iuiii ipriDK ui iuu kph
reason together a IUU
1 vu isa sngniesi a
reaner Kidney sud lidckuclio Oui et
x uecuut it u
iet us
why not wo Vv
euruiiteed tu Matlstv or
Ho you only pay for Uneut
S II jou should Le mhJtilen In toailag
ncydUalt will do no barm sua baut toy
rate cleansed your blood given you reutv4 lllu
a tt were cleared your boad lount uu our
stomtcb InrlKorsted your uerve aud flue urn
insured you siratost tbi dto yo J Uu TAU
om a bottle to day
Sold b J M Victory fo Earlinglot
B T Robinson Mortons Oap anJ Co
operative Mining Co Ilsrnsley
Will legirj
i vb
Residence in
3 89fr
Jerms per session of weeks
One half payable in advance
tho remainder at the middle of the
Number of pupils limited to 26
North Side ol Drag Stoe
Railroad St EARLIN6T0N KY
If you want a first class Shave Shampoo
or Hair Cut this is the place
Childrens hair cutting a specialty
Hcho River deep in the bowels of the
earth Is thus described by a prominent
writer ThU alone is worth a trip actos
thnoiean DarUes Indescribable still
nefsl which can only be llkeneil in ihe
Rev Oral of HopklfilfiM passed i 0T J1 ldln 0VM war noul
nnitfh our city rnkl vtT r Wi fam without beginning or end
Squire Lee nd sv1feMb St Charles
were is the city Saturday
Rev K II Chrr passed thrmlgh here
Friday en route to Hanson where he held
Quarlrrly meeting
Mrs Blanche Wotid4on of Madlsonville
was In the city a few days lasj week the
gtiesl of Mrs Cnpch
An excursion Will be run from Hopkins
x iyle in this pUce on the and of Augusi
Tho Rduoatlonal Society of the Baptist
ciiun 11 uavb an rnieriainrnpni nanirnav
Rocked In the Cradle of tbe Deep snug
in a df ep manly voice wke 1 the echoe
ovellin i would bring out tho rock riveted melodle
v ofjhe lost ages And who would mis
Booker 1 Washington Summe Assem
anopportunlty o ride on tbl wonderful
bly has opened at Tmkegee Ala tve Jf a chane w orferMli Bnd ot
The entfrialnment at the pirtionage last j fered In the Excursion to Mammoth Cave
Saturday evr nlng was one of thehap I via C 0 S W R R on August iGb
nlit ninvt r1l iulil fill affair In lhAtil RxCUrsion ticket includiaff iransnorta
lory of Ihe church lion to the Cave and return trips through
Bishop Alexander Wallers will be in the
city to day
Miss L Osborn went to Madlsonville
k suv4ivaNtfvsNasjNv
- -
Known tor 10 yoars as tho
1 rms r ucmedy for piles i
and the reverberation go down the cavern
ous depth for miles and continue sound
ing in fainter and fainter tone until they
seem to Anally die ayay at an Immense
distance William the guide then sings
the jsweet and morerjelody
fa retrf itiiifi aataa unffutrt iM lit lCtfL
LaM limn nn TUILLU J IBD JfirClllH
Ndthlengale In the day when whole
cities hung upon her tones If Nilsson
Kellogg nr Oerster would go there aad
sing the musfc would surely call bach
I toHlfe tt
tho dwellers in the cave and
thejing and Short Routes and one and
one quarter days board at the Mammoth
Cave Hotel will be sold at the rate ot
1350 from Nortonville
For further particular and illustrated
pamphlet of Mammoth Cave write or call
orfany agent of the C O S W R X
Gen Pass Agent
G tESS POP 1000
The yeeklyj Courier Journal has an
nounced another of It popular Euessine
coatests taking the temperature at Louis
ville duriagtha month ot August as the
bfleis One thousand dollars in cash will
be given free as present to the new or old
The Treat Rutln4 Tnlnlnir School ol the South I
renewing tUMcribt
who sue the hottest
day at Louisville during August and give
the closest guess to the highest
lure me weainer uureau tnerraometer
will reach on that day The subscription
price pf tbe Weekly CoHrier Joraal is It
a year Each guess must be accosapaniedsa
by one yearly subscription No newspa
published in tbe United States bas been
so liberal to its subscribers or ha offered
such liberal prlres to secure new subscrib
ers as the Courier Journal During the
past eighteen months it has riven away In
presents absolutely tree 117400 in mail-
not to mention sucb premium articles
as sewing machines watches guns etc
This in spite ot the business deoressioa
that is felt a much or more in newspaper
ouices man io any omer Business ine
Weekly Courier journal has Just aa
nounnced the lucky guessirs in ls May
rainfall contest There were aaa of these
Lguessers distributed over the State of Ala
bama Arkansas Kentucky Texas Tenn
esseeIiseissJppI Indiaaa Virginia Mis
souri Loulsana Illinois Iowa Ohio Penn
sylvania Nebraska Indian Territory
Michigan Sonth Casollaa South Dakota
West Virginia New York California
Florida Washington and Oklahoma No
better Indicator of tbe circulation ot the
Weekly Courier Journal could be bad tbaa
this list Sample copies of the paper with
full details and blanks may be had by
Vending a request on a postal card Az
ures Weekly Courier Journal Louisville
Ky The contest close July 31st
hi hi m 1 en
Will reeelr prompt ittniion at tbl ofBc
BiffliHlelBl SM
EnHth Teichen Scientific ud CIimIc
Short hand TVlwltw Trpe I pAntisI Mnll Awt ti4 rrnmtAA
Book Keeping
Writinir and Penmanship Pupils cn enter at for Loir rates ot board and tuition Send ft
anytime Send for catalogue r I catalogue
tZTUsnUon coarse asslrst AsItm CSE8T MM rroprf Bovteg
Mortons Oapt 1Cy
Always on hand a full and complete stock of
And everything else known to he trade
ptlHsiclattJ prescriptions CartfttHj Compeunhrft
Patent JMMiies and PBrfilniGrij
Hair Tootli and Paint Bruslies
fSEHReadytMixedaints all colors in small cans
The frroat practical BuHnes Training Itook Keepins ond Shortbsrail
ollegns They Riva a passport to business ana success Catalogue rr
Idob apenoer Preat 0 V ilsh Baov Addresa Hoanoarlan ciSnatrt b
LoulBvllle Ky Owensboro Ky or EvansvUst ind
aiven to
First Mass Turn Outs at Reasonable Rates
Ouble and Office on MAIN 3T near Depot ISAAC oXviS
J1 4

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