TUESDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOON and FRIDAY AFTERNOON IF YOU DON'T ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS ADVERTISE IT FOR SAlE EARUNGTOfl, HOPKINS COUMY, KY., TUESDAY FEBRUARY 17, 1914 TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR N. 13 - . t .It AFRICAN KINGS PAY RESPECT . TO CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES "Slate Umbrella!" of Lartfe and Brilliant Design a Distinguishing Ftaluteof Royal ' Procession How Thty Build Houses in China A wonderful Occasion Hawaiian! "BY SOUTHERN MISSIONARY NEWS BURFAU Ida Clyde Clarke-Editor .3. U. lMnnook, 'Abettknta, Africn, write ! Th kind's scribe mounted on wheel, CftUie to ey that lil august master would pay visit to your Missionaries at Abeokuta at 5 p. in. I have received messengers from w African rt7al peMonRges rtuite a few dlirienc timet bofore now, and should not bo Kreatly perturntu m mind If tho message demanded forthwith the preaclmr's head on a cimrtfer, for you know that this hap. pened on one oecassion to a urenter ptoaoher than any living toil ay1. 'Soon atter Je appointed hour we could near in the dlfttHCo tho sound of 'drums, and knewHhe nyal nnrtv wub drawing near. Ttfere la a long path leading up to thb house In which we are now living,, and we had a full view of the procession as it nnnroached. Three state um brellas, lari?e and brilliant In de sign, the distinguishing feutura of African royalty, preceded the retl utie. Half a dozen drummers, thb one and only musical (Vj instrument of the conntry.loadlng with all their might drums of dl tit rent tones and sizes, followed on. Then a king on horseback, followed bv the alake, king of the United Egba kingdom, who waB carried, by lour nununocK bearers, In a 8umptnoisly.deoorrtd chair. Two police orderlies Hanked 'W tife prbbeKslOfli," live queens kept Hear to Jbelr illl3bJ.ncl' and tweutv. ox thirty retainers brought up the rear. Kln&iaVifla majesty at the V' 1 .'."...... Mtirt lite til!M ir; ana. wyiiwwi"." "" PMiiion. the King of Oshebo to w.alU Upstairs to the sitting room. My wife recelve.d them at the: head of tho stalrt. In a few minutes Introductions ovr,w- wore all com fortablv seated, the two kings, my- solf and the scribe on the one side, and my wife land the live the other side of. the "" ivlftkH. havlnir been to lyugland, alake. having where he was received by the late king, Kdwrrd VII, Is quite accus tomed to European etiquette, and this knowledge, added f. his native courtesy, made him a very gentle manly visitor. 'He is the ruler of quite a large in dependent kingdom, and hls city is the most progressive natne state In the whole of Africa. He attends the Anglian church regularly, and In conversation said that he was coming to a public meeting on Mon day next, at which I shall be speak ing. On ou oecassion he asked a number or queitious about baptism, mid expressed the desire to see a service of this kind. "His oompanlou, the nitieU, a king by titje. ua received a gram mar lohool education, aud speaks excellent Englllh. He, tools R retf utar attendant at church. Perhaps I may explain here that there are really four kmg In Abeokuta, aud nianv mluvr chiefs, the city baylna been formed by the atualrfamRUoii of the ohlefsfrom townst VflHUll in former years wi destroyed by the DahomUU' Botb InftU kliigs wlife keoiily, in lWeVtl in allrellglou, aud biIucr mvvt.i w.irk. unci any extension of Uur work alont; educatlou )luer petslallv will recelret all tne nip that they oau give, W? are rfad to know cat they were pleKVe1 with the receptlouw gae ti. After liM refreshment .they .'took. tbeiV. leave. We regard Wrelr visit an" the ' official reoognf ttop 'if our work and welcome Hi tlrtVaity' HsVilirim DjlnR Ott The mtrtt regrettable fact in re gard tohe census statUtliSs for Ha BILE I, NATURE'S Disinfectant. . t' ... a LI TurW .r. "''"LM1rvr LutUf ; r4lllHI (MT AU Kp Ulna suu Thtt Try Dying Out waii, just published, is that they I show no cheek tu the Bteady dying out of theYslaiiders. The total num ber left Ui!0,OH; a decrease of Pin percent in a decade. At that rate therf will soon be an end of a splen did raco which might have endured for ages but for the coming of the white man. Nor did the white man come to much purpose, so far ae he is concerned. Ol the 191,lK)l) people on the island over 55 percent are orientals, the Hd.OOO Japanese alone making 45 percent. Of the Hi per cunt of Caucasians, half are Portu guese, Spanish and Porto Hicatie, leaving less than 15.000 for all other Caucasia', peoples, Tneso Islands are one of tho beauty spots of thn world, but fur some reason It is not n "white man's country." For res idence nothing from all accounts could be more delectable, but the climate Invites to leisure rather than to work. . Tho natives are the right product of that environment, and it is a pity that tlm strong and handsome race is dying nut. Honse-Building in China ' When a Chinaman would build a house, he consults a wizard itistoad of an architect. Ho decldeB the spot for the front door for that must fnco exactly in tha right, dlreetion never toward tlie'eoutlK unleBs it is the house of an emperor pjr high of ficial. The wizard' also determines tile exact slr-H-of -the 'doof,tor an jnoJujiutiofjthttiWay, might .prove fa tairTlieVmusTbe VbfkeA three yards In ront of the door to keepj out tho evil breath not human breath,, made by eobat'co'jtfr' liquor, -nor malarial vapors, but some mys terious and fatal somethlng'that no one knows .much about. ,i Then the wizard locates he spot for the kitchen, and he settles the jthne to begin digging, for- if earth od should be at home , the e the workman might thrust the spade through his skull, and the family would all die. The question must also be 86ttled whether this Ib the right year to build. There are lucky years and there are unlucky years. For In stance, a man must not! marry in any year beginning with an even number. Having picked out a luck- year, the next thing is to hit upon the lucky month of the year, aud then the lucky day In the month. Lucky days are yellow and unlucky days are black, iliere are more black days. than yellow ones.; bo the case of the Chinese builder" is not all pleasure and ease, The Kmg'a Owli. SPECIAL INVITATION TO LADIES TO ATTEND SOMES- TIC SCIENCES LECTURES Given at 2:30 by Mrs. S. Mullin, Boiton. Mm, at the Dulin Store, in Madlsonville, Ky. of Hvt S. Mul'ltt rBUr3entiug the Joseph But'liett'Co., of Boston, llaYoriug extracts aud fruit- col oring will give special Domestic "Solonce lectures at 2:110 each af ternoon for the remainder of the week at the lin lin store. 1 leas given ip fancy cook-ry, aud many beautiful salads, de serts and ices carryiug out color scheme. Airs. Alullin lias a great many new original salads Mvhich so. will serve and gladly give the re oipes Si bring your notebook 1 !l ..' 1 ami pencil wnn you. This is a rare dpppjrtunity to the Housekeeper andjjisjiould be taken advantage of"; by every one. AnotherWjfw' Grocery fi EatJinjft -Messrs' HJrosby -A W-jod on ruil' have opened a grocery store in the J)0. X. Taylor old stand and ar nnw readv for bigness. TheBe'Qentl mon will keep hand at all rimes a full line the best staple and fancy grpc, eries aud -8k tlmt ft publiu give inem a snare of tneir pai THE WEATHER NOW AND THEN Recent Cold Days are Mild Compared With Pait Year! ! Last Thursday moruhia, Feb-, ruary 12ih, recorded , our Lowest' temperature for fhia. winter with i aeiirees uuove zro, vj r morning of tli6. ninth, tilt tern perntu.re wiu 10 Above paring with recent past y stj ydarij this nunears rather mild. January lS'.h, 1012, the record Was 18 below, add oil the 15 h of the same month, lii below. InJ Xvll lllO low recorus were j.;iu ary JJrd, 10 below; January. 1th, 8 bebw. January Oth, 1910, the temperuture wua minimum 10 below, aud on, Ifebruary 17th, tho sa.ineyear, 8,,belo.v, Every body ihtureated iii the coai bus iness hereabouts is willing to" see rnore of this cold weather, ,uud that includes e 'erybody kround these diggings, but there not. a unrv livwlv linnu exnressed that " ' r ' , . turtlicr near z.4ro leniperaiurcs will be experienced. And yet, who cnii tell? M irch is still bui, tore us, wnoii most uuyihuik the .weather line lnuy happen. aw tt? TutaimiTT.'n'C " A vlTftwntiP T? rnATPn,and "ladder troubles, diss OTS U? IS C.0ATEDel, cures .diabeteB, weak . V. t a nr o . rKoiimnf tain a tH Mother! Don't Hesitate! IfiCroif, Fev- ernh, Constipated, Give vCalifor nia 'Syrup' of Fig' Look at the tongue, mother If coated, it is a sure siu that your little oue's stomach, liver t.,v..,l,n tAnl n irAtiflA til nr. bughcleansing 5afe.4JJftl, nrf&r. -.f...'fiitftDr i,ai II lieu pccvio", liuai iioii.oo pale, uoestl'l iiRep, uuksii ubui or act naturally. Or is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomnch.ache, sore throat, diar rhoea, full of cold, give a tea- spoonful of "California byrup ot Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undi gested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without, griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You ueedu't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit lax atixe;" they love its delicious taste, aud it always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a 00 cent bottle ot ''California Syrup of Figs," which has aire'etious for babies, children of all ages aud for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here', T) ,b? jure you get the genuine, nek to see,tliut it U made by "California Fig Syrup Oomrjauv." Refuse auy other kiud with coutempt. Will Spend $1,150. Irt botaih Adver Berlin, The German Imperial parliamont today adopted a reso lution aiUhoVnt.ng the Germau potiish svftdicate to use -1fl,lo0, 000 'froin its 'propaganda fund" of H, Kfyb'tfQQ in "advertising fer tilizers abroad, aud also to spent 25,000 on an exhibit at the I'.i'imina Pjcifle Exposition at "S.ui Fraucitco. SPECIAL TO WOMEN i The niost economical, cleansing and xernlcldal ol ail. aauieptis A. olubl Antbwtie Powdr to b distelveJ in yvtXf at needed. Ab a medlolnal antiseptic fqr tlouche's . In treatbig catarrh, lfammutlon or , hio.rat oM of noso. tliroat. aim -mm I caused by feminine UU It has no eauaL I nr t.vCars the Lydla E. Pluldmm on MedlcleQo.ia8rcoinineidd paxtlue of . m "r v i xrwwvm , -' TuTy ,YTCJtt itAweigtat In tW At - 'druggj,. so-- Ora box, or by wan PKOF. DUDLEY GOES TO HOT SPRINGS Prominent Sunday School Worker At- Li tending General Sunday School Conference rof. 0. E. Dudley, superin lent of K-trlinston School?, es tonight for ilot Springs, ., to attend ihe Conference Chairmen of Sunday School . 1 11! !- a-.J ras nnu riei 3'creiuries, thoilht Episcopal (Jhurcli, itii. Prof. Dudley goes to fits general Sunday School con- once nt Mm entire :l urch or tiiation as chairman of the liisville Oonfereuce Sunday iv. ... Sfiiool Board, w'nch position ho lm been houored with the past o years. During this time he spent most of his vacation Im school work in active Suu-dlV-Sjhool work throughout the bl'und8 of the. Louisville Confer ce. Prof. Dudley is on the cjgrain at Hot Springs T.iurs- day afternoon for a discussion of 'iThe Country Sunday School aTid If Needs." A Texas Wonder i. JThe Texas Wonder cures itlduej' dissolves grav- and lame backs, rheumatism and nil lrreiru lantieB of bladder troubles, remov ing gravel, the kidneys and bladder In both men and women. Eegulates ladder troubles in children. If not Sold by your druggists will be sent y mail on receipt of 1.00.- One agnail bottle la two months treat- one nnu SGiuoiii iaiiB to periect lire.. Send lor testlm3nlnlB from vnnt.uo.kr mid other States. Dr. E iV,H.all. 292r. Olive St.. St. Louis. ashington'j PhtoU Bring $4,000 ;at , - 'Sale JNew York, 1'eb. 10. t'Or one pair of Pistols said to liaVe been used by George Washington, . 14,- 000 was paid today by tkdwaru Litchfield, a collector, at.' an auction sale ot American aud oreiirn antique weapons. Each CnJiUli IB Illtccu JliLilICO lung Washington's medicine chest, still containing one or. two rem edie?, brought $375. Cobb-Dillon Lou D lion and Miss M iry Oobb were married last May'. I'ollow- ng letter is self explanitory. ifr. J. E. Faweett : ' Earliugtnn, Ky., Dear JNIr. Fawcett :- 1 am receiv ing numerous inquiries from sev eral of my friends in Earlin'gtou l8 to whether or not Miss Maty Oobbs aud my self married last spring; in order to put them right in the matter I have de cided to write you to publish in your yaUmble paper au account of this wedding so that they may all be satieflnd and, certain about it. The ceremony was duly performed the 1st of May, 1018, but for reasons purely ' personal we decided to tr to keep it Be cret, however it lias leaked out and wo are uotv dujoyiug life, in its fullest here at this good little old town. 'l'f 'yu willmefition it in your next iesue 1 will be very obliged to yOu a'fid it will set at rest all the minors concerning Mary and ll. You no doqbt remember my wife ns she visited her Aunt, Mrs. "Sullivan, for. quite a. good while': she sends her regards to you. ' . Tours very truly. J.E. (Lou) Dillon More Positions Than Men Lucrative places are far more j numprotlb tjmn quallied. ypuug , , ilU(i women. A good place j awa'ts every person who chin- pletes the combined course in the liowjiug OreM Buaits sBT.' '1 I. G. G. SCORED BY SENATORS Root Declares Lea Resolution Wholly .Void Without Le- -gal Effect CONNECTICUT SENATOR DEFENDS VICE-PRESIDENT MAPOTHER. Washington, Feb; lii. Four S.uators resisted vigorously .to day the proposal of the Senate Committee on Contingent Ex penses and Interstate Commerce that a special group of five Sna tors be appointed to r.q-operatee with the Interstate Commerce Commission in its efforts to se cure access to the flies of the Louisville & Nashville railroad. A desultoly debate was carried on for several hours after Senator Williams, of Mississippi, had fav orably reported the resolution of Senator Lea, of Tennessee, pro viding for the special committee. "Mortifying Failure'' Mr. Brundegee-'s argument deaU with the subject of the jus tice or iu justice of Smate action while the courts were dealing with the point at issue. Mr. Sutherland made a long legal argument in his opposition. Mr. Works attacked the" Lea resolu tion on the ground of4-inexpedi ency aud superfluity, while Mn Root contributed the most striking- passage of -the debate by- ex claiming hotly :' . ' Vmir".. 1 ' W.e can. do nothing mqre t'liau the Interstate Commerce 'Com mission lias-already ( done.' In making the preliminary i.nvesti gati.on the commission has-been invoking its qwn jnrisdi.ctroy This resolution is wholly void aud cau have, no Iqgal effect. Its passage will simply subject the Santite to' mortifying failure in an attempt to exercise power it does not possess." "Those who spoke against the Lea resolution seemed to accept it as a matter of course that if the ollicials of the railroads are summoned for contempt of the Senate they will go to jail rather than produce papers which they regard as privileged, and which the speakers uls seemed to re gard as probably privileged," Score Commlnlon Drande'gee scored the com mission for not being "willing to uwait the .outcome of the due process of law." "Wo think the L. & N.is using the time exhausted iu court,'?, remarked Senator Lea, "to de stroy many of the records the Senate has demauded." "A remarku bl proceeding," scoffed Mr. Braudegee. lrou want to a'ljudge these gentleinon guilty before you know it. They may be as guilty as hell and ought mayhap to hang as high as Hainan, but it hasuVbeeu proy ed yot. M. Mapother had a right to inspect the documents before he turned them over." 'But they mixed up the privi leged with the unprivileged doc uments apparently," repliedMr. WillianiF, "and insist that they shall.judge which is which," "If somebody rushed in on me ip the eaiiie way," retorted the Connecticut Senator, '"I should be inclined to exorcise my own tiidument. too. 1 would be at capable of selection as a special exammpr. This is an attempt to scare these people into produc nig the paoer regardless of their rights. There ought to be more committee deliberation about It." i 'Wft are continually passin uasiin y.sutii i-?golotiva here,'ui U erlaud, in beginning his discus sion of the legal phasns of the case, ""that invade tho executive authority, and we pass them simply because they affect some uupopular trust. We wouldn'r do the samp thing to a private citizens. We can't punish mor al delinquents not covered by statute. Is the Siiiato to become flrst aid to tho injured?' FIVE MINUTE CURE IF STOMACH IS BAD When "Pape's Diapepstn" Reaches the Stomach all Indigestion, Gas and Sournejs Disappears You dou't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad or au uncertain one or a harmful one your stomach is too valuable; you mustn't injure it with dras tic drugs. Tape's Diapepsiu is noted for ts speed in giving relief: its harmlessuess; its certain unfail ing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its mil lions of cures in indigestion, dys pepsia, gastritis aud other stom ach trouble ha6 made it famous the world over. ( Keep this perfect stomach doc tor in your home keep it handy get a large lifr.y cent case from any drug store aud,then if any one should eat somethiug which doesn't agree with thejn; if what they "eat lies like lead, ferments and sourHind forms gas ; causes headache, dizziness and nausea'; eructations of acid and undigest ed food remember as . soon as Pape's DiapepBiu come,s'-iu con tact jvith .the stomach all such distress vanishes, Its,, prompt ness,, certainty aud ease su oyer- koming the' worst stomach dis t . ' .J ! ' ' 1 i . . . yruers is. u .eyeiauon tto piose who try it. i 1, , , ' ' " .Kaiser-Clark M . Fro.emnu Kaiser, of Mulisouville and Miss Annie Clark, of this city, were secretly married on the Kith of August. last, at Springiield, Tenu. For various reasons they desired to , keep the matter a secret and were very successful in doing so, Miss Annie is the 'daughter of , Mr. aud Mrs. Ii N. Olark of this city, and is a popular youuglady, Mr. Kaiser is a well known young man and has held several suc cessful engagements on the'stage, The young people will make their home with the brides parents. Earilngton Bridge Club The ladies of the Bridge Glut) wero entertained by Mrs. Daves on last Friday afternoon. Mrs, Atkinsou making the highest score. Tie,ladie8 named below lead in the total score --vis; Mesdamea ltule, Kline, Atkinson aud Daves. Misa Z'lpaii More head wa' the tjueat of fjie ohtb Delicious refreshments were get ved at the conclusion of the ame, Peens Plentiful 1'ositioiiH fdrjy 'hd '.f . fopyridfin; people arr so plentiful tliac "not even one student ii the'last ten years haa left tho Bow IjU'g' Green Businosa University without a position af ter completing the combined course of that school. Got Atiy- DEFECTS'? JO SOHE3, MNHM. Cl(At-Pt: HANM WKUPi.tirrw, Da ou rllr nt t heal It U4 mmhcIi to nui 15c. ( 1 ken i i tk itr m4 Kur a. box ot Wt, Sii.i-'jf Antiseptic Stive It la uioar wWl h4 Mb Mw't i ib m-k., ut md tt It 'Yiivcrsity,