fi 1 tbtM 0 LJ NTAIN1A I V O ATE ur j f
f Entered as SocoiulClau Matter Friday February 10th 1001 nt tho iostolltoo at 11arhourt tile Knox County Ky under Act of Congress of March 3rd 1870
Terms IP Per Year In Advance BARBOURVILLE KENTUCKY FRIDAY NOVEMBER n 1904 First Year Vol i No 3 V
1 f1ieyedbvJl PUblicans Throughout the United States
< r jht i r LastTuesday t w t ° ftixj tt h
t I I
Roosevelt and Fairbanks Swept Every Doubtful State and Received the
f J Largest Popular Vote Ever Given Any Ticket
fi t
i i > r f i In the United States >
ij I
tV Will Receive 341 of tHe 476 Electoral Votes WHile ParKer Gets Only 135 Votes
r <
fr r
5 t President Roosevelt Delighted With the Result = = Says He Will no More
a f f Be A Candidate For Presidency J
The great battle of the ballots
was Bought at the polls last Tues
day aind the result soon became
known The victory for the Re
publican ticket was so decisive
that jit only required a short time
S to receive sufficient returns to
confirm what we had believed
all along would happen
t The Democratic spellepinders
had been claiming every doubt
ful State but the returns showed
that the Republicans carried v
ery one
Is The State of New York where
t the Democrats were claiming
fetliey would defeat Roosevelt gave
S I a Republican plurality of 280
000 Illinois came in with 200
000 plurality for the Republican
ticket and Ohio with 150000
New Jersey went Republican
acid even Nebraska Bryana horn
State wont Republican as did
also the State of WestVir
ti gins Kansas rolls up 100000 for
r Roosevelt
Roosevelt1entucky is about all that was
left to comfort the Democrats
and in many places the conduct
of the thugs and hoodlums was
a such that it will drive decent
men from the party
> 1 In Louisville the officers of
election in some of the strong
i V Republican precincts were over
j powered by thugs who broke into
the voting room after the polls
had closed and by force and in
timidation took control of every
thing in sight and carried the
µ 55ballots away with them and
S succeeded in defeating Maj Ow
ens for Congress by about 1500
u kvotes
The people of the United States
showed clearly that they have
implicit confidence in the abil
i f v ity of President Roosevelt to
+ manage her affairs and admin
TS istered to Judge Parker the most
ii > crushing defeat that has been
V q f < giyen to the standardbearer of I
the Democratic party since the
days of Horace Greely
f When President Roosevelt re
Y ceived the news of his glorious
x victory he gave out the follow
ihlg statement s
Iam deeply sensible of the
I honor done me by the American I
people in thus expressing their
confidence in what I have done
4 arid have tried to do
UI appreciate to the full the
this confiI
solemn responsibility I
dehce imposes upon me and 1
> shall do all that in my power lies
S not to forfeit Itt
I I 2 rOn tho 4th of March next I
8Jall have served 3h years and
y < U n8 constitutes my first term
VTho wise custom which limits
rthe President to twot terms re
A tJ t
eL t
1r tl
t l i
gards the substance and iiQt the
form and under no circumstan
ces will I be a candidate for or
accept another nomination
BarbourvilleThe eleven pre
cincts in Knox county gave Roose
velt 1643 votes Parker 533
votes Six precincts yet to hear from
will increase the Republican majority
of Knox
Mt Vernon Rockcastlos vote
in the race for Judge oftheCouri
of Appeals Can trill 844 Hern
don 1684
Middlesboro Bell county four
precincts Roosevelt 443 votes
Parker 186
East Bernstandt Roosevelt
carried Laurel county by 110
majority Edwards runs aheac
of the ticket This county only
gave McKinley 1003 majority ir
1000 I
1000Clay I
Clay county five precincts I
gave Parker 822 votes Ropse
welt 805 Missjng precincts win
give 600 Republican majority
Somerset Twentyone pre
cincts out of thirtyfive give
Roosevelt 1025 majority The
majority in the county complete
will be 1500 or 1000 McKin
leys majority was 1000
Danville Boyle county Roose
velt 1858 Parker 1020
Maysville Roosevelt 2018
Parker 2743
Cynthiana Roosevelt 1528
Parker 2080
Vance burg Roosevelt 8527
Parker 1474
Williamstown Incomplete re
turns show Parker has carried
Grant county by 500 majority
Rhinock for Congress about the
Paris Complete returns from
Bourbon county give Parker 2
587 Roosevelt 2140 For Con
gross Trimble 2581 Calvert
2147 For Judge of the Court
of Appeals Cantrill 2582 Hern
don 2148
Newport BerrY is probably
elected Circuit Judge He k
running 800 ahead of Parker
Covington Based on fifteen
precincts Roosevelt has a good
chance to carry both Kenton and
Campbell counties
jVersailles Woodford county
Roosevelt 1278 Parker 1620
I 1
Watson 2
Mt SterlingMontgomery coun
ty Roosevelt 1025 Parker 1
476 Swallow 84
We take great pleasure in pro
senting to eijch of our rejufor
this week a liicq painting f the
I i ther
tfrj f f r 1
J r
President and Vice President
elect Messrs Theodore Roose
velt and Charles W Fairbanks
The two men have the distin
guished honor of polling the lnrg
est popular vote of any men in
the United States
These paintings will be a nice
addition to your collection of
pictures and portraits
The Primary
Tomorrow will be the dny
when the nominees will be mad
for county offices The town is
now full of candidates and al
seem to be hopeful and confident
of being elected
We are making no suggestions
and making no guesses as t <
what the final result will be
We have attempted all along
to let the people choose for them
selves ° who they want to serve
as their officials
Wo do not want to appear die
tatpry to the people We appre
ciate tlC favors that the major
ity of the candidates have shown
to the ADVOCATE and we have
endeavored to treat all of their
with the respect that is due
We have our personal choice
among the candidates just ns
other men but we have endeav
ored to refrain from saying any
thing harsh or personal concern
ing any candidate
We have permitted our corres
pondents to express themselves
concerning their choice of candi
dates regardless of what our in
dividual choice might be und
they have boosted almost ev
ery candidate in the field
Nov that this is the last issue
before the election wo want te
say whatever may be the rosull
we will accept it and support the
nominees of the party believini
that the good people of Knox
county are too wise to make r
mistake in the selection of their
noupinees i
Lets all turn oiit to the polls
tomorrow and vote our senti
ments and resolve that whether
wo win or lose we will still be
loyal to the party and to the
n jininess
I A Tuition Certlflcrft1 on tho
Bryant Stratton Business
College of Louisville Ky 9t
This Is ono of tho Lending
Colleges of tho State and you
cnn start In at any time OUI
ean > 8RVo yOt money Apply
I to Mountaln Advooato ii p 4iJ
W = =
d q ViVWM V w l1It
r 1
Political Move on the Eve of
the County Primary
On last Tuesday night between
12 and 1 oclock there was en
tered into at Barbourville one of
the most dastardly cowardly nnd
corrupt political bargains eve
made in the history of Kentucky
T J Wyatt and J S Miller
two candidates for County Judge
were the bargainers These two
candidates perceiving that then
was a majority of votes againsi
them and that they were steer
ing their political fortunes into
a whirlpool began to connive and
plot against their opponentFlem
D Sampson It was determined
in their conference that night
that Mr Sampson had them both
badly beaten and that they
would therefore pool their inter
ests in the hope of defeating
It was agreed that as Miller
had plenty of money he should
undertake to make the race It
is an open secret that there was
In large congiderution for Wyatts
retirement >
I Miller agreed to do certain
things and to fusnish a certain
sum of money and Wayatt was
to get oft the track and throw
his friends to Miller Can Wyatt
deliver the goods Y Will the I
voters of Knox county sullen
themselves to be sold and de
livered like cattle V
Wyatt issued a circular to his
friends directing them whom to
vote for and thus tried to carry
out his part of the bargain Thjs
is all very wrong and the people
have discovered it and hundreds
arenow preparing to cast their
vote for Flem D Sampson
Judge Millers record as in
County Judge is full of extras
agances and abuses He has
clearly demonstrated that he is
incompetent to attend to the af
fairs of the county The county
is deep in debt and four more
years of Miller will be a disaster
to the county from which it could
not soon recover If elected in
stead of being a county judge
Me will be a drummer as in the
uinf Dud flrfty two salaries in
ited of ob dra1two j C
41 it ill
y Ii I
To Officers of Primary Election
The officers of this election are requested to remember above
all things that this is a Republican election among Republican
candidates wherein Republicans ALONE should vote fl
Soifie of the contests to be determined on November 12t > Xr 7v ri
1004 may be so close that a few Democratic votes improperly aiT JS °
mitted might be a balance ofpower and determine who the r j
nominees shall be These nominations should be made bYRe nb Oi
licans and not by Democrats It is to be sincerely hoped that not jijj
Republican who has been chosen to act as an officer in this election
will permit his zeal for the candidate of his choice to tempt him sj
to countenance any sort of wrong whether the wrong be in fraudJ Ii
ulent tabulation of the vote or the admission of votes not strictly
and purely Republican >
Avoid doing anything which has the semblance of wrong nor 4
suffer any wrong to be committed and no one in another part ofe > i
I i II
the county will attempt a wrong to offset a fancied wrongri
Bear in mind that only KNOWN Republicans should be allowed wkfcJ
to vote If any of the officers doubt the politics age or residence
of a man offering to vote he is authorized under the law to swear
such a person as to whether he has at the last county election nS1t
in the last State and National election supported the Jlepublican
nominees f
If a mans Republicanism is known only to himself alone het p
is not much of a Republican f
When the polls in one precinct are improperly opened to one >
nonRepublican the news will be flashed all over the county and i
immediately the election will cease to be a Republican election <
and will be controlled by Democrats KEEP THEM OUT
4Y 11hY
Any wellknown Republican residing in the county and who jjj
is now 21 years of age or who will be 21 years of age by the No S
ember election 1005 is entitled to vote as the time to elapse be f
tween now and then will meet all the requirements of the Law on
the subject
The last injunction is to let only wellknown Republicans
vote and count every vote just aS it was cast and the results = illl
be entirely satisfactory to all parties concerned V
Respectfully V 3
Clunn Knox County Republican Committee
Held Memorial Services at
Grave of Brother J R
Hoarme Last Sun
day Afternoon
Tchopatoulus Tribe No 111
held a memorial service at the
local cemetery kst Sunday after
noon in the presence ofa large
gathering of friends
The line of march was formed
at the Lodge room atl tiJOoclock
and marched to the cemetery
where they decorated the grave
of one of the deceased members
of Pineville Lodge who was bur
ied here
The services were very im
pressive and brought tears to the
eyes of many of the spectators
who had gathered to witness it
Tchopatoulas tribe is rapidly
growing in numbers having on
last week initiated four new
members and at the last meet
ing conferred the degrees upon
Tho best citizenship of the
town and surrounding country
is now represented in this tribe
and now members are constantly
Make your application ndw
if you want to toe advantage of
the cutrate price as the price
wilt soon bo 1500 for Ute three
degreesr r
r r
Mrs Clelland Dead is
Mrs Carlisle Clelland whose i
illness we made mention of oifr
the local page this week died >
last night at 880 oclock The 4f
remains will be sent back to heF
< 1
former home in Danville todav > s
S m a
Sample Corn v
Wei have received some CrytI
nice samples of corn on the prize <
proposition offered elsewhere in >
this paper and a number of oth
ers have expressed their inten
tions in bringing in samples j
Now that the primary is over f
and the National election liasV 4 i
been so satisfactory to the mostt
of us lets now settle down tp
business and turn our attention i
to something else jii
Remember this contest closes
the first of December therefore g
you must hurry if you want to
contest for these prizes
Surely you want a chance ati
the 250 gold piece or the 20Q <
in silver You can still enter
and remember it makes no di >
ferenoe about the color of your ii
corn white yellow red speck <
led or anything just so it iss
raised in Knox county t
Bring at to this office andthayti
i your name recorded as one pf the i
contestants 11
Subscribe for the ADVoexvTK tt >
5f < i y
od 1