mI II i I CORRESPONDENCE 11 tVI v NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS r ti1rl correffpundcnts who write for ff Aw paper are reijnested to report tin Acre briefly and confine themselves news Puffs for merchants come tin jlSer the head of paid local ai > duouli tbe inserted qt the rate of 5 cants put fUn othencise tee man t 1Jtmdl them t rBE carotid not 10 wrile anything tha g witt prove offensive to ainj one a good lJoke is appreciated by all but we wan i0 Make friend and not enemies of all tjftwitjt whom we come in contact fc Write on only one side of your pa fjpergnd be sure to sign your otvn name ixfy the manuscript not for pnblieatiot but for future reference and to show u good aideu failure to do thin will Kjjieraifer necessarily consign your let jers to the waste basket Hp Phase read these notes and beat wfhemin mind and write on one side jfafi the paper onlyllrspectfully Itcxpect fully THE EDITOR t Kt m Girdler tB P Walker was visited by his father last Sunday KII T Calvin Young left Saturday even ing on a flying trip to Tennessee fv Miss Hannah Jones visited relatives 1on Stinking creek last Sunday Mr and Mrs George Helton were guests of Mance Bingham Sunday r The young people reported a nice social last Saturday evening given by Miss Julia Fortney There has been and is now a high fever raging through this commun ityfor Flem D Sampson and Ben E Parker The women are becoming so enthusiastic in the Superintend ents race from listening to their hnsbands and sweethearts conver k sations that they will often remark hI I wanted to become the wife of the next Supenntendent I would slip ra spider into Mrs Ben E Parkers pie We are going to give Benj E a good vote here Saturday for he has shown us that he is a man of energy and perseverance perseveranceTHE 4 THE ORICLE v Hi my or Well Mr Editor I have been so t doggoned busy and had so many 1 candidates to fool with that I could J not come to see you last week but here I am all like a bag of grasshop fif pers alive and kicking fi k > We have had soim tirring old times in our town of IntI A wed ding a big shivere and as a re suit Mr George Tucker is down with C backache after being married only fc one week I There has been a big protracted I a meeting on at Flat Lick the past two weeks and several of our near 1 y neighbors have sought Christunited i themselves with that chosen band of soldiers of the cross W S Woollum said that if Dry u Gourd would come down they would P i have some of that posium He i V holds two of its hams in trust 1 jTy Grover Baker Esq was in our tv town Saturday night on business 4 Well boys dont forget Saturday for it is one day more that you can enjoy your freedom and a day of great anxiety for some of the pinny l beggars of votes Let us select the B best then do our duty I F Ola Ky P At Shelby Gap east of here John Johnt t Mullins 60 a welltodo logging if man was married to Miss Jane jjK Foutch aged 20 making Mullins t fc sixth marriage and a new record in ithil1 State His first five wives died I tbNews reached here that the engin 3 eer of the Letcher county railroad I was mashed into a jelly bv the train I > < bouncing from the track east of herI I I No further report has been heard of fc the disaster fe In the death of Mr J J Asher E I who passed away a few clays ago Efat his home in Hindman the county m hoses one of itx most Kubstoiuial f j I jK ens M man of the highest integ < j nty < and tht ihjdt geiiiunc public j e 11 1 Y 11 i spirit he had exertedwide influence and will he greatly missed Mr Ash er was born in Wise county sixty I eight years ago but came to thi country when very young After working for several years he sated up enough money to start a business of hisoMi lIe was known for his scrupulous honesty and by fair deal ings with everybody bUlltupn large business and gradually accumulated a fortune fortuneMnv May the ADVOCATE prosper A C J Mills Ky Several of the farmers of this place are now busy gathering corn Wm Yeager was at this place last week in the interst of his lumber business i e W L Mason of Clay county reg istered at the Bar o hotel Thursday of last week John Mills sold to his brother Ike last Saturday a fine pair of mules for the consideration of 350 W R Mason stave inspector for the Hat Lick Stave Co at this place spent several days last week with relatives in Casey county The Flat Lick Stave Cos mill at this place under the management of J F Soule put out the best run of any month since the mill has been here making a total of 101697 staves E G Soule left Wednesday for his home in Nicholasville to spend a few days with relatives A large crow 4 attended preaching Sunday at the schoolhouse at the mouth of Traceys branch Joe Lindsay I Autumn weatherand smiling faces Republican prosperity three full meals per day Henry Chance has killed an eight pound possum Who can excel this n Professional Cards J 11 ROBSION ROBSIONL1WYER L1WYER iIIr OFFICE in Caudill Building next f door to Hotel Knox KnoxBAKBOURVILIB BAKBOURVILIB KY M G HIGNITE LAWYEK Stipt of Public Schools Ounce in Courthouse CourthouseBAHHOUKVILLK BAHHOUKVILLK KY sB DISH lAr r LAwvrR HAHilOUttVlUK KV THUS D TINSLEY ATTOKNEYATLAW Office on Public Square Notary in Office PHONE 101 1 LEM D SAMPSON < LAWYER BARBOURVILLE KY ureful attention given to all Business entrusted to our care J D TUGGLE TUGGLILAWYER LAWYER KiouhviLtE KENTUCKY AL PARKERDENTIST a DENTIST Office over First National Bank BARBOURVILLE KY Consultation free J R SMYTH DENTIST V OFFICE Over Pesteffke Telephones Office 33 Res 81 Subscribe now for the M ouutaiu Advocate 1 A Novel CtecHon Bet Quito laughable affair occur red hero last Wednesday night I when G W Gray wheeled Dr J R Smyth all through the prin cipal streets of the town in a wheelbarrow to pay an election betThe The performance begun atOJX oclock starting at the corner of Knox and Walnut streets and proceeded west to the public square thence out Main street to the Methodist church thence back and out River street to Dr Burnsidos residence thence back to the pointof starting The affair created quite a bit of fun and amusement for the spectators while Dr Smyth seemed to really enjoy his ride Mr Gray is the manager of the Palace Furniture Company of this city while Dr Smyth is one of the leading dentists The prominence of the two men added interest to the affair > and attracted a large crowd to the scene sceneSheriffs Sheriffs Sale for Taxes STATE OF KENTUCKY KENTUCKYJ ss County of Knox I will on the 28th day of Novem ber 1904 at the Courthouse door in Barbourville Ky between the I the hours of 10 nm mid 6 pm sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand j following propcrtytowit One tract I of land on the Lick and Lewis bran ches of Stinkingcreek Knox county Kyand bounded as follows On I the south bv the land of John H Rey I nolds on the west by land of James Reynolds and P J Mills and on the north by James E Baker and on the east by James Catlett and Cim Euss levied on as the property of J T Braughton for his State Revenue and County Levy taxes due by said Braughton for the year 1900 Tax and cost 4841 This 3d day of November 1904 S B REES Sheriff of Knox t ountv 9 9 9 9a9aa99999a tI S For a nice clean Shave M or neat Hair cut w ior MCall on 1 John Carmichael II < In the HOTEL KNOX 4 Clean Towels and tI Sharp Instruments W I < g S Polito aud Courteous to all 0 I 7766 66666tF66666EE66E666 iAI iAEdacata Edacata I eddrett FOR A Situation Edacataeddrett I Book Keeping Business PHONOGRAPHY I TypeWriting I Telegraphy I WILBUR R SMITH LEXINGTON KY I For circular of hi fnmon and reiponulm COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF ite UNIVERSITY Annrdetl ntdnlut Worlds Kzpocltlon Refer In tlinu inil of srsiluaf In position Ct ot Full Itunlnru 4ourMi IDclllillDg Tul ion Hook and Board lu fanillv about IJ tt Shorthand T1P W andTelflgraphy B pecialtiei 8Th Kentucky Inlvrrnitjr Diploma under eal awanlit Bn > ln trn Utrnrjrl > lrMfrMifdelred 1uraratlon tinter now aradnateueeefol 1n order to Aaee vnr lelfrr reach aaddreuonly WILBUR R SMIH xlnerton Ky Subscribe for the ADVOCATE Two Bluegrass Parma FOR S LE I have in my hnntlH for sale tho following fnnns In Madison county Tho two farms of Mr J W Smith tho first known as tho Huguoly plnco nnd containing about 270 acres This plnco iti woll fenced well wn tored and is in good condition in eVe cry way having thoroon 11 dwollinp and nil necessary outbuildings one large burn and several small ones largo young orchard cistern and everything that goes to make a com fortable homo Fifty acres in culti vation tho rest in blue grass The second known us fhe Carr place adjoins tract No 1 and con talus about 488 acres residonc good fencing cistern ban orchard und IB well watered i 100 ltd CS in culti vation and tho rest in blue grass Both of these farms arc on turn pikes and nro within half a mile of soliwolhonse nnd 1 12 miles from church and poritofllce This is first class land in a good community and Is n money maker to the one who buys ft For further pnrtioulnrs call on or n hifoss L P EVANS sopl H nov 15 Blohmond Ky HERB IS TUB I AUTOMATIC DROP TIIBI worth If we were paid twice what we ask for this machine we could I not build a better one couldI price is LI TRADel I SEWING Machine years ahead of all others in yearsII of superiority and sterlin I MaDUfll tur load Ollrallled by I e Gllei t BUY THE H4RK I Illinois Sewing Machine Co Chicago ChkagoI i I I dJ lU = Il wIHE Before You Purchase Any Other Writs THE NEW HOME SEWINI MACHINE COMPANY ORANGE MASS Many Sowing Machines are made to sell regard less of quality but the New Home Is made reprd1less to wear Our guaranty never runs out We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions of the trade The New Homo stands at tho bead of all Hlgbirrado family sewing machines I Sola by authorized dealer only ron BALL BY JAMES M RICHARDSON dt CO Electric Building CLEVELAND OHIO General Agents WE OFFER FOR SALE American Industries Co 7 per cent pref par 10 at S 400 North State Copper Co 10 450 Southern Copper Co 44 0U 750 Carolina Copper Co 50U 925 Philadelphia Mines Corporation Co I U S 55 Carolina Copper Co 6 per cent 1st Mortagage Gold Bonds 1919 Denomination of 10000 25000 at par value and Interest Write for prospectus of bonds total issue only 10000000 Information furnished regarding the ether stock ALFRED S WRIGHT CO Brokers oct 7Gmo 48 South Third Street Philadelphia < sAMPuJTcRNS The MOUNTAIN ADVOCATE offers to give three prizes to bo awarded to the three best Samples of corn raised in Knox t county this year as follows rti 1st PRIZE 250 IN GOLD Will be awarded to the finest collection of corn 12 ears either i white or colored brought to this office between October 15 and Dec 1 next 2nd PRIZE 200 in SILVER To the second best collection 3rd Prize A Years Subscription A To the MOUNTAIN ADVOCATE Select your collection of twelve ears as you gather your crop and bring them to the ADVOCATE office When we will take your name and number the ticket on your collection and take care of corn until Dec 2 when Judges will be chosen to award the prizes to the numbers They will not be permitted to know whose corn they are judginguntil the awards are all made Corn to be judged by size quality maturity good filling on cob1c After the awards are made all the collection of corn will be r No will be al come the property of the ADVOCATE samples lowed to be removed after they are deposited but other collections can be made any one can make as many entries as he desires I REMEMBER This Contest opens Oct 15t And Closes Dec 1 r Thisgives you ample time to make your selection and leave it with this office The entries are free and no one is barred so the corn is raised 1 in Knox county Leave all samples with the ocrtIr Itr D700 rIeJ NEW 1 + 4 STOCK t k OF S S FURNITURE We have just received a few car loads of new Furniture of the latest patterns and designs direct I from the factory which we respectfully invite the v j public to call and examine We are able to quote you prices that will save you money and sell you as nice goods as you can get v i in the city for the same money thus saving you the i freight on the goods i tym STO ES We have just received a full line of both 1 Cooking and Heating Stoves 4 which we are selling at a very close price You should see these goods and learn our prices before 1 0 purchasing elsewhere Stovepipe made to order any size O EFETSj rdsr taiaai ttr Va t j a We have abont 200 yards of fine Brussels car t1 pet which we will close out at cost We also have 3J fine line ofi Linoletims Mattings and t Ingrain Carpets that we are now selling very cheap One New Home Sewing Machine which we will close I out AT COST Wholesale and retailI Palace Furniture Co y A BUSINESS EDUCATION Li U absolutely necessary to tho young ninn oryounit wo innn who would win UCIH > KH 4r In life This iHiliiK concoduil It U of llrit importance to act your tralnlnasttheschool Mint BtniuU In theviry front runic THE BRYANT STRATTON BUSINESS COLLEGE I N E Cor Second and Walnut Sts LOUISVILLE Ky9 r BOOKLEEPING BOOKLEEPINGSHORTHAM SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING r r t1 1 1 Htivou uxpuriunucd tcuchuni each one isspotdullet In lull llm Write fur n txnutlful hook tlvlnlt te tlmonlal from grndustne oc cupylnit proiutnuiit poiltlonn 111 over the United Htnten U will bus mulled to you FREE School opon nllyonr HtudontH van outer nt pny than + E RT VRIGaT Pre r NFrt S