i t MOUNTAIN ADVOCATE a Entered as SecondClass Matter Friday February 10th 1001 at the PostolHco At Burbourvlllo Knox County Ky under Act of Congress of March 3rd 3879r r ye 7 MOTTOLivE Foil OUR FUIKNDS Do TUB OREATKRT AMOUNT or GI OD WK OAK TO Tai LAHOMT NOXBKH or PEOPLE q = r Terms i Per Year In4 Advance BARBOURVILLE KENTUCKY FRIDAY DECEMBER 2 1904 First Year Vol i No 42 r n OUR COUNTY COUNTYROADS ROADS > lill Soon be Beyond Re 3 demption if Some Steps L i ore not Taken One of our most thrifty and successful farmers was a caller at this office this week and in commenting upon the condition of our county roads said that they would soon be in such a con dition that it would be next to impossible for tie public to trav el them and that if the proper efforts were put forth they could be placed in a condition that would permit of travel at any nil < all seasons of the year He further said that he had offered to furnish plenty of stone to macadamize the road in this neighborhood but that he could not even get the overseer to work the road at all Surely there should be some relief for such a condition and the proper officials should see toit that the roads are worked We have a road law upon our Statutes that if properly en forced would put our roads in a much better condition than at present but this is nt doneand as a consequence the fall rains pnt the roads past traveling and they remain in that condition throughout the entire winter Now that the election is over and no one will have any excuse along that line for neglecting heir official duty we hope to see this question of road build ing taken up and good roads built where we now have noth ing but continuous mud holes What Knox county needs and what she should have is a Road Commissioner whose duty it should be to see that the over seers 011 the various roads in the i county did their duty and if I they failed to report them to the authorities and let them be punished accordingly It has been the custom in this county we are told for the Magistrates to act as Road Com missioners in their respective distsicts This is contrary to law and has been so decided by the Court of Appeals in a recent decision but the law provides for the establishing or creating of the office of Superintendent of Public Roads and the Fiscal Court has the power to elect or appoint a man to that office whose duty it shall be to super vise the work on the public roads and see that they are properly worked and kept in order Now will our honorable Fiscal Court take action in this matter and give to the people of Knox county the improvements they i so badly need in the way of bet ter roads w Business Changes The firm of Hays Bowman have sold put their entire stock of clothing to T H Mitchell of Corbin who has moved the goods and placed it in his stock at Cor Bin Thefirm of Hays Bow man have retired from business F Reason Parker of the firni of Parker Bros has sold his r est in the grocery and general store of Parker Bros to his cousin DE Parker who with John Parker will continue the S v business and Mr Reason Parker f will retire A little ad in the ADVOCATE 1 way brine you big rMulti Try iV tins foe convinced > < Ii < t Al ir lTm OFfflClftL VOTE Of Knox County in the Pres idential Election 1904 The official returns of the last November election have been delayed until the present on ac count of the failure of some of the precincts to make the proper returns and not uutil last Mon day did the Commissioners final ly succeed in getting a complete return from all the various pre cincts of the county Below we give the tabulated returns of the vote for the va rious tickets voted for at the National election and also the vote in the Congressional race between Geo E Stone and D C Edwards EdwardsIt It will be noticedthat Jolm D White received one vote in this county i although he had failed to register in the race The table is as follows PREOINOT STOCKHOLDERS I Of the Knox Pair Asssocia tion to Elect Directors for Ensuing Year At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Knox County Fair Association held in this i city last Monday afternoon the following named gentlemen were elected as the Board of Direct ors for the cnsusing year JF R Earner WR Balliriger John G Matthews W W Tinsley J S Miller G W Cooper and Dr G H Albright The directors will meet next Monday and elect a president and secretary Both the president and secretary tary of the old board have de clined to serve next year and new ones will be elected at the next regular meeting of the di rectors I FOB COXOKDSS Court House 42 243 1 4 1 41 244 Stable 217 226 2 37 225 Tammany 83 155 1 85 152 1 Artemus 18 08 1 18 08 W Flat Lick 33 168 2 33 168 E Flat Lick 87 105 H7 105 Upr Stinking 10 131 10 131 Road Fork 15 128 13 126 Girdler 62 208 2 62 203 Blacks 64 182 1 64 182 Grays 48 185 14 48 186 North Jellico 83 187 3 Corbin 09 100 1 69 100 Wilton 70 145 4 2 09 148 Indian Creek 68 84 2 87 84 Poplar Creek 78 127 78 127 Brush Creek 271 183 3 I I 26 185 825j I 7111 II I TOTAL 7111 2240 80 21 41 2 I 738 2408 1 Secure Your Space Now for Your HOLIDAY HOLIDAYAdvrtisin Advrtising It will be to your interest to START IN TIME Dont Wait i < until your Competitors have secured the space t rX 7 before you make your I CONTRACTNOW iJ And Advertise your Goods Before the HoLIDAY f JS ASI1 8 < LiiY lIJ it 0 x t itbIlZ f ftt A 7 tt y MAT RHODES Shot and Killed by His Wife at His Home on Poplar Saturday Night Last Saturday night about 11 oclock Mat Rhodes who had been away from home during the day returned that night and thinking to frighten his wife be gan scratching on the door She demanded to know who was there He stepped back and would not speak Again he approached and be gan an attempt to open it with out making himself known His wife being alone and alarmed picked up a shotgun and fired oh him through the door the full load striking him in the breastHe He fell prostrate and said u you have killed me and it was all my fault He died imme diately The funeral took place at the Steve Tinsley burying ground on Brush creek Monday afternoon under the management of A W Hopper of this city Mrs Rhodes is prostrated over the affair and fears are enter tained for her recovery This should be a warning to those who think of pranking and frightening women who are alone not to attempt such a thing as it is dangerous in more ways than one I HE OTHER MAN Copyright 1903 by C B ZewU One dark night while Grants lines were Investing Petersburg n Federal force captured a Confederate outpost and no sooner were the prisoners brought in than one of them proved to be the double of a private in a New York regiment The name of the Confederate was Wakefield while that of the Federal was Thomas The former belonged to a Louisiana regiment When placed Ride by side they seemed to be twin brothers Each was about twentytwo years old each was about Gn feet five Inches high each weighed 140 pounds Their eyes and hulr were of the same color and even their voices were the same except that the southerner had a little more drawl The pair were as much astonished as the officers and surgeons who were called to look them overYou You will not be surprised that advan toga was taken of this curious coinci dent to send Thomas Into the Confeder ate lines As a preparatory step he was given a week in which to pump Wakefield The prisoner did not know the object and being of a garrulous disposition he wus ready to talk on any subject Thomas gpt from him his family history complete then the name of the town from which the man hail ed with Incidents of people and street then the naves of his officers nnd com rades with incidents of campaigning The Federal had been an actor before enlisting and had cultivated a wonder ful memory When he had stored up a thousand different things in his mind he bought the uniform worn by the Confederate and was ready to set out on his mission One night Thomas was taken down to the front and made a bolt for it In other words it was made to appear that one of the Confederate prisoners was making a dash for liberty and the picket opened a sharp fire but took care not to aim at the running man On reaching the Confederate lines Thomas was sent to the headquarters of General Mohone The general seem ed a bit suspicious rod Thomas play Ing ths part of Wakefield asked that his captain be sent for It was a cou ple of hours before the officer arrived and the general at once said to him Captain this man who has dome Into our lines tonight claims to be a member jof your company Is he or Is r hcBotr He certainly Is sir WM the Pl pt rMists r r iI 0 r Wha Pis nifre40 VJtoha WakefeMsin of ft rhatueetUe itt fr r Attet three Q r lour gsys aft iB9e r pretense of vlalting A cHitin Ina1Sir ginia regiment Thomas fovtre the front nd hadr < look at gust and tern flcajlona Wjiea be returned to camp ceHJatlRg to take the Unit opportunity te escape be was at once put under arrest It appeared that Wukeilcld lad tome of his comrades had raided a store of d lot of eatables and the proprietor had aicertala 4 their ftawes aa4 sew dtaweded their gHuttofeaest u4Wkea Wfcc the sercBRBt aM Tbaeiaa were let fate tc lees tie latter I 1 I > > i r declared that Thomas was not the man he represented himself to be Why he should hove made such a declaration is a puzzle but he seemed to be guided by Intuition lie was ridiculed and laughed at but he stuck to his assertion and even denounced Thomas to Gener ul Mnhoiic As stated after the war the general had felt doubts of Thomas from the first which may again be set duwn to the sense of intuition The name of the merchant who bad boon despoiled was Saunders and he tins of an Implacable nature Being put on dirt mettle by the sneers and ridicule ne determined to prove his case at nil costs As the accuser he had the general ask hundreds of ques tions HP knew the town and the peo pie from which Thomas as Wakefleld claimed to hall and in the course of the day had trapped him a dozen times over As an offset all the officers and privates of the company asserted that Thomas was Wakefield and that there was no room to doubt He went at it and related every incident of camp life for a year past and told of things which It seemed impossible for a stranger to knowGeneral General Mahone was clearly puzzled over the case and took two days to think It over At the end of that time Thomas was escorted back to find n soldier In Federal uniform In the gener als tent and there were also two civil nns in waiting It was a little surprise for the spy The man In Federal uni form claimed to have knoun Thomas us a Federal soldier under the name of Brown and the two civilians claimed that he had never been a resident of their town Thomas realized that the pinch had come and he braced himself to make a fight for his life General Mahone treated him In the fairest manner and acting as his own counsel he went at It and soon had the supposed Federal sol dier all twisted up and out of the run ning Then he tackled the civilians and they proved to be as easy game In stead of being cornered up he cornered his accusers and it was so well done that he was complimented by tin gen eral When the case had been conclud ed Mnhone leaned back and looked at the prisoner for a long minute and then saidWakefield Wakefield everything Is In your fa vor and I am going to dismiss the chargesThere There is no doubt that In time the im position would have been exposed and that he would have ended his life on the gallows but one night during a ter rible thunderstorm with n row going on between the pickets at the same time be made a bolt and fortunately reached the Federal lines In safety M QUAD r More Improvements There have been some much needed improvements going on at the Court house this week which will be of great benefit when Circuit Court convens next Monday The floor has been covered with a heavy hemp carpet which will be of untold bene fit in killing the sound heavy foot steps besides it adds materially to the appearance but this is not all The old smoky flues have been closed nnd new ones built and the pipes from the stoves will now go straight up and thus dispense with thc elbow and avoid the soot and smoke New stoves have also been provided to take the place of the old broken ones and when you enter the old courtroom you will hardly realize that it is the old Knox CountyCourt HouseJailer Jailer Dozier says that he has been for seven years trying to get these improvements and has just now suc ceeded At that rate how long will it take for us to succeed in getting a new Court House Echo answers how long TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take IiAXATIVK BlIOMO QUININE Tablets All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure 13 W Groves signature is on each box 25 cents How To MAKE MONEY Agents should at once write for terms to Marsh Mfg Co 535 W Lake St Chicago and order sample box cot taming 1 Cake tihavlnir Soup W 1 Cake Uenuty Complexion Soup 5 tleXlo 1 Cake Carbolic Soap J 1 Cako IMno Tnr Soap > e 00 1 Cake Witch hazel toap 10 1 Cake Almond Heal strop 25 1 Cake Spanish Custllo Neap Al 4100 Nine out of ten families called on order Here is n snap 65 to 10 per centss WHS Nan this paper when YOU write t REPORT i lr Of the Condition of the First Nationr al Bank at Barbourville In the State ii of entuckV at the close of IJusl v i ness Nov 1 0 1 904 nTisI I No 6202 nTisI RESOURCES l J It 5 Loans and Discounts 7938276 Overdrafts secured and C unsecured 89363 U S Bonds to secure cir culation 650000 Premiums on U S Bonds 63375 f Banking house furniture and fixtures 603800 JI1 Due from National Banks > t l not reserve agents 504423 i > Due from approved re < served agents 1013805 Checks and other cashG itemsrrr 66743 > J c Notes of other National J Banks 104000 curr Fractional paper cur j rency nickles and cents 9449 LAWFUL MONEY RESEVED v IN DANK viz Specie 8 74115 < Legaltender notes 58000 932115 Redemption fund with > S Treasurer 5 per cent ofcirculation 32500 Total 12007549 i LIABILITIES i Capital stock paid in 2500000 Surplus fund 300000 Undivided profits less < expenses and taxes paid 139846 National banknotes out standing 650000 Due to other National > Banks 35847 Individual deposits sub 35847ii ject to check 8381856 > Total 12007549J > s STATE OF KENTUCKYp r f ss COUNTY OF KNOX J 1 I Wm Lock Cashier of the 5 abovenamed bank do solemnlyI i swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge < and belief t t n WM LOCK Cashier j CoRRECTAttest > S F R BARNBR w JOHN G MATTHEWS Directors 1M LOCK J i Subscribed and sworn to before me V I this 22nd day of Nov 1904 0J F STANFILL Notary Public ofl r f Dont Forget This I J Next Monday night will be the regular meeting of the City the1i and as it was suggested last week lets have a number of our citizensh who are interested in the proposed = 4 new waterworks to appear before J the Council and petition that body I if necessary to take reasonable t number of fireplugs for the city and v thus both encourage the proposition to put in the piant and also give fire V protection to property jr Dont forget to attend to this mat = pi ter Monday nighta < Ladles Aid Society i1 j f The Ladies Aid Society of the 11ftip E church will open a bazaar in thes property formerly occupied by NWt Plank on Thursday Dec 15th a dJ continuing three days or until all5p the articles are sold A doll contest will be one of the it principle features Refreshmentswill V iil be served each evening Every bcdy < is cordially invited to attend A Guaranteed Cure for Piles > iY Itching Blind Bleedingor Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money Iti PASO OTNTMKNT falls to cure anj > cease no matter of how long standing in 6 to 14 days First upplksktlon givBenso and rent GO cents If yqurt druggist hasnt it Bend BO ct nt8his stamps and it will bo owartlad p paid by Paris Medicine CoStiJ Louis Mo 5ij yr 4if a e4