OCR Interpretation

Mountain advocate. (Barbourville, Ky.) 1904-1935, December 15, 1922, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87060032/1922-12-15/ed-1/seq-5/

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Don't Be Penny Wise
and Pound Foolish
Don't think because you can get a
big can of Baking Powder for little
money that you are saving anything.
There's Only One Way to
Save on Bake-Bay, Use
One Thing Well Done
Registered Optometrist and Optician
S. E. Corner of Public Square
Phone 249. Barbourville, Ky.
PMBtico Lirattci to t orrcction fitting of 'Proper Glasses
at Defects of B)-cltflit by tlio r
Personal Mention
HEAL PEACE': Wisdom's ways
aro ways of pleasantness, and all her
paths are peace. Proverbs 3:17.
J. H. Smith Is quite sick.
John Henry Dethcrngo has been
under the weather but is now hotter.
W. E. ik Taylor left last Friday
for St. Petersburg, Florida.
J. E. Archer killed two 7C0 pound
hogs Tuesday.
MrB. Win. Dlshman and Mn. Ben
Herndon wero In KnevfiHo this week
Miss Paulino and William Lay are
both down with seaflet fever.
. r
Mrs. J. D. Tugglo was an the sick
list this week.
Piano for salo. Enqulro at Advo
cate oince. x
Musical comedy, ' "The County
Fair," at U. C. Saturday evening.
Hear the musical program at U.
C. Chapel on Saturday evening.
Joo Smith was In Frankfort on
business this week.
Anna D. Fuller, of England's
Store, was sick Monday.
W. M. Gamble, of Fount, was in
town Tuesday buying a trunk.
Jack Riley, of Crlss, was here
shopping Tuesday.
Mrs. J. H. Turner is visiting with
nds In Mlddlesboro.
.obert H. Cole is building a lunch
room next door to Cole & Hughes.
Mrs. O. O. Catron has recovered
so nicely tha Tie has returned to
her home in Coibin.
Misses Lois and Mildred Catron,
daughters of Bert Catron, are suffer
ing from tonsilitls.
Jim Wilson endured an attack of
tonsilitls as a result of grand Jury
Nlmrod Detherage .has been suf
fering from blood poison In his hand
His arm also had to be lanced.
Mrs. Nlmrod Detherage lait Thurs
day to spend the holiday season with
her people at Athens, Tenn.
Mrs. G, H. Prior, of Gainesville,
Pa., will bo the Christmas guest of
Fatier and Mrs. E. T. England.
A. D. Smith has fully recovered
from the "blow out" at the Ice
Plant which nearly killed him.
x If you havo ever seen "Peg 0' My
Heart" you will want to see It again
on Monday night at U. C.
MiiJ. Mltfrtd RpVto, of
Rk F. D 6 Cbtambia, Ttttn.,
say "Aty experience wilh
C&rdulhas covered a number ol
years. Nineteen years ago . .
I got down with weaic mat. i
was run-down and so weak and
nervous I bad to stay fa bed.
I read of
Die Woman's Tonic
and sent for It. I took only one'
botae at that time, and it helped
t Ll MUiUlaW fmn
I me: secmcu io uEnguic "
rbundnrerfght up. So that fs
how I Bret Mew m ultoui.
fitter, flat, . . wheh I began
get weifk and Y account i I
Bent nghrfbr CWdul, mrf ft
never failed to help me."
If voii are weak and suffering
from womanly ailments', Cardul
. may bo Just what you need.
Take gydul. It has helped
thousands, nnd ought to help
At all druggists' sad dlers
if A Kill I
Plnno $1.00 per month
Plpo OrRan $1:00 per lesson
Studio in l'nrlor of Christian Church
Piano for sale, price 180, deliver
ed. Enqulro at Advocate odlce.
Union College girls varsity- team
will play Harlan Y. W. C. A., of
Harlan on December 20th.
All aro cordially Invited to attend
the Episcopal sorvlco to bo held in i
the Presbyterian Church at 7 P. M.
Gall Franklin was back In school
this week after being absont last
Mrs. A. A. Ford, who has boen a.
patient In the Logan Hospital, was
able to go homo on Wednesday.
Clarence Davis, of tho Barbour
ville Supply Co., was laid up this
wook with a cold.
Operetta, "We'll Have To Mort
gage tho Farm" Union College on
Saturday night at 8 o'clock.
John II. Gibson, merchant of
Mammons Fork, was here Tuesday
buying supplies.
Tlio carload of Delicious apples
ordered from the west by the Knox
Grocery Co. arrived Tuesday?
W. T. Patterson, merchant of Flat
Lick, was In town Tuesday on busi
ness. Enquire at Advocate office about
a piano that is for sale. In good
Operetta, "Muffs, or a Husband's
Mistake," at U. C. auditorium Sat
urday, night at 8 o'clock.
Need Davis, Jr., of Davis Bend,
was In town Tuesday. He roports
some fine hogs being killed.
Clarence Parker went to Louis
ville Sunday for medical Inspection,
ho having been sick for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Merenbloom and
children, of Corbin, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cawn
J. S. Patterson, of Heldrlck, Is
cutting timber and will build sev
eral houses.
See the winsome play, "Peg 0'
My Heart," at Union College Mon
day at 8 P. M.
W. R. McWilllams, teacher of the
Cannon school, was in town Satur
day and reports his work doing well.
Dr. J. J. Clopton will hold Episco
pal service at the Presbyterian
Church at 7 o'clock In the evening.
Please noto the change of hour.
There will be a. service in the
Presbyterian Church at 11 A. M. on
Sunday morning. Dr. W. B. Mln-
ton In charge. , i ,, ,..
W. H. Green was among the dry
agents who made the raid at Mt.
Sterling In which two men yere
Tho person who left purse con
taining eoln bag and money in the
Star Store will ploaso come in and
receive same,
M. D. Levine. of the New York
Store, received word Friday of tho
death of his father at Norfolk, va
and left for that place immediately.
Mrs. F. M. Evans will spend the
1-ihtHattnn nAnn In Plnavlllo. The
Evans will havo as tholr guest Miss
Roberta Cole and Herman Parker.
ODorettas In costume at Union by
tho students of tho Voice Depart
ment under the direction of Mrs. F.
A. Nunvar. aiilsted Dy H. M. Camp
bell, baritone, of Nlcholasvlllo, ICy.
Saturday December 16.
AfjCNT Yo handle our accouats' ad
senelt neW aeeooirtt fn tMV county.
iTot particulars write
Fulton Fish Matwet
its wesT jscfEFtgoN
LiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiVp vraiV
SllllllllllHHK- v SI
sHummmHRiiW'' ?im
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiHdiikILj. "nI
DillllllllllBiHPJ'iBr 'WS7wffiHi
B11111111111111BBBb1Hh' .JilllllV' 3rSE jK'ImJ
illllllllllllllHLC'! IsHPV "tt- '-'Msfy
iHllllllllllHb sHHVi. st mmf
.flHillllllllflBi$i'rab-' Jr
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihl' .iHiiiiiiiv v EiU&rttLylic-.'Sniw&yrl
illlllllllllllllllllllllSlSllllllllllKvr jillllllllMv iiViWlflflflHMiiwwfM
Wliltc L. Moss,
Candidate for Ito-clectlon ns
State Senator
Clarence Lewallen, who has pur
chased a half Interest In the Sani
tary Grocery Co., of Corbin, was
hero last week.
Show your appreciation of tho
efforts being made by the various de
partments of Union College to put
on worth while entertainment.
Misses Catherine Colson and
Katherlne Long, who are teaching
school In Manchester spent Sunday
with Miss Cora Sevier.
Mack Hammons Is enjoying the
new Gulbransen piano he recently I
bought from the Clear Tone Music
Jim York has returned from Mad
ison County where ie had some good
hunting getting ten rabbits in a
short time.
Mrs. Caldwell Walker, from North
Carolina, arrived last Thursday and
Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Q.
Union Academy defeated London
City High School Saturday by a
score of 22 to 17 for the boys tho
girls winning their gamo 17 to3.
Bruce Hill of Mlddlesboro, has
bought a sport model of the Moon
auto from the Buchanan Motor Cor
poration. Russell Kauffman drove
the or thru from Louisville Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hammons,
of Cannon, aro moving to town to
put the children in school. They
will Uvo in the cottage next to Miss
Laura Hayes.
Rev. M. O. Dlxney came in from
London Tuesday and reports one of
the biggest revivals he was ever In.
He will preach at Corbin Saturday
The E. K. I. A. met Monday at
Corbin. W. B. Trosper and Prof. D.
M. .Humfleet were thoro from Bar
bourville. A basketball schedule
was arranged for 1923.
Dr. S. C. Jones, of Jarrls Store,
attended a director's meotlng of tho
National Bank of John A. Black,
which meeting Mr. John A. Black
was able to attend.
Mrs. Lyman Benjamin returned
Wednesday from a visit to her
mothor, Mrs. D. Vincent, who is im
proving nicely undor treatment in
A small atnifunt of gymnasium
eaulpment has boen Installed which
Is being greatly enjoyed by tho
students from the different depart
Sorao yoafs ago a number of our
people wont to Pinevfllo to see tho
"popular play, "Peg O' My Heart."
It will ba staged at U. C. on Mon
day night.
Mlu Ifnii C.rtni- Inff Thursday to
spend tho Christmas holidays ''with
homo folks at Louisville. Sho ox-
poets to bo back by tho first of tho
T. Talmaeo Hacknoy, of tho Bu-
troau of Internal Revenue, Washing
ton, D. Ci camo in last week to
visit Mr. and Mrd. L. L. Blanken
shlp. Mr. irackney is an oxptort
along his lino and his writings on
Income tax affairs havo boon widely
auoted. During tho wook Mr. Hack
ney spoke on economics to tho var
ious schools and colleges here. It
la understood too will Join tho sell
ing staff of tho Clear Tono Music Co.
The sale of Christmas seals, of
which Mrs. P. M. Evans Is chairman
Is progressing nicely, a number of
the schools having bought a consider
able number. Have you bought
Tho special meetings of the differ
ent churches of Clay County, con
ducted by Rev. M. A. Lou and wlfo,
assisted by other workers, resulted
In over fifty confessions. Arrange
ments are being made to enlarge
the church at Green Brier, of which
Miss Grace Wilson has charge.
i Dr. and Mrs. M. W. Lou, of De
troit, Mich., who havo been holding
special meetings in Clay County,
spent Thursday night with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Garrard. They are en-route
to Florida and will stop off at Mary-
jllle, Tenn., to visit Mrs. W. B.
Mrs. Dove Clouse, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hlgglns, of
i School Street, was united In mar
riage last Saturday afternoon to
Mr. R. O. Plsle, of Corbin, Ky., the
Rev. John Owen Gross officiating.
They will make their homo in Knox
vllle, Tenn.
Thursday night the U. C. Acedemy
basketball team met the team from
Manchester on the gymnasium floor.
The final score was 37 to IS in fa
vor of U. C. boys. The Manchester
boys put up a good game. Bill Tye
did tho star playing for the home
Odle Duncan, lawyer of Henderson
Ky., who was In tho state legisla
ture during the term of Gov. J. D.
Black, spent some hours here be
tween trains on Tuesday. Ho had
been on a business trip to Manches
ter whore ho visited Judge Mannings
court and also spent an hour in the
Circuie Court here.
Threu liiddlsf, as sh"' liece, oSrcaJ
tho dlsUusttfshlriff fMWrc of the rrw
season's' hat. At Hjs tty a wld
brtnimwl' velvet list boar handnrt
Javanese nffctettt. under ijeWDliMl
bar acrbs the" front BdwV It ft dt
tlngjilshcd hrt of riwtal dotlv and rcV
rk lllustYnlesf tlw' gracof pladnSr
fcUier orttmneirts'. A. sterner' round
hat fltjlsfiod ho sroupl tWrnaoo' at
velvet In two' colors.
.' VJarf YttkM and TrlDtetft
and 1T e trlfiirt wwre bora t
the Onlt6 fitatw.
If S&sliwwl&
It costs only a frac
tion of a cent for
each baking.
You use less be
cause it contains
more than the ordi
nary leavening
The sales of Calumet
areoverK'o ', greater
than that oi upy other
baking po&uer.
"i tooc nrA T"
Uitfl' BY VEST
Craig Kans, of Tint Lick, It on
the sick list.
Miss Flosslo Johnson, of London,
is now In charge of the Wuslern
Union Tclegrapih office. Kite is a
very competent operator and Ukt-a
Mrs. Robert Bnin, who va cighty
slx year j of ago on Nov. 30, and la
suffering from a paralytic stroke.
was visited this wool; by her daugh
ters, Mrs. Joe Davis, of Atlanta, Ga.,
and Mrs. J. G. Bain, of Warren, O.,
and also by her grandson, V H.
Keeling, of Vlcksburg, Miss., Mrs.
A. W. Hopper, Miss Nan Anderson
and Miss Lovo Faulkner, the letter
from Mlddlesboro.
EuKene Halo, an old ox driver
for a great many years with the
Grlndstaff sawmill camps, has been
logging on the Jarvls Blue Ridge
with from four to eight yoke of
steers. He and his steers had a
wild stampede and ran out of the
Jim Gray and Bill Thomas, wild
animal hunters and hoot owl dealers
fortunately located a den of forty
owls. If you want a pair of these
birds, you had better get in touch.
Jahird Smith has decided not to
make his home In Culver Steel and
has accepted a conductor's place on
tho sawmill carriage at tho Grind-
staff mill.
Wiley Garrison was seen passing
thru Bailey Switch Saturday, head
ed for Cumberland Gap.
Subscribe for tho Mountain Advo
cate. If you fall to do so, you are
In.tnt nnn nf t.hn tlpflt nnrtR Of VOUr
life. Read 'the Advocate and seo
what Is going on.
On account of change of manage
ment wo must ask our friends to
pay up now all outstanding ac
counts. Wo shall appreciate samo.
7.3 1 By G. B. Detherage.
Ooretftn Atooot Cancer.
Oijrt efetiww ecvears by prefercooo
b the- pom oC lowest resistanrt Is
wW ktfoiWi alUiouj.1t surgeons spek
strap! of precancerous lesions or
areiftt of irrrtatl6tr. snys tlte Medical
RMnrn. But; when they Piiy that the
groyili r-sti(ts front truumn or rlirtmle
Irtjtatltfn alone thoy e too far rt
every eKcSHtve snirt.br would' tim
cntit it
UolerKfteh'ev ecwpl Act.
$' kftcfiwi of o tic Mk hto-
a m New vorit I an- w m extern;
Lewis Drug Co
Have just received a full and complete
line of Xmas Jewelry, both Ladies' and
Gentlemen. Toilet Sets, Ivory Goods,
Manicuring Sets and Block's aristocratic
Candies. Call at our store and look
our line-over before you do your Xmas
'jhi-ie Ait Other llmbourvi
l't-.!- hiinfliii'Iy Hl(n;ttcl
f'-n rhfrp ! iinr stroiiKer roof
offered thnu the fvldonce of tJar
bourvllle residents? After yot Uavo
read the following quietly aaswor
the quofitlon.
H. L. Hatton, retired butcher,
says: "Doan's Kidney Pills is a stan
dard remedy for me. They have al
ways proved very satisfactory when
ever I have taken them. I have had
attacks of kidney trouble that caus
ed me to suffer with dull pains in
the small of my back. I have also
had sore, lame muscles In my hips
that would hurt when I would stoop
over or lift anything. A few Doan's
Kidney Pills have always cured me
of these attacks. I nm glad to re
commend Doan's for they are a good
kidney remedy."
Price 60c at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills tho same
that Mr. Hatton had. Foster-MH-burn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv.
Has the Academy senior class of
'23 any pep? Well I'll Just let you
Judge for yourself. A few days after
school began, the class met and e
lected tho class officers. I am sure
that you will agree with me that
they used good Judgement when
hey elected the following officers:
Miss Mary FaulKner, president.
Miss Clyda Nelson, secretary and
Our president is working hard
with tho support of the others mem
bers to make this class the best that
has been graduated from the U. C.
The Seniors have taken the en
tire responsibility of the Stespean
this year, Miss Flossie Turner being
editor in chief and Mr. Charles
Heldrlck business manager.
The class has organized a girls'
and boys; basketball team.
The Senior class Is very proud of
tho fact that it has so many talented
members. Lola Vincent and Opal
Gray havo charming voices: Flossie
Turner, Evelyn Black and Carolyn
Stanflll are tho readers; Tod Davles
Is the violinist and tho star "spell
er" of tho class.
Now do you not tijlnk tho class
will succeed In ranking Itself one or
tho best that has ever graduated
from Union Acadomy It It keeps up
tho spirit with which it has started?
Katherlne Boggs, '23,
Orange and Black
. . l.m. I

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