Newspaper Page Text
fci ':-i-aT:s it'Htt ' -V,r" " r4nf IK,-' v5L i. no. 1. GKEENYILLK, KV MfURSDAY, FKKY. J). ISM). 50c. PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. (Eh f: Ki. i if, iPOc A POirr ESTIMATE. Tin nrMV iliillijt ll-t Our wunK nnr iIikKL'IU. Our 1'CU. nr -lrtio." f HmpIi Willi l.t n tsiintHKitiii. Of wW fnultn Tlic Luvlti'i iiw I'orivi'iurs; ltciivnii rwvlMH.: IVntli ltli.eiiiiitui mun wlPiit' lhMnjf lrlvtn UV'ro j,!ntliprtl lut lty lu't Alltl InIIh1 f))l ll'UVtl. KKAM'IS VI'A1U.E. -DlTllIC I'lUll'lOW, Sample copies of Tin: Hklokd may be obtained on application to this office. Railroads Are Not Enemies. The okl feeling that "anything you can get out of :i railrnatl com pany, is so much gain," is dying out and oeoule are learntm that the railroads arc the best friends any community can have. In years gone by it has been the custom to bring sip' against the railroad com owrv occasion where a suit ouK' il to matter how trivial the am., i. i ov-Mved. and it is an old saving -t 'no jury ever re turned a ve; .. m favor of the company." It is herd to convince the average jury that there is any merit in any defense a corporation may present, and because of this well-known and well-grounded feel ing, it has been the policy of the railrails. to compromise every action possible. It is not our purpose to take up the cause of the railroads as against the propir. only so far as. justice and n.t :u;! interest goes, but the New t beliees that the change of sontunent which is rapidly coming, giving the railroads the same con sideration and the same chance that is accorded private individuals, will be beneficial to the people and to the country, as weil as to the corpo rations. .No community can thrive without railroad facilities, and the greater facilities, the better theoppor- for thrift, Every town may dmOTtiiIatTnX'uth K tD b"lf "Heir lines, helps thetr f-Smpany ajso, and in nearly every iv2"nstance are ready and willing to do p -'mbre than their share m co-opera-. 'fibn with the people. They should . :be known personally' by the busi Wiiess men of the different towns, for a,personal actpMaintance has much to lo with fostering good feeling. The ambition of the towns in the ay of public improvements should be made known to them, and in , nine eases out of ten the railroads will aid and encourage the people. - In short, the railroads and the communities should get closer to gether, and work for mutual good, rather than along the old lines of antagonism. Uramlon, (Miss.,) .News. ic. awcek for Tim Rbcokd. The Dog Question. Milton News: If the farmers of the county owning worthless dogs c.ould be induced to destroy them and substitute one well-bred shep herd pup, noi more, to each fann .the wealth of every farming commu nity would be increased in many ways. Farmers with a little tact in getting along with a dog would soon find the collie saving them many a step. Eager and anxious to learn, trilling to do everything within his power, the dog needs . only a wise and patient restraint, an intelligent direction, to become the most useful hand on the place. There are a number- in Milton to which the headsman's ax should be applied. It is impossible to understand why a person living in town wants to feed and care for so many worthless dogs. A 50c. investment in a year's sub scription to Tub Record is a good business proposition. The total expenditures of the Brooklyn Bridge from the date cf opening, May 24, 1883, to Dec. 1, 1898, were $18, 151,300. The total receipts during 'the same period were $17,727,900. The first year the bridge was opened 12,500,000 passengers crossed it, the second year 30,000, 000 crossed it, and in 1S90 40,000, 000. The present average is about 45,000,000 a year. jjo you iiKe tnc iooks ot tins jra- pcr? It costs 50c. a year. SELECTED, It Is said that the Czar is the only European monarch whose life is not well insured in some English or American life insurance company. James Tyson, the richest, man in Australia, started in life on a salary of 30 per annum. A short time ago he took up 250,000 of treas ury bills to assist the government. A Parisian statistician announces that there have been thirty-nine changes of Cabinets during the twen ty eight years of the life of the French Republic, involving 530 Ministers. The Rev. Dr. . D. Marshall ofl the Methodist Church is the latest claimant to a safe trip to Thibet, lie says he stayed there for eight months and converted several na tives. I he ( 1 rand Llama received him as an honored guest. David M. Wilson, who died in Phil adelphia recently, followed the curi ous fad of shaking hands with every Mayor of the city on the day of his inauguration, a practice which he indulged for almost seventy years without a break. lfred A. Winslow, United States Consul at Liege, Belgium, enter tained a number of friends at an old fashioned Xew England dinner, at Brussels, on Christmas day. livery thing served was American, even to the wines, which were im ported from California. Johnathan Xorcross, who died at Ulanta the other day. was an abolu- tionist.from Maine and settled in Allanta sixty years ago. ' Me was the Republican nominee for Govern or of Georgia in 1876, when he orig inated the I.ily-White idea, which has divided Avhite and black Repub licans ever since. A former master of Ely Work house in England has just been ad mitted as a pjiuper.i.mnate :t,thi irtJ StItutroa?d) i. (Ill- Hvll lilllti.ltB.l- -Mill 1 m f'lVlsbin the fale.ifthnitflniS? for. Mr. Bumble. r-: ' The largest private library in the United States is said to belong to Colonel Reuben T. Durrctt, of Louisville, Kentucky, which con tains over 50,000 volumes, collected during sixty years. Books on the history of the West predominate, and among them Colonel Roosevelt worked while preparing his "Win ning of the West." ' ' ' ' Queen Victoria has- been, quite out done by Emperor Francis Joseph in the matter of the. bestowal of titles, orders, and decorations at1 a jubilee. In three days Austria's ruler gave away 4,500 of these baubles, and for weeks past the two firms in Vienna which make them have been working night and day in order to catch up with the demand. The Governor of Arkansaw is named Jones. The Lieutenant- Governor of Mississippi is named Jones. The Lisa tenant-Governor of Ohio is named Jones. The Attorney-General ,of Nevada is named Jones. Since Senator Morrill's death there has been no "father of the Senate," two members having served exactly the same period; one of them is J0I111 1'. Jones. M. Vernon, the French engraver, has received an orded from the King of .Denmark for a medallion of Queen Louise, to be prepared from the best of the family photographs. Small reproductions of the memorial are to be prepared for distribution in Denmark. The Queen is represent ed in profile, the inscription record ing her name and rank, motto "Vir ttite el fidelilale"and the dates Sept. 7, 1817, tmd Sept. 29, 1898. Aspall Hall, whose name Lord Kitchener has incorporated in his title, is one of the finest old granges, remaining in the eastern counties of England. It is a two-story building, moated in the old style, and has a long family record attaching to it r n the Sirdar's mct'ier's side. Her family came into possession of it just 200 years ago. Before that it was the residence of the Cobham family from the time of that Lady Cobham whose husband, Sir John Oldcastle, vrn$ as a Lollard in Henry V.'s daya. Do you want job printing? do the best; We ME DIDN'T, THIS YEAR. 1 hmv Jcvt iiIhihI tlwttW It 'll1 kH'J II tOWII-lHIj' lllllllH lrvr lo wni'k nil uiiitw. rttttiilr K.'i- n M rtn-JiH'. llll I dlil ! Unv.: Uii'in nlil ttim wiix luintntlry ! - Mump luioklmlioo' vtnlp. HrtiMllit Wouldn't ImtiiUt nitil I wt NkvcnMlktf Clnut on Into FWnnry! X'ntlilu' miulo m niHtMw TIhiii f'r 1'nji t tinj In. In j In' On ti vxiry fnivMlok, nyln "(ItiitllliUiitg'MOUt ami M'0llitHtinitiUr! Jan I WniToiMn Ittksi. Ah, this is a beautiful world! I know noi what to think of it. Some times il is all sunshine and gladness, and Heaven itself lies not far off; and then it suddenly changes and is dark and sorrowful, and the clouds shut out the entire day. In the lives of the saddest of us there are bright days like this, when we feel as if we could take the whole world into our arms. Then come gloom v hours, when the fire will not burn on our hearths, and all without and within is dismal, cold, dark. Believe' me, cverr head, has its secret sor rows, which, the world knows not. and oft-times we call a man cold when he is only sad. II. W. Long fellow. Tin; Rucoro, 50c. a year. Two States ynly are represented in the United Sfeta& Senate by men whose place of residence is the cap ital city. These two States are New Hampshire and Indiana. Both Sen ators from New Hampshire reside in Concord both Senators from In diana resfde jn Indianapolis. i"" 1 Recent Inventions. An improved holding device for overshoes is formed of a pair of piv oted arms surrounding the top of the heel, with a spring pawl on the pivot, which locks them in place af ter they are gripped around the shoe heel. Fr hm; in mining the beds of rirhi r golu an improved dredge ht: a:, endless chain of steel buckets ui rr.ngud to bring up portions of the ' 'bed, .has. bean, lpo0neU OX, - Sujaj tc" Imbtrbe turned frOiii. th'd outside aJ new escutcheon plate has a hinged member on one side, which swings to the center of the plate, a slot in the end engaging the flat portion of the.key to loek it. An improved scale bar for type writers has a roughened surface ex tending parallel with the gradua tions, adapted to receive temporary pencil marks to serve as a guide to the operator in setting the carriage for certain kinds of work. Fish can be rapidly scaled by a new implement, which is of semi cylindrical shape, and has teeth on its edges, with a toothed brace run ning across the center, the scales being more easily removed by the teeth than with a smooth blade. In a new automatic pen-ejecting holder a sleeve slides on the handle, with a fixed under portion which forms a clamp when the sleeve is brought forward to hold the pen in place, releasing it instantly when the sleeve is drawn back bv hand. One party has subscribed for six copies of this paper, sending five to distant friends. We trust the re membered ones will appreciate the favor as highly as we do. Such ac tion is very encouraging to us, and is worthy of imitation. v The marriage of Mine, l'atti to Haron Cederstrom came to a pain ful pause when about half completed, it seems, because the marriage li cense had been left at Craig-y-Nos Castle, instead of being taken along to Brecon, where the ceremony took place. After the performance of the ecclesiastical rites the bridal party went into the sacristy to discharge certan formalities before the Regis trar. He refused to finish the mar riage without the license, until final ly persuaded, after the bride had wept in van, by Lady Kandcl-Phillips. Mr. Hloggs "Von see, my dear, my salary Is small, and lam notable to save n.uch. . I am continually troubled with the thought thai if I should die suddenly " Mrs. Hloggs s"( don't bother about that, Henry. You know, I've got my ol 1 black silk dress. That's nearly as good as new," r givers. ,T-arr , If you want The Rhcokd, you must subscribe for it. 1 ' ' ' ....... '-WJ Out of the- Ginger Jar. "So her husbatfytfs an editor?" "Ves. Hut, gowlmnd! If there' anything in the v. , f news she can beat him publi m,. It abroad." Baltimore Sun. "To tell the :. !. I increase my height a little Jnring footpads in 111 v shoos" Mll toads?" "Ves;, they hold me uj Cleveland Plain Dealer. "The first act. posed to cover u Know, is sup- ,criod of twenty yijars. "What a lvn-M Cincii.iii' hue between drinks!"- Enquirer. She "Do viQlvnruineinber that thirty years ago yXM-proposed to me and that I refused fpu?" He "O, yes. Thai's one "i he most treas ured recollection . ?' niv vouth." Household Word Mr. Bikel " fraid our new minister is not . r.ght and well informed as he mijlip be." Mrs. Diker "IitTlbud!" Mr. Hiker "YW for in his last sermon he made soiM remarks about putting ourshoiijdor to the wheel.' " "That yo(ungestlf&? of yours docs not seem to be aViredit to you, ' said the white maiifljfc Uncle Mose. "No, sah," said I iv k- Mose. "He is the wustest child i has. He is mighty bad. He's l white sheep of de family, sah." !!mioii Journal. Mrs. Smarte sa 'k r husband is the wors litCruvcr was to ro shopping swindled, says, " bough st sure to get niiri ., t j nv, sue other dav he n it came it was full ,n'llL inttentssif-dt$r tit any one should steal bv his clothes.' m d Know linn T Bits. "The minister misedto say a few words at the temperance meet ing." "He won't do it, though." "You don't think he would break his word?" "O! his intention arc all right, but when he gets wound ui he does not know when to stop. ' Puck. "Would you buy a Legislature?" in quired the patriotic young man, indig nantly. "If you mean a whole Leg islature," answered Senator Sorgum, "I will say promptly . . mphatic ally that I would nor. : : v ould be a needless, extravagant v little more than haif of the. Ler urc is plenty for all practical pur, Washington Star. "This," said the police judge the other morning, "is one of the most aggravated cases ot assault and bat tery ever brought in, my official no tice. How couUa big, able-bodied man like you strike a deaf mute?" "Do you's mane that he could n'ather sp'akenor h'are?" .'That's precisely what I mean.'' "Tiling sor, phy the divil didn't Free Press. he. o?" Detroit "How is it thai - of your chil dren have no nan asked the be lated traveler of t 1 . . ntucky far;n er who was entertaining him for the night. "Well, stranger, "raplicd the moun tianeer, "after my fourteenth child was born I kinder gbt tired huntin' for names, an' quit. : They can name theiuselves when ;thuy gits old enough." Puck. , The. . 'usnuinjambled gingeily tin. .no. : "These arc tU ti nes thai 1 1 ' nHoIes," he called to a passu uieiift. He tlirew a heavy emphasis biififye "soles" and the friend smiled. -jAjHhat moment t'ie punster's feet fib'fr m under him and he came down ui a resounding thwack. "I sec, , .aid the passing friend with much f ait, "that tin oxact of th.; s still a mat terof doubt."-Cl(rviandPlain Deal er. In si WW horn 1 j 1 . g 7 fiMpsrin&; tnati 1 ARE WE UP TO THE MARK? A I.U;ni.oKi v ;kki:tin:. Greenville Hannor: A nc paK-r for Greenville. Tin: Rk.op.i, will make its appearance in January owned by Orien L. Roark and Owen Rice. Will bcacveii column folio. WewishTiiii Ri:i)isti rciis and feel sure il will suc ceed ax the promoters are ootn nustnng oun men. i hom 01 a inriiit Owensboro Messenger: Orion I. Koark is preparing to start a new paper all .rccm die about January 1 It will be known as Tin; Ria ki. and will "have an excellent new nbnl. Mr. Roark has had aluablc exueri eiice in newspaper worn, and is an enterprising young man. h is safe to say thai lie will conduct a pajcr that will be in all respects a credit to Greenville and Muhlenberg countv. A I1MKN1H.Y 1 1 erald-Ledger, Russellvillc: new paper is to be started at Green ville with the new year by Owen Rice aim urien KourK. Air. kicc is a graduate of Bethel College of the year 1S96. He is a young man of excellent training, fine business ability, great industry and above all possesses a mind which sees clearly the essentials of any matter which he has on hand. Mr. Roark is an old stage horse and Ids' qualities arc proveni This team will get out a paper which will do credit to the countv of Muhlenberg. niKKr. ain't i;oin' to m: no" ir.- I.INlJLENTS. Madisonville Mail: Grcenviileis to have a new paper. Tin: Ria oRi, an all home-print, seven-column folio will make its bow to the pubic about unitary 1. It will be owned and edited by Mr. Orien L. Roark and Mr. Owen Rice, two of the cleverest young.mCtt-in theSrata.,., Mr, RoarJv. .1- ' ixtt. y TOcanjaigjiiuna r, a - tfiWnnS;:,J;iv&!Wl vfrirslYn Tine .h'Aifn Kti'li gaged in conducting a successful furniture business which he will con tinue. Mr. Rice is up-to-date, full of vim and energy, and the two will make a team that will give Greenville and Muhlenberg county what it has long needed a first class newspaper. The Mail wishes the new venture success, and with Roark & Rice in charge its success is assured. Keep Young" b3r Science. Do you know why it is that fash ionable woman lpoks as young and rosy at 50 as the unfashionable wo man at 30? It is because she takes care of herself. The unfashionable woman gets her beauty sleep every night and never dissipates in the matter of balls and little suppers prepared over the. blazer while the rest of the world is aslscp. She eats her three meals a day anil at just the propen hours. Everything on her table is wholesome and intended to keep her skin rosy and her little body lissome. She thinks it almost immoral to clog the pores of the skin with powder and pomade, and she belives in nature absolutely. And just there is the difference. The fashionable woman or woman of the world, if you choose, for the fashionable woman is hardly a broad enough term for the woman that is always young at 50 believes in art. She knows that nature is a wonder ful restorative, but she has infinitely more faith in art and science. When the wrinkles begin to come the fash ionable woman knows of pomades and masseurs. She has found that the Turkish bath will do more to wards making her eyes lustrous and her skin clear than all the ten-hour sleep and whole-wheat bread reme dies in the world. She wears cor sets snug ones, tjo but they arc corsets that fit the figure and do not grip it in a cast iron vis', and she lltil hangs her skirts froiq ihe hijis she (tan daucc all niht ami la- a fresh and rosy 'n.-t day as if she had never seen Ihe inside of a bail room. Feminine Observer in Phil adelphia Times. Say, did you know now was the time to purchase a aero Overcoat z.t ioq Sipnmoi' heat prices, at J. R. Morgan's, South Carrollton. How does this weather pan cut with the G. H. sign? f 1 1 in ' 1 1 1 ' ' 1' iii,frr- ii nut ' mmmui i i, " tf' 'i li .1i .icjik&.iK.-v .:jjiiwitii( Ksmrmmr-'' ;.. ;.tw "W TBiBIWg mmm iMwm iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii . Om "CHALLENGE" PRESS. The above is a representation of our Challenge Country Cyi iiicJer Press, It is manufactured by the Challenge Machinery Co.,, in Chicago, claimed to be the largest of the kind in this country, It's a great improvemsnt over other country cylinder presses on the market, and is in ment of our offics throughout, Chicago, are the agents through N & We m making extensive Sisuliag in no way Interferes all orders for grinding, HARDISO Hf R.r. m is a Practical Ml!ier5 and we guarantee the highest grade goods to and Prompt and careful attention to alS work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Vehicles overhauled. $hmi Bmm 8 HI batmactete. . Frescnpiiofls a ur Prescription 0 the supervision of Mr. . L GAYLE, a registered pharmacist and great skill and precision are exercised, in the exe cution of all Prescriptions. Some special strong bargains in Watches, of which we have a strong lineo Rings in great variety. I eeiwn Back in ihe shop, and ready special attention to Machinery Ask for an opportunity to supply your wants, insuring the best service on shortest notice. Jwst Below My Old Stand., line with the high-grade equip The Crescent Type Foundry, whom purchase was made, BNVIUUB r m Mills, GARY, Props. improvements, but our ovef- with the prompt execution of be had on any market. Bran for Sale. a Specialty. organ, if m Department is under nil Jewelry. Blacksmith. to do all work in my line. Give Repairs. Tt -TiTik ompoonded mom..- :