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T?/ittzz& ivmi?BL FBEDEEICKSBUEa, VA. (AN INOKPENDBNT NKWSI'APHK.) ONLY TRI-WEEKLY IN VIRGINIA. Covers more than thirty counties In the ist, 3r.l, 7th aud Sth Con? gressional Districts, ami goes to xubscribers at nearly 500 postoffices. Subscription $1.50 Per Tear in Advance. ., , 1 -=* ADVERTISING RATES : For any sisea ad. 1 Insertion 50e. per Inch 'nd ?c per Inch for each subsequent inser? tion. 1,000 inches of display advertisement for SlCa, used at advertiser's option, in any sized sp*oe, matter or space changed as often a? <? os i rod. Heading; Notloes lOo. per lino first Insertion ee. per line for ce h suitaoijuont one. Obituario* or Koligtous Notices of enter? tainments, Ac, charg-od for at one-half ratos. Letters recommending candidates for office must be paid for. THURSDAY..DECEMBER 20. 1900. THATOANAL TREATY. The treaty dealings with Great Britain have become so complicated that the busy man and reader of average intelligence has not had the time or inclination to grapple with the question. Yet it is one of so grave importance to this country that the U.S. Senate is giving it days of serious consideration, and the whole of English political circle? it watching the termination with al? most breathless interest. As the ?object is one over which there is like ly yet to be great diplomatic trouble every ready should have more than a superficial understanding of the ?nbjeet, so we will endeavor to place it in a simple and intelligent light to oar readers, at the same time being brief. Previous to the past year the only treaty between Great Britain and this government, touching upon the subject of an isthmian canal was the old one known as the Clayton Balwer treaty. During the year our Secretary, Hay, and the English minister, Pauncef )te, drafted a new treaty to supplant the old one, and it is this new treaty which is now be ing so mercilessly boffetted by a Rt publican Senate. The following will show the dif? ference between the Olayton-Bulwer and the Hay-Pauncefote treaties upon the oanal snbjeot ; Clayton-Bol wer 1 Hay Treaty. Treaty- Arttole L-It Is Artiole 1. ? The'agreed that the oa GovernmeDUof the aai mty be oon (Jolted States and uructed under the Great Britain here- auspices of the by declare that Government of the neither the one nor United States, el the other will ever,ther directly at its obtain or malntain|owa cost.or by Rift for itself any exclu-or loan of money ?ive control over t0 individuals or the satd ship canal ; oorporat i on s or ? ? * neither will through subscrip ever erect or main- tion to or purchase tain any fortifica- Uf etook or shares, tions commanding And that, subject to the same, etc. I the provisions of Article III ? The the present conven persons employed^ion, the said Gov in making the saio ernment shall have oanal, and thelt ?nd enjoy all the property * ? * shell jrtghu incident to be protected * ? ? such construction, by the Govern-?M wen as the ex ments of the Unit- elusive right of prc ed States and Great aiding (or the reg Brltatn from un- nlation and mao jojt detention, oon agement of the fiscatlon, seizure or oanal. any violence what- Art. II., Sec 7 ? soever. No fortifications Art V? Thecon-lahall be erected traoting parties commanding the oa further engage that n?l or the waters when the said canal adjacent. TheUnit ahall have been Jed States, however. completed they will protect it, etc shall be at liberty to maintain inch military poll oe along the oanal as may be necessary to protect it against lawlessness and dis? order. There is a great contention, and with sincere honesty a difference of opinion as to the binding qualities of the old treaty, some contending that Great Britain has upon numerous occasions broken the terms of it,and; therefore, it is no longer binding up. on us. The Hay treaty does not seem to meet with any more favor at the hands of those who take this view, and they have already mutila* ted it considerably in the Senate. The chances are that Great Britain will not accept it in the shape in which it will come from the Senate's hands Nearly all agree, thongh, that Secre? tary Hay was out-generaled in bis negotiations with the British minister. As much as The Free Lance de? sires to see the isthmian canal con? structed we do not think that the United States should do the work and then give to Great Britain and other nations equal rights therein, loth of the treaties seek to do this, and it ii because of this that the Hay treaty will not be ratified by the . Senate in its original form. Nor are we prepared to say that this govern? ment should go ahead, construct and fortify the oanal, nolens volens. To do this latter would mean a throwing of the gauntlet at the feet of not only England but of the other Powers,too. Thi Frki Lanc? has no case of tremors when the lion.roars, nor yet ii it at all inclined to Anglophobia, bnt here an idea presents itself whioh may have come to others, bnt we have as yet seen no suggestion of it, and that is to effect a new treaty with England in whioh it is agreed that inoaseof war with that country, only, the oanal is to be considered as nentral territory. We do not be? lieve that we should ever be called upon to earry out these terms, as the time has passed when there is danger of the two great Anglo-Saxon races elashing. At the same time it will encourage England to accept an amended treaty and pave the way to a construction of the water-way. Other? wise we will have to deal independ? ently with every power who may declare Interest in the matter and also enter into new negotiations with Costa Riea and Nicaraugua with no guarantee of a renewal of conces? sions. DiW*t evidently doesn't propose j in mtk he-tiled un this Christmas. THE FARMER The census returns relativo to ag? riculture have not yet been tabulated and published. Tue work i? of such magnitude that it may be some time before tho results become available. These retaros will be of int?r?t to the farmer?, acd doubtless they will derive much valuable information fr m them whon given to the public. It is not premature, however, to predict that the retorna will show that farming has Dot kept pace with the progress made in other branche" of business, and the chief reason is that farming is not as remunerative as seme other industries. Tuen, too, there seema to be a lack of concert of action among this class of our population. Mou engaged in manufacturing or commercial enter? prises of un combine for the purpose of proniotimg their mutual interests, but it seetns almost impossible for farmers to combiue to accomplish any desired policy. The result i8 that the other industries are often successful in securing legislation favorable to them while the poor farmer is left to fight the battle of life unaided and alone. This is discouraging, and it is uot surprising that young men of merit forsake the farms and migrate to the cities to seek their fortunes. With the glittering inducements of a pros' Porous city life before him the ener? getic young man is not content with a competency on the farm. The cen? sos show stbat the cities are rapdly being populated while there is a de? cline in the rural districts; and the most discouraging phase of the situ tion is that this is true even in the best and most prosperous agricul? tural States?viz: the New Eagland State?, New York and Pennsylvania. The tide of population is sweeping to the cities. Agriculture is being neglected. Tnis is a deplorable con ditloa of affairs. It must be reme? died. How? is a serious and diflV cult question. It is quite certain that the Eastern farmers cannot competo with the farmers of the West in producing the staple crops nor with the stock raisers on the rich lands of the trane-Mississippi. They must diversify their ciops and improve their lands and change their methods of cultivation. Our farmers cannot continue cultivating their worn-out lands with any degree of success. There is money in farming on rich 1 mds.and our farmers will never better their condition uctil tbey de? vote more time to the improvement of their farms, and adopt the most approved system of cultivation. The population of this country is steadily increasing and the farmers would find profit in devoting more attentiou to fruit raising and stock, poultry, the dairy and the bee cul? ture would prove sources of revenue to the farmers. There is no prescrib? ed rule, however, to suggest. One thing is very evidtnt?the farmer cannot lely any longer solely upon wheat and corn. He must use bis head as well as his mcecl", and by so doing the industrious and in' telligent farmer may discover many ways to improve his condition. The alleged hazing of Cadet Booz at the West Point Military Academy, which,it is paid,caused bis death, has created quite a stir among the au' thorities and the indications are tuat the matter will be thoroughly sifted It is high time that a stop sbonld be put to such bestial barbarity which is a blot upon civilization. This in? humas act should be fully investi? gated and the severest punishment inflicted upon the participants if dis? covered. Besides the disgrace of such brutality all institutions of learning where hazing is practiced soffdt to some extent financially. We trust the practice may be speedily ex? terminated. The drift of the hobo fraternity is the Central Ameriea.Numbers of them are said to be migrating there from this country, and one good thing is that once there they never get back la Nicaragua and Costo Rico life is said to be especially easy for an ablet bodied man who possesses an aver? sion to working and who is not par? ticular about his environments. This, of course, is a great inducement to the hoboes, and numbers of them are infesting those places. 0 ur riddance is that country's burden. The indications are that Uncle Sam will have to send an entire fleet to Turkey to gobble up that Arme? nian indemnity. Durino Xmas people should bear in mind Sam Jones' famous remark : "The only way to handle a demijohn is to keep on the outside of it." Great Britain is also in search of a Christmas turkey. We advise her to percolate her solicitations through the foghorn of a battleship. The little fellows are joyfully hop? ing that "Santa" and "Kris" will both make Xmas calls. Some of the boys and girls will, ere long, regret that they have outgrown the Kris Kringle class. "Kid" McCov, the divorced pu? gilist, will get a new wife for a Xmas gift._ Thr foreign press regards Ameri? can interests as "jingoism." POLITICAL. The extra session of the Legltlatnre will be boty. The members tay It will be Impossible to reitriot its work. Oapt. Asa Rogers, of Petersburg, has been appointed Internal revenue col lector for the Second district of Vir? ginia. VIRGINIA NEWS. The new Cnlpeper National Bank building is about ready for occupancy. Tbe nrw Masonio Temple, to oott about $12,000, is nearlog oompletion at Culpe per. Lloensed to marry In Washington : K >t>ert Elgin, of Loudonu oonnty, and Liura Oochran, of Fauquier oonnty.Va. The long distance telephone whioh will pnt the lower counties on the sooth side of the Ruppahannock in dlreot commnnioation with Norfolk will soon be oompleted. A handsome building,oosting 125,000, is to be built In Riohmond, for the Virginia Merchante'? Institute. The late Major Lewis Glnter left $10,000 to this institution at hit death. Mr. Richard Coats, aged about 05 years, resldtug near Folly Mills, in Richmond oonnty, hat broken out with a well developed case of smallpox A strict quarantine has been established. Mrs Senator T. S. Martin, of Vlr gluia, hat ltt>ued cardt for a tea on Wednetday, Jauuary It, a the Gordon, Washington, when she will pr?tent her young titter, Mist Day, of Smlthtleld, to Washington society. In one of the apanely settled portions of Madison county, for grossly insult? ing a white woman, a negro, before getting to the magistrate to be tried, wat given by a party of white men 50 lathes ou hit bare back. W. H Johnton is loading the tohoon er Maria Aibby. Oapt. Van Wagner, at Port Royal, Rappahannock river, with 2:10 walnut logs This is the fifth oar go he has shipped from this river slnoe May 1st.?Northern Neck Newt. Capt. Wm. Somert butchered a few fine porkers l?verai days ago. Weight of teveu. as followa: 716, 508. 679.60?. 184, 470 and 84t> lbs. Total, 1,881 lb?. Three averaged CdO-',. lbs eaoh. Five averaged 578 2 5 Ids each.? Accomao Newt. The attendance at lome of the colored schools here with white teaohen ii very tmall, but our School Board Is sticking to its rule not to recognize a boycott, and will keep all schools open regardlest of the number Of pupil* on the roll?Oak Grove Cor., Nor. Neok Newt. Mrt Charlet E. Booth, a paperbanger of Richmond, will In the near future come Into pottettlonof a fortune cf fl, 000.000 or more. The property comes by direct bequett from Dr. E 0. Jayne. the famous proprietary medlolne manu facturer, to Mrt. Booth, bit nleoe, and her ohildren. The Hotel Obamberlln at Old Point will be by order of Judge Waddill open? ed January 1, under the management of W. Butler Dunoan. Jr., receiver The hotel will be told February lit Thit was ordered by Judge Waddill in the oase of the Knickerbocker Trust Company, of New York, againit the Hampton Roads Hotel Company. Last Tuesday n'ght was the regular time for the election of officers of Ir vington Lodge No20.">.I O. O. F. The following were eleoted for the next six months: Noble Grand, Roy (iouldman, Vice Grand, T. R. Mason ; Recording Secretary,E. W. brewlngton; Financial Secretary, W. R. Rowe; Treasurer, J.T Rllee; Chaplain, Jno. W. Hundley. Virginia Citizen. Mist Annie Wyatt, the~saletwoman and popular Snnday-tchool teacher .sent to jail In Riohmond, last '.week for ninety days tor petit larceny ?willprcb ably be pardoned by Gov. Tyler. Great pressure is being brought to bear ou tbe Executive to exerotse olemenoy, on the ground that the girl It a kleptoma? niac, and it la almoat certain he will take favorable action. Mlat Wyatt de? nies tbe theft. Miss Alioe Fauntleroy.of King and Queen, has been visiting at Judge T. R B Wright's and Mrt. Wm D. Car ter, of Fredericktburg, it expected on today's boat to visit st the same place. ? * Mr. J. Bunnell, ton of Mr. A. J Bunnell, of Spotiylvanla county, it on a visit to bit litter, Mrs. T. J. Green, near this plaoe. * * Rev Rlohard Bag. by and wife, of Louisa connty, are visiting at Hotel Bagby.?Tidewater Democrat. GENERAL NEWS. The Boert invaded Cape Oolony. Cleveland, O., wat vitited with a 11,000,000 fite. Proposait to bntld the new warship are in exoett of fundt. f The Boers have raided Cape Oolony at two separate points. Thirty rebelt were oaptured Monday four miles from Manila. A meeting was held In Ohloago this week to take steps to prevent strikes. The mosquito fleet hat been ordered from Hampton Roads to tbe Philippine!. It It laid the Armenians and Kurds are about to rite in revolt against Tor key. Preliminaries for the inauguration of Pretideot McKinley are well under way. Over $11.000,000 a week it the official ettimate for onr national expenditnres In 1902. John D Rookefellow hat made another gift of $1,500,000 to the University of Ohioago. It now appears that GeneralJOIements' entire troce had a narrow escape from capture by the Boers at Nooitgedaoht. The Americans attacked the Fili? pinos, killing twelve and wounding many. Three Amerloant were wonnded. The thanksgiving service which it was proposed to hold In London to oelebrate Lord Roberts' return and the end of the Sonth Afrioan war hat been postponed. A number of Weit Point cadets testi? fied before the Booz inpulry commission regarding htzing at the academy, which they oonaidered mild and mainly "oor reotive" lnoharaoter. Several hundred blaok soldiers of the Wett India Regiment engaged in a riot in Jamatoa Many civilians were seri? ously Injured and taken to hospitals. The soldiers are Insubordinate and their offloert are defied. U. S. Senator Sullivan,of Miatlttlppl, and Mrs Atkint, of Washington, were married notwithstanding a pending snit Instituted by a Mississippi lady against the senator for $50,000 for al? leged breaoh of promise to marry. The taking of testimony in the case of Oscar L. Booz, the West Point cadet, who died from injuries whioh hit pa? rent! allege were Inflloted at the Wett Point Military Academy, Is in progrett by the hoard of inquiry. The cadete deny any brutality. Another tevere battle, resulting in a Brltlah victory, It reported. The fight? ing lasted several boors The Boert, who numbered from 1,500 to 3,000 men, were turrounded at the Orange river, and defeated with heavy lostet In killed and wonnded. A cumber of Boers were captured. Mrs. Faonle L. Rioketts, widow of Gen. jr. B. Rlokettt, U. 8. A., said to) be the only woman prisoner ever held in Libby prison, died at her home in Washington recently. She shared the hardships of the field with her husband in the Civil War. was taken prisoner with him and voluntarily accompanied him to Llbby. SOME DEATHS Miss KHz* Honey dud Saturday at the home of h?r brother, Mr. v\ Honey, in BtasTord. i?K<'d '" years Mrs. Uarrlo Bookman died Bet night at her humo at Hritptly station, Oulpeper oounty, after a protracted 111 cens Oapt Walter Bowie, died Monday at his homo in Btohmond, aged 69 years He was burn st <' 1"-' Polol Weal land enmity Us wont to Rtobm ?od la 1871 H ?nrv O. H wie, a yeosnen In the r s Navy, died last week at the Nur folk navy yard H? was 14 nephew if Judge D. A. Grimsloy, < f Oalpeper Steel riato Pool Negotiations t\r? ofl fot t f r the for? mation of a pool by 11 large Itl el plate manufacturing establishment! Am mg the concerns are the damped? Bteel Dompinr, the lllino'i Bteel fj nspeny the Federal Steel Outiipanv, the Lenken* Steel Company, the National Bteel Company and the A aerloan Bteel and Wire Company Johnson ?V Oo 's peper bei factory in Richmond, was burned Friday night Loss 17.000. ror Over Fifty Tears Mn. Wlnslow's Soothing ^yrrci: has been used for over fifty yeurs by i>ii! llous of mothers fat their children while teething, with perfe. soothes the oh Hit, softens the gnini allays all pains, raras wind oolio, and Is the bost remedy for Diarrhoea, it wtll relieve the pour little stiff?--r Im mediately. Bold by Druggists in every part of the world Twenty-fivi a bottle. Besare and ask fot 'Mv* Winslow'? ano take no other kind E0IN33 IN CONGRESS Seuator Hoar introduced a bill mak ing train rubbery In the Uuited States Ud Its i .?int.?rien punishable with death The bill plaolng Representative Charles A Houtelle (Mili.e) on the re? tired list of the navy ss a oaptato was poseed The H DM Committee on Census re potted favorably thn Hopkins Reap portloomeat bill, which leaves the roemb?<r?hip of thn Hou?p ;?.'>7 but rear? ranging Stute delegations. Today the House defeated the hill giving preference to soldiers of the Civil, Spanish and Philippine wars in the mat tar of appoint assit and reten lion of positions in the eieontlve de purfnientH BftHatOt Daniel introduced a bill au? thoring lbs President to sehot from tin? brig id 1er ?generals of volunteer two i moors without rcK*rd to age and sp point them brigadier-general? in the it army for the purpose of planing lb? m on the retired h?t This it in i tended to provide for Generals James II Wilson and Fitzhngh Lee. CHINA Amerin t and Russia lead in feeding hungry Chinese. France will return all looted goods to China except material of war. A muddle siletS in China over the qoettton of the pence terms beiug Ir re?i cible. Boftland Ii disputing a point with Japan and it i? probable that peace negotatioa will be delayed. It is suspected that Great Britain and Germany are deliberately seeking lay the Chinese settlement Mr. Cleveland Says Democracy Must Return to First Principles The Atlanta Journal published an In? terview with ex-Prendent Cleveland in which he It quoted st sayiug : "In my opinion the great netd of the Democratic party it a return to ti ft principles. The Democratic party li-? not been fatally disorganize!, but it sadly needs rehabilitation on purely Democratic lines. "Wnat It the matter with the putt - It has, in my bnmble judgment,simply wandered off after strange gods A large mass of Democratic voters saw thi? before the last eleotion. They remained qtlet, bat when the time came to fots they said: 'This It not Democracy,'anl refuted to topport it. ?'As I see it, it is the duty of Dem > orats everywhere to aid lu the rehabn - tation, < f tbe party. There are son - signs ( f an Insistence upon the MOt of a return to Democratic doctrines in the South, bnt they are not so geaei 1 at I would like to ?oa "What of the future?,'wat asked "With a sincere return to Its old-time doctrines,"Mr. Cleveland replied, "toe old-lime victories of the Demur ii party will certainly be won." Constitution Convention. The Democratic party of Virginia, in convention assembled al Norfolk,pledged itaelf to exeroiie the greatest pniNiMe economy lu the matter of tbe convention. Besides, the people teem determined to send at delegate! to that body men of ability and high oharacter, and if thai coarse be generally followed tbe pabilo may be tare that the pledge of tbe party as to the framing of a new Constitu? tion, will be sacredly observed.? Bit h Dispatch. It it now said the administration hn* almost given np hope of securing the piyment of the Armenian indemnity from Tnrkey. OLD SANTA HAS ARRIVED ? A train load of goods. Every department, full up. Wh are the acknowledged Santa Clans Outfitters. Our Big Toy display is al its best jast now. The prettiest storn in S? town, h ?s ?ron h coming mil-s to lee, It puts Xmas in your bones. Toilet and Dress Cases. B<au'iful line. ? me early. Ret th pick, the best attettlioa an : of lojv pri?es befot ? tbs will i;i pteoeding Xm ?o. Fancy Cwpe Paper S00 neaatifol designs to pif-V: from at half price Hotions. Everybody should have Not loot, and we are full Brook O imbs Side Combs, H ?ok Oomke, 1'. mpi dour Combs A new batch svetj day The biggest values in every dv. Fireworks A tremendou? line of cky K okets Roman Cmdles, Fire Orsokers,Pir tols.Oaps, Cannoo Crackers Wboll sule and rettil. WV will matok Biltimore prices. Ladies' and Gents' Shoe Polish. WHITTEMORE'S, The best that is made. Royal 01 ?- f? ladies' and children, 7c. Star 1* Use and Cleaner for russet shoes To Poltil for box oalf and kid, 8o. We look ;?ffet quality first, theu the prloes. Underwear THE LABGB9T ANDMOdT COM FLETE LINK. Children's Union Bolts, I Ladies' Union Suit?, M-J op Ladies* Long Sleet's Vest?, ; Full line of Underwear for mer and boys. V"u will get more chance oat of a, d II ?r here than anywhere else. Boots and Shoes Big Stock I New Stylet ! Low Prteet ! Investigate and compare before yoo buy. not afterwards, It will aave you time, money and worry. We haven't space to quote prices, but quality and price will talk. Hats and Caps The only difference between our goods and other peoples' it our pnces. We have Hats we retail at - than merchants can boy them Oapi for men, boys and children at 10, 18, 20 and 2". ? our prices need no polish to make them Rhine. Shirts and Collars It ptys ns to give .-on tatisfaotton, you'll come again and again. Heavy stock thta fall, and we can please you. Give ns a trial. Stationery We select carefully, we buy at the very lowest oash pricee and sell for leas pr< fits than others. For the Toilet Fine perfumeries, toilet snaps, face powder, vaeoltue. Utily a trial is nessary. Knit Wool Goods. This line we will save you one-half what you spend Children's Wool II tods, Infant's Hand-Made Booties, OhildiiTi'i Draw Legglns Gloves and Mitts. Full line Men'i Fine Driving ( Moves,Ladies' Fine Driving Gloves, Work-Gloves of all kindt We are bearing down on prices with a tremendont weight. Tinware and Hardware Some big bargain! here The thing to do now ii to plan for tbe future, so aa to make more money. Trade here and your work will be dune for yoo to advance. Hovels And Story Books. Big lot Pricet lower than ever. Jnst think, (?good novels for 25 cents. CLOTHING FOR HEX, BOIS AID CBILDREI. Fine lot Ohildren'i Reefer Salts, Fine lot Vettee Suite. M-n's Hntts. Yoo will not And 8UOH VARITIES, SUCH STYLES and SUCH LOW PRICES anywhere elae. mm OVER? COATS For the little fallow at S years to the man wearing 44 In tize. BOSTON VARIETY STORE. The Up-to-date School Boy ?T-.?.?.?.?.???.???.i Whose first thought is the preparation of his lessons will always get honorable mention from his teacher at the end of the month and stand No. 1 in the class, while the sluggish boy who complains at his task is always at the foot where he ought to be. SO IT IS WITH OUR BUSINESS. We prepare our lessons well, spell every word p-operlyina VERY LOW PRICE and receive at the end of every week a distinguished mark, HIGHER UP IN SALES, coming from our customers as a unanimous expression of their faith and satisfaction in buying our goods For Cash at the Very Lowest Possible Price for the Best of Everything in the market. We often hear others complain, but complaint is for? eign to our establishment. WE ARE 61137, indeed we have never been so busy before and sincerely thank you for your great part in our Success as Cash Grocers. Arbuckle's Coir?? ]i*t lb. 1 lc. Choice Candy (Fancy mixture). ???c. Peanut Brittle, per lb. i>c. Pure. Leaf lard . 00 Christmas Mince Meat, per lb. 10c. Extra larj?e San Bias Cocoanuts. 5c. City Mills Flour, p?r bag. 23c Best Water Ground Corn Meal. 15c. Remember our pr ces are the lowest and quality highest on nuts, raisiDs, oranges, figs, dates, candies, etc. KING OF LOW PRICES. 803MAIMST.OPPOSITEP. 0. FREDERI COLDER NOW ! OOLDER WEATHER YET TO COME. Wraps You Must Have C. W. JONES Is fixed to supply the want at almost ridiculous prices. For insance - HlaoW Cloth D ?ubi" Cipps, fur an<l braid trimmed. legular Oftf $1 60grade, only.. . f*J*"? 1.45 Black Cloth. D .uble Capet, regular $2.18 grade, at. Black Cloth, Double Capes, regu? lar $:i.50 grade, onr ptic". Black A-tnchan Capes, grod long on?-H, Fnr trimmed ari nod collar, cheap at $8 80. Our pi Ice. Black, chan Capes, Fur trimmed an urd c liar and d iwn both sides of front. ayofjld t?e cheap at $2.95. Cur price for these Is. PLUSH CAPES. 2.45 I 45 ?75 Plain Plash Capes at $1.5!). Braided Plush Capes st $1 75. Braided Silk Plush Capet,double lmed,cheapat$4 50 Our price 3*^5 Real Silk Plush Capet, plain goods, but g< i d quality, worth , _,. |t 50 Our price. ?5 5U A lot of Hindsomely Braided Plui-h Oapes, good double lin- . _~ log, worth $?.00. Our price 4.5U A lot < f Extra Long Silk Plus i Capes at $6 75, 7 25 and 8.50 Each. JACKETS One lot of blsck jackets at $2 45 each. One lot of black jackets at 18.56 esob. Om lot of black jackets, lined all through with good nieio-rfzed salteen. (Jar tpeotelty, at $1 I 0 One lot extra g?>* d quality black jacked at $7 $8 Tan and Castor Jackets. lot. lined all thrnogh, at $5 50. These :ne extra go. d for tbe price. One lot extra gr:od Castor Jackets, cheap at 18.86 Our price $7 88. <>f Loiter goods if yon wsnl them, either black or colored jackets. CO F CAPES Thene very stylish, niefol wraps are here in good styles,made with the yok or hood at 4 39,5 50 7 00, See Them. This is to be a great Wrap Sale from now until Christmas. G -1 your share. C. W. JOUES' Department Store, Fredericksburg,.Va HERE?TLASt rFTJXiU I-.I2T.E QF Christmas Neckwear. EVERYTHING OF Newest Pattern and Latest Style. To Seo ThiH Une \H to 113wy, SOLD AT lOWERVS PRICES. J. T. LOWERY & CO GO TO The T. N. BRENT Store For Choice Styles in Dress Goods, Millinery, Ladies'and Children's Wraps, Men's and Boys' Clothing, and Bargains in Men's, Ladies' and Children's Winter Underwear, Flannel h, Blankets, Etc. The most complete stock in this section of Virginia. THEY ALL KNOW IT I The cheapest place la the city to buy your Cook Stoves. Price very low. No oomhlna on or trust on them. Again?Roofing ! Roofling 1 Roofing 1 Way down, special prices on Tin and Steel, Felt and Oranire Hooriii?. All Tools furnish? ed to put on toofs with to he ruturnsd when through. Tbe above Is cheaper thao ?blng-lel or Slate, liojd quality can't be boat. Consult me before you buy. /?. /L. STONE. 203Ctmmtrot St, Frsdsricksbura. V OUR STOCK OF SHOES AND HAT was never so complete as now. We are doing more businens than ever be fore. This proves that our experience of t?n years in the shoe business and onr efforts to sell goods that wear are being appreciated. We have tbe latest styles and Rock Bottom prices J. F. BROWN. Commerce street. NEW SHOE STORE! IW of Met.'?- Box Calf Eoaroeled and Vici Kid at $2.50,$3.00,$3.50,$4 00 Lot of L idies' regular $1 TO shoes at f 1 25 to-day. Lot t f Indies' $1 25 ?hoes at 98a. THE NEW SHOE STORE. POSr OKFIOE BUILDING. A Life Size or Min? iature Portrait In Orayon, French Ohalk, Indian Ink, S-pU, Paite:, Water Color or Uli. Lessons g i ven to Drawing and Fainting, frirn life or nature?portrait,landscape, flowers, ohina, eto Studio open on Tuesdays and Saturdays to the poblio. ?Jail on CARL G. V. MARTINCZEK, ARTIST, 209 H ?mover Street, QU. CUAS, B.OinVALT, DKNTI8T. iir HasA{ n v. (rverUoolriok's Druf itore, PfNKYROYALPILU ??ft?. Alwan ?Hablo. ILaJIm, ask I)racrM ?? < HI? HSCSTTRK-S M?USJIf In H? sad ?U?ld metallic Doom, SMtod with blua rtbboo. Tak* a? ?Mirer. ???!?<? Imwui ??>*?? ??Ha? mm* l?'ll?ll>l, Ouyut ymtHrt/ufl^. or nod 4?. In atamos lot rsrtlralM*. Ttsau? ???lab itnrt " Hrllrf for Laal?*." ?" UtUr by r*4?ira Mall. ??,??? Twitlroon.a)?. Moid by ail UmSSMa. OH1CBMBTB? OHMM1UA' CO. a?xtte4Ms ?M|a?r?, raiUL, s?A*