OCR Interpretation

The free lance. (Fredericksburg, Va.) 1885-1926, October 03, 1905, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87060165/1905-10-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Manufacturing Interests of Fredericksburg and the Tidewater and Piedmont Country.
VOL. XX, NO. 106.
Showing the greatest line of Iron Beds
produced. See our display. See the
3-Piece Iron Bed
Imported China
Now on sale. Imported and Domestic
Over a thousand yards of
Fredericksburg, Va.
H. LAPPEN, Prop.
807, Main Street, two doors above Adams Express Co.,
FredericKsburg, Va.
The Hi; ?ost and Mosl Varied Stock in
Clothing, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, Etc.
Special inducement? to Orel buyers. Handsome SOU?
VENIR FREE with every purchase of si.no and up.
Coin?' ?i ml look For yourself and you will be satisfied.
Don't Forget the Number, 807 Main Street.
Special. Special.
A few pieces of summer goods to be sold for less
than haif price. We will only offer them for ?i few
days. They must be sold.
New fall goods are crowdingin on us and we must have
the loom.
Every one should si'?' our line of
Art Squares and Carpets.
New goods arriving daily for the fall trade.
The Fiiriiituri.. china ami Carpet Douse, FYederickebnrj?, V,i.
1 a
October 10, II, 12,13,14,1905.
NIGHT EXHIBmONS-Special Matinee, Friday, Oc?
tober lath.
Brilliantly illuminated building.
Surpassing nil previous successes.
$10,000 IN PRIZES.
Entries close Saturday, September 23rd.
University of Virginia and Carlisle Indian Football
Game, Saturday afternoon. October 14th.
For prize lists, reserved seats and general information.
address \Y. o. WARTHEN,
Asst. Seey. Richmond Horse Show Assn..
P.O. Box *',():,. Richmond, \a.
List of Those Who Received Frizes
On Their Exhibits At the Fair
\ inl.ii.ir- al
tlit> fair ? Im !??. ????\.'.l prize* m i In
.?m depni i ii
Tlinruuglitinil atollioii Pi K '
Thoroughbred I ? rood man' 2ml
?mulil.i.p III : \\ W< :.
I.mlii .li.im:lii eiitirv roll und? i 1 year
I?-!, lighi ilrauirlil In.? niun- I hi \\ m
Stand? rd l>n .1 trott? r -tail:..a 1-t.
jlli k 1-t .1 I >. ..
Stai i i II11?lei I
year, lirtM..I nun? . lighl d iiiirIiI t.*mti
R L \i
horse "i man. I >t
('..nut I1 \
II... p i ? 1 1? \
11 ? ?,? i.
umler I y? u ill? ? \\ . T. !' a
ii hi.
(Illy initier - ??
Siir. ']>- \i> innPi '_'
yean?, laiuh 1-! ami ?ml liein ?.
11 Au
? I : ?nil
heifer rail 1*1 ami ?ml (!. Il N? w tun.
I Ht. It !
lion. In I ? ?.?;
Iir.I how 1 venr I -'
2nd. I. Henry Wu
I J, Wu
I? !-? \\ . r'
Keii P
ir* 1-t nnil
?ml, h? v\ I ?i
iiml '.'n.i. ?yearn Int. 1 i ?lui,
umler I yeai I al n? >i ?lui; 1 hm. m
I-- I year 1 ni il
\. ,i: ! ?t; II? il Poll >ii? !-'
I year 1hi
Swit-pHtilkcn: J?
I? in-. I, ItniM II < lull.I.
m 1-t M.
It Row. A I
Red : ' -
l>ai II. T.
Itan I _'ii.l.
till?! ?ml |H'II l ll foW :- I -A ;?? h III
l-i ami ?ml. Pekin dm k* 1-t und .
Mrs. Il il .
pop i-un?. corn -in!'
i umU
I .. ; i ? - All
tirade?, J?
1 year 1-t. ?il; (?oldeti Ijuv Wyai
fow 1- and I'hickM 1 ?1
Silver l.a.-.' Wyundotte fowl* iiml ?
l*t, Single I'.iiiil. Brow n ? ? fow In
I>r. rliickn l*t and ?nd, |h'h .if fow In und
-1-1. KoHe r.nul. Brow n Ijeghom
rhk-k* 1-t und 2nd, pen ol fow I- and
ubi? k- 1-t. i i-liicks l-r ami
?nd, |?'ii ol fow 1- und ? hiek* 1-t. White
L.-irli.Hii chick* 1-t. pen .?t chick* 1-t.
Black Minon-a fow Im 2nd, Homlun
1-t. P? and i'hiekM 1-t?.1..Im
I. Bin -
Rhode Inland red fov - 1-t. pumpkin*
-.1. 11. Rhonie.
I'.uif Plymouth R Int, i'hiekM
1-t and 2nd, Rone Comb White l>*ghoru
fowl? \>i. chk'k* 1-t and 2nd, \f\i rhk'k*
Is?! and ?ii.l?Fred Nussej
White IM.v.util Roi k fowl* Ist.chii U
2nd, Rhode I -la ii>l red IowIm 2nd, chick*
1-t and 2nd. pen of chick* 1-t. White
Wyandotte fowls andchk-ks 1-t and 2nd,
Rouen du? - 1 ?1 George Newton.
White Plymouth Rock ehiek* 1-t. pen
ol fowl? 1st?(Jen. I?. 1). Wheeler.
1?? pound* ?hipping leaf tobacco?W.
C. Hall.
Red Poll boll?F. B. Gue*t.
UradeM, Jersey cow?E. 0. BrookM.
Brown Red game fow I- and chick* 2nd
-N. W. Berrey.
Black Breasted Red ?ame chk-kH 2nd?
Tlinv W. Robinson.
White Leghorn fowls and chick* 1st
7, pounds and - poonds butter- Mrs,
Rosa Orrock.
Slmrt horn t'ull 1 year, Lull calf, cow
?''. years, ? years, 1-t and 2nd,
heifer calf.Brown Red Game fowls,chickM
and ?M-ii ?.i fow In lst,Black Breasted l!.-.l
(Jame fow Is and ? hiik? 1st?Judge R. II.
L. Chichester.
."i rarietie* winter apples?C. A. Wallis
Polled Angus bull, cow ?'( yean l-r and
2nd, cow ? years, heifer 1 year, heifer
calf, herd ol Bve?Benvenue Stock Farm
w afers, cider rinegar.Kmh. nightdress,
yoke, hanging basket, growing fus
When you go to a drug store
and ask for Scott's Emulsion
you know what you want; the
man knows you ought to have
it Don't be surprised, though,
if you are offered something
else. Wines, cordials, extracts,
etc., of cod iver oil are plenti?
ful but don't Imagine you are
getting cod liver oil when you
cake them. Every year for thirty
years we've been increasing
the sales of Scott's Emulsion.
Why? Because it has always
been better than any substitute
for It
Send for free sample
SCOTT A BOW NE. Chemist?
?09-413 Peart Street, New York
60c. and $1.00. All druggists
. hi?*, gi-railiuiliH, vi L<i huh . ut \
il ?ne* . i' Baniuin.
H a. ?.i..-1-i> w m.' ii. r. Burton.
Sparkling . ider, fane; hat 01 mum
?I.-, .iiatmi; large i
Mr* l: T, Jones.
Struwherr.i jelly- MissMarj Dii,
I .iiiiilv liai.I soap, cotton tkl.t
? 11-I1?..11 in m united Mr-. .1. II. :*
i ni i.mi ? in.'. prenerved cliei lies,
. Il\. I'liibniidereil picture ii
-I?', imeii i i... Iieting, worsted i|uilt,
caleiidur, tan. \ blotter, fancj liai
Moiled liaililkerctiiefs akeU-h ol
!- \li-- \l. 11 \ Tllolii|NNin.
.I. ?-I tahlccorer \li- II:
broidered lad ?cm' skirt. embroil
ottoman cover,. r?chete?! infant's
nhotograph bj amateur, bureau mc:
Itai:. iibum ?..il,. |M>rtrail ntud)
original Mi-- Maim.' Shepherd.
Kinhroidered infant'* blanket,
bniidenil toilet mats, embroil
?plusher,??!??? Is'tedchildafirhan.crocl
? - cap, ? n?-Ii- t.-'l infant's Is
? ted infant'* shii is. tidy in wor
liruideil pillow -liiiiii-, towel rack,
holder, ian.y lam is? hade, saniple ?
stitch, embroidered faitfj -.rap-bai
wlii-k broom holder, in/unfa fancy
totiai... |.ii Mrs. A
iiifi b.? hand -Mrs. \ (?.Billing
Skirl by han.I. *|iecimen darn
lieinmiug lit h.i.nl. H|ieciuieii dai ni
Mis* l> Wi?diington.
ittou or linen, gar
i l, n lie teil 111 ? . ilipper in 'I
i r? '. bel .iti? in. iitt.iii.ii'.M'li
? III -ilk. . Toclleteil III It t.'IIM. ft,
doylie*. -|?iii i.'ii tatting, toilet mal
Mi-- Mai ) I.. S
( lot lie* i' ig by hand, rones, wii
IM ??!'- ni II.
lu?,i i hild's lion
1 table mata, embroil?
kuil infant's boots, knn
tant m -..k- \l:- u A. Moneare.
l'aromel ? nnd.i - Mi? Kram es Bow
iidy. walnut candy?!
Preserv? I Ml raw bel i :.-. iiearli but
Mrs II. Kaufman.
U \ M
ly, ?lai t by i
Mi*H Sill? :
? k
K ??;. 1
III pound* buttel
W. A. M.Wlnit
? ' U'fty x\ in.' i .ml
111,, i- Mi- II
? in-- \i
Lind ? ake- Mrs. 11
lee ? ? berry w ine. presen
rurraiits, ?lauiHon*, raspberries, cam
?ni.- corn, Htrn
plums, apple butt
llv?Mrs. It
from grape??Mrs
W. Itu
'.. . .it-n|i. canned hlackherri
H|*i'iineii Kmb. on flannel, animal pail
\h- llenn I Iman.
ipp - Miss Myrtle Bullock.
Dried .P.-: - Mrs K. McObee.
Dried P.. kU-ni.? Mrs. B. H. Bulks
?I.m - !??.?-. colon} Itnli
|m>iiiuI* honey in secti?
I i louve* wheat bread with vea*t
Mr* R. I. Ktone.
Kallv l.uim. corn mulfln* -Mi? Judi
Shepl ?
uke, . iiiuiiili
pickles, HUgur candy, niolusse* rand
chocolate drops. English walnut caad
prenerved tomatoes, apples, grapi
HWeetments, ?iluia jelly, crocheted sha'
Mr? a I Baggett.
Still wine, faucy bureau scarf?Mr
Dora II. Reynolds.
Pickled fruits, Bmb. cbemiae in cotto
m linen?Mrs. B. W. Chancellor.
Cucumber catsup, preserved quino
and pears, Bmb. handkerchief in cotU
?u-liin-ii?Mr-, W. B. Moneare.
Fancy handkerchief bag, Bmb. hea?
rest, knit ?of? pillow, knit carpel ru,
rag rug, sjieci.n point lace, |?ortru
-tuilv from cop.i Mi-- Blitatieth Barbe
Work hag by hand, Bmb. oentrepieo
Bmb. -hin uai-t in cotton or linen,Bml
infant's cloak, Bmb. bureau scarf, jjiriib
rase, [tainting ?>n china?Mrs. ciaran?
R. Howard.
Shirtwaist by machine. Bob. slippen
crocheted ladies undershirt, yoke in tat
ting?Mrs. W. N. Blake.
Centrepiece of white Emb., table seal
m Battenburg work?Mies BesaieCbeslej
Buttonhole in cloth, tray ?loth. upad
men of Houston lace?Mi** Emmie ('oh
Emb, letters in silk, sample of Bmb.
?peciinen ?if crose-atitch Emb., painting
?m pottery, landscape from nature ii
oil, landscape from copy in oil.?Mi?
Blizabeth Minor.
Bmb. doylies, burean scarf in drawi
work, ?I?Alies in drawn work?Mrs. I,
M. idler.
Emb. pillow -hams?Mis. A. R, How
Specimen ol wood earring?0. I?, far
liven rolls?Mrs. H. B, Laos.
l'an mils?Mrs. A. T. Kmhiey.
Pound cake, angel cake, marble ?ake
caramel caki?Mrs. P. L Harris.
jelly cake, ginger cake, sliced pickle*,
nweet peaches?Mrs, Medora Bowling.
Bruit cake, ornamental work by me>
cbine, infant's cap, crocheted shoulder
cape, paper floaten, chiffon lowers?Mn.
.1. II. Pettit.
Silver .ake. gold cake,fancy lamp nmt.
tray cloth in drawn work, darning baa,
specimen ol Battenburg?Mra A. J'.
Buns?Mise Bannie M?tarty.
i . lackers, almond cake, lemon
?ake. hickory nul .ake. chocolat? cake,
cocoannt eake.yellow pickles, family *oft
soap, perfnmedfancy soap. t<ii!?-t soap.
almond candy, preserved pinina, peaches,
wlioittlcU'iiii's. Has, blackberries, or
anges, canned cherries, peaches, apples,
pineapples, darning bag by hasd, knitting
i.nji to hold ball by band, infant's skirt
and dress by machine, specimen letter
marking in cotton or linen, specimen oW
lAi?lis'u embroidery, crocheted powder
puff, knit Uii-preail. ease! Ran, fan? y
pincushion, wax flowers, gn-ateet varie
tv of flowers, floral ?lesign for tables.
floral desto for church, painting on
tapestrj Mn I B. Durrett
Bead work?Miss Nannie Dix.
Basket ol col (lowers, ?rayon ttody
from copy, flower pitra from nature
Mrs. .1 I,. 11reell.
?M varieties of green house prant*?F.
T. <A
Photograph by professional, display
of painting??Mm Kate Jenkins.
Historical painting, (lower piece from
pop) Mi?< I l?rice l?a\ ia
Animal [tainting from tinture
Josephine M? IiuImih
l.iiinl-? ,t|?- fnim i. i|i,\ m w .1 Ift ? ?
Mias loiu.i W I>?'?-t.-i
Klubroidered |iiii cushion, f,HM\ i
outlined pillow sliaiiiM Miasl.izr.ic
S|?-<-||||i-|| nf li'Hill t i-llllili ihi.l \ .
Ioii|k,i h,,!,|,-i Mi?, \|n,m- i: Uni
Specimen ni aiifiii, ?titchemh.oiik
Mi- S. .1. ??iiiiin.
I ro.-lft.-.l sweater Mr- \ I M, l
Cli? he led !a~ ili.-ihii-. kllit -lu
raps, watch holder, i ollar und i-i
croas -tu, ii. ?hopping l>ag, opera
haar, i .i. 111 !-?? ira. ?j. , 1111. 11 ni |i\ i
?i|i\ Mi? I- 111.- Col.-.
I lin Ili'li il sllp|.e|-,
lilil?, Clurh.-I.-I
Intel l?-.|-|,|>ail. iT'Il/i i|1|ilt
W. Key Howard
Crochetai lamp mit \li - E. J Si
Cm heted pura* m -ilk Mi-- \ h
Crochetai tahle mais. -?ik
,|nili Mi - S'atalie Smil li
Knit infant'? -m k Mi*? I i
Knit infants -Imi. *\** inieii ??:
edging, soin l'Ualiioii M:- \ K ?
Knit ?Uppers Misa \
Calico |mitcliwork ?piill Mi- I',
FaiK'.v ?|uill - Mi-. Susie I;,:
Imitation of Turkish run. bureau -
potter) . crayon sttnl.t from i
rustic atand for growing Ho wer?, pi
in? on lahrii ?Mrs. John M I!
Carpel i UK Mi? Lu, > l\ lU
Silk rug, lamd real Mi-- Man \'
ll-mstit. iiiiiLT. Ilelliatit?
? In.-! Mi- Hortense I imby.
Patching Mr- S, \ (?rave*
Mnii.lkn lii.-f Mr-. Mai in K Batii
Table - an Mi- Muttie K irk pat i
To the Voters ol th* City ol 1 i
I respectfully announce mi -
?late fur tlie office ol City -
election H liirli takes pun ? ,,
November 7th. I ?oik ?I
l! elei i.M, I promise a faithful
..!' the duties ..I il.Hi..-.
Reap" tfully.
.1. Conwaj ?
To il..- \,-:- iffonl an,I K
I am a ?-andidntc fur tlie I.
iri.iii th.- counties ..i Si.iff,,i,l
ami ask J nui \ ni-- il
li.m n In, li tak.-s |,la..- 'I ii.? I.i So
l! elected, I promise t.. use li
ileavora lor the promotniu i il
PNtS ni Imth i Mill.'
It r l. Mt.iMur
Tu the Voters of Orange fount v.
After much solicitation on the par
my friends in all sections ol the com
I bervby announce myaell a rum I id
lor th.- House ol Del?gate?, i" !?? \,.
on at the coming election, Nor, 7th,
heartily accept tli>- platform emlorseii
tin- Republican convention at I;,,an,
and in addition t>< this, promis
ed, to Rire my best effort tti tlie uphu
Ingot our county and its local inten
subject t,. the s lilies i ,f my 11
w ithout regard to party.
K, -|?i tfully.
.1. I". Lumsilen
To The Voters ol >?..,t-> ?vania Conn
I hereby annnounce myself a r-nndidi
for th.- ?'tin-.' "! I iMinty ' ITerk. ami
su.-h. Clerk ol th.- Circuit Court, ol Sp<
-ylvania county, at th.- election to
held on Tuesday, November 7th. ISM
Should you confide this trust tu m...
promise a faithful discharge ol th.- .lut
ul the office,
If elected Mr. E. W. Smith ?rill he i
Deputy, an.I gire In- time and attenti
to the duties of the office.
Verv respectfully,
T I. Harris
T<? th.- V.it.-rs of Stafford County.
1 hare serrad you its Clerk for a i?-i i.
slightly exceeding eighteen yean,
such Berries, I have tried my utmost
be entirely non-partisan, to treat allrm
alias, Bo matter what their politir
belief or religious creed,
I hare had an experience with tl
affairs uf th.' Clerk's Office extent!ii
through thirty-six years, and again at
you to r.'???!??< t rm tn the position
County Ch-rk. ami. as auch, Clerk ol yoi
Circuit Court.
I, therefore, submit my candidacy t
you vepiirt. Whatever you may ase f
to do in tli'' premises will !?? accepted I
nie without undue rejoicing In the m
case,or ?sitboul any cotnplainl in il
Stafford C. II.. Va., August l'-'lh, 1WK
To the Citizens <>f Stafford, Fredericki
burg. Bpoteylvania and Louisa:
I have, a.-you know, received the Dem
oeratie sommation for the State Senat
from your district and respectful!;
solicit your support.
It Is impossible for tue to make a per
aonalcanvaas of the entire district,
therefore take this method of saying t<
you that if elected t i this position I hoi?
to do some practicad good especially
along the lines of advocating?
1. The supplementing our present
school laws by giving the pa trous of eeel
separate school, white or colored,a mon
direel control over -am.', which I believi
will infuse new life ?i ti, l efficiency into oui
school ayatem and remedy many delect*
without loaing any of the present benefits
?_'. The supplementing onr present rood
laws by giving the immediate usera of thi
public road- in .;n h vicinity more direel
control ov.-r the maintenance of sana!
under a proper general supervision and
direction, which I behave u ill bats a lib
effect apoo our road syatem: and.
:i Along other lines of legislation I !???
to assure you that 1 will be all time
guided alone by an honest endeavor t.
eerre the best interests of oar state and
I trust, therefore, thai you will give me
your active support between this aad
November 7th and will on that daj
your vote for me for the position men?
Your- respectfully,
Frederick Wilroer Sims.
A Splendid Idea.
A new idea in a Cough Syrup is a?l
vanead in Kennedy'a Laxative Honey
and Tai. Besides containing Pine Tar.
Honey and other valuable remedies, it is
rendered Laxative, s<> that its use insures
a prompt and efficient evacuation of the
lioWels. It relaxes the llelVollS system.
and cures all cough-, colds, PTOUp,
?hooping cough, ate, A red clover i>io
soia and the honey I??' is on everj Lottie
of the Originial Laxative Cough Syrup
?Kennedy's Laazatlve Honey and Tar.
An ideal remedy for children. Mothers
praise it. It is liesi for all. Sold by K.
N. (Joolrick.
'email ?utes.
1 ? l '.n",
ris? pu
iip n m. ii ?.
M:- Win II :
i wi i?k 01 two,
Mr. E. Il
ut "Su
Mi- ?
of Dr. \ l). I ?i iitli? :-.
Nul II] ?1 -? ?m.il.
Misse? \la\ und Dai*
lo Bauquii.int.i. i
a. ii'pted pi ?
M ins Meta ll'Mohilll '
Mr. B. W.
ited n situai ion tu ti m
t.- fiiunl.N the
Mi \ i ' ' ' ..
nlay ior II ? lmion.1 to
Mr. u
Mi -
Mr. .l'ii M: - Pn ?' m I
und Mr*
M..- !'
w ill spend ' ?
.it U uvi
r. h.. Vu
M : i
Rev, I
\|i ,.
Jollen, ..: II
mitt? il
lli* W lie. Sllllie ? Av.ii-, v. itll II Killl
? -. rve
\\ Hi. I
Mi - John I ! M
h.T .;,
Randolph, left
Bredci r Jo.
\l i B. H M
ig hi- father, \l:. .1. T. Miu
I'lllllOl 'll.-'l.
Mr. M. L HhImoii. ol PiirtHinoiith.wlui
has been \ ?siting Mr.
returned home.
M re. All-ii Smith, accompanied I
daughter. Mine RoMiilie Smith, I?
Potomac nteamer on Jutu ?_'?"? for Han?
nah Mme \, niteiiiv. n here M?m* I;
will lie a -r
Mr. W S. Bmbrey, ol
?m loading a barge with railroad tie* at
An Drove landing on the Pot? i
State of ? ?hin. I ity ol T i
Ii auk .1. < "li.i..-\ make* oaf h thai h> i
neiiior partuei of file Hrni ol I'. J, Cheney
& Co., doing liii-ine? in the City of Tole?
do, 1'iiimi \ nuil Si lid.aml thai
said Arm will pay the sum of one hundred
dollar* for euch und everj caseof Catarrh
that cannot becured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Krank .1. Chen?
Sw a n tu before me nml -ni.-? liU'.l in
ruv presence, this !>th d.w of Decentar,
A. D. Isxii.
\. W. HI..:
(Seal.) V.tan Public,
Hall - Catarrh Cure ?- taken intemally.
ami acts directly on IIh> blood und
iiiiiciitis Hurfaci s of l !ie.-\ atem. Send for
IA J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, 0.
Bold i.\ all DmggiMts. ".V.
Take Hall- Family Pill* for constipo
la tii" begining woman may have lieen
merely a aide issue, bul with most men
to-day she Heems to lie the main hu
Faith Not Necessary.
Von may be just as akeptical and
pessimistk? as you plias.-. Kodol will
digest what you eat whether you eal or
nut. Vim ran put your im?l ia a bowl.
pour a little Kodol Dyspepsia Cure on ii
and it will digest it tbeeameaait will in
your stomach. It can't h.-lp but cure
Indigestion and Dyspepsia, It is curing
hundreds and thousands?some bod faith
and some didn't. Kodol will cure you if
medicine can cure you, whether you have
faith in it or not. Bold by K. N. tlool
A man is inure oft in known by the
company he keeps than by the !a\.-- he
A Pleasure To All.
N.. Pill i- ml positi?.'
as DeVi nt'- I.ml" Early Risers. These
ius Little Pills are no mild andeffee
live thai chilili'iii. ?!? li.ate tallies ami
weak |?'ople eiiiuy their cleansing effect,
while strong people say i hey are the liest
liver pill- -ul.l. Suhl Ii\ K. Y ?e.uliiik.
A man has a good business head wls a
he knows you can't run your house on
business principles.
Wards Off Pneumonia.
All coughs and pulmonary complaints
thai are i arable are i|uk?kly cured bj ? (ne
Minute Cough Cure, clear- the phlegm,
drawa out inflammation and heals and
aootbeathe affected part-, utrengtbeu*
the lungs, wards off pneumonia. Harm
less and pleasant t?i take. Sold by K.
N. Ooolrick,
A man always ?lislikes another man
who attempts to act as -man as he
For All Kinds of Piles.
To draw the Are out of a burn, heal a
?ut without leaving a -car. or tu cure
boils, sores, tetter, eraemu and all skin
and scalp diseases, ase DeWilt's Witch
?Hacel Salve. A specific for blimi, bleed?
ing, itching and protruding piles. Stops
the pain instantly and cures permanent
Iv. ijel ih?1 genuine. Sohl by K. S.
Men who would never dream of going
up in a Hying machine go Into politics
without u shiver.
lad l'rrvmals.
il i lu il,,
I. M and .1 \ Y
Sirs il?
! iYna I'.ii il
Miss /. i M
and Mi
iry to
li, bul
il M
huid ri the lirai
Il I, la'tter off you
\ t yeur ?''? |?r
, iUl|>oll|..|.'ll
nuiiimlly. VN'e al teil
T t. .Ii II '
Planters National Bank
s.\\ in?;s i?i:i'ai:tmi:nt.
: \a.
i r > t.. J
-I l pi l .- >N|i PBOI lis - aw.DM
I For Pickling
? Large Assortment
i Low Prices
Undertaken nnd RmbaLcv rg
No. 719 Main St., Pi
ickabrjrg, Va 'Phone W,
?VoroM from Exchange Hot?]
aad Wv'steru Un* n
office. Telegraph and telephone
orders "eccive prompt al
tion ')pen liav ftnd night.
$ Cod Liver Oil
S rhe Beat Tonic
# D- C. Bowman
? JTV*
John F. Scott.
Main Ht., ote door botow < Mikh. Wttl
S? Hro. Kail line of
General Hardware.
Barb Wire, Hun*, I'intol?, Razor*,
Knivee. etc., will he aoM at reduc?'d
prices to suit tire times. Money can
be ??.veil by pimdiaaiiiK At Hcott'a
hardwar?- store.
11! Iir Ci
From Headquarters
Bradford Building.
250,000 lbs. of Woo
wanted. Baltimore
prices paid for
good Wool.
Tliei.uo above words represent our
buy lag ami also our selling mottoall
tin- time, but usually this aeaaonof
the i , |.? ?ees t.. move the
v. ..at and broken lots and
-i/..- ol (rood*. M .? reel that the room
and tbe BEADY ?ASH gotten in the
|,lu, e of ?a, h articles more than re
riflcee we have to
We want you to rail if you need? Iota
I - no) take an expert in
i lotbbig i.. I. II we are selling doth
, i greal tn.'iiiN Dierehanta
Im., i* W. nave some ?|.l.-ii.lid bar
? ' Until, SUlTH Ue
hand a* old,) aiieli clothing that giras
iU of i lie very ah irp advance in
sin at ami leattier we are actually
aellillg ?111 H-? less t hail the old |.i ;? ????>
We liai purchase in I'hil
dien s liooii Wear School 81.- We
also hare many Itargainsin Ladies'
and ?leu*? Shoe?.
\V. cu|! your attention to a loi ol
Ladies' Waists
We propose to discontinue thin line
and will sell you a waist at lew. than
talterial post,
We are preparing for toe heavy fall
that w ill ai live BOOB, and.
i h. r.-*iiie. we are cleaning up all
or broken lots and if prices a ill
mow them they will suret* go.
Variety Store
?".'i'.? Com mere? Street.
Now ready. Can gire JOB Blot fish
Plan ai-.- better nowthe**erar. Bead
us your orders. We abo earn ftcufla.
plete assortment of the following:
Stone Milk Crocks and.Jars, Syrupy.
New Orleans and Poto Bico M ?las
Everything in Groceries.
Try our
Castor Oil Axle Grease
Pot four Buggy.
Doggett & Scott.
205 Commerce and 1003 Main Streets.
Miners'Supplies, Etc
kexwn von
Baker's uiglmrade Fertilizers
IN SPITE of ?the |.f wheat trocs the
?taring Hinders and MoWBtB have
broken all record? tbisaeaaon. ? Mir sale*
on th--.?e machines have been ivtnarkable,
considerinp, crop rondltiora?, and not one
breath ol complaint has bee* heard.
. the heel that money und brains
.an' build. Brerybody in toocb with
predericksbnrg knows t!ie history ol the
Husker ami Hhredder buisinesa laat fall.
The Deering won the l?chent praise
wh.-ie other? failed. Deering CorB Har
M?t.i? gavesatisfaction laat yaavr, they
are |?-tier now Wben yon cometotowB
.all and see ns and let \?^ lall. I OTB Mar
- and HuBBera and Shredder*.
Thanking the farmers ?,.?- their stroii*
support, we ire,
N ours tfilv,
( Il \s WALLACB? HI").
There i? ?c?rcel> any condition of i
ill bealtb that is not benellted by the
occasional use of a KIPANti Tabule.
For sale by druggieta. The Fire
cent packet is ei.oujih for an ordl
nary oceasiou. 'l'be family bottle, ?0
[ ceuts, coutaina a .supply for a year.

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