OCR Interpretation

Daily evening bulletin. [volume] (Maysville [Ky.]) 1883-1887, March 30, 1883, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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FRIDAY EVE., MAUOH 30, 1883.
Wk hope the girls will pardon in
If Just right bore wo ax
If fomalojaws wore fashioned for
Tho grinding up of wax.
And, pray, was It lutonded that
Tholr Jaws Nhould stop It never,
But like the tmtolc wo read about
Go right along forever.
Tno bulk of the telegraphic matter for
the Bum.ktin failed to arrive,
probably on account of the storm last
night. It will be printed aB usual tomorrow.
Coat, this week commiimls ten cents a
Mrs. John Whitakkr, her friends will
be pleased to learn, is much better.
A PASSKMQua engine on the Kentucky
Oontral during the month of February,
run 4,000 miles.
Trra band room has been removed to
tho building at the south-west corner of
Front and Market streets.
Wk learn that the late protracted meeting
at the M. E. Church, Germantown,
rcultod in sixteen accessions.
Maysville Council No. 3G will meet on
tho 5th Monday in April. Tho meetings
are held every three months.
Tiik work of filling Court street up
again with ashes began yesterday. Some
very industrious mound builders aro living
on that thoroughfare.
The express facilities of Mayavillo aro
bettor now than thoy have ever been.
It is recoived by tho morning and evening
trains and twico a day by boat.
Messrs. Chunk & Mills carpenters, are
about to put in operation in their shop
on third Btroet a lot of wood-working
machinery to bo run by water-power.
As tho Rev. M. D. Reynolds will bo
absent from tho city next Sunday, tho
pulpit of tho M. E: Church, South, will
that day bo filled by Dr. G. T. Gould, of
Millorsburg. There will be servico both
morning and ovening.
Mn. Wm. Hunt, originator and proprietor
of the Dark Horse, Silver Dollar and
other well known cigars, likes the enlarged
Bum.ktij and has given it an advertisement.
His cigars aro too well
known to need a favorable notice from us
The Old Folks Concert and tho Concert
by tho Sniith Family at the Opera House
this evening is anticipated with much interest.
Tho whole will bo presented in a
stylo that will bo a pleasant surpriso to
all. There ought to bo a largo nudienco
Mimsiw. White & Oirrare opening tho
spring campaign with a motto that mean's
business of u puro and simplo kind. If
you have curiosity enough to know just
what thoy mean to do, you will hunt up
tho advertisement we print in another
column, and as Capt. Cuttlo would say,
" Whenjdoiund inuko a note of it."
Ukdkr the head of "Honor to whom
honor is due," in anothor column, will bo
found somo interesting matter concerning
Mr. Jamos Cobnrn, formorly of
and at ono time a resident of this
city. Ho was for about two yoara iv deputy
in tho Circuit Clerk's ofilco, under
tho late John M. Duke, Jr.' His friends
will read with pleasure the good words
spoken of him.
Tiik show window at 'T. J. Curley's
plumbing establishment is ono of tho
most inviting in tho city. It is u mass of
greon moss with h water basin in tho
center, from which a miniature fountain
plays. The basin is to bo supplied with
gold-fish and a variety of water plants.
It has attracted a great deal of attention
and "Fountain Squaro" is the name already
given to that partof Second street.
Pkrhy Rudy can toll you how to clean
out a etovo'pipo that is if you can find
enough of him in ono place to talk
to. Ho docs It, wo aro informed, with
gunpowder, generally about five cents
worth, and when tho pipe goes through
the ceiling, tho stovo out tho window and
yourself through tho door you may know
tho Rudy plan is eucccessful, Thero are
pthor and perhaps easier ways, but this
ono, to say tho least, possesses tho charm
of excitement and novolty.
Points About People Here and Elsewhere.
Mrs. Bottle Varian, at last accounts,
was improving.
Mr. Thos. Y. Nesbitt and Master Roe
Nesbitt have gono to Owingsville to be
absent about a week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sphar left
afternoon to attend tho funeral of a
relative, near Newport, Ky.
Mr. Charles Osborne, of this county, Is
still very low, and we regret to say, there
is no hope of his recovery.
Rev. B. F. Bristow, at tho urgent solicitation
of his friends, has consented to
become a candidate for the Legislature in
tho First district.
Dr. R. Hiner, of Shelby ville, passed
through tho city yesterday, to assist Rev.
W. D. Powor in a protracted meeting at
Dr. S. M. Cartmell, who has been laid
up for a week past with a severe cold is
much better, and expects to be out again
in a day nr two.
Mrs. A. J. Baylcss and Miss Lida Secrets,
of Concord, are visiting Mrs. J. G.
Payno, of East Maysvilllo. Mrs. Payno
will return with them to Concord next
Saturday. .
- -
He Is not n Colonel.
Colonel J. B. Noyes, tho pleasant and
popular assistant at tho County Clerk's
office, is not a Colonel aftr all. We are
very sure of that because a Bulletin reporter
had it from his own lips yesterday
" I am not now, never have been and
never will bo a Colonel," ho said, " and
I wonld bo obliged if tho Bulletin would
remember it."
"Colonel I" called Clerk Ball, who was
in tho adjoining parlor getting ready for
another wedding.
" Coming" was tho prompt reply and
tho conversation ended.
This is how wo happen to know that
Colonel Noyes is not a Colonel after all.
'Death of Mrs. Wheeler.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler, wife of Mr.
John Wheolor, died yesterday afturnoon
about two o'clock after a painful illness
of sevoral weeks. Sho was the daughter
of the lato Robert White, of this city,
and was in her thirty-sixth year. She
was a kind-hearted, good woman, noted
for her unobtrusive deeds of kindness to
tho indigent and distressed. Sho leaves
one child, a little girl. Mr. Wheeler and
his motherless little one have the deopest
sympathy of tho community. Tho funeral
will take place from tho residence
to-morrow afternoon at two o'clock, after
services by Rev. S. B. Aldorson, of the
Presbyterian Church.
Future Piinhliiurut.
Rev. A. N. Gilbert will preach at the
Christian church on Sunday morning on
tho question- "Is there Punishment after
Death ? " At night tho second of tho
series of lectures to young people will be
tuvon, tho subject being i "What can a
Young Lady do?" All seats free. Everybody
cordially welcomed.
K. of P.Tuentiou.
A full attendance is requested to-night,
at Castle Hall, at. 7:30 o'clock. Work in
new Ritual Lecturo by a distinguished
K. of P. and Lunch.
Simon Davis, C. C.
James K. Lloyd, K. of R. & S.
Dn. T. H. N. Smith advertises elsewhere
somo now business arrangements.
Hereafter he will devote his time exclusively
to tho preservation of tho
natural teeth, and Dr. C. W. Wardle,
will tako charge of tho mechanical work
in all its branches. See the advertisement.
When a cold or other cause checks tho
operation of tho socrotivoorgans, their
natural healthy action should tie restored
by; the uso of Ayor's Pills, and .inflammatory
material theroby reipoved from tho
system. Much serious sickness and suffering
mightboprovented by thus promptly
correcting those slight derangements
that, otherwise, ofton develop into settled
The caso of Thomas Camming has not
yet beon brought beforo tho Court of
Appeals and ho has not thero foro been
granted a new trial. He was taken out
of tho custody of tho keopor of tho
by virtuo of a writ of habeaas
corpus and, Is now in jail hero awaiting
the next step in his case, what that stop
will bo no one tho Bulletin has
ha been able tp say. His attorneys
decline to give any information as to their
!' tontions in tho mattor.
We arodollghtod to hear that tho captivating
widower haschiingod his mind, Abotdeoti
was too powerful a magnet to retdst.
Theslnglng.attho MethodlstUhuroh, March
20, was the bright and particular uttriiutlon of
tho evening. They all did well, but us wo
have an especial udmlratlou for a good inns-online
voice, wo hud u treat In listening lo
Mr. Mellord'M rich melodious voice. He Hingis
u certain stylo, whlph is elleetlve.
Mr. A. J. Crono, of Sonora, New Mexico, la
visiting his relatives ai Aberdeen.
Mi. II. M. Pultnor has bought out Mr. T. K.
III1I. Mr. I'ulmor will continue thogiocery
business, Ho intends to keep u grocery.
Wo are much obliged to Mr. O. W. O for
hi kind advlco in rcconiinciidluiHliiimoiiN'
medicated well-water. No doubt it could euro
heart disease. Hut we are fice from Unit
troublesome tnaludy.
Mrs. Catharine F. Rand.
Mrs. C.itharino F. Rand, who died at
Vanceburg on the 20th inst., was the
widow of tho late Jacob W. Rand, who
for 20 years was principal of the female
department of the Maysville Seminary
and whoso( memory is still fondly cherished
for his Bterling worth and christian
character. Though more than a score of
vears have passed since the deceased left
her home in this citv, yet many of her
loving friends still live to lament her
death and to sympathize with her bereaved
family. Mrs. Hand was born at
Marietta in 'S0(i, and was lliu eldest
daughter of Stophen and Catharine
Mrs. Shcpard being the sister of
Dr. Wm. S. Plummer, ono of the brightest
constellations in the galaxy of
In 1818 sho removed with her parents
to Charleston, West Virginia,
and in 1825 married J. V. Rand.
Esq., with whom she removed to Mavs-ville
in 1831, at which time Mr. Rand
became principal of the female department
of the Maysville Seminary, in
which position he continued for twenty-six
yoarrf; and many who were tutored
by him during that peiiod are htill living
and will with one accord bear testimony
to his usefulness, fidelity and lovely
christian character. Mrs." Rand during
that time was matron of the institution
and admirably discharged the duties of
that office. In 1800 sho removed with
her husband to Lewis county, and nettled
on the pure waters of Kinney, stir-rounded
by its lofty hills mid illimitable
forests, and here lur home
soon became a sanctuary in the wilderness',
where the children of the woods
frequented on Sabbath ilnys for Siuid.iy
school instructions, and the yiumu' anil
old were taught the impnrtani lecsim of
"seeking first the kingdom of God mid
his righteousness." On Tni'sihy, the
20th, sho gently fell asleep, ami was buried
ut Charleston, in Spring Hill C'liie
tery, where her loved onus
Mrs. Rind's funeral services wre
performed in tho same church at
early in life she hid united
with God's people, the same in which
sho was married mm her children
nnd where, nine years ago this
same month, she had lieard her husband's
funeral preached.
Now she has sunk to rest. The weary
pilgrim of 77 years has left her earthly
scenes for a higher sphere in the Holy
Oitv of our Gud. She too has passed the
veil within tho gates,
"Where golden gloiles stream afar.
And heavenly harp tho soul await,
To glowing notes ol Joy attuned,
There bursts orprulsoand wondering love
In lolly siiiil i)K ului 11 imw ird tluw,
Hluill onwaiti and lorcwr How
The music ol Kternlty." W. W. it.
X Drunken Jackass' Hound With Hie
Bodlo (C'aU Kreo Prfs,s.
Aurora has a little jackass that enjoys
a drunken spree, and will drink liquor
until his earn can no longer wtiu. While
under the influnco of wine or whisky he
will perforin many amusiny trieks. Several
weeks ago a number of IJodieite.s
visited Aurora. After drinhiiiKiill thoy
could conveniently carry, tho Hodietes
turned their attention to "tho jack. He
was escorted into a saloon and tho
ordered. The jack took his "medicine"
like an old-timer. After tho second
quart had disappeared the animal became
frisky and wanted more. Ho tried to
climb tin on tho bar, and when intimidated
ho displayed a had temper by kicking
a county odieial in tho abodmen and
biting alawer's leg. Not until he had
drank a pint ot whisky did tho intemperate
jack qiliet down. In tho morning he
was found stretched out near a deserted
building. A cocktail revived him, and
he was ready for anothor " run with tho
Pack's Bad Uov at Fluster's 50 cents.
Advertisements Inserted under this bonding
lUc per line for each Insertion,
Thy Langdou's City Butter Crackers.
Ladibs, call and seo our cheap Tables
and get bargains,
A. R. Gb.vsscocK A Co.
J. A. Jackson, & Son, of Mayslick, aro
tho solo agents in that place tor nil of J.
0. Ayor & Co.'s celebrated patent medicines
and many other valuable preparations,
among them T. B. Smith's Kidney
Tonic. Call and cot a bottle. 117.
1 m
Aykr'b Sarsnparrilla, tho first blood
mediciuo to prove a real success, still
holds its place as first in public estima
tion, both, at home. and abroad, as shown
. v i ,T.'.. . 7
by its miraculous CUrefl and immensoly
uuchvu iira.
Corrected dally by O. W. Okmel, grocer,
street, Maysville, Ky.
Limestone M 8 7 25
Maysville Kamlly .... 6
Maysville City 0 75
Maxou County - 0 25
Kentucky MIIIh 0 00
I Butter, iB .. Ho.V
Uml, ' m . 15
Kgus, Ulor in
I Meal f, peck 20
ChlckoiiH 3tfa:
Molnssos, fancy 7.1
i Coal Oil, V gal. 20
,8ugur, granulatpd W tt . tl
" A. V tt iu
" yellow V th ... 89
Hums, sugar cured V R IS
liucon, break last $ ft 15
Hominy, salJou 20
UeauH V gallon &
Potatoes' pock- 25
Coiroe.. I2fal6
good mmmiiiI hand sate.
w Apply to miulM THIS OKKICK.
buy a nnlrof second hunt!
piiiuorni in goon ouiei. Apply lo
mOiM Iu .Maysville, ICy.
i llTAVrKI A position inn guuleuer by a
T r coiupeicni man. Amity at
1111 UtflUK.
W ANTKD A home forn good girl sixteen
renin old. Kxlo L'fHieial lioiiMiuiiik. An.
ply at niKildtwtf THIS OKKICK. I
Vir ANTi:i liotloni knocked out of prices
Yt iu waton making, .lames M.Kia.ler desires
tho people to know that he is prepared to
f 1 51 nil klmlMiif u'uitiiii iMtLr itltli.tr ri.ttnlt I ....
Lor new work, tit prices. Persons
t,i..i i ....... i i.. i. ...in ..i ....it
nuiijf, ii iiuu juu i, 1 1 1 iii'u.u run.
m'.'Ud&wlni Helena. Ky.
'04t tl,lK.
1,tit f.t.t: llv .Montgomery County
llonds. Safe Investment lor gimidluns.
Apply i his week to
1.1 OK NAI.K Three good houses on the
7 Fleming pike, within i he ei'y limits, by
27dwlv H A LLtih.&.SALLtiK. Attorney.
170II NAI.K 7."),0(K) hand topiiar V
X. Co's.bilek; j0 Mjuaies looting tin neaily
new;2.i.'l 0 feel of nearly new lumber ol dlller.
out kinds. Apply lo
mlOd&wtl G. M.WILLIAMS.
r 70KS A hundred acres of best janil
1 I.. M. ...... I i. in 1
a. in uifiintv, wiiii fulfil iiwmiuiK uiiu
lino lob.icco barn. Twenty note, ol now laud.
Situated on Fleming pike live. miles trom
M uimt1li t.
...t.... ...v.
inlod&wlui UAlUW'vl I .-I, V Aljl.. ;
house In UieMe
eoiiiiilnlug.') looiiiKiiud a kitchen, gulden
and neiiery forn large lot of poulliy, stable
and hoo'tor buggy. Apiily to
It of III ncies near
Caldwell county, K.. itailioad run
Ihinugh Iheeiiunly. I'i fee 7iW, will exehang
lor lfxusiand or oilier propfiiy.
miidlw .U.K. .MA HSU,
Library Building. Sutton Stieet.
I.MUt SA i: WiileliouseiuTd lot. corner ill
Wall and Second, ihreestury hiieK coinei
.Market and Front, two resileuia'son Second,
and one 011 Fourth street. Apply lo
.iK si,k a Frame ot :i
ir " " 4 iiiiik cottuge 111 t iir;iiin
I' llllll If 1 1 fdlttlt y. mint if(rrttittil nt tiuilnxl
one mile trom Mioxvllle, 011 the Fleming
pike Apply on the premises to
A I.i: A 5 looms,
1AOK Thud Mrut. Tlio roonin
are all on one tlour, with a nice basement.
Tlieiels an abundance of fiuit trees, a good
well ol water In tho yaiit and a uood stable.
Apply to W. HIT KUKRI',
mini) life w I m AlKMileeu, Ohio.
foik Hao"e
ATI-.l A unod ctiolc, a white gill pre
let led. l'ei'iuaiienl slluallon lo the
rignl person. Auplylo
in.'ludlt A. M ItOGKUS.
MHt It r.NT Booms for rent In the central
pint ul theellj. Inquire at the
of thelxsi building
ITllMt In Chester. PilcejIrOtoJi.'iUln weekly
or monilily payments. Apply lo
M. F. MABSli,
Library Bullillnu'. Sutton .street.
About 11 week iao, a plain gold
LOST 11 gentleman's hre.ist pin. Tho tlud
or will please return Mime to ti.ls olllee anil
be liberally re win dud. lni'JSdlw
On thuntternoou or Mrs. J.
LOST funeral, In Abeideen, a lady's fur
cupo. Bettirn to Thomas Hill's store, in Aberdeen,
or this olllco and receive rewartl. in'2l3t
Vmicebiirc, Koine, Concortl
Jliiysvllle Dully l'iiiikt,
It. L.Buuck. Clerk.
Loves vanceburu dally nt
ij o'clock a.m. for Maysville.
I.eiivi'u MiivHvllln IrAl I), in.
Goes to Blpley Mondays, Wednesdays and
Friday, Connects at .Manchester with stage
lor West Union. Eor freight or passugo apply
on bourd.
Cincinnati, 1'oriHiinmlli, Hitr KuiMly A
l'oincroy I'ncket Co 111 puny.
JOHN KYLE. President.
Lewis Glknn, Sooietury and Treasurer.
mul O. K. it. r.vcKiyrs
For Ilumlnfflon.l'omeroy.uml till wny
TKLKUBAPH, Mond's and Thursdays 6 p. m.
KLEETWOOD, Tuesdays and Fridays, 5 p. in.
BOSTONA.Wednesdays and Saturdays, 6 p.m.
I'oitsmouih.all Mall mid Way Landings.
BONANZA, TuesdaysThursdays Sat'ys, lim.
.Maysville. All Mull mid Way Landlnus.
MOBNING MAIL, dally (Sundays excepted)
Louvo Cincinnati t::t0a. in, . Maysville. .- . I P. in.
v teigni receiveo 011
Dissolution Notice!
Tho llrm of HONAN A OLIKT, was dissolved
by mutual consont Maroh 22, 1HH3.
Tho books of tlio late llrm Imvo been placed
in tho hands of Halloo Bailee, who are authorized
to Bettlo all tho business ot the Into
firm. A. HONAN,
mmimdiw. .C. B- OLIKT.
Commissioner's Notice.
Timothy Hlorloy'aaUm'r Plamtlff.
vs. Notice to Creditors.
Timothy Hlerley's Helm Ac Hefondantu.
In pursuance of an order in tho abovenctlon
made by the clerk In vacation, the croditorn of
Timothy Hlerley. doceuBod. will present tholr
claims and prove Barae.oa or before April 181,
188S,atmy offlco on Court Htreet, Maysville.
( nutwat Maaver uoramuwonerM.u.u.
Will make the present season, which has commenced
and will expire on the (list ol .Inly, at
the Htableol John 11. Fields, on tho
.Mllli'ieek turnpike road, lour and a
half miles north ol Kleinlngsburg. two miles
souihol Mf.Olleml, lour miles wenlol
and (wo miles east of Millwood, at
$10 to Insure a LIVING COLT,
$8 to Insuie a mare In Koul. Money due In
nil cases when the mare is ten oved or parted
With before tho fact Is ascertained.
KKNTITCKY OHIKK.Jr.lsu beautiful dark
mahogany bay or brown sixteen and one-half
hands hluh, nine years old this spring. Ho
was Mired by the celebrated premium horse,
Kentucky Chief, he by ihe world dronowiiod
piouilum horse, Dill's Indian Chlol, lie by
blood: Vermont Hlaeklmwk (hall brother to
Kthan Allen) he by Hill's lilaiikhawk. ho by
Sherman Morgan, ho by Justin Morgan, tho
original Moruau hoise; Ko'Uiicky Chief, Jr. 's
dam wits by Hellalr, Jr , lie by Thomas Lewis'
llollalr, he by Horace Kenton's Dlomcdo, he
by (HiickMiver.hehv Uadel, he by Johnston's
Medley, he by Medley, he by Hnl, ho by Sir
lint ry Helalie.Ji'.'Mhim by Mlack Knbblt.n
thoroughbred hoic. Kentucky Chief's dam
whs by Aincilcnii.he by Imported Yorkshire;
2nd dam by Sir Charles, ho by Sir Archie; Indian
Chlers dam was by H. A. Alexander's
Imported Kd tin Fonest, hobyyoungUushnw
ho ly Arabian Kiishuw; Young Itnshaw's dam
wasby Hist Consul, seeond dum by Imported
Messenger, Ihlid dam by Tiocklngham; Hod
Forrest's dam by Saltpetre, out of n
win.ire; Sheriniiu .Morgans dam by Young
liiiuihletonlau, by lllshop's Hambletnnlaii,
he liy Impoited inesseimer. (tlioroughbred),
.Miiiiibriiio, the thoioughbred of England.
$8 to Insure a LIVING COLT.
Wo letaln alien on all colts for tho season
money. Great euro will be taken lo prevent
accidents, but no responsibility should any
occur, iiiiiilwiiiu L. B. & K. W. FIELD.
The Fine Saddle and Harness Stallion,
Will stand tbo preoont Season at my Stnble,
'J wo Miles west ol Moysllek, on the MayMIck
and Saitlls I'lko, and will bepormlted to serve
mares, at
$10 to Insure a Mare With FOAL.
Is 11 bay colt,
foaled in the snilng ot 1K7U, by C'hiettaln or
t'ltlabau. His dam wits Bell by Sollerluo; bo
by Impoited Yorkshire. His dam wits St.
Mary by Hamlet; and ills ureal dam was Impound
iiomp by Langar; Bell's dam wasKitlo
by Atlanta; he by American Eclipse; ho by
Old Duroc anil luiiioited Dlomedo. Bells
giand dam wasby Abdullah; her great grand
tlaiii was by Engineer; her ,gr. gn gr. dam was
Imported Messenger.
R0L0, Prince of Jacks,
lllack, tllteen IimiiiIs high, mealy nose. For
length niiisfl) and stym, he elniilenues
He will sorve marcs at the above
plnet), at tin low price of
$10 to Insure a Mare With Foal.
A Heit wiM be retained on all colts got by th
above Hoi'm'Oi .luck, unlit ihe season money
Is paid. Mines kept on leiisonnble terms.
Cine taken 10 prevent accidents, but not responsible
should any occur.
J. M. I'lI'EIt,
Match IKIi, InSI. mlOwtf
ffiRY&7a M7
9?:,tTRATEDwjF:J? U,
.DrspRlPr'iM k J&iT.' ft
T?TA, idi 2La
KFOFt 1883. tmXmBLs&
'111 tt Tt.nl t..i1 LI1.'L. ,fA till lirmllnnlila n.i.l m ....
toiners of JttHt year without oriterim, it. ItconLnina
at)oiit 175 piures, 600 Ultihtratlnnw. prlcen, accunito
c!oacriittniiH ami valuabln ilirectloiiH for plantlimr
ISeo varittle. of und Flower Hocsts.
PlantH, Krnlt Ttxsi, etc. Iuvahmblo to all,
to Market OurilenerH. Seitilforltl
deel wlui
14,508 JJoxos sold in a year by OJNI3
Druggist of
ipgSSSrVHa J?fi"tvfTvf
! m wm El m Bi km t II U mmW
1 Mil 1lH
Act Directly on tlic Liver.
IT II KM Ollll.IJi Wll KKVKIt,
Hick IlKin.uiiK, IIii.iiu'h Como,
vim tin not "feel very well." u Btngle pill nl
Hthiiiilutes llie stomach, rentoroa
the uppetlto, tmpurts vlor to Hit. nvMern.
R.E. SELLERS & CO,, Pittsburgh, Pa.
To movent vagrancy ami drunkenness In tlio
Oily of Maysville.
Itc it ordained by t!c Hoard of Councilmcn of
the CUu of Maywitle : Hkc. 1, That if any
person bo lound loitering or rambling
about in IheClly of Miiysvlilo. not having ihe
means to maintain hlmselt by some visible
property, or who does not betake himseir lo
labor, or somo honeat calling to obtain a livelihood,
or who not possessing bucIi means lias
quit his habitation, hnviug a wife or child or
ohlldrenwlthoutsultablo means of siibsistatico
or who lsdrunkon, Idle or dissolute In habits,
without vlslblo meaiiHof Hiipport, shall, upon
conviction thoreof before tho Mayor of said
wi;, uo ..ii hi unum huv iufia man
nor more than Bfty dollani.to bo paid,
recovered or enforced with cost another IlnoH
undor tho ordinances and charter of said city.
Hkc. 2, That nil nnos imposed nnd paid or
or worked out under tho provisions of this
oroinauco uyii person nuvitiR a wife, child or
children, without suitable means of
may be appropriated to their support.
Hko.,3, That this ordinance ahull takoeflect
from lu passugo.
Adopted In council March 1, 1883.
L. Kn. Pkaiiob, Prealdent
Attest: Uaubt Tati.uk, City Clerk.

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