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Daily evening bulletin. [volume] (Maysville [Ky.]) 1883-1887, May 21, 1883, Image 3

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MONDAY EVE., MAY 21, 1883.
Tie mercury, ns you will find,
Is plnylng naughty tricks,
By dropping down and leaving va
In most unplonsant fix.
To get now ulster overcoats
Will be our purses breaking,
So stand the chill ns best you may
And take It out in slinking.
Tui: Court of Cluims is in session today.
Tun straw hats that came tremblingly
to the front last week have fallen to the
Linek and Mohair ulsters, largo lot'
also Jap parasols 15 cents each, at Hunt
& Doyle's.
Although this is the 21st day of May,
overcoats were comfortable and in demand
Fouu million herrings were placed in
the Ohio river last week by the United
States Fish Commissioner.
The weekly circulation of the daily and
weekly Bulletin is 5,730, which is an increase
of 239, during the week past.
Messrs. A. C. Sni.vn & Co., shipped a
carload of pressed brick to Cincinnati,
on Saturday, the first ever sent from
Maysville to that market.
The street railway track layers have
reacbed a part on Second street near tbe
Southern Presbyterian parsonage. The
work is moving along rapidly.
A new counterfeit five dollar gold coin
is in circulation. It bears the date of
1843 and purports to have been coined at
New Orleans. It is heavily plated and
considerably lighter than the genuine
Clerk Ball is about to lose his polite
and obliging deputy, Col. J. B. Noyes,
who has been offered and has accepted a
position as cashier and book-keeper at
Sweet Springs, in Monroe county, West
Va., for the season beginning June 1st
and Ending October 1st. These springs
are situated in a delightful region and
are very popular as a summer resort.
Col. Noyes hopes to have his Maysville
friends visit him during the se son.
and promises his best efforts for their
entertainment. He leaves to enter upon
his duties about the first of June.
To Make a Filter.
The Scientific American gives the following
directions for making a water filter
: To make a filter with a barrel, procure
a piece of fine brass wire cloth of a
size sufficient to make a pattition across
the barrel. Support this wire cloth with
a coarser wire cloth under it and also a
light frame of oak, to keep the wire cloth
from sagging. Fill in upon the wire cloth
about three inches in depth of clear,
sharp sand, then two inches of charcoal
broken up finely, but no dust. Then on
the charcoal four inches of clear, sharp
sand. Fill up the barrel with water, and
draw from the bottom.
A frankfort despatch to the Courier-Journal
referring to the argument in the
Craft case before the Court of Appeals
says :
The tenor of the argument for the appellant
is that Ellis, who was hanged by the mob,
and was the chief witness against Crntt.if
living would huve boon an Incompetent witness
by reason of his having been convicted
of au infamous crime, and that, therefore,
proof as to his testimony upon the former
trial was incompetent. Ellis, while In (nil at
Lexington, after testifying mudo statements
contradictory of his testimony given in court,
which the appellant offered to prov, The
lower court oxcluded the testimony, and the
action in so doing is relied upon tig good
grounds tor a reversal of the rasp. It Is claimed
by the Common wealth that a witness can
not be contradicted without giving him an
opportunity to explain, and that theretn.ro a
dead witness can not be contradicted. Theso
ate the principal points involved in the appeal,
excepting that the appellant claims ho
was entitled to nn acquittal, inasmuch as
there was no corroborating ovldeuco to con
vict mm onne crime. - xi -a. -i
The following is from the Covington
news column of the- Enquirer of Saturday:
Lnst night Mr. F. M. Vanden, while passing
along Madison btreet, between Pike and
Hoventh, slipped and fell, severely Injured his
leg, which was broken last year. Ho was carried
to his homo on Scott street, above Ninth
wheio ho was attended by Dr. F. H. Noonan.
Mr. Vanden, who is the son of the late
P. B, Vanden, and formerly lived in this
city, was a soldier on tho Confederate
side during the war, and as tho writer
happens to know, was as gallant a one as
ever left his native State. Ho participated
in the battle of Ohickamauga and
came o'lt of tho fight with three Federal
bullets in his body one of which shattered
his knee. The recent accident and tho
ono last year wore tho result of his injuries
received in battle. His old comrades
in Mason county will be sorry to hear of
his bad luck.
Mrs. A. M. J. Cochran is visiting friends
at Lebanon, Ky.
Mr. Maurice Xing, of St. Louis, is visiting
relatives in this county.
Mrs. Russell, of Virginia, is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. B. A. Wallingford.
Mr. John E. Blaine will remove to
Peoria, 111., about the first of next July.
A little son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Driscoll, died at Ripley, on Saturday
Mrs. M. A. Bidlemnn, of Vanceburg,
is the guest of Mrs. John Lovel, of East
Mrs. F. B. Ranson, who has been very
sick, her friends will be pleased to learn
is much better.
Rev. D. Gould, formerly pastor of the
Presbyterian Church, at Ripley, died
near Cincinnati last Thursday.
Mr. William Willocks, of this city,
will have charge of the office of the hotel
at Eaculapia Springs this season.
Prof. II. K. Taylor, of Vanceburg,
favored the Bulletin with a call last
Saturday, on his way home from Louisville.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Breneman, of Cincinnati,
and Mrs. George Campbell, of
Delaware, Ohio, are the guests of Mrs.
Sam Poyntz, of Front street.
Mrs. Emma D. January, accompanied
by her two sons, Will and Andrew, left
on Thnrsday to visit friends at Chicago.
Mr. Will January will return this week.
Miss Tillie ILildy, who hns been the
guest of the family of Mr. Shaffer, Superintendent
of tho water works, has returned
to Cincinnati, much to tho regret
of many friends.
Our young friend, Elijah Woodward, is seriously
ill at this writing.
Fred Kurtz sold a Quo yoke of cattle for
Messrs. Ware & Roberts, of Brooksville,
wero around a few days ago buying tobacco,
Mrs. Elizabeth Curtis died May Kith. She
was one of our oldest citizens. A large circle
of Irieuds mourn her departure.
iiill3dalk, bkackkn county.
Mrs. Amanda Wood Is still quite sick.
Tho A. Z. Society holds Its next monthly
meeting on the 25th lust. The society Is
growing finely.
Mast in's mill is buey sawing the timber
from John Gregg's new clearing.
Why the Grocery Man Thought he was
a Thoroughbred and Gave him ulltlie
Herrimr lie Wanted.
Strange nml Unaccountable Comliict of
his Pa over a Suit of Clothes.
Peck's Sun.
" Ah, ha, you have got your deserts at
last," said the grocery man to the bad
boy, as ho came in with one eye black,
and his nose peeled on one side, and sat
down on a board ncross the coal scuttle,
and betzan whistling as unconcerned as
possible. " What's the matter with your
"Boy tried to gouge it out without
asking my consent," and the bud boy
took a dried herring out of tho. box anil
began peeling it. " He is in bed now,
and his ma is poulticing him, and she
says he will be out about the last of next
" Oh, you are going to be a prize fighter,
ain't you," said the grocery man, disgusted.
' When a boy leaves a job whore
he is working, and goes to loafing around
he becomes a fighter the first thing.
What your pa ought to do is bind vouout
with a farmer, where you would have to
work all the time. I wish you would go
away from here, becaues "you look like
one of theso fellows that comes up before
the police judge Monday morning, and
gets thirtv days in tho house of correction.
Why don't you go out and loaf
around a slaughter house, whore you
would look appropriate?" and tho grocery
man took a hair-brush and brushed
some loose sugar and tea, that was on the
counter, into the sugar barrel.
" Well, if you have got through with
your sermon, I will toot a little on my
horn," and the boy throw the remains of
the herring over behind a barrel of potatoes,
and wiped his hands on a eoil'ee
sack. " If you had this black eye, and
had got it the way I did, it would boa
more priceless gem in tho crown of glory
you hope to wear, than any gem you can
get by putting quarters in tho collection
plate, with the holes filled with lead, as
you did last Sunday, when I was watching
you. 0, didn't you look pious when
you picked that filled quarter out, and
held your thumb over tho place where
the lead. was. The way of tho black eye
was this. I got a job tending a soda
fountain, and last night, just before wo
closed, there was two or three young
loafers in the place, and a girl came in for
a glass of soday. Fivo years ago she was
ono of tho brightest scholars in tho ward
schools, when I was in tho intermediate
department. Sho was as handsome as a
peach, and everybody liked her. At
recpss sho used to take my part when tho
boys knocked me around, and she lived
near us. She had a heart as big as that
cheese box, and I guess that's what's the
matter. Anyway, sho left school, and
then it was said she was going to be married
to a follow who is now in the dudo
business, but ho wont back on her and
after awhile her ma turned her out doors,
and for a year or two sho was jerking beer
in a concert saloon, until the mayor stopped
tho concerts. She tried hard to net
sewing to do, but they wouldn't have
her, I guess 'causo sho cried so much
when she was sewing, and the tears wet
tho cloth she was sewing on. Once I
asked pa why ma didn't give hor some
sewing to do, and he said tor me to dry
up and never speak to her if I met her
on tho street. It seemed tuff to pass her
on the street, when she had tears in her
eyes as big as marbles, and not speak to
her when I know her so well, and she
had been so kind to me at school, just
cause a dude would't marry her, but I
wanted to obey pa, so I used to walk
around a block "when I saw her coming,
'fause I dtd'nt want to hurt her feelings.
Well, last nitfht she came in the store,
looking pretty shabby, and wanted a
of soda, and I gave it to her. and O.
how her hand trembled when she raised
the glass to her lips, and lmw wet lur
eyes were, and how pale her f ici was. 1
choked up so I couldn't sp mIc when sho
hinded mo the nickel, and when she
looked up at mo and smiled just like sl.e
usod to. and suid I was getting to be almost
a man since we went to at the
old school house and put her handkerchief
tohereyes, by gosh, mv eyes got so full I
could'nt tell whethwr it was a nickel or a
lozcnger she gave me. Just then one of
th'Ke loafers began to laugh at her, and
c.dl her names and say the police ought to
take her up for a stray, and he made fun
of htr until she cried some moiv, and I
got hot and went around to where he was
and told him if he said another unkind
word to her I would maul him. He laughed
and asked if she was mv sister, and I
told him that a poor friendless siirl, who
was sick and in distress, and who was insulted,
ought to be every boy's sister,
for a minute, and any boy who had a
spark of manhood should "protect her,
and then he lauu'lnM and said I oughtto
be one of the Little Sisters of the Poor,
and he took hold uf her faded sh iwl and
pulled the weak girl against the showcase,
and said something mean to her.
and she looked as though hhe wanted to
die, and I mashed that boy one rLdit on
the nose. Well, the air'sHmed to b
full of me for a minute, cuise he wis1
bigger than me, and he got me down nid
got his thumb in my eye.
was going to take my eye out, but I '
turned him over and got on top mid f ,
mauled him until he beguud, lui I
wouldn't let him up till he asked th
girl's pardon, and swore he would wh p
any hoy that insulted her, and t en 1
let him up, and the girl th n'ed m . bu
I told her I couldn't apeak to her, 'c ue
she was tuff, and pa didn't want me to
speak to anybody who was tuff, but if
anybody ever in&ulted her so she had to
cry, that I would whip him if I hail to
take a club. I told pa about it, and I
thought he would be mad at me for la
part of a gi 1 that was tuff, but
by gosh, pa hugged me. and -the tears
come in his eyes, and he srtid I had ot
good blood in me, and he said I did just
eight, and if I would show him the fatln r
of the boy that I whipped, pa sad he
would whip the old man, and mas i I for
me to find the poor girl and send her up
to the house and she would give her a
job makiflg pillow-cases and night shirts
Don't it seem darn queer to you that
everybody goes back on a poor girl 'cause
she makes a mistake, and the blasted
whelp that-is to blame gets a chrom .
It makes ine tired to think of it," and
the boy got up and shook himself, and
looked in the cracked mirror hanging
upon a post, to see how his eye was
getting along.
"Say, young fellow, you are a thoroughbred,"
said the grocery man, as he
sprinkled some water on the asparagus
and lettuce, "and you can come in here
and get all the herring you want, and
nevor mind the black eye". I wish I had'
it myself. Yes, it does seem tough to
see people never allow a girl to reform.
Now, in Bible times, the Savior forgave
Mary, or somebody, I forget now what
her name was. and sho was n better girl
than ever. What we need is more of the
spirit of Christ, and the world would bo
"What we want is about ten thousand
Christs. We ought to have ten or fifteen
right hero in Milwaukee, and they would
find plenty of business, too. But this
climato scorns to be too rough. Say, did
I tell you about pa and ma having
" Xo, what's the row ?"
" Well, you see ma wants to economize
all she can, and pa has been getting
thinner since ho quit drinkign and reformed,
and I have kept on growing until
I am bigger than he is. Funny, ain't
it, that a boy should bo bigger than his
pa? Pa wanted a new suit of clothes,
and ma said sho would fix him, and so
sho took ono of my old suits and madolit
over for pa, and ho wore them a week
before ho knew it was nn old suit made
over, but one day he found a handful of
dtied up angle worms in tho pistol pocket
that I had forgot when I was fishing,
and pa laid the angle worms to ma, and
ma had to explain that she mado over
ono of my old suits for pa. Ho was mad
and took them off and threw them out
the back window, and swore ho would
never humiliate himself by wearing his
son's old clothes. Ma tried to reason
with him, but he was awlul worked up
up and said ho was no old charity hospital,
and ho stormed around to find his old
suit of clothes, but ma had sold them to
a plaster of pans imago peddler, and pa
hadn't anything to wear, and ho wanted
ma to go out in tho alloy and pick up
the suit ho throw out the window, but a
rag man had picked them up and was
going away, and pa bo grabbed a linen
duster and put it on and went out after
the rag picker, and lie run and pa after
him, and tho rag man told a policeman
there was nn escaped lunatic from the
asylum, and he was chasing people all
over the city, and tho policeman took
na bv the linen ulster and pullid it oil',
'and ho was a sight when they took him
to tho police station. Ma and me Had
to go down and bail him out, and the
police lent us a tarpaulin to put over pa,
and wo got him home, and he is wearing
his summer pants while the tailor'makes
him a new pair of clothes. I think pa
is too excitable, and too particular. I
never kicked on wearing pa sold clothes,
ami I think ho ought to wear mine now.
Well. I must go down to the sweetened
wind factory and jerk soda," and tbe boy L
went out atid hung up a sign in front, of
the store, " Spinnage, for greens, that the cat !
hasmade a neat in over aunca?. ,
Advertisements inserted under this
10c per Hue for each Insertion.
Thy Lungdon's City Butter Crackers.
Nkw stvle Stockinette Jetsys at Hunt
& Doyle's. mar.11 dl v
Foit Sale. Two desirable lots on the
Fleming pike. Terms reasonable.' Apply
to aLMdlm William O'Dkiex.
Aykii's Sar.sip.irilla has such concentrated,
curative power, that it is by far
the best, cheapest, and surest blood-purifier
If you wish the whitest and most delightful
bread, ask your grocer for " Old
Gold Patent Flour," made by Robinson
& Co.'s New Process Roller Mill. m!5
Try "Old Gold Patent," the finest,
whitest and most satisfactory flour ever
offered in this market. Manufactured
by Robinson & Co.'s New Process Roller
Mill. mayH
Ma. S. B. Oldham has a new gas burner
which makes a wonderful saving ingas.
It gives a broad, clear flame and consumes
less gas than any other burner in
use, and can be regulated to burn low or
high without moving the keys on the
fixtures. Give them a trial. nilGdlw
B.!.im:s may he avoided by the use
of Hall'". Hir Renewer, which prevents
the t I'i g out of the hair, and
it to renewed growth and
.nee. It also r.wore faded or gray
h.ir to it- original dark color, and radically
cures ne irly every disease of the
m a p.
lo Buyers of Clothing-.
1 take this method of informing my
friends in Maysville and vicinity that I
am now with C. R. Mabley & Co. The
mammoth clothiers of Cincinnati. All
orders forsuits, goods &u.,sent in my care
will receive my personal attention.
Goods will be sent on approval to responsible
parties otherwise C. O. D.
Goods will be exchanged, if not satisfactory,
or money refunded. Fine dress
suits to hire for balls, weddings, tfec.
N. B. Maksii,
WithO. R. Mablev & Co., Cincinnati, 0.
At Ripley, Ohio, May 17, 1891, MlssMAGGIE
LUl'Z to Mr. ERNEST HARRISON. Ceremony
by Rev. J. Verity, of Georgetown, O.
Corrected dally by G.V. Geisel, grocer,
Se oud street, Maysville, Ky.
Limestone j "a
Maysville Family 6 2.5
Old Gold ......, 7 1)0
rinsou County
Kentucky Mills 0 00
Lard, ft m 15 j
Eggs, doz 15
Meal$ peck 20
Chickens 3035 ,
Molasses, fancy 75'
Coal 011,1) gal 0
Sugar, granulated 13 R 11 i
" A.W tb 10'
" yellow V) ft 8&9
Hams, sugar cured ) tb 15
Bacon, breaklatit '$ ft 15
Homtny. If) gallon 20 '
Beans 'i gallon , 40'
Potatoes V peclc 25
Cntfbu 12(Jn 15
F09t NAViK.
Fourteen nice dwellings. All
; well located. Aho, a number of building
lots lu Chester. For prices and terms. Apply
to M. F. MARSH,
mlbdtf Library nulldlng, Sutton street.
SAL K Bedsteads, deriding, springs,
; china dishes, looking glasses and other
property. Apply to
SAiitu A good Coottlug siovu and
1,Mlt Call at Thomas Tudor's tin stoio
second street, between Market and Limestone.
OlTSALE 75,000 second hand Sphar &
I J Co's.bilck; 50 squaies rooting tin. nearly
uew:'2.i,0uO feet of nearly now lumber of
Kinds. Apply to
mlUd&wtf G. M. WILLIAMS.
It exchange 11
; acres of land near churches on Lawronco
cteek, for a nouso and lot in Chester. Apply
to M.F. MARSH,
m!2 Library Building, Sutton Street.
HALE A splendid tarm of 175 acies
FOIt at Clark's Station on the M.and
L. It. R., llvo miles from Maysville. Good
dwelling and out buildings, two tenaut
houses, two largo tobacco barns,
acres of now lund, plenty of water, and on
Strodes Run turnpike. Sold entire, or as two
lurius. vniity w uuu, iv. iiimiimiuys ou
promises or to GARRETT S. WALL,
nlll,lln, Mniioilllln IT.r I
Muysvllle, Ky.
HUNT Two or three roohis. Apply
miotuw liiuu stteot. opposite Wall,
ITU Ml UKXT A frame limine on Vino s reet,
; co talnlng three rooms and it kitchen.
FOR ItEXT Three or live rnomslo small
(amlly. Anplyat luiodtf THIS OFFICE.
Frhlav, a gold bracelet with
j b.uiule attached and marked .1. R. T. The
Under will please return to this otllco and bo
rewarded ml0dlw.
rOST On Monday morning betweeuTho
j First Nation 1 Bank and Daulton A
Hros.'s livery stable, a new five dollar bill.
Please lo.tve at the Bulletin office and bo
rewarded. mlodtf
From inornJtiK to morning and from week
to week THE SUN piiuts a continued story
of the lives of real men and women, and of
their deeds, plans, loves, hates, and tioubles.
'i hti. story is more interesting hnn a iy romance
(hut wets ever devised. Subscription: Daily
(1 pages), by mail, 65c. n month, or 3(1 50 n vear;
Sunday (8 pages). 51.20 per year; Weekly
(8 pages), 81.00 per year.
I. V. ENGLAND, Publisher, N. Y. City.
PROPOSALS will be received until May
JL 28th lor erecting a primary school building
at Aberdeen, Ohio. Foi spec. tlcatlous call
on or address the undersigned.
S..fp&RY, j""" "
rs AT
Cor. Sixth and Walnut Sts.
Lewis Vanden, Proprietor.
Is the best place to get bargains lu
Windhorst & Blum,
HaveJuM received their Spring Stock of Imported
and Domestic Goodsol the latest styles,
prices reasonable uud work the best. uuiMy
9 AKlIftHr"Absolattlrharm1esi!Stlmn
1 1 1 1 1 Al 1 1 1 MM i ttte h.air, ,f druggist hasn't
I If II &J B 31 Cm:fr' ,M "'" St'.CIn. 75c!
'iVl I VII lb a. bottle; 4, express pal J, 3.
rnHE Delrable Residence on Second Street
J known as the Presbyterlau parsonage Is
oflered for sale on reasonable terms. The lot
is 80 feet front and extends back 120 feet to au
alley. The houxe contains 7 rooms, kitchen,
pantry and theie are two clstonis on the lot.
Apply to J. JAMES WOOD,
al20difewlm A.T.COX.
A Spooihu for all Diseases of tiie
Pills, 86 Doses, $1.00
J. T: LEE, Lebanon Piko, Cincinnati, O.
Bent by mail postpaid on receipt of price
Has ust received 500 copies of
A Treatise on the Horse
The best work for tho money published,
Addiess mall outers to
myOd&wtf Maysville, Ky.
Desirable Real Estate
TF not sold before I will sell at public
tlon ou hat 11 r day, June 2, 1883, my
house nnd Ave lots, all under feuce, situated
In Clifton, noar the property of Mr. C. B,
Pearco, Jr.. and only three minutes walk to
tho proposed btreet railway. Tho house is
comparatively new, has threo rooms, kitchen,
hall and poich below, and two rooms
above, a nice cellar, cistern, a largo stable,
buggy houso and all necessary
fifteen to twenty fruit trees, grapes and other
small fruits. For further particulars call and
see me at my office opposite postofllce, or G,
S. Judd, Esq, Attorney at Law, Court street,
between Second and Third streets.
a2ldtd G. A. MCCRACKEN.

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