Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING BULLETIN MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1885. The Grand Lodge of Oddfellows of this State meets at Louisville this wcok. Prubidkkt GlkvkLiAND has oppressed his belief that'the Democrats will carry Now York. Two cases of small-pox are reported at Essex, N. H. The disease was brought from Montroal. Judqk Thomas's resignation as Civil Service Commissioner has been recoivod at Washington. Tjik Grand Division of the order of Railway Conductors was in seesion at Louisville last week. Tnic LouiBvillo Democrat is led to "A clean Democratic sweep in Virginia is promised.' It looks that way from the Lee dust flying through tho air in that State." Jacob Kaufman, of Denver, Col., took a novel method of suiciding. Stripping himsolf, ho shoved his body back and forth between a barbed wire fence until death relieved him of further troubles in this world. Judok Van Long has been appointed Chief JhsUco of New Mexico in the place of Hon. W. B. Fleming, resigned. Judgo Long is ot Indiana and enjoys the reputation of being one of the leadiDg luwyers of that State. Thk Prohibitionists are just now carrying on a vigorous fight in New York against Davenport tho Republican nominee for Governor, in that State. Ho is a manufacturer of wine, and they proposo to defeat him if possible. Roscok Conklino doean't proposo to help his party out in tho present campaign in Now York. In an interview a few days ago with an Enqnirer correspondent, ho criticises his party's ticket and platform in that State in a severe manner. He describes the platform as " a mass of nothingness, vapidity and monumental vacuity," and alludes to Evartsas "tho vonerablo and attenuated icicle." He says Davenport the Republican nominee for Governor is a millionaire and nothing else. The idea of his taking the slump for such a man, is, he says, preposterous. m KHHTUCKY NEWS. J. C. McFerran, the noted turfman, is dying at his home in Louisville. The re-union of ex-Confederate and ex-Federal soldiers at Owensboro last week was a big success. .. Charles Duvnll, a convict, who escaped from tho " pen " four years ago, has been recaptured at Louiavillu. AH. Little, tho Breathitt Countv pension swindler, is on trial in the United States Court ut Louisville. The Cigar-makers' Union have issued orders to boycot Hotterman Brothers, tobacco manufacturers, of Louisville. Tho convicts employed nt tho coal mines in Whitley County, overpowered their guards and escaped this weok. Willio Gibbons, colored, aged thirteen years, was run over and killed by an en-nine on the Short Lino road at Louisville this week. Tho Synod of the Presbyterian Church is in session at Covington. It embraces eighty-nine churches with a membership of 20,274. Number of ministers 01. Tho Southern Exposition, at Louisville, closed last Saturday night. The crowd in attendance is estimated at 35,-000. The exposition is said to have been a success, financially. William Woods, thirteen years of age, was run over and killed by a street car, at Louisville, last Saturday night. Ho was stealing a ride, and, in jumping off, fell in front of another car. The grand jury at Frankfort has indicted the six members of Doris1 circus, who robbed the four young men on a train near Bagdad not long ago, and then compelled them to jump from tho cars. With a million ot dobt, an empty treasury and an antiquated constitution, revenue becomes the most important subject for tho consideration of tho next tiouoral Assembly of our State. May-field Monitor. Rev. J. G. Be.ui is jailer of Ohio County, and recently ibsued a proclamation to inform the citizens that " tho moral and religious condition of Ohio County is very good." lie says: "Our jail is empty and there is peace and quiet all over our county "Exchange. At Chambors Station, Menifee County, last Thursday, Mark Miller and Rowland Stono became intoxicated, quarreled, and in tho flight that ensued, Miller was shot in tho fuce and killed. He is said to have been ono oi tho worst desperadoes in that part of the State, After boing shot, ho stabbed Stono sovorely in the side, and died almost in the act. Tho Kentucky Grand Lodge of Masons elected tho following ofllcors this week : J. Soulo Smith, Lexington, Grand Junior Wardon; J. II. Leathers, Louisville, Grand Treasurer ; Hiram Bassott, Millers-burg, Grand Secretary ; Joseph T.. Davidson, Louisville, Grand Tyler. Tho Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons elected tho following ofllccrs: B. G. Witt, Grand High Priest; Hiram Bassott, Deputy Grand High Priest; J. Soulo Smith, Grand King; H. G. Grand Scribe ; John H. Leathers, Grand Treasurer; Josoph II. Branlmm, Grand Secretary. SAD SIGHT. A Son G nine to tho Oravn Which the I Futhor Could Not I oltorr. New Yonic, Oct. lid, As J. D. Fish was being takon back from court to tho Murray Hill hotel by tho dotoctlvos who have him I In churgo, u hcarso followod by a singlo carriage passed. Tho hoarso contained tho remains of Mr. Fish's youngest aud favorlto son, who died in New Orloans. Tho body .was boing taken through tho city to Wood-J lawn cemetery. Mr. Fish saw his daughter in deep mourning in tho carriage "Thoy aro burying my boy," ho said, "and I cannot follow them." I The detectives hastily consalted togothor 1 and then Mr. Purdy, who represents tho district attorney's office, told Mr. Fish that though ho was not authorized to do so, ho would allow him to follow tho carriage if ho desired. "You are very kind," responded Fish, after a pause, "but I will not embarrass you. You aro a jrounjr man and misstep might mar your Ufa" Tho party thereupon procoodod to tho hotel. in. Photographing a Dead Girl's Kyea. Kansas City, Oct. 26. Roundsman Church had a photograph taken of Katie Conway's eyes and when tho picture is finished it will bo placed undor a powerful Jto see If tho picture of the man who dealt the doath blow con bo soon. Tho detectives have not yet obtained a clue to tho brute who murdered Mrs. Conway and her daughter. 11i Walkup Cue. EHromA, Kan., Oct 20. In tho trial of' Mrs. Walkup, tho entiro day was takon up by the testimony of various export physicians called by tho dofonce to establish tho fact that tho death of Mr. Walkup was caused Dy poison. All agreed In tho ir ' mnnv thnfc t.hla tvnn Mm fnn Ico and Front. Montgomery, N. Y., Oct. 20. Tho second frost of the season has prevailed in this county. Tho farmers have been fortunate this fall in gathoring all their crops without injury from frost At 7:3J o'clock the mercury stood at S3 degrees, and ico is reported on the low lauds. Klovon Juror. New Yohk, Oct 20. Tho entire session of court in the Ward caso was occupied in tho election of Jurors, whon adjournment was takon eleven jurors had boon socurod. SHORT SAYINGS. Pithy, Pointed Paragraph Prepared for I lusty I'eruHaL The Marchioness of LandsJownwill sail on tho 20th lust, for Canada, Grain in Now York was steady and strong, oil firm and cotton woak and decliuing. were dull. Look, Hepworth & Co., woolen factors at Llveraedge, Yorkshire, havo failed, with liabilities of JC40.000. Tho king of Denmark has prorogued tho rigsdag, owing, it is rumored, to tho prcsont political agitation. A meeting of Loyalists of County Wick-low, Ireland, was held, and a county branch of tho Loyal Patriotic union fornwd. Thero woro ono hundred and soventy.sovon business failures in the United States and Canada during tho past woek. Samuel Podlas, on trial at Mayavllle, Ky., for killing his two brothers, was acquitted on tho ground of Judgo Benjamin Bucknor, of Loulsvillo, Ky., is mentioned as an applicant for placo in the civil service commission. The heaviest weather ever known is reported from Lako Superior during tho past two days. Bovoral vessols are missing. President Cleveland says that no question has aunoyed him so much .as that of tlu appointment of civil Borvico commissioners. Tho hinge and chain works of Oliver Brothers & Phillips, at Beaver Falls, Pa., wero destroyed by Are, Ignited by natural gas. Loss, $25,000. J. Wesley Houghton, bookkeeper for L. McOillis, iurnituro dealer, Ogdetisburg, N. Y., is charged with embezzling $3,00J. Ha was highly respjetod. Hon. Chauncoy M. Depew reiterates his former statement of tuo Grant-Johnson j episode, aud it is subtautiatod indirectly by Uen. Ii. F. liutler and others. Emperor William returnod to Berlin from Bodou. Ho was welcomed by thousands of citizens. The emperor looked well, but his countenance wore a gravo expression. Jack Bennau, umpire of tho Henley base ball club, of Richmond, Iud., was flnod twenty-live dollars aud costs by tho mayor of that place, fur assaulting a young lady. Unknown parties euterod the circuit clerk's olllco nt Toinpkinsville, Monroa county, Ky., and burned ail the indictments and papers belonging to civil suits in tho office. Threo thousand men employed in the stato quarries at Llauberries, Wales, have been locked out because thoy committed u breach ot tho ruios in holding a mass meeting during working hours. A man giving tho naino of W. II. Tarrant, of MusKogon, Mich., was arretted at Jackson, Mis., for counterfeiting silver cor. titlcates. A lot of counterfeit notes, and a plu to use! ror making them, wero found in his possession. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Quotations ol the htook, l'roiluce unil Market, Oct. ill. New Yonic Monkey 14 poreout. Exchange dull. Governments Una. Currency sixes, Vl8' bid; fours, coupons, 123J bid; lltf4 bid. First priuoi at the stock exchange showed Kolns of J'ato V per cent, over Ittbt evenings closing figures, excepting Jersey Centra), LouUvIlo & Nashville mid Texas 1'ucUlc, which wero unchanged, and Union l'nultlc which was t lower. Alter (ho opeuitig there wns boiiio fevensliuess, but the market boon became stroug uud of 'A'&l per o nt. followed, Ki'ie leading but Lake Shore advanced iH Anions Inactive stocks Denver & ltlo Urande advanced i und Norfolk und Western preier.ud 1 percent. Towuid 11 o'clock tho murKet became heavy nhd slight, declines were made. Heading has ben heavy since the first few minutes. At 11 o'clockjhe market is heavy but active. Tiie total imp rts of merchandise at this port during tho past weok wero valued at $0,710,015, and of dry goods, lfl,02j,420. ft.... V. .....n . ;1 1 1li)LintiU l.inlfln . . . in,. UlU iV UlUy r 1A3UII UUIIIU. lll!a . V. V J, 1.' .... Canadian facifla l-i Canada Southern . . 47 N. Y. Central...... lua Central 1'uciilo ii)i Nash &Ouutt 4U Chicago & Altou... 1j Northwestern luoyj a, a, o. & i us'A Northern 1'aolllo.. U-& Del, & Hudson. .. W) a do preferred... 83 Del., Lack A W...U8S N. x. & Krlo I7tf Denver & Hlu 0 .. 10; Ohio & Miss lil Erie seconds Paclllo .Mull 80)3 Illinois Central.... lri Hook Island YZl'A Jersey Central . .'. i-li St. l'aul 85, Kuimiin ,t Texas . . 'i1 St V.&B O. ... Lako Shore b2 do preferred . US Loulsvillo & Nash,. HI - Texas & Paohlo. . . 21 Mich. Central ... 11K U I'aoltlo 6J', Morris & Essex. . . . 1 His West, Union 70i Clucltmutl. $1.0Si$5.0J; family, 11.23!. 50. WHEAT No. 3 red. Itt fflUies No. i, 9J'90c. COUN No. 2 mixed, 43&,$tuo; No. a. white, 45 4S;.o. OATS-No. 3 mixed, 20li (27; No. J mixed, 27i wayo; No. 3white,!i3j92.w. a.JU,i.: regular, $3,763 0.00. BACON Shoulders, iXmfai shore clear Bides, 35.85140.85'.. 0(S0c to choice Ohio, D10o; New York, leMJllc. POULTllY Choice full grotrn chickens, 52.00, OX.50 ducks, Jloo (ffd.OO; geese, 94.00 per dozen; Uve turkeys, OfflOUc. HAV Ho. I timothy. 1 t UVAIIM, ' M $11. 50(012.00; mixed, (XXai0.80: wuot and rvH Ktrnur. Sd.SOTlS7.0J. WOOL Unwashed medium clothlnjr, 21f522o; fine merino, 10($oc: common, 14i$18o; medium clothlnir. 2930o; combing, 27 2Ua: line tnerluo X and XX, 19$30o; ourr and cots, 16(41Ha; 25(31a; pulltd, 21t023o. CATTLE Oftod to choice butcaera, 3.28itf 4 09; fair, l.Waa.J3: common, i.Wja.og; ctoclterj and feeders, .00ttf3.78; yearling and calves, S2 Si(8.00. HOUS-Selected butchers, JS.60iJS.7B; fair to good lacking, $3 3&(M.W); fair to good light, KS.BS 13.3.55; common, Ji 843.35 j ' HIItiKI' Common to fair, J.a J2.75: good to cliolce. 2.9iXc?3.:i5; comm m to fair lambs. 81.7J 03.29; good to choice. 18 Ofl3.U0. Pittsburg;. Grain market quiet with fair local demand. Oau In fair demand: No. 2 white. 3233o; No. 3, 81431Ho: mixed, 2i($ilJc. Corn yellow -ear, 4K9u0c; liun mixed, 4di9o; mixed, 4047a yellow shelled, SO .51e; high mixed, 498Uo; mixed, 4tJij,4io Wheat steady; Longoerr red. 1.02dl.0i: Kultz, 91 UOJ&1.03; No. 2, 93cl.oo; .no, Inert Northwestern, 9391.00; hard,1.0m 1.10. Ilye, demand light: Na 1. Pennsylvania and Ohio, ilso c; No 1, Western. lUQWe: No. 2 010e; chopping, W?57c. Barley dull: No 2, Western, 7Qii 0; No. 8, 65jjtWo;choicu, 8O05 Lake Shore, 78p8Ju. Cattle, notlilng doing; all through coiiKiKiiments; recolpts, 57 head: shipment, 03 head. Hogs in fair demand and tlrm: PhiladeIp,ilas,9J.U5i9J.90: Yorkers, W.75 (S3.85; receipts, 3,900 head: shipments, 3,600. head. Sheep, nothing doing and market demoralized; receipts, 4,000 head; shipments, 000 head. er York. red. 99oaf3: CORN Mixed Western, -1 j5i,c; futures, 48J, OATS Western 30'- QXfiio. per 100 lbs. live weight. 110(13 $.1 00,(t 10 per 10J lbs. 8HEKP 13.00 03.80 per 100 b. lire weight. COTTON Quiet: Middling upland!. 9 o: do Orleans, 10c: October, 9.01c; November, 9.5So; December, 9.60; January, t.09o; February, 'I SOo: March, 9.9ic; April, 10.03c: May, 10.14. i Chicago. CATTLE Cho'ce to oxtra shipping, J3.6035.7S; common to fair, )1.60vff3.80: stockors and leeders, J2.35&3 50; Texans, J2.S i(gi4 30. UOUS Vair to good, 93.403.86; mixed packing, $3.30(0-3.30: cnolee heavy, 93.803.75. .U03.0: Texatu, S1.C03 2.76. New Orleans. fair, 8'c; centrifugal white, OJio; off whlta, 6ijHiio; choice yellow, ttic: white ciarltled. Jc. MOLASSES Ooen kettle, 80300o; centrifugal 4fti533o; COTTON-M ddling uplands, 9Jia LlvorpooL PORK In poor demand: prime mess eastern, 60s; do western, 42s. LAUD Spot, October, November and December, 32s WHEAT New No. 2 winter at 7s, 2d; do sprinjr at 7s vvnviBMUB nr w. a. niiton. May wheat, 93,01. Kerember wheal, 85, 84 8 &K't rn 39, 89Ki 39J4 ! pork, b 22K, 27 J4 ; lard, 685. DMember wheat, 87, 86K, 80Ji, I7& 87Ji; pork, 8 82. Year com, 8E?f. Heceptsefnas, 2S.0M. UKTAI1. UAtfUET. anoCEHIKH. OoRee V -. 8 1015 Molasses, new crop, per gal 09 MolasseH, ol crop, B gal.. SO Uoiden Hyrup 40 HorguM, Fuacy New - -. 60 Sugar, yolloww tb - 0at7 Hugar, extra O., V lb. -. 7a7K Sugar A. lb mm;....m.m.m.........m. 7m. Hunc, granulated V ft.... b Husiir, powdered, per lb iu Hngar. New Orleans, $ lb 0K$7 Teas, Ik ..,. 40Q1 ill Coal Oil, head light W gal 15 PH0V1BI0N8 AMD COUNT11Y PHODUCK. Apples, per peck 10i20 Bacon, breakfast 'tl lb 1C($I2 aunu, uioar niucn, pet iu mm ewe Baeoa. Huwh.W .., 11012k Bacon . Bhoulders, per tt 7 S8 oeans wcai .w Butter, V to m 2(i Chickens, eaoU - ' 202.i A pples, dried, por lb 5 Peaches, dried, per lb 10 Eggs, HI doz 15 Flour, Limestone, per barrel to 25 Flour, Old Gold, per barrel 2,5 Flour, Mnysvllle Fancy, per barrel-.. b 60 Flour, Mason County por barrel 5 60 Flour, Royal Patent, per barrel.. - 6 75 Flour, Unihitm, per sack 41 Flour, Maysvllle Family, per barrel... 5 60 Honoy, por lb IS Hominy, ) gallon - 20 Meal 3! peck 20 Lard.tUtt ....... 8I0 Onions, per peck , 30 Point oeH 'fl peck . 10 15 L. HIXjXi, CHEAP CASH GROCERY Corner of Third and Llmestono streets. 80 lbs. Fancy Flour- II 00 12 lbs. Old Gold Flour 40 1 lb. Arbucklo's Coireo 14 1 lb. Rest Golden RloCofl'ee 14 1 lb. Rest Leaf Lard 8 1 gal. Good N. O. Molasses 40 1 pk. Corn Meal.. 10 i Bhoulders, por lb '. 7 3 lbs. Atmore's Mlnoo Meat 25 2 lbs. Now Currants 15 2 lbs. Now Raisins .'. 25 5 lat Mackerel.,. .' 5 1 gnl. Coal Oil- .'. 10 Now Ruck Wheat Flour per lb 5 "I ii. iiuiuiAiu. NEW OH13AP CA8H GROCERY, Corner of Short and Hecond streets. lib Afbucklo'sColIeo 14 1 lb. Rest Golden Rio Colleo 11 1 peck Corn Meal IU Breakfast Bacon, per lb , 10 1 gnl. CoallOil, Headlight 12 1 lb. Granulated Hugar 8 VSTAXIi .fc WOKTIIINTON, f OA11UKTT 8. WALL, l K. I.. WOftTIUNQTON Attornoys and' Counselors at Law, Will practice in all courts In Mason anil adjoining counties and In tho Superior Court and Court ol Appeals. All collections glvou prompt atteution. novHd&w nUtANK It. HAUCJUK, Mouse, Sign and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. Hhon o few doors abovo Yancey A Alexand er's livery stablo, second street. dtf FIRST OF THE SEASON INAUGURATION OF OUR FALL SLAUGHTER SALES. We commence them by offering to our friends the greatest Bargains in CHILDREN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING that were ever placed on our counters. We advise all that need Clothing for their Boys to call and examine the goods and learn prices. JDO IsTOT for at the prices we shall sell them, we expect to close them out in a few days. Come in while the assortment is complete. , HECHIN6ER & CO., Leading Clothiers and Merchant Tailors, Hall Second Street, Maysville. TO BUYERS QP DRY COOPS! mmammBmummmmmmbmmMummmmmmammmBmmmmmautmamm Runyon & Hooker, Havo determined to reduce their LARGE STOCK of "Now Seasonable Gootlx, which is full and complete lnevey department, and to do this, ofler the following decided bargains: All Wool Pilling JEANS 35 oonts, former prices 45 conts; Mon's All wool scahiiET II ' II i ii II "White Morino Ladies' and Children's UNDERWEAR proportionately Choap; Ladies', Misses' and Children's HOSIERY, in Largo ABsoitmont, at Extremely Low Prices. Fl ANNFI nnrl Rl ANtfFTQ from tno repont Now "V"0 Auotion Bales, at . ...... .. ..w M..M ....... .w, DRESS GOODS and CLOAKS In largo variety at prices worthy the attention of tho most critical Cash Buyer. Decided bargains in everr department. An early call will securo the best, articles. (oStf.) WATCHES, s,gnB.grfeh. SILVERWARE, JEWELRY. GOLD FENS, SPECTACLES, ' S&y. NOVELTIES. P2CZ) AN OPEN LETTER In "Wliicli all Ltidios tiro Deeply Xiitoiostetl. IT. Belaike, Ga., November 6, 1881. Gentlemen : I havo been using your wonderful remedy, " Dr. Bradfleld's Femalo Regulator," In in family lor a long time, and I want to say to the suffering ones of my sex that there never waa anything to equal It. Would to Ood that every aftllctod woman in our land know ot its wonderful virtues aud curative powers as I do, I have used a great deal of It since tuo bit (hot my last child, about n year audn half ago, and I do tliluk had It uot been for thlsvaluablo m'edlclne, I would havo been but thanks to a kind I'rovjdoace, I was directed to Its use, and my llfo aud health have been spared mo. II my means would admit of it, I would nover bo without It In my house. I havo recommended It to a number of my J frlonds, and without excoptlon they havo all been wonderfully rol'eved and cured. I glvo this Indorsement without solicitation aud freely, for tho bent lit of tho Buffering ones of my box. Very respectfully; Mns. ANNA ItAMIV . Send for our'Treatlso on Female Diseases inalied'freo. Address, TIIE BItADFIELD REGULATOR, CO., Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, To ADVERTISERS. A list of 801 newanapora DIVIDED INTO 8JTATE.S Atili SECTIONS will bo bout on application FREE. To th6so who want tholr advertising to pay wo can offer no better medium for thorough, and effective work than tho various sections ot our our Select Local List GEO. 1'. RO WEI L & CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lOSprucetreot, Now York. FREE! IjHr! RELIABLE SELF CURE A favorite pretcription of one of the most noted and successful unecialisM In tho U. S. (now retired) for the cure of A"ervoii Debility, JCott Mnnlionil, "WeuUnei and Docuy. Sent In plain scaled envelope Free. Druggists can fill it. i Address DR. VMRD & CO,, Louisiana, Mo. BHIBTB si.oo, lormor prices $1,50; " " " 1,20, 1,75: j 50 " ' 2 00 " 40 ots. " " 60 cts: tho Xioveost 3?rloos. tnrt Metal Poison. I am a coppersmith by trade, and during a series of yeais my arms (being bare when at work) have absorbed a wonderful amount of metal poUon. Having a scrofulous tendoncy from my youth, the small pnrticies of copper and orass would get Into the hoi es, nnd by process tiie poison was conveyed into my blood till my whole system became Infected. I was treated with the old remedies of mercury and Iodide potnsMlnm. Hallvutlon followed, my teeth are nil loose In my head, my digestive orgnns deranged, and I have been helpless In bed lor over a year with mercurial rheumatism. My Jolnta wero all swollou, and I lout the usoT)f my arms aud legs and became helpless as an Infant. My sufferings became so Intense that it was lmuosslblo for mo to rest. The doctors advised mo to go to the city hospital for treatment. This I could not bear. A friend, who has proved a friend Indeed, urged me to try Hwllt's Specific, believing it would cure me. Others discouraged me, bat I secured a few bottles and have now taken two dozen bottles. Theflrst effect ot the medicine was to brlug the poison to the surface audi broko out all over In runni g soaes. Thoy soon disappeared and my skin cleared off. My knees, which h ml become twice tholr natural sire, have resmntd their usual size and are supplo as of yore. My arms and hands are all rluht agalu and can uso them without pain. Tho entiro disease has left all parts of the body save two ulcers on niv wrists, which aro heal- j lug rapidly. I am weak trom long merit, but I havo tho uso of ull my limbs. I This medlcluo Is bringing me out of tho est trial of my life una I canhot find words suN iflciont to express my appreciation of its and the gratitude I feol that I ever j heard of It. Pxtkii E. Love, January u, issa. Augusta, ua. Malarial Poison. The drouth lu Southwest 'Oeoraln Inst spring dried up tho well", and wo wore com pelled 10 uso waior irom tno creoic on the plantation. Tho result was that all wero troubled wli't ohlllsand fever. I carried with mo several bottles of Swift's Sneclflc. and aa long as I took it, I had perfect hoalth. Ah S' on uh I cosed taking It, I, like the rest was nflllited with chll s. When I resumed Its use, I was all right again. Wo havo used It In our family as an antldoto for malaria poison for two or throe years, and nave novorkuo wu It to fall lu a single Instance W. U. Fuklow. Sumter Co., Sept. 11, 1881. Treatise ou Blood aud Skin Diseases mailed freo. Tun SwixtSi'kcifio Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta Ga. 1 TUH. SMITH A W.VUIH.E, DENTISTS, At& or laughing gas ntjjnjeftuij used for the tialnloss extraction of teeth. OHlce on Court Street. aplUdly ryt. inswrrir c. Dentist, 8&IfS Oillco! Sutton Street, next door to rostofllco. n m II "V R" Bond a souls tor postago H EJ U I i Li ftnu" rocolvo free, a costly Id Ii I M uox ol KU(la which will ll I II ICiiBalholp you to moromonoy rlchtaway than anything else In this world. All, of either sex, succeed from tho first hours Tho broad road to fortuno opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At onco address TRUE & CO., Augusta, Malno.