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Ett.. HPTTTF BULLETIN. fckVn R.V, VOLTTME XI. MATSVUiliE, KY., MONDAY, MARCH 28,1893. NUMBER 108- EVENING & m w &;:'. I.' I. &PA I'"fc &, !'.! F. H- - m y KSi I ' fJ- v r' ;; iaf tj'.i '" V. , ' "l '-" ppffiqs Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, oleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures hahitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the atomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who . wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVIUE, KY. NEW YORK, tl.Y. Children Cry for PITCHER'S Castoria ' CXstorla Is so veil adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to mo." H. A. Ancncn, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y "I use Costorln in my practice, and find it peclaUy adapted to affections ot children." Alex. Robertson, SI. D., 1057 2d Ave., Hew York. "From personal knowledge I can say that Caetorla is a moat excellent medlclno (or chit ilrea." Dr. Q. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. Caatoria. promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatuloncy, Constipation, Sour Btomach, Diarrhoea, and Fererishness. Thus tho child is rendered healthy and Its deep natural. Castorin contains no Jtforphino or other narcotic property. R B. lo ye: Dealer in Staple and Fancy And Country Produce ol all kinds. A big stock, a new stock and a clean stock. Wholesale and Ketalt agent for D. M. Ferry & Co.'s famous Garden Seeds .- - , if.. .t.A .n1.1 In aftrntmc fltlfl in llllllf a bbrsunnlv of tho very best varieties of North- era Grown Potatoes foi seed andTablo use. High est Market price paid for Poultry, iggs and all People from the country are Invited to mako mV house headquarters while in town. Goods delivered to all parts of tho city free of charge or delivery. "W Pure! Brilliant. Perfect! USED EVERYWHERE, AND ENDORSED WirEREVSR USED. The Most Popular GiitmiU.S. tnv or tnem kkhuk -v. ? fc f&S'XZXZZSbr. eign klMiter; Mechanics, Preacher; MEN EMINENT IN AM. PROFESSIONS AND TRADES. PHYSICIANS RECOMMENDTHEM. Buy none but tho genuine. These perfect eUwce i are accurately adjusted to all eyes at the drug Btote of Power & Reynolds. "HELLO!" MATSVIXXK, SAUDIS AND MT. OMVKT ;TUHMONK COMPANY. They are dally worn and are waraiy pra. by &o solid XepreaentativeMenoItm (vuintrv. ms PEACEFULLY AT REST Death of Walt Whitman, the Aged Poet. WENT TO SLEEP LIKE A CHILD. Trie End Came Just no Day Wa Fading Into Night Career of the Venerable Muse, Whoso Declining Days Were Passed Away In Ills Humble X.lttle Cottage at Camilen, New Jersey. Philadelphia, March 28. Calmly and peacefully, like a child asleep, Walt Whitman, the "Good Gray Poet," passed away Saturday evening at his home, in Camden, N. J. He had been weaker than usual for some days past, but for some reason the knowledgo of his condition did not becomo public property. Ho had a sinking spell Fri day night, but recovered Bomewhat. Again at 4:80 Saturday afternoon he be gan to sink. A messenger was hurriedly Bent for his physician, Dr. Alexander McAllister, who reached the dying man's bedside a short while afterwards. The doctor found the aged po6t in a dying condition, and so informed those around his bedsido. Ho asked tho patient if ho suffered any pain and tho whispered answer was "No." WALT WHITMAN. Almost immediately before he died he said to his attendant, Warren Fitz- einger. "Worry, shift," meaning to turn him over on tne neu. inese were nis last words, and they were uttered so low that they were hardly audiblo. He remained conscious to the last, but owing to his extremely weak condi tion, was nnablo to reply to tho repeatqd inquiries of the friends who had gath ered round his bedside. These were Mrs. Davis, his housekeeper; Warren Fitzsinger, his male attendant; Lawyer Thomas B. Hornad, Horace Trouble and Dr. McAllister. Mr. Whitman has been confined to bed since Dec. 17, when he was attacked with pneumonia. Shortly after his physicians pronounced him cured, but the attack so weakened his constitution that he never rallied, and his death was practically due to ex haustion. The news of the death was cabled to Lord Tennyson and other friends in En gland, Dr. Buck, of Ontario, his bio grapher, and friends in this country. The sick man took very little nourish ment during tho past three days, an oc casional sip of milk punch being all that he could be induced to swallow. Satur day morning he declined nourishment of any kind. He had at intervals since the illness, beginning Dec. 17, last, which rondered him bedfast, expressed a weari ness of life and a willingness to die, and it is believed that the old poot realized that death was near-and rejoiced accord ingly. It is with regret that tho world nears of the "Good Gray Poet's" death. His, contemporaries were not always kind to him. The critics "cut him up" with their pens, but the sturdy old man never deigned a Kjply or a defense. His chief crimes in the eyes of his op ponents were his utter lack of conven tionality, his use of words not often Bounded in "ears polite" and his total disregard of tho laws of versifying. But Whitman calmly ignored the on slaughts made on him and insisted that he had merely inaugurated a new stylo. "I dismiss," he has said, "without ceremony all the , orthodox accouter ments, tropes, haberdashery of words, feet, measure that form the entire stock in trade of rhyme talking heroes and heroines, My meter is loose and free. The lines are of irregular length, appar ently lawless at first perusal, but on closer acquaintance you will find that there is regularity, like the recurrence, for example, of tho lesser and larger waves on the seashore, rolling in with out intermission and fitfully rising and falling." This sort of reasoning, however, by no means disarmed his critics, 6omo of whom are quite as opposed to his efforts to-day as they were at the timo of their original publication. Naturally the general public was tp a largo extent pre judiced by these opinions of trained lit erary men. No other result was pos eible, for Whitman was called "sen. aual," "immoral," "gross," and with such persistence that the ordinary reader in America came after a time to look upon him as a person whose writings were objectionable. Of late years, how ever, there had been a decided reaction. Perhaps tho new generation have come to understand and appreciate hia works better, in the reflected light of tho pure, poverty burdened lifo which their author has been leading in the humble Camden cottago. Whutevor the explanation, re 8Pct for the. lonely old man has cer tainly replaced to a large extent the ridiauj formerly expressed for, him. Abroad there Is no" question as to tho feeling wnich will bo called out by the the news of his Idemiso. In tho darkest hours of his struggle for famo it was Whitman's consolation that ho was appreciated in Europe. The English people particularly hailed him as a genius, ad tho true American poet, greater than Bryant or Longfellow. In America, when "Leaves of Grass" ap peared, in 1855, there was practically no ono to utter a good word for it except Ralph Waldo Emerson, who said of it in a letter written to the author: "I find it the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that America has yet contributed." Elit there was no other prominent American writer to etho the sentiment. In Great Britain, however, tho literary n-nrld accented tho work .nt Emerpon's valuation, ud when Whitman subse quently followed it up with his other poems, he was accorded a singularly exalted place in tho foreign world of letters. Tennyson and Browning and Sir Ed win Arnold all wrote of him in the highest terms, and no English writer visiting America ever neglected to call at the poet's Camden homo. His first interview with Sir Edwin Arnold two years ago was almost pathetic in its earnestness. Tho two men literally fell into each other's arms, arid the distin guished English litterateur afterward related that he had spent one of the happiest days of his life in tho company of the Beptuagenarian poet. Nearly all the British literary men of note were equally enthusiastic in their praise of tho American bard. Ho was held up again and again in tho English magazines as the long looked for apostlo of a new and perfect Bchool of poesy, and when it became known that the poet was actually in want the depth of the English admiration for him was manifested in the most convincing man ner. An appeal for aid was printed in nearly every paper published in tho kingdom. After reciting his merits and the good ho had done for literature, tho appeal concluded: "Walt w mtman starving. "A man's ransom wanted. Tho victim is in the hands of a relentless enemy, who, if the ransom bo not speedily paid, will immediately make an ena of him. Will his fellow men put forth a hand to keep ono of the world's immortals a little longer here, or will they allow death to take him ere his time?" The response to this call was prompt and generous, and saved the poet from any future fear of actual hunger. In view of this general admiration and esteom awarded him, it is no wonder that Whitman held the English in high regard, and it would seem that no would have sought an asylum among them. But he never once dreamed of such a course. He was beyond every thing an American, proud of his parent ago,.and prouder still 'of his country. "My" tongue, eory atom of my blood; formed from this soil, this air. Born hero of parents born hero, from parents the same, and their parents the same," is his boast in one of his compositions. And there are few Americans who had a greater right to be proud of their Americanism, for his family on both sides counted back over nearly 800 years' residence in the New World. Hia father caino of English stock and his mother of Dutch, her" maiden name hav ing been Van Velsor. He was born a farmer's son at West Hills, L. L, on May 81, 1810j and received a common school education, partly at his birth place nnd partly in Brooklyn. Subse quently he entered a job office in the latter city and learned tho trade of printer, to which he clung with more or less regularity for some years. Incidentally, however, he inter spersed his typesetting with school teaching and literary work. He edited several Brooklyn papers for short periods, among others The Freeman and Eagle. But his restless disposition did not content itself with any regular pur suit, and in 1648, accompanied by his brother, he made a trip to New Orleans, traveling by easy stages, sometimes walking, sometimes' driving, and when convenient proceeding by steamboat. For a year he came to anchor in New Orleans, doing editorial work on Tho Crescent most of the timo, June of 1849 found him back in Brooklyn, where, oddly enough, he went to work as a carpenter. He followed this business for five years, without, however, discon tinuing his writing! entirely. Early in 1855 he issued tho first edi tion of "Loaves of Grass." The contents of this singular book were neither verse nor prose, but a series of ejaculations and aphorisms presenting many original ideas and appealing to the common feel ings of mind in favor of the natural en joyment of life, the exorcise of tho ac tive powers of mind and body and the frank reception of wholesome influences. At first the critics did not notice this work, either to praise or condemn. They ignored it entirelyt In a few months, however, a copy fell into the hands of Ralph Waldo Emerson. He wrote a let ter (from which a quotation is inado abovo) to Whitman praising the work in the most unrestrainod manner. This letter was published shortly after its re ceipt, and at once attracted the atten tion of the reviewers to tho book which they had entirely overlooked before. On all aides tho work was condemned, and in Boston and other cities it was de clared unfit for circulation in tho public libraries because of its alleged immoral tono. But Whitman defied all his censors, and between other writings continued to mako tho "Leaves of Grass" his spo cial work. In 1850 he published a sec ond edition of tho work, and four years later a third, followed between tho yeurs of 1807 and 1883 by five other edi tions, and in 1889 by the last and ninth, with tho final authentic text. All of Whitman's readers ngreo that on this work his fame will rest. The period of the poet's lifo most pro lifioof experience and suggestions for stirring verso was certainly that from 1883 to 1805. In tho former year he wenttQ,th.e'fro.nta8a volunteer irarset arid until hostilities ceased between the north and south he remained at his post. He personally attended nearly 10,000 wounded soldiers of both sides, and his tender sympathy eased the last days of many a poor fellow who, but for him, would have died friendless. His ceaseless labors in field and hos pital afterward told on him, producing the disense from which he died. During all his active life in the war he managed ,to do sufficient writing to support him self, and on the occasion of Lincoln's death he brought out the famous "O Captain! My Captain!" which is prob ably the best known of all his writings. When tho war was over Whitman was appointed to a clerkship in the attorney general's office in Washington, which placed him in comparatively easy cir cumstances for the first time in years. Until 1873 ho remained nt the capital one of tho principal figures in the city. Then the disease contracted in the army mani fested itself in a dangerous form known as "progressive paralysis," and he had to retire from all active work. He took up his abode in the poor little frame cot tage at 328 Mickel street, in Camden, N. J., just ucross tho river from Philadel phia. There ho remained until death came to relieve him. It was there, paralyzed and unable to work, that he almost starved, until tho English appeal for aid in his behalf awoke the American people to a. senso of his condition, and led to some efforts at raising funds for his support. But somehow the "benefits" and other af fairs given never yielded tho results they should, and a small circle of his intimate friends were the chief providers. Through their efforts he was enabled to end his days in tho moderate way that contented him. On April 14, 1887, Mr. Whitman spoko for the last time in public. He lectured at tho Madison Square thoater, in New York, on Abraham Lincoln. His appearance was as striking and venerable as ever. Long, flowing white beard, hair like spun silver hang ing down in wild profusion under a wide sombrero; a strong patriarchal face, with soft, benevolent eyes; a tall imposing frame, over six feet high, and still muscular and almost straight, des pite the weight of years and the ravages of disease. It was generally thought that it would probably be tho poet's last appearance before the people, but a few months ago he managed to attend a Philadelphia reception in his honor, at which Colonel Ingersoll delivered an eloquent address. The New York affair was well man aged, and many prominent literary men patronized it; yet, in order that the poet might go home with $200 in his pocket, the Rev. Robert Collyer had to add a handsome personal contribution to the receipts. But despite his lack of appre ciation the sweet tempered old man never felt any bitterness toward his f el Iowp. To all who visited him at his home he never expressed a word of re proach against the American public, and his final address to the world breathes only tho most fervent grati tude. It was published just before his last severe illness, which threatened at the time to carry him off ou tho journey for which he has long been so well pre pared, and which he viewed with the utmost complacency: Thanks in old ue thanks ere I go, For health, the midday Run, tho impalpa ble air for life, mere life. For beings, groups, love, deeds, words, books for colors, forms, For all the brave, strong, men devoted, hardy men who've forward sprang In freedom's help, all years, all lands, For braver, strongor, more devoted men (a special laurel ere I go to life's war's chosen ones, The cannoneers of song and thought tho great artillerymen the foremost leaders, captains of the soul;) As soldier from an ended war return'd ns traveler out of myriads, to the long procession retrospective, Thanks, joyful thanks I a soldier's trav eler's thanks. Thereafter the days with him moved on in a monotonous round, hia strength each day growing less. Yet his ramd remained clear, his temper as cheerful as ever and his 'love of nature seemed to grow stronger as the parting grow near. The trees and tho flowers talked to him, the eunshino held philosophy for him, the voices of children and the twittering of birds were mnsio in his eare till those organs were hopelessly dulled. At an early hour Sunday morning Thomas B. Harned, an old friend of Walt Whitman and ono of his literary executors, met George Whitman, a brother of the poet, and together with other friends, arrangements for the funeral were finally decided, and the in terment will take place at 2 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. The remains of the poet will bo placed in the recently-completed tomb in Har leigh cemotery, in the outskirts of the' city of Camden, a Bpot selected by Mr. Whitman when he was enjoying his usual health, and which he visited many times during the construction of thu tomb. The idea of tho tomb was his own and one of his friends could not dis suade him from it. He selected his own lot, which is in a portion of tho ceme tery known as Woodlawn, and the tomb is built in the side of tho hill in a grove. When asked why he selected such a spot he replied: "I would rather go in the' woods." Tho tomb is a substantial structure, built of massive rough granite blocks, some of them weighing over seven tons. The door if- of granite, six inchos thick. No rods, bolts or other fastenings are used in the $tructure, tho four corners being held together by interlocking or, morticing tho blocks of granite. The only metal used was the heavy hinges on which the door hangs and tho mas sive brass lock that secures it. Tho tomo contains receptacles for eight caskets or coffins, arranged in two tiers. They were constructed of marble, and will be sealed with polished marble slabs. The roof is also of granite, the top piece containing simply tho name, "Walt Whitman." The ooL'ft wbh wa that tka remains ot his mother, which aro buried in Ever- freen cemetery, and those of nis father, uried in Brooklyn, should be exhumed and deposited in the tomb. This wish will be compliod with by thos to whom ho instructed the bequest. Yesterday an autopsy was made upon tho body of the 'deceased poet. The physicians found, it is said, that the left lung was entirely gone, and only a breathing spot of tho right lung re mained. They found about three quarts of water around the heart, and a large number of small abscesses about that organ. The pain in the loft side had been occasioned by peritonitis. The brain was found to be abnormal ly largo and in a quite healthy condi tion. Portions of the brain and other organs were taken for microscopic ex amination. After they had finished their labors the physicians stated that the poet was one of the most splendidly built men they had ever examined. SSpgg&gsSy V ' ; "i WALT WHITMAN'S CAJIDKN HOME. TWO YOUNG 'WOMEN MANGLED. Hoth ill a Dying Condition from Doing Run Down by a Switch Knglne. Evansville, Ind., March 28. A ter rible accident befell two young women in this city Saturday afternoon. While attempting to cross the Evansville and Torre Haute tracks at the John street crossing, about four blocks beyond tho Union station, Misses Lizzio Deinns and Mary Klinger. aged, respectively, six teen and eighteen, were run down by switch engine No. 101. Both were frightfully injured. It is generally claimed that the acci dent occurred owing to the gross negligence of the engineer. No bell was rung nor whistle was blown when crossing this place, and the citizens are very indignant over the affair. There is no flagman stationed at tho crossing, and the company is coining in for a con siderable amount of abuse. The Deinns girl had her head crushed, and the Klinger girl suffered the loss of both legs. Thov were taken to tho hospital and are still alive, although neither can survive. BRUTAL MURDER OF A CHILD. Plve-'eur-01il Ida Osborne Found with One Arm and Her Hack Uroken. New Albany, Ind., March 28. At Boston, Crawford county, thirty-five miles west of this city, great excitement exists over the finding of tho dead body of a little girl, aged five years, and named Ida Osborne, a daughter of Clara Osborne. The child had been in the family of John Lane, and it transpired that Lanb had been beating it in a most cruel manner. He was missed from his home Friday evening, and the house was closed. A jinmber of citizens went to the houso and broke open the doors. On en tering the house they found tho little girl lying dead on tho floor, one arm and her back broken, and her body covered with cuts and bruises'. Officers and citi zens aro searching for Lane and if he is captured it is certain there will be no expense in trying him, for he will be swung from the limb of a convenient tree. JEWISH TRAVELING MEN. They Form a Society foi; the Kelief of the Ilusilau Jevvi. Chicago, March 28. Two hundred Jewish traveling men have resolved themselves into a society for tho relief of Russian Jews. They met Saturday at the Palmer House' and elected I. M. Frank president and Samuel Despares secretary. The members of the associa tion pledge themselves to plead the cause of tho sufferers on their commer cial travels, and secure them positions wherever possible. The meeting was addressed by Dr. E. G. Hiorsch, Adolph Loob and Joseph Boifield, of the Russian Relief associa tion, and Simon Wolf, of Washington. Dr.Hiersch called upon his hearers to stand by the pledges ho had made to President Harrison that refugees would not become a burden to the government. Mr. Wolf Baid a report of the conditions in Russia was being prepared which would startle the civilized world. DIFFERENCES SETTLED. Engineers Adjust Their Trouble with tho Canadian Paolllc Ilallroad. Winnipeg, Man., March 28. The. committeo of engineers to which the differences iri dispute between tho Canadian Pacific Railroad company and. trainmen, wero referred for adjustment, made their report Saturday as follows: That $2.00 per hundred miles be offered by tho company and that elevqn hours constitute a day's Jjprk, overtime to be allowed after that lt the rate of twont)'-five cents an hour for conductors and seventeen cents for-brakomen. ,Tho finding of 4ho committee, which is a compromise, has been accepted by both the company andhe men. f 1-, ' ) fiiij ij r '?;" J& K J-