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BULLETIN. - - - VOLUME XII. MAYSVJUDE, KY., FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1893. NUMBEJt 211. -,v -..-. The Financial Troubles Have Reached Helena Montana. TWO LARGE BANKS CLOSED Tho First Nntional and the Montana Ntt tlorial ffuspoud Payment Tliey Wer the" Xvri Largest Rhnks la the State, OpeiT of Them' ilolng tiio Pioneer Othci Failures' and Financial News From All Parts o tho World. Helena, Mon., July 28. Tho finan cial troubles have reached Helena, and resulted in tHS clfislrig of two of th largest banks in tho state. They -wore the First National and the Montana National 'Tho First National is the pioneer bank, of whicli $'. T. Hause'ij ii presiuenc j.ts directory xnciuuea some of the wealthiest men in Montana. For three weeks there has been a steady drain on the banks and Wednes day afternoon the, day's business was over thero was very little cash on hand. That night tho directors met and as a result the following notice, was yester day morning posted oh the door: "We are compelled to suspend busi ness owing to the stringency in the money market, and heavy drafts on de posits and our dbility to mrfko corre sponding reductions in loans. Our as sets are ample, but we can not com mand the currency to continuo pay ments." A statement shows, assets 3,771,080; liabilities, S2,'G90,7G2. The bank had a capital of $500,000, and its business ex tended all over the northwest. John T. Murphy was president of tho Montana National. It wus regarded as strong as the First National. It hud a capital of 8300,000 and its statement show atjsola of $1,750,000, liubilitiea S900.000. Tho directors desired a vol untary liquidation, and its close was due to the saine reason that forced tho suspension, of tho First National. At tho opening hour the main streets irT front of the banks were crowded with people, the largest number being about tho Merchants' National. Therms was a steady rjm on this bank for throe hours, but it came out all right. Tho officers say they received more cash during tho day than was withdrawn. There was no run on the other banks. President Edgorton of tho Second Na tional says ho made a slight gain in de posits. Cashier Baird of the Helena National eays there was no run on that bank, as also does Cashier Johnson of the Amer ican National. There was no flurry among tho depositors in tho savings banks. Tho general opinion is that tho people have" gotten over the excitement an T th'a't the batiks now doing business will bo able to keop open. The only mercantile failure reported was that of tho Thomas Paynter Drug company. NEW YORK CLEARINGHOUSE. Over a Million Dollar Worth of Certlfl m oaten Issued In One Ray. New York, July 28. The clearing house committee woro in session yester day nfternoon. Tho long conference gave the rumor bureau an opportunity to start the report that a large bank was in trouble, and tho announcement of an issue of 1,850.000 of clearing- house certificates lot some strength to this report. Later the amount of cer tificates was said to bo only S3o0,000, but at the end of the meeting tho clear inghouse officials stated that tho orig inal amount of 81,850,000 was right. Their lorig session, they said, was due - to tlia large amount of work before , them iri tne way of shifting loans, caused largely by the groat depreciation in prices. They emphatically denied the story of a bank being in trouble, and said that overy bank in the clear inghouse, and, so far as they knew, every outside bank in this cityj was in good shape. Those who mot at tho clearinghouse wero all of, the opinion that tho situation was somewhat bettor, but still serious: GOLD COMING OVER. Nearly Three Million Dollar Will Be Shipped From tendon. New York, July 28. Several of tho banks here decided to extend to the large oxchango houses any aid which may be necessary to f aciliato tho im portation of gold. Oving, 'to ho low rates of exchange, several largo houses considered it a favorable timo to pur- cuubo guiu Jiim iu una cuu,uuu lm, r proachod the banks to ascertain if tho necessary accommodation would bo ex tended. The banks roplied that every facility would be afforded them, and on the strength of this Nearly $3,000,000 of gold was ordered for Saturday's ship ment from the., other sido. Of this, Lafearua FreSe imports $1,000,000; J. &' W. Seligman .$1,000,000; Von Hoff man & Company 200,000. Tho members of the clearinghouse committee wish it stated that the clear inghouse has nothing whatever to do with this arrangement, for importing, it being a matter solely between tho various oanks and their customers. CRISIS IN "PEVER. State Troops Called Out to Guard the National Hanks. Denver. July 28. A company of Colorado National guards has been on duty in the Pepl' National bank for the past 24 hours It was feared that In tho present oxcited. state, of the pub lic mind the developrqep&.in the af fairs of the bank might lead to atf at tack on that institution. PrertdtqiawfeBctS ASd hia family, left the city yesterday morning and the charge MfMnrt him wm , continued to BitirHayWttingi; ' p XM Police dwbu weir um ijuiwqii nighty eoveralthousarid'tnen swarmed in thejojver 6ctibns"jbf the city, though without anyj definite1: pjlrpos'o in yiow. Whenever they 'attempted to congre gate or orators attempt-to address them the gathering was promptly dispersed. Tho national guard is, on duty at the armory, and any attempt at disturbance will be promptly suppressed. The chamber of commerce has passed resolutions demanding tho removal of Cliief of Polico Kellogg, yho has juBt enter'od upon his duties, and the ap pointment of some" men able to cope with the present condition., BANK FAILURES. Three Hundred and Ono Xlave Taken Place Since May 1. Baltimore, July 28. A. summary of tho bank failures in the United Stated from May 1 to July 22, inclusive, shows that 301 banking institutions, with a capital of $38,051,033, suspended. , Tho Manufacturers' Record publishes a coihpleto list of the closed banks by states, also a table which shows thai five-sixths 'of these failures and four fifths of the capital involved were in the western and pacific states, while only 10 per cent of the failures and 11 per cpnt of the capital involved were in the south. In Colorado alone tho capital involved was nearly 2,000,000 greater than tqa aggregate capital of all the -banks that failed in tho Bouth. The number of failures in tho sou thorn states was 87, involving $4,392,100; in tho westorn and Pacific Btatrs the number was 251, in volviug $31,258,033; and in tho eastern and northern states 18, with $2,000,000 capital. Dullness In the Jewelry Trade. Attleboro, Mass., July 28. Owing to the extreme dullness in the jewelry trade, due to the lack of orders from large jobbing houses in tho west, man facturers .in Plainvillo, Nortli Attle boro, Attleboro Falls and this town have been compelled to close their shops. There are no signs of any busi ness during August, and now a peti tion is being circulated among jewelry maker for a general shutdown until Sept. 1. It has received many sig nature's and the present indications are that all of the factories will close. In this event no less than 0,000 personp will bo out of omploymont for foui weeks or over. Receiver For a Railroad. New York, July 28. A circular was issued through tho office of tho vice president of tho New York, Erie and Western road notifying tho general public and everybody connected with the road that tho receivers have form ally taken pdssessiou of tho property. Tho business of tho company and all tho auxiliary companies will be operat ed as heretofore, tho circular states, The officials', agents and employes of tho corporation" continuo in their re spective positions without change of title. The wngos and other salary ob ligations now being paid will continue to bo paid as heretofore. Lacked Hearty Capital. Wilmington, Del., July 28. A re ceiver has been appointed for tho Wil mington Dental Manufacturing com pany of this city. Tho company is per fectly Bolvent. Its liabilities are about $200,000; and tho assets $015,000. The firm has enough first ciass bills due them to pay all indebtedness. The re ceiver was asked for by the board of directors unanimously. The object was to protect all interested, mo com pany's factories here are still at work. Thero are branch offices in Philadelphia, Chicago and Washington. Want an Extension of Time. Philadelphia, July 28. S. H. Mor rison, an extensive lumber merchant, suspended business and asked for an extension of timo from his creditors. His liabilities are said to be $100,000. Mr. Morrison 6ays if given from three to 12 months he can cancel all liabili ties and havo a balanco of $50,000. Ho also says he can pay off 25 per cent of the entire indebtedness now, if given these extensions. Now Dank Closed. Up. Mount Sterling, Ky.y July 28. Tho now Fanners' bank 'of thig city has closeddta doors. The failure:.wna, caused bran inability to realize" on' its paper. The deposits ate.-abort $500,000. The bank holds firstclasa paper to the amount of $000,0001 ' The' depositors will be paid in full and- tho officers of tho bauk hope to bo able to resume in a ohort timo. The capital stock is $250, 000. Financially Embarrassed. Boston, July 28. Ticknor & Com pany, publishers, are financially embar rassed, and havo mado an assigmneqt to Colonel Charles Fairchild. Besides the book publishing business, tho firm rablisbes Tho American Architect. It a thought that they will havo no diffi culty in affecting an amicable adjust ment " ' FoYoIgn Cold. New York, July 28. -Tho United States assay office received $210,000 irt foreign gold. Tho Hanover National bank expects to deposit $205,000 in for eign gold. All of this gold was received from Europe and tho West Indies this week. Another Kentucky Hank Closed. MlDDLESRORO, Ky., Jiilyv 28. Tho First National bank of this place closed its doors. Tho First National had a capital of $50,000 and its individual de posits aggregated usually $80,000. Lime Dealer Assigns. Boston. July 28. A. C. F. Sorrell, dealer in lime and cement, has assigned. The liabilities are about $30,000 and tho nominal asBets about $12,000. Buoyrub, O., July. 88. Jacob Schaal, living near Spare, committed suicide by hanging' himself. He w8 '42 years old and leaves a wife and wo! children; Fi nancial trouble was the, cause. QUIETING DOWN. - The Denver Lynching Not Followed bj Any Otiier Trouble. Denver, July 28. It was feared thai the lynching of Arata might havo the effect of making the lawless element oi tho city bolder in their operations, es pecially with so many unemployed men about. Mayor Van Horn issued the following proclamation:, "All citizens of Denver who prize the good namo of out city and state are earnestly requested at this' timo to re frain froin congregating on iho streets and elsewhere, and speaker's' are re quested to abstain from addressing al assemblages of laboring men and oth ers. Tfyo state, county and city are doing everything possible to Kelp the needy. Let us have no unnecessary ex citement." Officers have been stationed in all the tough sections of tho city who prompt ly report any s'uspicious gatherings. The Italian sectiod especially is" carefully watched. Sheriff Burchinell quietly slipped Naori. the accessory to tho mur der of B. C. Light! oot, to tho peniten tiary at Canon City to avoid a repetition of Wednesday night'B outbreak. It had been rumored about the city that an attempt would bo made to lynch him. Details of the national guard havo been on duty visiting the gun stores of the city to see that no suspicious quan tities of ammunition might be dis tributed among tho incendiary. It is the general opinion that no steps will bo taken to prosecute any of the ringleaders of the mob, though a few of them will probably be indicted. Tho coroner began an inquest on the body of Arata but it was eecret and nothing has been given out. Governor Waito has been criticized severely because of his well known antipathy to capital punishment. It is claimed that tho certainty of a reprieve should Arata bo convicted and sen tence! to death had much to do with tho friends of tho murdered man tak ing the law into their own hands. WRECKED BY DYNAMITE. Saloonkeeper Unheeded tho Warning and Ills riuco is Obliterated. Brooklyn, Ind., July 28. George B. Moss hns been running a saloon here for some time. This did not suit the better class of citizens. Last night some one placed dynamite under the building, blowing up tho saloon. No one wa3 injured. This is tho second timo that a saloon has been blown up hero. One saloonkeeper was given 40 lashes and several others received notice to withdraw or ouffer tho consequences. They accepted the advice and with drew. It is a noted fact that a saloon can not long survive in this place. There is a condition in all of the original deeds that if liquors aro ever sold on the premises the land returns to the possession of the original owner, Mr. Franklin Landers. This condition was tested in tho Morgan county courtB about a year ago and was held to be good. Incendiury Fires at Clevelund. Cleveland, July 28. During tho past week something like a dozen in cendiary fires havo occurred, causing moro or less loss. Last night the watchman at tho city hall, in making his rounds through the corridors of tho building, met a strango man, who fled toward tho main entrance on tho watchman's approach. On investiga tion it was found that a pile of dried leaves and other combustible material had been piled together and covered with lath. Tho watchman's timoly ar rival undoubtedly averted another iu condiary fire. The would-be firebug mado Ins cscapo. I'uublo, Colo., Flooded. PUEBLOj Colo., July 28. Thursday morning tho Arkansas river came rush ing out with tremendous flood. Tho lowur portion of the city is threatened with .inundation. The city hall has now six feet of water on all Bides of it und'Rll the basements in that block aro filling. Hundreds of pepplb living in fiats havo fled to higher grounds. Tho water works wero compelled to shut down qy flood. The loss will approxi mate $100,000; May Result in Slurder. Columbus. O., July 28. At St. Fran cis' hospital is a caso of probable third murder in Columbus 'since Sunday, Monday night RayMahonna and Frank Brunner, young mon, quarreled, and Brunner struck Mahonna on tho head with a stone. Hemorrhage set in and Mahonna is in a critical condition from loss of blood. The other two murders wero Theodore Meisse, shot by Dr. Hirschberg. Matt Parker, colored was mysteriously murdered. Tho Scaffolding Gave Way. Portland Ind., July 28. A scaffold ing upon which threo men wero stand ing, engaged in painting the Lake Erio and Western depot at, Redkoy, gavo way and all tho men wero thrown to the ground. J09 Ross of this city had both ankles Btiraiued and tho bones In his foot broken; Harry Woolery of Lima, O., had his arm broken, and the third man escaped uninjured. The Latest Fishing Story. Martin's Ferry, O., July 28. James Hanes, who is fishing near Powhatan, Belmont county, went in bathing. One of his fellowfiahermen saw him strug gling in tho water and went to him in a ekiffT HanoB was almost drowiied, and when he was pulled out of the water a seven-foot eel was wrapped around his loft leg. Orp'cer Assigns. 'Alkkandri Ind., July 28. J. D. Wall ingford has' been appointed' ro ceiver of the Diamond grocery Btorp, A. B.. Oawford, proprietor. .The Btore was at one time tne leading grocry'6f ,the-oity. COLLECTOR HENDRICKS' SIDE. Secretary Carlisle Acta a Remonstrance In the Chinese Visiting Case. New York, July 28. The Tribune Thursday said: When John G. Carlisle, tho secretary of the treasury, opens his mail at ash ington today, ho will find a dignified yet firm protest from Francis Hen dricks, the collector of the port of New York, against tho order issued by George' S. Hamlin, the assistant secre tary of the treasury, withdrawing from him tho right to iIubs upon the certifi cates of the Chinese merchants and students who leave or enter this port. Accompanying tho letter is tho report which Deputy Collector J. J. Couch has mado to the collector in regard to the admission of Leo Yih, the Chinese, on account of whose admission J. Thomas Sckarf, a recent appointee in the special agent's department,' has made charges. Mr. Couch's report shows that the charges are incorrect. Just before Col lector Hendricks 6ent oif his letter, Chaou Chang Tseng, the Chinese con sul at this port, accompanied by his private secretary, called upon him. The Chinese consul was considerably agitated over the report that the col lector had been deprived of tho right to pass upon the certificates of Chinese. "lean not speak for my predecessor," he said, "but since I havo been here I havo taken tho utmost pains to inform myself regarding every man who has applied to mo for a passport, and I havo taken great care to learn that every thing was all right concerning him. This order come3 as a great hardship at this time. Just now a considerable number of Chineso merchants wish to start for China to buy goods and this order will interfere with them greatly." The Chinese couusul's complaint will be forwarded to Washington. THREAD FEELS IT. The Clark Thread Factory Will Run but I'art of tho Time. Newark N. J., July 28. Tho em ployes of tho immeuso works of the Clark O. N. T. Thread company, lo cated at tho north end of this city and in Kearney, wero surprised Wednesday on reading the following notice posted on tho gates: The employes of this company are hereby notified that until further notice the com pany's employes of the mill will work from 7 a. m. to 1 p. m. duily, Saturday excluded. Clark O. N. T. Thread Company. Tho employes havo been working 10 hours a day and half a day on Satur day, making 55 hours a week. About one-half of the operatives work on time and tho other half on piece work. The short time will reduce tho pay of the piece workers about one-third. Several of tho foremen of tho com pany stated on account of the stringency in tho money market and tho sharp competition their agents encountered in different parts or tho country, they were unablo to place their usually heavy orders for the fall trade. The company have on their pay list over 1,600 hands and the action in re ducing the hours of labor will bo sev erely felt, especially in Harrison and Kearney. It is rumored that tne Mar shall Linen Thread and Milo End Thread companies will go on three fourths timo next Wednesday. t Will Send Them East. Denver. July 28. Tho committee appointed to devise means of taking care of the unemployed met in execu tive session Wednesday, and it is said that the idea of sending tho destituto to their friends in the east was revived and decided upon as tho best course. It is understood that a $5 rate has been made over all the railroads from hero to Chicago or intermediate points. Pension Money. Washington, July 28. The secre tary of tho interior has mado a requisi tion upon tho secretary of tho treasury for $18,500,000 on account of pensions. Of this sum tho following amounts will bo sent to western agencies for tho quarterly pavments, which begin Aug. 4: Topeka, $3,000,000; Knoxvillo. 81.- 000,000; Louisville. $1,200,000; Indian apolis, $2,700,000. Could Not Raise the Money. Harrisburo, July 28. Tho Amer ican Tube Iron company, located at Middletown, has gone into tho hands of a receiver. Tho company has no judg ments or bonded indebtedness against it, but could not raise fuuds owing to the stringency of tho money market. It is one of tne largest concerns of the kind in the country. Uodv Recovered. Chicago, July 28. The dead body of Miss Ethel Chase, a world's fair visitor from Everett, Mass., who was drowned in tho lake by the upsetting of a yacht about two weeks ago, was recovered in the lake at tho foot of Schillor Btreet by tho polico yesterday. Tho remains were removed to tho morguo until her friends can be notified. A Dutch Sculler With Us. New York, July 28. J. K. Ooms of Holland, 20, a sculler of somo repute, arrived on tho steamer Winchester from Rotterdam. Ooms was winner of the diamond sculls at tho Honloy re getta last year. Ho intends going to Chicago, where ho will enter in all tho big races during September. Tho Kaiser Goes Visiting. Berlin, July 28. Emperor William sailed Thursday morning from Kiel for Cowes, Isle of Wigbfc He is not ex pected to arrive at Cowes until Satur day. Tho Princo of Wales, on tho royal yacht Osborno, will meet tho emporor in the Solent The Hon. Robert it. Fois Dving'. DbyR, N. H., July 38. The Hon. Robert JL,Fos8 of Chicago who is visits ink 'herahw had a paralytic stroke and. iifc;thVdjntotaeath. HORRIBLE SUICIDE. A Massachu sett's Man's Mode of Taking His Life. A PATHETIC CASE AT CHICAGO. IV. II. Irving Fills Ills Mouth With Tow dcr and Kxplodes It Out of Work and Tired of Lire For Two Years, lie Ilad Lived Thus Lone Only For His llaby'i Salto It May Ilavo Reen a Murder. Chicago, July 28. Tired of life, W. H. Irving of Charles street, Winthrop Beach, Mass., committed suicide some time during the night or early in the morning on tho lake shore. The method used was horrible and most re volting. A partly filled can of powder by his side and the torn and mangled face in dicated that the suicide had filled his mouth with powder, and then probably with a lighted match had caused it tc explode. A hasty search of the body told the remainder. In the pocket of the coat was found a notebook in which was found this information: My name Is W. H. Irving of Charles street, Winthrop Beach, Mass. In case of accident or serious illness, notify Mrs. W. I. Irving at the above address. Note to City Authorities Do not send my body home, as my wife has no money to bury it. Don't bury me in a pnuper's grave. I havo been tired of life for the Inst two years, but havo lived for my baby's Enke. I can not live longer. I have no work and am out of money. This world is but a stage, and tho curtain has rung down upon one of its main scenes. W. H. Irving. The man was about 40 years old and was well dressed. Many who visited the morgue and viewed the remains of the man thought to be Irving and read the letter in which he said ho had been out of work and his wife had no funds, expressed to the police a belief that possibly it was not suicide, but a mysterious murder. In tho first placo the body when found was as hard and cold as a corpse would bo only after many hours of dissolu tion. The clottings of blood were not of tho naturo of nrterial blood, but re sembled more the blood that might have oozed from veins or the pulmonary artery. Tho clothes are such as a man with good tasto and plenty of money would wear. The linen, too, boro out the impression that tho man had not been in destitute circumstances. An expensive straw lint, found near the body and marked with some unintelli gible initials, makes it seem more mys terious. "I think." said a detective, "that in stead of an extraordinary suicide we are confronted by a very mysterious caso of murder. That can of gunpow der is similar to thousands of others that the Dupont company makes, but we have not been able to learn at the places at which gunpowder can be ob tained, who purchased it or any record of the sale. No ono heard a report and certainly tho explosion of such an amount of confined powder would have created considerable of a report. No one Baw tho man go to tho spot. Fur thermore thero wero many footprints in tho vicinity of the body, evidently mado by more than ono person, and they could not have been very old." WANT TO WEAR PANTS. The Governor of New York Confronted With n Peculiar Request. Albany, July 28. Governor Flower has received tho' following letter from two. women of Itnly, Yates county, whose names aro withheld from publi cation: Italt, N. Y. July 20. Mr. Flower: Dear Sir This communication may bo a little odd, owing to a scarcity of farm help wo are compelled to do a man's work on tho farm, and petticoats being very in convenient, wo want your consent to our donning the dress of the sterner sex. We will use it for no illegal purpose and will be very glad of your countenance in our plans. We await your pleusuro with anxiety. Raron Von Welderhold Read. Cleveland, July 28. Baron Ebor hardt von Weideruold, a roporter on tho German newspaper, Waetcher Am erie, died from an overdoso of morphine. Baron Eberhardt von Weiderhold was born in Wurtomburg, Germany, and came to this country 12 years ago. His father was a baron, and was at ono time minister of war of the kingdom of Wurtemburg. At the death of tho baron, Weidorhold's older brother in herited the fortune and title, which in duced tho younger man to emigrate to America. Arrested For Attompted Murdor. Franklin, Ind., July 28. Albert Curby, who participated in a shooting affray, in which Horace Nichols was thrico wounded, has been arrested. Ho claims that tho first shot was fired by Nichols, and ho oxhonorates his brother, Horace Curby, who is under arrest, of any complicity in tho affair. Fatal Fall. Warren, O., July 28. J. H. Wheel er, a well known contractor at Niles, While engaged on tho roof of the now school building at that placo, slipped and fell through' the interior ot tno builditig, fracturing his skull and sus taining' ihtonnal fnjurleflj which' -will prbve fatal'. Tired of Llvlntf "ifinhe ralmer. T.nvnnv" .Tltr' Ipnn Rogers, hua- bafa'd' of Minnie' PalrAfeftha! ' wollkriown A-'erlMh ' attftoe,' instituted' pro ceeOlnge lev a divorcV from Mtes JWioer.' : J ,: , v . . .';, fc, :' ;..y Vf.i