Newspaper Page Text
ii !,', THE OROP OUTLOOK. Weather Conditions the Past Week Unfavorable to Agricultural Interests. Weekly Weather-Crop Bulletin. ' The weather conditions of the past week have, upon the whole, been unfav orable to agricultural interests. The in tensity of the heat was almost without precedent for this season of the year, the average maximum of the State 'for the week beinR abovo 00. The sky was practically cloudless, no rain, except a lew scattered showers, being reported. These conditions have had the effect of injuring the prospects for all crops which are still unharvested. While the com plaints of drouth are general in all sec tions of the State, the greatest damage annears to have occurred in the central and eastern counties, where, in some lo calities, verv serious injury has been reported. I'lio western sections, espec ially in the bottom lands, have suilered only slightly, and the crops in that por tion of the State will nearly fulfil earlier anticipations, while in the eastern and northern counties it is probable that they will fall short of the! expectations of some weeks ago. The reports received this week regard ing the effect of weather conditions upon corn are somewhatconflic.ting. A major ity of correspondents state that the late crop is rapidly reaching matuiity and that the outlook was never better, but many, especially those in the central and eastern districts, report serious injury from drouth. The correspondent in Fay ette county states that the early crop is good, but that the drouth has nearly ruined a larger portion of the later corn, which he states is of poor quality, chaffy and light. It is believed tliat this fairly represents the condition of the crop in Fayette and contiguous counties. Cut ting is progressing rapidly in all sections of the State. Tobacco cutting is in full progress in the western portion of the State, and is about completed in other portions. The crop Generally has not been seriously af fected by the drouth, since the gre'ater portion of it had reached an advanced stage of growth before the need of rain was begun to be felt. Reports regarding the crop are generally favorable, and much of it is already housed. Some damaged is reported from chinch bugs in Crittendon County. Pastures and grasses of all kinds have suffered severely from the drouth, and those upon the uplands are practically burnt up. The lowland pastures in the western portions of the State are still in fair condition, but in all other section? they are very poor, and the condition of stock is therefore low. Much complaint of the scarcity of water for stock is made, and many creeks and springs which have furnished a plentiful supply for many years are now nearly dry. The drouth has caused a practical sus pension of the work of plowing and seeding, the soil being dry and dusty. Irish potatoes have not suffered mate rially in the greater portion of the State, and "the late crop is generally reported to be in good condition. Late garden products are not, as a rule, in the best condition, and crops are re ported as being from poor to fair. Cabbages are bursting and rotting, from the combined effects of heat and dry weather. Good, soaking rains are badly needed for all crops which are as yet unharvest ed, and also to prepare the soil for fall plowing and seeding. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, sho clung to Castorla. When she had Children, sho gave them Castorla, ROCK-RIBBED WORK, On the Cincinnati Division 0. and 0. of the (Times-star. President Ingalls said in his annual report a year ago that it was proposed for some time to come to put all the sur plus earnings of the C. and 0. over fixed charges into betterments, and that policy has been vigorously carried out the past year. Some remarkable work is being done on the Cincinnati division getting the road-bed into shape for the laying of the new 100-pound rails. An instance of this is to be seen near Augusta, where the course of a creek has been changed to prevent anv wash of the embankment, and a magnificent arched culvert, sufli cent to carry oft' the water at any stage of flood, has been put in. Great stone, tQns in weight, havo been used making the structure as soMd as the hills. Then at Maysville, from Market to Wall streets, threo squares, a great re taining wall of Stone City freestone is being built in place of the old trestle along the river front. The 100-pound rail is being laid as fast as possiblo and when that is dono the Cincinnati division will not bo oxcolled in the world and will bo equipped for the faster schedules of tho already notably fast and reliable C. and 0. It May Do As Much For You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that ho had n severe kidney trouble for many years, witli sovero pains in his bank and also that his bladder was af fected. He tried many so called kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago ho began use of Elec tric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to euro of all kidney and liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 50c. At J. James Wood'e drug store. Good for nothing did you say? Vcs, that describes how I feel. I havo no energy left, nothing inter ests me. Aly strength has left me and I have no inclination to work. No one would take me for the same person that I used to be. I look and feci forlorn and miserable. My spirits are low, I feel despondent and I can't sleep at night. I am constipated and my digestion is out of order. I feel almost hopeless, it seems to me that I shall never be strong again. Cheer up, your caso is far from being hopeless. You are suffering from general debility, your nerves need toning up, you Jack vitality. The euro lies in enriching and purifying your blood and strength ening the system. You should take Brown's Iron Bitters, it will restore you to robust, perfect health. You will improve from the first bottle: This remedy is pleasant to take and Is a very powerful strengthened It does not stain the teeth. But get the genuine see the crossed red lines on wrapper. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MD. PISTOL AND KNIVES, They Figure in a Tragedy at Berlin, Bracken County. Bracken County comes to the front with another killing. Iu a tltiht at Berlin Jasper Sharp shot George McClanahan and his wife, badly wounding the former and instantly kill ing th latter. The trouble grew out of an alleged in timacy between Sharp and a daughter of McClanahan. McClanahan and his wife were both armed with knives and Sharp is danger ously cut in seveial places. Masonic Notice. By order of General Committee, no children under sixteen will be admitted to tho reception on Thursday night. This order will bo strictly enforced, and parents will make a noto'of it. Two thousand five hundred invitations have been issued and if children were admitted, the Masonic Temple would be crowded to sullocation. It was further ordered that the Sir Knights must come in full Templar uni form, consisting of coat, chapeau and belt no swords. The Kniuhts will comply with this order out of respect to the Most Eminent Grand Master, and tho visiting com'man deries and other fraternities that will be present. GawiettS. Wall, Chairman Committee. Notice to Members of tho First Bap tist Church. There will bo services at the First Bap tist Church next Sunday at 10:G0 a. m. The presence of every member of the church is requested, as matters of great importance will bo presented for their consideration. Manifest your love for tho church and the cause of Christ by your presence at this meoling, next Sun day morning. A. 0. U. W. All membei8 are requested to meet at hall on Sutton street to-night at 7:30 sharp, to attend the reception at the Ma sonic Temple. R. II. Wallack, M. W. Augustus Rkes was adjudged of un sound mind yesterday and ordered sent to tho asylum. His homo is near Morans burg. Ho frightened several women in thatneighborhood badly ycflterday morn- Mr. R. B. Cord, of Wedonia, made an assignment yesterday to Mr. 0. Flana gan, for the benefit of his creditors. Assets and liabilities not stated. The assets consist principally of a stock of goods at Wedonia. Tun electric cars will run until 11 o'clock to-night to accommodate those who attend tho reception at Masonic Temple. After 9 o'clock cars will leave tho postofllco corner every half hour for each end of tho lino. Mns. Mary Bkown was adjudged of unsound mind yesterday and will bo sent to tho asylum. Her caso is a sad one. Sho is subject to epilepsy, and was ser iously burned last spring by falling in tho fire during an attack. Lightning Hot Drops What a Funny Name! Very True, but It Kills All Pain. Sold Everywhere, Every Day Without Relief, There Is No Pavl PETE STEVENSON JAILED, Wanted for a Job Dono at pover Last Winter Had Forfeited His . Bond. Detectives Fitzgerald and Rothenhofler of the C and 0. landed Fete Stevenson in jail here last evening on a eerious charge. Last December Mr. W. A. P. Lurtoy's store at Dover was entered one night by thieves who carried away a lot of goods. Stevenson was arrested a week or so later by Detective Fitzgerald and Con stable Dawson and some of the goods were recovered. The accused was juiled but succeeded finally in executing bond for his appearance at the June term of tho Circuit Court. When his case was called he was not on hand, and a bench warrant was issued for him. It was sent to Sherifl O'Donnell of Covington and ho turned it over to Detectives Fitzgerald and Rothenhofler. The Post says : " They have been un tiring in theirEearch for Stevenson, and were unable to locate him until Tuesday evening when they got word that he was in hiding in Jeff Murphy's place, on Madison Avenue and Seventeenth street. Tho two officers kept watch on the place until daylight, when they made a search of tho building. The search revealed Stevenson hiding in the cellar. He had a bottle of chloroform and a lighted can dle. Tho officers, knowing his character, took no chances with their prisoner, but immediately covered him with their re volvers. Ho made no effort to resist, and he was taken to jail and locked up. Stevenson, it is claimed, gave the C. and 0. officials no end of trouble. Much of the recent breaking open of freight cars and stealing of merchandise they at tribute to his work. Ho also bears a bad reputation among the Covington police." . That Parade. Cincinnati is justly proud of her fire department, easily tho best in America and its police department which stands first in all that appertains to efficiency. The fire department is modernly equip ped, and tho splendid army of horses that draw the great machines and ladder wagons and march in reserve is a sight to be rarely witnessed. Animals chosen only for their strength and intelligence. They almost talk, theso Cincinnati fire horses. The police force- marches like a phalanx in blue down the street, six footers nearly every one, clean looking, well dressed, intelligent men, who sur pass in drilling any similar force on earth. Four Governors of four of the best States in tho Union, Governors Mac Corkle, of West Virginia, Brown, of Kentucky, Matthews, of Indianna, and McKinley, of Ohio, will be at the parade. The city will be adorned profusely, and the parade of half a hundred bands will saturate the air with sweet sounds. The C. and 0. is making a special study of taking everybody along its line who wants to go to Cincinnati October 3rd to see this grand spectacle. Tho price de cided upon is more than reasonable and tho time given is ample. You can seo tho parade, seo the town and ride homo in a fine train. It will be better than medicine and not half so costly. See the 0. and 0. agent at your station for tuner details. Fire Insurance. Duloy & Baldwin. James Payne and Miss Mattio Hughes, of Fleming County, were married this morning at tho St. James Hotel by Judge Hutching. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. AVouUiiens, NcrvouHiieitu, Debility, and all tho train iOi evils irom eany errors or r later exi-espcs, mo results oi overwork, Klcknois. worry, etc. mm Btrengtu, devel opment anil tone (jlven to )every organ ana portion of I lie bod v. Simple, nat. ural methods, fmnnxll. ato Improvement seen. Failure lmnnnMlile. li.000 references. Book. explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. KEEP COOL Is good ndvicc hut hard to follow. Buy your Grocer ies of us is good advice and easy to follow. Come and see our elegant stock of nico tilings to cat. Tho People's Store, CUMMINS 4 Hi, Third and Limestone. M. It. UIXMOKK, Granite, Marble and FREESTONE WORKS. All kinds ol Monumental work done In tho be J manner. Second stroct, above opera honae, 72-u-- JVJVS tfizm e&iMY4Zx rViPJifTaMtaSSI M trmrwwii for Infants HIRTY yefir' oTiiervatlon millions of penong, permit na to spook of It withont Knowing. It la nnqneatlonably tho host remedy for Infants .and Children. tho world has ever known. It Is harmless. Children llfco It. It gives them hoalth. It will save their lives. In It Mothers havo something which Is ohsolntely safo and praotloally perfeot as a child's medicine. Castorla destroys Worms. Castorla allays Fovorlshncas. Castorla provents vomiting Sonr Card. Castorla curoa Diarrhoea and "Wind Collo. Castorla roUovos Teething Tronhlos. Castorla enros Constipation and Flatnlcnoy. Castorla nontrallrcs tho offoots of carhonlo acid gas or polsonons air. Castorla does not contain morphine, opium, or other narootio property. Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and towels, giving healthy and natnral Bleep. Castorla Is pnt np in one-slzo bottles only. It Is not sold in bnlfc. Don't allow any ono to sell yon anything olso on tho plea or promise that It is "Jost as good" and "will answor ovary pnrpoBC." Soo that yon get C-A-ST-Q"R-I-A. Tho fao-slmilo slgnatnro of Children Cry for BELTS, Sterling Silver Buckles, Clasps and Slides. With Il W5.W HStiiSPW jw -jyivuMi'r. ir... i BELT PINS in great variety of styles at very low prices, BALLENGER'S. WE HAVE THE BEST SE. LECTED LINE OF XMASl GOODS IN OUR ENCE. sa NOVELTIES in Celluloid, Plush, Wood and Metal Gooda. Hand6omen8sortmentof Stand and Triplicate Mirrors. CUT GLASS BOTTLES AND PERFUMES. THEO. C.POWER On July 1, 1895, Wo took from our books 6100 worth of ac counts against Maysvlllo citizens and of fered them for J5C, as wo need our capl ital, but could not llnd a buyer. In faeo of this wo havo decided to discontinue the six months credit sales, and all sales will bo duo when made. Cash sales and small profits will bo our motto. J, T, KACKLEY k CO Booksellers and Wall l'aper Dealers. I , Edwin Matthews, DE1TTIST! Second and Market, over GeorgoT. Wood's, Mays vlllo, Ky. Extraction under gas. Also Gold Cap Crown and Bridge Work (insertion of artificial teotu without plates.) Night calls answered. The subscription -price of the Weekly Bulletin ia only $1.50 a year. Mfiiille Ffea iVM-SCtHj'X.y.tfa.g? iiiffifr imimii Mmii"iiWV.VVyVVVVVVl'flM and Children. of Castorla with tho patronage of is oa every wrapper. Pitcher's Castorla. &$& BREAD that is right? 2 ;;::::0 F::" ROLLS that are light? p oniiDCCVOl l CAKES out of sight? gOUUttStYUU PIES just right? :::::: DO :": Traxel Has Them! On nccouutof tlie Ewlng Fnlr the i solo of the following voidable prop- i erty was postponed. It will now take i place on the (Into below given. i FOR Dwelling House, Tobacco Prizing Warehouse, Livery Stable and Eighteen Acres of Good I,:iud. I wish to sell my valuable property nt Ncpton, Fleming County, Ky., on the line of the Mays ville Division of tho L. nud Ji. Railroad, with good church and school privileges, fine roller mill and other advantageous surroundlucs. The property consists of 1. DWELLING HOUSE of seven rooms, a good Lot, Ice House, Cellar and good Outbuilding". 2. A good TOBACCO-1'RIZING WAREHOUSE, located on side-track. 3 Good LIVERY faTABLE ou turnpike. Will hold two car-loads of stock. J.-EIGHTEEN A RES LAND lying In tho West ern edge of the villngo. Ono BLACKSMITH SHOP on tho property with in flftv yards of the depot, nud is a cood ttaud can't bobcat. All the nbovo property Is within corporato lim its of town. My reason for selling this property is tho fact that I desire to return to my old homo In North Carolina In October. If not sold prl vateb' before that time, It will be oflcrcd at pub lic sale, on the premises, on Saturday, Sept, 28, '95, at 10 a. m., and It will bo sold either as a whole or in lots to suit purchaser. Terms will be made known on day of sale. For particulars address me at Mt. Gllead, Ky., or 11 you desire to seo tho property call on James O. Blair at Nepton, Ky. JL. SAVAGE, Mt. Gllead, Ky. -MASON COUNTS FARMS FOR SALE. Tho undersigned offers two Farms for sale, ono containing 250 acres and tho other -10 acres. The llrst tract is located on tho Stoney Hollow pike and Is well Improved. A Good Dwelling of Six Rooms, Threo Bnrns, Ice House and other outbuildings, and it has on it a good orchard. Tho smaller tract is a part of the old Montjoy farm, and has on it a good dwelling of four rooms and a good stable. For further par ticulars address GEO. R. WELLS, Bernard, Mason Couuty ,Ky. 1TOTICE. Tbonrmo!TomllnBros.,ofMurphy(.ville,Ky., havo dissolved partnership. Thoso finding them selves indebted to tho linn will pleaso call and settle with W. S. Torallu. W. S. Tomlln will set tle all debts oltho Ann. TOMLINBROS., . tld Murphysvlllo, Ky. JAMES N. KEHOE, Attorney at Law. Office: Court street. east sldo.