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THE EVENING BULLETIN. VOLUME XVIII. MAYSVILLE, KY., THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1899. NUMBER 203. Miriun'Mi i. Jl3 Strikers Brag Conductor and Mo torman From Posts, BOLDIERS COME ON THE RUN But Assailants Were Safely Housed In a Nearby Factory. STRIKE OF NEWSBOYS SETTLED i j Steading Fnbllo at Cincinnati Are Again Able to liar tlm New papers on Street MexienceiV Strike In New York Prac tically Ended. Cleveland, July 26. That the pres ence of the strong force of militia now doing service In this city has already had a most t salutary effect upon the lawless element was evidenced by the fact that the obstruction placed upon the tracks of the Big Consolidated street car lines durlngthe night were found to be fewer than at any time since the present strike was inaugu rated. Cars on four of the most important lines of the Big Consolidated system were operated throughout the night. In the morning practically the full quota of cars were running on all lines, except the Abbey, the Union and Clark avenue. It was, however", a notable fact that most of the dars were either empty or carried onjy a' very few pas sengers, even during the early hours of the day, when trafilc is Usually the heaviest Either through violence or out of sympathy for the strikers, a Very large proportion of the people declined, un der present conditions, to ride on the Big Consolidated lines and in most cases walked many blocks in order to reach the cars of the Little Consolidat ed company, which is not involved in the strike. About 1,300 troops are now acting in co-operation with the regular police force of the city, under the direction of the commander and under the head of the military power of the state. This force Tvill probably be augment ed Thursday by the arrival of several additional companies of soldiers from outside points. A riot which was not reported dt first occurred at Collinwood, a sub urban town, during the night at the crossing of the Big Consolidated and Shore electric lines. A spike placed between the ends of the two rails caus ed a car to Jump the track and block both lines. A mob of 400 persons quickly gathered and pelted the non union crew with all sorts of missiles. A second car came up and the non union men on it received similar treat ment. Eventually the crews of both cars were chase'd away, A call for assistance was responded to by Captain Itadder, of the naval re serves, with 15 men. Captain Radder' addressed the crowd and said 'he would order a charge unless Jt immediately dispersed. The rrfob answered with a ehower of stones and bricks.' A num ber 6f p6rs6ns, Including several mem bers of the Reserves, were struck and slightly Jnjured. With Fixed llayonets. A charg4' with 'fixed baydnets was then ordered and the mob quickly scat tered n all directions, ""ftjfs staled that a meeting of the mo tormen and conductors epiJoyied by the" 'tittle Consolidated lines of' which company Senator M. A. Ha'nna' isVes fde'n will be held' for the purpose 'of discussing the strike on the Big Con solidated lines. They have heretofore Announced that Jiey had no griev ances. ' ' I Drnatr?ant T7!varnft nf ttio Titer Pinonl. idated announces that he wil) take bacfc 150 of the old men, provided they will apply Individually. He adds that possibly this number may be increased as vacancies occur as a result of the "weeding out" process to take place among the new men employed since the strike began. The strike leaders still insist that every man must be taken back and above all that the union must be rec ognized by the company. They claim that th'eir ranks remain practically ud broken and that they are In a position to hol'd out indefinitely; that the BJ'g Consolidated is losing money to the ex tent of many thousands of dollars per ATTACHED BRIDGE b day and sooner or later will concede to the demands of the strikers. At noon a Brooklyn trolley car was stopped on the Brooklyn-Brighton bridge b'y strikers who boarded the car, t dragging the jfconductor and motorman from their posts. The two men -were beaten and roughly handled, but not seriously Injured. The soldiers acting as special police and on duty at the barns came on the run, but the mob had by that time taken refuge in a fac tory at the bridge. The building was surrounded, but no arrests were made, the factory hands aiding the malcon tents to escape. i ' Cninprnnilne Acrrpted Cincinnati, July 26. The messengers' strike is'continued, but the lawlessness that attended t heretofore is much les sened by more active work of the pojrce. Several now messengers were attacked and beaten, but the police rendered prompt assistance and they axe noTr escorting the' messengers so that attack is Impossible and no crowds are allowed to collect. The Western Union it using telephone service to deliver messages and that way keeps its service from becoming clogged. The evening newspapers reconsidered their decision about accepting unsold papers and offered a compromise, which was accepted, and the papers were again on the' streets little before noon. The compromise consisted in consenting to receive all unsold papers of the first two editions, the later editions to be bought at the newsboys' risk. No thange was made in the price of the papers. ' Ptrike rractlcnllr Kndpd. New York, July 26. The messenger boys' strike has not been officially de clared off, for there Is no leader or committee to make such announcement, but the strike is at an end as far as inconveniencing the companies is con cerned. The business of the Postal Telegraph company is running smooth ly, even In the banking district Where most of the trouble was experienced. A number of the Western Union main office boys still refuse to work. End ofPlttuburs Strike. Pittsburg, Jury 26. The strike of Western Union messengers ended and the boys are all at work again. They claim that the company has promised to concede to their demands, but this is denied by the officials. About 30 postal messengers struck 'for the same pay and hours as demanded by the Western ' Union boys. Pomlbje Strike at Detroit. Detroit, July 26. A strike of street railway employes' of Detroit is among the possibilities of the near future. The executive committee of the local union is in conference with company officers, tho chief points at issue beng changes in number of working hours and an increase in pay from 21 to 25 cents per hour. Failed to AInterlnllzn. New York, July 26. The strike of freight handlers of the Pennsylvania railroad in Jersey City, which was .threatened to take place at noon fail ed to materialize. It is now believed the men will continue at work at their former "wages. Itefurmut.irr Ship liurned. Liverpool, July 26. The Roman Catholic reformatory ship Clarence was destroyed by fire. It was but a few moments after the fire was discov ered until the great three-decker was wrapped in flames. Intense excitement prevailed until it became known that hundreds of tads and officers on board the Clarence hud been saved by the ferryboats Mersey and Firefly, which quickly made fast to the burning ves sel and befgan pumping water upon tthe flames. The boys on board the Clarence acted with the utmost disci pline until they were forced to leave the ship with the officers. The cap tain's family' and Bishop Whiteside, who spent the night on board the Clar ence, lost their personal' effects. Returned From Sierra Leone. New York, July 2G. Eight negroes, three women and five children, arrived from Sierra Leone on Monday and af ter 'Wandering about the streets- alj day tferd'takeh in charge by a colored missionary, Mrs. Hattie Ross, who found them shelter and managed to get them food. " They are Mrs. Lucy Grayson, Mrs. Boone and" Mrs. Simlton, who, with their husbands and children, formed part of a large colony of south ern negroes who sailed from Saainla, Ga., iri March, 1896, -for Liberia. Williams Not Lvuohed. Balnbrldge, Ga., July .2G, Two com panies of the militia ordered here by Governor Candler to prevent any fur ther lynchings arrived at' 5 a. m. and are now" on duty around (he Decatur county Jail. John Williams, the ne gro, whose life was threatened, was not lypched and when the state troops arrived they found the mob had dis persed. It is said the members of the mob have simply disbanded for tho time being and wlU be' reorganized later. Hat tlrlght Dlaraie. New York. July 26. Frank C. Tan neblH. the veteran actor, is dying of Brights dfseabe in this city. CHANGES IN TIE LAWS Kegulating Immigration Suggested by Several Experts. WEDDINGS AT THE LANDING Chief Inspector Dobbler Say Experience Teache That the S.cnnd Cabin 1 'tfftttenctr Are Fir it to Ue 'come Public Charge. New York, July 26. At the session of the sub-committee of the United States industrial commission,' Roman Dobbler, ehief of the board of Inspec tors of immigration testified that his experience was that clerks coming to the United States in the second cabin with $40 or $50 weie the first to be come public charges. Mr. Dobbler said many persons came in the second cabin to avoid the rigid scrutiny at the barge office. He believed many of the new arrivals had been coached as to their answers to ques tions put to them here. Dr. Lorenzo Ullo, legal adviser of the Immigration bureau, said there was a great difficulty in enforcing the laws owing to the many contradic tions. A case in point was the law re garding criminals coming to this coun try, whom the law requires shall be returned to the nation to which they belong and the port from which they came. Sometimes the criminal was an Oriental and came from Bremen. He thought the law should say that such persons should simply not be per mitted to land and the steamship com panies left to do with them as they believed best. Mrs. Virginia Stuckler, the chief ma tron at the Barge office, testified re garding the treatment of enciente wo men arriving here. Of 1,441 women arriving during this month In that con dition 52 were married at the barge of fice, 28 were admitted on appeal and the others were found to be married Women. Mrs. Stuckler said that there was an average of one marriage a day at the landing bureau. Thirty women arriv ed who had been unfaithful to their husbands, but, except in three cases, they were permitted to land. Mrs. Stuckler thought the laws should include an act prohibiting the landing of girls brought here for im moral purposes. There was no such prohibition in the present laws. Good Thine For America. - New York, July 26. Edwin Bru waert, French consul at New York, says of the new reciprocity treaty be .twen France and the United States: "I regard it as an excellent thing for the United States. America was the only country which did not have the benefit of our minimum tariff. As the manufacturers abroad are satisfied with a profit of five per cent., the difference between the maximum and minimum rates was sufficient to keep the United States out of the French market. France's annual Importation or manu factured articles is about $280,000,000 and the United States will get a good share of this. America undersells En gland In cotton goods in China and there Is no reason why it cannot do the same in France."' Mine Engineer Kidnapped. Cripple Creek, Col.,' July 26. John Doyle, engineer of the Garfield Grouse mine, was carried off by 20 masked men. The sheriff had been notified and Is making efforts to find the miss ing engineer. When 'the 20 masked men reached the mine they ordered ,the blacksmiths and other employes of the mines back. The men employed at the Garfield Grouse' are unable td conjec ture what was the cause df the trouble. Doyle was released by his abductors after they had given him a severe beat ing. He professes not to know who the men" were' or why they punished hlifa. ' Will Inapeot VeueM. Washington, July 20. As a precau tionary measure Secretary Gage baa detailed Acting Assistant Surgeon S. Hi Hodgsdn of the Marino hospital ser vice to duty in the office of the United States consul at Vera Cruz for the pur pose of inspecting vessels desiring to clear for the United States. Chinaman I'enntoued. Washlngtop, July 26. Ah Yu of Shanghai., China, a landsman' who en listed In the navy in 1884 and was for merly attached to Dewey's flagship Olympia, was granted a pension of 30 a month for lung trouble. He has the distinction of being tho first Chinese pensioner of this government. I ! President p irt Washington, July 2d. President Mc Kinley and party left Washington at 3 p. nu an the Pennsylvania rullrdad for Lake Champlaln. STARTLING REPORT. Official! of Highland County Accused of Overdrawing Fee. Hillsboro, O., July 26. The report cf a committee appointed three month? ago to examine the records of county officers for the past ten years has caused a great sensation by showing that In that time the illegal fees and salaries drawn by different county offi cials aggregates $56,200. Suits against the various officers to recover that amount will be insisted on by taxpay ers. Twenty-two thousand five hun dred dollars of the sum is chargeable to county auditors. Increase In Vace. , Youngstown, O., July 26. An in crease of 25 cents per day in wages has been granted all the molders em ployed in the various foundries of the city. The Increase dates from July 24 and affects about 500 hands. New Incorporation. Columbus, 0., July 26. The Church of Our Father, Toledo; the Royal Sew er Pipe and Fire Brick company, Ak ron, capital stock $500,000. An Ohio PoMinUtreui. Washington, July 26. The president appointed Jennie L. Gardner postmis tress at Ripley, O. A French fqiienl. Paris, July 26. The Republlque Francalse, referring to the reciprocity treaty between France and the United States, says: "Washington dispatches announce the consummation of the Franco-American treaty. An enor mous blunder has been consummated. MM. Millerand and Delcasse have be trayed French industry and agriculture to the United States, and in these two branches of our national production ruins will be heaped on ruins. The treaty has not yet been ratified, and we affirm that it wllj not be without discussion." May Ite lllocked bv Ice. St. Johns, N. R, July 26. The mall steamer Labrador, Captain Dawson, from the Labrador coast, has arrived here. She reports an Immense body of Ice along the northern part of that coast, which will probably seriously Impede the northern progress of the Peary relief steamer Diana, which started on Friday last. It is expected here that the unfavorable Ice condi tions will prevent the steamer from reaching a far northern latitude. Kennarge and Kentucky. Washington, July 26. The big bat tleships Kearsarge and Kentucky are now so well along toward completion that the contractors have called for the 8-inch guns, as they are about ready to put on the upper turrets and mount the guns therein. The last repjrt showed the ships about 92 per cent completed, but the call for the guns is such a material advance that it Is thought their first speed trial will oc cur some time in September. Charged to Amrricnn Fruit. London, July 26. Much excitement is caused here by the mysterious poi soning of a score of guests of the Inn of Court hotel, which, it was alleged, was due to American canned fruit. A second victim, F. W. Bartlett, of Phil adelphia, died during the night. The fruit was eaten a week ago and all who partook of It were made ill, one of the number dying on July 21, the medical certificate givlpg gastro enter lstis as the cause of death. McKlnlev Va Iluny. , Washington, July 26. President Mc Kinley was very busy prior to his de parture for Lake Cbamplain. He was obliged to deny himself to the public and 'saw only' his cabinet' officers and who had urgent public business. Semi official denials were given out of the ttorles that the pmsident was to trans fer Colonel Clay H. Evans, commis sioner of pensions, because of alleged protests against his administra of the pension office. M- Plngrep Lockout Knded. Detroit, July 26. The 'combination strike and lockout fn the Plngree & Smith shoe factory has ended. All the 600 employes will resume work at once. 'The company has gained a vic tory over the union, but, according to the strike leaders, there will be more or lesB warfare against the factory by the International union. VI ted the Sclioolshlp. Southampton, July 26. The mayor and sheriffs of Southampton pal'd an official visit to the United States school ship Saratoga. They were' cordially entertained by the' commander and officers of the Saratoga.' At luncheon President McKlnley and Queen Victo ria were toasted. Ordered to Manilla. Washington, July 26. "Lieutenant Colonel Ernest H. Garlington has been relieved from duty ln the office- of the inspector general In Washington and o dfircd to Manilla as Inupdctor gen eral of the department of the Pacific. TZ'S J I Full Descripnon of the Royal Obse quies lit St. Petersburg. ENTIRE G0DRT ATTENDED. Emperor and Grand Ouket Acted at Fall bearer and Carried the Collin ( Covered With Gold Cloth Into Church. St. Petersburg, July 26. On the ar rival of the Imperial train at St. Pe tersburg the emperor and grand dukes in person carried the coffin to a cata falque of cloth of gold drawn by eight horses that awaited It. Four generals laid over it a shroud of cloth of gold covered with ermine The entire court and administration took part in the procession, which also included de tachments of marine guards and rep resentatives of all institutions of which the late grand duke was a member. In front of the catafalque was car ried on a cushion of cloth of gold, the numerous decorations of the deceased prince. His flag officers brought from CMOWI FUNERAL the imperial stables his favorite horse clad with black cloth trappings. A large body of clergy, among them the Grand Duke Alexander.precCded by the choir of the imperial chapel bearing lighted tapers, walked Immediately In front of the catafalque, the cords of which were held by highest state func tionaries. Immediately behind the catafalque came the emperor, followed by Baron Freederlcks, the court martial, and General Hesse, the head of the em peror's military household. The Grand Duke Michael Alexandro vich came next, walking alone. Then came the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexis Sergius, Paul Michael Nlcolaevltch and his sons, the Grand Dukes Alexander, George and Sergius. The Grand Dukes Nicholas and Peter Nlcolaevltch, the Grand Dukes Constantlne and Dimltri Constantlnovltch, the Dukes Eugene and George of Leuctenberg, Princes? Alexander and Peter of Oldenburg and the Prince of Altenberg. These were followed by the suites of the emperor, the grand dukes and the princes. After the royal mourners on foot there came In an open carriage, draped In black cloth, attired In deep mourn ing and attended by two cossacks of the chamber in black cloth liveries, the empress-mother, with her two daughters, the Grand Duchesses Xenla and Olga. In a second carriage rode the Grand Duchess Marie Paulovna, the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, the Grand Duchess Alexander Josefovna and tho Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mav rikieva, wife of the Grand Duke Con stantlne Constantlnovltch. The third carriage contained the Grand Duchess Mllltiza Nivolovena and the Grand Duchess Helene Vladlmlrovna. In the fourth carriage were the Prin cess Anastasla NIcolana, RomanoffsKy, the Duchess of Leuchtenberg, Princess Eugenie of Oldenburg, and Princess Helene of Altenburg. Then came a long lino of carriages containing grand ladles of the court and maids of honor of the empresses and grand duchesses. Lastly, on foot, two by two, were members of the households of the h'eredltary grand duke and a long line of regiments of the guard which ac companied the- funeral procession "to the fortress. Here the Metropolitan', Antolhe, of St. Petersburg, and La doga, celebrated a t solemn funeral mass in the presence of the imperial family and cdurt. The emperor and grand dukes car ried the coffin Into the church and de posited It beneath an Immense dafs which was covered with cloth of gold. Four generals aides-de-camp removed the lid of the coffin and laid it on a ta ble covered with cloth of silver spe cially prepared. They then covered the lower part of the body of the grand duke with cloth of gold lines with er1 mine. A guard of honor consisted of a general aid-de-camp, an ald-de-camrJ to the emperor, two chamberlains and two gentlemen of bedchamber, four officers and four non-commissioned officers, colonels of the guard, wh'o watched the coffin day and night while the body lies in state- during three ' days. Mra. Klch Ik Sullen. El Paso, Tex., July '26.Mrs. Rich will be kept incommunicado for a pe'r Idd of 48 hqura instead of 72, as the law directs. She will be arraigned before the Judge. By direction of Governor Ahumada, tho prisoner will be permit ted to Tecelv6 visitors. The trial' will begin six weeks hence. Since beta's t locked up In Mexico, Mrs. Rich has re fused to eat and is said to be sullen, .... ,.v---'