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. y J ,&&?"$!' '" v r j, THE EVENING BULLETIN VOLUME XIX. MAYSVILLE, KY., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4-, 1900. NUMBER 307. y pira k i had is W? rs REST AND RECREATION tabor's Holiday Celebrated by Indus trial l'arades and Picnics. TRIBUTES TO TUOSB WHO TOIL. BJrjftn mid Roosevelt Spoko at Ijiibor Picnic In Chicago Observance Ol' the Day by L ibtirO gaii- izatlons iu Other Cities. Chicago, Sept. 3. Organized labor of Chicago passed in review before William J. Bryan and Theodore Roosevelt. Hour after hour, the labor unions marched down Michigan ave nue past the Auditorium 'hotel on the loggia of which stood the Democratic nominee for president, the Republican vice presidential candidate, together with Oharle3 A. Towno, Senator W. E. Mason and a dozen other political leaders. Fully 35,000 men took part in the parade. Botih Bryan and Roose velt were heartily greeted by the men as they marched passed the hotel. when 'the last of the long line of marchers had swung round Michigan avenue Into Jackson boulevard, Mr. Bryan and Mr. Roosevelt went Inside the hotel, where soo.i after they sat down to a luncheon given by labor representatives. It was a "flag of truce" luncheon for the trades union men had declared that in the celebra tion of Labor Day there was to be no politics. While the parade was moving a host of people, mostly the families of work ingmen gathered in Electric park, where the speeches of the day were delivered. The program of speeches was as "follows: From 2 to 3 p. m. Governor Roosevelt; from 3 to 4, Oharle3 A. Towne, Samuel Al Bdhuler, Democratic candidate for governor of Illinois, Richard Yate3, the Republican guberna torial nominee, Senator William E. Mason, Mayor Rose of Milwaukee, Mayor Harrison of Chicago, R. M. Pat tison and P. J. O'Donnell. in the order given and at 4 p. m. Mr. Bryan. In the evening there was more speaking, concluding with an address by John Finerty. Governor Roosevelt left here late In the afternoon. Mr. Bryan left at 8 p. m. via the Baltimore and Ohio to Cumberland, Md., where he will open the campaign in that state Tuesday. At New York. New York, Sept. 3. In view of the fact that there was no general parade of labor in this city and that many down town business house3 were closed, the day was quiet. Most of the trade organizations left the city by early trains and boats for their out ings, each 'having a program of Its own. A Labor Day parade was held in Jersey City under the auspices of the United Building Trades council of Hudson county. An incident of this parade was the action of the Central Federated union In refusing to march past the grand stand, in front of the city hall, where the parade was re viewed by Mayor Hose and other of ficials. The Central Federated union is composed largely of silk weavers and brewery employes, a large num ber of whom are professed socialists and opponents of both political par ties. When tihey were two blocks from the grand stand the men of the Central Federated union fell out of line and made a dotiour so as to avoid passing the stand. At Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Sept, 3. The Labor " Day parade took place in the morning, with all the local unions, plenty of bands and several floats in line. The principal event on the program at the fair grounds was a natural gas explo sion made to order. A four-room cot tage builfto be destroyed, but neatly painted and looking like a permanent structure, was erected in front of the grand stand at a safe distance and here the audience was allowed to see !how a natural gas explosion looks. At Dayton. Dayton, O., Sept. 3. Never before has Labor Day been observed with greater enthusiasm. Fully 5,000 uni formed knights of labor marched In tao parade which was the most Impos ing in the history of the city. Rain did not deter the unionists who for a solid hour braved the elements. An interesting program followed at the fair grounds and races of all descrip tions attended by 20,000 people. At Knoxville. Knoxvllle, Tenn., Sept. 3. Labor Day was celebrated here on a more extensive scale than ever before. A long parade passed through the busi ness streets. Floats representing var ious trades unlonsappeared. A mili tary tournament by state militia and athletic contorts were the features of the afternoon. At night the lakes at Two Parks were burned, oil being ig nited upon the waters. At Atlanta. Atlanta, Sept. 3. The largest cele bration of Labor Day ever carried out In this city, and probably in the south, took place here, with 5,000 men, In line representing every labor union and large delegations from adjoining towns participated. Civic and military or ganizations were in the parade. The cntnus-iasm along the line of march through the city to Exposition park was very great. At Washington. Washington, Sept. 3. Labor Day was observed here for the sixth time, the I a'l character of the holiday hav ing been established by congress In 1894. All of the government depart ments were closed, but there were no street ipa"rades or public demonstra tions, the various local labor organi zations celebrating the day by speech making and athletic game3. At Memphis. Memphis, Sept, 3. Labor Day was more generally celebrated here than ever before. The parade was the larg est and most creditable in the history of the city trades. For the first time the business men were not called on to contribute toward the expense the celebration, the labor unions being now so strong that tlhey needed no as sistance. . At Louisville. Louisville, Sept 3. Labor Day was more generally celebrated than In many years. Fully 10,000 were in line in the parade and the afternoon and night were given up to celebra tions at a half dozen park3. The prin cipal addres3 of the day was delivered by Harry J. Skefflngton of Boston, who spoke at Phoenix Hill park. At Cleveland. Cleveland, Sept. 3. A drizzling rain interferred with Labor Day In this city. Notwithstanding a steady downpour, however, th3re were prob ably 10,000 men in line representing more than 90 unions. At the conclu sion of the parade President Samuel Gompers of the American Federation of Labor delivered an address. At Kansas Citj. Kansas City, Sept. 3. Labor Day here was a field day for politicians. Joseph Floyd, Republican candidate for governor, Hon. A. M. Dockery, Democratic candidate for the same of fice, both spoke to large crowds. Most of the business houses were closed. At Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Sept. 3. Lahor Day was celebrated here by a parade of work ingmen estimated from 12,000 to 15. 000. It wa3 the best appointed pro cession ever sepn here Labor Day. The streets were lined with Interested and applauding spectators. At Chattanooga. Chattanooga, Sept. 3. Labor Day was celebrated by the workingmen and their families under the auspices of the Central Labor union by a basket picnic. Music and dancing were the main features. The usual street par ade was dispensed with. At Nashville. Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 3. The La bor Day celebration here consisted of an Imposing parade throughout the principal streets of the city and a pic nic at Glendale, Ark., where addresses were delivered by Governor McMillan and Rev. W. S. Jacobs. At Columbus. Columbus, O., Sept. 3. Organized labor celebrated the day by a big par ade In tho morning and a picnic at Andrews' grove. Former Attorney General F. S. Monnett was the princi pal orator of the day. At Charleston. Charleston, S. C, Sept. 3. Labor Day was celebrated here for the first time with any distinction. During tho past year, workingmen organized strongly and turned out with 1,500 men in parade. At St. Louis. St. Louis, Sept. 3. The day was cel ebrated by a labor parade In which more than 25,000 men of all trades par ticipated. The day was a holiday and all business was suspended. At Wichita. Wichita, Kan., Sept. 3. Labor Day was observed here in an Informal way. There were no speeches. In the even ing a bail wa3 given by the labor unions. At Kvausville. Evansvlllo, Ind., Sept. 3. The larg estLaborDayparadoseen here In man years occupied nearly an hour In pass ing a given point. A picnic followed. At Denver. Denver, Sept. 3. About 6,000 work ingmen marched In the Labor Day parade in tr Is city. Business was gene-rally suspended. ' IS THE 11. State Department Silent IiPgardins Progress oi Negotiations. RUSSIA IS EXPECTED TO YIELD. Week or .More- Will Ho Consumed In Diplomatic Fiddling No Ijuio Newt From Amisiicau OUlclals In China. Washington, Sept. 3. Following It3 announced policy the state depart ment is preserving silence as to the progress of the negotiations now afoot respecting the withdrawal of troopo from Peking. It is gathered, however, tLiat up to date no definite responses have been received to our last com munication to the powers on this sub ject. It is stated that in all probabil ity at least a week will be consumed in diplomatic exchange. In that time one of two things may happen. Rus sia may yield to what appears to be the wish of nearly all the powers and refrain from carrying out her purpose to withdraw from Peking or the Unit ed States forces will be marched out. It 13 clearly the wisl of our gov ernment that the first of these lines of action shall be taken. Events in Pe king, as reported in press dispatches, encourage the government here in the hope and almost in the expectation that Russia will yield. Meanwhile nothing haa been heard from Mr. Con ger since 'his dispatch transmitted through Mr. Fowler last Saturday and supposed to have been sent from Pe king about Aug. 27. General Chaffee was equally silent officially or else his telegrams are delayed for there was no word from him. The war department Is not Informed as to the plans for camps In China for the winter, nor is It aware that the report that these camps are to be es tablished, one each at Peking, Tien Tsin and Taku is corect. The quar termaster's department has sent to Taku enough supplies for that depart ment to furnish the 5,000 troops In China, with all necessaries from Sep tember 1 until May 1. All of these supplies will be in China within the next 30 or 40 days. It is believed at the war department that the reports concerning the wintering of troops was sent before it was known that the negotiations were in progress for the withdrawal from Peking. No Rpply Yet From France. Paris, Sept. 3. France has not yet replied to Russia's note regarding tho withdrawal of troop3 from Peking. M. Delcasse, minister of foreign affairs and the Russian ambassador, Prince Ouroussow went to Rambouilla to confer upon President Loubet the de coration of the Russian order of St. Andrew, recently accorded him by the czar and to present to M. Loubet the autograph letter accompanying the decoration. It is believed that this wul give an opportunity for an ex change of views whlclh will have an effect upon tho ministerial meeting which is to be held here Tuesday. France regards peace as the Ilr3t re quisite of the situation, but Is not en tirely certain that the withdrawal of the troops from Peking is the surest andqulckestmethod to attain this end. Opposed to Evacuation. London, Sept 3. The difficulty of communicating with the British min ister at Peking, Sir Claude MacDon ald, delays the promulgation of the views of the British government In regard to Its future steps In China, the government being unwilling to com mit itself publicly to a definite de cision until Sir Claude MacDonald has fully reported on the situation. In the meanwhile a heated anti-evacuation campaign continues in the press and the trend of official opinion apparently continues favorable to tho principle of the suggested withdrawal from Pe king to Tien Tsin, but not for uracua tlon of China. Relief Doing Good Servlc. Washington, Sept. 3. Tho war de partment 'has received tho following report from Major Perley of the med ical corps commanding the hospital ship Relief, In an undated dispatch from Taku: Banister reports 120 sick at front and 200 at Tien Tsin. Many slightly ill. All wounded brought from tho front. Relief will take all severe eases. Launch and boats have returned. Plenty supplies. All doing well. Praise, For Chaffee. Washington, Sept. 3. The war de partment received an undated cable gram from General Barry at Taku re porting that General Chaffee has everything well in hand. His driving power materially assisted the prompt relief of the legation. Considering ai- duous service, condition of troSpa is I II excellent. A considerable portion of the dispatch, whioh the department did not make public, related to mili tary details. AHEAD OF TIME. Telegraph Operator's Explanation of U reck at Hatfield. Philadelphia, Sept. 3. Reports from Bethlehem and Allentown are to the effect t'hat none of tho.e injured iu the terrible collision at Hatfield, Pa., on the Philadelphia and Reading ra.l way have died, although seveial arc not expected to live. The railroad company had a force of men at tho scene of the wreck early In the dry clearing away the debris. The wreck ed cars were burned and all ev;jences of the accident were destroyed as far as possible. Llnfleld Wilder, the agent and tele graph operator at Hatfield, makes a statement in which he said the ex cursion train was scheduled to arrive at Hatfield at 7 a. m. and the milk train arrived at 6:35. The excursion train, he says, was a minute ahead of time. It was very foggy and he wa3 stamping tickets when he heard the excursion tiain coming. He first saw It when it was about 100 yarda north of tho station, traveling at the rate of auout 40 mnes an nour and it was then too late for him to do anything to avert the awful accident. The excursion train had 10 coaches filled. It crashed Into the rear of the milk train crushing the two passen ger coaches on that train like egg shells and killing four of Its passen gers. Six of the ten coaches of the excursion train were a mass of wreck age and nine passengers In the first two coaches were killed. The killed: Miss Annie Sherry, 21; Robert Miller, 21; Richard Bachman, 40; Ira Ehrot, 20; William Ehret, Jo seph Motdaunt, 22, all of South Beth lehem; Charle3 McFonigle, Allentown; Thomas Day, Allentown; Miss Mamie Kaelln, 14, Tolford; Godfrey Kaelin; William Blackburn, Ambler; Harold Landls, Hatfield; J. Ackerman, Phil adelphia. MOVED TO TEABS. Impassioned Address of Chinese Envoy to Celestials In Mtn 1 ranclsco. . San Francisco, Sept. 3. Lcong Kal Tlnn, who claims to be special am bassador of the deposed emperor of China, Kwang Su, delivered an im passioned addiess to a large audience of his countrymen. His "plea for the doplorabion of the indignities that had been heaped upon the unfortunate emperor by the empress dowager was so eloquent that his audltore were moved to tears. Leong Kal Tinn arrived in San Francisco Aug. 27, and his address was the first he delivered here. He came to this country to gain the sup port of the Chinese re&idents in the United States for the restoration of the emperor and the inauguration of a liberal policy toward foreigners as well as the accredited agent of Kwang Su. Fenians Sleet. Cincinnati, Sept. 3. The old guard of the Fenian Brotherhood was ad dressed hero by P. J. Corcoran, Ed ward O. M. Condon and Captain George Sweeny. Very bitter resolu tions wore adopted against the pres ent alleged American entanglement In foreign affairs, especially any alliance with England and any violation of the principle of consent of the governed. The lesolutlons denounce the course of England in South Africa and con demn tho sending of prisoners of war to Ceylon. "We are likewise opposed to any association with any power whose conduct is not consistent with American theories and humanity." To Tench Convicts Trades. Jeffersonille, Ind., Sept. 3. The con tracts of a brush company and of a saddletree company for convict labor at the Indiana reformatory, this city, have expired. The brush company Is shipping its maohlnery to the reform atory at Mansfield, O. These compa nies employed about 300 men, and prisoners who are not assigned to other contractors at tho reformatory will bo required to learn trades. Thp oiglnal Idea was to teach prisoners some occupation, and this plan will shortly be inaugurated. Powers Case. Lexington, Ky., Sept. 3. Ex-Govcr-nor John Young Brown, Judge James Sams and H. C. Faulkner, counsel for Caleb Powers, were en route to Georgetown to appear beforo Judge Cantrell relative to a bill of excep tions in the Powers oaso. Governor Brown said the bill of exceptions wan not completed and could not be com pleted In the time allowed by court. Peter Zumpker injured and seven registered Jersey cattlo intended for exhibition at Ohio stato fair killed by Columbus. O switch engine runaing Into the ear,at POLITICAL LEANINGS WocdnilT Will Accept Renomination For Lieutenant Governor. FORECAST OF ARKANSAS ELECTION. Chairman Jones Confers With Party Leaders Regarding Conditions Iu Several Matt s Kentucky Campaign Opened. -Saratoga, N. Y., Sept, 3. Timothy L. Woodruff has decided to accept a renomlnatlon for lieutenant governor, and thus ended the only point of un certainty concerning the ticket to be named by the Republicans In conven tion. After .Mr. Woodruff made the decision, interest centered in the plat form, there being some discussion as to the wording of the trust plank. Following is the present outline of the ticket to be nominated at the con vention Tuesday: For governor, Ben jamin B. O'Dell, jr., of Orange; lieu tenant governor, Timothy L. Wood ruff of Kings; compti oiler, William J. Morgan of Erie; secretary of state, John T. McDonough of Albany; state engineer, Edward A. Bond, Jefferson; attorney general, John C. Davies, Oneida; state treasurer, John P. Jaeck ell of Cayuga. It is stated that ex-Governor Frank Black will make the speech nominat ing O'Dell. Thi3 is noteworthy be cause Mr. Black and his friends, In cluding Louis F. Payn of Chatham, former commissioner of insurance, and Abraham Gruber of New York city, have been acting Independently of Senator Piatt in politics since Gov ernor Roosevelt's nomination two years ago. Democratic Conference. Chicago, Sept. 3. Senator Jones chairman, J. G. Johnson vice chair man and C. A. Walsh secretary of the executive committee of the Demo cratic national committee held an all day conference with the party leaders of several states. The chairmen of the state committees present were L. . Rosing, Minnesota; Parks M. Mar tin, Indiana; F. L. Hall, Nebraska; A. F. Warden, Wisconsin; Walter Wat son, Illinois; George A. Hoffman, Iowa; Mack Love, Kansas, and Jams H. Miller, Wet Virginia. The object of the conference was to obtain an ac curate Idea of the conditions existing in the various states represented and to arrange plans tor conducting the campaign in those states. Arkuisas Election. Little Rock. Sept. 3. The pretty weather prevailing throughout tho state promises to bring out a larger vote than was expected and It is esti mated that the majority of Jeff Davis, Democrat for governor, over his op ponents, H. L. Rimmel, Republican, and Abner W. Files, Populist, will reach 50.000. The Populist vote will not exceed 1,000. A feature Is the enormous negro vote being polled will exceed that of any year since 1872. Tne negroes are voting solidly for Remmel. There Is no opposition to the Demo cratic state ticket except for governor. Kentucky ('a-npalgu Opened. Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 3. The cam paign in Kentucky was opened by both parties In most of the counties Monday. The principal meetings were at.Bowling Green and Henderson. At the former place Hon. John W. Yerkes, the Republican candidate for govern or, was the leading speaker. At the latter place Governor J. W. C. Beck ham, tho Democratic candidate for governor, and ex-Governor James B. McOreery, spoke. At Bowling Green tho Domocrats also had a meeting ad dressed by R. F. Peake of Shelbyvllle. Undaunted by Rain. Bowling Green, Ky., Sept. 3, It be gan raining in torrents shortly after noon and it was still raining at 2 o'clock when Mr. Yerkes -began his speech. Nevertheless over 5,000 peo ple were In the park. Mr. Peck began his speech at 1 o'clock in tho court house and the circuit court room was practically filled. Opposition Didn't Cheer. Cape Town, Sept. 3. The communi cation to the1 assembly of Lord Rob erts' proclamation announcing tho an nexation of the South African repub lic, whioh will hereafter bo known as tho TranBvaal, was greeted by the op position with silence and by the min isterialists with prolonged cheering. Discharged From Hospital. San Francisco, Sept. 3. Thirty-one fver-strlcken or wounded eoldlora wero discharged from the general hos pital at Tho Prosldlo and slven trans portation to WaaMmrfP. D. C. IW are from the Philippines and have tfe9,tnj8eswr.Uio .., t h .-i v A M l -vi