Newspaper Page Text
(-v .Jf- "It- 306--. WPipjwPw Golf Cloths.. The woman who carries tho damp heavy train of a lonp sown on rainy day aurely envies her wi light-footed sister m a short ski' . Bu .n J short skirta on ramv days wantto continue the comfort when i it is dgg yf tractive designa of plaid backs. $1.50 and $2 a yard. MUNICIPAL MATTERS Evening Bulletin. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. KOSSEIt & MCCARTHY, Proprietora "dTBSCKIPTION PRICE3 OF 11AII Y. t month -a I Three months '-t 1 Is mouths 51 W I One vear 3 TO CLOTHING; STYLE. THE . Business Transacted at the Monthly Meeting of City Council. VERY TUESDAY. SEP TEMBEK 4 1U0O. ff fsi?yi nESTmf, I w ft: I f t If. ? b i V DEMOCRATIC TICKKr. roit rKVit)FAT, WILLIAM JEn'NINOb mKYAN of Nebraska. lOKVU'hrilKMIILNT, ADI.AIK STEVES ON. til Illinois. KomioVKUNon. J. c. W UK KIIAM. koh toNuith J. .1 KE MB if Min dimly. ftfiTGoncrjiHy fair to-day SttSrMnd Wcdm'.sdav. Tun editor of the Bulletin' can be it li. d upon to do tiu lair tiling at all timea. On the "face of the returns" our article on the Ledger's eritiui-m of Prof Khotou did the tditor of that paper an injustice. We were actuated in saying what we did by the apparent injustice of the Ledger to Prot. tthoton, who was comparatively a stranger among us. WHEUE DENBY BELONGS. To the Embalmed Beef Combine With Alger, Eagaii and Hunna. Washington Tlmcs.J "Hon." Tiucirrion Denby announces that, althouRh a "lifelong Democrat," he is obliged to support Mr. McKinley for re-electiou to the Presidency. Since Mr. McKinley has supported him hand somely out of the war emergency fund, ever since he first took his place ou the ridiculous Alger Relief Commission and incidentally for-gathered with the em balmed contractors at tile Arlington, it would be the depth of ingratitude for Tincarrion Denby to act otherwise. We are able to assert with the utmost confidence that he is not, and for at least four years has not been, regarded by any Democratic authority as a Demo crat, but, on the contrary, as in full fel lowship with the Hanna, Alger, Eagau and Abner combination, which did so much to make the administrative history of the Spanish war what it is. He is distinctly a type of tho Hanna adminis tration man, and if decent Republicans can view association with him with com placency they are welcome to do so. Certainly the Democratic party would feel humiliated if he were falsely to de clare himself a member of its organiza tion. HON. FRANCIS T. 1I0RI). One of the Most Active Gold Democrats in ..... IVSII u I Tl... -j "JU Hill OIIiiuri uijan una Year His Reasons. Indianapolis, Ind., August 31. Fran cis T. Hord, a prominent lawyer, who was a Palmer and Buckner Elector in 1S9G and then ono of the most active Gold Democrats, to-day gave notice that he would support Bryan and Stevenson. Mr. Hord opposes McKinley principally because he believes that he is hopelessly involved with the men who control the powerful trusts which the Republican party cannot aflbrd to antagonize. He also believes that VcKinley'a ex pansion ideas are dangerous and should be repudiated by the country. Councilman James A. Fhost has made and presented to Judge Wadaworth a unique paper weight composed of me mentoes of several events in local his tory. It represents a miniature tell tower with a tiny bell suspended. The roof of the tower ia made of pieceB of copper taken from O. and O. engine No. 79 destroyed by an explosion of the boiler May 20, 1899. The four rough supports of thiB roof are made of pieces of the bell of the old Washington Opera House (burned January 30, 1898), ae is also the base upon which the supports i rest. The base also includes a piece of metal from tho steamer Bostona burned August 8, 18C0, and a buckle from the BUBpender of Dick Coleman, burned Do nomhRr ft. 1899. Tho dates are all Btamped on tho weight. Mr. Lkk Nonius, of Fern Leaf, wts driving north on Sutton Btreet Monday afternoon in a buggy. In front of Mrs, Collins' residence he mot Charles Sher wood, colored, of Mayslick, driving in theopposito direction. Ench turned to tho left, but failed to turn far enough, nnl the next instant there wub a crash and both buggies wore considerably dam aged. Charles was this only ono of tho inmates hurt, and his injury was only a Llow on tho nose, causing tho loss of considerable blood. Mr. Noma had Shprod'a buggy repaired. Red Hot From tlio Gun Was iii. ball that hit G. B. Stendman, of JSVwnrk, Mich., in tho Civil War. It caue-d uorriblo ulcers that no treatment j hoJppd for 20 years. Then Bucklen'a, 'Arnft'il. Salvo cured him. Cures cuts, bruised, burns, boils, felons, corns, skin oruntlotifl. "Rant nlln nira nn aarth on 5 u- n i :.". o-.', iT"! HJi'i" " I'"., uuinKuaiMUWHI, OOIU oy Summary of Reports of Various Official?. Building Permits Granted New Policeman Electedr The regular meeting of the City Coun cil was held Monday evening, Mayor Stallcup presiding. The following is a summary of tho re ports of the Police Judge and Chief of Police: Number of convictions KI iios mill coils nssi-sMfd 5 Fines Ac. worked out Flues iU. replevied Kilns Ac. workLig Kxeeutlon fur lines, etc. Fines Ac. paid fall feus assessed Old bonds mid Interest collected Net wharfage- 08 I1A 10 87 N) 8 50 61 00 ID 00 I8 60 M '20 m 15 WW Following is the Treasurer's report: Balance last ruouib S J.'.'Tj 43 Receipt. License 8 22 50 Bond account 3,000 0J City taxes. "07, 'us aud "M and l'AW 2.C0U 72 Wharfage .OS 87 Internal Improvement '20 00 Total S 7,026 52 Expenditure. Alms and alms house S 3 3 01 Gas and electricity 471 G7 Internal Improvements 3$i 13 Police 305 bO Salaries 2'S 25 Sundries 102 '27 Schools 612 00 Interest and discount 2,208 15 Hoarding and guarding prisoners 151 10 Total 8 4,811 71 Balance 2,lisl 81 Claims and accounts were allowed and ordered paid, amounting to $2,210.90. KECAriTCLATION. Alms and alms house S 212 32 Gas and electricity -173 17 Internal Improvements 300 71 Boarding and guarding prisoner:- 127 00 Miscellaneous '.Hi b Salaries and pensions 71C Go I'htci ot i'oiice u ao Wharves and ferries 152 40 Chief Donovan reported that during August the number of arrests made by the police was as follows : By Wallace tl By Ort 18 By Roster 3 By Thompson 7 liy special police 8 T. .N. Lewis; to build a kitchen on Front street, First ward. The saloon licenee of A. Weiand it Co. was transferred to Wm. Rosser & Co. Mr. Tollo stated that numerous com plaints had been made lately about the gas. He said that as Chairman of the Committee on Gas he, with the Mayor, had conferred with the company's offi cers, and they promised to use every eflort to remedy the trouble, which, it is thought, is due to water in the mains. An ordinance was introduced requiring any person causing an excavation in or adjoining any public street or alley, or placing any obstruction upon the streets, shall have two red 'lights placed at such excavation or obstruction at night, and an additional light for each fifty feet of such obstruction or excavation. The rules were suspended and the ordinance adopted. The penalty is a fine of from So to S25. The resignation of Wm. Rosser as a policeman wa3 tendered and on motion was accented. The unexpired portion of A. Weiand & Co.'a wholesale beer licensp, amount ing to about $10, was refunded, the firm having quit the business since Mr. Weiaiid's death. Ira Newell was unanimously elected a member of the regular police force, to fill the vacancy caused by tho resignation of Mr. Rosser. The Committee on Laws and Ordi nances, with the City Attorney added, was ordered to codify the laws and ordi nances of the city and prepare them for publication. Tho Mayor reported $31 25 amount of license collected in August. Permits were granted as follows: mil, Mitcnei iv uo : to uuiid a one story wagon ehed in rear of their factory, Mrs. Driscoll: to build a kitchen on East Fifth. Board of Education ; to build a coal house near Sixth ward Bchool building. Misses Lamb ; to build a carriage house on property of A. R. Glascock on West Third street. Mavsville Compauy No. 0, U. R. K. of P., will meet to-night at 7 o'clock at Cas tie Hall. The approaching marriage of Mr. Frank O. Barkley and Miss Roberta Robinson is announced. Tho nuptials will bo solemnized Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, instead of on the 4th, as stated by our contemporary. Tho prospective brido 1 and groom are among the most popular in Maysvillo a social circles and a host of friends unite in congratulations and good wisheB in advance of tho happy event. Tho Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whoso stomach and liver are out of order. All bucIi Bhould know that Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, givoa a eplondld appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and reat energy. Only 25c. at J. J Wood & The Contemplation of Style, Tho style that In In our Clothing Is a pleasure. It Is absolutely correct. Each garment Is dressy, well made and perfectly finished. Men of every size can bo fitted, rocket books of hny Mze can bo suited. ' The material used is In the very latest color ings and patterns and many of the designs are exclusive. Don't think the goods are not tip top because the prices arc very low. Eluer F. M. Tindkr, of Carlisle, is as sisting in a protracted meeting at Provi dence Christian Church, near Nicholas ville. Mb. John Luman, one of the oldett and most popular employes of the Mays ville Street Railway, left Sunday for Cin cinnati. Saml'kl Ball, colored, about twelve years of age, an inmate of the county in- finiiary, was on Monday apprenticed to D. F. Weaver. 1 1 Miss Ella Lake, the young woman who has been sick at Mr. P. Maher's in the county, was removed to her home in Ohio Saturday. The late David Sinton, of Cincinnati, started out in life clerking at a country store for $4 a month. He left an estate of $7,000,000 or $8,000,000. Mr. S. N. Meyer Monday sold and conveyed to Mrs. Catherine Archdeacon a two-story frame residence on north side of Third street, west of Bridge, for $2,350. The L. and N. has a force of hands en gaged putting in new scales at the new depot. They will also alter and repair the bridge over Limestone Creek while here. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cady have taken up their residence in the suite of rooms lately vacated by Mrs. Dr. Hewinp. He will move his studio to these rooms in a week or so. L. C. Harrison, guardian of Nora Leo and Carlos Stanley Weaver, Monday fill d a report of said wards' estate. Each has about $3,540 cash in bank and a half in terest in a tract of land on Cabin Creek valued at $3,500. The teachers of Woodford and Scott countiea are holding a joint teachers' in stitute at Collins' Opera House in Mid way this wpek. The instructors are Proi. R. M. Shipp, of Winchester, and Mr. F. M. Ramey, of Carlisle. Preachers commend it from the pul pit, judges from the bench. It is found in the offices of first-claBs lawyers and dqctors and on the desks of all up-to-date business men. "Success." Geo. R. Gill, agent. Miss Pluvia Gill will entertain her jUaysville friends this evening with a hay ride. The crowd is expected to meet at the residence of Mrs. Duke Wat son. Miss Pluvia leaves next Monday to attend Hamilton College, at Lexington. . The Bulletin ia in need of a boy to de liver papers on the West End route and work in tho office. One acquainted with the residents of the Firat, Second and Third warda, and who can read and write, may secure employment by applying at once to thia office. A correspondent of the Bulletin, who was in Cincinnati the paat week, reports that he didn't see a man with a badge on other than that of Bryan, and didn't see a picture in any window in the residence portion of tho city except that of tho great commoner. Rh'resentative Holland, of Henry County, introduced an election bill in the House Saturday. It provides for Republican representation on State and county boards, for equal division of elec tion officials, for general registration, and for the abolition of party devices. liravo Men Full Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there is no need to feel liko that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He'aavs: "Electric Bitters aro just the thiug for a man when ho is all run down, and don't euro whether ho lives or dies. It did more to give me now strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything ana have a new lease on lifo." Only 50 cents at J. J. Wood & Sou's drtifi; Btore. Every bottle Muslin Underwear. Interest points two wayB among there pretty garmenta to-day. It is an offering to attract good taste while it tempts the thrifty. Nightgowns. GO Cents. Four styles. Neck and sleeves trimmed with tuflle, front finished with embroidery. 75 Cents. Fine muslin. Yoke of tucks and insertions, milled finish with pretty buttons aud generous hem. $1.00. Looks like a $150 quality. Pretty enough for morning wear in one's room. Several different styles. D. HUNT Removal Sale at Clooney's. For the next thirty days an op portunity to purchase at an ex tremely low ligure anything in this elegant stock of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Solid Sil ver and J 847 Rogers Plated ware. This is no fake, but an actual reduction. It will pay you to investigate. BOSS Steel Ranges! .'Attractive, durable and perfectly constructed. Beautiful fnish, ele gant design and perfect in operation. LEONARD &L ALLEY MAYSVILLE, KIT. WANTED. WANTED Tho public to know that I have a a full Hue of school books, (live me a call. I will be thankful for vnur tmlronnpc. 31-3 U ltd ANNA M. FRaZAR. w AN! KD Woman to do housework. Apply to MRS SAM M. HALL, 115 Forest avenue. FOR KENT. ijiuu iicix i i wo uweiuuKs, i.iur auu six JL rooms each. All modern Improvements. Limestone and Fifth. Apply to KKN1E WHITE. FOR SAL.E. EOK SALE About 120 locust pons, seven feet long. Apply to JOHN L WllITAKKIt 31 d WV nrvNfy ""r 171UK 8ALK UK KENT My rcMdeuco on West 3 Second street. Contains iseven rooms and Las all modern Improvements. For further In formation apply to me. JAMES HASSON, 8K Third St.. head of Wall. l-dtf F OK SALE Southdown bucks and mountain ewes. Apply to j. ii. I'Ki Kits. Jlernard, Ky. Fun oil.iv rami 01 itxi acres ou ai. ana 1.. pike, six miles from I'arls, Ky. Improved. Address I. R. BEST, agent, M Uersburg, Kv. SAY! WHAT? WHITE, JID&m SELLING OUT! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. It's true all the same. G. S. Judd sold out to Mr. "White and went "West. I F Martin then sold out to Mr. White and now Mr. White sees that he cannot 'see well enough to conduct the business, so he has decided to close out his large and elegant stock of. Furniture at cost. No JO per cent, cut plan but at COST. IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN THE FURNITURE LINE NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE IT CHEAP. Andif you don't need it just now it will pay you to buy at the cut prices for future use. Come and look through our stock and be convinced. -C. H. WHITE & CO. VPS1 T rO? Iowcef"toryfortncFu"HrethatIsoldyouoa A Luyff X 4-V-I redlt. I promised to pay" for the goods I bought, and to Petticoats. 75 Cents. Carefully cut with close fitting hips, deep rufile neatly trimmed with lace or Hamburg. $1.00. Fine quality, will take and hold starch perfectly. Odd conceits m irimming, each prettier than tho other. $1,125. Something more, much more, than the usual SI 25 petticoat. Dainty enough to wear under the sheerest lawn dress. & SON. CHINA ...AND... GLASSWARE! It will pay you to examine quality aud price at IBROWN'Si CinNAPAL.ACE,40 West Second Street, Maysvillo. We Promise To give as good value for the money spent with us as any merchant in Mason County. Not how cheap but how good. GOODCOFFEh ... Every user of Coffee admires a rich cup of Coffee. If you use "White Star" Coitc ou can depend on the quality. It leads the procession in the city. c we sole agents. W.T.CUMMINS Corner Third and Limestone. Dr.AnnaB.Hewins, THE LADY DENTIST, Has located permanently In Maysvllle where she has opened a dental parlor. All kinds of high class painless dentistry done In the most artistic and scientific manner. PRICES RIGHT. Gold crowns and bridge work J5 to 810. Best sets of teeth on rubber 85 to 815. Gold tHliiigs 81 and up. eOQlce up stalrs.nextdoor to Bulletin. For Sale at Cost. I will sell as a wholo at cost tho house now oc cupied by me ou Suttou street, together with Its contents. Or I will sell tho stock of Furniture therein at cost and carriage, In lots to suit purchasers, as I wish to change my business. R. H. I'OLUTT. T .""fli ""'"" t "i w re aiwr hm, ana i mutt get alUc V