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qp-V' ' w-yr3mtsrivb j5w!l!R 'sTT-!!!!!1!! f JWf H f"Af(0 HW , tt t- ,. -' i f , v . THE EVENING BULLETIN. VOLUME XIX. MAYSVILLE, KF., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1900. NUMBER 308. A . CONGER HEARD FII First Dispatch Darin;' Date Itccicveil Since Keliof of Location. NO CHANGE IN THE SITUATION. Til-IImmr 'Clmna; Takes a Step Iu Right Direction Determined Ell'ort to ItMiev Commiiui- catiou lili " C'hulleo. Washington, Sept. 4. Minister Con ger ha3 been heard from again, h last advice being dated at Peking Aug. 30. Preceding dispatches occu pied a week In their transmission tfrom Peking, aooording to the esti mate of the state department, so that Mr. Conger's message marks a dis tinct betterment of the means of com munication. Besides it includes the date of dispatch, something the de partment ihas been trying to have done for many weeks. The supposition is that, this particular message came down from Peking to Tien Tsln by courier, and was put on the wires, either at that point or at Taku. The state department decided to make no statement as to the contents of the message beyond that Mr. Conger's communication did not mark any ma terial change In situation in Peking. It appears that whatever responses are to be made by the powers to the proposition to evacuate Peking are expected to be diocted to the gov ernment of Russia and not to our state department. The Russian gov ernment undoubtedly will in turn no tify the United States government a3 well as all the other governments con cerned as to the nature of the re sponses. It Is stated that up to this time less than a majority of the powers inter ested in the Chinese question have re sponded to the Russian proposal, so far as our government is advised, and our officials here agree with the gen eral tenor of the European dispatches in the conclusion that final action on part of all the pawer3 may not be had for several days at least Everything now depends on the action of Russia, tine attitude of the other nations be ing negative, and if she does not hast en to carry out her announced purpose to withdraw the troops the other gov ernments will probably be content in the hope that some kind of a Chinese government will be established in Pe king wlh which the powers, may ne gotiate for a final settlement LI Hung Chang'3 attempt to secure Imperial warrant for the institution of peace negotiations through himself and the Chinese notables referred to in the European dispatches, is regard eu here as a step in the right direction, while on the other hand some disquiet has been caused by the report that the International forces in Peking have been arresting some of the membors of the'Tsung Li Yamen who were seek ing to open negotiations and re-establish the government. There is no dis position here to condone the offenses of any Chinese officials who may have (participated in the outrages in Peking but it is questioned whether this is an opportune time to administer punish ment. The war department is still con cerned because of the Inability to either reach General Chaffee or get dispatches from him. A number of important dispatches have been sent which the government Is anxious he should receive in regard to 'his future action. General Barry, who oan be (reached at Taku, has been instructed to spare no pains or expense to get dispatches to Chaffee and replies from him, which the department feels are necessary for a correct disposition of ithe Chinese questions that have arisen sinco the occupation of Peking. . DEARTH OF KKIVS, Commissioners Appointed to Nego. tlato For Pence. London, Sept. 4. The absence of news regarding the actual situatfon of affalrsat Peking continues as complete as the lack of authentic Information regarding the ultimate attitudo of the powers toward the proposals now be fore the ooncert. Shanghai 'reports that an imporial edict issued at Tal Yuan Fu appoints LI Hung Chang, Yung Lu, Hsu Tung (tutor of the heir-apparent) and Prince Ohlng commissioners to nfcgo tlato peace. The unmistakable condemnation of the proposal to immediately withdraw from Peking which Is voiced from all the foreign colonies In the far east is taken In some quarters as a forecast of the opinion which may be expected from thd ministers when their vlow3 are obtainable. As already suggested, the Russian proposals are capable of modification, and It is thought In well informed circles that Lord SAlIsbury is striving to conform them moro closely to the terms first formulated by tlhe government at Washington. According to a special dispatch from St Petersburg, dealing with the ques tion of Manchuria, the Russian of ficials repudiate any intention to per manently occupy or annex Manchuria. The dispatch adds that Russia will claim no teiritorlal concessions pio vlded the other powers refrain from so doing and expresses the hope tha.t the question of Indemnities can be settled by the co-operation of the al lied powers. "stokers Mutinied. New Orleans, Sept. 4. Eighteen stokers aboard the British transport Montcalm were arrested for mutiny in re'fuslng to sail with Danish stokers engaged to take the place of desorters. The mublneers also complained .of the food and the British consul appointed a board of survey which reported It all right The ship has been trying to sail since Saturday. Rigors of Discipline. Denver, Sept. 4. Mrs. Corliss, wife of Colonel A. W. Corliss of the Second United States infantry, died at Fort Logan after an illness lasting many weeks. Colonel Corliss is now en route to China with his regiment. He passed through Denver a few days ago but his orders did not permit him to go to his wife's bedside. Not Afraid of Plague. New York, Sept. 4. President Mur phy of the New York city health de partment say3 he ihas no fear of in fection from the bubonic plague. Every precaution known to science has been taken. Ship3 from infected parts are subjected to the most rigid inspection. Any passenger not witiln half a degree of the normal tempera ture will not be allowed to land with out going to .tlhe detention hospital. Agreement Is Expected. Detroit, Sept. 4. The third confer ence between the wage committee of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers and represen tatives of iron and steel firms on the puddling and mill scale for 1900 is on here. An agreement is looked for from this conference, as the Amalgamated association has given its committee more discretionary power than It has had at previous conferences. Miners Culled Out. Des Moines, la., Sept. 4. The union miners, members of the United Mine Workers of America, have been called out of the Saylorville mine and the mines of the Consolidated Coal com pany at Muchaklnock and Baxter. The mines are the only ones In Iowa that have not signed tho union scale. Oiblnet Meeting. Washington, Sept. 4. The cabinet meeting was without .results. No news of Importance It was stated had been received from any source and nothing of public Interest transpired at the meeting. David Slnton's W 111. Cincinnati, Sept. 4. Tho will of David Stlnton was probated. The es tate is valued at $15,000,000 to 20, 000,000. Mr3. Charles P. Taft, the only heir, Is made executrix without bond. Slnton had many bequests in his will, but had paid them all. Sewall's Condition. Bath, Me., Sept. 4. A report was Is sued during the afternoon by Mr. Sew all's physicians to tho effoct that If there had been any change it was not for the better. The patient remained In a heavy stupor from -which the doc tors expected no relief but dcath. California!) Pulls Through. Washington, Sept. 4. The war de partment received a cablegram from General MacArthur announcing tho ar rival of the transports Meade and Cal ifornian at Manilla. Ho says tho lat ter was delayed at Guam by a broken propellor. Overcome by Heat. Bellefontalne, O., Sept. 4. Judge Duncan Dow, author of tho Doiw liquor tax law, was overcome by heat here and is in a serlou3 condition. His ill ness may delay tho Forroll trial at Marysville. New Incorporations. Columbus, O., Sept. 4. Citizens Tel ephone and Message company, Fos oria, 50,000; Reaughn Construction company, Cleveland, 20,000; Dover Manufacturing Co., Dover, 100,000. A Red Eagle Now. Berlin, Sept 4. Emperor William ihas conferred tho order of tho Red Eagle on Admiral Bendemann, com manding tho Gorman squadron in the far east, for services in China. Lost the Trail. Rawlins, Wyo., Sept. 4. Couriers from tho posse on tho route of tho Union Pacific train robbora report that the trail has been lo3t at Tim. ber Lake. TO CHOOSE A TICKET. Republicans of the Empire Stite In Convention Assembled. ADDRESS BY CHAIRMAN WOODRUFF. Only Chance For an Argument Is the Trust I'lanlc Of the l'lml'oi in. Candidates iur Nomination Have No Opposition. Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 4. The Re publican convention wnioh is to nomi nate a full state ticket was called to order soon after noon by State Ohalr man O'Dcll, who 13 to be nominated for governor. Lieutenant Governor Woodruff, Tho Is to be renominated, was choosen temporary chairman by acclamation. Mr. Woodruff In opening said the Republican party Is the giant instru ment for the attainment and mainten ance of high political ideal3. The Re publican party is more tnan the in strument of Republicans, said the speaker, "it Is the ever-renewing hope of others. Since the Democracy of Seymour, Tllden and Cleveland be came the prey of Populistlc fanati cism, and vagaries of dreamers sup planted the doctrines of statesmen, tne Republican party has become tho home of many thii3 driven from the household of their ancient faith. They don't look for us to renounce Repub licanism. They don't ask us to be come Democrats. Nor do we Insist that they shall became Republicans. Either a3 allies or Republicans we welcome them for the country's good. The people of this state believe In honest money; they believe in the pro tection of American industry and la bor; they believe in the establishment of the Independence of Cuba, a sound government in Porto Rico and the Philippines and the protection of our peeple in China. They believe in the suppression of unlawful combinations of every character." Referring to the money question, Mr. Woodruff said that should Mr. Bryan be elooted It would be within 'his power and duty in view of his platform to pay the Interest and prin cipal of the bonded debt In silver. The speaker declared that free trade had always been the fundamental princi ple of Democracy. "Tho attempted subordination of sound money and protection," 'he con tinued, "to the paramouncy of so called 'imperialism' cannot retire these issues from the campaign. The ab surdity qf 'imperialism' is that there is no 'Imperialism.' The Republican party simply stands for the establish ment In ine Philippines and Porto Rica of such government a3 it gives to its own people. If that is Imperial ism then the Republican party is Im perialistic. Our opponents may call It imperialism or even piracy If they please, but the Republican party will not be swerved from the line of its duty nor will tho people bo fooled by such transparent advice. Tho man who denounces our work of rescue, and the establishment of a just and generous government in which the In habitants shall have the largest par ticipation of which they are capable, and undertakes to base that denuncia tion upon a phrase of our Declaration of Independence is an insincere and base perverter of that Immortal docu ment" Mr. Woodruff denounced tho atti tude of the Democratic party on trusts as hypocritical, praised tho Republi can state administration and closed with an eulogy of the national Repub lican ticket. . Mr. Woodruff arraigned the officials of New York city for their alleged connection with the Ice trust Refer ences to McKlnley and Roosevelt were greeted with loud appluiise. Tho usual resolutions for permanent organization, etc., wore adopteI and a recess was voted until 4 pm. A telegram was received from Form er Governor Frank S. Black saying t&at ho would make the speech nomi nating O'Dell for governor. Thl3 makes the list of orators for Wednes day's session of the convention in clude Theodoro Roosevelt, Ohauncoy M. Dopew, Frank S. Black and N. Stranahan. The only discussion before tho con vention met was over the tni3t plank of the platform, and It was thought tne party declaration on this point might give the committee on resolu tions some work to do. Missouri Republicans. Sedalla, Mo., Sept 4. The Repub lican state campaign was opened here. The city was thronged with 10,000 vis itors. Speeches were made by Joseph Morv. A.inillrlnt tnr irnvurnnr T Tt Buton ot Kansas and Governor Les - lie M. Shaw of Iowa. In a lengthy meeting of the full state committee, evory congressional district In the state was heard from. In national is sues, the committeemen say, people will take no interest, but on the pres ent state administration the last leg islature and Jefferson City affairs gen erally met with approval. EFiPOET FROM OHAFFEE. BenC From Tnku lint Ii " ot Dated. Nee Is of His Forces. Washington, Sopt. 4. Tne follow ing undated di&patoh was received by tho war department from General Chaffee at Taku: Written report ol operations up to relief of legations will be forwarded a3 soon as possible. Present conditions are that hostilities have practically ceased, only occasion al shot3 fired from cover. Small party repairing telegraph line and foraging. No considerable body of Chinese trocps (Boxers) discovered here or along line of communication. We hoar LI Hung Chang has full pow er, but he Is not here. Will United States keop military force here until terms of peace arc arranged? Now in China about 5,000 effectives, Sixth cavalry, light battery F, Fifth artil lery, batteries Third, Ninth infantry, Fourtcnnth Infantry, 1,000 marines. 1 think ample force for United States unless political reason, not apparent to me, demands larger force. Shall take 5,000 as basis of my requirement for supplies. If troops remain must winter in tents and conical wall tents will be required, one tent to 10 men. Escort wagons will be required im mediately. Have mules for same shipped. No more pack trains re quired, wagon transportation best Water falling in river rapidly, must soon haul supplies 40 miles. Satisfied railroad will not be repaired before river freezes. All the transportation and tentage asked for by General Chaffee ha3 been anticipated by the department and has been shipped. Much of it is at Taku and the balance is due there soon. Pleasures of Hope. The Hague, Sept. 4. Ratifications of the agreements and treaties result ing from the peace conference have been formally placed in the foreign omce archives. The minister of for eign affairs, Dr. W. H. DeBeaufort, in a brief speech expressed the hope that the future historian would be able to declare that the work of the confer ence was of a lasting benefit to hu manity and proposed that an expres sion of U1I3 (hope be conveyed to the czar. A telegram in this sense was despatched to St. Petersburg. Colored Churches Consolidate. Chicago, Sept 4. The African Meth odist Episcopal church, representing a membership of more than 300,000, and the colored Methodist church, repre senting an organized body of 150.000, will consolidate and establish In Chi cago a Methodist tabernacle that will bo tho most costly and Imposing structure owned by a colored congre gation in tho United States. The name of the organization' will be the A. M. E. Colored Zlon church. The present bishops of tihe two cihurches will be retained. President's Plans. Washington, Sept. 4. According to present Intention, the president will not go to Canton until after his trip to Somerset Pa., to attend the wed ding of his niece which takes place Sept. 12. It Is probable that tho pres idential party will leave here for Som erset Monday, Sept. 10, but whether he will return to Washington from there or go to Canton has not been determined. Coming to Terms. Mlddlesboro, Tenn., Sept. 4. Thom as M. McOracken, secretary and treas urer of tho United Mine Workers union, gave out a statement In which 'he claimed he had received notice that six mining companies In the Jel Hoo district have agreed to grant the demands of miners relative to the new wage scale, and that the minors who are now out will Immediately return to work. Floater Found. Zanesvllle, 0 Sept. 4. The body of Isaac Lawrence of Relnersville, Mor gan county, was found iloating In the Muskingum river at Rokeby lock. He was last seen Sunday morning at the home of W. H. Deavor, tho locktender, who refused him -admittance because he was intoxicated. Ho left, going to ward tho lock, and it is thought ho foil In and was drowned. Tlio Anthracite Strike. Indianapolis, Sept. 4.- The members of the national board of the American Mine Workers will be here Wednes day to consider the anthracite situa tion. The expected strike Is to he nr- ?,ered T1ureilay, to become effective iULtuuuy. SPOKEN IN PASSING. Uryan Makes Waysido Speeches on Ills Way to Cumberland. RECPTIONS ON REAR PLATFORM. Kemlnlsccncc of a Former Visit nt Zanesvllle I'lopouuds Ques tion to iio I'ut to Ke publlcnus This Year. Cambridge O., Sept. 4. Mr. Bryan found a crowd of poople awaiting him when he arrived at Zanesvllle eaTly In the morning. The train carrying him to his destination in Cumberland, Md., made a five minute stop at that point and tho engine had hardly come to a standstill when there were loud calls for the presidential candidate. In re sponse to these demands Mr. Bryan appeared on the rear platform of the sleeper. Calls for a speech alternated with the demands to shake hands. Mr. Bryan declared laughingly that he could net comply with both requests, but he camo near doing so, for ho grasped a large number of outstretch ed hands, and while in the process of doing so, proceeded to make a brief talk to the people who stood eagerly waiting. The speech was informal and partly reminiscent, but judging by the applause it was greatly enjoyed. He said In part: "In a moment I cannot enter upon the discussion of any question. All I can do is to gratify any curiosity you may have in hearing a word, but you ought to have no curiosity here for I remember being here during the cam paign of 1S9C after midnight I re member that you have an auditorium called Gold hall, and It was so crowd ed on that occasion that I had to climb up tlio fire escape to get into the 'hall. (Laughter and applause.) We rare in the midst of another campaign and you are to have your part in the settlement of the questions whijh are at issue. In every campaign several Issues are considered but some one of ' them must be the paramount in the mind of eaoh person. In this cam paign, the Democratic partv believes the question of Imperial!, j be most important. The party stands where it did in 189G on the money question, but it believes that the form of gov ernment Is more important than the kind of money and imperialism attacks tihe principles of government. In say ing this we are not indulging in pro phesy. The Porto Rican bill asserts the doctrine that the Porto Ricans are beyond the protection of the constitu tion. Never until within a year has any party asserted the doctrine that the flag could be carried to places where the constitution could not gj." At Cambridge Mr. Bryan also spoke to a good crowd. He suggested a num ber of questions to lie put to Republi cans during the campaign. Cameron, W. Va., Sept. 4. At Ben wood, Mr. Bryan left the regular train and was taken aboard the special in which he is to make the tour of this state. He was mot by a state commit tee of which National Committeeman McGraw is chairman. As soon as Mr. Bryan boardui the special train the crowd demanded a speech and Mr. Bryan spoke brlefiy. The stop here was very short. Mr. McGraw an nounced Mr. Bryan's speechmaklng itinerary for the trip as follows: Cum berland, Md., Tuesday night; Morgans grove, trl-state meeting for Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia, Wednes day at 9:30; Kaiser at 11:30 a. m. Wednesday, Clarksburg state fair at 10 a. m. Thursday; Parkers burg at 3 p. m. Thursday; Wheeling Thursday night. From Wheeling to Chicago Friday. At Cameron, Mr. Bryan discussed the full dinner pall proposition in re sponse to a suggestion from the crowd, saying in part: "The Republican party Is trying to escape a discussion of its attack upon tho foundation principles of government, and when a laboring man accuses the Republican party of an attempt to destroy tho Declaration of Independence, the only answer is that you have got a full dinner pall, and while you havo got plenty to eat you should be satisfied. I want you to remember, in the first place, that you can not satisfy a man by giving him plenty to eat, and, in the second place, I want you to take the cost of what you have to buy as a laboring man and measure it against your wages, and see If tho trusts havo not raised the price of what you buy more than they havo your wages. Tne Repub lican party has no plan for tho better ment of the permanent condition ot f those who toll, but it has permitted , the great branches of Industrie to. M, , monopolized by a tew." ik t I ri ffikaA-'.. .jiK-V. '