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ULLETIJN X 0 VOLUME XXIII. MAYSVILL, KY., FKtDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1903. NUMBER 4 THE EYE NING w fcL V T THE CANALTREATY It Will Be Ratified and Signed as Soon as It is Received by the Junta. REJOICING ON THE ISTHMUS. Minister Buanu-Varilla Authorized to Officially Communicate Decision to the American Government. The Message to the Panama Minister Is Signed By the Junta and Also By the Minister of For eign Relations. Panama, Nov. 27. The junta, com posed of Jose Augustin Arango, Tom asorlan, and Manuel Esplnosa, held a meeting at 10 o'clock Thursday morn ing, all the ministers of state and councillors being present, and agreed unanimously to ratify the canal treaty eo soon as It Is received here and au thorize Minister Bunau Varllla offi cially to communicate the Junta's de cision to the United States govern ment. The decision of tho junta was re ceived with great Joy throughout the Isthmus without distinction of parties or classes. Rr. Adms. Walker and Glass have been informed of the ac tion taken by the junta. Washington, Nov. 27 Official con firmation of the determination of the Panama junta to ratify the Hay-Bunau .Varllla Panama canal treaty was re ceived by Minister Varllla at 3:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Tha state department being closed Thurs day, Mr. Varllla communicated the news informally to Mr. Loomls, who is acting secretary in the absence of Mr. Hay. The ministers dispatch is as follows: "Panama, Nov. 26. Varllla, minis ter plenipotentiary of tho republic of Panama, Washington: In view of thcr approbatlon given by the delegates, Amador and Boyd (tho commissioners who were sent by the government of Panama to confer with Mr. Varllla) to tho Hay-Bunau treaty, you are author ized to notify officially the government of the United States that as soon as the document is received by the Junta of the government of the republic of Panama, It will be ratified and sign ed. Signed J. A. Arango , Tomas 'Arias, Manuel Esplnosa. Countersign ed by the minister of foreign rela tions, Do La Esprllla." Minister Varllla calls special at tention to the fact that the message received by him is signed not only by the members of the junta, but alpo by the minister of foreign relations, which he says gives the communica tion tho character of a formal decree of tho government. Tho action taken by the Panaira junta doubtless is due in part at least to the urgent representations of Min ister Varllla that prompt steps be taken with a view to the ratification of the treaty as soon as it shall reach Panama. Last Saturday the minister cabled a long synopsis of the treaty to Panama. Sinco that time lie haj been in communication with the gov ernment on the subject. Tho minister recounted with a great deal of gratification Thursday night tho rapid progress of events since tho birth of the new republic of Panama three weeks ago, ending Thursday with the declaration of the junta to ratify the Panama canal treaty. THE AMERICAN COLONY. The Members Attended a Thanksgiv ing Banquet in Berlin. Berlin, Nov. 27, Three hundred members of the American colony here attended a Thanksgiving banquet at the Kaiserhof Thursday night. Am bassador Tower, who presided, pro posed toasts ,to President Roosevelt, Emperor William and tho German roy al family. Prof. W. A. Brown, of Union , seminary, delivered an address on "American Ideals." The felicitations of the colony were cabled to President. Roosevelt. Dancing followed the ban quet. MaJ. McClung Died of His Wounds. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 27. Maj. J. W. McClung, who was shot by H. L. Garnett while protecting Mrs. Lillian Hitchcock Colt in the Palace hotel in this city, died of his wound lato Thurs day afternoon. Garnett was cap Thursday evening and says the shoot ing was accidental. Thanksgiving Day Reception. Vienna, Nov. 27. United States Am bassador Storer and Mrs. Storor held their first Thanksgiving Day reception at the embassy Thursday aftornoon. About 200 persons were present, in cluding a largo representation of tho American colony KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY WON. The Riot Which Was Expected Failed to Materialize. Lexington, Ky., Nov. 27. Tho riot which was expected in tho Kentucky university and State college football game Thursday as tho result of a bit ter controversy carried on for two weeks failed to materialize. This was duo principally to the police precau tions. Both teams were heavily load ed with ringers for an emergency, It having been agreed that "no ques tion will be asked." Kentucky university, however, play ed its regular team throughout, and not a man was put out of the game. State college lined up with "nine ring ers," who were displaced six timed by other ringers. Kentucky univer sity won by a score of 17 to 0. Kentucky university made two touch-downs and a goal in the second half. At least $15,000 was bet on the game. Attendance 5,000. With the defeat of tho University of Virginia by the University of North Carolina Thursday Kentucky univer sity claims tho championship of tho south. Kentucky university suffered Its only defeat from Virginia by a score of 6 to 0 and defeated North Carolina G to 5. BIG WILD HOG. A Posse Ran It Down .and Succeeded in Killing It. Petersburg, Ky., Nov. 27. For sev eral months a big and desperate wild hog has been terrorizing the inhabit ants in the vicinity of Splltrock, three miles below hero, on the Ohio river. "Women have been afraid to visit, and school children had to be kept home on account of tho depredations of the monster. A posse of men was organ ized, armed with Winchesters,' and found the hog in tho woods on Col. G. R. Berkshire's farm. The animal was surrounded, but made its escape after so badly wounding a horse belonging to Will Sebra that it bled to death. Frank Clubb, one of the posse, was tossed down a. high embankment and badly hurt. Cecil Burns finally, fired a load of buckshot Into its side at short range, felling It, and it was killed by striking It on the head with a sledge hammer. In all, 15 bullets had been fired luto Its body. It weighed nearly 600 pounds. Bovlne's Novel Experience. Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 27. Clint Shields, near here, owns a remarkable cow. Over a month ago the bovine disappeared. Thursday, a shadow of hor former self, sho emerged from a strawstack in Shields' barnyard, which had collapsed on her the day sho disappeared. Shields says shn ate her way out of the stack, and sub slstance on a straw diet kept the an imal alive. Louisville Man Killed Himself. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 27. When Mrs. George E. Mayor returned from a visit In Cincinnati she found her husband" lying on tho floor dead. He had pillowed his head on one of Mrs. Mayor's dresses and fired a shot Into his mouth. Tho bullet came out at the top of his head. Defeated By Paducah. Paducah, Ky., Nov. 27. The South west Kentucky college team, of May field, was. defeated on the gridiron hero Thursday afternoon by Paducah. Tho score was 34 to 0. John Brooks, a Paducah player was knocked uncon scious, but is not seriously hurt. -I II IHWM Thanksgiving Ended Disastrously. Newport, Ky., Nov. 27. John Seals and his wife, colored, were arrested Thursday and locked up on a charge of disorderly conduct. Mrs. Seals ac cused her husband of taking all of the white meat of tho turkey, and ho denied the soft impeachment. Boy Confesses Crime. Mayking, Ky., Nov. 27. At tho Letcher circuit court James Hogg, 10, acknowledged to Judge Moss that ho had broken into tho country store of D. F. Maggard at Eolla two months ago. Ho was given nine years in tho Kentucky houso of reform. The Jail Closely Guarded. Lancaster, Ky., Nov. 27. Tho jail where tho Negro GIbbs, who attempt ed to assault Mrs. and Miss Hender son, is still being closely guarded, and rumors havo been afloat all day that a mob was forming in the upper end of the county. Recaptured After 27 Years. Burkesville, Ky., Nov. 27. William Brake, who escaped from the peniten tiary at Nashville, Tonn., 27 years ago, was recaptured at his homo on Mar rowbone creek and taken back. At tho timo of his escape Brake was a young man. San Juan, P. R,, Nov. 27. Thanks giving day was observed hero as a gen eral holiday,, in accordance with tho governor's proclamation. MAY BEJLYNCHED. The Town Marshal at Fainnount Shot and Killed by a Pris oner Under Arrest. THE MURDERER MADE HIS ESCAPE, Stores Were Closed That the Men Might Organize tho Chase Which at Once Began. It Seems Certain That the Fugitive Will Die in His Tracks or By Mob Law If Taken to Fairmount. Fairmount, Ky., Nov. 27. James J. Payne, town marshal, was shot and killed on tho street Thursday after noon by Harry "Red" Hooper, whom ho had under arrest as a suspect for a burglary committed Wednesday night. Hooper also fired twice at Alonzo Thomas, who had started to assist the dying marshal as ho lay on the street, but both shots missed. Hooper, after killing the marshal, moved slowly down the street, holding back the gathering crowd with his revolver, and, reaching the edge of town, started toward Van Buren, or dering no one to follow him under penalty of death. News of the tragedy spread rapidly, and stores were closr.d that men might organize the chase which at once began. Armed business men pressed available vehicles Into service and started to surround awx kill Hooper, who was released from the penitentiary last May after serv ing two years for burglary. Others quietly prepared for a lynching, if Hooper should bo brought back. It seems certain that If caught Hooper will die in his tracks or by mob law here. The chase has been going on all afternoon. Reports havo como In several times that Hooper had been surrounded, but had escaped again. Great excitement prevails hero, and news of the chase has been eagerly awaited by the entire population. Marshal Payne lived but three minutes after being shot. Ho and Deputy Armstrong had arrested Hoop er and had walked three squares to ward the jail with him when he stop ped suddenly, jumped back, and, draw ing a revolver, announced that he would go no further. The officers re treated a few feet, but, Marshal Payne advanced toward Hooper to again ar rest him, when he was shot in his tracks. The marshal was a popular officer. All of tho pursuers of Hooper have returned except the party containing Sheriff Mills and his deputy, Williams, and Capt. George, of tho Marion po lice force. The others searched till dark and returned. It is reported that Arrell Payne, a nephew of the dead man, fired at Hooper as he cross ed the railroad. He got away. It is said threo pursuers came in sight of Hooper at one place and he drove them back with, his revolver and got away. TO RELEASE O'DAY. A Number of His Friends Are Headed in the Direction c-FCasper, Vyo. Casper, Wyo., Nov. 27. A report reached this place Thursday that friends of Torn O'Day, In considerable numbers, had left the Hole In tho Wall and headed In the direction of Casper, presumably bent on delivering him from the county Jail. O'Day is tho al leged leader of horse thieves, who was arrested near Lost Cabin several days ngo and brought to jail. Fearing that tho report of an Intended attack was true, Sheriff Webb swore in more than1 100 deputy sheriffs to defend the jail, and Thursday night the court house square is surrounded by a completo cordon of guards. A report says that O'Day's friends were seen passing a ranch between the Hole in the Wall and Casper before noon, all well armed and riding Elowly In the direc-. tion of the town. Princess Alice Did Not Elope. Rome, Nov. 27. Count Despa denies that the Princess Alice, of Bourbon, , oloped with her coachman or any ono else. She separated from her husband and Is now quietly living on tho Rive ria. The coachman with whom Bhe was reported to havo elopel is living in this city and never left the city. Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 27. ilcer Stephen Lancaster, an elderly man, was divorced from his third wife ho tried to secure a license to marry a 13-year-old girl, but was refused. Fred Crane Married. Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 27. Fred erick W. Crane, a traveling salesman from Cincinnati, and Miss Elizabeth South, of this city, were married in tho parlors, of tho Catholic rectory. A FATAL BLAZE. One Fireman Waa Killed and Seven Injured In Cincinnati. Cincinnati Nov. 27. -One UNman was killed and seven injured whllo fighting a fire which destroyed the five-story brick building of Smith, Myers & Schnler Co., manufacturers of cigar box machines, at, 021 and 627 Front street, hero Thursday. Dead William Greve, Engine Co. 10. Injured Dennis Dougherty, Engine Co. 10, internal injuries; John Con nors, lieutenant, Engine Co. 10, con tusion of brain; Frank Hellmekampl, Engine Co. 1, contusion of knee and fracture of leg; James Keegan, En gine Co. 10, fracture of skull; William Walsh, Engine Co. 2, fracture of right ankle; Fred Huesman, Engine Co. 22, contusion of hip; Daniel Carrol, En gine Co. 6, slight bruises. The men were nn tho second floor when tho floor fell with them, and all were burled In the debris. Grove's body was not recorercd for two houis. The loss is estimated at $00,000, par tially covered by Insurance. The causo of the fire is unknown. A PITCHED BATTLE. Seventy Marines on One Side and 40 Sailors on the Other, Fight. Norfolk-, Va., Nov. 27. With 70 ma rines on one side and 40 sailors on the other, a pitched battlo was brought to an end Thursday by tho stern orders of a number of masters-at-arms. Tho scene of the trouble was the govern ment reservation at St. Helena. The cause is said to have been a fight be tween a marine and a landsman, in which the latter was knocked down by tho former and considerably pun ished. During tho melee pistols and bay onets were drawn. Several of the par ticipants were knocked down and many were bleeding from wounds In their faces and heads, caused by coming in contact with the fists or weapons of their adversaries. One man drew a deadly aim on one of the sailors with a pistol and tho weapon was knocked out of his hand just as he pulled the trigger. The bul let went over tho head of the intent! ed victim. UNION SERVICES. Nine Religious Denominations Took Part in the Detroit Opera House. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 27. Nine relig ious denominations joined In a union Thanksgiving service at the Detroit opera house Thursday, that was at tended by a congregation which taxed tho capacity of that auditorium. Min isters of the following creeds partici pated in the service: Congregational. Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Jewish, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Uni tarian and Unlversalist. Rev. S. Marquis, tho Episcopalian aroused much enthusiasm by his ad dress, in the course of which he said of denominatlonalisni: "It seems to mo that If thero Is one thing more apparent than nnother, It Is that God has refuted our denomina tional claims. It has been demonstrat ed that God works Irrespective of ec clesiastical machinery and we are gradually awakening to that fact." WROTE LETTERS TO ROOSEVELT. Charles Thrcshon Sent To Be Exam ined As To His Sanity. New York, Nov. 27. Chas. Thresh on, who Is charged with writing let ters to President Roosevelt complain ing that an Influential person in gov ernment circles in Washington has an electric battery which is attached to the soles of Threshon's feet and so militates against his chances on see ing tho president, was sent to Bolle vue hospital Thursday for examina tion as to his sanity. When arraigned beforo Magistrate Mayo the prisoner said he was a "double sun." None of the letters contained any threats. Firemen Lost Their Lives. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 27. Four fire men were burned to death and prop erty loss amounting to $300,000 is tho result of a flro Thursday in the whole sale grocery house of Allen Bros. In addition to the big five-story building occupied by the Allen Bros, that occu pied by tho Pacific Storage Co., ad joining was also consumed. The Business Portion Destroyed. Rutland, Vt Nov. 27. One of the mest disastrous fires which has oc curred in this vicinity in many yearB destroyed a large part of the business section of West Rutland, a town four miles from this city. The loss will amount to $75,000. High School Boys Defeated. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 27. Tho Louis vlllo Manuals defeated tho High school boyn at football by a score of. 17 to 7. Haynes, of tho Manuals, won tho gams by a 70-yard run. MADE NEW RECORD Vanderbilt's HO-Horse Power Gas oline Automobile Made Mile in 1:36 3-4 Up Grade. RACED OVER A CLIMBING COURSE. The Ilcst Previous Time For Gasoline Vehicles Was 2:145, Made by O. 1 Ncstinan Last Year. LaRoche In a 40 Horse Power Machine Going a Mile a Minute Crashed Over a Precipice and Was Pin ioned Under His Vehicle. New York, Nov. 27. William K. Vanderbilt, jr., made a new recora with his 30-horsc-power gasoline auto mobile Thursday over tho Eagle Rock hill climbing course at Orange, N. J., and F. A. La itoche, in a 40-horse power gasoline machine, going a mile a minute, crashed over a precipice on tho mountain side. Ho escaped injury. These spectacular events occurred at the third annual contest given under the auspices of the Automobile club of New Jersey. Mr. Vanderbllfd time was 1 minute 3G seconds. The best previous record for gasoline ve hicles was 2 minutes 45 seconds, madu by O. P. Nestman last, year, and for Steam vehicles, 2 minutes 43 seconds, made by W. J. Stewart two years ago. Tho course Is approximately one mile from tjio start of the grade to the finish at the top. The average grade of the hill is eight per cent. Tho steepest, near the top. is estimated at from 15 to 17 per cent. Mr. Vander bilt had threo competitors, tho event being tho fifth on tho program. In tho seventh event Mr. LaRoche ex perlenced the accident that came near costing him his life. In tho car with him was A. J. Packard, timing. After half the distance had been covered, Mr. LaRoche turned on more powor in going down an incline. Ahead was a sharp curve leading to a steep ascent. So fast did the car shoot along that the operator lost con trol of it, and at the curve it crashed over a precipice. Mr. Packard was thrown headlong over a fence a few yards away, but Mr. LaRoche was pin ioned under the vehicle as it turned over and partially lost consciousness. Speedily recovering and finding him self uninjured, Mr. Packard rushed to the assistance of his friend. The wheels of the machine were still re volving In its overturned condition at a speed of a mile a minute. He turn ed off the power and then extricated Mr. LaRoche from his perilous situa tion. Beyond the shaking up Mr. La Roche's only injury was a cut four inches long on the calf of his left leg. His machine was repaired in time to compete in a later event of the meet. IN A BLINDING SNOW STORM. Carlisle Indians Defeated the North western University. Chicago, Nov. 27. Carlltlo Indians In Thursday's game with Northwestern university demonstrated tie supoilor Ity of the football that has mado the IU'd men formidable gridiron warriors in the east, by defeating the Purple 2S to 0. At times during the one-sided contest snow fell in such blinding swirls that the gr'dirou and players were concealed from the 3.000 enthu siasts who gathered to root impartially for the Evanston eleven and the pop ular Indians. Coach MeCormlok's eleven was materially weakened by the absence of Guard Phillips from the line. The old Carlisle linemen refused to play against his former colleagues. Watching the contest from the stand, Phillips said that had the field been free from snow, Carlisle's speedy backs would have doubled the score. Attempt to Capture Sea Lion. Racine, Wis., Nov. 27 Big Ben. tho sea lion which escaped from Lincoln park, Chicago, n week ago, appeared in tho river here Thursday and every effort Is being made to capture him, but without success. Nets have been stretched across the river to prevent him from going into the lake. Football Player Badly Injured. Paris, 111., Nov. 27. Felix McWhir ter, jr., a Depauw student, is still un conscious and believed to be fatally In jured as tho result of a collision with Shaw, tho Paris half back, in tho game between Paris and Greencastle, Ind. McWhlrter Is tho son of a prominent Indianapolis lawyer. Feared a Bark and Crew Is Lost. Dunkirk, Nov. 27. It is feared that tho Dunkirk bark Alexander, with Capt. Forgardo and her crew of 33 was lost In tho hurricano of Saturday last. Tho Aloxandor left Dunkirk for Shields Novomber 18. '