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I mm nn mi nqx ""'yi n '"! ll4HH9Mii minpucin pi i -fpi Hjwwwimii ' " ' if tu Evening Bulletin. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. ItOSSER & MCCARTHY, Proprietor. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 1903. Twenty cents a pound for Thanksgiv ing turkey waa just a little too, too, for many Mayaville people who have been accustomed to feasting on the Kentucky bird at 8 and 10 cents. Thk grader and roller recently pur chased by the MaBon Fiscal Court at a cost of about $2,200 has demonstrated that it is just the machine for putting the roads of the county in proper shape and condition. It is estimated that the saving to the county by substituting this method for the old-out-of-date plan of do ing Biich work will more than pay for the machine in a year or so. What is npeded next is a good rock crusher, and the county will then be in a position to main tain her free pikes in an up-to-date and economical manner. The Restaurant Royal on Market street, east side, three doors south of Second, is always ready to servoaneals, day or night. About seventy-five gnests at the Assem bly hop called unexpectedly at this restau rant at midnight-Ms'f'night, but the pro prietress soon serveu'nll with a tempting spread. Shoppers from the country will find no better place to get their meals than 1 1 Restaurant Royal. The two hundred foot lawn in front of the Kentucky State Building at the World's Fair Is being sown in blue grass, so it will present an at tractive appearance when the Exposi tion opens next April 30. This work is in charge of Mr. Henry Nanz, the Chairman of the Florloultural Com mittoo of the Exhibit Association. Ii addition to sowing tho lawn In blue grass, Mr. Nanz Is transplanting nil tho beautiful shrubbery native to Kentucky. In March he will set out numerous flower beds, so the picture will become more beautiful as spring glides into summer. 9 t Chief Milan II. Ilulbert. of the Department of Manufactures of the World's Fair, has written the Ken tucky Exhibit Association that his de partment has decided to install all exhibits of individual womon's work, such as embroidery, hand-made lace, decorated china, typography, etc. He will assign a limited area In the Var ied Industries Building for a show case to accommodate decorated china and like exhibits, and in the textiles section of the Manufacturers' Build ing to accommodate embroidery, gen eral needlework, etc. The Kentucky Exhibit Association Invites ati Ken tucky women interested in those dis plays to correspond with Its secre tary at Louisville on tho subject. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR. Hundreds of Mayaville Citizens Can Tell You All About It. Home endorsement, tho public expres sion of Mayaville people, should bo evi dence beyond dispute for every Mayaville reader. Surely the experience of friends and neighbors, cheerfully given by them, will carry more weight than tho utter ances of strangers residing in far-away places. Read the following: Mr. O. L. Hubbard, dairyman, of 325 West Third street, says: "I have the greatest faith in Doan'a Kidney Pills. The use of less than one box ended a dis turbed condition on the kidneys and an inflammation of the bladder. After some time it returned but in a lesser degree and I procured another box of Doan'a Kidney Pilla at J. Jaa. Wood & Son'a drug store. Use of it substantiated tho opinion I had already formed of this ef fective preparation." For sale by all dealers. Prlco 50 cents a box. Foater-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for tho United States. Remember the name DOAN'S and take no substitute. ! H 9 s3& MASON FISCAL COURT. Claims Allowed and Other Business Trans acted at Friday's Session of tlie Justices. At Friday's session of the Fiscal Court, the sum of $250 waa allowed L. "W. Rob ertson for legal services in the case of Pearce and other against Mason County. The claim of Mr. Hedges for leaao of houpo on Owl Hollow pike waa tabled A like order waa made in the claim of Mr. Kelley. Jennie Ballard was allowed $1 a week for support of the Smith child until the authorities can find and compel the child's father, James Smith, to support it. The following claims were allowed: 8. T. Farrow, Justice' fees. $ 6 30 Jos. D Wood, Coroner's fees '25 75 M. C. CbtMiolm. Constable's feci1 41 10 F. Dre.vei. Justice's feci 74 CO J K. Kobcrsoii, Slierlir icvs 25143 Win. Kosser.Couslablo fees 21 CO W. W. Mcllvuln, Jailer' fees 713 10 J. C IVcor, pauper supplies 14 93 I. M. Lane, supplies at court bouse G 10 John Hatrd, election supplies 40 Harry Taylor, pauper supplies 3 21 K. Gollcnstclu, keeping blood houudF 220 41 abort A Kaln, supplies at jail 28 Leonard & Lally, supplies at court houtc 19 93 Globe Priming Co., record book 0 00 J. T. Kackley & Co., election supplies 5 03 Same, pauper supplies 18 59 R. 11. Lovcl, pauper supplies 6 00 Same, supplies nt Jail 3 75 A 1'. Brnmel, road work 2 00 Henry Payne, work at Clerk's olllce 1 CO Thomas Morgan, Constable fees 3 20 Wm. Grifflth, road work 1 10 George Cbeek, road work 58 00 Isaac Woodward, fees in Kirk case.. 15 05 Same, Clerk's fees 3 15 Or. M. C. l'ollock, vaccinating paupers... 12 50 Dr. H. E. Pollit, pauper medical practice. 40 00 Dr. G. H. Bane, pauper medical practice. 0 25 M. C. Rucll fc Co., pauper supplies 23 60 Same, supplies at Jail 2 25 Same, supplies at court bouse 2 09 THE TELEPHONE SYSTEM. It Furnishes Many Advantages to tho Farmers An Ally For Peace, Safety and Prosperity. ISoullicrn Farm Magazine.J Farmers are Retting rural free delivery, with ita opportunitiea for saving time and money in shopping; in the more thickly-sottled portions of the country they have rapid tranait y trolley lines, and in some parte, notably in the West, they enjoy tho advantages in busineea and farm operations of extensive tele phono systems. All of these agencies for the improvement .of the conditions of farm life are enjoyed to some extent in the South, but there ia room for a wide expansion in that reapect, especially aa to the telephone. The investment in the installation of a systom and in ita rental is slight compared with tho actual returns. With the telephone receiver at hia ear the farmer is brought into closo touch with his railroad station or hia market miles away and can save himself many a weary ride and unnecessary journey by information thus quickly obtained. Far removed from the daily paper, with its weather forecasta, ho can keep informed by 'phone of probabilities and thus escape loss in crop time. When he himself is away from home the knowl edge that the members of hia family have a telephone at hand giving them the means of quick communication with neighbors ia as great a protection against prowlers aa is the possession of a shot gun or a revolver. The telophono on the farm ia a cultivator of neighborliness, a saver of timo and trouble and a protec tor of the home. It is an ally for peace, safety and prosperity which should bo cultivated. . Mr. John Poe, aged sixty-two yearr, died Friday at hia home near Murpbys ville, of nervous prostration. Funeral this afternoon at 2 o'clock at Shannon. Edgar Selden'a "Peck and His Mother-in-Law Abroad," the great laughing musical comedy success, acknowledged to bo great. This great musical gayoty is classed by the prominent critics in New York, Louisville, Birmingham, Pitts burg, Cincinnati and other large cities with "Florodora," "The Silver Slipper." A visit to the opera house next Monday evening means three solid hours of mirth and music. Great cast. Loada of scenery, gorgeous coBtumea and all girlB and glit ter. Buy your tickets now at Ray's and give this attraction the big houso it deserves. Meet mo at Mills' Edisonia, Fountain Square. Shoeing the Boy In the most approved fashion Is the way the job is performed at SMITH'S. He applies the old principle in a new way, however By selling the youngster a pair of good, all leather Shoes at a modest price, THE NEW SHOE STORE makes itself solid with the whole family and gives the lad the best of it in Christmas Certificates one with each 50c. purchase. PERSONAL Mrs. M. Davis returned Friday from Portsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Holiday were in Cincinnati Wednesday. Mr. D. Sam Whito has returned from a trip to Denver and Cheyenne. Deputy County Clork Bernard Pol litt apentThanksgiving at RuBhville, Ind. MIbs Elizabotb Best haa been visit ing her aunt, Mrs. Job. A. Miller of Mil leraburg. Mr. and Mra. George Longnecker, of Indianapolis, are guests of his parents in the county. Dr. and Mra. O. E. Smoot, of Rich mond, have been on , a visit to relatives near Minerva. Mr. Sam T. Hickman haa gone to St. Louis, where ho has tho promise of a lucrative position. Mifs MnryGibflon, of Cincinnati, has been spending a few days with her aie ter, Mrs. Harry Ort. Mr. Glen Moarns, Miss Carrie M earns and Misa Blancho Styles Bpent Thanks giving at Tollesboro. Misa Fannie Frazeo ia down from Lexington visiting her parents, Dr. and Mra. John M. Frazee. Mr. Newton O. Powell and wife, of Sekitan, Cincinnati, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mra. Enoch Powell. Tho venerable MrB. Harriet Baldwin, of Jersey Ridge, aged ninety years, left FridaV to visit relatives in Covington. Misa Louiso Newcomb and Misa White, of Ripley, are guests of Miss New comb's grandfather, Mr. W. B. Mathewe. Mr. Carl Walther came up Thanks giving day from Cincinnati and will stay until he sees improvement in bis fath er's health. Mr. and Mra. Will Heiser and eon, George, of GreenBburg, Ind., aro guests of his aunts, Misses Anna and Margaret Heiser, of West Second street. Mr. J. T. Henry, of Carr's, Lewis County, was in Maysvillo Friday. Ho reports his son Bruce, who is now in Denver, somewhat improved in health. Mr. C. L. Pollitt, of Bloomington, 111., a student at the Ohio Dental Col lege, Cincinnati, is spending a few days here with his grandfather, Mr. R. II. Pollitt, and other relatives. MARTIN-'-TALBOIT. One of .Mason's Lovely Daughters Wedded in the Queen City. Tho marriage of MIbs Agnea Lee Tal bott, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Talbott, and Mr. Jaa. W. Martin, a prominent young business man of Cin cinnati, was quietly solemnized at the home of Rev. Dr. Blodgett, of that city, Tueaday evening. Only a few close friends were present. This popular young couple have the best wishes of a host of friends. After a brief visit with relatives and frienda in thiB county, they will go to housekeep ing in the Queen City. . James F, Hook and wife have sold to Charles P.Trumbo twenty-five acres near Plumville for $300. At First MethodiBt Church, South, the paBtor, Rev. Chas. F. Evans, D. D., will preach at 10:30 a. m. on "Differences Be tween God's People and Other People," and at 7 p. m. on "Seeking and Saving tho Lost." Epworth League service at (5 p. in. A cordial invitation is extended to every one to attend each of these ser vices. Tho venerable Senator Pettue, of Ala bama, remarks: "The Becret of living long is to work. I am eighty-one and healthy and happy as a boy. I notice that all my neighbors who got rich and retired are all dead. I never got rich and I never retired. I tell you, young man, tho most fatal diseaso I know of is to quit work. It kills every time. Keep working and you'll keep alive." , Tho funeral of tho late A. B. Grimes took place Friday morning at hia home above Aberdeen. His death occurred Thursday as a result of injuries received in a runaway a year ago. Mr. Grimes leaves a wife, four children and one sistc r, tbo latter Mrs. Margaret Otto of Lime stone etreet. Tho deceased waa a mem ber of DeKalb Lodge No. 12 and Pisgah Encampment No. 0, I. O. O. F., also of Limestone Lodge No. 3G, K. of P., of this city. .-. Hand-Embroidered Table Covers. It is a pleasure to look over auch handsome work. The embroidery 1b dono by hand in red and blue floes on strong natural colored linen. Tho edges ore fin ished with a Arm Bcallop. Shapes both round and equare. Prices 39c. to $3.75. A Christmas hint the foreaighted shopper will welcome. Black Dress Trimmings Reduced. The trimmings aro edgings, galoons add wider irregular designs all in black some with combinations of Bilk and velvet. Tho braids aro mostly in brilliant Bilk, many designs. Taken from our own stock and newly-priced one-third and one-half less than regular. 10c. to $1 a yard formerly 25c. to $1.50 a yard. Women's Raincoats. The woman who buys a raincoat nowadays makea a Bort of two-for-ono in vestment. She gets a fair weather wrap as well as a rainy day protector. Of course It's because the styles of raincoats have eo vastly improved and tho choice of materials is so much wider. Yon won't find a better raincoat collection in Maysville than oure and you certainly won't find such moderately priced excellence anywhere. Many attrac tive styles at $15. I D. HUNT & SON. It's None Too Early to Buy Your Christmas Gifts! In our west window wo show a selection of Neckwear at 50 cents which are really worth twice tho price. Tho new English squares and imperials which the atyle decrees for fall and winter are here. GEO. H. FRANK & CO. PUBLIC SALE! -OF- 258 ACRES OF BOURBON LAND In order to dissolve partnership, wo will sell at public, auction, at tho Main street gate o( tho court houso yard, in Paris, Ky at 12 o'clock, noon, ou Thursday, December 10, 1903, tho following tract of 233 acres of Bourbon Coun ty land. Said land Is situated 3 miles Northeast of Paris, on the North Mlddletown pike, known as the Butler farm ; and is well improved, and nearly half of the tract is choice tobacco land. Terms Easy, to suit purchaser. Any further information desired, applv to M. A. KENNEY.or W. P. ARDERY. Paris, Ky. oaeesea osa e G. M. WILLIAMS, o DENTIST, g 8 Court Strict, Mayivills, Ky. 0 Three doors from Second, cast side, e soeeasBecoeoeeaeeaseeccQsa DO IT NOW! DO WHAT? Take an Accident Policy with tho Travelers In surance Company, W. H. KEY, Agent. FOUND. IJ10UND Weduesday, a door koy. Brass, with figure "C" stamped on it. Call at this of fice. 27-dnt "In the Midst of Life, There is Doatli." Whereas, Tbo Great and Supremo Ruler of the unlverso, has in His Inflnito wisdom, removed from among us one of our esteemed and dearly beloved frlonds and classmates, Miss Odessa Lyons, who departed this Ufo Monday, No vember 0, 1003, and, whereas, tho lntimato friendship of tho past few years has so endeared her to us, that It Is with paugs of undescribablo grief and sorrow that wo realize our loss. Tho sudden removal of such a life from among our midst loaves a vacancy and a shadow that will bo deeply realized by every one, especially by those to whom Oda was most dear. To her bereaved relatives we reuder our sincere sympa thy and hopo that even so great a loss to us all mny be overruled for good by Him who' doe th all things well. As we think of the while robed form which now lies still and cold In her uarrow bod, wo aro comforted by realizing that "tho sweet soul now occupies tbo mansion prepared for it among the angels In tbo city of God' and could those still white lips utter tho sentiments of the Boul.sho wouiasay; "Farewell, friends; yet not farewell. Where I am, ye too snail dwell, A moment's time, a little space ; When ye come, whero I have stopped, Yo will wonder why ye wept, Yo will know by wlso lovo taught, That hero is all, and thero Is naught." With loving memories to our dear friend. Caiuuk, Maby and Alice Collins, Greenup, Ky, Inauguration of Gov. Beckham. Round-trip tickets to Frankfort by way of tho L. and N. Fare $2.94. Tickets on sale Dec. 7th and 8th. Limited to Dec. 10th. Streets Can bo Sprinkled at Public Expense. In tho cose of Maydwell and other tax payers against tho city of Louisville the Court of Appeals has decided that thero is ample statutory authority in Kontucky for sprinkling tho streets of a city at tho public expense. ! JAY'S ROYAL GRIP TABLETS The best remedy for grippe, colds, coughs, headache, earache, neural gia, muscular pains, malaria, chills and fever. Relieves the painful head ache, reduces the fever and cures the aches which usually accompany colds. HOW OFTEN HAVE YOU HEARD IT'S ONLY A SLIGHT COLD! When you let that cold get a good start, of a day or so, it will take some time to beat it. Do not neglect that slight cold, cough or hoarseness, do not derange your stomach usiug bit ter nauseating medicine, but uso our well and carefully prepared ROYAL GRIP TABLETS that arc composed of tho very best and purest medicines kuowu. Tlioy do their work while you do yours. A few doses will re lieve all the symptoms and tho cold Is cured. JohnC.Pecor, 4 DRUGGIST. Opera House! MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30. The big Musical Comedy, Peck and His Mother-In -Law Abroad Forty.flvo people. A big car-load of scenery. Exactly as seen m Louisville. Cincinnati, Cleve land, Pittsburg, Now York and other cities. Prices First eight rows down stairs SI 00, bal ance of lower Hoor 75o, first three rows balcony 6c balance of balcony 60c gallory 25c. A. N. ELLIS, A. M., M. D. Formerly Clinical Assistant in tho London Central-Throat and Earllospltal; Prof. Laryn ?ol?Ky. Cincinnati Collego Medicine and Surgery 'Specialist In Dlsaasaa of tha Eya, Ear and Throat. Eyes tested and glassas ground to order. Of Acq No, 135 West Second St., Maysvillo, Ky. oMDR. LANDMAN. o Central Hotel, Thursday, Dec 3rd, 903. Mose Clark and Pearlie Pughea, col orod, have been grantod marriage license. I i ---M, r. T..,