For slaughtering purposes. We have looked out for country butchers in great shape this season,
and have large quantities of everything required for killing time, such as
Sausage Mills, Lard Presses, Butcher Knives,
Boiler Bottoms, Sausage Stuffers, Etc.
5 VlwVw H ilWili S3 wtt
L' r
Extensive buying direct from the manufacturer makes it possible for us to offer extra inducements
on these articles this fall. Prices are certainly lower than many other dealers can afford to name.
The Frank Owens Hardware Company!
Relieves Instantly or Money "Refunded.
Prevents Swelling, Allays Inflammation. It Cools.
It Soothes. It Cures.
Sold only In 25c., 50c &. $1.00 Bottles.
At all (rood Druggists.
For Sale by Thomas J. Chonowcth, Druggist.
Effort Made to Bring About a Confer
ence Between the Contestants.
Salt Lake City, Nov. 28. After a
conference between Gov. Wells and
Messrs. Kelllher and Evans, national
organizers of the United Mine Work
ers, and Col. E. F. Holmes, president
of the Commercial club, efforts wero
begun to bring about a conference be
eween officials of the Utah Fuel Co.
and their Btrlklng miners In Carbon
county. Kelllher and Evans come as
the personal representatives of Presi
dent John Mitchell and In their talk
with the governor brought out a new
phase of the situation. They maintain
that recognition of the union is a sub
ordinate issue, and that 20 per cent.
Increase In wages Is the principal is
sue at stake. They also declared that
the Utah miners are striking because
of grievances of their own, and that
they will go back to work when these
are redressed regardless of what tho
Colorado miners do. Their statements
were In radical variance from those of
the Utah Fuel Co. officials.
to the boys and pulled them ashore.
They had been skating and broko
through the ice. They wero Philip
Scovllle and Harry Mueller, each aged
11 years.
Business Failures During the Week.
New York, Nov. 28 Business fail
ures In tho United States for tho week
(five days) ending with November 20
number 1G7, against 234 last week, 1S2
in tho corresponding week of 1902, and
183 in 1901. In Canada failures for tho
week number 13, which compare with
1C last week.
ters of the American Tin-Plate Co. in
New York to lay off all men employed
at the two mills in New Kensington.
All who are paid a monthly salary wil'
have to go.
A Bonanza Discovery.
Demer, Col., Nov. 28. A dispatch
from the Sierra county bank at Hills
boro, N. M., says a bonanza discovery
has just been made near Hillsboro.
Mnny large nuggets have been found.
There is a rush for the scene of tho
Alleged Bank Robbers Arrested.
Bloomlngton, Neb., Nov. 28. Tho
capture of two men suspected of rob
bing the bank of Agra, Kan., was ef
fected by the citizens of this town.
They were followed by a posse to a
place two miles south of here and surrendered.
An Engineer Rescued Two Boys From
Drowning In the Lake.
Madison, Wis., Nov. 28. Engineer J.
Cleveland, of a Chicago passenger train,
on the Milwaukee road, rescued two
hoys from drowning In Lake Monena.
The train was speeding across the lako
when tho engineer noticed the boys
struggling in tho water. Quickly
bringing his train to a stop, he cut tho
bellcord from its fastenings, threw it
Victory For the Strikers.
NPW.York, Nov. 28. Tho strike of
tho Liberty Dawn Association of Cab
men on Wednesday for a decrease in
the number of working hours ended
Friday night In a victory for the strik
ers. All the cabmen on strike report
ed for duty Saturday morning.
Organized Themselves Into a Union.
Salt Lake City, Nov. 28. A special
from Scofleld says that the striking
coal miners of the Clear creek and
Winter quarters district held a secret
meeting in tho hills about seven miles
from Scofleld and organized them
selves into a union.
Miners Leave For Texas.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Nov. 28. Four
carloads of miners, numbering nearly
200, with their families, left this vi
cinity Friday night for Thurber, Tex.,
wheie a soft coal field Is opening up. !
Some 300 more will leave within tho
next month.
The Employes Laid Off.
Greensburg, Pa , Nov. 28. An order
has bpon sent out from the headquar-
Flour and Grain.
Cincinnati, Nov. 27. Flour Winter
patent, $4.104.35; fancy, ?3.753.90;
family, ?3.103.40; extra, ?2.702.90;
low grade, $2.502.G5; spring patent,
?4.904.95; KanSas, ?44.25; fancy
$3,900)4.15; family, $3.703.85;
Northwestern rye, ?3 253.40. Wheat
No. 2 red quotable at $7yj88c on
track. Corn Sales: Rejected mixed.
track, 41l&c; mixed ear (new), track,
45c; No. 3 yellow (new), track, 44c;
No. 2 yellow (new), track, 44c; No.
3 mixed (new), track, 43c. Oats
Sales: No. 3 white (light weight),
track, 38&C; No. 2 mixed, track, 37c.
Chicago, Nov. 27. Wheat No. 2
red, 86c; No. 3 do, 8385c; No. 2 hard
winter, 8081c; No. 3 do, 7578c;
No. 1 Northern spring, 86c; No. 2 do,
84c; No. 3 spring, 8083c. Corn No.
2, 42c; No. 3, 42.c. Oats No. 2,
3535c; No. 3, 34 &C.
Live Stock.
Cincinnati, Nov. 27. Cattle Heavy
steers, choice, $4.504.65; fair to good,
?3.654.35; butcher steers, extra, $4.40
4.50; good to choice, $3.C54.35;
heifers, extra, $3.753.85; fancy, $4;
good to choice, $33.65; cows, extra,
$3.353.50; good to choice, $2 503 25.
Cnlves Extra, $6.757;fair to good
light, $5.756.50. Hogs Selected'
heavy shippers, $4.454.50; good to
cholco packers, $4 40(0)4.45; mixed
packers, $4 254 10; light shippers,
$4350145; pigs. $1(5)140
Ellldtt Escaped From the Asylum.
St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 28. A special
says that Peter Elliott, tho Minneapo
lis crank, who was arrested In Wash
ington while attempting to force his
way into tho president's presence, has
escaped from tho insane asylum at St
Peter, Minn.
MaJ. Newton's Remains Burled.
Washington, Nov. 28. Maj. John
Newton, of the 16th infantry, who died
at the general hospital of the Wash
ington barracks Tuesday, was burled
Friday with military honors at the na
tional cemetery at Arlington.
To Abolish Slavery.
Washington, Nov. 28. Representa
tive Patterson, of Tennessete, intro
duced a bill Friday to abolish slavery
in the Philippines archipelago and to
abrogate the treaty between the Unit
ed States and tho sultan of Sulu.
Adm. Coghlan Transferred His Flag.
Colon, Nov. 28. Adm. Coghlan Fri
day transferred his flag from the May
flower to tho Dixie. The Dixie left
Friday afternoon for 33ocas del Toro
to relieve the Nashville, which will
come to Colon to coal.
And wrlto your Thanksgiving letter
with a Fountain I 'en. Keep in lino
and march In tho parade of progress..
Special prices now, 75c. to 85 each.
Ha o you seen our prices on books in
sots? Sco our BOOK Bargain Tabic.
Have Your Photo Taken
Now For Christmas.
J. T. Kackley & Co.
Cleveland Not a Candidate.
New York, Nov. 28. Ex-President
Cleveland, in a letter to the editor of
tho Brooklyn Eagle, says that he Is
not a candidate for the presidency.
His determination, he says, is unalter.
able and conclusive.
Patent Office Building.
Washington, Nov. 28. Senator Dan
iel, of Virginia, Friday introduced a
bill appropriating $5,000,000 for a pat
ent office building in Washington, to
be erected east of the capltol, the site
to cost $600,000.
Fatal Hotel Fire.
Duluth, Minn., Nov. 28. Thomas
Green was cremated, Frank Thomas
probably fatally burned and three oth
ers whoso names have not been ascer
tained are missing as the result of a
fire which destroyed tho Central ho
tel, at Tower.
Pure Food Bill Introduced.
Washington, Nov. 28. Representa
tive Hepburn introduced a bill Friday
known as the "pure food bill," being
the same measure which was reported
last congress by the committee on inter-state
and foreign commerce.
I Drs. 6larkham, I
H 19 West Third Street. H
B Phone 123. E
You Have Got the Money!
We have got the
Give us a trial and be convinced.
Brick, Lime, Sand
and Salt.
Agents for the famous Alabaster Plaster.
To the people for giving us their money for our Shoes and
appreciate their good feeling to us when they say: "Mr.
' Means, this is the only place I could get all the shoes for my
family for my money and now I have $4.23 left, enough to
buy a barrel of good flour. Hurrah for DAN COHEN. '
If they wear as well as they did last winter I will be back
again. All my neighbors are talking of coming to you for
their Shoes this fall. Say, you got any felts ? Yes? What
is the price of them ? $ J .98 for the SNAG PROOF with a
good Felt? Well, GIMME TWO PAIR."
Cometo Dan Cohen's Save Money!
MaysviHe Coal Co.
and FRAMES. "
Our department on Framed Pictures
cannot bo equaled. We also have a
rileo new lino of Tortrait Frames and
Mouldings. Como in and leorn prices.
We euro cancer without tho knifo. Very little
pain. Have cured over twenty cases in Mason
County during the last ten years. Wo send a
freo book upon request which tells all about
method of treatment. Will refer you to Mr.
Geo. 8. Rower of this paper. Seldon W. Bramol,
Wedonla, Ky., Mrs. Joel T. Lunian, Mt Came
Ky., Wm. Urame), North Fork. Ky.! and a dozen
others in your own county U you wish them.
Writo for freo book at onco.
Oddfellows Temple, Cincinnati, O.
W. H. MEANS, Manager,
""ft V
sttXrKyT1, No " WMt eccond
Undertakers and Embalm trs I
Calls answered day or night.
i ,
JSZ-2U-.-X-- ,