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jj(ijup'. ' 'W"(j iw in 1 1 lyryrqygjy; jjWlji, my T,ipiiB,i;iJiyyWff t J ; ' i i Evening Bulletin. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. uossEit & McCarthy, Proprietors. MONDAY, APRIL 4 1904 THE WEATHER RECORD. I For the 2 hours ondlnt; at 6:30 a.m.' State of weather Cloudy Highest temperature !W Lowest temperature 24 Mean temperature SO Vlnd direction Northerly Precipitation (inches) rain or snow T Previously report6d for April 00 Total for April to datb 00 April 4th, 0:08 a. m Ftiir to-ntglU and Tuesday. Jilting (emHralure Tumlay. AccoimiNa to the German income tax Btatiatios for 1003, the highest income re turned by n single individual in Berlin was 5740,000. Tho n xt highest was $053, 750. Tho taxes pajd on these amounted, respectively, to $20,100 and 520.150. Thirteen pprsons paid taxes on incomes between $500,000 and $250,000. The num ber of thoEe taxed on iucomes of more than ?750 was 53,809, while 378,484 paid taxes on incomes below $750. Hon. A. O. Bacon, United States Sena tor from Georgia, who is a level-headed and conservative Democrat, says that, bo far as he can judge, Georgia would favor Buch a man as Judge Parker or Senator Gorman. Either, in his opinion, has the qualities to give tho Democracy a reason able prospect of success in tho election and to make a good President. Tho South, he concludes, is clearly in favor of a candidate who is in a position to carry Now York, New Jersey, Connecti cut and Indiana. In two years President Roosevelt, be sides his salary, has expended more in extras than did President Hays, Presi dent Garfield, President Arthur, Presi dent Cleveland, President Harrison and President McKinley all put together. Houston Chronicle. In other words, as the Indianapolis Sentinel saye, in less than three years Mr. Roosevelt has cost the country in the matter of extra expenses more than was paid out in tho twenty-four yeara immediately preceding his occupancy of the White House. If ho should have another four .years, then what? We do not believe that the American people will give him power beyond the present term, but if euch a mistake should be made in other words, if his extravagance should be approved what may we not expect? The engine of tho fast express duo hero at 1:35 Sunday broke an eccentric strap at Broshear's Station, causing a delay of an hour or so. Another locomo tive took the train from here to Hunting ton. i Tho Mt. Olivet Democrat speaking of a call from 'Fquirp John M. Ball, of Sardis, says : " 'Squire Ball is a veteran of T;wo warp, having served in. tho Mexican and Civil wars and is yet hale and hearty for a man of his age seventy-seven. He crossed tho plana in 1847 with Sterling Price. He has four brothers all younger than be, living in Texas N. C, engaged in merchandizing at Dennison; Andrew J., practicing law at Dallas; Ben, farm ing in Dallas County ; Fant, farming near Piano. He has one sister, Mrs. Nuck Clark, of Paris, Ky. At a recent dinner ten of the Ball family were present and their combined weight was over a ton." Mr. Frederick Briener, aged sixty seven, a .brother of Mrs. Peter Eritsch who lives on the Fleming pike, died a few days ago at Iwb home in Harrison County. Tho Cyntbiana Democrat, in speaking of his death, says: "Mr. Brei ner was a representative farmer of this county, an honest and industrious man and a good and industrious citizen in every way. His death was more than a bitter bereavement to the family, from the fact that it marked the third that has occurred within the past year. It will bo remembered that Victor Breiner met a tragic death by being caught in the forks of a tree by a falling limb. Then a few months ago Fred Breiner, Jr., died aftera lingering illness. Tho sym pathy of their myriads of friends goes out to the stricken family. There sur vive tho wife, two sons, Peter and John, and two daughters, Christine and Mary." leeaei ! dOBT36ftillEly Swell Fpr women who are will ing to pay a fair price for a first-class Oxford. This number is different from the ordinary. It's as hand some as a picture, and will stancj strenuous usage. You Will find it a SMITH'S !! !! ! RIVER NEWS. White Collar People to Make Warm Fight Against New Independent Line. LOallJpolJs Tribune. It is paid that the Commodore Laidley will Bend the Tacppag through from Cin cinnati to Portsmouth in opposition to the independent packet line. It is alqq Eaid that the Indiana will be brought out to assist in tho fight and that freight rates will be cut tp pieces by tho White Collar Line. 'The people at Huntington, Ironton, Portsmouth and other points below there have been howling for an independent boat fpr years. They have go); one npw npd a gpod one tP, but the question js will they stick to that inde pendent boat. In tho past (hey failed to do this and the consequence was they were Boon without the independent pack et. The Urania, Pierce, Grapevine, Helen Gould were all made to "bite the dust" by Commodore Liidley yet the dear people along tho shores from Irpq ton down wanted an independent boat. A shippers ppckebook lays mighty close to his heart. Time will tell the tale of who will be the victor in the pres ent steamboat war. There is a concentrated effort being made- to put Commodore Laidley out of the steamboat business between Pome roy, Cincinnati and Memphis. The Com modore is a scrapper and hjs past battles have ended victoriously. He is Bome what handicapped at present owing to a shortage of boats for the lower river trade. The Lees have taken charge of tho Cincinnati and Memphis trade. Commodore Laidley still has tho Cin cinnati and Louisville trade and is fight ing hard to, hold the Pomeroy and Cin cinnati trade, What would please the people be tween Pomeroy and Cincinnati would be three good packets fast enough to make tho time and run with some degree of regularity. Doga have killed or crippled over a hundred Bheep in Woodford County lately and tho rmers are on tho war path. Mr. Dulin Mods who left Lexington the first of March haB accepted a perma nent postition on the Denver Poet, one of the most prominent dailies of tho western city. Mr. Mobb was formerly connected with theLexington Democrat and has made "good" in his new field. His friends are gratified to learn of his success. The farmers of Daviess County are or ganizing for the prevention of the growth of tobacco. The prices that have been received there this year are far below the cost of production, and they readily see that it will be impossible to make a living at the present rate. The beet Bales made there only show an average of $4 per hundred. i The tobacco grown under canvas on the farm of Hon. J.E. Cahili by Mr. Wil liam Ball was sold to Mr. Styles at 15 cents around. Mr. Styles was highly pleased with the way it was handled. Mr. Ball ia considered one of tho most proficient farmers in the State. There v as a mistake in first statement about te yield ; twenty-eight hundred pounds is made. Madison County gave the World's Fair its President, and now gives tho hostess to the Kentucky Building. Mrs. Bertha Miller Smith, of Richmond, was elected to tCe position by unanimous vote, having obtained a majority on the twentieth bal lot. Mrs. Smith is the widow of Dr. A. Wilkes Smith, who was Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler of tho B. P. 6. E. of Ken tucky at the time of his death. i Lyman H. Howe in bis moving picture exhibition delighted everybody who aaw it when given here a few months ago. He has a large number of pictures col ored according to the tints of nature. Tho process is a new one and Mr. Howe secured it at great expense. To Bee the moying pictures in all of their original colors adds very much to the interest of tho entertainment. This series will be seen at tho opera house on Friday even ing. Seats go on sale at Ray's Wednes day morning. !! MjnPI Don'' Plant in Vain! A slight difference in the quality of seed make a big difference in tho harvest. It pays to get the best seed grown and to know that they are fresh. We arp agena for LANDRETH'S SEEDS. No question about their relia bility. Get Landreth's Seeds and you will be able to plant with poo fidence ant) reap with satisfaction. We baye. every thing in garden, field and flower seed's. Bulk or in packet. Right seeds at right prices. TH03.J.CHEN0WETH, DRUGGIST, Cor. Sfeond and Sutton StrosU, (Hiytvllli, Ky. II0WHY0J1EI UELPS THE I1EALTU. Kills the Germs of Grip, Catarrh and Colds "Costs No tuiug If It Fails," Say J, J. Wood & Son. Now that Hyomei can bp obtained in nearly every town and city in the coun try, it is possible to buy from druggists a health giving climate, to be carried in the purse or pocket. By breathing it a few minutes four times a day you can soon cure grip, coughs, colds and even the worat and most chronic cases of catairh. J. J. Wood & Son have seen so many re markable cures made by the Hyomei treatment, that they sell it with the positive agreement to return the money if it fails to cure. A complete outfit costs but $1, and consists of the pocket inhaler, medicine dropper and sufficient Hyomei to last several weeks. It effects a cure in tho worst catarrhal troubles and if breathed at the commence ment of a cold or the grip, will check it quickly and prevent sickness. Extra bottles of Hyomei can be obtained for 50c. When breathed through the inhaler, the germ-killing and health-giving Hyomei goes to the most remote cells of the throat and lungs, killing all the ca tarrhal germB, soothing the irritated mucous membrane and vital'zing the blood with ozone. At this season of the year eyery one should have a Hyomei outfit to prevent and cure catarrhal troubles, and ward off attacks of grip, pneumonia and similar germ diseases. BRIEFLY TOLD. There is No Use Leaving; Mays villo Believe the Statements of Maysville Resident. Endorsed by residents of Maysville.' Proof positive from Maysville people. Cannot be evaded or doubted. ' Read this statement: Mr. O. H. Cooper, of 219 West Second street, says : "For many years I suffered from attacks of kidney trouble and bad reason to think I was fast drifting into Bright's disease. I bad the great good fortune to learn about Doan's Kidney Pills and procured them at J. Jas. Wood & Son's drug store. The remarkable benefit I obtained from tho treatment is a guarantee of tbo marvelous value and effectiveness of Doan's Kidney Pills." For Bale by all dealers r price CO cents a box. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United. States. Remember the name DOAN'S and tako no substitute. Married Easter Sunday. Mr. J. W, Crquch and Miss Emma L. Pieratt, a handsome young couple of Bethel, Bath County, were marriod in the parlors of the new Central Hotel Sunday evening at 0:30 o'clock by Rov. Dr. Molloy of tho Central Presbyterian Church. . O. H. P. Thomas & Co. have high wino for sale. The Flemingsburg 'bus resumed busi ness Saturday. Npw hanioea and now 'bus and good service. Low rates.' Lqaves Maysville at 2 p. m. daily. Spring in Full Bloom! MMMM BHB Weather and calendar may say what they will, to-day spring is here with marvelous charm in our Tailored Gowns for women. Coats ard in the new Eton stylo with sloping Bhoulders and military trimmings. Skirts are in the walking length that just ouch thp ground, or with a Blight train that gives a graceful effect without heaviness. $121 to $30. BLACK SICILIANS. Indispensable for separate skirts" this spring aqd equally prptty for entire frockB. There is plenty of light too, for showing their sparkle and luster, in the selling place at the north end of tho atorp. 50c. to $1 05. CARPET BARGAINS. If you need a new carpet Wijfop Velvets are the most effective. The price has been regular 1 25. We, hayp en pieces, eight excellent Btyles that we will sell for $1. Designs and colors siiitpd to any ropm, parlor, library, bedrppm, dining room. Our Carpets and Mattings are their, own best argument. SEE THE I. D.HUNT& rrr r - r- RIGHT CLOTHES! Shape retaining, wear resisting and style preeminence, with right prices, causes a rapid selling pf Spring 1904 Clothes for us. See our windows, note the lownesa of price marked plainly on every Suit. Carefully follow the outline' of tho garmente, the designs of the fabrics. They aro above the common place, away from the usual. Keop in mind tho guarantee of "absolute satisfaction or your money back." $7.50, $10, $12 and $15 prices. GEO. H. FRANK & CO., THE NEW CLOTHING SHOP. 1 , , . TT3 TO ETA DM CDC r Aril VIE. no Gome to see me nd list your farm for sale if you want to sell any time within twelve months 5 My catalogue will be ready to disr tribute by May 1st, 1904.555 JOHN PULE Y, JM Estate, 215 Pourt PHONE 333. Born, to Mr. and Mrs.S.N. Bradford, a fine son. ' ' ' Regular meeting of Haymakers this evening at 7 o'clock. Work and'refreBh menfs. A. L. Schatzjiann, O. II. O. P. Rasp, O. of A. . . A telegram was recoived Sunday aftqr noon by Dieterich Bros, announcing the death of tb.oir cousin, Mr. Jacob Ludv. of Philadelphia. He was a retired candy manufacturer and visited here -several years ago, SON. THE Street, Maysville, Ky. FOR SALE. Fni?7.No; l "-year-old short-horn hit at ? WKnD,lC?& i Aply t0 CHAI1LE3 T. MAlt BHALL, North Fork. Ky. 2-dtt QEEO COEN FOB SALE-From forty to Mty taL.n i1olVniw c9r?' Awarded premium nt m ??7iUo .tobacco Mr. Apply o FBANK BLACK on tarm Q. 0. Keith in Charleston Bo$ TnI!:J!AfEBarn,!)ln complete 21x30x1 1. All AL7,X, jrL sc!1 PMlo j auction ?o?.riUU8J?3n)J,s?f Nf&WO P two lota ad I f?Tiv K ll uot poW P'lvatcly before. HKNR.Y bar. at- a v.- ' '&,' vW. j f-:.-'. - A; "? ' '- " f" 7 ' -: . S . .' "f 22-dtd -1cj .l.-?l. L li1til .- .njuJBLiartlfe-'Vfr iJ4fcial