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THE EYENI TlkTi 7 BT "1 "W ""1 SHIPi ""ST 1&. T up ill ij i i r iri i i i i i 11 j i s y It VOLUME XXIII. MAYSVILLE, KY., THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1904 NUMBER 128 II ' FLANK MOVEMENT Number of Japanese Ships Ap peared Oft' Pptinsa Near the Gulf of Chins TniTsc.. PROBABLY SECOND EXPEDITION, The Japs Are Concentrating at Wiju and Spreading Toward tlio iVorth Along the Yalu. Gen. Kuropatkin. Says He Intends to Await the Arrival of Another 100, 000 Men Beforo Risking a Bat tle With the Japanese. St. Petersburg, April 21. Whatay .turn out to bo the anticipated flank ing movement of the Japanese troops 11b the appearance of a number of Jap anese Bhlps off Potlnsa, near the Gulf ,of Chlng Tal Tse, as reported to the ,cmperor Wednesday, by Gen. Kuropat ;Jdn. Military experts hero havo long .regarded that vicinity as tho probablo point of disembarkation of tho second jjapaneso expedition. It is not far away from Takushan (12 miles to tho east), and connects by road with Port Arthur (150 miles to tho southwest), and Feng Huan Cheng (50 miles to the Inorthwest), whero tho Russians will make their first obstinate resistance, i Though tho Japanese nro building entrenchments on the Yalu It Is be lieved that they will advance soon. jThe arrangements for a turning move ment are completo and the experts say that such a movement could properly begin at Takushan, as Feng Huan (Cheng lies at an angle of an equllal oral triangle with Taku Chuan and the 'Yalu as bases. " I The Japanese disembarkation will undoubtedly be covered by a warship and the Russians recognize that It will ,bo impossible to prevent It. I "We will strike after they have land ed," grimly said a member of tho gen eral staff. Gen. Kuropatkin is aware of tho strategic Importance of the vicinity of .Takushan and It is understood that he (has mado his arrangements accord ingly. i Gen. Kuropatkin has sent the follow ilng telegram to tho emperor: "Gen. Kashtallnsky reports as fol lows on April 19: 'All Is quiet on tho Yalu. Tho Japanese nre throwing up entrenchments opposite Colusty and further to the north. ' "'The numbers f Japanese troops are Increasing. They nre concentrat ing at WIJu and spreading toward the (north along the Yalu. " 'Cossack sentinels have observed tho lights of Japanese transports near Chlng Tal Tse, opposite tho village of Potansa, 25 versts west of Tatung Knu. The vessels were anchored at 'a dis tance of 50 versts from the shore. " 'According to dispatches from Gen. MIstchenko, Japaneso ships were also iseen near Sou Chou.' " Paris, April 21. The St Petersburg correspondent of tho Journal says a (frlend of Gen. Kuropatkin has receiv ed a letter from him In which tho gen oral says ho Intends to await the ar rival of another hundred thousand men before risking a battle with the Japan ese, GRAVE HEADSTONES. They Will Be Sent to Relatives of the Missouri Explosion Victims. Washington, April 21. The bureau of navigation has forwarded to the next of kin of all enlisted men who were killed in the Missouri accident ,and whoso remains have been sent from Pensacola to the places designat ed by their relations, a blank form of ia request for tho headstones which are furnished on application to tho quar termaster general, U. S. A., to mark itho graves of sailors or marines bur Jed In private cemeteries. Tho head stones are of the best American white marble, 87 Inches long, 12 inches wido fnud four Inches thick, tho top slightly ,rounded and the portion of tho stono ,abovo ground sandrubbed. Each head stone is inscribed with tho namo and rating of tho decesaed cut in relief with a sunken shield. Tho headstones twill bo shipped, freight prepaid, by the government to tho railroad station or steamboat landing nearest the resi dence of the next of kin, with the un derstanding that they will bo received and set at privato expense. ...-.. ...... n i ...v , .i. .. Repairing Russian Battleships. St. Petersburg, April 21. Tho cor respondent of Novosti, in a letter from Port Arthur dated March 27, says that the cruiser Fallada will soon bo en tirely ready and work Is progressing on the battleships Rctvlzan and Czare vitch. Grand Rapids, Mich., April 21. State Senator DaYld B. Burps was ac quitted Wednesday of bribery in con nection with the Lake Michigan water scandal, The Jury was put five hours. ONE WAS KILLED. Shot While Fleeing From a Posse of Officers. Midlesboro, Ky., April 21. At Cum berland Gap Wednesday one man was killed and another seriously wounded In a flght following an attempted ar rest Silas Isman and John Wright were seen to jump from a train with sacks, supposed to be booty, and make for the mountains. S. A. Williams led a posse, and catching up with the men was met by a volley of shots, none of which took effect. He returned the fire with a shotgun, fatally wounding Wright and shooting Isman In the arm. ON SHORT ACQUAINTANCE. A Want Ad Inserted "For Fun" Leads to a Marriage. Franklin, Ky., April 21. Bertha Dunn, daughter of a well to do farmer, and Eugene Zimmerman, a locontotlve engineer, of Peoria, 111., were married in this city. Some time in January Miss Dunn, for fun, Inserted an ad vertisement for a husband In a Detroit newspaper. She received 58 replies, Zimmerman being one of her corre spondents. The couple had never seen each other until a few hours before the ceremony was performed. Sleighs For April Wedding. Owensboro, Ky., April 21. Snow fell eight Inches deep Wednesday. Pe ter W. Manning, a prominent railroad man, and Miss Mattle Thomas were married, nnd the order for carriages was countermanded and sleighs sub stituted as a novelty for an April wed ding. Miss Castleman Wedded. Louisville, Ky., April 21. Miss Elisa Castleman and Charles Elmer Railey, of Lexington, were married Wednes day evening in the home of the bride's parents, Gen. and Mrs. John B. Castle man, In the presence of a small gath ering of relntlvcs and close friends. Frightful Double Tragedy. Burkesvllle, Ky., April 21. A report from Cumberland county, Tennessee, says that Ben Harris, aged 90, former ly of tills place, was beaten to death with a club by a lG-year-old boy and that the latter was subsequently killed by a pursuing posse. Child Gored By a Bull. Lexington, Ky., April 21. Henry Rush, jr., aged four years, while play ing In a vacant lot on Seventh street, was gored by a savage bull, and only for th prompt arrival of Mrs. James NIckerson the child would undoubted ly have lost his life. Prescbyterlans Meet. Owensboro, Ky., April 21. The Muhlenberg presbytery of the Presby terian church, representing all the churches In the western half of the state. Is In session here. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. E. F. Bell, of Greenville. Covered With Slush and Sleet. Bowling Green, Ky., April 21. A heavy sleet fell Wednesday morning and tho ground was covered with slush and sleet two Inches deep. The tem perature was two degrees below freez ing. Horticulturists say this finishes the fruit crop. To Fill a Vacancy. Frankfort, Ky., April 21. Gov. Beck ham appointed W. T. Tandy, of Hop klnsvllle, to be a commissioner of the Western asylum for the Insane. The appointment Is to fill a vacancy caused by tho resignation of Commissioner C. H. Layne. Opening Up Coal Fields. Middlesboro, Ky April 21. G. E. Johnson, accompanied by a corps of engineers,-arrived hero from Louisville and Is now engaged in opening up some coal fields In tho northern part of Bell county, In the region about Four Mile. Robert Brown Sentenced. ' Covington, Ky April 21. Robert Brown, ex-policeman, convicted of vol untary manslaughter for killing Depu ty Sheriff Nicholas Bodkin, November 12, 1902, was sentenced to two. years' hard labor by Judge Shaw in the cir cuit court. The Plckerells Surrender. Covington, Ky., April 21. James and May Pickerell, charged with shoot ing with Intent to kill Win. Faller at Crescent Springs about ten days ago, surrendered to Constable Perry Cleve land Wednesday. They, gave bonds. Died at a Ripe Old Age. Richmond, Ky., April 21. Mrs. Mary A. Turpln, aged 83 years, died at her homo in this county from lnfirmaties incident to old age. Besides a hus band, Squlro Haden Turpin, who is 87 years old, she leaves seven children. Lima, Peru, April 21. The delicate state of tho health of President Can damo, who Is sojourning at Arequlpa, 1b the cause of great anxiety. Ho spent a bad night but was somewhat better Wednesday. NEW YORK STORM. Blizzard Was One of the Most Severe- of the Year, it is Kcportcd. RAILROAD TRAFFIC IS DELAYED, Heavy Snow Fall in St. I.onis Does JS'ot Cause Any Suffering Among the Filipinos. A Light Snow Fell at Kansas City Three or Four Inches of tho Beautiful Fell In Knoxvllle, Tenn., Wednesday. New York, April 21. Blizzard con ditions still prevailed In Centra? and Northern New York state Wednesday night. At Lyons,. N. Y., tho storm, which began Tuesday night, continued Wednesday. It Is one of the most se vere of the year. Railroad traffic Is delayed and country roads blocked. Along the shores of Lako Ontario, es pecially In Sodus bay, docks, cottages and boat houses havo been damaged by high water. At Ogd'ensburg a foot of snow has fallen and trains aro run ning several hours behind their sched ule. In tho lower Adlrondacks the storm Is severe. St. Louis, April 21. Tho heavy fall of snow In St. Louis Is not causing any suffering among the Filipinos at the World's fair grounds reservation, ac cording to reports from there. As soon as tho Filipinos saw the snow Wednesday they called it "sugar" and rushed Into it desplto tho cold. They were soon sent back Into their quarters and locked In-doors to prevent them from contracting pneumonia. Stoves and warm clothing havo been supplied to them as well as tho members of nil the other different tribes who are ac customed to wnrm climates. Kansas City, Mo., April 21. A light snow, accompanied by a decided fall In the temperature and followed by rain, fell In Northwest Missouri Wed nesday. Throughout Kansas there was a heavy rain, an inch of water falling. THE TORONTO FIRE. Most Conservative Estimates Place the Loss at $12,000,000. Toronto, Ont, April 21. The total loss by the fire which destroyed tho wholesale district of Toronto Tuesday night will, according to the most con servative estimates, reach $12,000,000: the total Insurance is J8.3C0.00O. The area swopt by the fire embraces 14 acres and from 5,000 to 7.000 persons aro thrown out of employment. The work of tearing down tho dangerous walls was begun Wednesday afternoon. In the entire burned district tho only walls that appear to stand intact aro those of tho W. R. Brock & Co. build ing. The city council Wednesday aft ernoon placed all public buildings and tho exhibition grounds at tho disposal of the fire sufferers; amended the firo regulations to al.low of tho erection of temporary structures and appointed a committee to wait on the legislature nnd secure an act ordering all wires underground. A MINE FLOODED. One Hundred Miners Had a Narrow Escape From Drowning. Carbondale, 111., April 21. The old Equity coal mlno was flooded Wednes day by muskrats burrowing mound tho shaft and the bank of the Saline river, and 100 miners had a narrow escape from drowning. The men were at work when the alarm was given that water was 'pouring into tho mine. Immedi ately they crowded Into tho hoists and by the tlmo the last men were taken out they were standing In water up to their necks. It Is estimated that it will take nearly a" week to pump the mlno out. Will Appear Before the Supreme Court Telluride, Col., April 21. Adjt Gen. Dell, Capt Wells, Capt Carlilo and Col. Kennedy, with a guard of 17 troop ers, departed Wednesday for Denver with President Mover, of tho Western Federation of Miners, to ba present at the habeas corpus proceedings in tho Biipremo court Thursday. To Protect President Loubet. Paris, April 21. Elaborate police precautions have been adopted to pro tect President Loubet during his com ing trip to Italy. French and Italian detectives will bo stationed along tho route and a number of French detec tives have been sent to Romo and Genoa. Wants Better Fire Protection. Newport, Ky., April 21. Tho author ities of this city aro considering tho question of bettor firo protection at several points in tho city. A number of firo plugs will be put in. PEOPLE EAT TOO MUCH. Interesting Paper Read Before tional Academy of Science. Na- Washington. April 21. The chief paper read before the Natlonnl Acad emy of Science was a description of a series of experiments recently con ducted by tho Sheffield scientific school of Yale to determine If tho average human being Is not eating too much Prof. Russell H. Chittenden, the direc tor of the school who conducted the experiments and who read Wednes day's paper, mado tho statement that the average healthy man cats from two to three times as much as he needs to keep him In perfect physical and men tal health and vigor. Prof. Chittenden said three classes of men were experi mented on, several professors at tho school, Including Prof. Chittenden him self, several students and a squad of United States soldiers. There was a gradual reduction of meat and other proteid- foods with llttlo If any In crease In Btarch and other foods In nearly all the tests. No fixed regimen was required In any case, the endeavor being to satisfy tho appctlto of each subject. In only one case was meat entirely eliminated from the diet. At the end of the experiments, which last ed from six months until nearly n year and were concluded only a few days ago, the entlro lot of men who had been Prof. Chittenden's subjects were In tho best of health. Their weight In some cases was almost exactly tho same as when the experiments were begun and In somo slightly lower. Their bodily vigor was greater and their strength was much greater, par tially owing to their regular physical exercises during tho experiments and partially owing, Prof. Chittenden be lieves, to the less amount of food eat en. The dally consumption of food at the close of tho experiments was much lass than the recognized standard and from a third to half as much as the average man cats. NAVAL APPROPRIATION BILL. House, After an Extended Debate, Sent It Back to Conference. Washington, April 21. Senate The senato Wednesday listened to a set speech of almost two hours' duration on the trusts by Mr. Dolllver and aft erwards completed consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill, ngain devoting much time to the pro visions for an extension of the east front of the capltol and for an addi tional office building for the senate. The office building amendment was agreed to as reported from the com mittee, but tho extension paragraph was so modified as practically to pro vide for plans only, the appropriation being reduced to $75,000. House The house, after an extend ed debate, sent the naval appropriation bill back to conference, tho only dls puted sonate amendment accepted bo Ing that providing for the construction In navy yards of two colliers. A b.ll providing for allotment of the lands of the New York Indians was passed un der a resolution of tho committee on rules for its immediate consideration. A WIFE MURDERER. He Can Not Become Beneficiary of In surance on His Wife. Springfield, III., April 21. In the case of tho supreme lodge. Knights nnd Ladles of Honor, tho state sn preme court Wednesday entered a de cision to the effect that a husband can not become the beneficiary of life in surance carried on the life of his wife. If ho has murdered her. The Knights and Ladies of Honor contested the payment of a thousand dollars' life in surance policy in favor of Mrs. Eliza beth Menkhausen, decesaed. on the ground that her husband had been con victed of her murder. RAILWAY ACCIDENTS. Total Number of Casualties During Three Months Were 14,485. Washington. April 21. The Inter state commerce commission Wednes day Issued a report showing that in tho United States during October, Novem ber nnd December last the total num ber of railroad casualties aggregated 1-1,485, a decreaso of 702 as compared with tho preceding quarter. There wore killed 175 passengers and 991 em ployes, and 1,937 passengers and 11,382 employes wero injured. Tho damage by these accidentia to cars, engines and roadways amounted to $2,527,000, a de creaso of $57,348. Burlington, Vt, April 21. The re publican stato convention hero Wed nesday elected four delegates to the national convention at Chicago and instructed thorn to vote for the nomi nation of President Roosevelt. Sailed For New York. Colon, April 21. The United States canal commissioners Balled for New York Wednesday on the steamer Yuca tan. Tho United States gunboat Ma rietta sailed Tuesday for San Juan. REED SMOOT CASE The Investigation Kefore the Sen ate Committee on Privileges and Elections lleoneiied. BRIGIIAM H. ROBERTS TESTIFIED, He Said That lie Regarded the I.nwg of God as Higher Than tho Laws of the Lund. He Sald His Moral Obligations to His Wives Were Greater Than Both the Laws of God and Man. Washington, April 21. With tho re opening of the investigation In tho Reed Smoot caso before tho senate committee on privileges and elections, the prosecution devoted considerable tlmo to drawing from Brigham II. Rob orts tho charactor of tho oaths which are said to bo necessary for a Mormon official to take in order to have tho support of the church for political of fice. Mombers of tho committee show ed an equal interest in the obligations which nro said to bo taken by Mor mons who "go through the endowment house." Along both lines much evi dence was brought out. It jvas shown by Mr. Roberts' testimony that with out tho consent of the Mormon church he failed of election to a seat In con gress and later with church recogni tion of his candidacy he was elected. In relation to tho endowment house ob ligation Mr. Roberts was extremely reticent. lie said that tho sacrednoss of the ceremony was such that ho could not reveal it to tho world and that If he did so he would lose easto with the church as having betrayed a trust. Portions of the testimony given by Mr. Roberts, especially In regard to his reasons for maintaining polyga mous cohabitation with his plural wives, was almost a duplication of the testimony given by other polygnmists who have been on the stand. He said he regarded the laws of God as higher than the Inws of the lnnd and that his moral obligation to his wives was greater than both tho laws of God and man. Edward E Barthell. of Nashville. Tenn . testified In regard to literature of the Mormon church. SAMUEL A. GROFF. Has Been Temporarily Suspended From the Police Force. Washington, April 21. Samuel A. Groff. the policeman recently convict ed by a jury of the district criminal court for conspiracy with August V Machen in connection with the pwtal irregularities, Wednesday was su ponded by tho District commissioner froln the force without pny, pending final disposition of his nppwil from that derision If thp decision of th. lower court Is affirmed Groff will bo Immediately removed. GOV. WILLIAM H. HUNT. He Will Consult With the President Regarding Porto Rican Affairs. Washington. April 21. Gov. William ' H. Hunt, of Poito Rico. Wednesday paid his respects to the president nnd later will have an estended conference with him nhout affairs in the Island. Gov Hunt's nomination as thp succes sor to Judge 1 1 Ira in Knowles as United States district judge In Montana, wns confirmed by the senate Tuesday Gov. Hunt expects to return to Porto Rico to conclude his work beforo nssumiug his new duties. Certificates of Honorable Service. Washington. April 21 Responding to a resolution of Inquiry, the secre tary of war Wednesday sent to tho' senato a list showing that certificates of honorable service had been Issued to ISC persons who served the United States as telegraph operators during the war. Their average pay was $70 A month. - Will Make Commencement Address. Washington, April 21. Baron von Sternberg, tho German ambassador, has accepted an Invitation of the Uni versity of tho South, at Sewanee, Tenn., to mako the commencement ad dress on June 13. Tho ambassador will be tho guest of tho university. , Buying Horses For Japan. Seattlo, Wash., April 21. A. M. Denv ing, an English stockman from Cap Colony, who has been in Japan for somo months, has arrived hero and is commissioned to purchase 10,000 horses in tho Pacific northwest to bo sent to Japan. St. Louis, April 21. A request was received Wednesday by an official ot the World's fair to reserve accommo dations here for former Queen Liliuoj kalanL of HawalL and her party " lS